PMKVY 4.0 Important Directions For Training Providers
PMKVY 4.0 Important Directions For Training Providers
PMKVY 4.0 Important Directions For Training Providers
1. The last date for enrollment under PMKVY 4.0 is 31st March 2024. Enrollment means that
candidates are enrolled in batches and the batches are submitted to Sector Skill Council.
2. Please go over the PMKVY 4.0 Guidelines carefully.
3. To commence training, the center should have finished Accreditation and Affiliation of the
center, trainer is certified, and candidates are registered in Skill India Digital Hub (SIDH) after
e-KYC and finally composed into batches.
4. The last date of enrollment, 31st March 2024, is a Sunday. In addition, 24th March and 25th
March 2024 are Sunday and Holi respectively, which may impact operations like inspection of
centers etc. The following timetable will be adhered to:
a. Last date of submission of Application, for center inspection and payment of fees –
28th March 2024 at 11:59 PM.
b. Final center inspection – 29th – 30th March 2024.
c. Project Approval – 30th March 2024 till 11:59 PM.
5. Training of Trainers (TOT) takes 3 to 10 days and can be online or hybrid (online + physical),
depending on sector. Please nominate trainers with SSC accordingly, and in time.
6. The batch start date had been fixed to 7 days from batch submission date and cannot go
beyond that.
7. You are advised to commence your training well before 31st March 2024 to claim first tranche
of 30% payment for enrolled candidates. This becomes due only if 70% attendance is attained
any day, within the first 20 days.
8. In case the first tranche is not due before 31st March 2024, it will be released in the next
financial year.
9. Since Special Project is against 75% placement, a letter of placement intent will be required
before the release of Tranche 3. Actual placement will be checked through JobX portal of
SIDH. If the progress on placement is not satisfactory (less than 75%), the project may be
cancelled / halted.
10. AEBAS attendance of 70% of days and 50% of hours will be required for a candidate to appear
in the assessment.