AAD BF Paisley Tie Diagnosis
AAD BF Paisley Tie Diagnosis
AAD BF Paisley Tie Diagnosis
boards fodder
Paisley tie differential diagnoses
By Sujitha Yadlapati, MD, and Thomas Davis, MD, FAAD
Diagnosis Histopathologic Clinical features and Histology image
features associations
Desmoplastic • Central dell • Also known as a scle-
trichoepithelioma • Tadpole-shaped rosing epithelial ham-
cords and strands artoma, sometimes
• Pink collagenous associated with a
stroma melanocytic nevus
• Respects the der- • Solitary, firm, flesh-
mal subcutaneous colored papule with
junction; often has central dell. The clas-
a horizontal growth sic presentation is on
pattern. the cheek of a young
• Horn cysts with cal- woman.
cification common
• Clefts between
collagen fibers
within stroma ver-
sus epithelium and
stroma as seen in
morpheaform BCC