Sectiond 2210280 Om2 Project
Sectiond 2210280 Om2 Project
Sectiond 2210280 Om2 Project
Lean production is a philosophy and a management system that aims to eliminate waste and
create value for customers. Waste is defined as activity that doesn’t add value to the system.
Waste is also known as “Munda”. Lean is generally used to create a highly efficient system
that meets the production system that meets customer needs with reduction of wastage.
Focus: Eliminates waste and improve the overall flow of the system.
Scope: Lean can be applied to all aspects of business it may be service or office work
or maintenance activity.
Approach: Lean emphasizes continuous improvement through the use of tools such
as value stream mapping, 5S, and kaizen events.
Goals: Goal of lean is to create enterprise that is efficient, flexible & responsive to the
Culture: Lean creates a culture of continuous improvement and waste elimination.
Types Of Wastage
In lean operation wastage is generally divided into eight types. These are as follows:
Over production:
Energy loss is the input energy which cannot be used effectively for
processing Examples: 1. Start-up Loss 2. Heat Dissipation 3. Overload
Set up & Adjustment Loss
Setup and adjustment time is generally measured as the time between the last
good parts produced before setup to the first good parts produced after setup.
This often includes substantial adjustment and / or warm-up time in order to
consistently produce parts that meet quality standards.
Equipment Failure/ Breakdown:
Functional Stoppage - The function-stoppage type failure is the one which
occurs unexpectedly and he machine ceases to function.
Functional Deterioration -The function-deterioration type failure is the one in
which the equipment function decreases.
Tool change loss:
Stoppage losses caused by changing the cutting blade / tip / insert due to
breakage or caused by changing the cutting blade when the service life of the
grinding stone, cutter or bits has been reached. e.g, Change of Drill. Tap.
Reamers, Punches, Dies, Cutting Inserts etc.
Start Up loss:
Start-up losses are defined as time losses from:
• Start up after periodic repair
• Start up after suspension (long time stoppage)
• Start up after holidays
• Start up after lunch breaks
Minor Stoppage:
Losses that occur when the equipment temporarily stops or idles due to sensor
actuation or jamming of the work The equipment will operate normally
through simple measures (removal of the work and resetting). This is different
from Breakdown loss. The definition of these losses is as:
• Losses that are accompanied by temporary functional stoppage
• Losses allowing functional recovery through simple measures (removal of
abnormal work pieces and resetting.
• Losses that do not require part exchange or repair
Reduced Speed Loss:
Examples: • Line speed reduced due to quality issues or mechanical problems
• Unable to run the machine at desired speed due to inherent
problems in the machine.
Shutdown Loss:
The loss incurred by deliberately shutting down the equipment within the
production plan. Losses that arise from planned equipment stoppages at the
production planning level in order to perform periodic inspection and
Statutory Inspection. Examples: 1. Preventive Maintenance 2. Meetings etc. 3.
AM time
Logistic loss: This loss is the wasted time that is experienced in the incorrect
or inefficient delivery of raw materials, packaging or products, Material
handing devices etc to and from the machine.
Die, Tool & Jig Loss: This is the cost of the physical consumption of the spare
parts or the Refurbishment / maintenance of items that are used on the line.
Examples: Cost of replacement and maintenance to tooling, dies and jigs.
(Poor tool life).
Measurement & Adjustment Loss: Work losses from frequent measurement
and adjustment in order to prevent the occurrence and quality defects and
passing of defective products for subsequent stages.
Defect & Rework Loss:
Sporadic defects are easily fixed, so they are rarely left uncorrected.
Measurement & Adjustment Loss: Work losses from frequent measurement
and adjustment in order to prevent the occurrence and quality defects and
passing of defective products for subsequent stages.
Management Loss: These are waiting time losses generated by management
problems. Examples: 1. Want of Men 2. Want of Power / Air / Fuel etc. 3.
Want of RM 4. Want of Order 5. Want of Instructions (Work Order / SOP) etc.
Line organisation Loss: Line Organization Loss This loss results from a
shortage of operators on the line and operators having to work on more
equipment than was originally planned. This is mostly caused by improper
balancing of line.
Focused Improvement
Form a focused improvement committee: FI sub-committee has a team of up to 7-8
members in a large company representing the heads of different departments and the
Leader is usually the Plant Head. The committee has following roles:
o Recording, categorizing and analysing all the major losses (except break down
and defect loss) machine-wise, department-wise, unit-wise and company-wise
o Calculation / Analysis of OEE and set targets for minimizing/eliminating each
loss. In some cases, companies are also including specific losses that affect
their business. In other words, the formula for OEE may be different at
different stages of TPM in a company and specific to the constraints a
company may have.
o Based on business need, set priorities on losses and projects looking at
resource constraints.
o Selecting Kaizen themes based on losses, setting targets and assigning teams
to take responsibility for each identified project.
o Identify bottleneck areas, fix targets and set priorities.
FI pillar deals only with those losses that cannot be handled by any other pillar. All 7
losses have to be considered by the FI committee and make up the loss structure for
the company. (Losses due to defect/rework losses through Quality Maintenance,
failure losses through Planned Maintenance). Next, the FI sub-committee will identify
the priorities and assign project teams to work on specific losses on different
machines and areas. Remaining losses will have to be addressed by FI sub-committee.
Role of operator & supervisor: Role of operator is to be a member in small
groups/circles and participate in circle meetings. Improve and sustain 1st S and 2nd S
to eliminate search time losses & identify losses by identifying abnormalities. E.g.,
Set up (Job Change) time reduction: operators take part in the study of videos taken
during set-up activity. They discuss, give ideas and contribute for Kaizen
developments in fixing, eliminating and reducing elements in setting.
Role of supervisor is to train them to cover: training on 8 losses, Calculating costs,
Why-why analysis, WWBLA, PM analysis, machine structure / Principle of
working ,3Ms (Muri, Muda, Mura).
Setting target P, Q, C, D, S, M in Focus Improvement:
P – Productivity/production increase by improvement in OEE of machines / Line /
Plant, improvement in attaining effective man-hours, improvement in labour
Q – To bring defects to zero by analysing, customer complaints & warranty returns,
in-house rejections, in-house rework, incoming material rejections.
C – Cost reduction through by OEE increase, cycle time reduction in bottleneck
machines, reduction of inventory on cutting tools, reduction in consumption of cutting
oils, enhance tool life.
D – To maintain delivery performance through, OEE increase, Improve bottleneck
machine/process Focused Improvements (FI)
5 S – To achieve zero accident level by providing training on Machine operations,
identifying unsafe actions and locations and taking corrective actions to avoid
Accidents, motivation of operating personnel through Involvement and participation,
analysis of accidents happened in the past and near miss accidents through why-why
analysis and improves working conditions.
M – To improve morale of operators through, involvement and participation in circle
activities, by encouraging to generate Kaizens and rewarding for suggestions /
improvements carried out.
Priotize Losses- Prioritizing losses to be based on analyze the losses that affect OEE,
No. of occurrence and time losses & type of losses (sporadic or chronic).
Create a master plan for FI: After collecting losses and prioritizing them, an action
plan is drawn up area and machine wise. Based on current status as bench-mark and
fixing targets: a) For OEE improvement in
o Model machines
o Rank A machines (can have Phase 1 and Phase 2 if numbers are large)
o Other machines
b) Productivity Improvements
o Cycle time reduction
o Man-hour utilization
Make Project team for all losses
Vested interest/affected parties are put in FI teams/Project teams.
a) The losses must be taken based on priorities
b) Particular process or machine is selected for study to reduce the losses.
c) Unit/department head where the particular machine/process is taken for study
should be the leader and members are drawn from production, tool room, tool design,
production engineering, and quality etc. depending upon the requirements.
d) Once the model project team is formed, they should collect all relevant data on
losses they aim to bring down/eliminate.
e) The action plan is to be drawn with activities, time target, person’s responsibilities
to carry out the task, supporting help/facilities needed to carry out the task etc.