Comments On IEEE 80211 Saturation Throughput Analy
Comments On IEEE 80211 Saturation Throughput Analy
Comments On IEEE 80211 Saturation Throughput Analy
144 197
2 authors, including:
All content following this page was uploaded by Chuan Heng Foh on 14 February 2014.
Abstract— This letter presents an accurate model for the Backoff for station A = 6
p1 p0
p1 1/Wm 1/Wm 1/Wm … 1/Wm
1-p1 1-p1 1-p1 1-p1 1-p1
1,m,0 1,m,1 1,m,2 1,m,Wm-2 1,m,Wm-1
p1 p0 p1
p0 1-p1
1-p0 1-p0 1-p0 1-p0 …
0,m,0 0,m,1 0,m,2 1-p0 0,m,Wm-2
s1 a1
S1 s1 a1 A1 S1 s1 a2 A1
S2 s2 a2 s2 a1
A2 S2 A2
s2 a2
The proposed model is the average time that the channel is sensed busy due to
Modified Ziouva’s model
0.9 IEEE 802.11 Simulation a collision. These quantities for the basic and the RTS-CTS
0.8 access methods are given by (14) and (17) in [1].
0.7 The probabilities Pi , Ps and Pc describe the probabilities
that a particular period on the channel carries no transmission
0.6 Pi
(idle), a successful data frame transmission, and two or more