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Evolution of wireless access technology reaches its fourth generation (4G) and a tremendous growth of numbers of mobile
subscribers over the last decade revolutionized the way of communication. Wireless access technologies have followed different
evolutionary paths but their aim was single i.e. high performance and efficient. The successful Mobile Wireless Technology
provides high speed services to the users and become popular and successful as it has simplified the communication. Mobile
Wireless Technologies have evolved to four generations of technologies and in present the implementation work of 5G is going on,
which is not officially used for any current technology. With the ever-increasing demand for the newest gadgets, faster mobile
broadband and increased efficiency of applications such as GPS, we may see the future generations of 5G technologies. These days
we let mobiles rule our lives.
1. Introduction call within the few available channels. Mobile radio telephone
There has been a phenomenal growth in the wireless industry. systems preceded modern cellular mobile telephony
A shift from fixed to mobile cellular telephony, which results technology. Since they were the predecessors of the first
in Network Planning and Optimization related services. The generation of cellular telephones, these systems are called 0G
First generation has fulfilled the basic mobile voice, while the (zero generation) systems and also refer to pre-cellular mobile
Second generation has dealt with capacity and coverage. The telephony technology in 1970s [7]. These early mobile
third generation focused for higher data rate, multimedia telephone systems can be distinguished from earlier closed
support and spread spectrum followed by Fourth generation radiotelephone systems in that they were available as a
providing access to wide range of telecommunication services commercial service that was part of the public switched
including advanced mobile services, along with a support for telephone network, with their own telephone numbers, rather
low to high mobility application [4]. than part of a closed network such as a police radio or taxi
dispatch system. The transceiver (transmitter-receiver) was
2. Applications of Wireless Communications mounted in the vehicle trunk and attached to the "head" (dial,
Wireless systems are becoming an important infrastructure in display, and handset) mounted near the driver seat. These
our society. A virtual global system is a good solution that can mobile telephones were usually mounted in cars or trucks,
efficiently connect many dedicated wireless systems including though briefcase models were also made since they were the
2G to 4G cellular systems, wireless LAN, broadcasting predecessors of the first generation of cellular telephones,
systems, etc. Some of the characteristics are: [5]. these systems are called 0G (zero Mobile radio telephone
Shortwave communication and ultra-shortwave systems preceded modern cellular mobile telephony
communication, which include army broadcasting and technology.
military special communication.
Microwave communication, for example vision distance 3.1.1. Technologies used in 0G (zero generation) systems
microwave relay. PTT (Push to Talk), MTS (Mobile Telephone System), IMTS
Satellite communication, such as maritime satellite, (Improved Mobile Telephone Service), AMTS (Advanced
television relay, broadcasting and remote sensing. Mobile Telephone System), OLT (Norwegian for Offentlig
Mobile wireless communication, including cellular Landmobil Telefoni, Public Land Mobile Telephony) and
wireless system, paging system wireless LAN and MTD (Swedish abbreviation for Mobilelefonisystem D, or
wireless ATM system. Mobile telephony system D) [6].
Cheaper to install and maintain than wired networks.
High technology communication systems lead to transfer 3.1.2. 0.5 Generation Technology (0.5G)
of information at faster rate. 0.5 G was the advance version of 0G (Zero Generation or
Mobile Radio Telephone system). The group of technologies
3. Wireless Telephony Generations with improved features than the basic 0G technologies
3.1 Zero Generation Technology (0G-0.5G) emerged as 0.5 G. This technology had introduced ARP
Mobile radio telephone services the great ancestors that (Autoradiopuhelin) as the first commercial public mobile
became available just after World War II, for those mobile phone network. This ARP network was launched in 1971 at
services there was a need of a mobile operator who set up the Finland [8]. ARP was operated on 8 Channels with a frequency
of 150 MHz (147.9 – 154.875 MHz band) and its transmission
power was in a range of 1 to 5 watts. ARP used half duplex In terms of overall connection quality, 1G compares
system for transmission (voice signals can either be unfavorably to its successors. It has low capacity, unreliable
transmitted or received at a time) with manual switched handoff, poor voice links, and no security at all. Since voice
system. This Network contains cells (A cell is the calls were played back in radio towers, making these calls
geographical area covered by a cellular telephone transmitter. susceptible to unwanted eavesdropping by third parties.
The transmitter facility itself is called the cell site) with the
cell size of 30 km. 3.3 Second Generation Technology (2G, 2.5G-2.75G)
“Second generation” 2G cellular telecom networks were
3.1.3. Advantages of ARP commercially launched on the GSM standard in Finland by
ARP provided 100% coverage which attracted many users Radiolinja (now part of Elisa Oyj) in 1991. This technology is
towards it. based on global system for mobile communication and
ARP was successful and became very popular until the replaced the analogy technology by digital communication.
network became congested. 1G technology was used to transfer analog signals. Services
such as text message, picture message and MMS are provided
3.1.4. Disadvantages of ARP by 2G. All text messages are digitally encrypted. This digital
As ARP did not support the handover, calls would get encryption allows for the transfer of data in such a way that
disconnected while moving from one cell to another. only the intended receiver can receive and read it [3, 5]. It
The ARP mobile terminals were too large to be fixed in cannot normally transfer data, such as email or software, other
cars and were expensive too. than the digital voice call itself. Nevertheless, SMS messaging
is also available as a form of data transmission for some
3.2 First Generation Technology (1G) standards. 2G networks are basically for voice
In the year of 1980 mobile cellular era had started with communications only. The ubiquity of the GSM standard
significant changes and growth. Set of wireless standards & makes international roaming very common between mobile
successor of zero generation was developed and known as 1G phone operators, enabling subscribers to use their phones in
which stands for "first generation" more popularly known as many parts of the World.
cell phones. 1G technology replaced 0G technology, which 2G technologies can be divided into three different types of
featured mobile radio telephones and other technologies [9]. 2G mobile technologies based on the system which are
First Generation of wireless networks used analog designed. Frequency Division Multiple Access (FDMA), Time
transmission for speech services. In 1979, the first cellular Division Multiple Access (TDMA) based and Code Division
system in the world became operational by Nippon Telephone Multiple Access (CDMA) based standards depending on the
and Telegraph (NTT) in Tokyo, Japan. Two years later, the type of multiplexing used [3, 9]. All these mobile technologies
cellular epoch reached Europe [5, 10]. The two most popular have different properties & different working methods. 2G
analogue systems were Nordic Mobile Telephones (NMT) and makes use of a CODEC (Compression-
Total Access Communication Systems (TACS). Other than Decompression Algorithm) to compress and multiplex digital
NMT and TACS, some other analog systems were also voice data. Through this technology, a 2G network can pack
introduced in 1980s across the Europe. All of these systems more calls per amount of bandwidth as a 1G network. 2G cell
offered handover and roaming capabilities but the phone units were generally smaller than 1G unit, since they
cellular networks were unable to interoperate between emitted less radio power.
countries. This was one of the inevitable disadvantages of
first-generation mobile networks. 3.3.1. FDMA (2G Mobile Technology)
In the United States, the Advanced Mobile Phone System Frequency division Multiple Access (FDMA) is a technology
(AMPS) was launched in 1982. The system was allocated a whereby the total amount of spectrum is divided in a number
40-MHz bandwidth within the 800 to 900 MHz frequency of channels. Each channel can be assigned to a different user.
range by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) for FDMA is commonly used in analog mobile radio, including
AMPS. In 1988, an additional 10 MHz bandwidth, called analogue cellular mobile telephone systems like AMPS, NMT
Expanded Spectrum (ES) was allocated to AMPS and was first and TACS. Between the different used frequency channels is a
deployed in Chicago, with a service area of 2100 square small amount of bandwidth which is not used. This space is
miles2. AMPS offered 832 channels, with a data rate of called a guard band. This bandwidth is necessary to cater for
10 kbps. Although omnidirectional antennas were used in the instability of the sender, frequency shifts due to movement
earlier AMPS implementation, it was realized that using (the Doppler Effect) and no-ideal filtering.
directional antennas would yield better cell reuse. In fact, the It works like a radio system by separating the frequency into
smallest reuse factor that would fulfill the 18db signal-to- equal spectrum but affecting the quality of voice. FDMA is an
interference ratio (SIR) using 120-degree directional antennas analog system still exists in 2G mobile technology with the
was found to be7.Hence, a 7-cell reuse pattern was adopted for digital module of 2G in limited area. Instead of frequency
AMPS. Transmissions from the base stations to mobiles occur division now cellular based technology which divide
over the forward channel using frequencies between 869-894 geographical areas not frequency and improve the service.
MHz the reverse channel is used for transmissions from
mobiles to base station, using frequencies between 824- Properties
849MHz. AMPS and TACS use the frequency modulation This technology is first used in 1G mobile as an analog
(FM) technique for radio transmission. Traffic is multiplexed system, introduced in 2G with the increase in its
onto an FDMA (frequency division multiplexing access) frequency with the help of cellular technology.
system [11].
Able to carry digital transmission but digital transmission
is not quality wise as good as in case of analog system.
Facilitate with the feature of analogue system by enabling
the accessibility of call.
5. Conclusion
Wireless or not, each technology has its advantages and
disadvantages. Wireless technologies often tend to increase
convenience and decrease ‘safety’. Wireless technology is
certainly able to improve our life quality. Especially since
wireless communication systems are becoming cheaper, easier
to implement and smaller every day, so more and more
devices can profit from it. Wireless solutions can be time
saving, easier to use, and more mobile. Still, the issues
mentioned in this paper needed to be taken into account every
time a new wireless application considered.
Only if we make responsible choices in replacing wired
technology by its wireless alternative, we will be able to
continue to improve our life quality, in the near as well as
distant future. Finally, more research needs to be conducted
about the long-term health effects of different levels and
frequencies of RF exposure.
6. References
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