Green Olive Minimalis Modern Trip Promotion Trifold Brochure (Trifolds)
Green Olive Minimalis Modern Trip Promotion Trifold Brochure (Trifolds)
Green Olive Minimalis Modern Trip Promotion Trifold Brochure (Trifolds)
T communities. sustainable resource management techniques Their knowledge of local weather patterns,
3. Sustainable Agriculture: that promote the long-term health of the traditional farming techniques, and water
I Sustainable agriculture practices, tropical ecosystem. These practices include management systems can contribute to
climate resilience and help mitigate the
O such as agroforestry and organic
farming, promote food production
rotational farming, agroforestry, and
traditional fishing methods that ensure the effects of climate change.
N without causing deforestation. These regeneration and preservation of natural
practices also support soil resources.
conservation, biodiversity, and 3. Medicinal Plants: Indigenous knowledge
E climate resilience. encompasses a rich understanding of the
F 4. Community-based medicinal properties of plants found in the
Conservation: Involving local tropical ecosystem. Indigenous
F communities in conservation communities have extensive knowledge of
efforts is crucial for the long-term
O success of rainforest conservation.
various plant species and their traditional
uses for treating illnesses, injuries, and
R Community-based initiatives maintaining overall well-being.
empower local people to protect
T their forests and provide
S sustainable livelihood options that
are compatible with forest