Final Version Brainiact Prospectus Document
Final Version Brainiact Prospectus Document
Final Version Brainiact Prospectus Document
Our Story
After an extensive career in Fuelled by his dedication to help, rather
business-to-business executive roles, Jared than just earn a profit, he has always placed
knew his knowledge and passion could be his clients first. Building strong relationships
better utilised elsewhere. While Jared loved with business owners based off
what he did, he knew he could gain a greater accountability, honesty, trust, and passion
purpose and satisfaction helping others. are at the heart of what Brainiact does.
Founded in 2021, Brainiact was born With the goal always being to help as many
through a dedication for helping small to SMEs as possible thrive, Jared recognised he
medium-sized businesses thrive. Leaving his alone could not do it, so franchising became
well-paid corporate job, Jared went out on a the obvious next step. Through franchising,
limb and launched Brainiact. Two months Jared is keen to achieve his goal of helping
later, COVID-19 occurred and introduced over 10,000 businesses by 2030 while also
many challenges for businesses (including offering passionate and hardworking
his own) but his dedication to help individuals the chance to own their own
small and medium business owners pushed successful business.
him through.
To assist him in attaining this goal, Jared’s
Jared recognised that small to medium wife Natalie has joined him full-time in the
business owners often lacked support and business and together they are rapidly
were overlooked by business coaches. Yet, building a team. A small business owner for
he understood that small businesses were many years herself, Natalie has firsthand
the lifeblood of Australia and the Australian experience tackling the unique challenges
economy. With almost two decades of of being an SME and understands how vital
national and international experience, Jared business coaching can be. Brainiact is more
committed to sharing his expert knowledge than just a family-owned business but a
in business strategy, business planning, solution that Natalie and other business
sales, and marketing to business owners owners have been looking for. Jared and Natalie Dawson | Founder
across Australia. Now, Jared has a goal of
helping over 10,000 small to medium Through franchising, our team at Brainiact
businesses across Australia. Passionate are committed to helping as many
about helping small to medium business businesses as possible. To connect world
owners gain greater confidence, business owners with quality support and
accountability and understanding over their resources is at the heart of everything that This is your chance to own
we do.
business processes and decisions, Jared has
created a strong and robust business model.
a Brainiact and help small
Together, Jared and his franchise partners
are forging a path to ensuring small
and medium business
businesses have access to high-quality owners do better business!
support and specialist business knowledge,
so they defy the statistics.
What We Do
support small to medium-sized business owners require. We’re
with them every step of the way. Brainiact business coaches At Brainiact, we are
operate with trust and offer a true partnership. Delivering looking for hardworking
creative ideas, personalised services and accountability, our
and dedicated business
role is to help provide momentum through action. Our business
coaching services are offered on a no lock-in contract basis so coaches that are
business owners have the control and power to maintain the committed to helping
services that they want, require and can commit to. us reach our goal of
supporting 10,000
businesses by 2030. 4.
Vision, Mission and Values
We value and are committed to always delivering open and
honest communication.
We recognise that trust is at the heart of everything that we do and
is reflected in all areas of our business operations and processes.
We believe maintaining accountability is paramount to the success
of Brainiact and our clients’ businesses.
We focus on building strong relationships and connections with our
clients to ensure their ongoing success.
We wear our hearts on our sleeves and put the needs and success
of small to medium-sized business owners first.
Do You Have What It Takes To Own A Brainiact?
were unsuccessful?
lacked the support and guidance you needed to succeed?
didn’t feel a part of a caring coaching team or community?
If you are:
passionate about making a real difference Then let’s start the
willing to learn and grow conversation and see
hardworking and self-motivated if you are the perfect
customer-oriented fit to join the Brainiact
able to follow proven policies and procedures family.
dedicated and committed to being a business owner. 6.
As a franchise partner, we offer
you the opportunity to not only
build your own professional
business coaching company but
to also give back to your
community and help SMEs
across Australia prosper.
Through operating a franchise,
you have immediate access to a
forward-thinking and innovative
company that is committed to
ensuring your success.
Our team are dedicated to
ensuring the success of each and We are committed to expanding
Own Brainia
every franchise partner. We Brainiact to better help SMEs
provide specialist marketing and across Australia. Your success is our
operations guidance at all stages success and brings us one step
of owning a franchise. Discover a closer to achieving our goals.
sense of purpose and emotional Just like we want to see all our
satisfaction helping other clients thrive we want you too as
business owners succeed. well. Our team are dedicated
to providing ongoing support
at every stage of your franchise
ownership journey.
Invest in your future.
Client Acquisition
We have a proven lead generation system for acquiring clients.
Client Retention
Through delivering elite services we are proud to have established a system for ongoing secure
cashflow through focusing on client retention.
Revenue Maximisation
We are an innovative team that are constantly identifying new service offerings and growth
opportunities to maximise your revenue (for example coaching retainers, Brainiact Business
What We Offer
Expert Marketing
Our team are marketing specialists with expert knowledge and work tirelessly to continue to
gain you leads and expand brand awareness.
Access to Mentoring
We are dedicated to ensuring you succeed and continue to expand your franchise and business
know-how which we achieve through providing continuous mentoring and establishing rapport
amongst all franchise partners.
Sense of Purpose
Brainiact offers a platform and outlet to deliver valuable resources that benefit your local
community and enables you to enact real change amongst business owners.
Our Support
Owning your own Brainiact gives you access to a myriad of resources, guidance and
professional knowledge. When you become a franchise partner you not only purchase
a strong business model but also become a part of a thriving and supportive community.
Our Support
Next Steps
gaining satisfaction from helping business owners succeed, owning a Brainiact
is the opportunity for you. We are confident that becoming a Brainiact franchise
partner is the right decision, but we want you to be equally as confident. If you
have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Contact us to ask any questions and to begin the process of applying for a franchise.
Email: [email protected] | Phone: 1800 272 469
If you are confident and passionate about becoming a franchise partner, and we feel it
is a good fit, then the next step is to fill in the expressions of interest form. From there,
we can arrange a time to meet up and talk a bit more.
Once we have both decided that we can build a strong partnership, we will provide
further details about how to become a franchise partner.
The onboarding process occurs, and you receive the required training to ensure your
franchise is successful.
Ready to help small and medium businesses grow?
Want to learn more about how you can join forces with Brainiact
and help small and medium businesses around the world thrive?