An Overviewofthe Digitalizationof Healthcare AReviewof Related Literature
An Overviewofthe Digitalizationof Healthcare AReviewof Related Literature
An Overviewofthe Digitalizationof Healthcare AReviewof Related Literature
Submitted by:
Kimberlyn Fernando
[email protected]
February 2022
This paper had highlighted the critical aspects of digital healthcare and its application in healthcare settings.
The current state and the issues and challenges associated with the technologies were also identified. It was
found that they are still relatively new, with issues still focused on accuracy, design, and security and
privacy. Nevertheless, the good thing about the issues and challenges in digital healthcare is that they can
be managed and resolved by several emerging technologies: security and privacy through blockchain and
cloud computing, accuracy through the use of AI techniques, and lastly, design through the use of UI/UX,
and progressive web applications (PWAs). And with already a variety of types, it is essential to note that
implementing the tools in digital healthcare is not anticipated to replace medical professionals but instead
to complement the existing systems through support in the medical interventions.
2.4 Determining the Solutions for Digital utilized further to filter the results of the searched
Healthcare Issues and Challenges journal articles.
The collected journal articles regarding The number of results shown in the table
the issues and challenges of digital healthcare is the total number of filtered articles. In these
were reviewed, and each issue listed was further results, the desired and best suitable articles were
studied to understand and cite the best solution chosen. Not all searched articles were reviewed,
for them. All possible solutions to the issues but only those met the set criteria.
discussed were further reviewed and researched.
The results are shown in Table 2.
Table 2. Refined Search Result
3.1 Search String Result
Research Database
In Table 1, the list of research databases
where journal articles were retrieved and the
corresponding number of results were presented. Research Database Filtered Results
ResearchGate 9, 510
Semantic Scholar 3, 970
devices has raised much more attention and vary greatly, these sensors and wearable
interest in new means of data collection in devices can be a big part of digital healthcare.
healthcare and biopharmaceutical research and
development. Table 3 shows a list of device types of
wearable devices with the data collected from the
Wearable devices or wearable patients and a sample application for wearable
technology has developed into a viable tool that applications associated with wearable devices.
gives people low-cost clinically-sensitive
information for better assessment of patients Table 3. Sample Applications of Wearable
(Godfrey et al., 2018). They are generally Devices
categorized into two subtypes: primary and
secondary. On the one hand, the primary Device Type Type of Applications
wearable devices are those that independently Data
operate and function as the main connectors for Collected
other devices. These include devices like
smartphones and fitness trackers worn on the Wrist-Worn Actigraphy, Actiwatch
wrists. On the other hand, secondary wearable HR (Heart Spectrum by
devices are those that take note of the specific Rate), BP Phillips
actions and perform the measurements of certain (Blood
medical parameters. Pressure), ActiGraph
EDA Link by
Because of their ability to obtain and (Electroder ActiGraph
keep information and even to perform complex mal
calculations in real-life settings, it really was not activity) E4 by
long until this technology became integrated into Empatica
the medical field. As such, it has been regarded as
a helpful tool that aids in the pre-assessment of ViSi Mobile by
patients and the treatment process and the Sotera Wireless
management of their signs and symptoms
(Godfrey et al., 2018). Unlike their conventional
testing counterparts, which may be done a few Skin patch ECG BioStampRC
times a year, these devices give continuous access (Electrocard by MC10
to the real-time health information of a patient. iography),
This now allows the detection of some deviations actigraphy, HealthPatch by
from a person’s physiological measurements. At skin Vital Connect
present, most wearable devices can obtain temperature
information about the user’s heart rate, activity BodyGuardian
level, and sleeping time. Moreover, they could by Preventice
also monitor the recovery of patients who are
undergoing treatments at their own homes (Ates
et al., 2021). Clothing HR, HRV Smart shirts by
embedded (Heart Rate Hexoskin
Table 3 was adapted from the Izmailova sensors Variability),
et al. (2018) study. Their study has discussed ECG,
several innovative developments of wearable Breathing
technologies that have raised a lot of research Rate,
interest. According to then, all sensor devices actigraphy
are being developed and built to monitor and
communicate data in real-time continuously.
Although majority, assurance, and quality all
in electronic medical and electronic health records and electronic health records, the copy
records. This usually happens when and paste functionalities are seen as one of the
unpreventable systemic identifications happen in causes of accuracy issues. In some cases, clinical
the electronic infrastructure that monitors patient information can sometimes become inaccurate
healthcare data. Lastly, because telehealth and because of these functions, thereby resulting in
telemedicine entail the connection of different incorrect diagnoses (Yadav et al., 2017; McBride
devices through networks, their vulnerability to et al., 2018). Lastly, for telehealth and
security and privacy-related attacks increases telemedicine, limited data is shared in the current
along with their complexity. Furthermore, and existing systems for telehealth and
telehealth and telemedicine have threats affecting telemedicine, thus making it difficult for
the systems' confidentiality, reliability, and organizations to manage silos of patient health
availability (Marquez et al., 2019; Razali and records (Ahmad et al., 2021).
Jamil, 2020).
c. Design
b. Accuracy The design issue has sub-components,
According to Alotaibi (2020), accuracy is such as the lack of documentation and API.
one of the main drawbacks of the digital According to Wahlstrom in 2017, the issues in the
healthcare system. The accuracy issue pertains to design and responsiveness of the interface affect
how accurate and reliable the information or the usability of healthcare system applications.
content is presented in the application. Because Since healthcare applications are marketed
the content in healthcare system applications is towards patients and medical authorities, the
usually based on more than one source of application's usability is important as they are
information, the platform's accuracy should be constantly under pressure and hectic times. Thus,
high enough to be a reliable source; if not, issues the application's design should be user-friendly
such as misinformation, misdiagnosis, and easy to follow (Magomadov, 2020; Lee et al.,
miscommunication, and data inconsistency will 2018). Another issue under consideration of
occur. design is the lack of documentation; this might be
The study of Guan (2019) stated that, because of the fact that a lot of newly developed
even though reports have been claiming that web technology was used, which not always were
systems are more reliable and accurate, concerns that extensively covered in the documentation
regarding this still entail an accuracy issue. This (Gambhir and Raj, 2018).
is in the context of diagnosing, which does not, of
course, will apply to all patients. The issue of In terms of design, wearable devices,
accuracy also affects the reliability of the mobile healthcare applications, EMRs and EHRs,
application, which is the misuse of medical and Telehealth and Telemedicine all have the
knowledge in the case of health care applications same issue: it is not yet well-studied whether their
(Adetunji et al., 2020). designs are properly applied and whether their
user adoption is well-facilitated (Bowman et al.,
In wearable devices, accuracy can be an 2021). Also, the implementation of the design of
issue when observed statistical differences these technologies is the misuse of medical
between the recorded data and the actual knowledge inadequate due to a lack of a better
readings. Such deviation in the results can be due understanding of the relationship between
to the device's high sensitivity and, sometimes, technologies between user experience and values
biocompatibility (Nasiri and Khosravani, 2020). (Osmanlliu et al., 2021; Aldekhyyel et al., 2021).
The same is true for mobile healthcare apps,
wherein false diagnoses can occur due to the lack
of precision and accuracy. For instance, one good 3.4. Solutions to the Issues and Challenges
example of such error occurred in almost 1400
patients that were either partially or permanently The good thing about the issues and
injured due to malfunctions in apps (Yaacoub et challenges in digital healthcare is that they can be
al., 2020). Surprisingly for electronic medical managed and be catered to by several emerging
technologies. The rise of new technologies is named healthbank uses blockchain technology to
inevitable in the near future, and it is expected to handle the approach of data handling and
improve the healthcare sector. And while there transactions, including sharing personal health
are a variety of these emerging technologies, the data. This startup offers users a platform to store
ones mentioned in this paper are found to be the and manage their health information in a very
most suitable solutions that can resolve the secure environment. Using blockchain
mentioned issues and challenges (Ter-Akopov et technology, personally generated health data can
al., 2019). securely be retrieved from health apps, wearable
devices, or physician visits.
(Table 7 summarizes the issues and challenges
associated with digital healthcare use and the In their study, Khan et al. (2020)
solutions that can be implemented.) mentioned an example of a blockchain
application, Patient Master Identifier (MPI). This
is used as a single unit identifier for healthcare
a. Security and Privacy professionals and as an application for settling
claims to eligible patients and detecting fraud. All
For the issue of Security and Privacy, of these are possible even without the
according to the study of Reeves and his involvement of patients and the actual detection.
colleagues (2022), the most significant challenge For the latter, every transaction is verified for
they have encountered in their implementation of legitimacy, making it more private and secure.
the digital healthcare system is how to balance Blockchain can be used to create a comprehensive
ease of access, maintain the security of contact and effective database processing system that will
information while continuing to preserve clinical contain important data related to medication,
team members’ time, and reducing cognitive diagnosis, tests, and patient records. Blockchain
load. In Ali and his colleagues (2021) study, can facilitate the real-time uploading of
personal health records are the most targeted healthcare data. Also, the transactions among the
records and are considered very valuable and patients and the medical providers themselves
sensitive data. The security and the privacy of that build personal blockchain networks can
health records are the most valuable parameters maintain data security. With this, it can be said
of cryptography and encryption. In a similar that blockchain is of tremendous help in
study, Ejaz et al. (2021) said that the future of managing pharmaceutical repositories and
quality healthcare systems requires a very medicine proper (Khan et al., 2022). Healthcare
secured, trusted, and active service to ensure data is a moneymaking target for hackers; thus, a
effective service delivery. secure, protected healthcare data transaction is
needed (Massaro, 2021)
One technology that can provide
solutions to these problems in healthcare is
blockchain. According to Fusco and his
colleagues (2020), blockchain technology is a
way to ensure cryptographically secured data
exchanges between two or more parties. Their
study mentioned that the opportunity of
blockchain had created widespread interest in the
scientific research community, which aims
basically to facilitate interaction between various
secured networks; in this way, blockchain will
ensure trusted decentralized activities such as
asset and message exchanges in between.
Table 7. Solutions for the Stated Issues and Challenges of Digital Healthcare Use
Issues and Suggested Solution How are Issues and Challenges Addressed References
Security and Privacy Blockchain Using blockchain, a comprehensive and effective database Reeves et al., 2022;
processing system can be created. Ali et al., 2021;
Ejaz et al., 2021;
Fusco et al., 2020;
Mettler et al., 2016;
Khan et al., 2020;
Security in cloud computing is delivered in numerous levels of Khan et al., 2022;
Cloud Computing control in a given network infrastructure. Massaro, 2021;
Chenthara et al., 2019;
Navale et al., 2018;
Wang et al., 2021
Accuracy AI Techniques By implementing Artificial Intelligence: Machine Learning and Beaulieu et al., 2021;
Deep Learning can perform better in the classification of images, Ahuja, 2019;
text, speech analysis features of digital healthcare. Mansour et al., 2021;
Kamruzzaman, 2020;
Davenport et al., 2019;
Haleem et al., 2019;
Lee et al., 2021;
Challen et al., 2019
Design UI/UX Design UI/UX considers the synchronization of the elements that affect Bitkina et al., 2020;
and influence user behaviors and beliefs. Fauzi et al., 2021;
Cesario et al., 2021
Progressive Web Through PWAs, the functionalities of a website can be accessed Tandel et al., 2018
Application easier, and data loading is also faster.
diagnoses of diseases and dramatically speeding through the reference URL (Tandel et al., 2018).
up analyses. For instance, in processes that take a In the healthcare setting, healthcare providers can
great deal amount of time, like analyzing cancer greatly benefit from its design and access the
cells, AI-based software can expedite the process website's functionalities. Ultimately, it guarantees
with even better accuracy and, at the same time, faster data loading because it uses microservice
prevent possible errors. And interestingly, AI- technologies such as APIs (Cesario et al., 2021).
based software can get “smarter” with learning by
increasing the volume of medical information in
them. Furthermore, the ongoing studies being 4 CONCLUSION AND FUTURE
done in AI systems are there to help prevent the DIRECTIONS
occurrence of any medical errors in patient
treatment. This paper has provided a map of the
different emerging technologies in the field of
Although the advancements of emerging digital healthcare, as well as the types of digital
technologies to accuracy problems of digital healthcare and its issues and challenges affecting
healthcare are quite massive, this is yet a fertile them. Now, more than ever, medical practice and
area of research. Fortunately, the rapid change of medical knowledge are expanding, and it is for
pace in the technologies, including the diverse these very reasons that these issues arise, but
techniques of AI and other technologies, can thanks to the different emerging technologies,
improve over time. Still, some improvements can these issues and challenges can easily be resolved
be made in the near future for the accuracy by suitable solutions. In the future, each intended
problems in the digital healthcare field (Challen application of digital healthcare needs to be
et al., 2019). meticulously and continuously evaluated due to
the ever-changing operational conditions
c. Design between different organizations and over time.
Lastly, for the issue of design. User
Interaction and User Experience, UI/UX is of
great advantage in the healthcare settings because
they not only take into consideration the
interaction and experience the product provides
for the patients and healthcare providers, but they
also consider the synchronization of the elements
that affect and influence their behaviors and
beliefs. Hence, when healthcare applications do
not consider them, the outcome can be highly
detrimental to their very own purposes (Bit kina
et al., 2020). Fauci et al. (2021) added that
creating UI or UX designs would give a unique
solution experience as an alternative design
interface for a better and more satisfying user
experience. And this is where designers should
focus on.
Last but not least is a progressive web
application (PWA) created to implement cross-
platform software that is extensible across several
electronic devices (e.g., computers, smartphones,
tablets, etc.). Unlike their classical counterparts,
PWAs will act like native apps on devices, thus
allowing the functionalities with all the browsers
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