Ipv6 (Internet Protocol Version 6) : What Is Ipv6 and Why Is It Important?
Ipv6 (Internet Protocol Version 6) : What Is Ipv6 and Why Is It Important?
Ipv6 (Internet Protocol Version 6) : What Is Ipv6 and Why Is It Important?
Name:-Dobaria Achyut
Enrollnment number:-194510316008
The previous version, IPv4, uses a 32-bit addressing scheme to support 4.3 billion
devices, which was thought to be enough. However, the growth of the internet,
personal computers, smartphones and now Internet of Things devices proves that the
world needed more addresses.
Fortunately, the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) recognized this 20 years ago.
In 1998 it created IPv6, which instead uses 128-bit addressing to support
approximately 340 trillion trillion (or 2 to the 128th power, if you like). Instead of the
IPv4 address method of four sets of one- to three-digit numbers, IPv6 uses eight
groups of four hexadecimal digits, separated by colons.
0000 01 UA 1/64
0000 1 UA 1/32
0001 UA 1/16
It was successful at that task, and was used experimentally. One shortcoming that
undermined its popular use was its 32-bit address scheme – the same scheme used by
IPv4. As a result, it had the same problem that IPv4 had – a limited number of
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IPv6(Internet Protocol version 6)
possible IP addresses. That led to the development and eventual adoption of IPv6.
Even though IPv5 was never adopted publicly, it had used up the name IPv5.
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