Mat2002 Discrete-Mathematics-And-Graph-Theory LT 1.0 1 Mat2002

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Course Code Discrete Mathematics and Graph Theory Course Type : LT


Prerequisite: Basics of algebra

To provide fundamental ideas on Discrete Mathematics and Graph theory required for the
study of Computer Science
Expected Outcomes:
By the end of the course, students should be able to
 appreciate the power of discrete mathematics and Graph theory and use them to design
mathematical model
 analyze the problems connected with data analysis that arise in their respective engineering
 Emphasize the study of computational and algorithmic aspects of Graph Theory

Student a,e,j,k
Learning Outcomes (SLO):
Module Module Contents No. of SLOs
No lectur
1 Set Theory and Boolean Algebra 9 a,e,j,k
Relations and Functions, Partial Order Relations, Lattices, Boolean
Algebra, Laws of Boolean Algebra, Boolean Functions- Normal Forms,
Application of Boolean Algebra to Switching Circuits.

2 Predicate Calculus 7 a,e,j,k

Introduction -Statements and Notation – Connectives – Tautologies,
Logic - Equivalence - Implications, Laws of Statement Calculus. The
Theory of Inference for the Statement Calculus.
Predicate and Quantifiers- Nested quantifiers-Rules of Inference for
Predicates, Rules for Inference for Quantified Statements.
3 Fundamentals of graphs 9 a,e,j,k
Graphs – introduction – isomorphism – sub graphs – walks- paths -
circuits – connectedness – components – Euler graphs – Hamiltonian
paths and circuits.
4 Trees, Fundamental circuits and Cut sets 9 a,e,j,k
Trees – properties of trees – distance and centers in tree – rooted and
binary trees - spanning trees – spanning trees in a weighted graph.
Cut sets – properties of cut set – fundamental circuits and cut sets
5 Matrix representation of graphs 9 A,e,j,k
Incidence matrix – sub matrices – circuit matrix – path matrix –
adjacency matrix. Chromatic number
Directed graphs, Graph Theoretic algorithms
Digraphs – types of digraphs – directed paths and connectedness –
Euler graphs – adjacency matrix of a digraph - tournament. Algorithms
- connectedness and components – spanning tree – fundamental
circuits – cut vertices – directed circuits – shortest path algorithm.
6 Guest
topics 22
. 45
Mode of Teaching and Learning:
# Class room teaching
# Use of mathematical software (such as MATLAB, MATHEMATICA, SAGE, ETC.) as teaching aid
# Minimum of 2 lecture periods by experts on contemporary topics

Mode of Evaluation and assessment: Digital Assignments, Continuous Assessment Tests,

Final Assessment Test and unannounced open book examinations, quizzes, student’s
portfolio generation and assessment, innovative assessment practices
Text Books: 9+3 hours
1. Kenneth H. Rosen, Discrete Mathematics and its applications, 6 Edn., Tata McGraw
2. Narasing Deo, Graph theory with application to Engineering and Computer Science, Prentice
Hall India ( 2010 ).
3. Fundamentals of Discrete Math for Computer Science- A Problem-Solving Primer by Tom
Jenkyns and Ben Stephenson , Springer-Verlag , 2013.

4 Mathematics of Discrete Structures for Computer Science by Gordan J.Pace, Springer-Verlag

, 2012.
Reference Books:
1. West, D.B, Introduction to Graph Theory, second ed., Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, (

2. Discrete Mathematical Structures by Kolman, R.C.Busby and S.C.Ross, 6 th Edition, PHI , 2009.

3. E.M.Reingold, J.Nievergelt, N.Deo, Combinatorial Algorithms: Theory And Practice, Prentice

Hall, N.J (1977).

4 Richard Johnsonbaugh, “Discrete Mathematics”, 5th Edition, Pearson Education, 2001.

Recommendation by the Board of Studies on 19 June 2019

Approval by Academic council on
Compiled by Dr. Manisha Jain, Dr. Reena Jain and
Dr. Anant Kant Shukla

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