Cryptography As A Security Tool
Cryptography As A Security Tool
Cryptography As A Security Tool
There are many defenses against computer attacks, running the gamut from methodology to technology. The
broadest tool available to system designers and users is cryptography. In this section, we discuss cryptography
and its use in computer security. Note that the cryptography discussed here has been simplified for educational
purposes; readers are cautioned against using any of the schemes described here in the real world. Good
cryptography libraries are widely available and would make a good basis for production applications.
It is generally considered infeasible to build a network of any scale in which the source and destination
addresses of packets can be trusted in this sense. Therefore, the only alternative is somehow to eliminate the
need to trust the network. This is the job of cryptography. Abstractly, cryptography is used to constrain the
potential senders and/or receivers of a message. Modern cryptography is based on secrets called keys that are
selectively distributed to computers in a network and used to process messages. Cryptography enables a
recipient of a message to verify that the message was created by some computer possessing a certain key.
Similarly, a sender can encode its message so that only a computer with a certain key can decode the message.
Unlike network addresses, however, keys are designed so that it is not computationally feasible to derive them
from the messages they were used to generate or from any other public information. Thus, they provide a much
more trustworthy means of constraining senders and receivers of messages. Note that cryptography is a field of
study unto itself, with large and small complexities and subtleties. Here, we explore the most important aspects
of the parts of cryptography that pertain to operating systems.
1. Encryption
Because it solves a wide variety of communication security problems, encryption is used frequently in
many aspects of modern computing. It is used to send messages securely across a network, as well as to
protect database data, files, and even entire disks from having their contents read by unauthorized
entities. An encryption algorithm enables the sender of a message to ensure that only a computer
possessing a certain key can read the message, or ensure that the writer of data is the only reader of that
data. Encryption of messages is an ancient practice, of course, and there have been many encryption
algorithms, dating back to ancient times. In this section, we describe important modern encryption
principles and algorithms.
An encryption algorithm consists of the following components:
A set K of keys.
A set M of messages
A set C of ciphertexts
An encrypting function E : K → (M → C). That is, for each k ∈ K, Ek is a function for
generating ciphertexts from messages. Both E and Ek for any k should be efficiently
computable functions. Generally, Ek is a randomized mapping from messages to ciphertexts.
A decrypting function D : K → (C → M). That is, for each k ∈ K, Dk is a function for
generating messages from ciphertexts. Both D and Dk for any k should be efficiently
computable functions.
An encryption algorithm must provide this essential property: given a ciphertext c ∈ C, a computer can compute
m such that Ek (m) = c only if it possesses k. Thus, a computer holding k can decrypt ciphertexts to the
plaintexts used to produce them, but a computer not holding k cannot decrypt ciphertexts. Since ciphertexts are
generally exposed (for example, sent on a network), it is important that it be infeasible to derive k from the
ciphertexts. There are two main types of encryption algorithms: symmetric and asymmetric.
The basic idea of encryption is to encode a message so that only the desired recipient can decode and read it.
Encryption has been around since before the days of Caesar, and is an entire field of study in itself. Only some
of the more significant computer encryption schemes will be covered here.
The basic process of encryption is shown in Figure 1, and will form the basis of most of our discussion on
encryption. The steps in the procedure and some of the key terminology are as follows:
The message is then entered into an encryption algorithm, E, along with the encryption key, (Ke).
The encryption algorithm generates the ciphertext, c, = E(Ke)(m). For any key k, E(k) is an algorithm for
generating ciphertext from a message, and both E and E(k) should be efficiently computable functions.
The ciphertext can then be sent over an unsecure network, where it may be received by attackers.
The recipient enters the ciphertext into a decryption algorithm, D, along with the decryption key, Kd.
The decryption algorithm re-generates the plaintext message, m, = D(Kd)(c). For any key k, D(k) is an
algorithm for generating a clear text message from a ciphertext, and both D and D(k) should be efficiently
computable functions.
The algorithms described here must have this important property: Given a ciphertext c, a computer can only
compute a message m such that c = E(k)(m) if it possesses D(k). ( In other words, the messages can't be decoded
unless you have the decryption algorithm and the decryption key. )
Symmetric Encryption
With symmetric encryption the same key is used for both encryption and decryption, and must be safely
guarded. There are a number of well-known symmetric encryption algorithms that have been used for computer
The Data-Encryption Standard, DES, developed by the National Institute of Standards, NIST, has been a
standard civilian encryption standard for over 20 years. Messages are broken down into 64-bit chunks, each of
which are encrypted using a 56-bit key through a series of substitutions and transformations. Some of the
transformations are hidden (black boxes), and are classified by the U.S. government.
DES is known as a block cipher, because it works on blocks of data at a time. Unfortunately, this is a
vulnerability if the same key is used for an extended amount of data. Therefore, an enhancement is to not only
encrypt each block, but also to XOR it with the previous block, in a technique known as cipher-block chaining.
As modern computers become faster and faster, the security of DES has decreased, to where it is now
considered insecure because its keys can be exhaustively searched within a reasonable amount of computer
time. An enhancement called triple DES encrypts the data three times using three separate keys (actually two
encryptions and one decryption) for an effective key length of 168 bits. Triple DES is in widespread use today.
The Advanced Encryption Standard, AES, developed by NIST in 2001 to replace DES uses key lengths of 128,
192, or 256 bits, and encrypts in blocks of 128 bits using 10 to 14 rounds of transformations on a matrix formed
from the block.
The blowfish algorithm, uses variable key lengths up to 256 bits and works on 128bit blocks.
RC5 can vary in key length, block size, and the number of transformations, and runs on a wide variety of CPUs
using only basic computations.
RC4 is a stream cipher, meaning it acts on a stream of data rather than blocks. The key is used to seed a pseudo-
random number generator, which generates a keystream of keys. RC4 is used in WEP, but has been found to be
breakable in a reasonable amount of computer time.
Asymmetric Encryption
With asymmetric encryption, the decryption key, Kd, is not the same as the encryption key, Ke, and more
importantly cannot be derived from it, which means the encryption key can be made publicly available, and only
the decryption key needs to be kept secret. ( or vice-versa, depending on the application as shown in Figure 2).
One of the most widely used asymmetric encryption algorithms is RSA, named after its developers - Rivest,
Shamir, and Adleman.
RSA is based on two large prime numbers, p and q, ( on the order of 512 bits each ), and their product N.
q = 13
N = 7 * 13 = 91
( p - 1 ) * ( q - 1 ) = 6 * 12 = 72
Encrypt: c = 42^5 % 91 = 35
Decrypt: m = 35^29 % 91 = 42
Note that asymmetric encryption is much more computationally expensive than symmetric encryption, and as
such it is not normally used for large transmissions. Asymmetric encryption is suitable for small messages,
authentication, and key distribution, as covered in the following sections.