Chapter 2 Sample HANDOUT

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Chapter 3

Research Design and Methodology

Chapter 3 consists of three parts: (1)
Purpose of the
study and research design, (2)
Methods, and (3) Statistical
Data analysis procedure.
Part one, Purpose of the study
and Research Design,
relates the purpose of the study and
describe the research
design and the variables used in this
Part two, Methods, describes the
participants, the data
gathering materials and the research
procedure used in the
Part three, statistical data
analysis procedures,
reports the procedure for
scoring and the statistical
analysis used to interpret the
Purpose of the Study and Research
The main purpose of this study
is to determine the
effectiveness of e-learning,
English achievement, and
conventional classroom learning
of Senior High school
students of University of
Perpetual Help System Pueblo de
Panay Campus for the school year
This study will utilize the
pretest, posttest, control group
design. Quasi-experimental
design is same as classic
controlled experimental design
except the style of assigning
subjects to two groups. In
classic controlled experimental
design, there is random
assignment. On the other hand,
Quasi-experimental designs
are commonly employed in the
evaluation of educational
programs when random
assignment of subjects to the
groups is either not possible or not
practical. Thus in a
quasi-experimental design, the
research substitutes
statistical controls for the absence of
physical control of
the experimental situation.
Moreover, Gall et al. (2003)
explained, “Correlational research
refers to studies in
which the purpose is to
discover relationships between
variables and subjecting the variables
to correlational and
multiple regression analysis.
Figure 1 presents how the
dependent and independent
variables- the E-learning and
Conventional Learning – bring
about the development of
literary understanding and
Data gathered will be computer-
processed using the
statistical package for the Social
Science (SPSS) Software.
Descriptive statistical tools such as
frequency count, mean,
and standard deviation will be
employed. On the other hand,
t-test, one-way ANOVA and
Pearson r will be used as
inferential tests. All inferential
tests will be used as
inferential tests. All inferential tests
will be set at 0.05
alpha levels of significance.
Figure 2. E-learning result
using the Fibonacci
retracement. Learning starts at
the support line which
represents basic or zero ideas
about specific skills or
subject. But with the help of
e-learning instruction
students' knowledge and skills
increases through time and
would reach the creating stage
or the resistance level;
wherein they could perform best and
could remember all the
knowledge that they've learned. But
as time pass by (days,
months, years) the knowledge
they've learned will
deteriorate due to lack of practice
and engagement, but not
totally forget.
Troohim (2006) contends that quasi-
experimental design
is one that looks a bit like an
experimental design but
lacks that key ingredient –
random assignment. The most
common quasi experimental
design is the Comparison group
Pretest-Posttest Design where the
researcher cannot control
which group will get the treatment
and participants do not
all have the same chance of
being in the control or the
experimental group. This design
is appropriate factor or
intervention. This is not pure
experimental method because
the participants has no equal chance
to be sampled as either
experimental or control rather
assigned in each group, the
two sections.
The participants of this study
are the Senior High
school students of University of
Perpetual Help System
Pueblo de Panay Campus for the
school year 2019-2020. From a
population size of 143, a sample
size of 105. One section
will be the experimental group and
another section will be
the control group. The students for
the study will be chosen
through pair matching of the two
sections. The assignment of
the two sections as experimental and
control groups will be
done through lottery technique. It
will be rolled and placed
in separate boxes designated for each
Seventy (70) students will be
included in this
investigation, 35 students in the
experimental group and 35
students in the control group.
Table 1 shows the distribution of
Distribution of Participants
Group Number of Participants
Experimental Group 35
Control Group 35
Total 70
Data Gathering Instrument
The researcher will use a
standardized questionnaire
and an adopted questionnaire to
gather the needed data.
The data needed for the study will be
gathered using an
adopted 15 item English academic
performance questionnaire
developed by David Lagabaster
2010, taken from English
achievement and student
motivation, the questionnaire will
undergo pilot testing, face, and
content validation.
English achievement
questionnaire. To determine the
level of English achievement of the
Senior high school, an
adopted 15 item English academic
performance questionnaire
developed by David Lagabaster
2010, taken from English
achievement and student
motivation, comprising the 3
factors affecting the English
achievement (1) Frequency of
the use of instructional media (2)
Frequency of the use of
instructional techniques (3) School
learning environment.
To describe the students’ English
academic performance,
the scale will be used and it will be
responded as follows:
Scale Description
4.21 - 5.00 Excellent
3.41 - 4.20 Very Good
2.61 – 3.40 Good
1.81 – 2.60 Fair
1.00 – 1.80 Needs Improvement
Data Gathering Procedures
The study will be conducted during
the First semester
of the school year 2019-2020.
Data needed for this quasi
experimental research will be
gathered using an adopted 15
item English academic performance
questionnaire developed by
David Lagabaster 2010. In
addition, another researcher
made instrument will be prepared by
the researcher to gather
the information on the participants’
name, gender.
Necessary permission will be
secured from the office of
the Principal. After the permit is
granted, the researcher
will ask another English teacher
to conduct the study to
avoid biases in the study.
This study will be conducted
for four weeks or 20
school days: Group I will undergo
the experimental treatment
using E-Learning, and Group II
will undergo the control
treatment using the Traditional
Technique (Lecture Method).
Both groups will be given tests
(pre and post) on
researcher-made tests before and
after teaching, using the
two approaches.
The Experimental Procedure
To establish the effect of E-
Learning in the
performance of the senior high
school students in Oral
Communication class, the
researcher will execute the
following steps: Initially, two
sections in grade-11
(Sections: Rizal and Bonifacio)
will be identified as the
respondents of this study. Two
groups will be randomly
selected since the class
assignments is based on the
enrollment sequence and not on
their performance in their
previous grade level. The
experimental and control groups
will be chosen using the lottery
technique of the simple
random sampling.
Four lessons is identified as the
selections for the
pretest and posttest: Elements
Affected in Shifts on Speech
Context, Speech Styles, Speech
Acts, and Communicative
Strategy; Types of Speeches 1 and
2; Principles of Speech
Writing; Principles of Speech
Before the start of the study, the
same set of pretest
will be administered to both groups:
the experimental group
and the control group purposely to
gather initial data on
the understanding and
appreciation of literature prior to
the introduction of the
intervention. The researcher will
ask another English teacher to
administer the pretest to
both groups. The pretest will
be checked, recorded, and
tabulated for analysis using the
appropriate statistical
The test covered the skills and
competencies in
reading, comprehension,
vocabulary, critical thinking, and
application of the principles
depicted in the lesson. The
same set of test will be given to both
groups in the pretest
and the posttest but in the posttest
the questions will be
rephrased. The posttest will be
administered after the
discussion of every story.
Thereafter, the accomplished test
and questionnaire
will be collected and the
responses will be tallied,
tabulated, analyzed processed
and interpreted using the
Statistical Packages for the
Social Sciences (SPSS)
software. Results or responses
were treated with utmost
Statistical Data Analysis and
The data gathered will be subjected
to descriptive and
inferential analysis.
Frequency distribution and
Percentage. This will be
used to determine the number
of respondents in every
Mean. This test will be used to
ascertain the level of
effectiveness of e-learning, and
level of English
achievement of Senior high school
students of University of
Perpetual Help System Pueblo de
Panay Campus.
Standard Deviation (SD). This test
will be employed to
determine the homogeneity and
heterogeneity of the e-
learning, and English
achievement of Senior high
students of University of
Perpetual Help System Pueblo de
Panay Campus.
t-test for dependent samples. This
test will be used to
determine the significant
differences between the pretest
and posttest of the experimental and
control groups.
t-test for independent samples.
This test will be
applied to test the significant
difference between the
pretest results of the control
group and the experimental
group and between the posttest
results of the control and
experimental groups.
Pearson r. Set at 0.05 alpha
level of significance,
this test will be used to
determine the significant
relationship between E-Learning
and English Academic
Performance of the Senior high
school students of University
of Perpetual Help System Pueblo de
Panay Campus
Chapter 3
Research Design and Methodology
Chapter 3 consists of three parts: (1)
Purpose of the
study and research design, (2)
Methods, and (3) Statistical
Data analysis procedure.
Part one, Purpose of the study
and Research Design,
relates the purpose of the study and
describe the research
design and the variables used in this
Part two, Methods, describes the
participants, the data
gathering materials and the research
procedure used in the
Part three, statistical data
analysis procedures,
reports the procedure for
scoring and the statistical
analysis used to interpret the
Purpose of the Study and Research
The main purpose of this study
is to determine the
effectiveness of e-learning,
English achievement, and
conventional classroom learning
of Senior High school
students of University of
Perpetual Help System Pueblo de
Panay Campus for the school year
This study will utilize the
pretest, posttest, control group
design. Quasi-experimental
design is same as classic
controlled experimental design
except the style of assigning
subjects to two groups. In
classic controlled experimental
design, there is random
assignment. On the other hand,
Quasi-experimental designs
are commonly employed in the
evaluation of educational
programs when random
assignment of subjects to the
groups is either not possible or not
practical. Thus in a
quasi-experimental design, the
research substitutes
statistical controls for the absence of
physical control of
the experimental situation.
Moreover, Gall et al. (2003)
explained, “Correlational research
refers to studies in
which the purpose is to
discover relationships between
variables and subjecting the variables
to correlational and
multiple regression analysis.
Figure 1 presents how the
dependent and independent
variables- the E-learning and
Conventional Learning – bring
about the development of
literary understanding and
Data gathered will be computer-
processed using the
statistical package for the Social
Science (SPSS) Software.
Descriptive statistical tools such as
frequency count, mean,
and standard deviation will be
employed. On the other hand,
t-test, one-way ANOVA and
Pearson r will be used as
inferential tests. All inferential
tests will be used as
inferential tests. All inferential tests
will be set at 0.05
alpha levels of significance.
Figure 2. E-learning result
using the Fibonacci
retracement. Learning starts at
the support line which
represents basic or zero ideas
about specific skills or
subject. But with the help of
e-learning instruction
students' knowledge and skills
increases through time and
would reach the creating stage
or the resistance level;
wherein they could perform best and
could remember all the
knowledge that they've learned. But
as time pass by (days,
months, years) the knowledge
they've learned will
deteriorate due to lack of practice
and engagement, but not
totally forget.
Troohim (2006) contends that quasi-
experimental design
is one that looks a bit like an
experimental design but
lacks that key ingredient –
random assignment. The most
common quasi experimental
design is the Comparison group
Pretest-Posttest Design where the
researcher cannot control
which group will get the treatment
and participants do not
all have the same chance of
being in the control or the
experimental group. This design
is appropriate factor or
intervention. This is not pure
experimental method because
the participants has no equal chance
to be sampled as either
experimental or control rather
assigned in each group, the
two sections.
The participants of this study
are the Senior High
school students of University of
Perpetual Help System
Pueblo de Panay Campus for the
school year 2019-2020. From a
population size of 143, a sample
size of 105. One section
will be the experimental group and
another section will be
the control group. The students for
the study will be chosen
through pair matching of the two
sections. The assignment of
the two sections as experimental and
control groups will be
done through lottery technique. It
will be rolled and placed
in separate boxes designated for each
Seventy (70) students will be
included in this
investigation, 35 students in the
experimental group and 35
students in the control group.
Table 1 shows the distribution of
Distribution of Participants
Group Number of Participants
Experimental Group 35
Control Group 35
Total 70
Data Gathering Instrument
The researcher will use a
standardized questionnaire
and an adopted questionnaire to
gather the needed data.
The data needed for the study will be
gathered using an
adopted 15 item English academic
performance questionnaire
developed by David Lagabaster
2010, taken from English
achievement and student
motivation, the questionnaire will
undergo pilot testing, face, and
content validation.
English achievement
questionnaire. To determine the
level of English achievement of the
Senior high school, an
adopted 15 item English academic
performance questionnaire
developed by David Lagabaster
2010, taken from English
achievement and student
motivation, comprising the 3
factors affecting the English
achievement (1) Frequency of
the use of instructional media (2)
Frequency of the use of
instructional techniques (3) School
learning environment.
To describe the students’ English
academic performance,
the scale will be used and it will be
responded as follows:
Scale Description
4.21 - 5.00 Excellent
3.41 - 4.20 Very Good
2.61 – 3.40 Good
1.81 – 2.60 Fair
1.00 – 1.80 Needs Improvement
Data Gathering Procedures
The study will be conducted during
the First semester
of the school year 2019-2020.
Data needed for this quasi
experimental research will be
gathered using an adopted 15
item English academic performance
questionnaire developed by
David Lagabaster 2010. In
addition, another researcher
made instrument will be prepared by
the researcher to gather
the information on the participants’
name, gender.
Necessary permission will be
secured from the office of
the Principal. After the permit is
granted, the researcher
will ask another English teacher
to conduct the study to
avoid biases in the study.
This study will be conducted
for four weeks or 20
school days: Group I will undergo
the experimental treatment
using E-Learning, and Group II
will undergo the control
treatment using the Traditional
Technique (Lecture Method).
Both groups will be given tests
(pre and post) on
researcher-made tests before and
after teaching, using the
two approaches.
The Experimental Procedure
To establish the effect of E-
Learning in the
performance of the senior high
school students in Oral
Communication class, the
researcher will execute the
following steps: Initially, two
sections in grade-11
(Sections: Rizal and Bonifacio)
will be identified as the
respondents of this study. Two
groups will be randomly
selected since the class
assignments is based on the
enrollment sequence and not on
their performance in their
previous grade level. The
experimental and control groups
will be chosen using the lottery
technique of the simple
random sampling.
Four lessons is identified as the
selections for the
pretest and posttest: Elements
Affected in Shifts on Speech
Context, Speech Styles, Speech
Acts, and Communicative
Strategy; Types of Speeches 1 and
2; Principles of Speech
Writing; Principles of Speech
Before the start of the study, the
same set of pretest
will be administered to both groups:
the experimental group
and the control group purposely to
gather initial data on
the understanding and
appreciation of literature prior to
the introduction of the
intervention. The researcher will
ask another English teacher to
administer the pretest to
both groups. The pretest will
be checked, recorded, and
tabulated for analysis using the
appropriate statistical
The test covered the skills and
competencies in
reading, comprehension,
vocabulary, critical thinking, and
application of the principles
depicted in the lesson. The
same set of test will be given to both
groups in the pretest
and the posttest but in the posttest
the questions will be
rephrased. The posttest will be
administered after the
discussion of every story.
Thereafter, the accomplished test
and questionnaire
will be collected and the
responses will be tallied,
tabulated, analyzed processed
and interpreted using the
Statistical Packages for the
Social Sciences (SPSS)
software. Results or responses
were treated with utmost
Statistical Data Analysis and
The data gathered will be subjected
to descriptive and
inferential analysis.
Frequency distribution and
Percentage. This will be
used to determine the number
of respondents in every
Mean. This test will be used to
ascertain the level of
effectiveness of e-learning, and
level of English
achievement of Senior high school
students of University of
Perpetual Help System Pueblo de
Panay Campus.
Standard Deviation (SD). This test
will be employed to
determine the homogeneity and
heterogeneity of the e-
learning, and English
achievement of Senior high
students of University of
Perpetual Help System Pueblo de
Panay Campus.
t-test for dependent samples. This
test will be used to
determine the significant
differences between the pretest
and posttest of the experimental and
control groups.
t-test for independent samples.
This test will be
applied to test the significant
difference between the
pretest results of the control
group and the experimental
group and between the posttest
results of the control and
experimental groups.
Pearson r. Set at 0.05 alpha
level of significance,
this test will be used to
determine the significant
relationship between E-Learning
and English Academic
Performance of the Senior high
school students of University
of Perpetual Help System Pueblo de
Panay Campus
Chapter 3
Research Design and Methodology
Chapter 3 consists of three parts: (1)
Purpose of the
study and research design, (2)
Methods, and (3) Statistical
Data analysis procedure.
Part one, Purpose of the study
and Research Design,
relates the purpose of the study and
describe the research
design and the variables used in this
Part two, Methods, describes the
participants, the data
gathering materials and the research
procedure used in the
Part three, statistical data
analysis procedures,
reports the procedure for
scoring and the statistical
analysis used to interpret the
Purpose of the Study and Research
The main purpose of this study
is to determine the
effectiveness of e-learning,
English achievement, and
conventional classroom learning
of Senior High school
students of University of
Perpetual Help System Pueblo de
Panay Campus for the school year
This study will utilize the
pretest, posttest, control group
design. Quasi-experimental
design is same as classic
controlled experimental design
except the style of assigning
subjects to two groups. In
classic controlled experimental
design, there is random
assignment. On the other hand,
Quasi-experimental designs
are commonly employed in the
evaluation of educational
programs when random
assignment of subjects to the
groups is either not possible or not
practical. Thus in a
quasi-experimental design, the
research substitutes
statistical controls for the absence of
physical control of
the experimental situation.
Moreover, Gall et al. (2003)
explained, “Correlational research
refers to studies in
which the purpose is to
discover relationships between
variables and subjecting the variables
to correlational and
multiple regression analysis.
Figure 1 presents how the
dependent and independent
variables- the E-learning and
Conventional Learning – bring
about the development of
literary understanding and
Data gathered will be computer-
processed using the
statistical package for the Social
Science (SPSS) Software.
Descriptive statistical tools such as
frequency count, mean,
and standard deviation will be
employed. On the other hand,
t-test, one-way ANOVA and
Pearson r will be used as
inferential tests. All inferential
tests will be used as
inferential tests. All inferential tests
will be set at 0.05
alpha levels of significance.
Figure 2. E-learning result
using the Fibonacci
retracement. Learning starts at
the support line which
represents basic or zero ideas
about specific skills or
subject. But with the help of
e-learning instruction
students' knowledge and skills
increases through time and
would reach the creating stage
or the resistance level;
wherein they could perform best and
could remember all the
knowledge that they've learned. But
as time pass by (days,
months, years) the knowledge
they've learned will
deteriorate due to lack of practice
and engagement, but not
totally forget.
Troohim (2006) contends that quasi-
experimental design
is one that looks a bit like an
experimental design but
lacks that key ingredient –
random assignment. The most
common quasi experimental
design is the Comparison group
Pretest-Posttest Design where the
researcher cannot control
which group will get the treatment
and participants do not
all have the same chance of
being in the control or the
experimental group. This design
is appropriate factor or
intervention. This is not pure
experimental method because
the participants has no equal chance
to be sampled as either
experimental or control rather
assigned in each group, the
two sections.
The participants of this study
are the Senior High
school students of University of
Perpetual Help System
Pueblo de Panay Campus for the
school year 2019-2020. From a
population size of 143, a sample
size of 105. One section
will be the experimental group and
another section will be
the control group. The students for
the study will be chosen
through pair matching of the two
sections. The assignment of
the two sections as experimental and
control groups will be
done through lottery technique. It
will be rolled and placed
in separate boxes designated for each
Seventy (70) students will be
included in this
investigation, 35 students in the
experimental group and 35
students in the control group.
Table 1 shows the distribution of
Distribution of Participants
Group Number of Participants
Experimental Group 35
Control Group 35
Total 70
Data Gathering Instrument
The researcher will use a
standardized questionnaire
and an adopted questionnaire to
gather the needed data.
The data needed for the study will be
gathered using an
adopted 15 item English academic
performance questionnaire
developed by David Lagabaster
2010, taken from English
achievement and student
motivation, the questionnaire will
undergo pilot testing, face, and
content validation.
English achievement
questionnaire. To determine the
level of English achievement of the
Senior high school, an
adopted 15 item English academic
performance questionnaire
developed by David Lagabaster
2010, taken from English
achievement and student
motivation, comprising the 3
factors affecting the English
achievement (1) Frequency of
the use of instructional media (2)
Frequency of the use of
instructional techniques (3) School
learning environment.
To describe the students’ English
academic performance,
the scale will be used and it will be
responded as follows:
Scale Description
4.21 - 5.00 Excellent
3.41 - 4.20 Very Good
2.61 – 3.40 Good
1.81 – 2.60 Fair
1.00 – 1.80 Needs Improvement
Data Gathering Procedures
The study will be conducted during
the First semester
of the school year 2019-2020.
Data needed for this quasi
experimental research will be
gathered using an adopted 15
item English academic performance
questionnaire developed by
David Lagabaster 2010. In
addition, another researcher
made instrument will be prepared by
the researcher to gather
the information on the participants’
name, gender.
Necessary permission will be
secured from the office of
the Principal. After the permit is
granted, the researcher
will ask another English teacher
to conduct the study to
avoid biases in the study.
This study will be conducted
for four weeks or 20
school days: Group I will undergo
the experimental treatment
using E-Learning, and Group II
will undergo the control
treatment using the Traditional
Technique (Lecture Method).
Both groups will be given tests
(pre and post) on
researcher-made tests before and
after teaching, using the
two approaches.
The Experimental Procedure
To establish the effect of E-
Learning in the
performance of the senior high
school students in Oral
Communication class, the
researcher will execute the
following steps: Initially, two
sections in grade-11
(Sections: Rizal and Bonifacio)
will be identified as the
respondents of this study. Two
groups will be randomly
selected since the class
assignments is based on the
enrollment sequence and not on
their performance in their
previous grade level. The
experimental and control groups
will be chosen using the lottery
technique of the simple
random sampling.
Four lessons is identified as the
selections for the
pretest and posttest: Elements
Affected in Shifts on Speech
Context, Speech Styles, Speech
Acts, and Communicative
Strategy; Types of Speeches 1 and
2; Principles of Speech
Writing; Principles of Speech
Before the start of the study, the
same set of pretest
will be administered to both groups:
the experimental group
and the control group purposely to
gather initial data on
the understanding and
appreciation of literature prior to
the introduction of the
intervention. The researcher will
ask another English teacher to
administer the pretest to
both groups. The pretest will
be checked, recorded, and
tabulated for analysis using the
appropriate statistical
The test covered the skills and
competencies in
reading, comprehension,
vocabulary, critical thinking, and
application of the principles
depicted in the lesson. The
same set of test will be given to both
groups in the pretest
and the posttest but in the posttest
the questions will be
rephrased. The posttest will be
administered after the
discussion of every story.
Thereafter, the accomplished test
and questionnaire
will be collected and the
responses will be tallied,
tabulated, analyzed processed
and interpreted using the
Statistical Packages for the
Social Sciences (SPSS)
software. Results or responses
were treated with utmost
Statistical Data Analysis and
The data gathered will be subjected
to descriptive and
inferential analysis.
Frequency distribution and
Percentage. This will be
used to determine the number
of respondents in every
Mean. This test will be used to
ascertain the level of
effectiveness of e-learning, and
level of English
achievement of Senior high school
students of University of
Perpetual Help System Pueblo de
Panay Campus.
Standard Deviation (SD). This test
will be employed to
determine the homogeneity and
heterogeneity of the e-
learning, and English
achievement of Senior high
students of University of
Perpetual Help System Pueblo de
Panay Campus.
t-test for dependent samples. This
test will be used to
determine the significant
differences between the pretest
and posttest of the experimental and
control groups.
t-test for independent samples.
This test will be
applied to test the significant
difference between the
pretest results of the control
group and the experimental
group and between the posttest
results of the control and
experimental groups.
Pearson r. Set at 0.05 alpha
level of significance,
this test will be used to
determine the significant
relationship between E-Learning
and English Academic
Performance of the Senior high
school students of University
of Perpetual Help System Pueblo de
Panay Campus
Chapter 2
Research Design and Methodology
Chapter 3 consists of three parts: (1) The research design, (2) Methods, and (3) Statistical Data analysis procedure. Part one,
Purpose of the study and Research Design, relates the purpose of the study and describe the research design and the
variables used in this study. Part two, Methods, describes the participants, the data gathering materials and the research procedure
used in thestudy. Part three, statistical data analysis procedures, reports the procedure for scoring and the statistical
analysis used to interpret the hypothesis.
Research Design
The main purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of e-learning, English achievement, and conventional
classroom learning of Senior High school students of University of Perpetual Help System Pueblo dePanay Campus for
the school year 2019-2020. This study will utilize the quasi-experimental, pretest, posttest, control group design. Quasi-
experimental design is same as classic controlled experimental design except the style of assigning subjects to two
groups. In classic controlled experimental design, there is random assignment. On the other hand, Quasi-experimental
designs are commonly employed in the evaluation of educational programs when random assignment of subjects to
the two groups is either not possible or not practical. Thus in a quasi-experimental design, the research substitutes statistical
controls for the absence of physical control of the experimental situation. Moreover, Gall et al. (2003) explained,
“Correlational research refers to studies in which the purpose is to discover relationships between variables and
subjecting the variables to correlational and multiple regression analysis. Data gathered will be computer-processed using
the statistical package for the Social Science (SPSS) Software. Descriptive statistical tools such as frequency count, mean, and
standard deviation will be employed. On the other hand, t-test, one-way ANOVA and Pearson r will be used as inferential
tests. All inferential tests will be used as inferential tests. All inferential tests will be set at 0.05alpha levels of significance.
Learning starts at the support line which represents basic or zero ideas about specific skills or subject. But with
the help of e-learning instruction students' knowledge and skills increases through time and would reach the creating
stage or the resistance level; wherein they could perform best and could remember all the knowledge that they've learned. But as
time pass by (days, months, years) the knowledge they've learned will deteriorate due to lack of practice and engagement, but
not totally forget.Troohim (2006) contends that quasi-experimental design is one that looks a bit like an experimental
design but lacks that key ingredient –random assignment. The most common quasi experimental design is the
Comparison group Pretest-Posttest Design where the researcher cannot control which group will get the treatment and participants do
not all have the same chance of being in the control or the experimental group. This design is appropriate factor
or intervention. This is not pure experimental method because the participants has no equal chance to be sampled as either
experimental or control rather assigned in each group, the two sections.
The participants of this study are the Senior Highschool students of University of Perpetual Help System Pueblo de
Panay Campus for the school year 2019-2020. From a population size of 143, a sample size of 105 will be considered. One
section will be the experimental group and another section will be the control group. The students for the study will be chosen through
pair matching of the two sections. The assignment of the two sections as experimental and control groups will be done through lottery
technique. It will be rolled and placed in separate boxes designated for each section.
Seventy (70) students will be included in this investigation, 35 students in the experimental group and 35students in the control
Data Gathering Instrument
The researcher will use a standardized questionnaire and an adopted questionnaire to gather the needed data. The data
needed for the study will be gathered using an adopted 15 item English academic performance questionnaire developed by David
Lagabaster 2010, taken from English achievement and student motivation, comprising the three major factors affecting the
English achievement (1) Frequency of the use of instructional media (2) Frequency of the use of instructional techniques (3)
School learning environment. To describe the students’ English academic performance, the scale will be used and it will be responded
as follows: Scale Description 4.21 - 5.00 Excellent3.41 - 4.20 Very Good2.61 – 3.40 Good1.81 – 2.60 Fair1.00 – 1.80 Needs
Data Gathering Procedures
The study will be conducted during the First semester of the school year 2019-2020. Data needed for this quasi-
experimental research will be gathered using an adopted 15 item English academic performance questionnaire developed by David
Lagabaster 2010. In addition, another researcher made instrument will be prepared by the researcher to gather the information on
the participants’ name, gender. Necessary permission will be secured from the office of the Principal. After the permit is granted, the
researcher will ask another English teacher to conduct the study to avoid biases in the study. This study will be
conducted for four weeks or 20school days: Group I will undergo the experimental treatment using E-Learning, and Group II
will undergo the control treatment using the Traditional Technique (Lecture Method).Both groups will be given tests (pre
and post) on researcher-made tests before and after teaching, using the two approaches. The data gathered will be subjected to
descriptive and inferential analysis. Frequency distribution and Percentage. This will be used to determine the number of
respondents in every sections. Mean. This test will be used to ascertain the level of effectiveness of e-learning, and level of
English achievement of Senior high school students of University of Perpetual Help System Pueblo de Panay Campus.
Standard Deviation (SD). This test will be employed to
determine the homogeneity and heterogeneity of the e-
learning, and English achievement of Senior high school
students of University of Perpetual Help System Pueblo de
Panay Campus.
t-test for dependent samples. This test will be used to
determine the significant differences between the pretest
and posttest of the experimental and control groups.
t-test for independent samples. This test will be
applied to test the significant difference between the
pretest results of the control group and the experimental
group and between the posttest results of the control and
experimental groups.
Pearson r. Set at 0.05 alpha level of significance,
this test will be used to determine the significant
relationship between E-Learning and English Academic
Performance of the Senior high school students of University
of Perpetual Help System Pueblo de Panay Campus.
Standard Deviation (SD) will be employed to determine the homogeneity and heterogeneity of the e-learning, and English
achievement of Senior high schoolstudents of University of Perpetual Help System Pueblo dePanay Campus.t-test for
dependent samples. This test will be used to determine the significant differences between the pretest and posttest of the
experimental and control groups.t-test for independent samples. This test will beapplied to test the significant difference
between the pretest results of the control group and the experimental group and between the posttest results of the control
and experimental groups. Pearson r. set at 0.05 alpha level of significance, this test will be used to determine the
significant relationship between E-Learning and English Academic Performance of the Senior high school students of University
of Perpetual Help System Pueblo de Panay Campus.
Data Analysis
To establish the effect of E-Learning in the performance of the senior high school students in Oral Communication
class, the researcher will execute the following steps: Initially, two sections in grade-11(Sections: Rizal and Bonifacio)
will be identified as the respondents of this study. Two groups will be selected since the class assignments is
based on the enrollment sequence and not on their performance in their previous grade level. The experimental and
control groups will be chosen using the lottery technique of the simple random sampling. Four lessons is identified as
the selections for the pretest and posttest: Elements Affected in Shifts on Speech Context, Speech Styles, Speech Acts, and
Communicative Strategy; Types of Speeches 1 and 2; Principles of Speech Writing; Principles of Speech Delivery. Before the start
of the study, the same set of pretest will be administered to both groups: the experimental group and the control group purposely to
gather initial data on the understanding and appreciation of literature prior to the introduction of the intervention. The
researcher will ask another English teacher to administer the pretest to both groups. The pretest will be checked,
recorded, and tabulated for analysis using the appropriate statistical tools. The test covered the skills and
competencies in reading, comprehension, vocabulary, critical thinking, and application of the principles depicted in the
lesson. Thesame set of test will be given to both groups in the pretest randomly and the posttest but in the posttest the questions will
be rephrased. The posttest will be administered after the discussion of every story. Thereafter, the accomplished test and
questionnaire will be collected and the responses will be tallied, tabulated, analyzed processed and interpreted using
the Statistical Packages for the Social Sciences (SPSS)software. Results or responses were treated with utmost

Chapter 2
Research Design and Methodology

Research Design

The design selected for this research study was qualitative in nature using interviews, observations, and documents.
Qualitative research provides an understanding of a situation or phenomenon that tells the story rather than
determining cause and effect (Fraenkel & Wallen, 2003; Glesne, 1999). Techniques for conducting qualitative research
include observations, interview, and document analysis. Triangulation—putting together various types and pieces of
information –can lead to a better analysis or interpretation of a situation. According to Patton (1990), “Studies that use
only one method are more vulnerable to errors linked to that particular method than studies that use multiple methods
in which different types of data provide cross-data validity checks” (p. 18). Interviews and observations are only two
parts of that process. Strengthening the information collected from observations and interviews with other data is not
essential, but desirable (Stake, 1995). The data collection techniques used in this study consisted of the structured and
unstructured interviews, observations, and documentations.


The sample for this research study were three students enrolled in online learning courses. The participants received
online instruction from two different universities (University of Southern Mississippi, and Mississippi State University)
and one community college (East Mississippi Community College) in Mississippi. Fraenkel & Wallen (2003) have
concluded that purposive sampling is based on the assumption that one needs to “select a sample from which they feel
will yield the best understanding of whatever it is they wish to study” 868 (p. 440). However, convenience sampling was
used in this study. Two males and one female student participated in this study. Among the three, one was Caucasian,
and two were African American. These participants were all enrolled in online classes. Their exams and other
assessments were completed online. Two of the participants received instruction delivery via WebCT and the other
participant received instruction via Blackboard. Two of these participants were non-traditional students. One was a
housewife of approximately 42 years old, and the other participant was almost 40 years old and held a full time job.
Both participants took undergraduate courses offered online. The third participant was a traditional student of 25 years
of age, who took graduate online course.


Data were collected using the following methods: interviews, observations, and documents. Multiple sources for data
collection will allow the researchers to use different data sources to validate and crosscheck findings (Patton, 1990).
Documents were collected and evaluated as additional resources for the study. Each participant in this study engaged in
two interviews. One of the interviews was structured and the other was unstructured. Two observations were
conducted in an effort to gain more qualitative data. The observations were approximately 60-minute sessions. The
observations were conducted in the setting that participants usually completed their online coursework. Documents
were collected from all participants. These documents were printouts and other information to substantiate information
that was already collected and witnessed during the observations and interviews process. Data were analyzed to answer
the research questions and to cross reference similarities and differences among participants

Data Gathering Procedure

Procedures The initial step in the procedure was the selection of study participants. Convenience sampling was done
because the participants were known to the researchers. Participants’ interviews and observations were then conducted
during the spring semester of 2004. Structured interviews with the participants were first conducted separately.
Conversations were recorded during the entire interview processes. Following, the participants engaged in unstructured
interviews two weeks later. The interviews were conducted in different places to accommodate the needs and
convenience of the participants. One participant was interviewed twice in his dormitory room. The second participant
was interviewed twice in her home. The third participant was interviewed in his office once and once at the campus
library. After the completion of interviews, data were organized and preliminarily analyzed. The first observation was
then scheduled upon the participants’ consent to see how he/she worked for the online class. A week later, the second
observation was scheduled with participants to confirm whether or not there had been any change in participants’
behaviors when the participants became familiar with the research process. During the process of the first and second
observations, various documents were collected. Photographs were taken for the physical setting of the online
environment of the participants. The online class design and layout were also printed as archival data. Some other
documents such as syllabus, discussion posting messages were also collected during this stage of the process.

Data Analysis

Data analysis is a key component of qualitative research. Transcripts made of audiotaped interviews were checked for
accuracy against the original recordings. Data analysis was also conducted simultaneously with data collection. Extensive
coding of the interview and observation transcripts was conducted by researchers. The constant comparative method
(Glaser & Strauss, 1967) was used to analyze the qualitative data from different sources over time. Data were organized
around each research questions, which related to experiences of students who were taking online classes and the
factors that shaped those experiences. The researchers examined the interviews, observations, and archival data for
similarities and differences. This information was then complied around two major areas. These areas were positive
experiences and negative experiences of online education. The positive experiences included: flexibility, cost-
effectiveness, convenience, self-paced, availability of technical support, and ease of connection. The negative
experiences included: delayed instructor feedback, unavailable technical support from instructor, self-regulation and
self-motivation, and a sense of isolation. The factors that attributed to particpants’ positive experiences were: easy
access to computers and Internet, welldesigned course layout, available technical support from the university and
library, spontaneous grade postings after assessments, and flexible class participation time. The factors that attributed
to participants’ negative experiences were: untimely or lack of feedback from instructor; monotonous instructional
methods, lack of technical support, lack of interpersonal communication, and poorly-designed course interface.
Limitations of the analysis is reported and discussed in the findings section of this paper. Data collection and analysis
provided answers to the following research questions: (1) What is the experience of students who are receiving online
education? (2) How do students perceive the quality of online education from their experiences? (3) What factors
shaped t

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