Ecological Restoration

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Ecological Restoration:

An Overview

An e-book intended to give the reader a broad overview of

the concepts and practice of ecological restoration
(Third edition: January 2021 )
Ecological Restoration: An Overview

"Ecological restoration is the process of assisting the recovery of an

ecosystem that has been degraded, damaged or destroyed"

- Society for Ecological Restoration

Junglescapes Charitable Trust, Bangalore, India

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Ecological Restoration: An Overview

What is ecological restoration?

Ecological restoration is the exercise aimed at restoring an ecosystem that has
been disturbed, degraded or impaired to as close its original state as possible. In
most restoration situations, such disturbance or degradation is a direct or indirect
result of human activities. In some instances restoration of ecologically important
sites may be taken up after natural disasters like major oods or res.

How is ecological restoration different from afforestation

and reforestation?
The terms
reforestation and
restoration are often
used interchangeably.
However these mean
different things.
Afforestation is the
process of establishing
vegetation in an area that was not a forest earlier. Reforestation is growing
vegetation back on what was previously a natural forest area, either since the
original vegetation has been lost or with an intention to alter the species’
composition. Both afforestation and reforestation generally involve the activity of
planting tree saplings. The targeted outcome is often a plantation consisting of a
mono-culture or a limited number of species, although exceptions are possible.
Ecosystem integrity and species diversity are generally not a high priority, and
most projects involve introducing plant species that are of higher utility to
humans. For example, many natural forests in Europe have been reforested over
the last two centuries using species of commercial value. Afforestation and
reforestation, therefore, often do not create areas that represent native

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Ecological Restoration: An Overview

Ecological restoration on the other hand is a holistic process aimed at reviving

impaired ecological processes that are vital for an ecosystem to function normally
and support the biodiversity typical of that ecosystem. The focus is on multiple
aspects like soil alleviation, management of invasive species, assisting natural
regeneration, reviving functional diversity, etc. Ecosystem and species integrity
are high priorities in ecological restoration. The emphasis is on all vegetation
strata and not just on tree species (e.g. grasses, shrubs, climbers, creepers, etc).

Does ecological restoration apply only to forest

Compared to the terms afforestation and reforestation that are used with
reference to terrestrial forests with tree cover, ecological restoration can cover a
wide variety of ecosystems that may
or may not have tree cover e.g.
marine, riverine, wetland, coastal,
desert, etc. Further, ecological
restoration could include areas
outside designated forest areas e.g.
abandoned mining or industrial
sites, urban ecosystems including
lakes, rivers and beaches, rural areas
like village sacred groves, etc. It
could even be carried out in
privately owned lands e.g. erstwhile tea estates being restored to forests in South

Can ecological restoration restore an ecosystem to its

original state?
Ecosystems are in a constant process of evolution and it is impossible to restore
one to its original state. The objective of ecological restoration, therefore, is to put

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Ecological Restoration: An Overview

an ecosystem back on its previous trajectory which existed before the disturbance
or impairment took place.

Is restoration essential? Will not ecosystems restore

themselves if left alone?
Whether restoration is required or not depends on the degree of impairment of
ecological processes that an ecosystem has suffered from. A good analogy is the
human body. Where the immune system of a person is reasonably intact, he or she
can recover from a health setback. However where the immune system is
compromised, medical intervention is needed. Similarly, where an ecosystem is
mildly impaired, it may be able to recover on its own with merely the cessation of
causes of the impairment. However where the degree of impairment or
degradation is higher, intervention in the form of restoration would be needed in a
majority of cases.

What are the risks of not restoring an ecosystem that is

moderately or severely impaired?
Not restoring such an ecosystem could have three ecological consequences.
Firstly, an ecosystem might not be able to recover by itself and therefore remain in
a degraded state. A typical example is an area affected by invasive alien species like
Lantana camara. Second, assuming an ecosystem can recover on its own, this
process might take a very long time. For instance, an abandoned mining site may
take centuries to regain even a part of its prior functional attributes. The capability
of such an ecosystem to deliver ecosystem services may hence be deferred
interminably. Thirdly, an ecosystem might recover on its own in a manner that
does not re ect its earlier state. For example, a degraded grassland with tree
species in the vicinity might recover into a woody forest with very different
assemblages of ora and fauna.

Junglescapes Charitable Trust, Bangalore, India

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Ecological Restoration: An Overview

What are the key principles of ecological restoration?

There are three key principles of restoration. The rst is maintaining ecosystem
integrity. One should not try to
create an ecosystem that is
different from the original
ecosystem type. For instance, one
should not try and create a
grassland in place of a dry
deciduous forest or vice versa.
The second is species integrity.
This is about ensuring that only
the right types of species that are
indigenous or native to the target
ecosystem are introduced in the restoration process. The third is the principle of
least possible intervention. This involves using passive restoration techniques as
far as possible and using active methods only where passive methods are not
feasible. The focus is on reviving the ecological processes and bringing the
ecosystem to a self-sustaining level from where the restoration process can be
largely taken care of by natural mechanisms.

What do we mean by passive restoration methods?

Passive restoration involves the use of low-intensity techniques that aim at
leveraging natural ecological processes for achieving the restoration goals. The
terminology commonly used for passive restoration is “assisted natural

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Ecological Restoration: An Overview

Let us take the case of a terrestrial forest. The focus of passive restoration would
be on reviving the soil, water and natural vegetation regeneration cycles. A typical
restoration effort would involve reversing soil
erosion, improving water holding capacity and
moisture availability, soil alleviation and
assisting natural establishment of native plant
species, etc. There is also emphasis on
leveraging natural factors like seed dispersal by
mammals and birds, which in turn help create a
virtuous framework that accelerates ecosystem
recovery. The objective is to create the right
environment for revival of biodiversity
including return of desirable ora and fauna.
Introduction of outside plant material is kept to
a minimum, to address species or spatial
distribution gaps.

While the example given above is that of a

terrestrial forest, similar relationships can be
found in all ecosystems.

What are active restoration methods and when are these

Active restoration involves the use of moderate to high intervention techniques a terrestrial forest this could include sapling planting, seed broadcasting,
invasive species management, soil remediation, etc. These are generally used
selectively where passive methods are infeasible or inadequate to achieve the
restoration goals. A good example is correcting native plant species imbalances in

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Ecological Restoration: An Overview

a degraded area. It is possible that over a period of time some of the key native
plant species representative of the target ecosystem have disappeared or are at
below self-propagating levels. In such a situation it might be necessary to re-
introduce these species. Another example is a site that is severely disturbed by
incidents like forest res or by activities like mining where active management
may be essential.

Does ecological restoration make use of biological or

chemical agents?
Ecological restoration generally does not use biological or chemical agents. The
use of biological agents to address ecological challenges has led to severe adverse
consequences in many parts of the world and hence no longer adopted by serious
restoration practitioners. The same is the case with chemical agents which are not
used in natural ecosystems and are restricted to arti cially managed areas like
plantations. Further, the use of biological and chemical methods is prohibited in
many designated wilderness areas.

How is the success of ecological restoration measured?

Like in any other conservation project, the success of a restoration project is
measured against the objectives set out at its outset. These objectives generally
consist of a combination of abiotic and biotic parameters drawn up with reference
to what is called a “reference site”. Where evidence is available about the target
ecosystem before its degradation, this could by itself be the reference site.
Otherwise this could be a healthy site of the same ecosystem type in a comparable
landscape. In a terrestrial forest ecosystem, the parameters could include nutrient
recycling, presence of desirable species, rate of natural recruitment, soil quality,
etc. Biodiversity, represented by richness and abundance of ora and fauna
species, would be important parameters in such an assessment. The return of
fauna to the site is generally a good overall indicator of restoration success as this
means the ecosystem is able to provide the services that make it a healthy habitat.

Junglescapes Charitable Trust, Bangalore, India

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Ecological Restoration: An Overview

What is the duration of an ecological restoration project?

Ecological restoration projects are long term in nature and could typically span
many years. The duration of a project would depend on factors like the ecosystem
type, extent of physical area being addressed, the degree of degradation, etc. For
instance, restoring a thorn scrub forest of 200 hectares might take between 5 and
10 years of sustained effort. Many restoration sites may also need monitoring and
maintenance for many years after the restoration project is completed.

Is scale important in ecological restoration projects?

An ecological restoration project can be of any size. It could vary from a project
involving an entire river, to one of restoring a small lake. While large projects have
greater impact, smaller projects have value in capturing learnings and ne tuning
methodologies. It is generally recommended to start with smaller pilot projects
and scale up gradually.

How do we ensure that a restored plot does not get

degraded again?
This requires actions at three levels. First, anthropogenic in uences that can cause
re-degradation have to be managed. A good example is rewood collection, which
can be minimised by distribution of LPG cook stoves. Second, there has to be
continuous monitoring of the site for at least 4-5 years post completion of
restoration, and maintenance actions identi ed and implemented. Third, ensuring
active involvement of local community members in restoration projects is critical
for sustainability. A restoration activity by itself could generate alternate
livelihoods during its implementation, creating a collaborative relationship
between people and the ecology. Future revenue streams linked to sustained
conservation of restored sites through activities like eco-tourism might also be

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Ecological Restoration: An Overview

How does ecological restoration address the challenge of

ecosystem variability?
A common concern raised in the context of training of restoration practitioners is
the high diversity of ecosystems. A question comes up whether training can equip
practitioners to handle different ecosystems. The simple answer to this is that the
fundamental principles, framework and processes of ecological restoration remain
the same across ecosystems. The approaches and treatments required may vary
from ecosystem to ecosystem, or even from site to site. The objective of training or
education is to ensure a good understanding of the principles and standards to be
adhered to in all restoration projects.

Are there specializations within the eld of ecological

Ecosystems are unique
and distinct. Therefore
ecological restoration has
also evolved as a highly
specialised activity. There
are restoration scientists
and practitioners
specialising in very
diverse environments like
oceans, peat swamps, sand
dunes, mangroves, urban landscapes, etc. Sub-specialisation based on the
ecosystem type or the landscape is also common. An example of ecosystem type-
based sub-specialisation within the classi cation of forest ecosystems would be
rain forests and dry deciduous forests. An example of landscape-based sub-
specialisation would be grasslands in Africa and North America, each of which

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Ecological Restoration: An Overview

may require different approaches, knowledge and methodologies. As can be

observed, there could be further sub-classi cations based on degree of
uniqueness of the target ecosystem.

What is the status of development of ecological

restoration as a conservation discipline around the
Ecological restoration has emerged as a major discipline around the world.
Signi cant bio-diversity and climate change programmes that have been launched
in recent times, like the Rio Conventions, Aichi Targets and Bonn Challenge, have
brought ecological restoration to the forefront in many continents. Leading
restoration groups play a key role in policy formulation at a global scale. The
declaration by the UN of the next decade (2021-30) as the ‘Decade on Ecosystem
Restoration’ is expected to increase the focus on this discipline signi cantly.

Today ecological restoration has a number of active sub-disciplines like seed

management, invasive species management, landscape-level restoration,
restoration of severely disturbed sites, restoration of cultural landscapes, etc. The
ecological restoration community now consists of multi-faceted participants e.g.
policy makers, researchers, grassroots practitioners, communicators, etc.

What is the relationship between ecological restoration

and wildlife conservation?
Ecological restoration addresses two of the main threats to wildlife around the
world – habitat loss and habitat degradation. By improving the health of existing
habitats and creating additional habitats, restoration plays both a direct and a
complimentary role in wildlife conservation. The direct role arises from the fact
that ecological restoration is holistic in nature and enables sustaining greater

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Ecological Restoration: An Overview

biodiversity that represents a variety of species that are linked to each other. The
complimentary role is in activities
like threatened species’
conservation where success
depends, among other factors, on
healthier habitats. Improvement in
habitat health also has the potential
to reduce human-wildlife con icts
and scienti c study is needed to
validate this hypothesis. There is,
therefore, signi cant potential for
collaboration between ecological restoration and other streams of ecological and
wildlife conservation.

What is the interface between restoration science and

There is active co-ordination and interface between restoration science and
practice. In fact, restoration practitioners work closely with different research
agencies and researchers (not necessarily limited to restoration science) to access
knowledge on speci c ecological and allied parameters. Similarly, researchers nd
it useful to work with restoration practitioners to get feedback on their
hypotheses at a scale signi cantly larger than that of a laboratory.

Are academic courses on ecological restoration

Many universities and academic institutions in the developed countries offer
Under-Graduate and Masters courses on ecological restoration. There is also an
increasing trend of academic disciplines like environmental science, wildlife
management, landscape architecture, etc. including ecological restoration in the
course structure.

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Ecological Restoration: An Overview

There is, however, an urgent need for ecological restoration to be included in

academic curricula in developing countries in order to build capacity for
restoration in these geographies as well.

The Society for Ecological Restoration (SER) provides certi cation for restoration
practitioners based on their academic credentials and practical experience.

What are the socio-economic opportunities available

through ecological restoration?
The most signi cant socio-economic bene t of restoration is enhancement of the
capability of our natural environment to provide ecosystem services. This includes
crucial elements like climate change mitigation, water security, improved air
quality and agricultural productivity, etc. Ecological restoration also has a high
potential to involve local communities and thereby generate alternate livelihoods.
The extent of degraded ecosystems is high in many parts of the developing world.
Signi cant human resources would be needed to restore these and this could be a
good way to generate employments focused on sustainability goals. Importantly,
ecological restoration has the ability to reconnect indigenous communities with
their roots and thus help preserve their traditional ecological knowledge and
conservation practices.

What is the signi cance of the UN decade on ecosystem

The United Nations has declared the decade of 2021-30 as the "Decade on
Ecosystem Restoration". Coming close on the heels of the Bonn Challenge, this
brings a much-needed focus on restoration across the world.

Junglescapes Charitable Trust, Bangalore, India

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Ecological Restoration: An Overview

Ecosystem degradation is one of the major issues facing the world today, with the
rate of degradation in many ecosystems outpacing the rate of natural recovery.
This requires restoration
actions not only on an
urgent basis, but also on a
large scale. This will need
strong policy support from
governments, funding and
capacity building. The UN
declaration provides a
formal context and the
impetus for these to aspects to be addressed.

Are there useful reference materials on ecological

There are a number of references available on ecological restoration. Some of
them are mentioned below.

Society for Ecological Restoration (SER) ( is a leading

global body on restoration and disseminates knowledge and information
through conferences, chapters, magazines, webinars, etc. SER members also
get access to an extensive restoration resource database.
The “International Principles and Standards for the Practice of Ecological
Restoration” provides detailed guidance to practitioners and can be
downloaded from the SER website
IUCN has published a booklet on “Ecological Restoration for Protected Areas”
which is available online and gives detailed guidelines on the topic.
Island Press publishes a number of useful books on the subject. For scienti c
papers and discussions on the topic, one can refer to Restoration Ecology, the
journal published by Wiley.

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Ecological Restoration: An Overview


Ramesh Venkataraman
Certi ed Ecological Restoration Practitioner
Managing Trustee
Junglescapes Charitable Trust
Bangalore, India

Version 3
January 2021

Junglescapes is a grassroots non-pro t based in Bangalore, India and has been

working for the last 13 years on restoration of degraded scrub and dry deciduous
forest ecosystems. This FAQ document is intended mainly to give an introduction
to the concept of ecological restoration to the reader. The views expressed in this
FAQ document are based on a combination of our own eld experience and
resources available on the topic in the public domain. Feedback comments may be
emailed to [email protected]

Third edition of 2021

This overview document was rst written in 2016 primarily to create awareness of
ecological restoration among stakeholders in South Asia. It was observed that a
number of students and researchers in various parts of the world were
downloading and using this as a reference document. Hence it was updated in
2019 with a more global readership in mind. This third edition of 2021 coincides
with the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration.

Junglescapes Charitable Trust, Bangalore, India

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Ecological Restoration: An Overview

This overview document has been reviewed favourably by the editorial of ce of
the Restoration Ecology journal as a stand-alone FAQ document, with positive
comments on its conciseness, readability and sophistication .

We wish to thank Ms Sugandhi Gadadhar and Mr Gopakumar Menon for their
feedback comments at the draft stages. We also thank Ms Nayantara Karnik for
the illustrations and Mr GT Anil Kumar for some of the photographs which appear
in this document.

All copyrights of this document shall remain with Junglescapes Charitable Trust,
Bangalore, India. In case you wish to reproduce or utilise the contents of this
document for non-commercial purposes like education or training, you may do so
but please ensure that you give credit / citation to this document and

A degraded forest patch recovering under restoration in the southern part of India

Junglescapes Charitable Trust, Bangalore, India

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