Maths Sow Grade 4

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Mathematics-VI Smart STEM High School No of Period per week=7

Smart STEM High School

OS East (Sector- B) Campus
Academic Session 2024-2025

SOW Summary

Subject: Mathematics Class: VI

Contents Page No. Total Teaching Week:35

First term:17
Scope and Sequence 2-3 Final term:18
Unit 1: Numbers and the number System
Prescribed Textbooks:
Unit 2: Time and timetable
 Primary Mathematics :Learner’s Book 4
Unit 3: Addition and Subtraction of whole
(Mary Wood, Emme Low, Greg& Lynn Byrd)
Unit 4: Probability
Unit 5: Multiplication, multiples and factors
 Primary Mathematics learner’s Book 4
Unit 6: 2D shapes
 Primary Mathematics Workbook 4
Unit 7 : Fractions Prescribed Notebooks:
Unit 8: Angles  Large notebook – 1 (single lined)
Unit 9: Comparing, rounding and dividing
Unit 10: Collecting and recording data
Unit 11: Fractions and percentages
Unit 12 : Investigating 3D shapes and nets
Unit 13: Addition and subtraction
Unit 14: Area and Perimeter
Unit 15: Special numbers
Unit 16: Data display and interpretation
Unit 17 : Multiplication and division
Unit 18: Position, direction and movement

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Scope & Sequence

First term
Week Unit Topic/Subtopic
1&2 Unit 1: Numbers and number  Counting and sequences
system  More on negative numbers
 Understanding place value
3&4 Unit 2: Time and timetables  Time
 Timetables and time intervals
5&6 Unit 3: Addition and subtraction of  Using a symbol to represent a missing number or
whole numbers operation
 Addition and subtraction of whole numbers
 Generalising with odd and even numbers
7&8 Unit 4: Probability  Likelihood
9,10 & 11 Unit 5: Multiplication, multiples and  Tables, multiples and factors
factors  Multiplication
12 & 13 Unit 6: 2D shapes  2D shapes and tessellation
 Symmetry
14 & 15 Unit 7: Fractions  Understanding fractions
 Fractions as operators
16 Unit 8: Angles  Comparing angles
 Acute an d obtuse
 Estimating angles
1&2 Unit 9: Comparing, rounding and  Rounding, ordering and comparing whole numbers
dividing  Division of 2-digit numbers
3&4 Unit 10: Collecting and recording  How to collect and record data
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5&6 Unit 11: Fractions and percentages  Equivalence, comparing and ordering fractions
 Percentages
7&8 Unit 12: Investigating 3D shapes and  The properties of 3D shapes
nets  Nets of 3D shapes
9 & 10 Unit 13: Addition and subtraction  Adding and subtracting efficiently
 Adding and subtracting fractions with the same
11 & 12 Unit 14: Area and perimeter  Estimating and measuring area and perimeter
 Area and perimeter of rectangles
13 & 14 Unit 15: Special numbers  Ordering and comparing numbers
 Working with special numbers
 Tests and divisibility
15 Unit 16: Data display and  Displaying and interpreting data
16 & 17 Unit 17: Multiplication and division  Using an efficient column method for multiplication
 Using and efficient method for division
Unit 18: Position, direction and  Position and movement
movement  Reflecting 2D shapes

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Scope & Sequence
Unit Wise Distribution, of
Syllabus (2024-2025)
First Term

Methodology, Teaching Strategies, Suggested Resource/Assessment

Week # Unit & Topic SLO’s &Skills Learning Activities

1.1 Place Value  Primary

1 Unit 1: The learner will be able to:
 Introduction: Start by introducing the mathematics
Numbers and
the number  Identify numbers, ways of concept of place value, emphasizing that learner’s book 6
system representing numbers. digits in a number represent different  Primary
values depending on their position in the mathematics
 Explore the significance of
each digit in numbers up to number. workbook 6
3decimal places. Place Value https://
 Perform multiplication and Activity 1
division of whole numbers and Watch video link 1 for explosure.
decimals by 10, 100, 1000. Divide the class into small groups.
Skills Provide a random number with three decimal m/watch?v=kHWnoC-
places (e.g.,4.723) and ask each group to B2bo
Identify create this number using the place value
Explore chart and the digits they have.
With the help of video clip students will  Assess through
Perform explore the significance of each digit in quizzes, worksheets,
numbers up to 3 decimal places. or games
Activity 2: Resources required:
By watching video link 2 students will be  Large sheet of paper
able to perform multiplication and division  Small pieces of paper
of whole numbers and decimals by
10,100,1000.  Scissor
C.w:  Glue

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Exercise 1.1 Questions 1,2,3,4,8,9
Exercise 1.1 Qs 1,2,3,4,12,13,14,15
Exercise 1.1 Qs 5,6,7
Exercise 1.1 Qs 5,6,7,8,9,10,11

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Unit 1: The The learner will be able to: Counting and sequences:
 Primary
number system
. mathematics
 Activity 1: divide the class into small
learner’s book 6
 Recall the counting principles groups, distribute rounding off questions
such as skip counting of twos,  Primary
to each group. Instruct each group to
threes,fours and fives. work together to round the given numbers mathematics
to the nearest whole numbers and nearest workbook 6
 Recognize and extend patterns tenth.  Asses by quiz or
that represent squares. By the end of the activity students will be worksheet.
 Identify positive and negative able to think critically and solve questions.  https://
integers on a number lie. C.w:
Exercise 1.2 Qs 1,2,3,6,9
 Recognition Exercise 1.2 Qs 6,7, 11,12
 Identification H.w:
 Critical thinking
Exercise 1.2 Qs 4,5,7,8
Exercise 1.2 Qs 1, 2 3,4,5,8,9,10

Numbers and sequences:  Primary

3 Unit2:Numbers The learner’s will be able to:
Introduction: mathematics
and Sequences
 Recall the counting principles learner’s book 6
Explain the concept of numerical sequences
such as skip counting of twos,  Primary
to the students, emphasizing that a sequence
fives, or tens. mathematics
is a list of numbers arranged in a specific
 Interpret numerical patterns order. workbook 6
and sequences using words,  Assess students
Introduce the idea of a position-to-term rule,
symbols, or diagram. explaining that it is a formula or pattern used understanding with
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to determine the value of a term base the help of
 Apply sequencing skills to
arrange objects or events in a position in the sequence.
logical order. Activity 1: https://
Watch the video to enhance logical
 Compare and contrast the watch?
properties of square and cube v=6pMuP9AXSY4
numbers. Guided exploration:
Material needed:
 Start with a simple numerical
sequence (e.g.,3,6,9,12,15).  Whiteboard or
chart paper
Skills  Write the sequence on the whiteboard
and ask students to observe any  Markers
 Recall
pattern or relationships between the  Index card or
 Interpret terms. small pieces of
 Guide students to identify the pattern: paper
 Apply
each term is obtained by adding 3 to  Scissors
 Compare and contrast previous term.  Tape or glue
Independent exploration:
 Divide students in groups and provide
each group with a set of index cards or
paper strips containing different
numerical sequences.
 Instruct the students to examine each
sequence, identify the pattern.
 Encourage students to record their
findings and explanations on paper.
 This activity encourages active
exploration and collaboration while
reinforcing students understanding of
position-to-term in numerical
Special Numbers
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 Begin by reviewing the definitions of
square and cube numbers. Explain that
square numbers are the result of
multiplying a number by itself, while
cube number is a number you get
when you multiply an integer by itself
and by itself again.
Activity 1
Comparison chart
Ask students to create a comparison
chart with two columns: one for
square numbers and one for cube
After completing their comparison
charts, have a group discussion to
share their findings with the class.
This compare and contrast activity
encourages students to actively engage
with square and cube numbers,
fostering deeper understanding and
critical thinking skills.
Exercise 2.1 Question 1-9
Exercise 2.2 Question 1, 3,4,7,8
Exercise 2.1Qs 6,9,10
Exercise 2.2 Question 5,6,8,9,13


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Exerxise 2.2 Question 2,5,6
Exercise 2.1 Question
Exercise 2.2
Question1,2,3,4 ,7,10,11,12,14,15

Factors and multiples:

4 Unit 2: Numbers Learner’s will be able to learn: Factors and multiples are fundamental  Primary
and Sequences concepts in mathematics that help us to mathematics
 Recall the definitions of
factors and multiples. understand the relationships between learner’s book 6
numbers.  Primary
 Apply knowledge of factors to Factors: mathematics
determine whether a number is Factors are the numbers that divide a given workbook 6
prime or composite. number without leaving a remainder. For  Assess students
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example, the factors of 12 are 1, 2,3,4,6, and understanding with
 Reinforce the understanding 12. the help of
of factors and multiples while Multiples: worksheet.
engaging in a real world Multiples are the result of multiplying a
scenario. number by an integer. For example, the
Skills multiples of 3 are and so on.
Recall Title: Planning a Birthday Party
Apply  To apply the concept of factors and
multiples in planning birthday party,
Reinforce including determining the number of
guests and arranging seating
 24 people are invited on a birthday
party and they have to arrange the
guests at tables, each tables should
seat the same number of people.
 After completing the activity,
encourage students to have a group
 Through this activity students apply
the concepts of factors and multiples
in a practical context, reinforce theor
understanding while engaging in real
life scenario. It highlights the
relevance of mathematical concepts in
everyday situations.
Exercise 2.3 Question 1,2,4, 7,8
Exercise 2.3 Question 10-12

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Exercise 2.3 Question 3, 5,6

Exercise 2.3 Question 1-9

Averages  Primary
5 Unit 3: Learner’s will be able to learn:
Introduction: mathematics
 The purpose of calculating mean, learner’s book 6
Start by explaining the concepts of
median, mode, and range in  Primary
analyzing data. Median, mode and range in simple mathematics
Term. workbook 6
 Application of formulas to
calculate. Activity: https://
 Write different random numbers on
 Analyze real world data and draw watch?
conclusion. Small pieces of paper and distribute
these papers among students. v=e3uY2LraXts
 Create visual representations, such Material needed:
 Ask every student have they count the
as graphs or charts. numbers. Small pieces of paper
Skills:  Once everyone has their count, ask Scissor
them to arrange their numbers in Computer paper
 Identification ascending order.
 Application Group 1
Add up all the numbers and divide Assess students
 Analyzation
With total numbers, you will get is mean. understanding with
the help of worksheet.
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Group 2
If there is an odd number ,the median
is the middle number. If there is an
even number, it’s the average of the
two middle numbers.
Group 3
Identify the number that appears
most frequently that will be mode.
Group 4
Find the difference between the
highest and the lowest values. It is
With the help of this activity students
will be able to analyze difference
between mean, median, mode and

Exercise 3.1 Question 1-8
Exercise 3.1 Question 8,9
Exercise 3.1 Question 1-7

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6 Unit 4: Learner’s will be able to learn:

Addition and Addition and subtraction:  Primary
subtraction (1)  Apply mathematical
operations to solve Introduction: mathematics
problems involving large learner’s book 6
In daily life, addition and subtraction of
integers.  Primary
integers are essential mathematical
 Analyze and evaluate operations used in various practical workbook 6
mathematical expressions
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involving positive and situations.

For example, when managing finance, https://
negative integers.
Such as budgeting, calculating expenses,
 Apply computational skills watch?v=R1m-
to subtract two integers. or tracking income, we often encounter 3lANNlA
both positive and negative numbers. Material needed
 Analyze and interpret
algebraic expressions, Adding positive amounts like income and Paper
determining the numerical subtracting negative amount like Ruler
value assigned to letter expenses help us to determine our
variable. situation accurately.
 Apply algebraic concepts to Additionally, in situations involving Quiz
represent unknown temperature changes, integers represent Worksheet
quantities as variable.
both positive and negative values. Puzzles
Skills For example, if the temperature was 5 Game play
Application degrees Celsius yesterday and dropped
by 3 degrees today, we use subtraction
(-3) to find the temperature difference.
Moreover, in scenarios related to
Critical thinking distances and directions, integers are
used extensively.

For example, when navigating a map or

tracking travel distances ,positive
integers represent distance traveled in
one direction, while negative integers
represent distance traveled in the
opposite direction.
After watching video provide students
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with a set of integer operation worksheet.
Encourage students to work together and
discuss strategies for solving problems.
This activity not only reinforces the
concepts of addition and subtraction of
integers but also encourages
collaboration, critical thinking, and
problem solving skills.
Numbers representation and
Begin by explaining that letters can be
represent numbers in mathematical
expressions. For example ‘x’ can
represent an unknown number or
Perimeter is the total length of the
boundary or outer edge of a two
dimensional shape.
Once the students understand the
concept of variable and perimeter,
introduce the activity focused on
calculating perimeter using letters to
represent side lengths.
Explain that the task is to creat a
geometric shape(square, rectangle,
triangle) using the letter to represent
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side lengths.
Instruct the students to choose a letter
to represent each side length of their
Calculate the perimeter of their shapes
using the letter representing side
Share their perimeter result with each
other to discuss about how the
perimeter changes with different letter
This activity will reinforce problem
solving skills and understand of
geometric concepts such as perimeter.
Exercise 4.1 Question 1,2,5,6,10
Exercise 4.2 Question 1- 8
Exercise 4.1Question 4,5,8,11,12,13
Exercise 4.2 Question 2,3,5,9

Exercise 4.1 Question 3,47,8,9

Exercise 4.1 Question 1,2,3,6,7,9,10,14
Eexercise 4.2 Question 1,4,6,7,8

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7 Unit 5: 2D shapesThe learner’s will be able to learn:

 Recall the names of common Introduction:
2D shapes, such as squares, Introduce the concept of quadrilaterals
rectangles, triangles, circle, and their properties to the students.
and polygons. Explain that quadrilaterals play a  Primary
significant role in designing floor plans mathematics
 Explore the characteristics of learner’s book 6
different quadrilaterals. for building and structures.
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Activity:  Primary
 Compare and contrast the After watching video mathematics
characteristics of different Discuss the following questions. workbook 6
quadrilaterals. 1. What are the defining characteristics https://
of these quadrilaterals?
2. How is it similar to or different from watch?
other quadrilaterals? v=WQQbYGczeo4
3. Can you identify any real life
examples of this quadrilateral?
 Assess
Encourage students to have a group
Compare and contrast the characteristics Worksheet
of different quadrilaterals.
Exercise 5.1 Question 3,4,5,6
Exercise 5.1Question 6,7,8,9,10
Exercise 5.1 Question 1,2
Exercise 5.1 Question 1,2,3,4,5,

The learner’s will be able to learn:

8 Unit 5: 2D shapes
 Recall the definition of a Circles:
circle. A circle is a closed curve where all points on
 Identify different parts of circle the boundary are equidistant from the center
(radius, diameter, point.
circumference, centre) Circles are a fundamental shape in geometry  Primary
with unique properties and applications. mathematics
 Recognize the relationship Parts of circle: learner’s book 6
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 Primary
between the radius, diameter,
and circumference of a circle.
workbook 6
 Interpret real-world examples
that involve circles. https://
 Identify rotational symmetry in
objects and shapes. watch?v=blQjglPb1jw

 Analyze objects and designs to Real –Life Examples: Assessment

evaluate their rotational Wheels: the wheels of vehicles, such as Quiz
symmetry and practical cars, bicycles, and trains, are circular. worksheet
implication. Clock: clock face is circular, and the puzzles
hands move around the centre point.
Coins: Most coins have a circular shape.
Circles are used in currency worldwide
due to their uniformity and ease of
These examples illustrate the importance
of circles in everyday life.
Rotational symmetry
Rotational symmetry refers to the
property of an object where it appears
unchanged after being rotated by a certain
angle around a fixed point.

By watching video students analyze
symmetry rotation of different objects
and shape.
Exercise 5.2 Question 1,2,4,5,6
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Exercise 5.3 Question 2,3,4
Exercise 5.2Question 4,7,9
Exercise 5.3 Question 3, 8,9
Exercise 5.2Question 3
Exercise 5.3 Question 1
Exercise 5.2 Question 1,2,3,5,6,8
Exercise 5.3 Question 1,2,4,5,6,7

Learner’s will be able to learn:

9 Unit 6: Fractions  Encourage them to describe the
and percentage difference between a whole Interactive visuals:
number and a fraction Utilize visual aids like fraction bars, circles
or diagrams to demonstrate the concept
 Analyze and evaluate visually.
previously acquired knowledge Hand-on Activity:  Primary
of fractions to solve problems. Incorporate manipulative such as fraction mathematics
tiles or blocks to allow students to physically learner’s book 6
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manipulate fractions.  Primary
 Develop high order thinking Real life example: mathematics
skills in the context of In Cooking and Baking,using ½ cup of workbook 6
percentage calculations for flour or ¾ teaspoon of salt.
whole numbers and shapes. Time
On a clock, fractions areused to represent https://
time. For example, half past 3 (3.30)
represents half of anhour.
These examples demonstrate how fractions
are encountered and used in everyday life.

By watching video students analyze and Assess

evaluate acquired knowledge of fractions. Worksheets
Proper and improper fraction as division
 By reviewing the definitions of proper
and improper fractions discuss how
both types of fractions can be
interpreted as division.
 Use whiteboard to illustrate a
multiplication and division fraction,
such that ¾ of 2.
 Show how to interpret these
 Provide a worksheet with
multiplication and division problems
involving fractions, including both
proper and improper fractions.
 Allow students to work in pairs,
encourage them to discuss their
challenges and how they overcame

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Finding the percentage of whole numbers
and shapes involves understanding what
percentage represents and how it applies to
different contexts.

Percentage of whole number:
If there are 40 red apples out of a total of
200 apples, to find the percentage of red
Percentage of red apples =
Percentage of shapes:
If a rectangle foeld has an area of 500 m2 and
a garden within it has an area of 50m2, to
find the percentage of area occupied by the
Percentage of garden area

This will develop high order thinking skills

in the context of percentage calculations for
whole numbers and shapes.

Exercise 6.1 Question 1,2,3,4,5,6,9,10
Exercise 6.2 Question 1-10

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Exercise 6.1 Question 5,7,11
Exercise 6.2 Qestion 1,7,10
Exercise 6.1 Question 7,8
Exercise 6.1 Question 1,2,3,4,6,8,9,10
Exercise 6.2 Question 2,3,4,5,6,8

10 Unit:6Fractions Learner’s will be able to learn:

and Percentages
 Develop strategies to reduce Equivalence and comparison:
fractions to their lowest form. Students often begin to explore equivalent
fractions by using visual representations,
 Recognize that fractions, such as fraction strips, bar models, or a  Primary
decimals and percentages can fraction wall. They learn to recognize that mathematics
have equivalent values fractions with different numerators and learner’s book 6
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denominators can have the same value.  Primary
 Compare fractions, decimals
and percentages using the Why do we need to know equivalent workbook 6
symbols. fractions?  Fraction wall
Understanding equivalent fractions enables
students to order and compare fractions.
Later, they can relate their findings to
understanding equivalent fractions, decimals, watch?v=bj5fSn96Cns
and percentages. Assess:
Examples of Equivalent Worksheet
Fractions: Puzzle/games


By watching video students can compare

order of fraction and use symbols

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Text book

Exercise 6.3 Question 1-12


Exercise 6.3 Question 4,6,8



Exercise 6.3 Question 1,2,3,5,7,9,10,11,12

Learner’s will be able to learn:

11 Unit 7 :  Estimate the area of a triangle
Exploring Area of Rectangle and Triangle:
measures  Workout the area of triangles
using rectangles.

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