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Rheology modifier

Typical chemical and ADDAPT AS 400 is a Hydrophobe Modified Alkali Soluble Emulsion rheology
physical properties modifier.

It is an acrylic copolymer based emulsion in water

Appearance milky

MFFT ºC 30  1

pH 3.0  0.5

Viscosity at 23 ºC 8 - 15 cP

Viscosity (pH > 8.0; 2% solids) at 23 ºC > 15000 cP

Density at 23 ºC 1.04 - 1.09 g/cm

Solid content 30  1 %

Applications and Paint industry (rheology modifier), 0.3 - 0.5 % wt. on total formulation
typical treat level
recommended Adhesive industry

(Flexo-) Printing Inks

Paper coating industry

Benefits Good blocking resistance with very good film forming properties.

Very good water resistance

Sealers, fillers, and base coatings based on this product have the correct rheological
properties for applications by brush and roller systems, with little spattering.

No R- S- phrases.

Safety and Handling Please read Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) before handling.

Product Specification This information is available on request through our local representative.

Packaging This information is available on request through our local representative.

Quality Policy The objective of our quality policy is the continuous fulfillment of the internal
and external requirements agreed upon with our partners with regards to
everybody’s performance.

The Quality System of ADDAPT Chemicals BV is based on the principles

of the NEN-EN-ISO-Standard 9001: 2008.

Liabilities All recommendations for the use of our products, whether given by us in
writing, orally, or to be implied from the results of tests carried out by us, are
based on the current state of our knowledge. Notwithstanding any such
recommendations, buyer or user remains responsible for satisfying himself
that the products as supplied by us are suitable for his intended process or
purpose. Since we cannot control the application, use or processing of the
products, we cannot accept responsibility thereof. Buyer has to ensure that
the intended use of the products will not infringe any third party’s intellectual
property rights. We warrant that our products are free from defects in
accordance with, and subject to, our general conditions of sale and supply.

ADDAPT Chemicals BV Publication Number AS86925

Speltdijk 1 © ADDAPT Chemicals BV 2003
NL-5704 RJ Helmond Version 4 : 2016
The Netherlands
Tel: + 31 - 492 - 59 - 75 - 75
Fax: + 31 - 492 - 55 - 29 - 55
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