Motivation and Performance - A Psychological Proces

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International Journal of

Business and Management Research (IJBMR)

Open Access | Rapid and quality publishing Review Article | Volume 9, Issue 2 | Pages 104-112 | e-ISSN: 2347-4696

Motivation and Performance: A Psychological Process

Prof. Shoeb Ahmad
Department of Managerial and Financial Sciences, Al Zahra College for Women, Muscat, Oman

*Correspondence: Prof. Shoeb Ahmad, Email: [email protected]

░ ABSTRACT: The achievement of a workplace entirely depends on the skill of managers that how to offer a motivating
environment to its employees. The performance of a workplace entirely depends upon employee motivation which is a crucial
element in creating an amicable environment for producing optimal performance. Employee motivation is highly responsible in
stimulating workplace harmony, commitment and overall employee performance at the workplace. It is decisive in relating to long
term benefits for the organization. Motivated employees signify staff retention and loyalty towards the workplace which in turn
foster growth & development of business. In the competitive business environment, the biggest challenge for managers is to retain
the employees and keep them motivated to perform satisfactorily at the workplace. Equally, it is important that the manager must
be aware of the behavioural instinct of employees and of the factors of what possibly motivate them. Individuals can be motivated
due to various factors like: leadership, rewards, incentives, etc. and other organizational constituents in which they perform the
duties. Keeping in mind these views, the study primarily focuses upon the effects of motivational factors on employees’
performance. Subsequently, the study highlights the connection among employee motivation along with performance.

Keywords: Motivation, Organizations, Performance, Rewards, Theory X, Theory Y, Psychology

ARTICLE INFORMATION during a physical or emotional need that accelerates a

Author(s): Prof. Shoeb Ahmad functioning arranged by a purpose. Motivation enables
Received: 21 Jan, 2021; Accepted: 24 Mar, 2021; Published: 05 Apr, 2021; employees to work hard and to encourage organizations to
e-ISSN: 2347-4696; engage their employees in work to attain a common
Paper Id: BMN-IJBMR-2021-16; organizational and employee goal [2]. The objectives can be
Citation: accomplished if teamwork and collaboration among
Webpage-link: employees is ensured backed by motivation. To comprehend
the basics of motivation, one needs to understand the
complexities of human nature. As far as human nature is
concerned, every individual likes to be recognized and
░ 1. INTRODUCTION rewarded for his work. Without appreciation a person cannot
The key features of a successful organization are the ability to be motivated to perform better. Performance is directly related
attract, retain and promote skilled employees. Each and every to motivation as higher the motivation, better the performance.
individual in an organization is to be dealt upon differently as There is an urgent need to understand and employ
everyone has different necessities. For this, an organization motivational tactics at workplace which also can positively
needs to actively implement the policies and procedures that impact the management and leadership.
motivate the employees. Dissatisfied employees recede to
perform satisfactorily and subsequently, their productivity is The term ‘motivation’ can be referred to as motives that
not at par with organization expectation. Thus, the topmost facilitates good performance marked by enthusiasm and
priority of the management becomes that they safeguard the willingness of employees toward their work. In fact, employee
job satisfaction level of employees and make sure that they are motivation is considered as a force that works as a catalyst for
satisfied with their tasks, work environment and the the employees as a means to achieve set ambitions and goals
management according to Egan [1]. Without their satisfaction of the organization. Various subject experts have defined the
they cannot attempt for the workplace goals. Motivation itself term motivation according to their own perspectives.
is neither the behaviour and nor the performance, in fact it Motivation can be defined as “all internal and external driving
involves action, in addition to the intrinsic and extrinsic forces forces that makes the individual to perform an activity, what
that influences an individual performance. Motivation in determines the limits and forms of activity and which give it
context of corporate world is the process or a way of its activities oriented towards achieving certain goals” [3].
encouraging people to perform their tasks to accomplish their Motivation includes a group of activities, views, principles,
individual or organization goals. At present, it has become a beliefs, along with other factor of interests which are intently
widely used terminology and is being consistently used associated with each other. Workplace motivation can be
everywhere from a small enterprise to a global empire. In fact, simply explained and measured in terms of the extent of
at some point it has become a significant factor that decides intensity, responsibility, and creativeness that an employee of
the fate of an individual. A person’s motivation is a main drive an organization carries to his job.
to please a dissatisfied necessity and to accomplish a definite
aim. In addition, it may be taken as a technique that activates The main responsibility of management and executives in an

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International Journal of
Business and Management Research (IJBMR)
Open Access | Rapid and quality publishing Review Article | Volume 9, Issue 2 | Pages 104-112 | e-ISSN: 2347-4696

organization is to get work done efficiently by the workers aspect which may be utilised to improve organizational
within the given time limit. For this, the management effectiveness [8]. These factors facilitate the increase in
themselves have to be competent and efficient so that they can motivation level of an employee which in turn enhances the
recognize the intensity of employee performance along with organizational performance and productivity. Keeping this in
the lack and flaws. They should also have the ability to line, Robbins & Judge [9] describe motivation as the processes
appreciate the positive things and rectify the flaws without that explain a person's strength, direction, and perseverance of
hurting the employees’ self-esteem. In a study Mullins [4] effort with respect to achieve objectives and goals. In a
explained that individuals carry their own perceptions, ideals research Omollo [10] describes motivation as a key factor of a
and traits to organizational lifecycle, and when supervised successful organization which helps to continue the work
efficiently they may transport significant helps to concerns. processes in a positive way and help organizations to survive
The exact evaluation of an employee needs does not give in the long run.
perfect assessment of a setting, as the analysis may
misrepresent the authenticity itself in case of individuals. The There are three motivation components emphasised in
management can get a better picture of employee needs only McClelland’s theory which are the needs for achievement,
by involving themselves completely into employee affairs and power, and affiliation. The three motivation components are
sorting out their requisites in reality. Retention of efficient executives complete stimulus shapes, i.e. the comparative
workforce is a significant aspect of an organization as its intensities of these three types of motivation which are vital
reputation and standing in the competitive market depends on [11]. Motivation is useful everywhere and this is well known
it. On the other hand, the employees may show loyalty to a manager that how it influences a particular target and ratio
towards the organization if only they are satisfied and of individual’s performance concerning to commitment for
motivated with their level of involvement in the running of the attaining goal. Researches in the field of motivation argue that
organization. Hence, it is pertinent that management and the importance of motivation as an educational outcome crops
executives identify the factors that actually motivate up due to its relationship with organizational achievement and
employees and actively imply them. performance in a variety of different sectors [12, 13].

The motivation of managers influences the way they perform

░ 2. METHODOLOGY at job. Hence, it validates that the experiential studies of
The basic aim of this study is to draw attention towards the
managers are significant. Job motivation inspires an individual
motivational elements of organizations and its impact on the
for the initiation of an action that is supposed to effect the
performance of employees. The study aims to explore various
achievement of some objectives [14]. The money aspect
motivational practices that influence the efficiency and
cannot be considered as the single motivator rather there are
potential of employees in different situation and stages of
some additional motivations that may also assist as motivators
work-life. The study specifies useful managerial implication
for employee motivation and performance in an organization.
The study reviews different literatures available, identify core Motivation is a function of three significant factors: effort,
issues and, take up each issue as a keyword to explore the organizational goals and needs which is being commonly
relevant literature. The review is based on secondary data applied by all the workplaces as they now feel it valuable in
collected from books, journals, and study materials available their work environments [16]. A study conducted in
online. The review aims to add to the extant literature and psychology of total quality management explains that there are
contribute positively to the relevant field of study. nine vital motivational elements as depicted in figure 1 below
The term ‘motivation’ originated from a Latin word ‘movere’ • Equity: This aspect is about fairness and shows a balance
which refers ‘to move’ and motivation is what moves the among inputs & outputs, perception & reality and expectation
workers from tiredness to attentiveness [5]. There are & rewards.
numerous empirical evidences from the extant literature that
motivation has an impact on organizational as well as • Equality: Everybody must be treated equally regardless of
employee performance. status; the belief of equal pay for each individual must be
established effectively.
In today’s complex and ever changing environment,
management and the supervisors of the organization are bound • Consensus: Consensus signifies mutual respect that is
to create the type of work environment where employees can extreme and more inclusive than settlement and relies on
feel confident, trustworthy for themselves and have a fair shared values and social consistency.
share in decision making authority related to the
organizational matters. Motivation is a process that describes • Identification: Motivation all the way through influencing
an individual’s intensity, direction and determination of effort others by way of what we state, act and motivated by others in
to achieve a goal [6]. Motivation is an inspiration for a group how we observe and what we consider.
or an individual to produce best results and includes all the
levels of desires, needs, wishes and other similar feelings [7].
Managerial psychology has deep knowledge on motivational

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International Journal of
Business and Management Research (IJBMR)
Open Access | Rapid and quality publishing Review Article | Volume 9, Issue 2 | Pages 104-112 | e-ISSN: 2347-4696

• Rationality: Rationality denotes presentation of the concept enjoyment, interest, satisfaction of curiosity, self-expression,
of scientific approach to management and decision making or personal challenge in the work. Individuals are extrinsically
which is extremely influencing. motivated when they engage in the work in order to obtain
some goals that are apart from the work itself [19].
• Instrumentality: Instrumentality is a technique by which
something is stimulated, the agency or means in order to attain 4.1 Intrinsic Motivation
an objective. This aspect of motivation refers to a personal orientation to
effort and relate to ‘oneself’. This always relies on the
• Development: Development to achieve goal i.e. through personal outlook and its effect on an individual differs from
motivation for self-improvement. In this context training person to person and also depends on the situations overall.
education is very critical as it supports the individual and Wright [20] in the conclusion of one of his studies stated that,
organisation. “intrinsic rewards provided by the nature or function of the
organization may be more important to public sector
• Group dynamics: Clear-cut and positive group motivations
employees than or compensate for the limited availability of
are produced owing to individual reliability to the group,
performance-related extrinsic rewards” [20]. Typically
harmony and a mutual respect and duty towards achieving
intrinsic motivation represent an individual’s level of
group targets.
contentment and pleasure in doing a particular job and, has
• Internalisation: Internalisation establishes our view, nothing to do with other jobs and activities which may yield
conviction and performance as well as the most influential and external rewards. Intrinsically motivated individual gains inner
long lasting of the nine motivational elements [4]. pleasure in doing a specific work without any desire or
longing for any external incentive. In fact this motivation
arises from the work itself and the person enjoys the work to
the extent of his satisfaction. When employees are motivated
without any desire of external rewards or appreciation, it acts
as a catalyst for the enhancement of employees’ behaviour and
performance at work. Hackman [21] concluded in their
research that strong intrinsic motivation arises with the
creation of three psychological states such as:

• Experienced meaningfulness of the work,

• Experienced responsibility for outcomes of the work, and

Figure 1: Cartwright’s Motivational Elements.
• Knowledge of the actual results of the work activities.
MOTIVATION 4.2 Extrinsic Motivation
McCormick and Tifflin [17] categorized motivation into two Extrinsic motivation is fundamentally driven by external
classes – extrinsic or external motivation and intrinsic or forces such as monetary rewards, fame etc. A person who is
internal motivation. McCullagh [18] in his study concluded externally motivated, generally works to give his best only in
with a definition of intrinsic motivation as an individuals’ need anticipation of some material gain rather than work for his
to feel competent and Proud in doing a work, whereas he own contentment. This sentiment is a contrast to intrinsic
stated that extrinsic motivation is related to the performance of motivation logic as it is based on the external factors of an
an individual in doing a work with a desire to achieve individual. Extrinsic motivation is a construct that pertains
something externally. He further concluded that a person can whenever an activity is done in order to attain some separable
be motivated both intrinsically and extrinsically. All the outcome [22]. In an organization extrinsic motivation is very
external factors related to a job such as salary, work important as it determines the actions and behaviour of the
environment, perks, safety and security at work, promotion employees. The employees are extrinsically motivated to
etc. can be placed under extrinsic motivation banner. perform better in lieu of the remuneration they receive for
Psychological factors of job such as appreciation, recognition, their work besides their salary, such as health benefit,
consideration, care, positive reception and respect at education benefit, bonus, commission etc.
workplace accounts for intrinsic motivation components. Both
these category of motivation have distinct effect on the ░ 5. EMPLOYEE MOTIVATION
employees in terms of their satisfaction and happiness. For THEORIES
example, Employee ‘A’ is satisfied with a promotion but not A number of views and theories on employee motivation have
by appreciation because for him, promotion is more valuable. been proposed by various researchers based upon their studies
On the other hand employee ‘B’ is happier with appreciation which investigated the factors responsible for motivation. All
and recognition of his work than some monetary reward. these theories explain the root cause of employee motivation
Amabile [19] in his study describes this phenomenon in detail and their positive effect on performance. There are many
as -“Individuals are intrinsically motivated when they seek theories in the field of management that examines work

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International Journal of
Business and Management Research (IJBMR)
Open Access | Rapid and quality publishing Review Article | Volume 9, Issue 2 | Pages 104-112 | e-ISSN: 2347-4696

motivation and types of motivation, in addition to intrinsic and environment. On the contrary, the YA executives monitor
extrinsic motivation [23]. The complex and varying nature of people, even if they assume usually that people are motivated
human needs and desires ultimately creates basic, simple but and self-contained. In view of [13] bosses apply pattern A
very positive and comprehensive three-fold category with actions because they make effort to assist personalities build
regard to successful motivation [4]. Practically, all these are up with their potentials required for framing an environment
independent but satisfying and jointly assist and motivate wherein they may perform same as YB managers [30].
individuals towards goal achievement. Some of the important
and pioneer theories are those of B.F. Skinner’s reinforcement However, the outcome is difficult to withdraw that Theory X
theory [24], Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of need theory [25]; is inferior and Theory Y is superior. In contrast, these theories
Fredrick Herzberg’s two-factor theory [26], Vroom’s are approaches with regard to employees. Even though, as we
expectancy theory [27], and Adam’s equity theory [28]. All know and explain that an executive must focus his/her
these theories are significant as they explain why employees postulations on Theory Y. Practically, in many circumstances
are motivated, and if the reason for motivation is applied a commanding and managerial actions are needed to support
properly, could lead to motivated employees which finally certain characters to grow and mature unless and until they
contribute to increased productivity in organizations [18]. The turn out to be productive and self-focused. An individual
aim of understanding and applying motivation theory is to worker may be encouraged in his work with higher benefits,
obtain added value through people in the sense that the value while other workers may be concerned in a superior and
of their output exceeds the cost. improved working atmosphere [31].

5.1 Maslow’s Theory ░ 6. MOTIVATIONAL TOOLS AS

Among all these theories, Maslow’s theory of ‘hierarchy of
needs’ [25] is the most popular theory on motivation and most PERFORMANCE INDICATORS
of the studies are based on it even today. He categorized In the presence of positive and clear-cut motivation
employee’s needs into five levels in the form of a hierarchy philosophy and tradition in place, quality, productivity, and
ascending from the lowest to the highest. Maslow concluded service must improve as motivation assists people with regard
that no need can be fully gratified and when a human need is to achieving goals, gaining well-defined perspective,
considerably satisfied, it cannot be a motivator. Need is producing the power for change, developing self-esteem &
something a person requires and is contented when that ability, as well as managing their growth and assisting others.
particular need is fulfilled whereas, motivation is an effort to The success of organization relies on members resulting
satisfy that need [29]. motivated in order to apply their competencies, and led to
perform satisfactory in the proper sectors. Motivation has
positive effect on employee mindset and behaviour and in this
5.2 Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory course, the workplace turns out to be more enjoyable and
This is another important motivation theory and is also known comfortable where in the workers realise that their work has
as motivation hygiene theory. Herzberg and his colleagues some valid sense and importance. There are many components
proposed the two-factor model theory of satisfiers and which are responsible to increase motivation in an individual.
dissatisfiers. In this study Herzberg acknowledged that there Figure 2 illustrates the motivational tools as performance
are two major elements which could become a driver of job indicators.
satisfaction in employees; motivational factors and hygiene.
He further identified motivators as intrinsic factors which lead
to psychological growth and development of a job in context
of achievement, recognition, responsibility, advancement and
challenges of the job [26].

5.3 Theory X & Theory Y of Motivation in the

Light of Behaviour Pattern A & B
According to McGregor concept to manage people there are
two basic ways. Some of the managers who are stimulated by
theory X are narrow-minded and usually they attain inferior
performance and outcomes. Whereas, the managers who use
theory Y are broadminded and produce higher performance
and outcomes and let people to develop and mature. The
managers who follow theory Y are the competent leaders and Figure 2: Motivators as performance Indicators.
are able to meet the psychological contract of employees.
Theory X and Y are similar to behaviour pattern A and B of 6.1 Rewards
Chris Argyris. Some of the executives may be XB or YA. The Rewards are very significant and effective tools of
executives XB possess destructive notions regarding workers, management while making effort to motivate individual or
still not only helpful rather support people to be productive in group behaviour aiming to enhance efficiency of organization.
general and are always inclined towards organizational Most of the companies use pay, promotion, bonuses and

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International Journal of
Business and Management Research (IJBMR)
Open Access | Rapid and quality publishing Review Article | Volume 9, Issue 2 | Pages 104-112 | e-ISSN: 2347-4696

recognition etc. to stimulate workforces and to improve their work and their accomplishments which accelerates their
performance. There is need to develop salary structures, motivation positively. Any type of appreciation of a work
special allowances and healthy working conditions in relation done by peers, managers, supervisors, team leaders and the
to the nature of work, individual performance. In a survey employer can be termed as recognition. Recognition can also
Allen, et al. [32] proposed that various kinds of reward system be referred to as a means to express gratitude or admiration for
may carefully supplement diverse plans and are considerably the extra effort applied by an employee to complete a work or
involved in better organizational performance. Numerous a perfect job done to achieve the goal, by an employee in an
surveys have decided that the award scheme must be line up to organization. Recognition at all cost, encourages the individual
influence staffs’ performing to create it reliable with the employee or a group in two ways - to perform perfectly and
organizational plan [33]. keep on enhancing their performance. This approach of
recognized and appreciated employees inspires other
6.1.1 Promotion employees also, and hence recognition becomes precursor of
Promotion is a type of non-monetary reward where an motivation. Recognition, either formal (written remarks and
employee is moved up in position or rank in his career in an events) or informal (oral), has been the most cost efficient way
organization. Promotion plays an important role in motivating to strengthen needed actions for performance inside an
employees as everyone wants to climb the ladder up in their organization. Still, when recognition is acting in isolation of
career and enjoy a high status. A solemn desire to be promoted compensation and equity rewards, it’s frequently loses much
motivates the employee and inspires to perform better at work. of its appeal [37].
Koech [34], asserts that promotion motivates employee in
multiple ways- enhances their self-assessment, satisfies their 6.3 Fair Evaluation
recognition need, helps achieve goals and boost up their Fair evaluation of employees based upon their achievements
career, as they work in places that provide opportunities for of individual and group performance and, their skills is very
growth. A promoted employee is highly motivated and necessary for the growth and development of organizations.
prepared to meet the challenges of the job. The peer group of Employee motivation is positively influenced by fair
the promoted employee is also motivated to perform better in evaluation. If the evaluation of employees in organization is
anticipation of their promotion. Though promotion is a unfair and unjust, it would lead to their de-motivation which in
performance indicator, point to mention is that it should be fair turn will affect their performance. Treating employees with
and aptly rewarded to the deserving person upon his merit, fairness and respect at work is not only mandatory but in the
without any bias or any partiality. This is necessary as long run, it can generate positive economic result for both the
undeserved promotion may de-motivate other employees. employee and the organization. “A large and growing body of
empirical evidence from laboratory and field experiments,
6.1.2 Pay increment surveys, and observational data, as well as neuroeconomic
Monetary reward may be contemplated as an instrumental research, suggests that workers’ perceptions of fairness and
orientation to effort and involves elements, for instance- wage, trust are also key drivers of their work effort” [38].
peripheral benefits, pension privilege, material goods apart
from safety. The conventional wisdom is that workers respond 6.4 Leadership
to monetary incentives-Pay them more and they will work Leadership is the ability for persuading thing completed in the
harder. Employees look forward to some or the other form of proper way. With the aim of achieving these goals, the leader
monetary reward in return of their service. This reward may be must acquire the employees’ faith and enable them obey him.
in the form of fixed monthly salary, hourly wages or other Leaders have potential to motivate others and hold
types of financial return. Any increase in these monetary significance to leadership efficacy as that of leader’s
incentives highly motivate the employees as money is proficiency to convey. A good leadership always has the
important for everyone since they can buy the basic needs of capability to harness the full potential of an employee
the daily lives. Chien-Chung [35] observed that when performance on a positive note and direct it towards
employees are given periodic pay raises either as promotion organizational productivity. If a leader is properly skilled and
benefits, annual increments etc., they are motivated. Monetary has the talent to inspire others who are responsible to influence
increments expedite the performance and productivity of his work the leader will be taken as a successful and efficient
employees. Although Lindner [36] recognizes monetary leader [39] and will support certain change in an enterprise.
incentives as unimportant and having less value for motivating
people, various organizations use this as a major factor to
motivate their workers at all levels. In some organizations, 6.5 Job Enrichment
management rewards their employees by incentives to finish a Job enrichment practices make the job itself motivational as
project or a work under deadline. the employee becomes dissatisfied and frustrated by routine
tasks. Enrichment supports to lessen the emotion that a duty is
repetitious or suggests no career opportunity. Job enrichment
6.2 Appreciation & Recognition is an essential function of fascinating, stimulating, and holding
Appreciation for one’s work generates a feeling in an talented persons, especially where task is repetitive or tiring
individual’s mind that what he/she is doing is meaningful and [40]. The employees get an opportunity to develop
important, hence respected by peers and bosses alike. This psychologically and experienced in a job otherwise, failing job
impression makes a person feel good and worthy, about their

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International Journal of
Business and Management Research (IJBMR)
Open Access | Rapid and quality publishing Review Article | Volume 9, Issue 2 | Pages 104-112 | e-ISSN: 2347-4696

enrichment practices there is much possibility of inferior and accomplish qualitative effort. By a number of studies, it is
lower output, poor attitude, absenteeism and high turnover, evident that workforces with high-level empowerment
etc. motivation hold superior degree of job motivation, which
similarly results in improved organizational output and
6.6 Staff Training functioning [23, 46]. Workers participation and empowerment
Training enables employees to learn skills and business are two features that are not to be ignored because it plays
strategies from other sectors. Employees welcome the vital role in perception, dedication and understanding. Thus,
opportunity to sharpen their skill sets and develop their there will be a less possibility opposing to changes and not to
position in the organization and according to Ahmad [41], the be appreciated by the management. If the work teams are
new employee offers more influence on competency building extremely motivated and loyal towards the organization, then
processes and human resources practices. As a result, a well- higher levels of development and effectiveness can be attained
trained and adaptable workforce can be prepared. In a research by the organization. Fully motivated, convinced and
Al-Madi, et al. [39] stated that training of staff is a chief committed employees with positive goals will participate to
strategy for motivating workers. Training increases required enriched organizational productivity that leads towards better
skills in employees which make sure that employees are fully rewards.
motivated to make contribution concerning organization’s
objectives [40]. ░ 7. RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN
6.7 Flexible Working Schedule
The transformations in economy, technology, social and daily PERFORMANCE
life of prevailing situations have heightened the appreciation Employee motivation and performance has taken the centre
flexible working provisions in the workplace. The execution of stage of research studies in recent times. How an organization
flexible working hour plan enables employees to carry out prepares itself and work through to motivate its employees, is
their tasks in a relaxed, calm way. Consequently, the the topic of utmost concern in both public and private sectors.
motivational level of the employees increases as they do not Performance of an employee can be referred to as the work he
feel any form of stress or strain in their workings. Further, or she does. If a work is done, it is said that he or she
allows the employees to balance their responsibilities and performed and if the work is not done then it is said, he or she
family issues at home. The flexible working hours plan permit didn’t performed. Performance can also be termed as readiness
employees to concentrate on multiple roles in at present cut- of an employee to do a particular work according to the
throat working environments [42]. requirement. Motivation can be defined as an organizational
process, which inspire employees to invest their best efforts,
skills and performance for the benefit the organization as a
6.8 Participation and Empowerment
whole. It also gives them real motives to realize desires and
Workers participation and empowerment is concerning the
needs. Motivation enhances the performance and capabilities
involvements of the workers in supervision, policymaking and
of a person which further increases the efficiency of
taking into account the goals and the strategies of the
workplace. Workers participation encompasses employers
motivating employees to help in managing business practices.
The topic motivation is of utmost importance whenever it is
This is also acknowledged as worker’s involvement. Workers
considered in context of performance of an individual. Bishop
participation involves employers identifying individual
[47] conducted research on the employee performance and
worker' ideas and opinions. In order to realise workers that
concluded that reward and recognition of performance of an
employers regard them as exceptional and effective in
employee affects employee productivity. Employee
managing the organization.
performance is influenced by motivation because motivated
employees work with more effort which ultimately improves
Employee participation is a new concept in industrial
the performance [48]. Work performance of the employee
democracy and one of the means of employee empowerment
depends on the consistency of subjective (motivation, skills)
[43]. Employee involvement is an empowerment technique
and objective (working conditions) performance factors. The
wherein workers participate in dealings that was usually set
employee performance is strongly influenced by their
aside for employers. A survey made by Sun, et al. [44]
discovered that staff involvement is certainly linked with total
quality management (TQM) backgrounds and perfections in
The success and growth of an organization rest on the skill of
business functioning. The key roles are to stimulate and to
superiors to offer a motivating situation to its workers. There
develop employee relationship and obligation. There are no
is a great challenge before the managers to retain the staff as
exact procedures to develop involvement.
motivated and exercising their duties in the workplace
properly. At this stage it is essential for a manager to be aware
Empowerment of workers has been favoured as a mean to
with the behaviour of each and every employee and,
enhance motivation [45]. In a study Thomas & Velthouse [23]
simultaneously what aspect may be useful to motivate each
outlined that empowered employees are usually explained as
one independently in order to attain the goals. A researcher
self-motivated and dedicated people who feel accountable to
Joseph [49] concluded that by realising workforces' needs,

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International Journal of
Business and Management Research (IJBMR)
Open Access | Rapid and quality publishing Review Article | Volume 9, Issue 2 | Pages 104-112 | e-ISSN: 2347-4696

superiors can identify what rewards to utilize to influence the fulfil their functions. In addition, assists them in using
workforces. The aim of many organizations is to offer business resources properly. Motivation enables managers to
assistance from motivating employee performance in the place promote their employees towards their jobs in the right
of work by encouraging a successful setting for both the direction and right time. Many of the scholars have exhibited
organization and the workforces. Employee motivation has a that inspired and stimulated employees accomplish the work
powerful effect on the effectiveness of an enterprise [50]. The gracefully than depressed ones that leads to profit growths
success of the organization relies upon members being [55].
influenced to utilise their skills and guided to perform
competently in the proper areas. Motivated employees are ░ 8. CONCLUSION
innovative, self-directed and goal-oriented as they always look
The discussion and empirical review suggests that employee
for better ways to achieve a goal. They are capable to produce
motivation plays an important role in enhancing employee and
qualitative work with highest efficiency and productivity [51].
organizational performance which is linked to the success and
If the workers are not focused properly it eventually affects
goal achievement of an organization. The extent and strategies
performance. This involves low motivation, lack of positive
employed to motivate the workers largely determine their
team spirit, and deprived sense of belonging, considering
attitude and commitment towards their job. Motivated and
individuals devalued and poorly recompensed. The scholar
contented employees in the organization stay the highly
Mullin [52] assert that motivation reflects the expectation of a
complicated issue of any innovative enterprise. The workers
person in relation to his emotional needs that directs an
who are inspired as well as motivated feel right, appreciation
individual to achieve his goals in a distinct manner. The
and accomplishment. The most important aspect is that the
conclusion can be drawn that the conceptual framework built
employees feel satisfied and motivated at their work. The
upon around motivational constructs stick to the basic idea that
motivation and enthusiasm of working staffs can be attained
individual needs or expectation arises from the performance
throughout the empowerment and inspiration of employees.
level of a person that he or she implies to achieve the desired
Motivated and contented employees care for an improved
goals satisfactorily. It is also evident that both extrinsic and
level of innovation, improved quality of work, and an
intrinsic motivation can convincingly influence human’s
improved level of efficiency. Besides, they are inclined to
behaviour and encourage them to carry out specific actions,
develop friendly relations and efficient teamwork.
and enhance their performance as depicted in figure 3.
Employee motivation at workplace is contemplated as a
significant instinct as it causes effort concerning work-related
actions, i.e. eagerness of employees to devote efforts towards
achievement of a goal. A motivated employee exhibits
complete enthusiasm and zeal towards the job and is
determined to achieve both the personal and organisational
Figure 3: Relationship between motivation and performance.
Whenever we talk about the organizational performance it’s Organizations need to employ motivational strategies as a
not only the capital and financial resources that contributes in continuous process in their organizational plan to ensure
goal achievement but the human resource as well that makes a smooth services and effective performance. Motivational
distinction [53]. The organizations, irrespective of size, incentives should include both monetary and physiological
marketplace, and technology, aspire to be productive components. Management should pay more attention in
prosperous and look after for continuous growth in spite of identifying the motivators as performance indicators and
cut-throat business enterprise. The plans and strategies must be ensure fair evaluation of employees. Motivational strategies
improved and rightly executed with the proper use of all should be periodically evaluated and updated accordingly.
efficient means with the aim of achieving those goals. The Organizations are required to set up monitoring systems to
roles of motivated manager is to direct organizational evaluate the needs of employees at each and every level
members and produce estimated results incorporating: aiming to develop plans for employees’ growth and
recruitment and selection, training and development, development. Additionally, to value employee perceptions
performance appraisal, job security, career growth, work-life about the working environment under which they perform
balance, pay fulfilment, role, team working, involvement and their duties. Effective training programs and feedback
communication, challenge and self-sufficiency. These are the techniques are essential to retain individuals on job by
key HR plans and strategies that act to motivate employees building motivation and a healthier workplace with reference
and ensure them to be skilled. In their study Porter & Lawler to the quality and techniques applied. Right appreciation of
[54] concluded that exerted effort should be sufficient to better work performance and opportunities to growth should
achieve the desired performance level. be viewed as a useful and valuable approach for motivation
Motivation supports the management to be creative and
accountable for their actions and executing their roles and

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Open Access | Rapid and quality publishing Review Article | Volume 9, Issue 2 | Pages 104-112 | e-ISSN: 2347-4696

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