3-2 Mid2

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JNTUGY COLLEGE OF ENGINEpRNi : e INEERING VIZIANAGARAM JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UxIVERSITY GURAJADA VIZIANAGARAM M1 TECH (ECE), 1 SEMESTER- 1 yp EXAMINATION MARCH 2023 MAX MARKS: 30 SUBJECT: psP TIME: 90 MINS eee eee ‘SNO Questions (oa_| Wie a design wocedure ofa TTR Titers with a necessary equations bey MB] Design a digital Butterworth filter suing Bilinear Transformation to meet the following specifications 0.9 |H(w)| S14 Osws05Sr IH@w)| S02 ogee re A" | Design a low pass FIR filter using Hamming window with a cutoff frequency of 1.2 radi/sec and N=9 Fa Compare Te and IR filters @A | Derive the time and frequency domain representation of sampling rate conversion by a rational factor I/D [P| Draw and explain th ‘CO- Course Outcom: rogram Outcome, BL- Understanding, L3-Applying, L4-Analyzing, | X DSP processor architecture of [MS320 jlooms Taxonomy Level (L1-Remembering, L2- valuating, L6-Creating) Prepared by R.Gurunadha ee DEPARTMENT OF ECE AINTUGV- Vizianagaram " SUB: Microwaves, waveguides yt! EXAM re and Antennas MAX.MARKS:30 Class: % B.Tech: It semester “ TIME: 2 HOURS. Answer Al GT) (2) State the following antenna theorems answer ALL K ‘and bringout their importance in antenna L-2 theorem. ii) Maximum power ‘antenna radiates lOKW of power me: surements: i) Reciprocity (©) A half wave transmitting ster theorem, aU OOMHzIf the heights of Transmitting and re« iving antenn; are 100m and Om, calculate the power received (P,) at a distance of 1Okms from the wansmvitting antenna 2. (@).Derive an expression for radiance 1 tance of eure clement starting from the expression 2, for radiation fields, (b) Calculate the elect eld (Erms) due to an isotropic radiator radiating SKW power at a Le distance of 2 Km from it, 3. (a) Expl lain about N element form stray and drive the expression for normalized fel! pattern 2 La (©) Define the terms Radiation intensity, Gain, Resoltion and Ream effieieney JAWAHAR! fe New NTU a ae HNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY GURAJADA NIZIANAG ARAN LEGE OF ENGINEERING VIZIANAG ARAM “1 r 1-B.Pech-II Semester-Second MID 3 pject: VEST Design , oN Answer AIL the Questions sm Questions Vas yy a | Draw the layout Tiagranr of CMOS snserier and preset the ep BY Tos { layout guideline y {HB | Draw and explain the VEST Devign Process 105 TDA | Explain the issues in designing mined signal YET withrneat sketch, | 05 an | Tlustrate Lannbsda-based design rules pertaining (0 Siem rules anal Layout 05 Haya | Draw and explain the RTT fesign flow 05 i paabie tor EGA | 05 GyBr | Discuss in brief the various proeean cringe mthals avaiable for FU : | Design Fs Fos Ooo CO- Course Outcome . BL Blooms Tave ry Level sing si . cone apnbine. ES reaing, Svat r (Li-Remembering, L Understan " py TUGN CEN Viens zpartment of EC paper set by Prot Babul, De UMIADA VVZIANAGARAM CONG, VIANA an NICATION ENGINE cl sr V:2022-23) ENGINE! ma coe Ime of Subjects Information THEN uc 20) NTuLeY col DEPARTMENT OF ELE gi gusstio® SHS marks questions CO BL Marks sn setuitt OREONALZatION procedure 312 5M 1a) Mustrate the Gram Frequency HOPSpread Spectrum in detail, C312 5p b) Describe about the Discuss about the Galois field a%4 its construction in Gi 2 a ) CH LD oSM b) The parity matrix fora (7) linea" block code is given below: C413 SM i) Determine generator and parity check matrices ii) Ulustrate the decoding of the received vector corresponding tw the message vector 1001, if itis received with Sth bitin error, 3. a) The generator polynomial of a (7.4) cyclic code is g(x= CS L3 SM 148445, Determine the code word for D= (1010). By formin; the code polynomial using vix)=Dexjg(x) Where Dix) is the message polynomial b) Discuss BCH codes with example. cs 12 5M ECE Dept JNTU GV.VZM Note: CO Course Outcomes BL. Bloom's Taxonomy Levels (-Remembering, 2-Understandi 6 Creating) 3 Applying. 4 Analysing, 5 Evaluating, aT yee ENGINEERING VIZIANAGARAM MUNICATION ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS AND COM! II- Mid-Term Examination 3° B. Tech ‘Sub: Global Positioning System Date: 1-04-23 MaxMarks:30 “Answer all the questions: 0 Minutes S.No Questions Marks CO PO 1a Explain about the 6 oo Pl i) Sources of error 4) Jonospheric propagation errors diyAtmosphetic errors i”) Multipath estos bb What are the basic functions of GPS receiver? 4 C3 PB 2 a Describe about Differential GPS? 5 cH PLZ ty Explain about GPS orbital pasumeters? cect 3a Explain any two GPS applications? 6 cs Pl qumtcsn, 2 b Discuss the concept of RINEX briefly? Paper set by Dr. TSN Murthy 0 -Course Outcomes; PO ~Program Ourconn Go cBloom’s Taxonomy Levels (1-Rememberin® 2-Understanding, 3 Applying, 4 ~ ing, 6 -Creating) Analysing, 5 ~Evaluati Paper set by Dr. T'S N Murthy BL JAWAHARLAL NEHRU ppcHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY GURAJADA VIZIANAGARAM : 'T OF ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING TIL B.Tech 1] semester Name of Subject:Research Methodology Roll Number: - Exam: -MID - IL DEPARTM Dat 03-04-2023, Anaweraie S.No Go Marks CO BL 1a What isthe role of computer in esearch? 5 a u b Explain optimization of fuzzy system oo l2 2a Discuss the types of reports and explain mechanics of Sees LI esearch report? {What are the precautions that ve should yke eare while 5 6 2 writing a research paper? 3a Explain about IMRAD concept briefly 5 cd L 5 cA Li b Describe IPR mechanisms and explain them?. CO -Course Outcome 1m Outwomes; BL -Bloom’s Taxonomy Levels (1-Remember Understanding, 3 ~Applying, 4 ~Analyzing, 5 Evaluating, 6 -Creating) Prepared by KY, Oe 5, VIIANAGARAM CAIVERSITY GURAIADA JNTU-GY COLLEGE aa DLLEGE OF ENGINEERIN WAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVER VIZIANAGARAM bmn se AS Python Programming( Minors) INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Max Marks: 30 inations I ‘Time: 90 minutes Date10-04:09 — 202 a ow can we pass argument: - “e — towcan ents toa function in Python? iat are keyword arguments in Python? Provide an example. b wv idle variable-length sn Python functions? — : (Row can we handle variable-length arguments in Python functions? em | cor] 13 | Ja | What is the scope of variables in Python functions? ‘Explain the diffe i coa | 12 | betucen oblonga 2 m cos | 13 b | Explain the concept of classes in Python with an example ‘What is the significance of the self variable in Python classes? ‘What is inheritance in Python? Provide an example CO: Course Guteome. PO- Prosram Ou BL- Bloom's Taxonomy Level (L-Reme L5- Evaluating, L6- Creati L2- Understanding, L3- Applying, L4-Analyzing, ) Prepared By: W ANIL,