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International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development

Online ISSN: 2349-4182 Print ISSN: 2349-5979

Volume 3; Issue 2; February 2016; Page No. 135-141

Evolution of G: Wireless telephony generations

Harish Singh
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Applications, Chandigarh Group of Colleges Landran, Punjab 140307, India

Evolution of wireless access technology reaches its fourth generation (4G) and a tremendous growth of numbers of mobile
subscribers over the last decade revolutionized the way of communication. Wireless access technologies have followed different
evolutionary paths but their aim was single i.e. high performance and efficient. The successful Mobile Wireless Technology
provides high speed services to the users and become popular and successful as it has simplified the communication. Mobile
Wireless Technologies have evolved to four generations of technologies and in present the implementation work of 5G is going on,
which is not officially used for any current technology. With the ever-increasing demand for the newest gadgets, faster mobile
broadband and increased efficiency of applications such as GPS, we may see the future generations of 5G technologies. These days
we let mobiles rule our lives.

Keywords: 0G(0.5G), 1G, 2G(2.5G,2.75G), 3G(3.5G,3.75G), 4G, 5G, Mobile Communication.

1. Introduction call within the few available channels. Mobile radio telephone
There has been a phenomenal growth in the wireless industry. systems preceded modern cellular mobile telephony
A shift from fixed to mobile cellular telephony, which results technology. Since they were the predecessors of the first
in Network Planning and Optimization related services. The generation of cellular telephones, these systems are called 0G
First generation has fulfilled the basic mobile voice, while the (zero generation) systems and also refer to pre-cellular mobile
Second generation has dealt with capacity and coverage. The telephony technology in 1970s [7]. These early mobile
third generation focused for higher data rate, multimedia telephone systems can be distinguished from earlier closed
support and spread spectrum followed by Fourth generation radiotelephone systems in that they were available as a
providing access to wide range of telecommunication services commercial service that was part of the public switched
including advanced mobile services, along with a support for telephone network, with their own telephone numbers, rather
low to high mobility application [4]. than part of a closed network such as a police radio or taxi
dispatch system. The transceiver (transmitter-receiver) was
2. Applications of Wireless Communications mounted in the vehicle trunk and attached to the "head" (dial,
Wireless systems are becoming an important infrastructure in display, and handset) mounted near the driver seat. These
our society. A virtual global system is a good solution that can mobile telephones were usually mounted in cars or trucks,
efficiently connect many dedicated wireless systems including though briefcase models were also made since they were the
2G to 4G cellular systems, wireless LAN, broadcasting predecessors of the first generation of cellular telephones,
systems, etc. Some of the characteristics are: [5]. these systems are called 0G (zero Mobile radio telephone
 Shortwave communication and ultra-shortwave systems preceded modern cellular mobile telephony
communication, which include army broadcasting and technology.
military special communication.
 Microwave communication, for example vision distance 3.1.1. Technologies used in 0G (zero generation) systems
microwave relay. PTT (Push to Talk), MTS (Mobile Telephone System), IMTS
 Satellite communication, such as maritime satellite, (Improved Mobile Telephone Service), AMTS (Advanced
television relay, broadcasting and remote sensing. Mobile Telephone System), OLT (Norwegian for Offentlig
 Mobile wireless communication, including cellular Landmobil Telefoni, Public Land Mobile Telephony) and
wireless system, paging system wireless LAN and MTD (Swedish abbreviation for Mobilelefonisystem D, or
wireless ATM system. Mobile telephony system D) [6].
 Cheaper to install and maintain than wired networks.
 High technology communication systems lead to transfer 3.1.2. 0.5 Generation Technology (0.5G)
of information at faster rate. 0.5 G was the advance version of 0G (Zero Generation or
Mobile Radio Telephone system). The group of technologies
3. Wireless Telephony Generations with improved features than the basic 0G technologies
3.1 Zero Generation Technology (0G-0.5G) emerged as 0.5 G. This technology had introduced ARP
Mobile radio telephone services the great ancestors that (Autoradiopuhelin) as the first commercial public mobile
became available just after World War II, for those mobile phone network. This ARP network was launched in 1971 at
services there was a need of a mobile operator who set up the Finland [8]. ARP was operated on 8 Channels with a frequency
of 150 MHz (147.9 – 154.875 MHz band) and its transmission
power was in a range of 1 to 5 watts. ARP used half duplex In terms of overall connection quality, 1G compares
system for transmission (voice signals can either be unfavorably to its successors. It has low capacity, unreliable
transmitted or received at a time) with manual switched handoff, poor voice links, and no security at all. Since voice
system. This Network contains cells (A cell is the calls were played back in radio towers, making these calls
geographical area covered by a cellular telephone transmitter. susceptible to unwanted eavesdropping by third parties.
The transmitter facility itself is called the cell site) with the
cell size of 30 km. 3.3 Second Generation Technology (2G, 2.5G-2.75G)
“Second generation” 2G cellular telecom networks were
3.1.3. Advantages of ARP commercially launched on the GSM standard in Finland by
 ARP provided 100% coverage which attracted many users Radiolinja (now part of Elisa Oyj) in 1991. This technology is
towards it. based on global system for mobile communication and
 ARP was successful and became very popular until the replaced the analogy technology by digital communication.
network became congested. 1G technology was used to transfer analog signals. Services
such as text message, picture message and MMS are provided
3.1.4. Disadvantages of ARP by 2G. All text messages are digitally encrypted. This digital
 As ARP did not support the handover, calls would get encryption allows for the transfer of data in such a way that
disconnected while moving from one cell to another. only the intended receiver can receive and read it [3, 5]. It
 The ARP mobile terminals were too large to be fixed in cannot normally transfer data, such as email or software, other
cars and were expensive too. than the digital voice call itself. Nevertheless, SMS messaging
is also available as a form of data transmission for some
3.2 First Generation Technology (1G) standards. 2G networks are basically for voice
In the year of 1980 mobile cellular era had started with communications only. The ubiquity of the GSM standard
significant changes and growth. Set of wireless standards & makes international roaming very common between mobile
successor of zero generation was developed and known as 1G phone operators, enabling subscribers to use their phones in
which stands for "first generation" more popularly known as many parts of the World.
cell phones. 1G technology replaced 0G technology, which 2G technologies can be divided into three different types of
featured mobile radio telephones and other technologies [9]. 2G mobile technologies based on the system which are
First Generation of wireless networks used analog designed. Frequency Division Multiple Access (FDMA), Time
transmission for speech services. In 1979, the first cellular Division Multiple Access (TDMA) based and Code Division
system in the world became operational by Nippon Telephone Multiple Access (CDMA) based standards depending on the
and Telegraph (NTT) in Tokyo, Japan. Two years later, the type of multiplexing used [3, 9]. All these mobile technologies
cellular epoch reached Europe [5, 10]. The two most popular have different properties & different working methods. 2G
analogue systems were Nordic Mobile Telephones (NMT) and makes use of a CODEC (Compression-
Total Access Communication Systems (TACS). Other than Decompression Algorithm) to compress and multiplex digital
NMT and TACS, some other analog systems were also voice data. Through this technology, a 2G network can pack
introduced in 1980s across the Europe. All of these systems more calls per amount of bandwidth as a 1G network. 2G cell
offered handover and roaming capabilities but the phone units were generally smaller than 1G unit, since they
cellular networks were unable to interoperate between emitted less radio power.
countries. This was one of the inevitable disadvantages of
first-generation mobile networks. 3.3.1. FDMA (2G Mobile Technology)
In the United States, the Advanced Mobile Phone System Frequency division Multiple Access (FDMA) is a technology
(AMPS) was launched in 1982. The system was allocated a whereby the total amount of spectrum is divided in a number
40-MHz bandwidth within the 800 to 900 MHz frequency of channels. Each channel can be assigned to a different user.
range by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) for FDMA is commonly used in analog mobile radio, including
AMPS. In 1988, an additional 10 MHz bandwidth, called analogue cellular mobile telephone systems like AMPS, NMT
Expanded Spectrum (ES) was allocated to AMPS and was first and TACS. Between the different used frequency channels is a
deployed in Chicago, with a service area of 2100 square small amount of bandwidth which is not used. This space is
miles2. AMPS offered 832 channels, with a data rate of called a guard band. This bandwidth is necessary to cater for
10 kbps. Although omnidirectional antennas were used in the instability of the sender, frequency shifts due to movement
earlier AMPS implementation, it was realized that using (the Doppler Effect) and no-ideal filtering.
directional antennas would yield better cell reuse. In fact, the It works like a radio system by separating the frequency into
smallest reuse factor that would fulfill the 18db signal-to- equal spectrum but affecting the quality of voice. FDMA is an
interference ratio (SIR) using 120-degree directional antennas analog system still exists in 2G mobile technology with the
was found to be7.Hence, a 7-cell reuse pattern was adopted for digital module of 2G in limited area. Instead of frequency
AMPS. Transmissions from the base stations to mobiles occur division now cellular based technology which divide
over the forward channel using frequencies between 869-894 geographical areas not frequency and improve the service.
MHz the reverse channel is used for transmissions from
mobiles to base station, using frequencies between 824- Properties
849MHz. AMPS and TACS use the frequency modulation  This technology is first used in 1G mobile as an analog
(FM) technique for radio transmission. Traffic is multiplexed system, introduced in 2G with the increase in its
onto an FDMA (frequency division multiplexing access) frequency with the help of cellular technology.
system [11].
 Able to carry digital transmission but digital transmission
is not quality wise as good as in case of analog system.
 Facilitate with the feature of analogue system by enabling
the accessibility of call.

3.3.2 TDMA (2G Mobile Technology)

Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) is a communications
technique whereby the total capacity of a transmission channel
is shared among multiple users by allocating each a unique Fig 2: FDMA/ TDMA/ CDMA
time slot.
TDMA is also the popular name for the U.S. D-AMPS mobile Properties
communications system, based on the IS-136 standard.2G  CDMA gives a separate code to a separate phone.
Mobiles uses Time Division Multiple Access technology in  CDMA is compatible with other cellular technologies,
some of its models. It actually divides each cellular channel this allows for nationwide roaming.
into three time slots in order to increase the amount of data  Increase the frequency band space by assigning code in
that can be carried & each of the slots serves one subscriber. sequence.
The information is broken into tiny data packets, which are  Both senders and receivers are able to use a full band with
transmitted in timed bursts in the 30-megahertz range. At the the help of using their codes.
receiving end, the separate information streams are recovered.  Contrast to one analog call, nearly dozen calls can be
TDMA contains technologies GSM (Global Service Mobile channelized at the same time.
Communication), which is the most common technology, uses
widely across the world. 3.3.4. Benefits of 2G
 Digital signals require consume less battery power, so it Properties helps mobile batteries to last long.
 TDMA increases network efficiency by enabling single  Digital coding improves the voice clarity and reduces
connections to carry multiple data channels noise in the line.
 TDMA facilitates step-by-step migration to digital  Digital signals are considered environment friendly.
operation.  Improved privacy is another advantage of 2g technology.
 Flexible and scalable.  The use of digital data service assists mobile network
 TDMA can be implemented seamlessly across both 800- operators to introduce short message service over the
and 1900-MHz networks. cellular phones.
 The digital encryption provides privacy and safety to the
3.3.3. CDMA (2G Mobile Technology) data and voice calls.
Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) is a multiple access  SMS is also a cheap and easy way to communicate with
technology whereby a number of users share the same anyone
frequency channel at the same time. Each user is assigned a
unique code. It is a so-called “spread-spectrum technique” 3.3.5. 2.5G–GPRS (General packet radio service)
because the data signal is spread over a larger bandwidth than General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) is a packet-data
strictly needed to transmit it and is used in a number of mobile technology that allows GSM operators to launch wireless data
communications systems. The second generation standard services, such as e-mail and Internet access. As a result, GPRS
cdmaOne as well as the 3rd generation standardsCDMA2000 provides operators with the ability to use data to drive
and UMTS use CDMA. additional revenue [5]. GPRS is often called a 2.5G technology
CDMA is a form of multiplexing, which allows a large because it is a GSM operator's first step toward third
number of signals to occupy a single transmission channel, generation (3G) and a first step in wireless data services.
optimizing the use of available bandwidth. CDMA is based on Although GPRS is a data-only technology, it helps improve
a wide spectrum as many calls laid over each other identifying GSM voice capacity. When an operator deploys GPRS, it also
on the basis of unique code. The technology is used in ultra- can upgrade to a vocoder, a new type of voice coder that turns
high- frequency (UHF) cellular telephone systems in the 800- voice into digital signals before they pass across the wireless
MHz and 1.9-GHz bands. network. The vocoder uses Adaptive Multi-rate speech
CDMA employs analog-to-digital conversion (ADC) in transcoding (AMR) technology, which can handle twice as
combination with spread spectrum technology. Audio input is many simultaneous voice calls as a network that uses the old
first digitized into binary elements. The frequency of the vocoder. As a result, GPRS allows GSM operators to
transmitted signal is then made to vary according to a defined accommodate additional voice traffic without the expense of
pattern (code), so it can be intercepted only by a receiver acquiring additional spectrum.
whose frequency response is programmed with the same code, GPRS supports peak download data rates of up to 115 kbps,
so it follows exactly along with the transmitter frequency. with average speeds of 40 to 50 kbps, which is comparable to
There are trillions of possible frequency-sequencing codes; other 2.5G technologies, such as CDMA2000 1x. GPRS
this enhances privacy and makes cloning difficult. speeds are fast enough for applications such as Multimedia
Messaging Service (MMS) and a web browsing experience
comparable to a wired dial-up modem [9]. GPRS also allows
customers to maintain a data session while answering a phone
call, which is a unique and exclusive feature to GSM. GPRS in a specific digital communication system [9]. High-Speed
also provides an always-on data connection, so users do not Packet Access (HSPA) is a collection of mobile telephony
have to log on each time they want data access. The packet protocols that extend and improve the performance of existing
architecture also means that users pay only for the data itself UMTS protocols.
rather than for the airtime used to establish a connection and IEEE 802.11 networks are short range, high-band
download data. width networks primarily developed for data. Wi-Fi is the
common name for a popular wireless technology used in home
3.3.6. 2.75–EDGE (Enhanced Data rates for GSM networks, mobile Phones, video games and more. The
Evolution) notebook is connected to the wireless access point using a PC
Enhanced Data Rates for GSM Evolution (EDGE) is a card wireless card. A videophone is a telephone which is
technology that enables high-speed packet-data services such capable of both audio and video duplex transmission.3G
as Internet access and streaming multimedia. EDGE with both technologies make use of TDMA and CDMA. 3G (Third
voice and data traffic moving on the system and supports peak Generation Technology) technologies make use of value
theoretical network data rates of 474 kbps, with average added services like mobile Television, GPS (global
throughput of 70 to 130 kbps on both the downlink and the positioning system) and video conferencing. The basic feature
uplink [12]. The average rates are fast enough to support a wide of 3G Technology is fast data transfer rates.
range of data services, including streaming audio and video, 3G technology is much flexible, because it is able to support
fast Internet access and large file downloads. EDGE also can the 5 major radio technologies. These radio technologies
support Push-to-Talk (PTT) services. operate under CDMA, TDMA and FDMA.CDMA holds for
The International Telecommunication Union (ITU), which sets IMT-DS (direct spread), IMT-MC (multi carrier). TDMA
telecom standards for worldwide use, approved EDGE as a 3G accounts for IMT-TC (time code), IMT-SC (single carrier).
standard in July 2000. In July 2003, the world’s first Third generation technology is really affordable due to the
commercial EDGE network launched. By 2010 there were agreement of industry. This agreement took place in order to
more than 500 commercial EDGE networks operating in 200 increase its adoption by the users. 3G system is compatible to
countries worldwide. Reasons for this worldwide expansion work with the 2G technologies. The aim of the 3G is to allow
include: for more coverage and growth with minimum investment.
 EDGE is a relatively straightforward, cost-effective There are many 3G technologies as W-CDMA, GSM EDGE,
network upgrade for most GSM operators. EDGE UMTS, DECT, WiMax and CDMA 2000.Enhanced data rates
deployments usually require only software and additional for GSM evolution or EDGE is termed to as a backward
channel cards for the existing GSM-GPRS network digital technology, because it can operate with older devices [12].
infrastructure. This design reduces the cost of deploying
EDGE, so operators are better able to price their EDGE 3.4.1. 3.5g – Hsdpa (High-Speed Downlink Packet Access)
services competitively yet profitably. High-Speed Downlink Packet Access (HSDPA) is a mobile
 EDGE does not require operators to acquire additional telephony protocol, also called 3.5G which provides a smooth
spectrum. Instead, it can be deployed in today’s most evolutionary path for UMTS-based 3G networks allowing for
widely used bands. The ability to deploy EDGE in its higher data transfer speeds [5].
existing spectrum means that an operator can launch 3G HSDPA (High Speed Downlink Packet Access) is an upgrade
services quickly, in more markets and at a lower cost than to UMTS/WCDMA and has become the leading global mobile
technologies that require new spectrum. broadband standard. HSDPA increases the download speeds
by up to 3.5 times, initially delivering typical user data rates of
3.4. Third Generation Technology (3g, 3.5g – 3.75g) 550 to 800 kbps. Improvements to the downlink, through
Third Generation (3G) mobile devices and services transform HSDPA, were the first upgrade steps available to operators
wireless communications into on-line, real-time connectivity. seeking to deploy mobile broadband services as a part of
3G wireless technology will allow an individual to have 3GPP Release 5. There is some confusion regarding the use of
immediate access to location-specific services that offer acronyms involving HSDPA, and its further evolution to High
information on demand. 3G is the third generation of mobile Speed Uplink Packet Access (HSUPA), as the terms are often
phone standards and technology, superseding 2G, and used interchangeably along with the acronym HSPA which
preceding 4G. It is based on the International refers to the both HSDPA and HSUPA in their evolved state.
Telecommunication Union (ITU) family of standards under HSDPA speeds are ideal for bandwidth-intensive applications,
the International Mobile Telecommunications such as large file transfers, streaming multimedia and fast
programme, IMT-2000 [12, 13]. Web browsing. HSDPA also offers latency as low as 70 to 100
3G technologies enable network operators to offer users a milliseconds (ms) making it ideal for real-time applications
wider range of more advanced services while achieving such as interactive gaming and delay-sensitive business
greater network capacity through improved spectral efficiency. applications such as Virtual Private Networks (VPNs).
Services include wide area wireless voice telephony, video
calls, and broadband wireless data, all in a mobile 3.4.2. 3.75g – Hsupa (High-Speed Uplink Packet Access)
environment. Additional features also include HSPA data High Speed Uplink Packet Access (HSUPA) is an upgrade to
transmission capabilities able to deliver speeds up to UMTS-HSDPA that uses the Enhanced Dedicated Channel (E-
14.4Mbit/s on the downlink and 5.8Mbit/s on the uplink. DCH) to constitute a set of improvements to optimize uplink
Spectral efficiency or spectrum efficiency refers to the amount performance. These improvements include higher throughput,
of information that can be transmitted over a given bandwidth reduced latency and increased spectral efficiency. HSUPA
was standardized in 3GPP Release 6 and combined with High
Speed Downlink Packet Access (HSDPA), is commonly many multimedia services which would not only include only
referred to as High Speed Packet Access (HSPA) [5, 12]. In voice chat and video calls but also MMS, HDTV, video chat
other words, Release 5 HSDPA upgraded to Release 6 and voice over the internet.
HSUPA is considered mobile broadband HSPA. This network provides interactive roaming with existing LAN
HSUPA results in an approximated 85 percent increase in and digital broadcasting system. This network’s goal is to
overall cell throughput on the uplink and an approximated 50 provide a speed of 100 mbps data rate of moving customers
percent gain in user throughput. HSUPA also reduces packet and 1GBps for stationary users. By getting this, the consumers
delays. HSUPA improves HSDPA uplink speeds from 384 get and connectivity with high speed anywhere across the
kbps to a peak theoretical network rate of 5.8 Mbps while uninterrupted service world. This system has very smooth
providing 14 Mbps peak theoretical network rates on the handover over heterogeneous networks.
downlink. Many operators initially launched HSPA at the peak The next target of this 4G technology is to provide flawless
rates of 3.6 Mbps, upgraded their networks to 7.2 Mbps or connectivity and international roaming across innumerable
14.4 Mbps. networks of the world. It will also provide high multimedia
support in order to get approval from ITU. The
3.5. Fourth Generation Technology (4g- All Ip) interoperability with existing network infrastructure is another
Fourth generation wireless telecommunication is an evolution prominent feature of this technology. It is an all IP switched
in wireless technology based on internet protocol with high network and several working groups purpose that it should
speed data transfer rates, remote connectivity anywhere in the offer an open internet protocol. The early 4G technology
world, less signal attenuation, ultra-broadband Internet access, comprises of flash OFDM, 802.16e, wireless or mobile Wi-
IP telephony, gaming services, and high quality faster max and HC SDMA.
multimedia streaming. In the today’s world, the demand of wireless network users
The first successful field trial for 4G was conducted in Tokyo, combined with the efforts of 4G working groups’ technology
Japan on June 23rd, 2005. NTT Do Co Mo was successful in and edge over its previous counterparts [16]. This 4G
achieving 1Gbps real time packet transmission in the technology would revolutionize the world of cellular networks
downlink at a moving speed of about 20km/h. Two 4G with amazing Wireless broadband speed. Due to this new
candidate systems are commercially deployed: the Mobile technology, job opportunities for many people must be
WiMAX standard (first used in South Korea in 2007), and the fulfilled. ITU is the deciding factor for further development in
first-release Long Term Evolution (LTE) standard (in Oslo, the 4G technology.
Norway and Stockholm, Sweden since 2009). In the United
States, Sprint (previously Clearwire) has deployed Mobile 3.6. Fifth Generation Technology (5g)
WiMAX networks since 2008, while Metro PCS became the 5G Technology stands for 5th Generation Mobile
first operator to offer LTE service in 2010 [14, 15]. technology. A new revolution of 5G technology is about to
The stage of broadband mobile communications that will begin because 5G technology going to give tough completion
supersede the third generation where the carriers that use to normal computer and laptops whose marketplace value will
orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) instead be effected. There are lots of improvements from 1G, 2G, 3G,
of time division multiple access (TDMA) or code division and 4G to 5G in the world of telecommunications. The new
multiple access (CDMA), even when their data speeds are not coming 5G technology is available in the market in affordable
as fast as the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) rates, high peak future and much reliability than its preceding
specifies. According to the ITU, a 4G network requires a technologies. 5G mobile technology has changed the means to
mobile device to be able to exchange data at 100 Mbit/sec. A use cell phones within very high bandwidth. User never
3G network, on the other hand, can offer data speeds as slow experienced ever before such a high value technology.
as 3.84 Mbit/sec. Nowadays mobile users have much awareness of the cell
phone (mobile) technology. The 5G technologies include all
3.5.1. Development of 4g type of advanced features which makes 5G mobile technology
The 4G system was originally visualized by the Defense most powerful and in huge demand in near future. The
Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). The DARPA gigantic array of innovative technology being built into new
selected the distributed architecture, end-to-end Internet cell phones is stunning.
protocol (IP), and believed at an early stage in peer-to-peer This next generation of Wi-Fi promises to be very exciting
networking in which every mobile device would be both a since 802.11ac will address some critical pain points faced by
transceiver and a router for other devices in the network users of 802.11n today – more bandwidth and more
eliminating the spoke-and-hub weakness of 2G and 3G simultaneous users. To help explain the technology, we put
cellular systems. The idea came from development of together a new Fundamentals video. You’ll learn about new
2.5GPRS systems, in which cellular systems were provided features such as:
with dual infrastructures: packet switched nodes for data  Operating in the 5GHz band.
services, and circuit switched nodes for voice calls [16]. In 3g  Wider channels (80MHz & 160MHz) which means more
and 4G systems, the circuit-switched infrastructure is capacity in the band.
abandoned, and only a packet-switched network is provided.  Increased modulation with 256 QAM (Quadrature
Amplitude Modulation), providing a significant increase
3.5.2. Objectives of 4g Wireless Systems in throughput over 802.11n which has 64 QAM.
The 4G technology is expected to cover data rate deficiency in  Downlink Multi-User MIMO which allows an AP to
previous generations like 1G, 2G, and 3G etc. This service is transmit to multiple clients simultaneously.
also expected to achieve quality of services. It may provide
 Up to 8 Spatial streams which doubles the number that are prohibitive in terms of distance, cost, access, or
of spatial streams used in 802.11n. time. It also sidesteps the numerous issues of ILEC
5G technologies will change the way most high-bandwidth  Although paying fees for access to elevated areas such as
users access their phones. With 5G pushed over a VOIP- masts, towers, and building tops is not unusual, these fees,
enabled device, people will experience a level of call volume the associated logistics, and contractual agreements are
and data transmission never experienced before.5G technology often minimal compared to the costs of trenching cable.
is offering the services in Product Engineering,  Involves reduced time to revenue - Companies can
Documentation, supporting electronic transactions (e- generate revenue in less time through the deployment of
Payments, e-transactions) etc. As the customer becomes more wireless solutions than with comparable access
and more aware of the mobile phone technology, he or she technologies because a wireless system can be assembled
will look for a decent package all together, including all the and brought online in as little as two to three hours.
advanced features a cellular phone can have. Hence the search  This technology enables service providers to sell access
for new technology is always the main motive of the leading without having to wait for cable-trenching operations to
cell phone giants to out innovate their competitors. Recently complete or for incumbent providers to provide access or
apple has produced shivers all around the electronic world by backhaul.
launching its new handset, the I-phone. Features that are  Provides broadband access extension- Wireless
getting embedded in such a small piece of electronics are commonly both competes with and complements existing
huge. broadband access. Wireless technologies play a key role
in extending the reach of cable, fiber, and DSL markets,
3.6.1. Features of 5g Technology and it does so quickly and reliably. It also commonly
 5G technology offer high resolution for crazy cell phone provides a competitive alternative to broadband wire line
user and bi-directional large bandwidth shaping. or provides access in geographies that don't qualify for
 The advanced billing interfaces of 5G technology makes loop access.
it more attractive and effective.
 5G technology also providing subscriber supervision tools 4. History
for fast action. Wireless world is ruled by standards – regulatory standards
 The high quality services of 5G technology based on (FCC) and communications standards (IEEE, 3GPP). Wireless
Policy to avoid error. handsets, PDAs and computers connect to the Internet and to
 5G technology is providing large broadcasting of data in voice services predominantly through Wi-Fi/802.11 or
Gigabit which supporting almost 65,000 connections. cellular/3GPP networks [1].
 5G technology offer transporter class gateway with Starting of wireless communication system was with the
unparalleled consistency. invention of wireless telegraph in1896 by G. Marconi. Over
 The traffic statistics by 5G technology makes it more the last century, advances in wireless technologies have led to
accurate. the radio, the television, the mobile telephone, and
 Through remote management offered by 5G technology a communication satellites. Of all the advances in data
user can get better and fast solution. communication and telecommunication perhaps the most
 The remote diagnostics also a great feature of 5G revolutionary is the development of digital cellular networks
technology. which came in existence around 1990. Before this analog
signal were used for wireless communication which were only
 The 5G technology is providing up to 25 Mbps
capable of low data transfer rates due to less bandwidth.
connectivity speed.
Digital signal came with high data rates and high channel
 The 5G technology also support virtual private network.
 The new 5G technology will take all delivery service out In 1895, Guglielmo Marconi opened the way for modern
of business prospect
wireless communications. He transmits three-dot Morse code
 The uploading and downloading speed of 5G technology for the letter ‘S’ over a distance of three kilometers using
touching the peak. electromagnetic waves as medium to carry the signals. This
 The 5G technology network offering enhanced and was the beginning of wireless communications [2]. The concept
available connectivity just about the world. of mobile wireless communication began in the 1920s.
Wireless communications have some special characteristics
3.7. Benefits of Using Wireless Technologies that have motivated specialized studies. First, wireless
 Completes the access technology portfolio - Customers communications relies on a scarce resource – namely, radio
commonly use more than one access technology to spectrum state. In order to foster the development of Wireless
service various parts of their network and during the communications (including telephony and Broadcasting) those
migration phase of their networks, when upgrading occurs assets were privatized. Second, use of spectrum for wireless
on a scheduled basis. Wireless enables a fully communications required the development of key
comprehensive access technology portfolio to work with complementary technologies, especially those that allowed
existing dial, cable, and DSL technologies. higher frequencies to be utilized more efficiently. Finally,
 Goes where cable and fiber cannot - The inherent because of its special nature, the efficient use of spectrum
nature of wireless is that it doesn't require wires or lines to required the coordinated development of standards [3]. It was
accommodate the data/voice/video pipeline. As such, the 1970s when mobile wireless communication became a real
system will carry information across geographical areas
industry and the mobile telephones were sold as a real 11. Pulkit Gupta. Evolvement of Mobile Generations: 1G To
commodity [5]. Up to now, mobile wireless communication has 5G, November – 2013, 1:3.
gone through four generations in the past forty six years. And 12. Amit Kumar, Dr. Yunfei, Liu; Dr. Jyotsna Sengupta;
currently it is heading for the fifth generation. In the Divya, Evolution of Mobile Wireless Communication
following, the features of each generation are presented. Networks:1G to 4G, Dece mber 2010, 1:1.
13. Vimalanathan P, R SriVidya. A Survey: On Generation of
Wireless Telephony Technology, 3(4):1467-1470.
14. https://lsc2183mohamedismail.wordpress.com/2015/04/0
15. Pankaj Sharma, Evolution of Mobile Wireless
Communication Networks-1G to 5G as well as Future
Prospective of Next Generation Communication Network,
August 2013, 2:8.
16. http://www.lte-tdd.org/Special/4G/History/2013-12-

Fig1: Wireless Technology- Overview & History.

5. Conclusion
Wireless or not, each technology has its advantages and
disadvantages. Wireless technologies often tend to increase
convenience and decrease ‘safety’. Wireless technology is
certainly able to improve our life quality. Especially since
wireless communication systems are becoming cheaper, easier
to implement and smaller every day, so more and more
devices can profit from it. Wireless solutions can be time
saving, easier to use, and more mobile. Still, the issues
mentioned in this paper needed to be taken into account every
time a new wireless application considered.
Only if we make responsible choices in replacing wired
technology by its wireless alternative, we will be able to
continue to improve our life quality, in the near as well as
distant future. Finally, more research needs to be conducted
about the long-term health effects of different levels and
frequencies of RF exposure.

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