0606 Teaching Plan
0606 Teaching Plan
0606 Teaching Plan
List the agenda for the semester including when and where the final exam will be held. Indicate the
schedule is subject to change with fair notice and how the notice will be made available.
Course Schedule:
3 6/9/2021 . perform simple operations with indices and with surds, Chapter 2
Learner perspective: What specifically should I understand, know & be able to do at the end
of this unit? What dispositions will I acquire?
Subject Title:
Topic / Unit:
IGCSE / A Level / IB / AP: Grade Level:
Duration of unit:
Essential Questions
Unit questions / Guiding questions / Provocative questions / Student questions
What arguable, recurring, and thought-provoking questions will guide inquiry and point toward the big
ideas of the unit?
Learner perspective: What is critical for me to be able understand at the end of this unit & why?
What is the key knowledge and skill needed to develop the desired understandings?
What knowledge and skill relates to the content standards on which the unit is focused?
Learner perspective: What will I need to do to demonstrate I have learned what I am supposed to at
the end of the unit?
Learner perspective: What are some things I will actually be doing, developing, participating in to help
me learn?
Learner perspective: What are some ways I can connect what I am learning to other areas and to the
‘real world’?
Stage 4: Resources