Mat2002 Discrete-Mathematics-And-Graph-Theory LT 1.0 1 Mat2002
Mat2002 Discrete-Mathematics-And-Graph-Theory LT 1.0 1 Mat2002
Mat2002 Discrete-Mathematics-And-Graph-Theory LT 1.0 1 Mat2002
Student a,e,j,k
Learning Outcomes (SLO):
Module Module Contents No. of SLOs
No lectur
1 Set Theory and Boolean Algebra 9 a,e,j,k
Relations and Functions, Partial Order Relations, Lattices, Boolean
Algebra, Laws of Boolean Algebra, Boolean Functions- Normal Forms,
Application of Boolean Algebra to Switching Circuits.
2. Discrete Mathematical Structures by Kolman, R.C.Busby and S.C.Ross, 6 th Edition, PHI , 2009.