Eton - KS - ScienceDataPaper - 2009

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com - Specialists in Science and Maths Education


SC I E N C E (SE C T I O N 2 - D A T A A N A L YSIS) (30 minutes)

Candidate Number:__________________________

Write your candidate number, not your name, in the space provided above.

This paper describes some data collected from experiments and a survey.

Read the information and answer the questions only in the spaces provided.

In questions involving calculations, all your working must be shown.

The graphs should be plotted on the graph paper provided.


Total [40]

[Page 1 of 6] [T urn over] - Specialists in Science and Maths Education
1. The diagram below shows a spirometer, which is a machine used to measure the volume
of air breathed in and out. Wearing a nose-clip, a person is connected to the machine via
a breathing tube and, as he breathes in and out through his mouth, the lid on the
machine falls and rises in time with his breathing. All the gas that is breathed in and out
passes through a canister of soda lime. Soda lime absorbs carbon dioxide. Changes in
the volume of gas under the chamber are recorded on a rotating drum which is set to
rotate at a constant speed.

Lid rises and falls in time with

Pen Trace

Rotating Canister containing

drum soda lime

Breathing tube

Diagram modified from: Biology, a Functional Approach. Students'

Manual 2nd edn. Roberts and King (1987)

The graph below shows the trace from the spirometer over a period of 40 seconds.

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[Page 2 of 6] [T urn over] - Specialists in Science and Maths Education
a) When the subject breathes out, what happens to the pen trace?

___________________________________________________________________ [1]

b) What volume of air is inhaled by the subject in one breath?

___________________________________________________________________ [1]

c) Calculate the breathing rate in breaths per minute. Show your working.


___________________________________________________________________ [2]

d) Calculate the oxygen consumption per second. Show your working.




___________________________________________________________________ [2]

e) Explain why the trace moves steadily downwards over time.






___________________________________________________________________ [3]

f) Describe three ways in which the pen trace would differ if the subject were exercising






___________________________________________________________________ [3]

[Page 3 of 6] [T urn over] - Specialists in Science and Maths Education
A scientist wanted to investigate the effect of smoking on breathing rates during
exercise. To do this he recorded the breathing rates of individuals while they were
jogging at a set speed on a treadmill (a running machine). He decided to use three
groups of people in his study:

! People who have never smoked

! Ex-smokers
! Smokers

The results of his investigation are shown in the table below:

T able 1
G roup Mean breathing rate
Never smoked 35
Ex-smokers 38
Smokers 51

(g) Use the graph paper provided to display these data in an appropriate graphical
format. [4]

(h) Each of the three groups used in this study consisted of 10 individuals. State three
variables which the scientist would need to have kept the same between the three
groups in order to make this investigation fair. In each case, explain your







___________________________________________________________________ [6]

(i) Using your knowledge of the effect of smoking on the body, suggest and explain
possible reasons for the results of this investigation.





___________________________________________________________________ [3]

[Page 4 of 6] [T urn over] - Specialists in Science and Maths Education
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T able 2
Factor affecting birth
Reason why factor affects birth weight

(k) The table below shows the percentage of low birth weight babies born in Canada
in relation to the total household income and whether the mother smoked or not.
T able 3
Babies born to % of babies born with
families in which low birth weight
Household earned
less than $60,000
Household earned
more than $60,000
Mother smoked 7.8
Mother did not

(l) What conclusions, if any, can you draw from the data in table 3?







___________________________________________________________________ [2]

[Page 5 of 6] [T urn over] - Specialists in Science and Maths Education
(m) Table 4 shows data gathered from ten mothers who gave birth to low birth weight
babies, in relation to the amount smoked by the mother during pregnancy. All the
babies were born in an industrial town in England.

(i) Plot the data below on the graph paper provided. Make sure you label the
axes fully. Draw a single line of best fit through the points to show the
apparent trend. [5]
T able 4
Amount smoked by mother
6'2/,s birth weight (kg)
(cigarettes per day)
1 2.48

3 2.38

4 2.46

5 2.38

7 2.27

7 2.40

9 2.30

10 2.24

13 2.19

15 2.14

(ii) Use your graph to predict the birth weight of a baby born to a woman
who does not smoke. Mark this on the graph and write in the weight
on the y axis. [1]

(iii) How valid is it to use these data to predict the birth weight of a baby
whose mother does not smoke? Explain your answer.



__________________________________________________________________ [2]

(iv) Does the data allow you to conclude that low birth weight is caused by
smoking cigarettes? Explain your answer.



__________________________________________________________________ [2]
[Page 6 of 6] [E nd of Paper]

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