0606 Teaching Plan

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0606/Additional Maths Semester 1 Course Schedule

Subject: Maths Course Level: GCSE

Lecturer: Kyle Zhang Date: 16/8/2021

List the agenda for the semester including when and where the final exam will be held. Indicate the
schedule is subject to change with fair notice and how the notice will be made available.

Course Schedule:

Week Date Specification Exam

1 23/8/2021 . understand the terms: function, domain, range (image Chapter 1
set), one-one function, inverse function and composition Assignment
Functions of functions
. use the notation f(x) = sin x, (x > 0), and
f (x) = f(f(x))
. understand the relationship between y = f(x) and y = |
f(x)|, where f(x) may be linear, quadratic, or trigonometric
. explain why a given function is a function or why it does
not have an inverse
. find the inverse of a one-one function and form
composite functions
. use sketch graphs to show the relationship between a
function and its inverse

2 30/8/2021 . solve simultaneous equations in two unknowns by Chapter 1

elimination or substitution Test
Simultaneous . find the maximum or minimum value of the quadratic
equations function by any method Chapter 2
and . use the maximum or minimum value of f(x) to sketch the Assignment
quadratics graph or determine the range for a given domain
. know the conditions for f(x) = 0 to have:
(i) two real roots,
(ii) two equal roots,
(iii) no real roots & the related conditions for a given line
(i) intersect a given curve,
(ii) be a tangent to a given curve
(iii) not intersect a given curve
. solve quadratic equations for real roots and find the
solution set for quadratic inequalities

3 6/9/2021 . perform simple operations with indices and with surds, Chapter 2

including rationalising the denominator Test

Indices and Chapter 3

surds Assignment
4 13/9/2021 . solve graphically or algebraically equations of the type Chapter 3
and Test
Indices and . solve graphically or algebraically inequalities of the type
Surds Chapter 4
and Assignment
. use substitution to form and solve a quadratic equation
in order to solve a related equation
. sketch graphs of cubic polynomials and their moduli,
when given in factorised form
. solve cubic inequalities in the form

Monthly Test 20/9/2021 Monthly

Week Test
5 24/9/2021 . know and use the remainder and factor theorems Chapter 4
. find factors of polynomials Test
Factors and . solve cubic equations
Polynomials Chapter 5
6&7 8/10/2021 . know simple properties and graphs of the logarithmic Chapter 5
and exponential functions including ln x and ex (series Test
Logarithmic expansions are not required) and graphs of
and kenx + a and kln(ax + b) Chapter 6
exponential where n, k, a and b are integers Assignment
functions . know and use the laws of logarithms (including change of
base of logarithms)
. solve equations of the form ax = b



Lesson Planning Template

Intended Learning (Standards & benchmarks to be assessed)

Learner perspective: What specifically should I understand, know & be able to do at the end
of this unit? What dispositions will I acquire?
 Understandings
 Knowledge
 Skills
 Dispositions

Subject Title:
Topic / Unit:
IGCSE / A Level / IB / AP: Grade Level:
Duration of unit:

Stage 1: Desired Results

Lesson/Unit Understandings Goals
 What will students understand (about what big ideas) as a result of the unit? /Learning purpose
Student will understand that … …

Essential Questions
Unit questions / Guiding questions / Provocative questions / Student questions
 What arguable, recurring, and thought-provoking questions will guide inquiry and point toward the big
ideas of the unit?
 Learner perspective: What is critical for me to be able understand at the end of this unit & why?

Knowledge & Skill / Testing theories


 What is the key knowledge and skill needed to develop the desired understandings?

 What knowledge and skill relates to the content standards on which the unit is focused?

Stage 2: Assessment Evidence

 What evidence will be collected to determine whether or not the understandings have been
developed, the knowledge and skills attained, and the state standards met? Anchor the work in
performance tasks that involve application, supplemented as needed by prompted work, quizzes,
observations, etc.

 Learner perspective: What will I need to do to demonstrate I have learned what I am supposed to at
the end of the unit?

 Performance task summary

 Rubric Titles / Self-assessments / Other evidence, Summarised

Stage 3: Learning Activities / Opportunity for integration

 What sequence of learning activities and teaching will enable students to perform well at the
understanding in Stage 2 and thus display evidence of the desired results in Stage 1? Use the WHERETO
acronym to consider key design elements.

 Learner perspective: What are some things I will actually be doing, developing, participating in to help
me learn?

 Learner perspective: What are some ways I can connect what I am learning to other areas and to the
‘real world’?

Stage 4: Resources

Stage 5: Reflections / Assignment & activities

 Student and Teacher perspective: Ways in which the unit might be improved/enhanced next time?

 Assignment & activities:

 Words & Expressions

Teaching procedures:

 Words & Expressions

Teaching procedures:

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