Corresponding Author:
Esraa A. Mahareek
Mathematics Department, Faculty of Science, Al-Azhar University
Cairo, Egypt
Email: [email protected]
Even for individuals, a significant concern is the monitoring capacity to keep the people safe and its
quick response to serve this purpose as protection is the main driver for the deployment of surveillance systems.
Although the usage of monitoring devices has risen, human potential has not [1]. As a result, even if there is
a large loss of labor and time considering relative to normal events, how improbable abnormal events are to
occur, a lot of oversight is necessary to identify odd events that could damage people or a business [2].
For organizations like law enforcement, security, and others, surveillance footage is a valuable source
of information. It is an automated system that is used to keep an eye on both interior and outdoor spaces
including parking lots, malls, and airports. With the use of 2D or 3D cameras, the captured video streams are
transformed into images. Computer vision algorithms analyze these photos to find objects, people, and actions
in the scene. In order to detect and respond to unforeseen incidents like robberies, assaults, vandalism, or traffic
accidents, video surveillance systems must be able to recognize anomalous actions in these settings.
However, compared to typical events, anomalous occurrences are uncommon. The development of
computer vision systems that automatically detect anomalous action in surveillance movies is essential since
monitoring surveillance videos is very vital and time-consuming. It might be challenging to detect changes
in the scene in many surveillance recordings due to their low quality and discontinuous character. Hand-
crafted feature extractors are used in conventional methods to solve this problem to find abnormal events.
These methods take a lot of work, and they are challenging to keep up as the video format changes over time.
Machine learning innovations in recent years have made it possible to train algorithms to detect anomalies
without explicitly defining features.
The problem definition for detecting anomalies in surveillance videos involves developing algorithms
that can identify events or behaviors that deviate from the expected norm in a given environment. This task
can be particularly challenging due to the complexity and variability of real-world environments, as well as the
need for algorithms to operate in real-time, with minimal delay or latency. Furthermore, the algorithms must be
able to distinguish between normal and abnormal events with a high level of accuracy to avoid false positives
or negatives. To achieve this, various approaches have been proposed such as machine learning techniques that
can automatically learn from training data and identify patterns of normal behavior. Another approach is to use
deep learning techniques, such as convolutional neural networks (CNNs), which have shown promising results
in detecting anomalies in surveillance videos. However, the effectiveness of these approaches depends heavily
on the quality and quantity of training data available, as well as the specific features that are used to represent
normal and abnormal behaviors. Additionally, the development of more advanced sensors and cameras that can
capture high-quality video data with greater detail and resolution has also contributed to improving accuracy.
In this research, we suggest a novel strategy for instantly identifying and employing CNN, which draw
attributes from video frames, to classify anomalies in video recordings in accordance with different anomaly
classes such as assault, robbery, and fighting. In this method, we first choose convolutional long short-term
memory (ConvLSTM) to learn the long-term spatial and temporal characteristics of anomalies, then a 3D-
convolutional neural network (3DCNN) to learn the short-term spatial and temporal characteristics. In order to
improve training stability and performance, we then merge these networks into a single architecture to perform
classification of surveillance videos. In order to learn certain picture properties that are discriminative for
various anomaly classes and for each class, multiple layers of convolutional networks are trained on thousands
of photos, they are taught to identify the normal from the abnormal frames in a video clip. In order to do this, a
characteristic taken from a typical frame is compared to a feature retrieved from an anomaly frame of the same
class to determine how similar they are, and the frame is then classified as normal or abnormal by generating a
similarity score between the two feature vectors. The biggest disadvantage of this approach is the large amount
of training images and datasets required to train the network to recognize important image features. It is a
sizable dataset on which we trained our proposal because more than 128 hours of recorded video are available
in UCFCrime, which is classified into 8 anomaly courses and 1 normal class. Using the held-out test data,
we evaluate the performance of our proposal and find that it outperforms other existing approaches and has a
suitable classification accuracy for various anomaly events kinds.
In order to identify various forms of anomalies, we first detail the data set that was used in this study
as well as how it was pre-processed, trained, and evaluated using a 3DCNN technique. Following that, we give
a summary of the test dataset’s findings and display each dataset’s classification accuracy and area under the
receiver operating characteristic-area under the curve (ROC-AUC). This essay is structured as follows: The
literature review of numerous publications connected to this research study is described in section 2. 3D-CNN
is discussed in section 3. The method is described in section 4. The dataset is described in section 5, and
the pre-processing of the training data is briefly described in section 6, which is followed by a discussion and
Using computer vision to recognize certain actions in security cameras has gained prominence in the
action detection industry. The field of computer vision is relevant to this work. In order to automate the task of
video anomaly detection, many academics have been working to build effective machine-learning approaches.
Figure 1 displays the distribution of papers on anomaly detection from works that were published in the public
domain between 2015 and 2021. A model for detecting anomalies in surveillance footage is presented in [3],
[4]. There are two phases to the system. Numerous handcrafted elements have been shown on this platform.
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Cool-3D (C3D) characteristics have also been extracted using deep learning approaches and anomaly detection
using support vector machine (SVM) from video data. Sultani et al. [5] used these methods. The next stage is
behavior modeling. During this step, SVM is trained using a bag-of-visual-words (BOVW) to understand how
to represent typical behavior.
The most dangerous form of bullying in schools is campus violence and is a problem for society
worldwide. There are a number of potential techniques, including video-based ones, to prevent college violence
as remote monitoring and artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities develop. In order to identify campus violence,
Ye et al. [6] utilize aural and visual data. Role-playing is employed to collect information about campus
violence, and each of the video’s 16 frames is extracted to create 4096-dimension feature vectors. When
applying the 3DCNN for classification and feature extraction, a total precision of 92% is attained.
Lv et al. [7] publish the weakly supervised anomaly localization (WSAL) technique, which focuses
on temporally localizing anomalous regions inside anomalous films. influenced by the striking contrast of odd
videos. The evolution of adjacent temporal segments is evaluated in order to identify abnormal portions. To
achieve this, a high-order context encoding model is proposed that measures dynamic fluctuations in addition
to extracting semantic representations to make effective use of the temporal environment. Video classification
is more difficult than it is for static images because it is challenging to accurately capture both the spatial
and temporal information of succeeding video frames. Ji et al. [8] proposed the 3D convolution operator for
computing features from both geographical and temporal data. Wu et al. [9] provide a self-supervised-sparse-
representation (S3R) framework in 2022 that represents the idea of anomalous at the feature level by looking
at the synergy between dictionary-based representation and self-supervised learning. In order to improve the
discriminativeness of feature magnitudes for recognizing anomalies. Chen et al. [10] proposed the magnitude-
contrastive-loss and the feature amplification mechanism. Test results using benchmark datasets from XD and
UCF for crime and violence.
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By increasing the convolution kernel, 3DCNN accomplishes this by extending CNN. Utilizing 3DCNN
[11] is efficient for extracting video features. 3DCNN extracts the spatial-temporal information from the entire
video for a more thorough analysis. Given the data format of the video, the 3D convolution kernel is utilized to
extract regional spatio-temporal neighborhood information. In (1) represents the formula 3DCNN:
i −1 Q
X PX i −1 R i −1
X X pqr
vij = Relu(bij + wijm k(i−1)m ) (1)
m p=o q=0 r=0
where the activation function of the buried layer is denoted by Relu. The ith and j th feature graph sets’
current value at point (x, y, z) is represented as vij . The term bij denotes the bias of the ith layer and the j th
feature map. The kernel value (p, q, r) associated with the mt h feature map in the layer before is represented
bywijm . The convolution kernel’s height and breadth are denoted by Pi , Qi , while its size along the temporal
axis is denoted by Ri .
ft = Ot ◦ tanh(Ct ) (6)
The inputs are P1 , P2 , ..., Pt , the cell outputs are C1 , C2 , ..., Ct , and the hidden states are K1 , K2 , ..., Kt . The
gates it , ft , andOt represent the 3D tensors of ConvLSTM, respectively. The last 2D, which are spatial, are
rows and columns. The operators “∗” and “◦”, respectively, stand for the convolution operator and “Hadamard
product”. In this instance, the ConvLSTM is supplemented with the batch normalization layer and dropout
To classify videos, 3DCNN and ConvLSTM are combined. We will go over the 3DCNN ConvLSTM
model’s design in this part. We proposed a 3DCNN followed by a ConvLSTM network as a feature extraction
model for the dynamic anomaly detection process. Figure 2 displays the architecture of our model. The input
layer is composed of a stack of 1632323 downscaled continuous anomalous video frames. The architecture
consists of four 3D convolutional layers, each with a distinct filter (32, 32, 64, and 64). the same 333 kernel
size, though. After that, a ConvLSTM layer with 64-unit sizes was introduced. ReLU and batch normalization
layers are placed after each 3DCNN layer. The 3D max between each pair of 3DCNN layers were pooling and
dropout layers. With values of 0.3 and 0.5, dropout layers were used. The softmax activation function follows
the output probability in a fully connected layer with 512 and has a significant number of output units equal to
the number of anomalous video classes.
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To categorize the test video, it split into 16 consecutive frames, and fed into the trained model. The
features that the model has discovered are used to determine the likelihood score for each frame. The majority
voting schema predicts the label of the video sequence using the probability score of each frame after receiving
a prediction of 16 frames as input (7) contains the voting formula for a majority.
X1, X2, ..., andX16 denote the frames collected from the tested video, and Y denotes the class name for the
sign gesture video. For each frame,C(X1), C(X2), C(X3), ..., C(X16) reflect the expected class designation.
The practice of identifying and analyzing anomalies in video data is gaining popularity. We employ
our method to identify and analyze anomalies in numerous important video datasets in order to satisfy this
need. For instance, the citations for UCFCrime [5], XDViolence [13], UBIfights [14], NTU CCTVFights [15],
and UCF101 [16].
The first dataset consists of 128 hours of video in various sizes and types. Eight categories of crimes,
totaling 1,900 words each, are listed in these films. These offenses consist of assault, arson, fighting, breaking
and entering, explosion, arrest, abuse, and traffic accidents. Additionally, ”Normal” videos—those without any
footage of crimes are part of the collection. This dataset can be used to complete two tasks. The first step is
to do a general analysis of anomalies, taking into account all anomalies in one group and all usual activities in
another. Figure 3 depicts the distribution of the number of videos by class for each UCFCrime course.
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With a runtime of 217 hours and a total of 4,754 untrimmed films with audio signals and shaky labels,
the second dataset, XDViolence [13], is a sizable, multi-scene dataset. The third dataset, UBIfights, is focused
on a specific anomaly detection while still providing a wide range of fighting scenarios. It consists of 80 hours
of film that has been fully annotated at the frame level. consisting of 1,000 films, of which 784 show typical
daily events and 216 show war scenarios. All unnecessary video clips, including video introductions and news,
were removed to avoid interfering with the learning process. The titles of the videos include descriptions of the
several types of videos, such as those shot with fixed, rotated, or moveable cameras, or those shot in indoor and
outdoor settings, in red, green, and blue (RGB) or grayscale, or both.
The fourth dataset, UCF101, consists of 101 different real-world activity categories of YouTube
videos. There are 13,320 videos in 101 different activity categories. The movies are separated into 25 groups,
each including four to seven videos of a different activity drawn from the 101 action categories. Similar back-
drops, points of view, and other traits may be presented in videos from the same group.
CCTVFights, the final dataset, contains 1,000 videos of actual fights that were recorded by CCTVs or
handheld cameras. There are 280 CCTV films in total, with bouts lasting an average of 2 minutes and anywhere
from 5 seconds and 12 minutes. In addition, it contains 720p video of actual battles obtained from other sources
(referred to as non-CCTV in this text), primarily from mobile cameras but also on occasion from dashcams,
drones, and helicopters. These movies average 45 seconds in length and range in length from 3 seconds to
7 minutes, however some of them have several fights that help the model draw broader conclusions. Table 1
gives a detailed description of the datasets that were used in this experiment.
For evaluation, we split each dataset into 75:25 training and testing divisions. The remaining films
are for testing. Each split is further divided into five folds, each of which contains about one-third of the
total number of movies for training or validation. Using a Windows 10 Pro machine, an Intel Core i7 CPU,
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and 16 GB of RAM, the deep learning model was tested. The Anaconda environment, the Spyder editor, and
Python were all used in the system’s implementation. In the deep learning libraries, Keras and TensorFlow
both appeared. Data handling and pre-processing were done with the Python OpenCV library.
Deep learning models have a variety of characteristics that affect how well they develop and perform.
We’ll discuss how our network’s functioning is impacted by the number of iterations. The number of iterations
is one of the most important hyperparameters in modern deep learning systems. As a result of graphic pro-
cessing units (GPU) parallelism, the model may be trained with fewer iterations in practice, which drastically
speeds up computation. As opposed to that, training took longer while using larger iteration numbers than
when using smaller ones, but testing accuracy was higher. The number of iterations and batch size can both be
significantly impacted by the size of the model training dataset.
A crucial responsibility is performance review. Therefore, the performance of the multi-class clas-
sification issue is evaluated or represented using the AUC. It is one of the most basic evaluation criteria for
determining whether a categorization model is effective. The level or measure of separability is known as
AUC. It demonstrates how well the model can distinguish between classes.
Accuracy and AUC are the two metrics employed by classification methods. A highly accurate model
produces extremely few incorrect predictions. However, the cost of those wrong projections to the company is
not taken into account. When applied to these business problems, accuracy measurements abstract away the TP
and FP characteristics and provide model forecasts with an excessive degree of confidence, which is detrimental
to business objectives. AUC is the preferable statistic in such cases because it calibrates the trade-off between
sensitivity and specificity at the best-selected threshold. Additionally, while AUC compares two models and
evaluates a single model’s performance at several thresholds, accuracy evaluates the performance of a single
The performance of the trained models was assessed using the AUC test and recognition accuracy.
Table 2 summarizes the results of our trials for recognition accuracy and AUC utilizing the suggested 3DCNN-
ConvLSTM model with batch sizes of 32 and iterations of 10, 30, and 50. Figures 4 and 5 depict the perfor-
mance on the UCFCrime datasets’ training and validation runs across 10 and 30 iterations, respectively.The
training dataset clearly showed that the model performed effectively, performance on the UCF101 training and
validation datasets is shown in Figure 6 at 100 iterations. The training accuracy for the model was almost 100%.
The best recognition accuracy rate for the UCF101 dataset was 100 percent after 50 iterations when 25% of the
dataset was used to test the trained model. While the model’s accuracy rates for the UCFCrime, XDViolence,
CCTVFight, and UBIfight datasets are 98.5%, 95.1%, 99.1%, and 97.1%, respectively. When trained for 50
iterations, which takes 25 hours for the UCFCrime dataset, the model gets the highest recognition accuracy
among the five datasets. While the model’s AUC for the UCFCrime, XDViolence, CCTVFight, and UBIfight
datasets, respectively, are 92.2%, 87.7%, 94.3%, 93.3%, and 92.3%. Given that the results are competitive with
those of the recent studies compared in Tables 3, 4, 5, and 6.
Table 2. Performance evaluation of our model using the UCFCrime, CCTVFights, UBIfight, XDViolence, and
UCF101 datasets
Measure UCFCrime XDViolence CCTVFights UBIfight UCF101
Accuracy 10 89% 81.9% 91.7% 89.7% 90.7%
AUC 10 80% 79% 83% 82.6% 87%
Accuracy 30 93.4% 92.3% 94.1% 93.1% 95.1%
AUC 30 85.6% 83.2% 89% 89.8% 89.3%
Accuracy 50 98.5% 95.1% 99% 97.1% 100%
AUC 50 92.2% 87.7% 94.3% 93.3% 92.3%
In order to properly assess the model, Table 3 contrasts the outcomes for additional models provided by
other studies for the UCFCrime dataset. It shows that our proposal produces the top AUC outcomes, 92.2 across
50 iterations. and achieves 87.7 in AUC and 95.1 in accuracy for the CCTVFights dataset, respectively.In order
to fully assess the model, Table 4 contrasts the outcomes for additional models provided by previous studies
Detecting anomalies in security cameras with 3D-convolutional neural network and ... (Esraa A. Mahareek)
1000 ❒ ISSN: 2088-8708
for the XDViolence dataset. It shows that our proposal offers the top AUC outcomes 87.7% at 50 iterations.
In order to fully assess the model, Table 5 contrasts the outcomes for additional models provided by other
methods for the UBIfights dataset. It shows that our proposal offers the top AUC outcomes 93.3 percent in
50 iterations.In order to fully assess the model, Table 6 contrasts the outcomes for additional models provided
by previous research for the UCF-101 dataset. It shows that our proposal offers highest levels of accuracy,
100% in 50 iterations. Figures 7 and 8 show characteristics typical of real-time abuse and explosion videos, for
Figure 4. Model accuracy during validation/training for 10 iterations on the UCFCrime dataset
Figure 5. Model accuracy during validation/training for 30 iterations on the UCFCrime dataset
Figure 6. Model accuracy during validation/training for 100 iterations on the UCF101 dataset
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Int J Elec & Comp Eng ISSN: 2088-8708 ❒ 1001
Table 3. Comparison of our model’s output with that of additional models for UCFCrime dataset
Reference AUC Technique Year
[10] 86.98% Magnitude-contrastive glance-and-focus network (MGFN) 2022
[9] 85.99% Self-supervised sparse representation (S3R) 2022
[7] 85.38% Weakly supervised anomaly localization (WSAL) 2020
[17] 84.89% Learning causal temporal relation (LCTR) and 2021
Feature discrimination for anomaly detection (FDAD)
[18] 84.48% Multi-stream-network with late-fuzzy-fusion 2022
[19] 84.03% Real time floor monitoring (RTFM) 2021
ours 92.2% 3DCNN-ConvLSTM 2023
Table 4. Comparison of our model’s output with that of additional models for the XDViolence dataset
Reference AUC Technique Year
[9] 80.26% Self-supervised sparse representation (S3R) 2022
[10] 82.11% Magnitude-contrastive glance-and-focus network (MGFN) 2022
[19] 77.81% Real time floor monitoring (RTFM) 2021
[20] 83.54% Cross-modal-awareness-local-arousal (CMA-LA) 2022
[21] 83.4% Modality-aware-contrastive-instance-learning-with-self-distillation (MACIL-SD) 2022
ours 87.7% 3DCNN-ConvLSTM 2023
Table 5. Comparison of our model’s output with that of additional models for the UBIfights dataset
Reference AUC Technique Year
[1] 90.6% Gaussian mixture model-based (GMM) 2020
[5] 89.2% Sultani et al. 2018
[22] 61% Variational-autoEncoder (S2-VAE) 2018
ours 93.3% 3DCNN-ConvLSTM 2023
Table 6. Comparison of our model’s output with that of additional models for the UCF101 dataset
Reference AUC Technique year
[23] 98.64% Frame selection SMART 2020
[24] 98.6% OmniSource 2020
[25] 98.2% Text4Vis 2022
[26] 98.2% Local and global diffusion (LGD-3D) 2019
ours 100% 3DCNN+ConvLSTM 2023
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We proposed an anomaly detection model using deep learning in this work since it is an effective
artificial intelligence method for categorizing videos. In order to solve the problem of anomaly detection,
the 3DCNN and ConvLSTM models collaborate. We evaluated the proposed method by applying it to five
large-scale datasets. The five datasets displayed excellent performance, and model training accuracy was
100%. The recognition’s reliability was 98.5%, 99.2%, and 94.5%, respectively. In comparison to 3DCNN,
3DCNN+ConvLSTM performed admirably on the datasets. Our study’s findings demonstrate that the model
is superior to the competing models in terms of accuracy. As a continuation of our current work, we want to
develop a model for anticipating anomalies in surveillance footage.
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Esraa A. Mahareek received the B.Sc. degree in computer science, in 2012, the M.Sc.
degree in computer science, in 2021. She is currently a teaching assistant in computer science at the
Mathematics Department, Faculty of Science, Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt. She has published
research paper in the field of AI, machine learning, metaheuristic optimization. She can be contacted
at email: [email protected].
Detecting anomalies in security cameras with 3D-convolutional neural network and ... (Esraa A. Mahareek)
1004 ❒ ISSN: 2088-8708
Eman k. Elsayed Prof. Eman K. Elsayed Dean of Canadian International College School
of Computer Science, Bachelor of Science from Computer Science Department, Cairo University
1994, Master of Computer Science from Cairo university 1999, Computer Science Ph.D. 2005 from
Al-Azhar University, Professor of Computer Science from 2019. She published 65 papers until Mars
2023 in different branches of AI. She can be contacted at email: eman k [email protected].
Int J Elec & Comp Eng, Vol. 14, No. 1, February 2024: 993-1004