Wizard - All Levels
Wizard - All Levels
Wizard - All Levels
A pragmatist, skeptic, and atheist, the self-taught wizard Ezren often comes Hand of the Apprentice As a standard action, Ezren can make a
across as gruff and curmudgeonly, but his mastery of the arcane arts makes single attack with his cane at a range of 30 feet, the weapon
him a valued member of the Pathfinder Society. flying from his hand to strike a foe and then instantly returning
to him. This attack is treated as a ranged attack with a thrown
EZREN weapon, with a +5 bonus to hit. This ability cannot be used to
Male human wizard 1 perform combat maneuvers.
NG Medium humanoid (human) Spells Ezren can cast the following spells (either from memory
Init +2; Senses Perception +1 or from his spellbook). For full spell descriptions of these and
DEFENSE the unprepared spells in his spellbook, see Chapter 10 of the
AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 10 (+2 Dex) Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook.
hp 8 (1d6+2) Acid Splash: Ranged touch attack (+2 to hit, range 25 feet)
Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +3; +1 vs. divine spells dealing 1d3 points of acid damage.
OFFENSE Burning Hands: 15-foot cone of fire dealing 1d4 points of fire
Speed 30 ft. damage to all within range (Reflex save for half damage).
Melee mwk cane +1 (1d6) or Detect Magic: Detects all spells and magic items within a 60-foot cone.
dagger +0 (1d4/19–20) Light: Touched object shines like a torch for 10 minutes.
Ranged light crossbow +2 (1d8/19–20) Mage Armor: Subject gains a +4 armor bonus for 1 hour.
Special Attacks hand of the apprentice (7/day; +7 to hit, 1d6 damage) Magic Missile: Dart of force automatically hits target within
Wizard Spells Prepared (CL 1st; concentration +7 [+11 to cast 110 feet, dealing 1d4+1 points of force damage.
1st—burning hands (DC 16), magic missile Born to a successful spice merchant in one of Absalom’s more
0 (at will)—acid splash, detect magic, light aff luent districts, Ezren lived a pleasantly safe childhood. He
STATISTICS enjoyed the comforts of a well-to-do family, lived in a neighborhood
Str 10, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 18, Wis 12, Cha 10 relatively safe from crime, and seemed poised for a life of mediocrity.
Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 12 That changed when his father was taken away and charged
Feats Combat Casting*, Great Fortitude*, Spell Focus (evocation)* with heresy by the church of Abadar. Though his father escaped
Skills Appraise +8, Knowledge (arcana) +8, Knowledge (history) +8, excommunication, the damage had been done—his father’s
Knowledge (nature) +8, Knowledge (planes) +8, Linguistics +8, business fell to pieces. Convinced his father was innocent, Ezren
Spellcraft +8 spent his adult life trying to repair his father’s reputation. When
Traits focused mind*, history of heresy* Ezren f inally uncovered irrefutable proof of his father’s guilt and
Languages Common, Draconic, Goblin, Infernal, Osiriani, Terran realized he’d wasted his life on a lie, he turned his evidence over
SQ arcane bond (cane) to the church and said goodbye to his home, his family, and his
Combat Gear scroll of mage armor, tanglefoot bag; Other Gear former life.
dagger, light crossbow with 10 bolts, masterwork cane, backpack, At his advanced age, Ezren knows he’s missed his adulthood, yet
scroll case, spell component pouch, spellbook (contains all 0-level looks forward to discovering the world. His dissatisfaction with
spells; 1st—burning hands, color spray, expeditious retreat, grease, family, religion, and government left him precious little to trust
mage armor, magic missile, sleep), 15 gp but his own intellect—in f ighting for his father’s redemption, he
* The effects of this ability have already been calculated into had become a gifted researcher, scholar, and intellectual. He hoped
Ezren’s statistics. to join one of several prestigious schools of wizardry. Yet time and
SPECIAL ABILITIES time again, he was turned away due to his age. So Ezren was forced
Arcane Bond If Ezren attempts to cast a spell without wielding his to strike out on his own once again.
cane, he must make a concentration check (DC 20 + the spell’s Over the next decade, Ezren studied where he could, picking
level) or lose the spell. Once per day, Ezren may use his cane to up tricks of the wizard’s trade here and there. The combination of
cast any single spell from his spellbook, even if the spell hasn’t arcane study mixed with his worldly experiences has given him an “Some say knowledge flows from sweat and
been prepared, as if he had memorized it that morning. edge over young wizards fresh out of apprenticeship. blood. I prefer a tidier approach.”
©2013 Paizo Publishing, LLC. Permission granted to photocopy for personal use only.
Wizard (Level 4)
A pragmatist, skeptic, and atheist, the self-taught wizard Ezren often comes * The effects of this ability have already been calculated into
across as gruff and curmudgeonly, but his mastery of the arcane arts makes Ezren’s statistics.
him a valued member of the Pathfinder Society. SPECIAL ABILITIES
Arcane Bond If Ezren attempts to cast a spell without wielding his
EZREN cane, he must make a concentration check (DC 20 + the spell’s
Male human wizard 4 level) or lose the spell. Once per day, Ezren may use his cane to
NG Medium humanoid (human) cast any single spell from his spellbook, even if the spell hasn’t
Init +2; Senses Perception +1 been prepared, as if he had memorized it that morning.
DEFENSE Hand of the Apprentice As a standard action, Ezren can make a
AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 11 (+1 deflection, +2 Dex) single attack with his cane at a range of 30 feet, the weapon
hp 34 (4d6+16) flying from his hand to strike a foe and then instantly returning
Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +6; +1 vs. divine spells to him. This attack is treated as a ranged attack with a thrown
OFFENSE weapon, with a +5 bonus to hit. This ability cannot be used to
Speed 30 ft. perform combat maneuvers.
Melee mwk cane +3 (1d6) or Spells Ezren can cast the following 1st- or 2nd-level spells from
dagger +2 (1d4/19–20) memory. For full spell descriptions of these, spells on scrolls
Ranged light crossbow +4 (1d8/19–20) Ezren carries, and the unprepared spells in his spellbook, see
Special Attacks hand of the apprentice (7/day; +9 to hit, 1d6 damage) Chapter 10 of the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook.
Wizard Spells Prepared (CL 4th; concentration +10 [+14 to cast Burning Hands: 15-foot cone of fire deals 4d4 points of fire
defensively]) damage to all within range (Reflex save for half damage).
2nd—glitterdust (DC 16), scorching ray, spider climb Glitterdust: Golden particles cover everything in a 10-foot-
1st—burning hands (DC 16), mage armor, magic missile, radius spread, blinding creatures and outlining invisible things
obscuring mist (Will save negates).
0 (at will)—acid splash, detect magic, light, mage hand Mage Armor: Subject gains a +4 armor bonus for 1 hour.
STATISTICS Magic Missile: Two darts of force automatically hit one or more
Str 10, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 18, Wis 12, Cha 10 targets within 140 feet, dealing 1d4+1 points of force damage each.
Base Atk +2; CMB +2; CMD 15 Obscuring Mist: A 20-foot-radius cloud obscures all sight and
Feats Combat Casting*, Great Fortitude*, Spell Focus (evocation)*, grants concealment to those inside it.
Toughness* Scorching Ray: Ranged touch attack (+4 to hit, range 35 feet)
Skills Appraise +11, Knowledge (arcana) +11, Knowledge (history) dealing 4d6 points of fire damage.
+11, Knowledge (nature) +11, Knowledge (planes) +11, Linguistics Spider Climb: Touched creature gains a climb speed of 20 feet
+11, Spellcraft +11 for 40 minutes.
Traits focused mind*, history of heresy*
Languages Abyssal, Common, Draconic, Giant, Goblin, Infernal, Ezren was born to a successful spice merchant in one of Absalom’s
Keleshite, Osiriani, Terran aff luent districts, but his father was taken away and charged
SQ arcane bond (cane) with heresy by the church of Abadar. Though his father escaped
Combat Gear oil of magic weapon, pearl of power (1st level spell), excommunication, his father’s business fell to pieces. Ezren spent
potions of cure light wounds (2), potion of fly, scroll of blur, scroll his adult life trying to repair his father’s reputation, but when he
of charm person, scroll of comprehend languages, wand of magic uncovered irrefutable proof of his father’s guilt, he realized he’d
missile (50 charges), tanglefoot bag; Other Gear dagger, light wasted his life on a lie. He turned his evidence over and said goodbye
crossbow with 10 bolts, masterwork cane, cloak of resistance +1, ring to his home, his family, and his former life. Ezren knows he’s missed
of protection +1, backpack, scroll case, spell component pouch, his adulthood, yet looks forward to discovering the world. In fighting
spellbook (contains all prepared spells plus all 0-level spells; for his father’s redemption, he had become a gifted researcher, scholar,
1st—charm person, color spray, expeditious retreat, shield, sleep; and intellectual, but after being refused acceptance to wizard schools “Some say knowledge flows from sweat and
2nd—bull’s strength), 65 gp due to his age, he’s had to pick up magical techniques here and there. blood. I prefer a tidier approach.”
©2013 Paizo Publishing, LLC. Permission granted to photocopy for personal use only.
Wizard (Level 7)
A pragmatist, skeptic, and atheist, the self-taught wizard Ezren often comes of vast intelligence +2, backpack, scroll case, spell component
across as gruff and curmudgeonly, but his mastery of the arcane arts makes pouch, spellbook (contains all prepared spells plus all 0-level
him a valued member of the Pathfinder Society. spells; 1st—charm person, color spray, sleep; 3rd—lightning bolt),
40 gp
EZREN * The effects of this ability have already been calculated into
Male human wizard 7 Ezren’s statistics.
NG Medium humanoid (human) SPECIAL ABILITIES
Init +2; Senses Perception +1 Arcane Bond If Ezren attempts to cast a spell without wielding his
DEFENSE cane, he must make a concentration check (DC 20 + the spell’s
AC 16, touch 15, flat-footed 13 (+2 deflection, +2 Dex, +1 dodge, +1 natural) level) or lose the spell. Once per day, Ezren may use his cane to
hp 58 (7d6+28) cast any single spell from his spellbook, even if the spell hasn’t
Fort +8, Ref +6, Will +8; +1 vs. divine spells been prepared, as if he had memorized it that morning.
OFFENSE Hand of the Apprentice As a standard action, Ezren can make a
Speed 30 ft. single attack with his cane at a range of 30 feet, the weapon
Melee +1 cane +4 (1d6+1) or flying from his hand to strike a foe and then instantly returning
dagger +3 (1d4/19–20) to him. This attack is treated as a ranged attack with a thrown
Ranged mwk light crossbow +6 (1d8/19–20) weapon, with a +5 bonus to hit. This ability cannot be used to
Special Attacks hand of the apprentice (8/day; +11 to hit, 1d6+1 damage) perform combat maneuvers.
Wizard Spells Prepared (CL 7th; concentration +14 [+16 to cast Spell Penetration Ezren adds a +2 bonus on all caster level checks
defensively]) to overcome spell resistance.
4th—dimension door, shout (DC 21)
3rd—dispel magic, fireball (DC 20), haste Born to a successful spice merchant in one of Absalom’s more
2nd—glitterdust (DC 17), knock, scorching ray, spider climb aff luent districts, Ezren lived a pleasantly safe childhood. He
1st—burning hands (DC 17), expeditious retreat, mage armor, enjoyed the comforts of a well-to-do family, lived in a neighborhood
magic missile, obscuring mist, shield relatively safe from crime, and seemed poised for a life of mediocrity.
0 (at will)—acid splash, detect magic, light, mage hand That changed when his father was taken away, charged with
STATISTICS heresy by the church of Abadar. Though his father escaped
Str 10, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 20, Wis 12, Cha 10 excommunication, the damage had been done—his father’s
Base Atk +3; CMB +3; CMD 18 business fell to pieces. Convinced his father was innocent, Ezren
Feats Combat Casting*, Dodge*, Great Fortitude*, Greater Spell spent his adult life trying to repair his father’s reputation. So when
Focus (evocation)*, Spell Focus (evocation)*, Spell Penetration, Ezren f inally uncovered irrefutable proof of his father’s guilt, and
Toughness* he realized he’d wasted his life on a lie, he turned his evidence over
Skills Appraise +15, Fly +12, Knowledge (arcana) +15, Knowledge to the church and said goodbye to his home, his family, and his life.
(history) +15, Knowledge (nature) +15, Knowledge (planes) +15, At his advanced age, Ezren knows he’s missed his adulthood, yet
Linguistics +15, Spellcraft +15 looks forward to discovering the world. His dissatisfaction with
Traits focused mind*, history of heresy* family, religion, and government left him precious little to trust
Languages Abyssal, Celestial, Common, Draconic, Elven, Giant, but his own intellect—in f ighting for his father’s redemption, he
Goblin, Ignan, Infernal, Kelish, Osiriani, Terran, Undercommon had become a gifted researcher, scholar, and intellectual. He hoped
SQ arcane bond (cane) to join one of several prestigious schools of wizardry. Yet time and
Combat Gear pearl of power (1st-level spell), potion of cat’s grace, time again, he was turned away due to his age. So Ezren was forced
potion of cure moderate wounds, potion of fly, potion of tongues, to strike out on his own once again.
scroll of blur, scroll of charm person, scroll of magic weapon, wand Over the next decade, Ezren studied where he could, picking
of magic missile (50 charges), tanglefoot bag; Other Gear +1 cane, up tricks of the wizard’s trade here and there. The combination of
dagger, masterwork light crossbow with 10 bolts, ring of protection arcane study mixed with his worldly experiences has given him an “Some say knowledge flows from sweat and
+2, amulet of natural armor +1, cloak of resistance +2, headband edge over young wizards fresh out of apprenticeship. blood. I prefer a tidier approach.”
©2013 Paizo Publishing, LLC. Permission granted to photocopy for personal use only.