E Technical R Series: Nissan V6 3.0 Litre, 4-Cam 24-Valve High Performance Engine

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~A II!!! The Engineering Society

~ For Advancing Mobility
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E Technical
r Series

Nissan V6 3.0 litre, 4-Cam 24-Valve

High Performance Engine
Shuichi Nishimura, Takao Fukuhara and Masahiko Teramoto
Nissan Motor Co., Ltd.

International Congress and Exposilion

Detroit, Michigan
February 23-27. 1987
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Nissan V6 3.0 litre, 4-Cam 24-Valve

High Performance Engine
Shuichi Nishimura, Takao Fukuhara and Masahlko Teramoto
Nissan Motor Co., Ltd.

Abstract Since the initial devr:Jopment., a numb•~r of

modificationg hnve bnen made including a ·1crsion
ti i ss11n has developed a n!!W VG30DE engine of for FF vehicle ( Haxima sedan ), D varL-1ble
a high performance version of VG SOHC engine tubine nozzle turbocharger, Single Point.
series. (t is a 3.0 liter 60" VB engine. Injection, and others.
having 4 camshafts, 21 va!vt's, and many advanced In recent years, there h:is been grew[ng
technologies. It has dev~?]oped for LEOPARD sport tendency toward diversity and sophistication in
sedan, Fl\IRl.1\DY Z spor·l and HJ[)-4 spurt, and automoLivc engines, This is in rCSfh1nse to noads
int1·oduc·~d to the Japanese domestic market in which, as with the bl)dy design nnd other aspects
Jn86. of automobiles, go beyond mere functi{)nalit.y Lo
A major development target 11as to achieve the realm of perceived senses. It is rio longer
high engine Performance that fully matches Lo enough lo provide an engine wit.h its hasic perfo-
driver's expectations. rmance functions; the engine must also be finely
To alt1:1in this objective, the engine inr.or- tuned so as to match the vehicle character in
porates a number of advanced technologies, such which it is mourited.
as a cross-flow cooling system, lihich uti!i;;es a The riew I y developed VG30DE engine de~cr i bed
water gallery for the cylinder block and alumi- here builds on the basic feDtures of light weight.
num cylinder heads, ECCS(Eloctronic Concentrated , compact si;:e, high reliability, and a low level
engine Control System), an individual cylinder of maintenance inherent in VG engine series, and
knocking contro I system by cy Ii ndnr pressure adds to this a new high level of perfor·mance,
sensors, NVCS(llissan Valve Timing Control System) made possible by the 4-cam, 24-va!ve design and
II fCS ( l{issan Induction Control System l, many advanced technologies. 1\s such it is one of
NOTS (Nissan Direct fgnition Syslern ), bottom the world's most sophisticated examples of a hi~h
rr~ed fuel injectors, and many others. performance VB DOl!C engine.
With a compression ratio of 10:], this new The fundamental concept pursued in
engine delivers high torque and high hors1ipower developing Lhls engine w11s ;
over the entire range of operating spc;~d. and "A naturally aspirated large displacement engin~•
st.ill maintains favorahle fuel consumption. which matches human senses •ind responds directly
and quickly lo the driver's will under nny dri-
·,ing conditions.··
To this end, the major design targets were
NISSAtl MOTORS re! eased VG engine series as follows ;
initially in 1983 in 300ZX for United States. (1) Besides high output in the high engine
This series was the first high performance 60 speed range, i l shuu !cl a ]so produce
V6 engine in Japan. sufficient torque in the low-to-mcdium-
The specific design aims in VG engine series speed range of urban driving.
wure to meet today's needs : (2) It should be smooth to the rev I imit and
(1) High power and superior response. have sharp response.
l2) Compact size and I ighL weight. (3) It should be quiet so as to contribute
(3) Low levels of noise and vibration. to comfortable driving.
(4) Low fuel consumption. Al the same ti.o.ie, the developm(1nt of the
15) High reliability anrl a low level of turbocharged version has been carried OU t, j ll
m<1intenznce. order to meet demands in lhe near future for even
higher performance.

Copyright 1987 Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.
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2 870351

Figure 1 Longitudinal and Cross-Sections of VG30DE Engine

Figure 2 Component Parts at VG300E engine

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1. DESIG!I al lows cooling of each cy! in1k~r indepP.ndr.ntly. so

as t.o muintain <1 uniform b1Jr1> ;i~1! I t<,m1>er«tur(' in
Tht~ most imp1;rtanL d<Jt:a •lf this <:nsine shows
Pach cyJ inder.
(Table l). <Fii:urc ll shows l<Jngitudinal and
cr;Jss-sections of Lhtl engine. ;'ind Its c1)mponent
part;.; arc i I luslrat.(~d in (Figur•! 2).

tlumber of Cylinders {;
Layou l 60 d(!gr~e V!.Hl
Tolnl Piston l)isPlucc111enl 29(30 cm
Bore 87 mm
Stroke 83 mm
Stroke Bore 0.054
f.yl indcr Bore Spacing 108 mm
Cylinder Block Ocr.k Height 227.05 mm
Cy! inder lllock Offset 41 mm
Compression Rutio 10.0
Max. Permissible Engine Speed 7000 rpm
(Pist.on Speed) (19.4 m/sec)
H<iin Bearing Diameter 63 mm
Crank Pin Diameter 50 mm F igurE) 3 Cy I i rider BI ock
Length between centers of
Cunnec ting Rod 154.15 mm
R<1t.in of Connl:lcting Rod Length
to Connecting Rod Throw 3. 71
Gudgeon Pin Outside Diameter 22 mm
Inlet Valve Diameter 34 mm Cylinder Block
Exhaust. Valve Diami~ler 29.5 mm
Hax. Power Hnd Torque(JJS NET)
245 Nm/ 4400rpm
245 Nm/ 4400rpm
MJD-4 16D Kw/6000r1•m
270 tlm/4400rpm
Max. B.M.E.P.
10. 61 Kg,cm 414 load
FA!RLADY Z 10.61 Kg/cm 2
Firing Order
12.10 Kg/cm 2
1-2-3-4-5-6 - in ~tationary st<ite
in operating stale

1-1 CYLIUDER BLOCK /\ND OIL f'AN F'igure 4 : Schematic Cylinder Block
The cyl ind!!I' block (Figure ::1 is made of Deformation
c;ist iron, as in VG30E ~ngine for 300ZX. For thi)
·J~vnlve design, the numbi~r of the cylinder head
bolts per cylinder was changed from 5 to 4. whilH
the bolt si7.e was changed from HlO to M\2, for
increasing axial tension.
The higher output of this ll<!lt' engine brings
with it greater cylinder block deformation
(Figure 41 as a result of the increas11 in
cy! inder pressure. Reinforcement has thus been
mnde in the oi ! pan rai I, \ow(!r deck and main
bearing bulkhead : in addition an aluminum oil
pan {Fi!!ure 5) has been adoplnd which has stays
for internal reinforcement. Vibration and noise
are reduced by minimizing the opening of the oil
pan rail of the cylinder block {Figure 6).
Also, a full bearing beam is used. as with VG30E
engine, to prevent bearing cap deformation.
The water pump is mounted al the front left.
of the cylinder block, and a water gallery is r : :,; 'I, ,. r.
placed in between the left and right banks. This
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4 870351

8 Metal St<i11lPin11; 300().-pm



Mcasun...'<.l onP met.1;1· aw:-JY

from lh~~ eng inc &hausl
10 lGO 2f>O 400 G30 103 160 2SO 400 630 104 figur·e 8 ComLusLion !:hamber
Frequency (ffz)

g Ml.ital Stamping 3QOOrpm

~ g
.5 g lllumint1m

., Meac;ure<l at engine nountins of

g CY Ii nder bI ock

figure 9 : Cross-Section of Cy! inder Head

2 3
10 160 250 400 630 10
Frequency (l\z) The inlet and exhaust valves have been made
as large as possible, and at the same lime the
Figure 6 Effect of Aluminum Oil Pan inlet duel is configured for minimum resistance,
thereby assuring high inlet efficinncy (figure
1-2 CYLI llDER llEAD 10) .
The cylinder head (Figure 7) is made of Oil passes through holes of the cylinder
aluminum, and a penLroof Lype combustion chamber head bolts in Lhe center of the cylinder heads,
is adopted. li'iLh the spark plug positioned in the and is distributed to two oil galleries mounted
bore center (figure 8). at LhP. side of lhe valve-lifters. From these oil
A narrow angle of 46 degree has been cho- ga!leril!s, oil is supplied to the HLA (Hydraulic
sen for the inlet and exhaust valves. This is to Lash Adjuster) and the camshaft bearings. In
enable improved combustion efficiency, by the addition, oil for use in valve timing control.
flat-crowned piston and reducing S/V ratio(combu- described in the next section, is supplied indu-
stion area/volume ratio). It also improves com- pendently to the inside of the inlet camshaft
pacLness of the package size, as well as making pu[ley, through oil holtlS al the front of thei
it easier to fasten and remove cylinder head cy Ii nder heads.
bolts when mounting the camshafts. (Figure 9) Coolant is mainlY brough!- in from the ex-
haust valve side of the cylinder block, and
cools the exhaust and inlet valve seat rings,
the spark p}ugs, and other parts independontly
for each cYI inder. Then it goes to the water
gallery ins ta I led below the inlet ports. Also,
so as to improve cooling around the spark plugs,
channels for coolant are provided to the spark
plug area through dri 11 holes.
The coolant that col !eels in the water
gallery passes through water outlets linking the
right and left sides at the front of the cylinder
heads, and flows to the radiator. The coolant is
used to maintain the cylinder block inlet vat.er
figure 7 : CyJ inder Head temperature at 76.5" C. by a thermostat located
upstream of the water pump.
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! "'0
VG30D (4-valve) I/

' --
-- -
~ 0
0 ol \
0 ' ' VG30 (2-va Ive)


"' I:
Figure 11 Timing Belt
0 )'
0 2 4 G 8 10
Valve LifL (lll!ll)

Figure 10: Air Flow through [nlet Du(;t

In •)id\~r l.o P.nab!e mounting an ignili<•tl euil Pusher

at I.he top of 1;ach spark plug, an independent
C:Qnstru(:t.ion ha~; been udurtod f,)r t.h~~ camshaft
h11usings. For the sake of oi ! return fr·om the
inlet side lo I.be exhaust side an1! h!o11-by t-:<Js
c:irculalion, and for reinforcement uf the cam-
slnif!. housings, four uil ras,.;age;; have hc:(~n made
b<~l.i..t~Pn 1·amshaft housin11;s. And Lhil ;;11mshaft
bni.lrini.:s ar·e ':unsl.rth:Led ~;o as Lo int•~rco11ncct.
the upper de1:k;; ;-incl the walls of C'lmshi-ifl. hous-
ings, pr-;~v1~nting deLE!rioti.11.ion of the valve
m<>l i\)n.
Tht! r:yl inder head ilf ,\-volve i,; a complex
sh.(lpc, i\n infrnr'f!d stress antilysi:'I meLltvd W'IJS
thus us1!d to optimi:~H the design of t:ach piiirt, st'
as lo minimi..:e strass and •1ibralion.
The l:Yl inder head g:askets ar·•-' made of
gra1>hite. Stainless st.c·i~! wirn i,; i11s•.~f't!·d i1t 1.hto
&rt>muts, and si 1ieon rubbt?r· is us~~·l for tht? ui I
rel.urn holt's, oi I t>UPPIY li<iles, ;:i;1J hlow-by
gas r<issages. for improvrd sealing Pf!rformHnl:C,
1-3 C1\M OR IVE AND VALVE MECllAN l$M Spring Diaphragm
For driving the four c:amshafts on the left Check Ball
and right banks, a relatively simple Liming bt-ilt
!:onstruction has been adopted for quietness Rod
and light weight. The single belt drive luyout
(FiKure 11) has the advanti:ige of improved belt
dur'lb i Ii t.y. Bes ides the l 111•rovement of the
belt tooth form and tho double canvas const.rue.-
tion, which is likewise advanLageous in t(-)rms of
durability and noise, an idle pulley is also Seal
installed on lhe tension side to incrcsc contact
angle of the cri:ink pulley. This is to reduce
noise resulting from belt vibration. Pusher
A self-adjusting belt tensioner (figure 12l
is used to keep belt tension stable when tempera- Figure 12 Self-adjusting
ture changes cause a variation in distance Seit Tensioner
bet;w(~en pullies, or when belt extension occurs.
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6 870351

The Lensioner m;.iir1Lains 11 ,·onstant hell. ten~

siori <>f 12.5 kgf; 1H1d ovcr;il l improveml~nl in
reliability is :·ichiev<id by Lh1i reduction in belt \ Exhaust. Valve Timing : con.<>lant l
surfac(: Lt!mperature (approximal1~ly -7 "C cit high
loadl. This results in lons:er belt life nnd less
b1;[t nois<!, and rir<ivcnls bell skipping in nx- 10-I5Nm
t.romc]y cold regions.
Fn1· th1! va I v1~- I i fLers, Lhe curbur i zed SCMl\40
con lro ----
~vcs I
!IL/I has been 1ldo1il1!d, providing m11intf!nanee- Zooe
free and imi•rovod quietn1~ss. ThH I if le rs 'flcrt! ----- -----------·--·-
designed for compactness and light weight, with
an outer diamHLcr· of ou!y 31 mm. Gom111Jrcd to
VG30E engine, moved mass of the valve gears is
reduced by 34% fur· Lh{! in\1~t v<ilvcs, and by 3fit.
for the exhaust valves. (Tab!t! 2) Idle St.ability Low-to-medium High-Speed Torque
Spend Torque

I VG30DE VG30E Figure 13: Inlet Valve Timing

I 4 valves 2 valves
I per cylinder per cy Ii nder
In lake 146.3 gr I 22 l. 4
__J "
Exhaust. 141. 4 gr I 221. 4 gr

Table 2 The Comparison of Moved Ma&$

of The Valvegear (per valve)

To assurt< staliility of the valvt< mot.ion in
thn high engine speed, it is important to prevent 3 Throttle position signal
Engine spee<I signal
air from bucoming entr;J.ined in$ide the HLf\, and Intake air mass signal control
to quickly separate out and remove air that does unit
becomH entrained. J\ head plunger with brt!ather Head temp, signal
holes and a partition plate is effective in iso- Pu l ICJ
lat.ing and discharging entrained air in the HLJ\.
Figure 14 Schematic Diagram of NVCS
Along with the use of the HLA, the cam-
shafts are made of chi I led c8st. iron. The three
camshaft bearings are arranged betwe~n valves It controls the inlet. valve "closed" timing in
at. the cent.er of the cylinder, and bearing diame- tlio st.ages, in accord wilh the engine opcrat.ing
ter is 28 mm. Oi I is supplied to the camshaft conditions. It thus satisfies the conflicting
bearings via the oil passage to the HI.fl, and is perfor111ancu r·equirumenls of stable id!1;, low-t.o-
supplied independently from each camshaft medium-speed torque, high-speed output., and fuel
b!lar i ng. Supply t.o the cam noses is done by economy. Actual fuel economy i8 lmp1-oved further
natural oiling. by retarding I.he inlnl valve "closed" Liming to
The head diameter of the inlet and exhaust reduce valvl! overlap in the low-to-medium-
valve is 34.0 mm and 29.5 mm, rnspect.ivoly. speed, low load ranges, which have high fre<iuency
Valve area has been increased by 31% and 42% over in urb<.1n driving,
that of. VG30E engine, for reducing the gas-cycle Next an explanation will be given of holi the
work. At the same time the valve slem diameter of NVCS is d(isigned. A piston \/ilh hel icat gears
6 mm results in light weight. (helical angle is 12 degree) is mounted inside
When going over to the 4-valve design, aim- the inlet camshaft pulley, This i~; made lo move
ing in the direction only of improved charging in the axial direction by means of engine oil
efficiency in the high-speed range 11ill bring an pres~ure, thus contro 11 ing the phase of the in I et
increase in essential valve overlap, and in blow- camshaft in relation to the inlet camshaft pul-
back of intake air after bottom dead center in ley. Oil pressure is controlled by a solenoid
the \ow-to-medium-speed range. This can lead which is located at the end of the ho! low inlet
to idle instability, lowering of torqun at low- camshaft.. Also, the helical gears mounted around
to-medium-speed, and poorer fuel economy. the inner and outer circumference of the piston
The reason is that the inlet valve "closed" allow the piston stroke in the axial direction to
timing requirements differ during idle, at the be made smaller in relation to the camshaft
low-to-medium-speed, and al the high-speed. displacement angle, making possiblt~ a compact.
(Figure13) and I ight 11eight design.
This problem is solved by use of NVCS The problem of gear backlash has be(ln solved
(Nissan Valve Tlming Control System). (Fi sure 14) by dividing the pist.on into two parts, which are
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870351 7

ouL of phasi; wilh each othi?r and jointld liy Due to 1-hc complex shal'e of I.he (:oncl~ntr<.ited
springs. This dHsign cl iminates a pcH.(lULiiil sl.r~ss arcus in th1_~ coJrner 0C !.la~ conrii~cting
source of noise. rod bull fixing surfac.~. a simplified nvoluation
1-4 CRA!IKSHAF'f ll.JiO TORSlOHAL DJ\t~PER mcl.hod Wa:'> dev1)!01•1~d. •isins <J low rncll.ing point
The explosive for·ce and inertial fort'I! arc <Jl]oy, for accurately evaluating the slrengt.h of
great(-))' than in \IGJOE engine. To counter this, a Lhest~ parts. l~odificalion:'> were then m1.1dc ;iceord~
forged i::rankshafl ronstruction is used insl.ead ing]y, and lhe strength of the final forged
r)f costing, and front shaft diamHL(~rs f1ave been product was <:011firmed by mc<Jns of <H1 infrared
incre1:1s.cd from 37 mm to 44 mm and from 25 mm Lo str·e,;s analysis 1111!thod. These rC"sults are given
30 mm. This improves flexur<1I rigidity as well in <Figur'~ 113). Stress in the~ corner uf the
as reducing nois~. connecting rod boll fixing surface is 40% less in
A five-count0rweights system (figure 15) is l/G:~OllE engin" than in \IGJOE enginoi this agrees
udoptHJ in ordur to keep down vibration even at with 1.he rate of increase in breaking load from
high engine speed, and t.o reduce bearing load. the low ll!P!ling point <:1!loy.
Th1-ee of the counterweights arc knockdown rather The connecting rod bearings in l/G30
than preassembled, which improves case of manu- eni>inc were Jesignt!d for high load, usi11g narrow-
f;ict.urt' and also al lows the configuration !.11 be width melal, so as to shorten the overal 1 lengtf1
designed OPLimaJ!y. The counll"!-rwcights arc ar- of lhc~ r:ngine and r·educc friction. On top of thii:;
ranged in th~: same way as in VG30E engina. lhe fiigher oulput and high ensine s1>ecd from
fill corners on the main journals and lhe 4-v1-1lve dE'.sisn resultr:d in a rapid rise in
pins <il't> fillet-rolled. The oil pump and timini:: crank rin surface tempi~rature from around the
belt are driven off the front end of t-hc crank- 5,000 rpm range. Another severe i:ondiLion is the
shaft. The fly'llhce! on the rear (!nd is fastcnnd minimum oi I fj Im thickness of 0.8 micron I 7,500
in place by eight MIO bolts. rpm around thn erank pin.
Use of a duu!,11~-mass dttmJler 11rovides a To solve these problems, the oil clearance
second mass. which has the effeet of di:;;persing ha:; b!.'en incrr~ased by maximi7.ing the oil supply,
resonant:c Pt!ak from the torsional vibr:ition ,1f and the oil supply channels lo the connecting rod
7,200 rpm. Thi:;; reduces torsional vibrution in benrings !1avc been expanded. This results in a
all driving rang(!S, without increiising Lhn pe1Jk lovering of crank pin surface temperature by
in lh1: 3,000 - 4,000 rpm range, which is commonly ap1•roximately 20° C.
a cause of so-cal led booming noise in vehicles. For the bnaring material. kelmet. has been
chosen for its excel lent affinity to the steel
crankshaft in terms of weAr resistance and resi-
stance to seizur!!.

figure 16 Infrared Stress Analysis

of Connecting Rod

figure 15 : Crankshaft
The pistons are made of cast aluminum.
Compression height has been set at 32 mm, and
the weight per J1iston is only 398 gr. (figure
1-5 COHNECTING ROD 17). The pistons are the autothermatic-k type,
The connecting rod are made of forged made of steel plates cast In a mold, and a full-
steel. In order to counter the increase of the float gudgeon pin is used. This results in excel-
inertial force and to allow for turbocharging, lent resistance to seizure, and also improves
the connecting rod shank (I- section) and big end quietness.
have been reinforced over \IG30E engine. and the Piston ring specifications are shown in
connecting rod bolts size have been increased to (Table 3J. They are basical ]y simi Jar to VG30E
J.110 from HU. engine.
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8 870351


fligh ('h11rMi11i.; !iffi1'.i1;11cy in any <•rtf;ine ,;p\)Od
rang() is a.·hie'lt:d by mi>11n~; of tl[CS (l{i:-;s;1n
ConLr·•1! Syst()ml, whi;:h vari•!S th1· <·ff;~­
,;tive length of tho in!<)I. pipu in accord h'ilh
opnrnliug \'tH1dit.i11n!;, uc.;ing :111 e!r~cl1·onic control
•Figur•~ lSl.
In this .-.ysl~m. Lhrr·t.LI•! chamh1trs wilh a
v11lvc diam••t1~r of !iO mm. ;ire m1Junt.cd on 1~a~h of
t.110 co I !(~CI.or~; cunnecl. i r.g cy I i nd1?rs whose fir int:
ord<'t' il> nol continuous. (in induction control
'/a]v,., is lo.:al.ed in n connuo:l.ing pipe bul.wt~<:n
the lw<> eol lecl or;;. .o\1. !ow-to-mec.lium-;;peed the
C<lr1lrol ·1alv'! is cl()•;t~d. r·esult.ing in a longer
nff0t:Liv;, in!<'!. pip•! l<~n1tth nn.t improving oulvul
in these spo=cd l'<Jng,~s.

NIQ; sh;nal
..-········· 1 "lhrottt~
i! ' ' ' Chmnber
75 80 80 00 95 100 ~
Piston DiametP.r : D (mm)
Surge Tank
Figure 17 Piston \lci~ht Comparison
Tab I e 3
l Col !eel.or Ii Thrnttln pasition signal
2 : F:CTS C/U B Cy! imder head temp.signal
!Thickness I \lidth I M<1ter•ia! I Surface PrE~Ss.
I (mml I (mml I
C lnL-ikn 11ir mass signal
_J _ _ _ _ _ J _ _ ~ ____ JI _ _
_ _ __ D !::mdne speed signal
TOPI 1.5 I :l.1 I S(!H!I I l.OU
_J J_ _ J _ _ _ _J _______ _ Figure 18 : Schematic Diagram of 11ICS
2ndl 1.5 I 3.e l <:11st irlln! 2.4
_J _ _ _ _ L _ _ _ J. A simul;1tior1 m(1del for c:harging <~l"ficii~ncy
OIL! 2.8
I 3.1 I stHel I ~LOS of this SYRLRm is shown in (ffgur•! 19), ~bile
_J _ _ _ _J_ J. _ _ t ______ _ lht> simulation ro:-;ult.s ar11 gjvi:n in ( Fir,uro 201.
:i'hen the c<•ntr·ol valve is closod, the 1~q11iv<1lent.
1-7 LUBIRJCATJON SYSTEH J>iJ)(! lnnglh is lnngcr, and charging effir.-i(~n<~Y al.
oi ! pump is the invrdute type,
The drivun low-to-medium-sp1~ed is improved. Based on this
diri~ctly by the crankshllft. Output of the oil simul;1tion, a maximum charging cfl"icienc•y value
pump has been inerca~c<l by approximately 60'.l'. over of 3,200 - 3,600 rpm was dctf!rmined for when
that of VG30E engine, so as to assure proper 1.hc <:ontrol valve is cJo,;ed. \ihnn lh<! control
lubricating performance in th<~ high engine spc1:tl valve is upen, it can l.H) seen th11t. the m;i)[imam
range and to makt; possible the- use of turbochar- charging efficiency v;ilu~~s move l.l• 1.hl~ high en-
&ing in the near future. ~ine si·~nd sidn.
fl louvered baffle p)atl? is used in Lhn oi I
pan Lo prevent. churning of the oil by the Cy I indllr
counterweights at high engine speed.
A closlld blow-by system has bc(~n <idopted. Surae Tank
The bypass passage runn ins betl{een the
right and left cylindllr heads
has buen in- Air Cleaner
tegrated with the intake manifold, to deal with
the increased amounL of blo;i-by gas at high
engine speed.
Every effort has been made to reduce aera-
tion of the HLA, including th!:! addition of
grooves at the front and rear ends of the oi I
pump gear. To suppress the striking noise of Inlet Pipe
the HLA when the engine is started, a one-way
mHchanism in Lhe oil jets to the CYiinder head
keeps the oil in the cylinder heads and the HLA
"ven when thu ens ine is stopped. Figure 19 Simulation Hodel of NlCS
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870351 9

8 3600 t'Plll
- - - lfila<;ur1~Jll(mt

/ ~ ,_,.,, ' - - - - \,;1k:ulat.i<)n

8 ' N Control valve ..ck1sed'"
/' ''
2 ~
, ,
-- closed open

0 :f-----
··.. ,_
..- ......
····-- ...-··· -,
..opr-m ..
:::w "
;!: N Gontrol valvt'
HICS control valve
d: ~
"' 0

0 720
•~ Crank lln&le (der.rec)
!?. 8 - Measure1111~nt
- - - Calculation Fisure 22 ; Pressure in Thi! Collector

:il lnlel pipe 2 lnlel pi!lt~ 1

0 10 20 3() 40 50 50
Eng i ne $peed (x102 rpm)

Figure 20 HICS Volumetric Efficiency Collector fl}

Collector {2}
This ccin bf• lool-.t·d at as fol lows. In !Figure 2
21l, when the' e~unt.rnl valve is open, all of the~
Pressure pu!s<1Lions of lhe six cyli11dprs are
uppJifJd lo collf~Clor {1\}, which rcach(!S a nearly
constant pressure !Figure 22). For this reason,
mostly pulsations are g1!1H:raterl in th(~ inlet
pipes C<>rlnect.ins each or I.he cylinder:-.
Also, in Lhe muJt'l eoJ'f"\~sponding Lo ',/hc-~n Lfu~ Pulsation
control v<ilve is closed, shown ln (Flgure 23),
the pulsations of thrnP. cyl indcrs are combined Figure 23 ; Control Valve "CLOSED" Model
in 1:01 Ice Lor {l} and {2}, and for 11 crank angle
of 720 dei-:reo a pulsation is formed which has For Lhe airflow metHr, a hot-wire type has
a three-cycle component (Figure 22). Furth or, bt~!:n chos1~n.whi(:i1 has I it.tie int11k1; re5istance
since in a sut'Sll lank th<~ phases of the pulsa- and good measuring at~curocy. This is the same as
tions in collector (l} and in collector {2} are that in VG30E engin(~ for 300ZX. A box-tYP(! air
completely r·everst'rl, the rou!sulion is negated, c2eaner is used, with fl filter surface of 0.346
resu!Ling in a con!;;tant pressure. In other· m .for LEOPARD. The air intakti dur:t has its
words, in!~l PiPP. 1 and 2 are employed as ele- opening al the top of the rodiator. A protective
ments deter·mining pulsation; thus, the equivalent plate hfls been installed to Prevent blowbac:k of
P iJ•o )f~ngth becomes long1:r than when Lhe control hot air in tho engine room. and to preV(!nt
valve is OPe!n, so that 1.he peak charging effj- lowering charging efficiency when an engine is
ciuncY moves to the !ow engine speed side. opcrat0d in the vehicle.
In Leopard the engine is used only with an
automatic transmission. For Lhis model, ac:celera-
tion response in urban drivins: has been improved
not onlY by tuning of thu torque converter cha-
racteristics, but also by adoption of a twin
throttle chamber and tuning of the throttle drum
~{ Collector {AJ configuration (figure 24).
Tht! exhaust manifold used for Leopard and
FAIRLADY 7. is made of ductile cast iron con-
taining silicon, while ~hat for 300ZX has the
same construction as that used in VGJOE engine,
being equipped with a connection lube for abso-
rption of heat e>:pansion. The exhaust manifold
for MID-4 is an independent-type high-tempera-
ture steel pipe of practically identical
Pulsation Jensth for each cy\ indcr. The aim was to
increase output by reduction of exhaust back
Figure 21 Control Valve "OPEN" Hodel prussure and by (lleans of the Pulsation effect.
Downloaded from SAE International by North Carolina State Univ, Saturday, September 15, 2018


cy)indc~r h(~iHI vibral.ion, Lhi!:< sY:>ll~m is hns!!d un

.Jir11rl. ;!,'l.t.•ctioJn of c:Jlind1~1· prt,,;<;urc•. Tho re-
>:ull is \mrr1>v0d ac<;ur<1•'J \.o dD1ect. knockinr; aL
hi1\h •in~iru· 0>P<.'l~d. '<lherc <:unvnnlional sy~;!.<!m~; are
su[ij,~;-L !o inl<:<rftircnc~ from Lh•~ mi!<:h:ini,:al
1il.r;ll.ion. MoreuVt~r. sin<·;: lhe m<!asur1!mf~n1. of
<:y! lndr:r· f>r<:SSlll'f! and th1~ iHnition timina t:onl.r·ol
:1r-•~ don<' in<l'!P<.•n<h!n1.]y for each r:ylindnr <1n1l fnt·
0Hch fll"inr:, high t•1i:q•1•~ is ublaint'd ul llflY

Ignition Coil

Cylinder PrP.ss.
{1 per cy~

1:Cylinder Discriminator
2:Knocking Detector
3:Knocking Intensity Detector
' 4: Ignition Timing r.ontrol Mcxlule
ConnectOO directly Crank Ant: I e Sensor
to C.i~aft
figure 25 :
Schematic Diagram of Individual
To assure stabltJ ::.\l!>l'lY uf a hil!:h ~H!condarY Cylinder· Knocking Contr·ol System
volt.:ige even at high engine SPC!ld, the J)rimary
currunt rise char·acleristics nuoU tu btJ sreatly
shortened. For this purpOS•~ tlOIS fHissan Direct 1\L Individual Cylinder Knockin& Control
Jgni1.ion Syslnm ) was develur>ed. In UO!S, an wi 1.h High-O:Ltmc Gas
ignition coil 11f the clost?d m<lll'.netic cirt:uit type 1it frnJividua] Cy[ indcr Knocking Control
is a!.lnchc)cl for the SIH.1rk p]ug or nach cyl indt.•r, wit.h Rneular· Ga-.
cind the inductan<:e of each eoil is grDal.ly re-
duced. This enub!cf; a sisnifi<:<int shortening of
--- -- lo'ithout Knocking Co11t.rol
the ignition r:oi l chari;ine time, which makes 7X
Po!·:sihln fl st11blc ~·ipply uf $(~cond1ir·y v<J!1.<JK'' nl I
the way up to D,000 rpm. HorDt1vHr, use of HDTS
means that hic:h-tcnslon cable, a distributor, 15%
and other m~chanicill means of nlcetrienl di:.;tri- ,
hulion can be c!limlnatod.
''ccording}y there is no reduction in per- , ,,
~ ,
formcnce dui-! to wear or other dctcri<>rat.ion over •c ,,
time. Thi:; nlong l.'ith the t1se of Pl<:lLinum spark
plugs r(:::>ult!; in a virtual Jy 111;1intenanc11-fr•~<!
ignition system. " , ,
The crank angle sensor is driven hy the
exhaust camshaft of thi; left bnnk nnd has an ,,
independent bui It-in pickup sensor used as a
240 degree C.f\. signnl sensor, lls a failsafe mHa-
for ignition timing control, an individual
cylinder knocking control system i::; used (Figure
25 ). The <~Ylinder pressure sensors which have
the two ring shaped piezoelectric t.riinccducers ---
are fixed to the CY I inder heads by the spark
p\ugs associated with the gaskets. Those sensors
detect engine knocking, and optimum control of Engine Speed
the ignition Liming for each cy\ inder is
carried out electronically. Unlikn knocking Figure 26 Effect of Individual Cylinder
control lc>Ystems which detect cylinder block or Knocking Control System
Downloaded from SAE International by North Carolina State Univ, Saturday, September 15, 2018

870351 11

time, even when there are changes in operating

conditions, weathl?r, or the sort of th~! fuel
(Figure 26). Further. this systl?m makes it
possible to minimize variability in output due lo
individual differences in engines.
In the future it should be possible to use
ignition system which controls the timing for
generation of maximum cylinder pressure for each
cy 1 i nder. This can then be combined with con-
trol of the A/F ratio for each cylinder,
resulting in even more efficient combustion.
1-10 PllEL SYSTEM AtlD ENGINE COllTROL SYSTEM Figure 28 : Bottom Peed Fuel Injector
The fuel system is the L-Jetronic multi-
injection type, Jgnition liming, A/F ratio, the
amount of auxiliary air, NVCS and tllCS control An auxi I iarY air control valve integrates
valves, and others <Jre all controlled optimally the conventional functions of an air regulator,
by a digital microprocessor, in a system cal led boost ~ontrol valve, and idle up solenoid valve.
ECCS ( Electronic Concentrated engine Control It is driven by a step motor for improved con-
System}. (Figure 27) trol accuracy: and lhe simplified piping sys-
A bottom-feed fuel injector is used, in tem means greater reliability and fine
which fuel is fed from the bottom of the injector appearance.
and returns through the top (f'igure 28). This Thn failsafe mechanism has been made even
design results in a lower fuel temperature inside more complete by the use of a back-up system for
the injector, for improved restarting performance the crank angle sensor. In addition, the se]f-
under high temperature conditions. diagnostic functions of the microcomputer have
been expanded.

~---------Engine speed s i g n a l - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,
~-----------------:-----Ignition timing control signal
~----- NVCS control signal-------------~
~--------------l\IF control signal---~
HI(S control signal------------~
Head temp signal----,
Throttle valve switch
:l ~ ~. '§ :ii
;;.- iii ~ ~ -·,,..,.
d __

~ Idle c0ntrol signal

00 •-

Q Vehicle speed signal
Q ~ El:CS Neutral siimal
Voltage control

Q control control unit
Crank Q ,,c g. i!'
aru;le 5" 2 :=.
sen'°' 0 -·
~ ~ -" ~ft Fuel pump
- 0
.!· -
~~ ~ ;·• ~~

Ignition fuel " 0
coil tank -·~
~ f~

~ ~- : ml$lon -:

Three-wr catalyst l o2 sensor 'l '«

= Vehicle speed
...:::,.:,,=.:,,'.,Jrn ins: lamp Air cleaner
Airflow meter
IGH power source
Switching module

Figure 27 Schematic Diagram of VG30DE

Engine Control System
Downloaded from SAE International by North Carolina State Univ, Saturday, September 15, 2018

12 870351

2-1 roWER ourr1rr
The tt)r<1ue curve 11f VG30D ,,ngine is -sho'rln
in !Fif;!:urc 2\l). Cr>mPar·i~d t<l I.hf' 1~arli·~r VG30E VG30DE
ungin(! usi:d in 300ZX. an oppro)([m1:1t1!!y 19:1: in-
r.rease in output has bt~tin achi•ivcd. 0 0 :i
In VG30D engine designed for HID-4. it was
dcsir·fHl tt• highti-:n th(> snnsi!S of a(:ccl•:'ralion J .v
c (
Jerk in mlldium-t.o-high-spe1~d range. This liils
Hchicvt•d by such measurHs as lowering tho rnsi~­
tance of lhe air cleaner. inttikii du~:t and nxhau;;t
muff](~r. ;ind spocial!y tuning the intake branches
and oxhaust manifold.
In additinn, a proto-lyJ>(-) twin-Lurboi:hargeJ 4000 5000
engine 'rlit.h t.win-intercooler was d1~vclop~)d which Tntal lli!;p\;iceml}(lt (cc)
honsti; hiii:h out.put of 74.5 k1J/I and torque ()f
125.9 Nm/l. Figure 30 Compression Ratio Comparison
FAIRLADY Z l 4-valve engines)
proto-type Twin-Turbocharged


v/ ~


~ c§ 270
/ J:•

,-- ,il"
I /

,, 0 10 ~ :;:i 40 50 60
I ~ Eng i ne Speed (x 102 rpm)
' ,,_./ ~
I I :'/
((,, ..-- ----
Figure 31 Fuel Consumption Hap

/ ,,

;: ,,
~v '""'
16 24 32 40 56 64
Engine Speed f.x 10 rpm)
Figure 29 : Power Output and Torque
High combustion effit:i{<ncy is achieved by
the pentroof combustion chamber and Lhe f\<1t-
crovned piston resulting from the n<1rrow valve
angle, as veil as by the central position of
spark pJugs , use of the cross-flow i:oo\ ing sys-
tem, and the individual cylinder knocking control
system. These mak1< possible the high compress Ion
ratio of 10:1 using the regular gasoline (Figure
30). find this high efficiGncy makes possible Figure 32 Ignition Hap
Downloaded from SAE International by North Carolina State Univ, Saturday, September 15, 2018

870351 13

ex<'ollont fuel consumption (figurf:! 31). 1.EOJ',,RI) nnd Ff1fRL1\DY Z wu.s outsl11ndinc: reSJ><Jllsc
f.VC!rtthough lh'~ [•:GR sy:-;l(tffi W<is done away nnd in.st.anl<incous power in urban driving. For
with for tho sake of improv(~tl acce!er11tion and t,hi.s purPoSl·' inodifications were 111.:1dc in NVCS and
rl~!-;ponsc. VG30f.lF: cnginl! could pass nmi~sion rcgu- !lJCS, the twin throttle chambers, and the im-
r<d.ions in Japan sli l l maint<iining the favorable provPmcnl of t.hc throl.L!c drum configuration•
fu1!l eonsum11lion. lTabli: 4l in addition, tuning of the torque converter and
(Pisure 32) shows a t.hree-dimensional igni- other measures w~~rc taken. These have resulted in
tion m1Jp of I.he! engine desr:ribed here. the suJ>crior vehicle [i in starting acceleration
shown in (Fii.:ure 33 and 34). Other accc!eralion
performance is al:> indicated in (Table 6).

(displacement: over 3.0 liter)
V1!hicle I T/H I al conslllnl speed I 10-modc
I of 60 km/h I
~~~_, _] _ _ _~·
_ _ _ J _ _ __
LEOPARD ! AT I \6.0 km/I I 8.0 km/l
I I I c;©l FAIR!.AOY Z
'==-=--' __ _j _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I_ _ __
F"AJRLl\DY Z I AT I 14.6 km/I l 7.6 km/I
I I I 0
---·------- _!_~! __ ! _____ !~: ~-~~~! ______ !_ ~.:?. -~~~ ~-


The main vehicle spe,•ificalions arC! give in
(Table 5). fl paticular aim in LhC! engine for
Table 5 Vehicle Specification •
Vehicle I LEOPARD I FAIRLAOY Z HI0-4 8 Turbocharged
_j 0 N.A.
TIM !Automatic I Automatic I Manual Manua I ci
_ _ __J
Gear Ratio I I
of TIM I I 0.0 0.5 2.0
LO I.5
1st 2.458 I 2. 458 I 3.324 3.066
2"d l. 458 I 1.458 I 2.077 1.850 Time of Reaching Max. Acceleration (sec.)
3cd 1.000 I 1.000 I 1. 360 1.207
4th 0.686 I 0.686 I 1.000 0.910 Figure 33 :
5th I I 0.760 0.740
J J Vehicle Acceleration Characteristics
Rear axle I I in Starting Acceleration
Ratio 3.000 I 4 .111 I 4. 111 4.167 ~ in Acceleration from 20 Km/h
ci C2std gear)
Curb Weight I
(kg) I 1460 1450 1450 1230 FAIRLAOY Z
Tire Size 215/60 215/60 215/60 I 205/60 ci
__J_ c
:;:; Nci
Table 6

Vehicle Acceleration

FAIRLADY Z ( 2 seater )
3rd gear
j- ci
AT Drive gear
TIU I 40 - 60 I 60 - 80 I 80 - 100 ci
I Km/h
I Km/h I Km/h
------------,-----------,------------,----------- 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0
MT I 3.0 sec I 2.8 sec I 2.8 sec Time (sec.)
1\T I 2.4 sec J 3.1 sec I 3.2 sec Figure 34
I I I Vehicle Acceleration Characteristics
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14 870351


Customer needs with respect to automobiles 1. K.Sasaki et al., " A New 3.0t. V6 Engine
and automotive llngin!ls are b1;eo111ing more and more Developed by Hlssan Motor Company "
diverted. Taking into this present needs in SAE Paper 840254
consideration, a fundamental approach was taken
at the question of what sort of technology is 2. Y. Ishida et al., " Nissan's Naw In-Line DOllC
required in engine design. Going "back to the Six Cylinder Engine and Its Development
bases", an all out effort was made toward solving SAE Paper 860106
each problem involved in meeting the conflicting
requirements. such as output vs. fuel con-
sumption, and low-speed output vs. high-speed
output, and olhers. The engine that was developed
as a r1isutt is sure to please customers in these

Finally, authors would like to express sin-

cere appreciation to all Nissan and the relating
company's people who poured their unlimit1~d devo-
tion and energies Into this engine. (figure 35)

ftgure 35 Genaral View of VG30DE Engine for LEOPARD

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