Geothermal Exploration and Development in Thailand (Korjedee, 2002)
Geothermal Exploration and Development in Thailand (Korjedee, 2002)
Geothermal Exploration and Development in Thailand (Korjedee, 2002)
第 11 号 (2002) 56-66 頁
Thoop Korjedee
IMany geothermal manifestations and hot springs of medium to low enthalpy have been found scattering around
the country of Thailand, especially in the northern part, the southern part and the western part. The surface
temperatures of the hot springs range from 40˚C to 100˚C. Systematic studies of geothermal resources started
in 1973 by the National Energy Administration of Thailand (NEA) and Kingston Reynolds Thom & Alladice
indicated that utilization of geothermal energy for power generation and agricultural application was warranted.
The Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT), in cooperation with the French Energy Agency, Japan
International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and Chiang Mai University, has developed a geothermal power project
in Chiang Mai province.
In 1989, EGAT succeed in the installation of the 300 kWe binary cycle geothermal power plant at Fang area.
Up to now this power plant has a capacity to generate and transmit more than 13 million kWh of electricity to
the local distribution grid. The exhaust hot water from the power plant is used for demonstrating crop dryer, air
conditioning and cold storage.
A similar project has been developed in Mae Hong Son and Chiang Rai province, which mainly emphasizes on
shallow level exploration for multipurpose uses.
There are more than 90 hot springs with surface 2. EXPLORATION HISTORY
temperatures ranging from 40˚ to 100˚C scattering
throughout the country with more than 40 of them Since 1979 the working group has investigated more
located in the northern part (Fig.1). The preliminary than 30 well-known hot spring of northern Thailand
results from reconnaissance surveys which had although the exploration drilling had not begun until
been done by the National Energy Administration 1981 (Table 1). The exploration has subsequently
(NEA) of Thailand and Kingston Reynolds Thom & been narrowed down to the five most promising areas,
Allardice Ltd. of New Zealand in 1973 indicated that namely Fang, San Kampaeng, Pa Pae, Tepanom
utilization of geothermal energy for power generation geothermal areas in Chiang Mai province and Mae
and agricultural application was warranted. However, Chan geothermal area in Chiang Rai province (Fig 2).
the studies of geothermal potential did not begin until The calculated reservoir temperatures are close to or
late 1979. A working group consisting of personnel above 180˚C. After conducting scientific, sociological
from the Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand and economical analyses, San Kampaeng and Fang
(EGAT), the Department of Mineral Resources (DMR) geothermal areas were selected as the sites for detail
and Chiang Mai University (CMU) was formed studies.
with the aim to define the potential of geothermal
development for power generating which leads to the During 1982-1988 EGAT cooperated with Japan
set up and implementation of the tentative schedule for International Cooperation Agency (JICA) in
carrying out the pre-feasibility study on geothermal shallow exploration wells were drilled at the selected
development in San Kampaeng, in order to utilize location to examine the subsurface condition. During
geothermal energy for electricity generation. 1994-1996, nine geothermal areas namely: Mae Chan,
Tepanom, Muang Ngam, Pha Bong, Nong Haeng,
During 1982-1992, EGAT cooperated with the French Mae Kasa, Pong Pu Fuang, Ko Kha and Pha Sert
Environment and Energy Management Agency geothermal areas were investigated.
(ADEME) in studying the use of geothermal energy
for electricity generation and multipurpose uses in During 1994-1996, Pai geothermal areas including
Fang geothermal area. Ban Muang Rae and Ban Muang Paeng geothermal
area, in Pai district, Mae Hong Son province, northern
During 1983-1986, DMR established the geothermal Thailand (Fig. 2) were investigated by EGAT to
exploration project to evaluate the potential of 50 implement for shallow reservoir development. The
geothermal areas in northern part of the country using result shows that the potential is not suitable for
geological and geochemical prospecting. The technical electricity generation.
assistance from the United Nation Development
Program (UNDP) under the contract of TCD CON In 1996, EGAT carried out the resistivity surveys and
32/83 was also a part of this project. The UNDP shallow exploration drilling at Mae Chan geothermal
project covered 9 selected geothermal areas, namely: area in Chiang Rai province, northern Thailand.
Ban Pong, Ban Nong Krok, Pong Kum, Tepanom,
Nam Mae Mon, Nam Mae Hul, Ban Sop Pong, Ban Latest, in 1998, EGAT carried out the resistivity
Pong Nam Ron and Ban Mae Chok geothermal areas. surveys and shallow exploration drilling at Ban Nong
The expert mission from Geothermica. Italiana Srl., Haeng geothermal area in Khun Yuam district, Mae
Italy, performed the fieldwork during 1983-1984. The Hong Son province (Fig. 2). This is one of the projects
geophysical and drilled well data available in some of new energy resources development, which EGAT
geothermal areas were also used for evaluating the has made endeavor to implement in Mae Hong Son
project. province.
Thoop Korjedee
northern Thailand can be summarized as follow: was done to confirm the production reliability, EGAT
1. Surface temperature is up to 100˚C decided to procure a binary power plant of 300 kWe
2. pH range from neutral to slightly alkali (7-9.5) capacity for demonstration. The power plant was
3. Low chloride content (less than 32 mg/l) and installed and has been connected to the local grid
high fluoride content (up to 25 mg/l) system since December 5, 1989. Up to now this power
4. Low calcium and magnesium content (less than plant has capacity to generate and transmit more than
6 mg/l and less than 0.6 mg/l respectively) 13 million kWh of electricity to the local distribution
5. Na-HCO3 type composition grid. The exhaust hot water from the power plant is
used for demonstrating crop dryer, air conditioning
5. EGAT'S GEOTHERMAL EXPLORATION AND and cold storage (Fig. 4 and Fig. 5). Nowadays,
DEVELOPMENT Thailand mainly emphasizes shallow level exploration
for multipurpose uses.
San Kampaeng Geothermal Area
The San Kampaeng geothermal development project The technical cooperation on Fang Deep Geothermal
has been conducted under technical collaboration Development Project, under the extended agreement
between EGAT and Japan International Cooperation with the French Environment and Energy Management
Agency (JICA) in 1982. The objective of this Agency (ADEME), in order to define the potential
collaboration was to define the geothermal potential of deep reservoir was started in 1990. The detail
of the area. The detail investigation on geology, geological survey, electrical survey and geochemical
geochemistry, geophysics and exploration drilling survey were implemented in order to locate the deep
were carried out during 1982-1988. Two deep reservoir and its controlled structure. After completed
exploration wells, GTE-7 and GTE-8, were drilled the field surveys, the intermediate deep wells (FX1-
in the prospecting areas to the depth of 1,277 and FX4) were drilled with a target for 500 meters deep
1,300 meters respectively. The first well, GTE-7, in the prospecting points. The second well, FX-2,
was dry with the bottom hole temperature of 99o C. encountered a fracture at 270 meters depth and
The second well, GTE-8, encountered fracture zones produced 25 t/h of hot water having a temperature of
at various depths from 330-920 meters and only 125 ˚C. The well FX-4 encountered the fractures at the
the last fracture at depth of 920 meters, discharged depth of 268, 337 and 417 meters and had bottom hole
40 t/h of water at 125o C. Estimated potential of temperature of 130 ˚C. The total hot water flow rate
the San Kampaeng geothermal reservoir is up to 5 is about 36 t/h. The other wells, FX-1 and FX-3 were
MW through binary cycle system. However, cost- non-productive and had bottom hole temperatures of
effectiveness of binary cycle geothermal power plant 108 ˚C and 113 ˚C respectively. The data obtaining
is higher than conventional thermal power system. from the survey indicated that the reservoir is most
likely associated with faults or fault sets which are laid
Fang Geothermal Area down very steep dip. By this reason it is very high risk
In 1982, the cooperation between EGAT and the to encounter this faults by normal vertical drilling so
French Agency for Energy Management (AFME) was it is unreasonable to drill the deep vertical exploration
established to carry out the Feasibility Study on Fang well in this moment.
Geothermal Development Project to install a binary
cycle demonstration plant of 100-300 kWe using Pai Geothermal Area
hot water from the shallow reservoir. The geological After EGAT has succeed in developing the first
survey and detailed resistivity survey were carried geothermal demonstration plant in Fang geothermal
out to examine the shallow resistivity structure, to area, EGAT set up the plan to develop the shallow
delineate mineralized hot water zone and to locate reservoirs as multipurpose project at Ban Muang
shallow production wells. Some shallow wells were Rae and Ban Muang Paeng geothermal areas in Pai
drilled for various exploring purposes which some District, Mae Hong Son Province during 1994-1996.
of them discharging hot water. From late 1985 to
early 1986, two exploration wells, FGTE-14 and The geophysical surveys using DC resistivity method
FGTE-15, were drilled in low resistivity anomalous were carried out covering the prospecting area in order
zones discharged hot water of 125 ˚C, with total flow to locate and delineate the resistivity structure, to
rate of 22 liters per second. After the production test investigate the geological structure which associated
After finishing geophysical survey the twelve heat Mae Chan Geothermal Area
holes of 50 meters deep were drilled. Furthermore EGAT carried out the resistivity profiling using
three exploratory drilling wells of 200 meters deep current electrode spacing of AB/2= 100 meters for 5
with the hole diameter of 5 5/8 inches were drilled profile lines with approximate length of 800 meters.
along the fracture zone. The results of these drilling Combined head-on resistivity profiling method was
wells were non-productive. The result indicates that carried out for 5 profile lines with electrode spacing of
the bottom hole temperature is about 93.3 ˚ C and AB/2 = 100 meters and 3 profile lines with electrode
the highest temperature is 96 ˚C at the depth of 170 spacing of AB/2 = 200 meters. The result shows that
Thoop Korjedee
the low resistivity anomalies and preferred faults C at the depth of 42 meters. Numerous fractures are
correspond with the main faults of the area. The result encountered at that depth but no hot water discharges.
of combined head-on resistivity profiling survey The result shows a thermal anomaly extends to South-
shows that three faults trending NE-SW cross the area East of the area. The 30 Ω-m resistivity anomaly at 20
can be detected. m depth coincides with the area of high temperature
of the bore holes. The 30 Ω-m resistivity anomaly
Eleven exploratory wells of 50 meters deep were is about 12,500 square meters and at a very shallow
drilled. The result shows the good sign for shallow depth of about 20 meters. The conclusion of the
reservoir development and a thermal anomaly extends survey result indicates that the shallow reservoir is
to South-East of the area. EGAT had planned to drill low potential to develop for electricity generation
2-3 of 200-300 meters deep holes, but due to the and not suitable to drill 250 meters deep wells for the
economic crisis, EGAT decided to postpone the deep next step. In addition, in order to define the higher
drilling program. temperature reservoir, as estimated by chemical
geothermometer, such modern geophysical survey as
Nong Haeng Geothermal Area magnetotelluric (CSAMT) method is required because
In early 1998, EGAT planned to develop energy of topographic concerns and in order to obtain more
resource in Mae Hong Son Province, especially detail at deeper level
renewable energy such as solar energy and geothermal
energy. Nong Haeng geothermal area is one of 6. MULTIPURPOSE PROJECT
the projects which EGAT attempts to develop for
electricity generation from geothermal energy. Since Thailand is an agricultural country, many of the
Resistivity profiling survey and combined head-on agricultural products, especially in northern Thailand,
resistivity profiling survey were carried out for the should be kept in a cold storage in order to reduce the
same 8 profile lines of length 900 and 400 meters post-harvest losses. Among these products are: onion,
which lie in two directions (NE and NW direction) potato, lychee, longan etc. Tobacco, agro-industry,
The result indicates that the low resistivity zone (less chili, earth-bean and garlic are the other important
than 60 Ω-m) appears in the center of the area around main products, which will also require curing by
the hot spring. This low resistivity zone shows in the drying system.
NW-SE direction. On the other hand a high resistivity
which is coincident with the high topography exhibits At San Kampaeng geothermal area, CMU and Mae
in the east. The result of combined head-on resistivity Jo Institute of Agricultural Technology carried out
profiling shows that the main fault is not detected. the research work with the financial support from
Only small fracture zones trending nearly E-W and the NEA to use the discharging hot water from the
NW-SE can be founded in the area. exploration well for tobacco curing and earth-bean
drying. Unfortunately, after the research was run-
Thirteen measurement stations of Vertical Electricity over, there is no more in use of these dryers. In 1989,
Sounding survey were conducted throughout the the Tourist Authority of Thailand (TAT) and the San
area. The data of three measurement stations that are Kampaeng cooperative village were joined together
located in the east of the area are not reliable. This is to develop this hot spring area as the tourist spot and
because the steep slop of topography. The data were to promote the thermal water for bathing, which are
also analyzed and interpreted by PNOC, Philippines, become popular nowadays.
in the under foreign co-operation in 1999. Resistivity
models show that the low resistivity (less than 50 Ω At Fang geothermal area, exhausted hot water from
-m) is shown at the depth of less than 100 meters and the power plant is again used for demonstrating
the thickness of the low resistivity ranges from about crop dryer, air conditioning and cold storage (using
20 to 30 meters. absorption type) with ice storage. Meanwhile, the Mae
Fang National Park constructed the public bathing
The seven heat holes of 50 and 70 meters deep were pond and sauna room to serve the visitors. Recently,
drilled in order to define temperature gradient. The the Food Processing Section of the Royal Project -
result indicates that the bottom hole temperature is Royal Recommended Project is constructed a new
about 73.8 ˚C and the highest temperature is 83.0 ˚ larger crop dryer to preserve his products. Cooled
water of about half million cubic meters per year is EGAT emphasizes to develop the shallow reservoirs
chemically safe enough to discharge for crop planting for multipurpose uses in the area with electricity
in nearby area. shortage such as Mae Hong Son Province.
At San Kampaeng, A small amount of geothermal Barr, S.M., Ratanasthien, B., Breen, D., Raminwong,
fluid from shallow reservoir of San Kampaeng T. and Sertsrivanit, S. (1979), Hot Spring and
Geothermal Area is used for recreation and tourist Geothermal gradient in northern Thailand,
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the local authority to establish a government-private
joint project to use the existing discharge fluid for Cheng, Y. W. (1980), Location of near surface faults
commercial scale crop drying and cool storage, to in geothermal prospects by the "Combined head-on
preserve agricultural product of nearby villages. resistivity profiling method", Proceeding of the 2nd
However, the project so far has not been successful New Zealand Workshop, pp 163-166.
due to the lack of financial support.
Hochstein, M.P. (1988), Assessment and modeling of
As deep reservoirs are most likely associated with very Geothermal Reservoir (Small Utilization Schemes),
steep dipping fractures, it is very difficult to develop Geothermic, vol. 17, No. 1, pp .15-49
resources by using normal techniques. Directional
drilling is considered the most suitable and effective JICA (1986), Interim Report, "The Pre-Feasibility
method to apply with deep geothermal resources. Study for the San Kampaeng Geothermal
Even though directional drilling is considered cost- Development Project in the Kingdom of Thailand",
effective, its investment cost is presently high. Thus, Unpublished.
Thoop Korjedee
JICA (1988), Final Report, " The Pre-Feasibility Study Report No. 95.16, University of Auckland, New
for the San Kampaeng Geothermal Development Zealand.
Project in the Kingdom of Thailand", Unpublished.
Prasatkhetwittaya, W., Praserdvigai, S., and Korjedee,
Korjedee, T. (1995), Preliminary report of Ban Muang T. (2000), Overview on Geothermal Exploration
Paeng geothermal prospect, Electricity Generating and Development in Thailand, Paper presented at
Authority of Thailand. (Published in Thai Language) Geothermal Power Asia' 2000 Conference, 28-29
February 2000, Manila, Philippines.
Korjedee, T. (1999), Preliminary report of Ban Nong
Haeng geothermal prospect, Electricity Generating Praserdvigai, S. (1999), The Geothermal Exploration
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Promoting Geothermal Development, Oct 1999, NEF,
Prasatkhetwittaya, W. (1995), Report of Resistivity Japan.
Study of Muang Paeng Geothermal Area, Thailand,
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Fig. 3a Schematic model of a narrow fracture zone system with a small shallow outflow
Fig. 3b Schematic model of a wide fracture zone system with an inclined upflow of hot water
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