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Tropical rainforests are known for

their high species richness, which world of tropical Tropical rainforests are among the most
refers to the number of different Rainforest diverse and energy-rich ecosystems on
species in a given area. This richness the planet, hosting a vast array of species
is due to the unique and diverse Ecosystem ! within distinct vertical layers. A single
conditions these ecosystems
TEAM 6 - CEED 1 hectare of rainforest may contain over
provide. According to a study
50,000 species, housing a vast
published on PubMed, the dynamics WHAT IS TROPICAL
and species richness of tropical interactive network of plants, animals, and
rainforests are closely related. The RAINFOREST insects. The structure of these
data suggests that the most species- ecosystems is often studied, focusing on
rich forests are dynamic and ECOSYSTEM? species richness and evenness.
experience small-scale disturbances
that regulate tropical forest Tropical rainforest is a luxuriant FUNCTIONAL DIVERSITY
diversity. The study found that mean forest found in wet tropical A study has shown that the functional
annual tree mortality and uplands and lowlands around the diversity of mammals in these
recruitment - turnover - is the most
Equator. Tropical rainforests, ecosystems increases with
predictive factor of species richness.
which worldwide make up one of productivity but decreases with
This implies that small-scale
anthropogenic disturbance. This means
disturbances, such as tree falls, play Earth’s largest biomes (major life
a crucial role in maintaining diversity that in areas where the forest is
zones), are dominated by broad-
in these ecosystems. healthy and thriving, there is a greater
leaved trees that form a dense
variety of species performing different
upper canopy (layer of foliage) roles within the ecosystem. However,
and contain a diverse array of human activities such as
vegetation and other life. deforestation, pollution, and habitat
destruction can significantly reduce
this diversity.
1. Protected Areas: Governments INDIGENOUS KNOWLEDGE
4. Cultural and Spiritual Connections:
and NGOs have established protected AND PRACTICES Indigenous peoples have deep cultural
C areas, such as national parks and 1. Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK): and spiritual connections to the tropical
reserves, to safeguard the biodiversity Indigenous communities have developed a
O and ecosystem services of tropical deep understanding of their local ecosystems
ecosystem. Their knowledge and
practices are often intertwined with
N rainforests. These protected areas through generations of observation and rituals, ceremonies, and beliefs that
help prevent deforestation and experience. They possess knowledge about the emphasize the interconnectedness of
S provide habitat for endangered behavior of plants and animals, the seasonal all living beings. This holistic approach
species. cycles, weather patterns, and the
E 2. Reforestation: Reforestation involves
interconnections between different species.
fosters a sense of stewardship and
planting trees on deforested or respect for the environment.
R degraded land to restore forest cover.
This knowledge is often transmitted orally and
5. Adaptation to Climate Change:
is crucial for sustainable resource
V This helps to mitigate climate change,
Indigenous communities have developed
conserve biodiversity, and provide 2. Conservation Practices: Indigenous adaptive strategies to cope with the impacts
A livelihood opportunities for local communities have traditionally practiced of climate change in the tropical ecosystem.

T communities. sustainable resource management techniques Their knowledge of local weather patterns,
3. Sustainable Agriculture: that promote the long-term health of the traditional farming techniques, and water
I Sustainable agriculture practices, tropical ecosystem. These practices include management systems can contribute to
climate resilience and help mitigate the
O such as agroforestry and organic
farming, promote food production
rotational farming, agroforestry, and
traditional fishing methods that ensure the effects of climate change.
N without causing deforestation. These regeneration and preservation of natural
practices also support soil resources.
conservation, biodiversity, and 3. Medicinal Plants: Indigenous knowledge
E climate resilience. encompasses a rich understanding of the
F 4. Community-based medicinal properties of plants found in the
Conservation: Involving local tropical ecosystem. Indigenous
F communities in conservation communities have extensive knowledge of
efforts is crucial for the long-term
O success of rainforest conservation.
various plant species and their traditional
uses for treating illnesses, injuries, and
R Community-based initiatives maintaining overall well-being.
empower local people to protect
T their forests and provide
S sustainable livelihood options that
are compatible with forest

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