Samorita Hospital (Last 6 Month Financial Report)
Samorita Hospital (Last 6 Month Financial Report)
Samorita Hospital (Last 6 Month Financial Report)
Company Secretary
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Statement of Changes In Equity (Un-audited)
For the half year ended 31st December , 2023. ( Figure in Taka "000")
December,31 December,31
A. Cash flows from Operating Activities:_________ 2023 2022
Cash Received from Customers 208,551 175,555
Cash Paid to Suppliers & Employees (163,698) (148,991)
Cash generated from Operations: 44,853 26,564
Income Tax Paid _________ (1,807) ___________ (459)
Net Cash from Operating Activities 43,046 26,105
B. Cash flows from Investing Activities__________
Purchase of Property, Plant & Equipment (10,318) (18,147)
Bank Interest 286 223
FDR interest 875 1,050
Net Cash used in Investing Activities (9,157) (16,874)
C. Cash flows from Financing Activities_________
Bank Loan paid (10,705) (10,530)
Unclaimed Dividend 285 (211)
Net Cash Used in Financing Activities (10,420) (10,741)
"The details of the published half yearly financial statements can be available in the web-site of the company. The address of
the web-site is "
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Samorita Hospital Limited
Selected Notes to the Financial Statements(Un-audited)
For the half year ended 31st December , 2023.
1.00 Legal status and nature of the Company-Disclosure under IAS-1 "Presentation of Financial Statements".
1.01 Company Profile
Samorita Hospital Limited started it's business from 01 February 1984 under the name and style as "M/s. Samorita Nursing
Home". Then it was a partnership concern and 14 October 1985 it was converted into a Private Limited Company under the
name and style as Samorita Nursing Home Ltd. Subsequently it's name and style was changed and renamed as Samorita
Hospital (Pvt.) Limited on 17 January 1990. Again on 23 June 1996 it was converted into a Public Limited Company under the
name and style as "Samorita Hospital Limited".
The company went for public issue of share in 1996 and it's shares are listed with the Stock Exchanges of Bangladesh.
2.09 Inventories
Inventories comprise various Medicine, Material for Pathology, X-Ray, OT, Cleaning Materials, Linens, Printing and Stationery,
Materials for ECG and USG. They are stated at the lower of cost and net realizable value in accordance with IAS -2
"Inventories" after making due allowances for any obsolete or slow moving items.
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2.10 Financial Instruments
Financial Assets
Trade Receivable
Trade receivables are recongnized and stated at original invoiced amounts and carried at anticipated realizable values.
Current Tax
Provision for current income tax has been made as per prescribed rate in the Finance Act, 2023 on the accounting profit
made by the company after considering some of the add backs to income and disallowances of expenditure as per income tax
laws in compliance with IAS-12:" Income Taxes".
Deferred Tax
Deferred tax liabilities are the amount of income taxes payable in future periods in respect of taxable temporary differences.
Deferred tax assets are the amount of income taxes recoverable in future periods in respect of deductible temporary
differences. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are recognized for the future tax consequences of timing differences arising
between the carrying values of assets, liabilities, income and expenditure and their respective tax bases. Deferred tax assets
and liabilities are measured using tax rates and tax laws that have been enacted or substantially enacted at the balance sheet
date. The impact on the account of changes in the deferred tax assets and liabilities has also been recognized in the
statement of comprehensive income as per IAS-12: "Income Taxes".
In accordance with the provisions of the IFRS-15: "Revenue from Contracts with Customers"; revenue from contracts with
customers represents the amount that reflects the considerations to which entity expects to be entitled in exchange for goods
supplied and service provided to customers during the year. Revenue from contracts with customers is recognized in the
statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income when the performance obligation (supply of promised goods and
services) is satisfied. Performance obligation is satisfied at a point in time when customer obtains the control of goods and
services. Revenue has been recognized at the time of invoice made for the services rendered by the company.
Interest income
The interest income is recognized on accrual basis as agreed terms and conditions with the banks.
Non operating income
Non operating income are recognized at the time of receive of money from other purpose than the normal course of business
of the Company.
2.14 Earnings Per Share (EPS)
The Company calculates Earnings Per Share (EPS) in accordance with IAS -33 "Earnings Per Share", which has been shown
on the face of the statement of comprehensive income. This has been calculated by dividing the basic earnings by the
number of ordinary shares outstanding during the year.
2.15 Statement of Cash Flows
Statement of Cash Flows is prepared principally in accordance with IAS -7 "Statement of Cash Flows" and the cash flow from
the operating activities have been presented under the direct method as prescribed by the Securities and Exchange Rules
1987 and considering the provision of Paragraph 19 of IAS -7 which provides that enterprise are encouraged to report "Cash
Flow from the Operating Activities using the direct Method".
2.16 Additional information on Financial Statements:
Compliance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs)
The financial statements have been prepared in compliance with requirements of IFRSs adopted by the Institute of Chartered
Accountants of Bangladesh (ICAB).
2.17 Foreign Exchange Earned and Payment
During the period the Company has not earned or made payment any amount of foreign currency.
There are certain pending tax claims made against the Company, which will be settled through the legal process in due
course. These are being vigorously defended by the company. The management has not considered it necessary at the
reporting date to make provisions in the financial statements in respect of any of these claims.
Case is Pending
2013-2014 2014-2015 11,669,566 15,188,234 12,879,566 2,308,668
at High court
Case is Pending
2014-2015 2015-2016 11,473,176 12,616,428 11,773,176 843,252 at Tribunal
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Case is Pending
2015-2016 2016-2017 10,372,742 12,904,058 11,482,742 1,421,316 at High court
Case is Pending
2016-2017 2017-2018 13,918,465 14,450,494 14,433,465 17,029
at High court
As per
2017-2018 2018-2019 8,675,427 8,893,836 9,747,897 (854,061) Assesment order
Return Submited
Under Section
2018-2019 2019-2020 11,453,108 - 11,453,108 -
Case is
Pending at 2nd
2019-2020 2020-2021 3,678,790 13,143,637 9,329,484 3,814,153
are underway
for sub-mission
2020-2021 2021-2022 13,632,068 16,541,199 11,246,630 5,294,569
of appeal
Return Submited
but Assessment
2021-2022 2022-2023 5,154,507 - 6,287,425 (1,132,918)
not yet done
Return not
2022-2023 2023-2024 2,650,892 2,837,024 (186,132)
Total 106,301,958 106,581,798 115,193,734 10,646,571
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As at As at
December, 31 June, 30
2023 2023
Figure in Taka"000'
6. Inventories:
Medical Services 4,918 4,725
Diagnostics 6,851 3,806
Pharmacy 11,440 12,118
23,209 20,649
7. Trade Receivable:
Receivable from Indoor Patient 7,011 6,003
Receivable from Outdoor Patient 1,068 698
Receivable from Institution 3,000 2,890
Rent Receivable 239 190
Receivable from FDR Interest 275 267
11,593 10,048
16 Lease Liability
Opening Balance 2,556 4,079
Addition during the year - -
Finance costs during the year 93 292
Payments during the year (907) ________ (1,815)
Closing Liability 1,742 2,556
All fixed and floating assets are mortgaged against long term loan.
The Above amount of Tk.973,000 has been unclaimed for the financial year 2020-2021. As per BSEC Directive No.
BSEC/CMRRCD/2021-386/03 dt.January 14, 2021 the amount shall be payable to CMFS as soon as the expiry of 3 years.
Hence the amount shall be payable to CMSF on 29th December, 2024.
December, 31 December, 31
2023 2022
Figure in Taka"000"
24. Share of Profit I (loss) of Associate :
Net profit/ (loss) of Associate company
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December, 31 December, 31
2023 2022
Figure in Taka"000'
27. Administrative Expenses:
Salary & Allowance 54,468 50,146
Managing Director's Salary 4,140 4,116
Utility Bills 11,193 9,107
Repair 2,159 4,461
Depreciation 11,449 11,254
Depreciation on Right of Use Assets 798 798
Printing 1,086 1,034
Bad debt 380 117
Others 16,718 13,215
102,391 _________ 94,248
28.Financial Expenses
Interest on Term Loan 1,792 2,378
Interest on Lease Liability 93 163
1,885 2,541
i. Regular Tax
Net profit before tax as per profit & loss Account 25,159 8,740
Less: Profit/(Loss) from Investments 21 17
25,138 8,723
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a.01 , Paid-up capital:
Figure in Taka"000"
Type of Share No. of Shares Face value Issu Date
Ordinary Share 6,000 10.00 10/11/1997 60,000 60,000
Bonus Share 600 10.00 23/04/2005 6,000 6,000
Bonus Share 990 10.00 26/01/2010 9,900 9,900
Bonus Share 1,214 10.00 08/02/2012 12,140 12,140
Bonus Share 1,584 10.00 24/01/2013 15,844 15,844
Bonus Share 3,117 10.00 26/01/2014 31,170 31,170
Bonus Share 1,351 10.00 07/01/2015 13,510 13,510
Bonus Share 1,486 10.00 26/12/2016 14,860 14,860
Bonus Share 1,634 10.00 28/12/2017 16,340 16,340
Bonus Share 899 10.00 05/01/2020 8,988 8,988
Bonus Share 944 10.00 09/01/2023 9,438 9,438
Bonus Share 1,982 10.00 15/01/2024 19,819 -
Total: 21,800,897 shares @ Tk. 10.00 each 218,009 ____ 198,190
As at As at
December, 31 June, 30
2023 2023
Figure in Taka"000"
December, 31 December, 31
c) Basic and diluted Earnings Per Share: 2023 2022
Besic Earning Per Share: Figure in Taka"000"
Profit Attributable to ordinary shareholders 19,683 6,735
Number of outstanding shares at the year end 21,801 21,801
Basic Earning per Share (EPS) 0.90 ___________ 0.31
Diluted EPS is determined by adjusting the Profit or loss attributable to ordinary shareholders and the weighted average
number of ordinary shares outstanding, for the effects of all dilutive potential ordinary shares. However, dilution of EPS is not
applicable for these financial statements as there was no potential dilutive ordinary share during the relevant period.
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e) Reconciliation of Net profit with Cash Flows from Operating Activities
For the half year ended December 31, 2023
December, 31 June, 30
2023 2023
Figure in Taka"000"
33. Discolosure of key management personnel compensation:
Detailed discolosure regarding the compensation packages of key management personnel is presented below.
Key management are those persones having authority and responsibility for planing, Directing and controlling the
activities of the company.
i) Remuneration and Meeting fees for Non-exceutive directors
Shortterm employee benefits consisted of salary, bonus, medical allowance, housing, cars, fees or subsidized
goods or services for key management personnel.
Key management personel includes Managing Director, Company Secretary, Chief Financial Officer, Head of
Internal Audit and Compliance, Head of Administration and Human Resources and Chief Medical Officer.
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