Business Management Paper 1 HL Markscheme

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November 2022

Business management

Higher level

Paper 1

11 pages
–2– N22/3/BUSMT/HP1/ENG/TZ0/XX/M

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–3– N22/3/BUSMT/HP1/ENG/TZ0/XX/M

The markbands and assessment criteria on pages 3–4 should be used where indicated
in the markscheme.

Section A Level descriptor

Q1 Q2 Q3
(b) (b) (b)


0 The work does not reach a standard described by the

descriptors below.

1–2 • Little knowledge and understanding of relevant issues and

business management tools (where applicable),
techniques and theories.
• Little use of business management terminology.
• Little reference to the stimulus material.

3–4 • A description or partial analysis of some relevant issues

with some use of business management tools (where
applicable), techniques and theories.
• Some use of appropriate terminology.
• Some reference to the stimulus material that goes beyond
the name of a person(s) and/or the name of the
• At the lower end of the markband, responses are mainly

5–6 • An analysis of the relevant issues with good use of

business management tools (where applicable),
techniques and theories.
• Use of appropriate terminology throughout the response.
• Effective use of the stimulus material.
–4– N22/3/BUSMT/HP1/ENG/TZ0/XX/M

Section B Level descriptor

Q4 (d)


0 The work does not reach a standard described by the

descriptors below.

1–2 • Little understanding of the demands of the question.

• Few business management tools (where applicable),
techniques and theory are explained or applied and
business management terminology is lacking.
• Little reference to the stimulus material.

3–4 • Some understanding of the demands of the question.

• Some relevant business management tools (where
applicable), techniques and theories are explained or
applied, and some appropriate terminology is used.
• Some reference to the stimulus material but often not
going beyond the name of a person(s) and/or the name of
the organization.

5–6 • Understanding of most of the demands of the question.

• Relevant business management tools (where applicable),
techniques and theories are explained and applied, and
appropriate terminology is used most of the time.
• Some reference to the stimulus material that goes beyond
the name of a person(s) and/or the name of the
• Some evidence of a balanced response.
• Some judgments are relevant but not substantiated.

7–8 • Good understanding of the demands of the question.

• Relevant business management tools (where applicable),
techniques and theories are explained and applied well,
and appropriate terminology is used.
• Good reference to the stimulus material.
• Good evidence of a balanced response.
• The judgments are relevant but not always well

9–10 • Good understanding of the demands of the question,

including implications, where relevant.
• Relevant business management tools (where applicable),
techniques and theories are explained clearly and applied
purposefully, and appropriate terminology is used
throughout the response.
• Effective use of the stimulus material in a way that
significantly strengthens the response.
• Evidence of balance is consistent throughout the
• The judgments are relevant and well substantiated.
–5– N22/3/BUSMT/HP1/ENG/TZ0/XX/M

Section A
1. (a) Outline two ways in which the “place” element of the four Ps of the marketing mix is relevant
to ELE. [4]

Place refers to the way products are distributed. This includes both the physical
distribution of the good and the channels of distribution used to get the product to the

Ways could include:

• Zeat changed from B2B to B2C and this involved distribution through retail outlets;
• using gasoline stations as an outlet for car hire;
• car rentals at airports;
• now using online as a sales portal (e-commerce)
• opening convenience stores gives a new distribution channel
• specific location of gasoline stations—on main road etc.

N.B. do not credit operating in different locations (France vs Belgium etc).

Accept any other relevant way.

Mark as 2 + 2.

Award [1] for each correct way identified and an additional [1] for a description of how that
way relates to ELE. Award a maximum of [2] per way.

Maximum award: [4].

(b) Explain the advantages and disadvantages of the methods ELE uses to appraise
employees in its car rental division (lines 73–80). [6]

Methods include:
• Self-appraisal:
o advantages: engages employees in the process, efficient, low cost; clarifies their job
role and performance. Can help to identify training needs for the individual.
o disadvantages: people not the best people to judge themselves, may lack foresight.
• Formative appraisal:
o advantages: helps build an action plan, involves feedback, continual; clarifies their job
role; can help to identify training needs for the individual.
o disadvantages: may be disruptive, needs criteria which may be difficult to plan.
• Summative appraisal:
o advantages: less disruptive; at the end of a process, easier to make comparisons;
can help to identify training needs for the individual.
o disadvantages: not ongoing, only picks up problems at the end. What criteria?

Some candidates may write only about appraisal in general. This should be viewed as one

Accept any other relevant explanation.

N.B. context to come from the types of appraisal described in the case study and their

Marks should be allocated according to the mark bands on page 3.

–6– N22/3/BUSMT/HP1/ENG/TZ0/XX/M

Award a maximum of [3] for a theoretical answer.

Award a maximum of [3] for only one method.

Award a maximum of [5] if the explanation is mainly descriptive, but in context.

–7– N22/3/BUSMT/HP1/ENG/TZ0/XX/M

2. (a) Outline one advantage and one disadvantage for ELE of changing to cellular
manufacturing in the Zeat factory (line 34). [4]

The issue of changing from batch to cellular may help the answer to be contextual.

• Zeat needed modernizing. A useful way of achieving that;
• employees were demotivated, productivity levels are low. Cellular production could
improve those through team work etc.
• motivation may improve overall with workers who have a range of skills;
• cellular manufacturing improves quality as workers have greater pride in their work.

• employees may resist change especially as it was introduced rapidly;
• likely cost;
• no previous experience.

Accept any other relevant advantage or disadvantage.

Mark as 2 + 2.

Award [1] for one appropriate advantage and an additional of [1] for a description of how that
advantage relates to ELE. Award a maximum of [2].

Award [1] for one appropriate disadvantage and an additional of [1] for a description of how
that disadvantage relates to ELE. Award a maximum of [2].

(b) Explain the importance to ELE of e-commerce. [6]

Importance of e-commerce to ELE includes:

• point of sale/inventory ordering at retail outlets;
• smartphone booking;
• online booking, especially for airports/international traveller/use of The App;
• In3T could not be introduced without e-commerce;
• customers have flexibility in booking. They are used to using the technology and car hire
customers would expect to use it for this type of booking;
• customers often use comparison websites for car hire and ELE will need to follow this
method of selling;
• there are possible cost savings compared to other forms of selling;
• selling products this way generally leads to lower overall costs;
• accurate records of customer interaction can be kept electronically.

Accept any other relevant explanation.

Marks should be allocated according to the mark bands on page 3.

Award a maximum of [3] for a theoretical answer, often a pre-prepared textbook answer.

Award a maximum of [5] if the explanation is mainly descriptive, but in context.

–8– N22/3/BUSMT/HP1/ENG/TZ0/XX/M

3. (a) Outline one advantage and one disadvantage for ELE of internal recruitment (lines
69–72). [4]

Advantages include:
• can motivate employees;
• employees already known;
• employees have been selected in the past using ELE’s criteria;
• less expensive than external recruitment.

Disadvantages include:
• there should be a wider choice of applicants;
• External recruitment can bring in new ideas to ELE;
• ELE is a business that needs to innovate;
• the quality of applicants could be higher with more choice;
• it can increase internal conflict if an internal candidate gets the job when that person is not

Accept any other relevant advantage / disadvantage.

Mark as 2 + 2

Award [1] for each correct advantage / disadvantage identified and an additional [1] for a
description of how that advantage / disadvantage relates to ELE. Award a maximum of [2]
per advantage / disadvantage.

(b) Explain suitable internal sources of finance that ELE could have used to take over Zeat PLC
(line 19). [6]

Suitable internal sources of finance include:

• retained profits: This has been preferred method in the past. How much is available?
• sale of unused assets: Are there any suitable? There appear to be less profitable petrol
stations. Can these be sold? From working capital e.g. debtors. It’s very unlikely to be
• Manage working capital more effectively.

Accept any other relevant explanation.

External sources not acceptable include:

• bank loans
• selling of shares
• subsidies
• government grants
• business angels etc.

N.B. the case study says that internal sources were used, so do not reward external

Marks should be allocated according to the mark bands on page 3.

Award a maximum of [3] for a theoretical answer.

Award a maximum of [5] if the explanation is mainly descriptive, but in context. E.g. if most of
the context is mentioned but not developed.
–9– N22/3/BUSMT/HP1/ENG/TZ0/XX/M

Section B
4. (a) Define the term profit centre. [2]

A profit centre is a subunit (department; section; division etc) of a business that is

responsible for revenues and costs. If a division of a company has responsibility for
revenues, costs, and the resulting profits, it is a profit centre.

For [2], candidates must reference both costs and revenues alongside the subunit shown

N.B. no application required. Do not credit examples.

Candidates are not expected to word their definition exactly as above.

Award [1] for a basic definition that conveys partial knowledge and understanding.

Award [2] for a full definition that conveys knowledge and understanding similar to the
answer above

(b) (i) Calculate ELE’s market share for car rentals in 2019 (show all your working). [2]

ELE’s revenue EUR 0.9billion. Market revenue EUR 16.8 billion

Market share = (EUR 0.9/EUR 16.8) x 100% = 5.36% (allow rounding 5.3571%=

For [2] acceptable answers with working are: 5.36%; 5.3571%; 5.357%; 5.4%.

For [1] likely answers with working are: 5%; 5.3%.

Award [2] if correct answer, which must include the percentage sign (%) and working

Award [1] if correct answer but no working, or no %.

Do not reward formula only.

(ii) Explain one reason why ELE’s market share has grown. [2]

Reasons could include:

• new methods of management;
• more entrepreneurial approach;
• target culture, more motivation;
• initially, ELE only opened car rentals in Belgium (100 gasoline stations) but then
expanded to UK, Spain and France (700 offices);
• Giselle believes that maintaining high levels of customer satisfaction is a
factor in the car rental division’s continuing success;
• act as a profit centre (entrepreneurial approach);
• new booking system (e-commerce);
• better customer service.

N.B. no description is required. Award [1] for a relevant reason. Plus [1] for explanation
in context.
Award a maximum of [2].
– 10 – N22/3/BUSMT/HP1/ENG/TZ0/XX/M

(c) Explain two reasons why ELE’s employees may have resisted the reorganization
implemented by Giselle. [4]

Reasons could include:

• employees will not like targets that are set without consultation;
• may lose bonuses (only offices that met targets qualified for bonuses);
• targets were set by Giselle and they may be unrealistic;
• employees usually resist change – it’s human nature. A lack of motivation to want to
• increased pressure on employees that impacts on staff motivation;
• a culture of competition;
• entrepreneurial competition leading to competition to get bonus.

Accept any other relevant reason.

Mark as 2 + 2.

Award [1] for an appropriate reason and an additional [1] for a description of how that reason
relates to ELE. Award a maximum of [2] for each reason.

[2] cannot be awarded per reason if the response lacks either explanation and / or

For example:
For an identification or a description of a reason with or without application [1].
For explanation of a reason with no application [1].
For explanation of a reason and application [2].

Maximum award overall: [4].

(d) Using information from the case study and the additional information above, discuss
Monica’s proposal to launch In3T. [10]

• could be first mover advantage;
• low overheads;
• likely development within the industry so advantages of doing it early;
• uses new technology, easier to market and to make sales;
• very convenient for customers;
• doing it as a trial reduces the risks;
• could stay ahead of rivals.

• loses the advantage of good customer service and well-trained staff;
• no previous experience;
• untried business model (but students may relate to Uber, Zipcar etc which are tried and
• fewer employees so there may have to be redundancies;
• only 2 years advantage over competitors;
• how can they keep reputation for good customer service?
• it costs EUR 100million with payback longer than for competitors to catch up.

Accept any other relevant discussion.

– 11 – N22/3/BUSMT/HP1/ENG/TZ0/XX/M

Marks should be allocated according to the markbands on page 4 with further guidance

Theoretical answer or context limited to naming the business or lack of development max [4].

Discussion of only one side of the argument marks limited to [5].

Discussion but no clear balance [6].

Proposal considered, good use of evidence, particularly from section B, but no effective
conclusion award a maximum of [8].

For [10] the answer needs to be clearly relevant to ELE with good use of context and a clear
and supported recommendation.

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