Escape Memoirs Mini Stories Jail Breakout Walkthrough & Guide

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Escape Memoirs
Mini Stories: Jail
And Guide
Last updated on October 11, 2022 by A L

Escape Memoirs: Mini Stories

is a free to play game on
Steam that was released
days ago.

The game is basically an

escape room genre and it’s
pretty tough to solve.

Here’s a walkthrough and

guide of Jail Breakout of
Escape Memoirs: Mini

Escape the jail cell

As soon as you begin, you
have to escape the jail cell.
You will see a brick outside.


Take the brick and knock

the metal rod in the cell.


Use the rod to pull the key

towards your jail cell. The
key will be dropped by some
other guy. You will hear his
voice first. Once the key is
dropped, you’ll be able to
pull it to you.

How to unlock the

After escaping the cell, you
will be able to go to the
staff room.


There’s a locked door in the

room. To open the room, go
back to the cell beside
where you first started.
There’s a ladder you can


Bring it to the hatch.

Also, take the tool from the

red toolbox.


In the same room as the

toolbox, look behind the
pipes and you’ll see a knife.
Take it.

Climb the ladder and use

the knife to cut the ropes
holding the hatch.


Enter the hatch. Click on

the white arrow to go
deeper in.

You will now be able to

remove the mop blocking
the door and unlock the


How to solve the high

voltage puzzle
Inside the room, you’ll see a
high voltage panel. Open it
using the tool you found
from the red toolbox.


Inside, you need to press

the correct buttons for the
electricity to flow.

You can follow the buttons I

pressed. They are lit up.


Solve the scroll puzzle

You will then see a scroll
that is locked inside the
same room.

To unlock it, just press the

buttons and you’ll see the
dial moving. Follow the dial
and press the buttons until
all buttons are pressed.


You will get the key to Saul

Jackson’s locker.

Solve the metal ball

padlock (Han
Sterling’s locker)
Go back to the staff room
for more puzzles. Pick up all
the pages you can find from
the cabinet and so on. They
are all hints.


Now, go to the padlock at

Han Sterling’s locker. To
solve the puzzle, you just
need to bring all the four
metal balls into the four


You will need to utilize the

balls to sort of block each
other. To move the balls
around, you have to click on
the side buttons.

There are 20 buttons on the

padlock that will bring the
ball all the way to the
respective sides.

In the correct order, you

should go for the right-most
hole, followed by the middle
bottom, middle and then the


Inside the locker, you’ll find

a letter. This letter will be
used as a hint for another


Solve the map puzzle

For the map puzzle, the
locations are all shown. Go
over the small papers on
the map and you’ll see the

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