Job Satisfaction
Job Satisfaction
Job Satisfaction
ID NO. - SGS/0351/2007A
JULY, 2017
JULY, 2017
__________________ ________________
Advisor signature
_____________________ _________________
____________________ __________________
I declared that this research is the presentation of my original research work. Wherever any
contributions of others are involved, every effort is made to indicate this clearly, with due
reference to the literature, and acknowledgement of contributors in the research. Information
taken from published or unpublished works of others has been acknowledged in the text and a
list of reference is given.
I declare that this research has not been submitted in any form for another degree or diploma at
any university or other institution of tertiary education. The work has been done under the
guidance of Ass. Prof. Zemenu Aynadis, St. Mary‟s university school of graduate studies.
Signature: __________________
Date: _____________
This is to certify that Yenewub Wudu has carried out her research work on the topic entitled
Assessment of employees‟ job satisfaction. The work is original in nature and is suitable for
submission for the award of Masters Degree in Business Administration and never presented in
any degree or diploma.
Signature: ___________________
Date: _____________________
Table of Contents
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ................................................................................................................................ iii
ABSTRACT..................................................................................................................................................... iv
1. INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Background of the study ..................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Statement of the problem .................................................................................................................. 3
1.3 Research Questions ............................................................................................................................ 4
1.4 Objectives of the Study ....................................................................................................................... 4
1.4.1 General objective ......................................................................................................................... 4
1.4.2 Specific objective ......................................................................................................................... 4
1.5 Hypothesis........................................................................................................................................... 5
1.6 Definition of terms and concepts ....................................................................................................... 5
1.7 Significance of the study ..................................................................................................................... 5
1.8 Scope of the study .............................................................................................................................. 6
1.9 Organization of the study ................................................................................................................... 6
2. LITRATURE REVIEW ................................................................................................................................... 7
2.1 Concept of job satisfaction ................................................................................................................. 7
2.2 Job Satisfaction and performance ...................................................................................................... 8
2.3 Theories on job satisfaction ................................................................................................................ 9
2.3.1 Maslow’s Theory of Motivation/Satisfaction............................................................................... 9
2.3.2 Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory ..................................................................................................... 9
2.3.3 Equity Theory ............................................................................................................................. 10
2.3.4 Job Design Theory ...................................................................................................................... 10
2.3.5 Vroom’s Expectancy Theory....................................................................................................... 10
2.4 Factors influencing job satisfaction .................................................................................................. 11
2.5 Organizational factors influencing job satisfaction........................................................................... 12
2.5.1 Salary and Benefit ...................................................................................................................... 12
2.5.2 Working environment ................................................................................................................ 13
2.5.3 Relationship with Supervisors .................................................................................................... 13
2.5.4 Promotion and job satisfaction .................................................................................................. 14
2.6 Importance of job satisfaction .......................................................................................................... 14
2.7 Empirical literature review................................................................................................................ 15
2.8 Conceptual frame work of the study ................................................................................................ 16
3. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODOLOGY ............................................................................................... 17
3.1 Research Design ................................................................................................................................ 17
3.2 Population and Sampling Techniques ............................................................................................... 17
3.3 Sources of Data ................................................................................................................................. 19
3.4 Method of Data Analysis ................................................................................................................... 19
3.5 Reliability and validity ....................................................................................................................... 20
3.5.1 Validity of the study ................................................................................................................... 20
3.5.2 Reliability.................................................................................................................................... 20
4. DATA ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION .................................................................................................. 22
4.1 Demographic characteristics of the respondents ............................................................................. 22
4.2 Descriptive Statistics Analysis ........................................................................................................... 24
4.3 Correlation analysis between factors and employees job satisfaction ............................................ 35
4.4 Regression Analysis ........................................................................................................................... 36
4.5 Hypothesis test ................................................................................................................................. 38
5. SUMMARY, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ......................................................................... 42
5.1 SUMMARY OF THE FINDINGS............................................................................................................ 42
5 .2 CONCLUSIONS .................................................................................................................................. 44
5.3 RECOMMENDATION ......................................................................................................................... 45
5.4 Limitation of the study ...................................................................................................................... 46
6. Reference ................................................................................................................................................ 47
My greatest thanks and praise goes to almighty God, who made all things possible for me in
accomplishing this Master program. He has placed wonderful persons around me whom they
have a significant role in this research.
Next to this I would like to thank my mother for her financial and moral support and great
patience at all times.
My regular thanks also go to my advisor Zemenu Aynadis (Ass. Prof.) for his excellence
guidance, unrestricted and friendly support to make this thesis real. He patiently answers my
questions, motivating and supporting me morally and with his expertise in research.
I would also like to thank my friends Molla Gashu, Million Mendaye, Anketse Moges and
Birhanesilase Assefa for their encouragement, motivation and facilitative environment to
finish the study. Finally, my sincere appreciation is extended to all those individuals who
contributed to the completion of this study and all of my respondents for your time and effort
in taking part in this study.
Yenewub wudu
Key words; - job satisfaction, promotion, work environment, salary& benefit, relation with
supervisors, commercial bank of Ethiopia.
1.1 Background of the study
An organization with good management would consider its employees its assets and the primary
source and portal to productivity and financial gains. These organizations give more importance
to employees instead of capital. To make sure that their goals are achieved these companies
foster sure that their goals are achieved these companies‟ foster help of strong policies. If the
Human resource department is satisfied, the employees will be satisfied. These motivated
employees then work with better loyalty and pay the company back with a good productivity and
low turnover rate job satisfaction can also affect labor market behavior
and influence work productivity, work effort, employee absenteeism and staff turnover .it is also
considered as a strong predictor of overall individual well-being as well as a good predictor of
decision of employees to leave a job. So companies should take account job in their plan.
Serrano and Vieira (2005).
However, even with the widespread recognition of the importance of facilitating the relationship
between job satisfaction and motivation in facilitating organizational commitment, there are
varying perspectives on the means of doing this. The earliest strategy is to use wage increases to
link job satisfaction and motivation to organizational commitment, Mosammud (2011). With the
recognition that this is not enough to bring about motivation expressed in job satisfaction, other
perspectives emerged giving particular importance to the training and skills development of
employees. According to
Patterson(2001) applied through the underlying principle of continuous organizational learning.
Since this covers only an aspect of human resource management, a holistic approach emerged
that targets the development of a certain quality of employment life Boshoff(2001) that covers
fair wages, benefits, other employment conditions, good working condition. Smooth relation with
supervisors and career development to support the facilitation of motivation and job satisfaction
directed towards organizational commitment. This means that achieving employee‟s job
satisfaction to develop organizational commitment is not simple or easy and works according to
the context of individual firms. Although, there are best practices within organizations, it is up to
the individual organizations to determine which human resource strategies meet its needs and
On the other hand, regardless of whether the banks are governmental or private, job satisfaction
of their employees will determine the success of their business. High satisfaction in their job will
lead to higher productivity, higher involvement and less likely hood of resignation compared to
the employees who are less satisfied. Job satisfaction also plays an important role in minimizing
the negative behaviors in the workplace such as frequent absence, lack of discipline in
performance and high turnover. Jegan and Gnanadhas(2011), In addition to this lack of
incentives and low staff moral can in turn, undermine the confidence in the administration,
leading to increase stress for the workers and to serve customers with less respect (,
Even though employees are much important and job satisfaction influence the profitability of the
organization, meeting employee‟s job satisfaction is becoming more challenging for companies
including commercial bank of Ethiopia due to different factors.
Commercial bank of Ethiopia has more than 30, 0000 employees with 1,180 branches found to
all sides of the country. The bank tries to give relatively better value for employee‟s job
satisfaction till making it as its core value of the bank. But there is still employees complain
about their job satisfaction and there is also senior employees‟ turnover. The bank reaches up to
prohibition of giving clearance for employees who resign the bank. There are also top
management meetings on issues of job satisfaction. But there is no change on salary and benefit
and other allowances. On the other hand different researches take salary as a basic factor which
affects job satisfaction. But there are also different factors which affect job satisfaction.
Therefore this research tries to identify the factors which highly affect job satisfaction. So, in this
research salary and benefit, work environment, relation among co workers and promotion has
been included to show their impact on job satisfaction.
1.2 Statement of the problem
Commercial bank of Ethiopia has a wide market share in the Ethiopian banking industry. Until
the data collection period of this research, it has more than 25,000 employees working in 1,100
branches found throughout the country. When the branches become wide and the number of
employees increases, it becomes difficult to manage and made a gap to follow each feeling of
employees as expected. Even though it use new technology, the workload also increased from
time to time .In a situation the employees may not be satisfied with their job. Since, the work
requires interaction between employees, managers and the customers, and if employees are not
satisfied with their work, the interaction will not be smooth. This type of relation affects the plan
of the bank to improve its customer‟s satisfaction and to increase its competition in the bank
industry. In addition to this it has vision of being world class bank by fulfilling requirements
including making employees satisfied.
In addition to this in commercial bank of Ethiopia, the salary paid for employees who are on the
same status is differed based on the grade of the branches .so, if the activities in the branches are
almost the same and if the payment is different especially in the positions which are above
customer service officer. Grade two branches are homogenous and big in number in any district
and have greater number of employees than grade three and four branches. All the above ideas
are the main reasons to choose grade 2 branches for this study.
In banking, service delivery system also includes the existence of viable work place, job design
procedure, planned policies and smooth interaction between the customers and the institution.
Besides that, it includes employee‟s competency, punctuality, neatness of office equipment and
time effectiveness in providing the service. Even though all the above and other factors affect
the way of effective service delivery, commercial bank of Ethiopia cannot do best on it.
Job satisfaction is not an easy feeling since the employees are always in question to meet their
limitless needs. Nowadays, employee‟s satisfaction is a daily discussion issue in the Banks top
level managers and operational level managers especially in salary. The reason is that employee
satisfaction is the baseline to be successful in the banking industry. In addition to this in
conditional meetings employees also raise many questions about being dissatisfied with the work
load and salary they earn, working conditions, work status, and on other issues as well. There is
also high employees‟ turnover and employee compliant on the employee‟s promotion of the
Some researchers like Senayit and Assefa (2014) found that more than 65% of CBE employee‟s
are not satisfied on their job due to different reasons especially on the current salary payment and
different advantages. But the other finding Musie(2010) shows that employees are satisfied on
their job and prefer the bank to retain. The researcher also done pilot research on the employee‟s
job satisfaction by selecting three branches randomly, through distributing questionnaire for 30
respondents those who are selected randomly, the result shows, 75% of them were not satisfied
by their job due to different reasons. This shows that there is a gap on job satisfaction of
employees‟ .one said they are satisfied, the other said dissatisfied. Those researches takes only
salary and benefits as the basic factor which influence job satisfaction .But in this research , work
environment , promotion and relation among managers (supervisors) are also included.
Therefore standing from above issues, the researcher tries to conduct a research on job
satisfaction of employees‟ of commercial bank of Ethiopia. This study was employed to
investigate determinants of employees‟ job satisfaction in commercial bank of Ethiopia north
Addis district.
-To identify determinants of employees job satisfaction.
-To explore the effect of work environment on employees job satisfaction.
-To identify the influence of salary and benefits on employee‟s satisfaction
-To examine if promotion influence job satisfaction.
-To identify the relation among staffs and managers affect job satisfaction
1.5 Hypothesis
H1: salary and benefit highly affects job satisfaction of employees
H2:There exists a strong relationship between working environment and job satisfaction
H3: there is strong correlation between relationships with Supervisors and job satisfaction
H4:The existence of promotion significantly affects job satisfaction.
and its impact on their performance and to take action. The recommendation and conclusion of
this study supports the policy makers in commercial bank of Ethiopia to recognize the weakness
and strength regarding employee‟s job satisfaction, benefits and other related issues which helps
to decrease employees‟ high turnover. This research also used as the input for further study in the
work productivity and therefore worth to be studied (George and Jones, 2008). This is in line
with the believe that happier workers are more productive, but Staw (1986) debunks this
assertion. Nevertheless, job satisfaction contributes immensely to organizations in the following
dimensions. Improved job satisfaction encourages productivity and has inherent humanitarian
value (Smith et. al., 1969). In addition, job satisfaction directly impacts the level of employees‟
commitment and absenteeism at the workplace (Hardy et. al., 2003).
Besides, job satisfaction ensures that counter productive work behaviors are minimized
according to Organ and Ryan (1995) found that job satisfaction enhances organizational
citizenship behaviors. Moreover, it enhances employees „retention level and avoids the cost of
hiring new ones (Murray, 1999). It has also been demonstrated that satisfied employees have
better health and long live and satisfaction on the job carries over to the employee‟s life outside
the job. From the management point of view a satisfied work force translates in to higher
productivity due to fewer interruption caused by absenteeism or good employees quitting.( van
2.3 Theories on job satisfaction
Different scholars had their own on job satisfaction .they also had different argument on it in
different time .scientific movement by Frederick Winslow Taylor (1911) which considers human
being as economic man and money is believed to be the biggest reason for job satisfaction.
However, this idea was criticized by the Hawthorne Studies (1924-1933) by Elton Mayo and
Associates about the nature of human being. They argue that apart from money, there are other
important elements such as personal morale, positive interrelationships, management
understanding of individual employee and group behavior as other factors that contribute to
employee satisfaction.
2.3.3 Equity Theory
The proponent of this theory, Adams (1963) proposes that workers consider their input (what
they put into a job) in relation to their outcome (what they get from a job) and try to evaluate this
ratio with the input-outcome ratio of their colleagues in other organizations. State of equity is
said to exist if they realize that their ratio is equivalent to that of their colleagues in other
organizations (Robbins, 2005). Similarly, there is inequity if the ratio is not corresponding.
Equity brings forth satisfaction among employees while inequity leads 18 to dissatisfaction.
Perry et. al. (2006) found those employees „satisfaction increases with rewards only when these
rewards are valued and observed as equitable.
2.4 Factors influencing job satisfaction
Researchers have found that a number of variables are related positively to job satisfaction while
others are more of an indicator of job dissatisfaction. A great understanding of the dimensions of
job satisfaction has led to increasing interest in improving job design. According to (Nel, 2004),
determinants of job satisfaction are broadly categorized in to two, personal factors and
organizational factor. The following are some of Personal factors.
Age: One of the regular findings in job literature is the positive relation between age and
satisfaction. Older employees are said to have a high level of organizational satisfaction
compared to younger ones (Eicharet al., 1991).According to the initial debates concerning
age and employee satisfaction, young people have higher expectations from their jobs;
however, most often they cannot find opportunities to satisfy these expectations and are,
therefore, disillusioned. The natural result of this disillusion is dissatisfaction with the work
Gender: Although the relation between gender and job satisfaction has been the focal point of
many studies, it has not, so far, been really clarified (Witt and Nye, 1992). While significant
differences were found in some studies in the relation between gender and general satisfaction
level Spector(1997), others have not been able to determine important and significant
differences. This implies that the effects of gender on satisfaction are liable to change
according to the organization being studied, the work done and the work environment.
Academic level: Since higher-level jobs tend to be more complex and have better working
conditions, pay, supervision, autonomy, and responsibility, the level at which an individual
works within the organization might also exert some influence on the satisfaction of
employees. Therefore, most researchers have found out that employee satisfaction increases as
the level of the job increases within an organization hierarchy Howard and Frink (1996).
However, some researchers have found negligible associations between employee satisfaction
and job level and it has been reported that employee satisfaction decreases as job level
increases. The academic position held could have significant effects on employee satisfaction.
Since those who have become professors are less apprehensive while doing their work and are
able to create a relatively more independent working environment for themselves, their
satisfaction level is likely to be higher than that of the other academic staff. On the other hand,
those with lower academic positions discomfort and their satisfaction level tends to be lower
than that of professors. Therefore, academic position in the institution has been included in the
study as an important variable.
Work experience: people who are satisfied with their job tend to remain in them longer than
those who are dissatisfied. Person with more experience are more satisfied with their jobs
when compared to those who are less experienced Luthans, F., (2001).
Position in the organization (status):- there exists a differential opportunity to satisfy
various motivational needs within different levels in the organization Wae (2001). Generally it
has been found that the higher is one‟s position in an organization the greater is the level of
satisfaction Saiyandain( 1977). This could be explained by the fact that higher the status of the
employee is more enjoys both relatively better working condition and rewards than lower
level employees do.
2.5.2 Working environment
Employees are highly motivated with good working conditions as they provide a feeling safety,
comfort and motivation. On the contrary, poor working condition brings out a fear of bad health
in employees. The more comfortable the working environment is more productive will be the
employees. The working environment consists of broader dimension such as work and context
.work include all the ,all the different characters of the job like the job is carried out and
completed involving the task like tasks ,training, control on once own job related activities , a
sense of achievement from work , variety on tasks and the intrinsic value for task. The other
dimension of job satisfaction is context comprise of the physical working condition and social
work condition Gazioglu &Tanselb (2006). According to Hytter(2008), work environment has
only really been discussed by people from the industrial perspective, meaning that the focus has
primarily been on the physical sides such as noise, heavy lifts, toxic substances and their
exposure etc. But work environment affects job satisfaction of employees working in the bank.
Therefore by keeping in mind the finding of the previous studies, this study hypothesized that
H2: There exists a strong relationship between working environment and job satisfaction.
2.5.4 Promotion and job satisfaction
Promotion can be reciprocated as a significant achievement in the life. It promises and delivers
more pay, responsibility, authority, independence and status. The opportunity for Promotion
determines the degree of satisfaction to the employee. It includes Opportunity for promotion,
Equal opportunity to grow despite being male or female, training program, Opportunity for use
of skills and abilities Ellickson (2002). Opportunities for promotion are important determinants
of employee job satisfaction. The satisfaction of self-actualization in the workplace is enhanced
by creating opportunities for promotion, allowing autonomy, providing challenging assignments
and the optimal utilization of individual‟s ability. This also influences the satisfaction of
employees Hoole &Vermeulen (2003).based on this findings the following hypothesis has been
H4: The existence of promotion significantly affects job satisfaction.
authority takes appropriate actions to solve the problem or discuss with the employee. So the
environment is become calm in the organization.
5. It improves team work: if the employees are satisfied on their work they become more
volunteer to do activities in a group and their attention would be on their work rather counting
the time to go home.
6. Enhanced customer satisfaction and loyalty: since the banking is more related to serving customers and if
there are satisfied employees on their work, the serving process also become smooth and customers become
work environment, promotion and salary and benefit. A research conducted by Senait (2012) on
employees of commercial bank of Ethiopia shows that, more than 65 percent of the respondents
were also dissatisfied with their job. Therefore by considering all the above findings, this
research tries to identify the determinants and assess the current level of job satisfaction of
Job satisfaction
Relationship with
Promotion and
Source: Saeed(2013)
The main objective of this research was to identify the major factors that determine the job
satisfaction of employees of Commercial Bank of Ethiopia North Addis District Grade Two City
Branches. The data collected from the respondents has been interpreted by using frequencies and
percentages to describe the level of employees‟ job satisfaction .In addition to this regression and
correlation has been employed to show whether there is relation among variables.
Z 2 * (p) * (1-p)
no =
e 2
=384 respondents
This formula used for any number of populations. However, to select sample size which has
small number of population we use the following formula, Cochran (1963).
Where N= population
no =sample size
n=adjusted sample size
Therefore :-
384/1+ (384-1)/1000
3.3 Sources of Data
Primary data
According to Cano (2004), Primary data are fresh data that are gathered for the first time and
thus happened to be original in character. Primary data of the study was information gathered
from employees‟ of the bank. Closed -ended questionnaire was prepared and delivered to
employees of commercial bank of Ethiopia. In order to gather the primary data the questionnaire
was filled by those available employees in each branch during the period of distributing the
questionnaire. Secondary sources like journals, books and thesis has been also used as a
Y(x) = β0+β1x+β2x+β3x+β4x+Ԑ0
Ԑ0is margin of error
This coefficient shows that units in the independent variables make a variation in dependent
variables by units of coefficients.
3.5.2 Reliability
A reliability test is used to assess consistency in measurement items (cerri, 2012). Cronbach‟s
alpha is used to measure the internal consistency of the measurement items. From data analysis
the cronbach‟s alpha for this study is 0.93 which is excellent according to the standard set by
Crossman (2003) and it is over the accepted limit of 0.70. For all individual factors the
cronbach‟s alpha is greater than 0.70 which is shown below that signifies greater internal
consistency between the items and measures the intended dimensions of the variables. As well as
it indicates the acceptability of scale for further analysis.
Table .1 result of reliability study
This chapter contains the reliability analysis, respondent‟s profile, correlation analysis, over all
employees‟ job satisfaction analysis and multiple regression analysis.
A total of 278 questionnaire were distributed and were collected from eleven branches of
commercial bank of Ethiopia employees .From the distributed 278 questionnaire distributed
only 266 and the response rate of 95 percent. It was analyzed by using the statistical package
for social science (SPSS) version 20 to answer the research questions.
As shown in the above table, majority of the respondents (n =211, 79.3 %) fall in the category of
20 to 35 years. This sis followed by 49(18.4%) of the respondents are in the category of 36-50
years. among the respondents only 6 (2.3%) were above 50 years. It indicates that the greatest
number of responders was very young and it is a valuable asset for the bank since this age group
will serve for a long period of time.
Table 3 educational background of employees
Education Frequency Percent
Masters 20 7.5
Degree 244 92.5
Diploma 2 0.8
Total 266 100.0
Source: own survey, 2017
From the respondents 20 (7.5%) of them have were post graduates and respondents of 244 which
represents 91.7% of the total respondents have BA degree. only 2 respondents were diploma
holders which represents 0.8% of the total respondents. This shows that, since, majority of the
respondents were young, the current minimum requirement of the bank is degree holders except
some most senior employees.
It can be viewed in the above table majority of the respondents (n =199 or 74.8%) fall in the 1-
5 years of experience group and 44 respondents (16.5)fall in the 6-10years of experience group
.while 11respondents (4.1%)fall in 11-15 years experience and 7 (2.6%) of them were in the
category of 16-20 years of experience. Finally 5(1.9%) of them have an experience of above 20
years. This shows that the bank has employees with less experience but egger to adopt the new
technologies and since most of them are juniors, it is easy to shape based on the banks culture.
Table.5. Frequency distribution of respondents‟ job title
Job title Frequency Percent
As we can see from the above table manager, branch controller, scso- accounts and scso- casher
has the same frequency of respondents. Each has 10 respondents and represents 4.2% of the
total respondents. Majority of the respondents were customer service officers which represents
n= 164 and 61.7% of the total respondents. Next to that junior service officers were N= 33 and
represents 12.4 % of the total respondents. There were also 25 customer service manager which
represents 9.4% and 4 Customer relationship officers which represent 1.5% of the total
Agree 21 7.9 98.5
Strongly Agree 4 1.5 100.0
Total 266 100.0
Source: own survey, 2017
The above table shows the result of employee‟s response towards the current amount of money
paid for their work is enough. From the result it can be obtained that 53.4 %(n=142) of the
respondents are strongly disagree , 28.9%(n=77) of them disagree, 8.3% (n=22) are neutral
,7.9%(n=21) of them agree and only 1.5% (n=4) are strongly agree with the salary paid.
Therefore the above result implies that more than half of the respondents are not satisfied with
the current salary payment. Even though it is assumed that the bank pays better and tries to
improve the salary, there is still big difference of payment between the commercial bank of
Ethiopia and competitive private banks.
Table 8. Opinion of respondents on different benefits offered
Benefits offered by CBE like medical, Frequency Percent
insurance and other benefits are
As shown in the above table 35% (n=95) of the respondents were strongly disagree on the
allowances offered by the bank, whereas 31.2% (n=83) of the respondents were also disagree,
16.2 % (n=43) were neutral on it. Out of the respondents 16.2 %( n=43) were agreed and only
1.5 %( n=4) were strongly agree on the issue. We can conclude that more than 60 percent of the
respondents were dissatisfied on the allowances offered by commercial bank of Ethiopia. This
shows that allowances like mortgage loan does not consider the current market. And also the
limit of the loan is when compared to the service year and salary of the employees compared to
other competitive banks.
Table 11.opinions of respondents on opportunities to use new technology
As shown in the above table 35.7%(n=95) of the respondents are disagree, 25.6%(n=68) of the
respondents are agree, 23.3%(n=63) of the respondents were neutral, 12.4%(n=33) were strongly
disagree and only 3%(n=8) of the respondents were strongly agree .As of the result majority of
the employees on opportunities to use new technology. These shows, the bank minimize manual
works which makes employees tired off and done by using current technologies.
The above table shows that 44.4% (n=118) of the respondents are disagree,20.3 %( n=54) of the
respondents were strongly disagree on high opportunities of promotion, 17.3 %( n=46) of them
were neutral, 15% (n=40) were agreed on the issue and only 3% of them were strongly disagree
on the opportunity of promotion and transfer. This shows that majority of the respondents were
not satisfied on opportunities for promotion, so the bank should correct the policy. Promotion
helps to motivate, for better performance and retain employees, promoting them at proper time is
better and the bank should give attention.
Strongly Agree 81 30.5
Total 266 100.0
Source: Own survey, 2017
As shown in the above table for the question is the working hour of CBE is comfortable
employees respond was 30.8% of them were agreed, 30.5% were strongly agreed, 16.2% were
strongly disagreed, 14.3% were neutral and8.3% of them were disagree on working hour of
commercial bank of Ethiopia. This shows that the working hour of the bank is comfortable for
majority of the respondents. The time to start work and the time to finish their work is suitable
for employees.
As shown in the above table out of them 30.8% of the respondents were disagreed on the safe
working environment of the bank .others 24.8% agree, 24.4% neutral 14.7% strongly disagree
and 5.3% were strongly agree. The result shows that, majority of them were dissatisfied on
work environment. This could be the result of lack of facilities like cafeteria and neatness office.
Since, employees spent most of their time in the office. The working environment should be
Table 16. Opinion of respondents on Job security of the bank
I am certain on strong job security of Frequency Percent
the Bank
Strongly Disagree 30 11.3
Disagree 51 19.2
Neutral 82 30.8
Agree 84 31.6
Strongly Agree 19 7.1
Total 266 100.0
Disagree 82 30.8
Neutral 80 30.1
Agree 68 25.6
Strongly Agree 15 5.6
Total 266 100.0
I am interested by work itself, it is Frequency Percent
interesting and challenging
Strongly Disagree 78 29.3
Disagree 90 33.8
Neutral 54 20.3
Agree 25 9.4
Strongly Agree 19 7.1
Total 266 100.0
As shown in the above table 33.8 % of the respondents were disagree on the issue ,29.3% of
them were also strongly disagree and 20.3% of the respondents were neutral for the issue.
Whereas 9.4 % and 7.2% were agree and strongly agree on the challengeness of and
interestingness of their work. This shows that, work is not interesting and challenging for the
majority of the respondents. This could be from the result of routines of the work and lack of
rotation of employees on time promotion from one position to the other.
The above table also shows that out of the respondents 30.8% of them were disagreed on their
working condition,30.1% were neutral, 25.6 % of them were agreed ,7.9% were strongly
disagreed and only 5.6 were strongly disagreed on their working condition .Generally majority
of them were satisfied with their working condition. This could be due to availability of facilities,
devices and others which makes them discomfort on operation.
Table 19. Opinion of respondents on relation with immediate supervisor and staff
Scale Frequency Percent
frequency of employees relation with
immediate supervisor and staff
Strongly Disagree 25 9.4
Disagree 42 15.8
Disagree 12 4.5
I have strong and smooth relationship Neutral 22 8.3
among staffs Agree 89 33.5
Strongly Agree 138 51.9
Total 266 100.0
Source: own survey, 2017
As shown in the above table 40.6% of have good relationship among employees and
supervisors,16.2% of them strongly agree, 18 % of them were neutral .where as 15.8% were
disagree and 9.4% of the respondents were strongly disagree on their relationship among their
supervisor. This could be due to unsmooth supervising way of managers.
On other hand 51.9% of the respondents have strong relationship among staffs, 33.5 % of them
agree, 8.3 % of them were neutral,4.5 % of them were disagree and 1.9 % of them were strongly
disagree on the issue that smooth relationship among staffs. Generally the result shows that
majority of the respondents are satisfied with the relation between the supervisors and co
workers. This helps create teamwork work which fasts to speed up activities.
Table20. Respondent‟s opinion on recognition
Frequency Percent
I have recognition for tasks well done
The above tables describes that employees have recognition for tasks they do. Out of the
respondents 31.2% of them were agreed, 30.8% of them were neutral, 21.4% of them were also
disagree on the issue and 9.8 of them were strongly disagree on it. The result shows that majority
of them were agreed on the recognition of tasks what they well do. The bank gives appreciation
letters and recognition with internal outlook. .
There are five categories in the above table which describe overall satisfaction level of
employees in CBE North Addis District Grade Two City Branches. In the first category (strongly
dissatisfied) there are 21 respondents in each and represents 7.9% of the respondents. In the
second category (dissatisfied) there are 159 respondents and represents 59.8% of the
respondents. In the third category (Neutral) found 35 respondents and holds 13.2% of
respondents. In the forth category the researcher found 45(16.9%) respondents were satisfied.
Lastly in the fifth category 6 respondents which represents 2.3% of the total. From the above
table, the largest numbers of respondents were, 59.8%, of respondents were dissatisfied on their
job. Generally all the above tables show that, employees are not satisfied on different aspect of
the bank including salary and work environment, promotion and relation among supervisors.
To determine the relationship between factors of job satisfaction (salary and benefit, promotion,
work environment and relation among supervisors) and employee‟s job satisfaction Pearson
correlation was computed.
Correlation analysis is one of the most widely used in research; it is often used to determine a
relationship between two variables. It shows how strong the association between variables is.
The correlation “r” is statics used to measure the degree or strength of relationship among
variables (Taylor, 1990). To interpret the strength of relationship between variables, the guide
line suggested by Taylor (1990) were followed. His classification of the correlation coefficient
(r) is as follows. For r≤0.35 is considered too represent low or weak correlation, for r=0.36-0.67
is modest or moderate correlation, r=0.63-0.89 is strong or high correlation and correlation with
r≥0.90 is very high correlation as we know the value of r is always between 0 and 1. If the value
of r =0 this means that there is negatively related whereas if the value of r= 1 the two variables
are perfectly correlated each other .Therefore, the result in table 22 shows that there is a positive
and significant relationship between all job satisfaction factors and job satisfaction.
The result in the above table indicates that there is a positive and significant relationship between
job independent variables and dependent variable. Salary and benefits with job satisfaction
(r=0.884, p<0.01) .this implies the two variables influence each other positively and they have
strong relationship. There is also positively and significant correlation between Promotion and
employees job satisfaction (r=0.837, p<0.01), relation with supervisor and job satisfaction
(r=0.758, p<0.01) and work environment with job satisfaction (r=0.740, p<0.01).the correlation
among the four factors indicate that there is statistically significant and strong correlation among
Model Summary
Model R R Square Adjusted R Std. Error of the
Square Estimate
1 .862a .753 .750 .251
a. Predictors: (Constant), relationship with supervisors , salary& benefit , work
environment, promotion
Source: own survey, 2017
Regression model was applied to test how far job satisfaction factors had impact on employee‟s
satisfaction. Coefficient of determination-R2 is the measure of proportion of the variance of
dependent variable about its mean that is explained by the independent or predictor variables
(Hair, 1998). Higher value of R2 represents greater explanatory power of the regression
The above table shows the R2 value of 0.753. This result shows that the independent variables
(salary and benefit, relationship with supervisor, work environment and promotion) accounted
for 75.3 percent of the variance in employee‟s job satisfaction. This means 75.3 percent of the
variation in job satisfaction of employee‟s is explained by the independent variables where as
the remaining 24.7 percent of the variation is explained by other factors which are not included
in this study.
The results of multiple regressions, as presented in the above table shows that all the independent
variables are positive and significant on employee‟s job satisfaction. The independent variable
salary and benefit is positive and significant with a beta value of (beta = 0.087) at 99 percent of
confidence level (p<0.01). In addition to this the beta value and p value of promotion was
positive and significant (beta=0.19, p< 0.01).work environment also has positive and significant
value with (beta =0.600, p<0.01) and relation with supervisors has also positive and significant
value with beta value of (beta= 0.507, p<0.01).
All the above confidents show that, a unit change in independent variables can change by a unit
of coefficient. This means when salary and benefit varies by one unit job satisfaction varies by
0.87 units by keeping other variables constant. When work environment, promotion and
relation among vary by one unit job satisfaction varies by 0.600,0.19 and 0.507 unit respectively
by keeping other factors constant.
In overall the result revealed that on one hand, the independent variable accounted for 75.3
percent of the variance in employee‟s job satisfaction (R2 =0.753). Thus 75.3% of the variation
in employee‟s job satisfaction can be explained by the above four factors and other unexplored
variables may explain the remaining 24.7 percent.
More over from the findings of this study, the researcher found that all the factors (salary and benefit,
promotion, relation with supervisors and work environment) have positive and significant effect on
employee‟s job satisfaction and have strong relationship between the factors and the independent
variable job satisfaction. The findings of this study also indicated that salary and benefit is the most
important factor that has positive and significant effect followed by work environment.
Hypothesis 1
There is a strong relationship between salary and benefit and employees job satisfaction. As
show in the table 24 the correlation of salary and benefit is 0. 884** and significant at significant
level of 0.01(p=0.01) .the analysis shows that p value is 0.000 which is less than 0.01. Therefore the
hypothesis is supported and concluded that there is strong and positive relationship (r=0.884) between
salary and benefit and job satisfaction.
Hypothesis 2
There is also a correlation between work environment and employee‟s job satisfaction. As
indicated in table24 the correlation of work environment and job satisfaction is 0. 740** and
significant level of 0.01 (p=0.01). The analysis shows that p value is 0.000 which is less than
0.01. As of this analysis the hypothesis is accepted and there is also high relationship.
Hypothesis 3
The other hypothesis was promotion has its own effect on employee‟s job satisfaction. Regarding
this table 24 shows that, there is positive and significant correlation among job satisfaction and
the independent variable promotion. Therefore the hypothesis is accepted with the correlation
r=0.837** at a significant level of 0.01 (p=0.01). The analysis shows that p -value is 0.000 which
is 0.01.
Hypothesis 4
There was a correlation (r=.758**) between relation with supervisors and employees‟ job
satisfaction .it is positively significant at 0.01 significance level and has p value of 0.000 which
is less than 0.01.
This concludes that there is strong relationship between relationship with supervisors and
employees job satisfaction and the hypothesis is accepted.
In summary from all these tests, the study confirmed that all the above factors have positive
relationship with employees‟ job satisfaction .therefore the result reflects that employees‟ job
satisfaction is affected by salary and benefit, promotion, relation with supervisors work
environment. From these factors job satisfaction has higher correlation with salary and benefit
(0.884**) followed by promotion (0.837**), relation with supervisor (0.758**) and work
environment (0.740**).
To summarize according to their relationship, the following table shows the approval of
The above table shows that variables that were tested by correlation statistical test of the above
factors have significant relationship with employee‟s job satisfaction. therefore the four
hypothesizes that assumed earlier to accomplish the study were supported all factors. Since all
factors have strong correlation between the factors and job satisfaction all the hypothesis were
It has also been observed that salary and benefit has high significant correlation with the job
satisfaction with (r=0.884) compared to the four factors. Next to that promotion has positive and
significant correlation with job satisfaction with (r=0.837). Work environment and relation with
supervisors has also positive and significant value of (r=0.740 and r= 0.7580 respectively. This
implies that all the above four factors can affect employees‟ job satisfaction.
Further, the study in the regression analysis shows that salary and benefit is the most important
factor with Beta value of 0.870 followed by work environment which also has Beta value of
0.600, relation with supervisors with Beta value of 0.507 and promotion at Beta value of 0.190
have a positive association with job satisfaction
Since all the four factors have positive and significant value, there is strong correlation between
the factors and overall job satisfaction. Therefore all hypothesizes are accepted and this implies
that all the above mentioned four factors affect job satisfaction of employees‟.
Besides that, from the regression model summary R square is 0.753 which means 75.3 percent of
the variance in job satisfaction is explained by the four factors that are salary and benefit,
promotion, work environment and relation with supervisors.
This chapter discusses the prominent findings of the study and makes reference to relevant
research to support the findings of the current study. It includes conclusion and recommendation.
It also contain information about the sample, results obtained from the descriptive statistics
factors of job satisfaction, correlations between the factors of job satisfaction, Multiple
regression analysis and significant statistical differences between dependent and independent
variables. Conclusions are drawn based on the obtained results and recommendations for future
research that may be of worth are put forth.
When we see the descriptive analysis of the study, majority of the respondents were dissatisfied
on their job because of the salary paid. Almost more than 80% of the respondents were not
satisfied with their job. This implies employees are not happy and pushes them to leave the bank
and for high turnover. In addition to this, more than 65 percent of the respondents were also
dissatisfied with the different advantage like mortgage loan and other advantages). This leads
also the employees to migrate to the other banks to which they can get better advantage.
There is also a very poor opportunity for transfer and promotion in the CBE. For more than 60
percent of them were not happy on the way and fairness of transfer and promotion. This makes
the dissatisfaction of employees and makes them tired off on their work. The process used to
determine the promotion is one of the main causes of being unsatisfactory in the bank. The
majority of respondents are dissatisfied by the process to determine promotion.
On the other hand the bank updates and changes the new technologies for banking operation.
Many respondents are satisfied by the CBE‟s commitment to the new technologies. Most of the
respondents were also satisfied on the working environment and job security of the bank. More
than 70 percent of the respondents feel secured and are happy on working environment and the
work itself. Many employees have an authority to decide issues up to their limit level without
any influence. As the result of the study, more than 80 percent of the respondents have smooth
relationship with the immediate supervisors and co workers. This helps them to be happy on their
Analysis from overall job satisfaction shows that 67.7 percent (n=180) of the respondents were
dissatisfied with their job by different reasons. The remaining 16.9 percent, 13 percent and 2.2
were neutral, satisfied and strongly satisfied respondents respectively.
From the correlation analysis done, it is evident that all the four factors namely salary and
benefit, promotion, relation with supervisors and work environment have a positive and
significant correlation with job satisfaction. This implies that all the factors are important to
judge employees whether they are satisfied or not.
It has also been observed that salary and benefit has high significant correlation with the job
satisfaction with (r=0.884) compared to the four factors. Next to that promotion has positive and
significant correlation with job satisfaction with (r=0.837). Work environment and relation with
supervisors has also positive and significant value of (r=0.740 and r= 0.7580 respectively. This
implies that all the above four factors can affect employees‟ job satisfaction.
Further, the study in the regression analysis shows that salary and benefit is the most important
factor with Beta value of 0.870 followed by work environment which also has Beta value of
0.600, relation with supervisors with Beta value of 0.507 and promotion at Beta value of 0.190
have a positive association with job satisfaction. Since all the four factors have positive and
significant value, there is strong correlation between the factors and overall job satisfaction.
Therefore all hypothesizes are accepted and this implies that all the above mentioned four factors
affect job satisfaction of employees‟.
Employee job satisfaction can improve service quality and increase employee motivation. In this
situation, policy makers and managers of the bank should have turned their attention to provide
different kinds of facilities to their employees in order to satisfy their employees and to enhance
their business.
This study tries to identify factors affecting job satisfaction of employees of commercial bank of
Ethiopia North Addis district grade two city branches. The result of this study shows that work
environment, promotion, salary and benefit and relation with supervisors are key factors
affecting employees‟ job satisfaction salary and benefits are the most influential and good
motivator, actually all employees‟ work for money, employees need the money, a good salary
and good compensations are key factors in satisfying the employees. All factors have significant
influence on job satisfaction.
The factor of work environment is also proven to have significant influence over the employees‟
job satisfaction. The physical design and facilities in the branches influences job satisfaction of
employee‟s. A good work environment and good work conditions can increase employee job
satisfaction and the employees will try to give their best which can increase the employees‟ work
The findings show that, the current salary paid is not satisfactory. This may lead the employees
to resign the bank. Therefore bank should increase the employee salary and compensation to
motivate the employee, the good pay back can be one of the key factors affecting job
satisfaction, also in this way it can increase the service quality and organizational profitability.
Promotion of employees also affects job satisfaction since the work behavior of banks is routine,
rotation and promotion on time is need. If the bank creates fair competitive environment, fair
treatment, fair compensation, fair work hours, these will improve employee job attitudes. After
this consideration, we can see that promotion, good payment can increase employee job
satisfaction; satisfied employees offer good services for the organization. Generally if all the
above factors fulfilled, job satisfaction of employees and organizational performance will be
Relationships with managers (supervisors) also affect employees‟ job satisfaction. When we see
the profile of respondents majority of them are young and with less experience so, employees‟
need supervisors‟ guidance and sharing work experiences .in order to fulfill this, the relation with
coworkers and managers should be smooth. Smooth relation also creates good team work
Supervisors .Since; the banking service needs direct contact with the customers and employee.
Generally if the bank wants to achieve its goals and objectives by offering better service to its
customers, it should give better attention to its employees in order to make them satisfied with
their job.
Based on the findings and conclusions of the study, the researcher forwards the following
recommendations to the management of the banks and suggestion for other researchers.
As we can see from the finding of this study employees are not satisfied with the current
salary payment. So, the bank should revise and upgrade the salary scale and allowances which is
being paid for employees. It must be adjusted based on the work load the employees‟ have and
the payment with the competitive market. Since the cost of living is increasing, improving the
allowances by adding living allowances and also increasing amount of fuel allowance payment
will increase the satisfaction of the employees on the salary and benefit they get from the bank
which motivate employees to perform better. Since happiness of employees is the basic thing to
offer good service, to create smooth relationship with the customers and to reduce employees
Most of the respondents were not satisfied on Promotion and transfer opportunities
.therefore it is recommended that, promote fairly those employees who fulfill the quality &
performance expectations of the bank. The current minimum service year required to promote is
4 years. But it should be revised. It is advised not to let the employees to work on the same
position for long period.
Even though majority of the respondents are satisfied with the relation among supervisors
and co- worker, there were also unsatisfied respondents. So building smooth and harmonies
relationship helps to develop team work and supports branches to perform better than the current
performance. This helps to create team work in the branches.
The result shows that, majority of the employees were satisfied on their work environment.
But there were also employees which are unsatisfied. Therefore the researcher recommends that
making the working environment good makes the employees punctual and stay on work for long
time without any discomfort.
The research findings reported in this study make a valuable contribution to the awareness of
understanding the concept of job satisfaction and the effect the underlying variables work,
supervision, co-workers, promotion and pay have on job satisfaction. However, additional
research is needed to further investigate the potential relationship and effect these variables and
other extraneous variables, such as role ambiguity, job level, contingent rewards and working
conditions have on job.
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Dear respondents;
This questionnaire is prepared to collect primary data for conducting a pilot research on ‘
determinants of job satisfaction of employee’s in the CBE „- for the partial-fulfillment of MA
in business administration in St Mary‟s university. The responses are to be kept confidential and
will be used for academic purpose only.
First thank you very much for giving attention and you precious time to give response and for
your willingness to answer these questions. No need of name, only circle from the choice.
Part I: Demographic Characteristics
C. above 50
3. Marital status
Married widowed
Single divorced
6. What is your job title?
A.Strongly disagree
F.Strongly agree
A.Strongly disagree
F.Strongly agree
A.Strongly disagree
F.Strongly agree
A.Strongly disagree
F.Strongly agree
A.Strongly disagree
F.Strongly agree
A.Strongly disagree
F.Strongly agree
A.Strongly disagree
F.Strongly agree
Thank you!!!
Dear respondents;
This questionnaire is prepared to collect primary data for conducting a research entitled ‘To
identify determinants of job satisfaction of employee’s in the CBE „- for the partial-
fulfillment of MA in business administration in St Mary‟s university. The responses are to be
kept confidential and will be used for academic purpose only.
First thank you very much for giving attention and you precious time to give response and for
your willingness to answer these questions. No need of name, only make (√) under the box.
Part I: Demographic Characteristics
C. above 50
3. Marital status
Married widowed
Single divorced
6. What is your job title?
Part: two
1. Which factor of the following factors do you consider to be a major factor that determines
your job satisfaction?
A. Salary and benefit
B. Promotion
C. Relation with co workers
D. Relation with managers
E. Work environment
Part: three
Plane indicate the extent to which you satisfied with the following statements.
12 Cbe is committed to
professional development
Your opinion on Work Environment of the CBE
17 I am interested by Work
itself, it is interesting and
Your opinion about Relationship with management and staff of the CBE
19 I am independent to make
decisions up to limit of authority.
24.Generally, how are you satisfied with your job?
A. Strongly dissatisfied
B. Dissatisfied
C. Neutral
D. Satisfied
E. Strongly satisfied
Thank You!!!