Biomarkers of Aging and Relevant Evaluation Techniques - A Comprehensive Review

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Early access date: August 11, 2023


Biomarkers of Aging and Relevant Evaluation

Techniques: A Comprehensive Review
Xue Tao1#, Ziman Zhu2#, Liguo Wang3, Chunlin Li4,5, Liwei Sun4,5, Wei Wang6*, Weijun Gong7*
Department of Research, Beijing Rehabilitation Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing, China. 2Beijing
Rehabilitation Medicine Academy, Capital Medical University, Beijing, China. 3Key Laboratory of Protein
Sciences, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China. 4School of Biomedical
Engineering, Capital Medical University, Beijing, China. 5Beijing Key Laboratory of Fundamental Research on
Biomechanics in Clinical Application, Capital Medical University, Beijing, China. 6Department of Rehabilitation
Radiology, Beijing Rehabilitation Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing, China. 7Department of
Neurological Rehabilitation, Beijing Rehabilitation Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing, China.

[Received June 3, 2023; Revised August 6, 2023; Accepted August 8, 2023]

ABSTRACT: The risk of developing chronic illnesses and disabilities is increasing with age. To predict and
prevent aging, biomarkers relevant to the aging process must be identified. This paper reviews the known
molecular, cellular, and physiological biomarkers of aging. Moreover, we discuss the currently available
technologies for identifying these biomarkers, and their applications and potential in aging research. We hope
that this review will stimulate further research and innovation in this emerging and fast-growing field.

Key words: aging, biomarkers, senescence, epigenetic modification, telomere

1. Introduction decreased bone density, matrix changes, tissue

inflammation, and cell aging, the modifications of which
Owing to advances in public health and medicine, reflect potential molecular alterations in nutrient
population aging has become a severe challenge perception, protein balance, mitochondria, intercellular
worldwide. In 2020, individuals aged 60 years and above interactions, DNA repair, and epigenetics [4], or the
outnumbered those aged less than 5 years. In the current influence of external factors such as chemotherapy,
trajectory, the share of the global population over the age smoking, radiation, high-fat diets, and other lifestyle or
of 60 will almost double from 12% to 22% between 2015 environmental factors [5]. These factors increase the risk
to 2050 [1]. Simultaneously, human life expectancy has of age-related diseases and mortality. Additionally, aging
been increasing, from an average of 67 years in 2000 to is a key risk factor for many diseases and disorders,
71 years in 2015 [2]. Aging affects everyone and has including diabetes, osteoarthritis, Alzheimer’s disease
substantial implications for the evolution of a nation's (AD), cancer, and cardiovascular diseases [6, 7]. Without
economy over time. new models of medicine and healthcare, chronic diseases,
Aging is a gradual degenerative condition which already have unfavorable social and economic
characterized by declining tissue stem cell reserves, repercussions, will continue to have an unsustainable
shrinking organs, aging appearance, reduced life impact globally. Fundamental studies on the mechanisms
expectancy, decreased capacity to handle stress and of aging and methods for reducing its consequences have
injury, and the need for regeneration [3]. It is been stimulated by the connection between aging and
accompanied by organ damage, metabolic dysfunction, these disorders.

*Correspondence should be addressed to: Dr. Wei Wang, Beijing Rehabilitation Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing, China,
E-mail: [email protected]; Weijun Gong, Beijing Rehabilitation Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing, China, E-mail:
[email protected]. #These authors have contributed equally to this work and share the first authorship.
Copyright: © 2023 Tao X. et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
ISSN: 2152-5250 1
Tao X., et al. Biomarkers of Aging and Relevant Evaluation Technique

The search for reliable aging biomarkers is urgent, as translational medicine for aging and to help enhance the
they could enable better aging prediction, faster discovery health of the elderly.
of anti-aging strategies, and improved intervention and
prognosis for age-related diseases. Furthermore, the 2.2. Key characteristics of effective aging biomarkers
discovery of reliable aging biomarkers may have
substantial effects on preventing age-related ailments. For The American Federation for Aging Research (AFAR)
example, the development of neurofibrillary tangles is recommended the following criteria for reliable and
preceded by the concentration of senescent cells, advantageous biomarkers of aging [11]: (1) It must
indicating that senescent cells may affect how tangles forecast age-related physiological, cognitive, and physical
form [8]. Furthermore, age-dependent AD pathogenesis function of a person. That is, the BA must be determined,
might be mediated by molecular networks of gene which more correctly characterizes one’s physical state
regulatory elements, which could provide new therapeutic than the chronological age (CA) and anticipates the future
targets for AD treatment [9]. The search for precise and incidence of age-related diseases. (2) It must be testable
adaptable biomarkers of aging has benefited from the and harmless to the test subject. Moreover, it must be
work of numerous scientists over the years. To identify technically straightforward for the vast majority of
and verify age indicators or advance basic gerontological clinical laboratories to execute the test precisely and
studies and clinical translational research, the reliably without using any specialist tools or technologies.
mechanisms of aging and its correlation with diseases (3) It must be valid in both human beings and
must be clearly understood [10]. However, we must experimental animals, because experiments prior to
acknowledge the heterogeneity of aging paths, the causes clinical testing are always performed on non-human
and complexity of aging. To date, no reliable and subjects. Therefore, in addition to avoiding discomfort or
independent aging biomarkers are available that can tension for the patients, the usage of biomarkers should be
precisely depict an individual's aging condition or forecast as simple and affordable as possible.
the aging process and life span. Recently, a systematic review suggested that a
This paper reviews the current research hotspots, biometric measure for qualifying aging must be specific,
identifies cellular, molecular, and physiological systemic, and serviceable [12]. (1) Specificity: Aging is
biomarkers, and systematically evaluates the technologies heterogeneous, not only in individuals of the same
and methods involving aging biomarkers. This review species, but also among different tissues and organs of the
aims to assist readers in understanding concepts better, same individual. Therefore, different biomarkers will be
achieve insights into the effectiveness and limitations of required to evaluate the age of each organ in an organism.
existing studies and appreciate more vividly the Similarly, each biomarker must capture one-of-a-kind
application prospects and potential development trends of aging signals of the organ being investigated. In addition,
aging biomarkers. biomarkers of aging should predict the likelihood of
development of illness, which necessitates a particular
2. Importance and Characteristics of Aging threshold marking the shift from physiological aging to
Biomarkers pathological diseases. (2) Systemic: Aging affects each
organ and system in the body, and changes in one organ
2.1. Definition of aging biomarkers and their role in may cause compensation or feedback in the whole body,
assessing biological age so markers interact with each other and are not
independent of each other. Biomarkers should be obtained
Aging biomarkers are physiological and molecular from a variety of sources to accurately represent the
indicators of age-related structural or functional systemic changes that occur with aging. (3)
degeneration at the fuselage, organ, tissue, cellular, and Serviceability: Biomarkers gathered using non-invasive
subcellular levels. It can be used to monitor and analyze techniques are ideal for translation into clinical
the biological changes associated with aging, and to applications. Given that aging is a process that involves
anticipate the progression of organ aging to disease. In the gradual deterioration and requires longitudinal studies
study of aging, three fundamental issues, including a over a prolonged period, non-invasive techniques have
person’s actual age, the reason for aging, and the become the preferred modality for detection.
possibility of healthy aging are explored. Aging Carlos et al. also proposed several criteria that must
biomarkers help establish biological age (BA). This is the be applied to each aging biomarker. However, relative to
basis and prerequisite for an in-depth aging assessment, the aforementioned characterization, they proposed a
early warning, and intervention for age-related diseases. complementary one: markers that accelerate aging can be
Therefore, systematic research on aging biomarkers is highlighted experimentally, and intervention in the aging
important to promote the development of basic and biomarker could potentially decelerate, halt, or even

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reverse aging [13]. The disparity between BA and CA and improve the quality of life, even prolonging one’s
may serve as a basis for determining the extent to which healthy life expectancy.
certain markers contribute to aging. That is, objective
quantification of the morphological and functional 3. Molecular Aging Biomarkers
deterioration that affects aging organisms is the key to
successfully assessing BA, both in laboratory animals and 3.1. Telomere length and telomerase activity as
humans. indicators of cellular aging

2.3. Importance of longitudinal studies for evaluating Telomere length (TL) and telomerase activity (TA) have
aging biomarkers been established as essential indicators of aging. To
evaluate the drop in TL with age, cross-sectional data over
Aging is a pervasive process that results from a mix of the period 1999-2022 on 7826 people undergoing TL
elements ranging from hereditary factors to measurement from the National Health and Nutrition
environmental influences. Extensive cross-sectional Examination Survey of the US population were examined,
studies have been conducted on aging biomarkers, and the and the results revealed that TL became shorter with age
molecular changes accompanying human aging must also [18]. Age-related TL changes have also been observed in
be studied to achieve a deeper understanding of the circulating peripheral blood mononuclear cells of three
mechanisms of aging, because longitudinal studies are male rat species: Brown Norway, Sprague-Dawley, and
fundamental to understanding how the environment Fischer 344 [19]. Telomeres are DNA-protein
shapes the aging phenotype and influences the constructions at the ends of chromosomes that consist of
development of aging. Morgan et al. noted that aging multicomponent protein complexes including shelterin
gives rise to variable degrees of DNA methylation and short tandem DNA repeats [20]. Due to issues with
(DNAm) alterations in mammals and is considered to terminal replication, telomeres shorten throughout cell
facilitate the development of age-related diseases [14]. A division when the DNA replication machinery fails to
distinct DNAm age can be calculated by analyzing the finish synthesis at the tip of linear chromosomes [21].
methylation status in various tissues. This DNAm age However, the loss of telomeres can be offset by
correlated well with CA, which may be determined with telomerase [22]. As shown in Figure 1, telomerase is a
relative precision within a few years [15]. In addition to ribonucleoprotein complex composed of a telomerase
epigenetic markers, some clinical indicators such as reverse transcriptase (TERT) catalytic subunit, which
glycated hemoglobin and insulin-like growth factor-1 copies the telomerase RNA component (TERC) and
shift with advancing age [16]. This indicates that aging is synthesizes new telomere repeats [3]. The systematic
accelerated when people check for important marker knockout of telomerase subunits results in a shorter
abnormalities, with a concomitant increase in the lifetime, rapid organ failure, and a TL reduction [23-26].
prevalence of associated metabolic or cardiovascular Overexpression of TERT in mTert-/- cells reversed the
diseases. In another longitudinal study, the authors accelerated senescence and transformation phenotypes
identified individual markers of aging that changed in caused by the removal or downregulation of TERT
short periods of two to three years. Moreover, they expression using CRISPR/Cas9 or shRNA [27].
established many forms of aging patterns that may occur Similarly, telomerase reactivation in TERT-ER mice
in different individuals according to the kinds of extended telomeres, reduced DNA damage signaling, and
molecular pathways that can be altered throughout the reversed degenerative phenotypes in multiple organs [28].
course of one’s lifetime in a particular individual, thereby Animal models in which telomerase genes are absent or
offering molecular analysis of each individual that could inducible have helped researchers establish links among
be improved at the individual level through selective telomeres, telomerase, aging and related dysfunctions,
interventions or lifestyle changes [17]. Therefore, over thereby confirming the crucial role of telomeres in aging.
time, aging biomarkers could potentially control aging at Consequently, intervening in the biological processes
an individual level. In conclusion, longitudinal studies associated with telomeres or telomerase to slow aging or
will help us gain a better insight into the effects of aging improve age-related dysfunction must be studied. An in-
on specific functions of organs and systems and help us depth understanding of telomerase-regulated molecular
understand the relevant features of the function and networks and telomerase-activated regeneration in
structure of each system during different physiological prematurely aged mice has stimulated interest in
processes, as well as their changes during the individual developing anti-aging drugs that activate TERT
life cycle. Combined interventions at a specific time of expression. In the embryonic fibroblasts of haploid
aging may prevent the emergence of age-related diseases defective mice, a small molecule telomerase activator can
lengthen the average telomeres, lower the fraction of

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extremely short telomeres, and lessen DNA damage [29]. substantially affects the control of telomere movement
Inhibition of PAPD5, an oligo-adenylation and TERC- following injury [32]. To explore whether short telomeres
stabilizing polymerase, could restore TL in pluripotent are irreversibly damaged after reestablishment of
stem cells induced in patients with congenital telomerase activity, the researchers crossbred Terc+/- mice
dyskeratosis [30]. In addition, genome-wide thymidine with late-stage telomerase-deficient Terc-/- mice that had
(dT) nucleotide metabolism was identified as a constraint been reintroduced to telomerase, resulting in offspring
in the maintenance of human telomeres via CRISPR/Cas9 with identifiable telomeres and free of chromosomal
functional TL screening. When telomere anomalies are instability, and unaffected by early aging [33]. Various
inherited, SAMHD1 inhibition or dT supplementation aspects remain unclear, such as the accuracy of TL, TA,
may help regenerate the telomeres of induced pluripotent and TERC measurement methods, whether TL and TA
stem cells [31]. Sirtuin 6 (SIRT6) is closely associated can be employed as direct markers of age-related
with telomere integrity maintenance. It deacetylates disorders and aging in clinical trials, the control
telomeres during the S phase to stabilize specific mechanism of telomerase expression and activity, and the
telomerase enzymes and prevent abnormal loss of mechanism of action of telomerase activators. Therefore,
telomere sequences; additionally, it promotes chromatin further studies are necessary.
depolymerization of damaged telomeres, which

Figure 1 Structure of the vertebrate telomere/telomerase complex. Inhibition of PAPD5, supplement of dT, inhibition of
SAMDH1, TA-65, etc. were reported to promote telomere recovery. POT1, protection of telomeres 1; TRF1, telomeric repeat binding
factor 1; TPP1, telomere protection protein 1; RAP1, TERF2-interacting protein; TRF2, telomeric repeat binding factor 2; TIN2,
TERF1-interacting nuclear factor 2.

3.2. Epigenetic modifications factor 2), along with increased hypermethylation of the
Nrf2/KLOTHO gene promoters and DNA
Nearly a decade ago, numerous CpG sites in the human methyltransferase (DNMT) 1/31/3b. SGI-1072 (a DNMT
genome have shown that methylation rates increased or inhibitor) reversed these changes [37]. Therefore,
decreased over time [34]. Epigenetic modifications such epigenetic modifications are thought to be correlated with
as DNAm, histone acetylation, phosphorylation, and CA at the molecular level and are promising candidates
ubiquitination are emerging areas of aging biomarker for quantifying biological aging rate, measuring lifespan,
research. These modifications regulate transcription and or intervening in rejuvenation [38]. Belsky et al.
X-chromosome inactivation by altering promoters, demonstrated that the rate of biological aging can be
enhancers, and genes [35, 36]. For instance, aging kidneys gauged using a DNA blood test [39]. Ran et al. have
show reduced expression of the anti-aging factors detailed the properties, differences, and applications of
KLOTHO and Nrf2 (nuclear factor erythroid 2 – related epigenetic clocks in aging research [40]. Specifically,

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several classic epigenetic clocks, such as DNA methods, sample sizes, and tissue types result in unique
PhenoAge, DNA GrimAge, Hannum's clock, Dunedin calibration methods for each epigenetic clock. Existing
PACE, and Horvath's clock, have been proposed as epigenetic clocks vary not only in CpGs and Illumina
effective techniques to promote healthy aging and as arrays, but also in tissue origin and ethnicity, which
aging biomarkers and have also been employed as useful restricts their applications [42]. For example, most clocks
tools to assess the effectiveness of age-reversing were trained using only whole blood samples, whereas
interventions [40, 41]. However, differences in statistical two clocks contained multiple tissue samples (Table 1).

Table 1. Summary of recent existing 12 epigenetic clocks in human samples.

First author, Year # of Illumina # of Age Tissues used Training Regression Prediction Ref.
CpGs array subjects in training phenotype accurady
Bocklandt, S., 2011 1 27K 68 21- Saliva Chronological lasso penalized 0.77 [245]
55 age regression
Garagnani, P., 1 450K 64 9-83 Whole blood Chronological Spearman 0.92 [246]
2012 age
Hannum, G., 2013 71 450K 482 19- Whole blood Chronological penalized 0.905 [247]
101 age regression model
Horvath, S., 2013 353 27K, 450K 7844 0- 51 healthy Chronological penalized 0.960 [34]
100 tissues and age regression model
cell types (elastic net)
Weidner, C.I., 3 27K 575 0-78 Whole blood Chronological multivariate 0.87 [248]
2014 age regression model
Lin, Q., 2015 99 450K 656 19- Whole blood Mortality multivariate Cox - [249]
101 regression
Vidal-Bralo, L., 8 27K 390 20- Whole blood Chronological forward stepwise 0.68 [250]
2016 age linear regression
Yang Z., 2016 385 450K 650 0, Whole blood Chronological linear regression - [44]
80- age
Zhang Y., 2017 10 450K 1000 50- Whole blood Mortality linear - [43]
75 combination of
Levine, M., 2018 513 27K,450K, 9926 0- Whole blood Phenotypic Age cox penalized - [45]
EPIC 100 regression model
Horvath, S., 2018 391 450K, 896 0-94 Skin and Chronological elastic net - [251]
EPIC blood age regression
Lu, 2019 1030 450K, 6935 46- Whole blood lifespan elastic net Cox - [252]
EPIC 78 regression model

In addition, while most are developed as “predictors changes in DNAm levels during aging [48, 49]. In
of CA”, three are trained using different phenotypes that general, epigenetic age prediction is easier and more
depict how aging affects different aspects of an effective. Packages for the epigenetic clock are widely
individual’s health. Zhang et al. created a clock to predict accessible, some of which require only the methylation
mortality from all causes [43], and Yang et al. trained the values of a few CpG sites to accurately predict age [50].
clock to approximate mitosis rates [44]. The Levine et al. However, additional assessments must be conducted
clock was designed to simulate a multi-system clinical before a high degree of confidence can be placed in these
measure of aging that closely correlates with age, but reports. In addition to building more accurate time clocks,
separates people of similar ages based on morbidity and the precise processes through which the epigenome
mortality risk [45]. influences aging remain unclear.
Liu et al. developed a new clock based on 11 classical
clocks that were decomposed into submodules and 3.3. Genetic variants associated with aging and
recombined into more powerful epigenetic aging longevity
measures. The clock showed considerably higher ability
to detect senescent cell states, such as cancer and aging, The role of genetic variants (GVs) in aging is the subject
and forecast mortality risk based on DNAm in blood [46]. of ongoing debate. GVs, which include single nucleotide
Recently, epigenetic clocks have been used in the polymorphisms (SNPs) in structural variants, such as
randomized clinical trials to validate the effects of an copy number variants (CNVs) in the human genome,
interventions [47]. A series of subsequent clinical studies contribute to population diversity and influence the study
further emphasized the importance of studying potential of the genetic effects of complex traits and disease

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vulnerability. According to genome-wide association 4. Cellular Aging Biomarkers

studies, various complex diseases and traits have been
linked to numerous GVs according to genome-wide 4.1. Cellular senescence markers and associated
association studies (GWAS) [51]. In both animal models phenotypic changes
and human populations, certain GVs affect age-related
phenotypes. For example, knock-in mice carrying an Lrp6 Cellular senescence was first described in 1961, when
variant exhibited age-dependent structural and functional Hayflick et al. discovered that diploid fibroblast lines
synaptic defects [52]. Fifty-two aging variables were ceased to divide after a 40-60 fold multiplication [65].
examined in a phenotype-wide association analysis of Generally, cellular senescence is characterized by
379,758 UK Biobank participants from European heritage morphological flattening, enlargement, and irregularly
sites to confirm the association between SH2B3 missense shaped bodies, which occur because the cytoskeleton
variants and aging [53]. Another gene involved in aging rearranges and involves vimentin intermediate fibers and
encodes thioredoxin reductase (TXNRD), an antioxidant microtubules [66]. As shown in Figure 2, senescent cells
enzyme that protects organisms from oxidative stress. exhibit drastic changes in chromatin structure and gene
Variations in TXNRDI have been correlated with physical expression [66]. Even under optimal growth conditions or
and cognitive functions in older people [54], which was mitogenic stimuli, somatic cells that enter senescence,
validated in a cohort study from southern Italy [55]. Age- stop proliferating and enter a long-term stable phase of
dependent obesity is a major public health problem that growth arrest while maintaining their metabolic capacity
may be influenced by GVs. To identify GVs that show and viability, and even resisting apoptosis [67]. The
differential effects on age-dependent obesity, Ju et al. resistance to apoptosis exhibited by senescent cells may
conducted a GWAS on 355,335 UK Biobank participants, be related to the activation of cell survival mechanism,
stratified the analysis of five obesity-related phenotypes, including those of the anti-apoptotic protein BCL-2
and conducted t-statistics. Five significant lead SNPs family [68]. The fate of cells is determined by the duration
were identified: rs9861311 and rs429358 for body fat and intensity of the initial stimulations, and the nature and
percentage, rs2258461 for body mass index, rs145500243 cell type of the damage. Moreover, cellular senescence
for waist circumference, and rs2870099 for waist-to-hip has been suggested to serve as a defense mechanism to
ratio [56]. Notably, rs429358, located in APOE, is also stop damaged cells from spreading [69]. Cellular
associated with various age-related diseases such as senescence has also been implicated in aging and age-
cognitive decline, coronary artery disease, and age-related related diseases. The senescence-associated secretory
macular disease [57, 58]. However, the contributions of phenotype (SASP), which refers to substances secreted by
these genes to the aging process are limited. After senescent cells, influences other cells and tissues. The
thorough cleansing and verification, Jonna et al. studied accumulation of SASP components and senescent cells
86 million profiles from openly accessible Internet can impair tissue regeneration, promote chronic
genealogical data and obtained a single-family tree that inflammation, and contribute to aging.
included 13 million people. These data were used to Various markers, such as p16, p21, and senescence-
estimate the heritability of human longevity, and the associated -galactosidase (SA-gal), have been used to
results showed that genes play a marginal role in longevity differentiate senescent cells from healthy, non-
[59], similar to the result of another study published in the proliferating cells; however, none of these markers are
same year [60]. According to some studies, centenarians universal indicators of cellular senescence [70]. SA-β-gal
may have fewer detrimental alleles, such as rare non- is the mostly used marker for cellular senescence, the
synonymous SNP variants, while others show that activity of which is upregulated at pH 6, which is the pH
centenarians share similar risk GVs for major diseases to of intra-lysosome of senescence cells [71]. Deng et al.
those in the younger population [61, 62]. Ukraintseva et reported a novel precursor drug development strategy
al. explained this discrepancy by considering the based on this marker; namely, the precursor drug SSK1
conditional and trade-off-like effects of various biological was designed to be specifically cleaved into cytotoxic
mechanisms, including the antagonistic effects of genes substances by lysosome-gal in senescent cells and to
on various health conditions and age-specific mortality induce apoptosis, thereby eliminating them [72].
susceptibility, interactions between genes and the However, SA-gal activity has also been observed in
environment, and other factors [63, 64]. This suggests that lysosome-active cells such as macrophages in a variety of
when evaluating the aging status or implementing post-mitotic cells, including neurons, and even in the early
interventions based on GVs, we must also consider the stages of embryonic development [73]. Authors observed
trade-off-like effects of GVs that may be caused by a delay between senescence entry and SA-β-gal derived
diseases to provide personalized treatment or assessment staining [74]. Moreover, the activity of endogenous SA-
and reduce all-cause mortality. β-gal is also observed in confluent non-transformed

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fibroblast cultures [73, 75]. All these studies suggest that patients undergoing selective amputation due to severe
SA-β-gal as a biomarker for cellular senescence is lacking limb ischemia [79]. Hes1 was found to differentially
in specificity and sensitivity. Cell cycle arrest can be regulate the proliferation of neural stem cells via p21 [80].
induced by the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors p16 and Laminin is an extracellular matrix glycoprotein that
p21. The main tumor suppressor protein p53 typically defines the shape of the nucleus, influences DNA
controls these cells, and its increased expression can serve replication and repair, regulates gene expression,
as a marker of cellular senescence [76]. Satotaka et al. participates in stress responses, and is involved in cell
established a mouse model p16-CreERT2- tdTomato cycle processes [81]. Consequently, lamins, which are
analyzed the single-cell properties of p16high cells. They nuclear envelope proteins that interact with laminin, are
found that p16high cells positive for tdTomato were involved in cellular senescence. Lamin B1, a nuclear layer
detectable in all organs and accumulated with age [77]. factor down-regulated in senescent cells, is involved in the
Xue et al. revealed that ADAR1 controls the expression regulation of subtelomere genes [82]. The knockdown of
of p16INK4a through post-transcriptional regulation and METTL14 reduced the m6A level of the lamin B receptor,
modulates cellular senescence, independent of RNA- leading to instability of the lamin B receptor mRNA,
editing [78]. However, p16INK4a staining of keratinocyte which in turn leads to cellular senescence [83].
subsets in wound margin tissue was also evident in

Figure 2. Various stimuli can induce cellular senescence, and the senescence-associated secratory phenotype
(SASP) can cause a series of negative consequences. SAHF, senescence-associated heterochromatin foci; SA-β-gal,
senescence-associated β-galactosidase; TAF, telomere-associated foci; SAMD, senescence-associated mitochondrial
dysfunction; DDR, DNA damage response.

4.2. Mitochondrial function and oxidative stress and DNA can sustain oxidative damage from ROS,
markers implicating mitochondria as a major source of age-related
damage in cells and tissues [84]. Miquel et al. were the
Reactive oxygen species (ROS) and energy are produced first to link aging and mitochondria, and observed that
by the mitochondria and are essential for cell metabolism. moderate temperature reduction extended the lifespan of
However, cellular components such as proteins, lipids, poikilotherms by lowering their metabolic rate [85]. They

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also noted that large animals tended to exhibit lower rates growth rate and extend lifespan in worms, flies, and mice
of basal metabolism and lived longer than smaller [93]. Therefore, the assessment of mitochondrial function
animals. They suggested that a lower metabolic rate alone may not explain aging. In conclusion, mitochondrial
limited ROS generation and mitochondrial oxidative damage, DNA damage, and oxidative stress are
damage, thereby delaying aging [85]. According to the interrelated factors that influence aging and longevity in
mitochondrial free radical theory of aging (MFRTA), various organisms. However, the exact mechanisms and
aging results from the cumulative oxidative damage interactions between these factors have not been fully
caused by an imbalance between antioxidant defenses and elucidated and require further investigation.
ROS generation in cells and tissues [86]. According to this
theory, mitochondria, particularly mitochondrial DNA 4.3. Markers of inflammation and immune senescence
(mtDNA), are the main sites of ROS generation and
important targets of ROS-induced damage. Mutations in Innate and adaptive immune responses that become
the mtDNA can impair mitochondrial function and dysfunctional with age weaken pathogen defenses and
increase ROS production, thereby creating a vicious cycle increase mortality and morbidity rates. This phenomenon,
of oxidative stress and aging [87]. However, mtDNA often termed immune aging, encompasses an abundance
exists in multiple copies and a single mtDNA mutation is of memory T cells, a decrease in antigen-reactive
unlikely to cause functional abnormalities. This capability, alterations in calcium-mediated signaling,
abnormality has a threshold, and ROS-induced damage and atrophy of the thymus, and persistent low-
mitochondrial dysfunction gradually accumulates. grade inflammation driven by the SASP [94]. One aspect
Moreover, defects in nuclear replication can affect of immune aging is the progressive deterioration of the
mitochondrial energy production [88]. Studies over the innate immunity mediated by phagocytes. The magnitude
last century have established a relationship between and timing of the type I interferon (INF) response
mitochondria and oxidative stress during aging, indicating determines susceptibility to viral infection. In older
that mitochondrial function, ROS levels, antioxidant adults, the production of type I INF by circulating
capacity, and tissue repair ability are important factors in plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDC) is diminished and
aging. However, whether mitochondria and antioxidants delayed [95]. Immune cells such as NK cells and
are the cause or consequences of aging remains unclear. macrophages can be recruited and activated by type I IFN,
Recently, these factors were shown to be associated with whose reduction affects multiple levels of the innate
longevity at the cellular level but required further immune response during aging [96]. Aged alveolar
validation at the animal level. Furthermore, the macrophages exhibit a reduced ability to phagocytose
measurement of tissue oxidative damage alone seems to neutrophils, leading to prolonged neutrophil retention and
provide more conclusive evidence than testing for tissue damage [97]. Aging also leads to an increase in the
mitochondrial ROS and other oxidative or antioxidant number of bone marrow-derived suppressor cells
factors. Specific amino acids or lipids may serve as (MDSCs), which have the ability to restrict T-cell activity
markers for aging [89]. For example, methionine or and thus contribute to the pathogenesis of a number of
cysteine may be sensitive to oxidation, and therefore illnesses, including infectious diseases and cancer [98].
scavenge oxidized components and participate in oxidized Even in mouse models lacking exposure to infections,
tissue repair [90]. DNA damage caused by ROS can adaptive immune responses that are predominantly driven
produce DNA damage markers, which can be assessed by by T and B cells were less effective with age. Aging
evaluating DNA damage and DNA repair mechanisms. reduces the quality and level of B-cell responses to
These markers can also be used to evaluate aging. infection, leading to lower antibody production and
Recently, the role of mitochondria in oxidative stress- affinity [99]. In mouse models with accelerated immune
induced aging has been investigated. De Lucia et al. aging and natural aging, spleen B cells showed increased
revealed that serum mitochondrial activity did not differ expression of p16INK4a and p21Cip1 but limited expression
between older and younger people [91]. Van et al. of SASP compared to other immune subtypes [100]. A
reported that mice with reduced expression of superoxide subpopulation of B cells called age-related B cells (ABC)
dismutase (SOD) had increased DNA damage and tumor increased with age in mice [101]. The phenotype of these
incidence but did not show accelerated aging or reduced cells was defined as B220CD19+, but they were deficient
lifespan compared with the control group [92]. in the mature B cell markers, CD21 and CD23.
Furthermore, previous studies have considered a decline Additionally, CD11c and T-bet, which drive cells toward
in mitochondrial function as a marker of aging. However, a pro-inflammatory phenotype, are also expressed in
Liu et al. demonstrated that disrupting oxidative ABC. Through targeted death of infected cells, CD8t
respiratory chain function without causing cell death can cytotoxic. T cells aid in pathogen removal. High levels of
not only impair mitochondrial function, but also alter the p38 and yH2AX, along with other age-related

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characteristics, including a decreased rate of proliferation these findings, DNA damage can cause immune cells to
and shortened telomeres, are present in highly become more senescent as they age; subsequently, the
differentiated CD27-CD28-CD8+ T cells [102]. secreted SASP factors can trigger secondary aging. The
CD45RA+CD27-CD4+ T cells were suggested to be specific immune cell subpopulations that are responsible
senescent T cells with reduced telomerase activity and for senescence and systemic aging in lymphoid and non-
proliferation, and constitutive p38 expression. With the lymphoid organs remain unclear. Conversely, a mouse
reduced activation of T cell receptors (TCRS), senescent model of accelerated aging and senescence was
T cells express NK cell receptors. These cells may cause adoptively transferred with young immune cells, which
substantial tissue damage via NK cell receptors (NKRs) resulted in a reduced number of senescent cells in many
as opposed to T cell receptors because they express high tissues, demonstrating the ability of young immune cells
levels of cytotoxic chemicals [103]. In a recent study that to eradicate SnCs that develop with age and disease.
employed the SA-gal staining approach to detect “true”
senescent immune cells in human aging, senescent 5. Physiological Aging Biomarkers
circulating T cells, particularly CD8+ T cells, showed
senescent gene expression characteristics and decreased 5.1. Physical performance and functional decline
proliferation potential. High SA-β-gal CD8+ cells, assessments
however, displayed a T-cell destiny that was distinct from
that of T cells that were previously classified as senescent Physical function metrics are vital for gauging present and
[104]. In addition, the expression of p16INK4a in CD8+ T future health. Physical functional assessments (Fig. 3) that
cells was associated with both BA and illness [105]. are both objective and standardized have been created and
Dysfunctional T cells exhibited strong expression of the are increasingly used in population research. Physical
retrotransposon LINE-1, whose reduction can restore the aging can be tracked using common functional measures,
function of the T cell effector. LINE-1 expression levels including the grip strength, gait speed, time up and go test,
are crucial in controlling T cell effector function, and six-minute walk test [113]. Many studies and
quiescence, and failure, although LINE-1 is known to be systematic reviews conducted to evaluate the risk of
increased in senescent cells, triggering a type 1 IFN subsequent disability have shown that elderly people who
response [106]. perform poorly on physical functional tests (e.g., weaker
Many senescent cells exhibit a pro-inflammatory grip strength, slower walking speed, or poorer standing
SASP, which involves the release of various chemokines balance) are more likely to be functionally handicapped in
and cytokines that modulate or attract immune cells [107]. the future [114, 115].
The SASP may also include the secretion of Aging is also linked to changes in physical
metalloproteinases, microRNAs, reactive oxygen species, composition such as the development of wrinkles and
metabolites, and extracellular vesicles. Through the hyperpigmentation, increased body fat, reduction in organ
SASP, the build-up of senescent cells in aging organs mass, decline in muscle mass and strength, and
causes regional and systemic inflammation, impairs stem osteoporosis. Skin aging is a readily observable sign of
cell function, and promotes tissue degeneration [108]. aging and a direct reflection of the body’s age. Wrinkles,
Bora et al. analyzed Tabula Muris Senis data and particularly on the face, are the clearest indicator of skin
identified 10 age-related genes, among which interleukin aging. Histological evidence from aged, wrinkled skin
1β (IL1b) was particularly enriched in almost all the shows a rough distribution and volume decrease of
Kupffer cells in older mice compared with approximately collagen and reduction in the number of elastic fibers in
37% in younger mice [109]. Another study showed that the dermis extracellular matrix components [116].
the deficiency of Ercc1 (part of the Ercc1XPF Changes in pigmentation are another indicator of skin
endonuclidene enzyme, which is crucial for various DNA aging. These spots often emerge in sun-exposed regions
repair processes, especially in hematopoietic cells) and are a consequence of increased pigment synthesis
impaired the repair of DNA damage, accelerated the caused by exposure to ultraviolet radiation [117]. Higher
increase of senescent cells and endogenous oxidative body mass index (BMI) is a risk factor for diseases
damage in various tissues in mice [110]. The absolute associated with aging, with a 30% rise in overall mortality
number of pDCs in the intestinal epithelium of aged mice for each 5 unit rise in BMI [118]. A study from the
was substantially reduced and the expression of the Nanyang Technological University in Singapore showed
inflammatory chemokine CCL25 changed with age [111]. that higher levels of visceral fat, BMI, and reduced high-
Moreover, senescence and SASP production in several density lipoprotein (HDL) levels were causally associated
organs were induced by the adoptive transfer of spleen with cognitive decline in Asian populations. Specifically,
cells from old WT mice to young mice, which each additional 0.27 kilogram of visceral fat is
considerably decreased longevity [112]. According to comparable to an additional 0.7 years of cognitive aging

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[119]. Furthermore, the lipids are redistributed over age muscle constitutes the majority of the total tissue mass.
[120]. Excess fat also attacks the immune system, with the Age-related degeneration of the neuromuscular junction
exception of accumulation in the liver and bone marrow. has been documented in both animal models and humans.
Lymph nodes undergo a process in which normal tissue is During aging, synaptic transmission is impaired and
gradually replaced by adipose tissue, leading to muscle fibers lose innervation, resulting in degeneration
lipomatosis [121]. Eventually, fat accumulation in the and atrophy [122].
lymph nodes renders them non-functional. Skeletal

Figure 3. Physical performance and functional decline assessments.

Muscle mass and strength become progressively reduced hind limb muscle mass, muscle grip strength,
weaker and muscle function decreases with muscle fiber maximal muscle strength, and daily activity capacity
atrophy after 40 years, which is known as sarcopenia [125]. Aging affects all organ systems, but the trajectory
[123]. Kim et al. reported that the grip strength, muscle of aging varies across organ systems and between
mass, and endurance of 18-month-old C57BL/6J mice individuals. Except for the heart, organ mass mostly
were substantially lower than those of 10-week-old mice, decreases with age, resulting in impaired reserve capacity
demonstrating an increasing incidence of sarcopenia in and limited reactivity to stress [12]. As aging progresses,
aging animals [124]. Similarly, compared to 10-month- bone resorption increases, resulting in reduced bone
old mice, 25-month-old mice showed substantially density [126]. Dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA)

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is recommended by physicians in the US for men aged > different to a certain extent: the half-life of cTnT is 30 min
70 years and women aged > 65 years to test the bone longer than that of cTnl; cTnl is less affected by renal
mineral density (BMD) at the lumbar spine and femoral function compared to cTnT; cTnI is more specific to
neck. An osteoporosis determination is made once the T- cardiac tissue than cTnT; and cTnT is also seen in
score is less than or equal to -2.5 [127]. On the other hand, neuromuscular diseases in addition to myocardial injury.
both the C-telopeptide of type I collagen (CTX-I) and the High-sensitivity cTnI (hs-cTnI) can be used to
N-terminal propeptide of type I procollagen (PINP) are independently predict the onset of heart failure; however,
indicated for use in clinical settings as indicators of bone the highest predictive value for HF was obtained when hs-
production and resorption, but can only be used to support cTnI was paired with NT-proBNP [133]. Furthermore, hs-
the diagnosis of osteoporosis [128]. cTnT has also been found to be related to the incidence of
heart failure in cohort studies, and its increase over time
5.2. Cardiovascular and metabolic biomarkers of suggests the progression of myocardial injury,
aging particularly in those with >50% elevation from baseline,
together with an accompanying increase in the probability
Age is one of the most powerful predictors of of mortality in the coming years [134].
cardiovascular health and regular cardiovascular function Currently, soluble growth stimulation expressed gene
is an important factor in determining whether a person 2 (sST2) and galectin-3 (Gal-3) are the most common
will live a long and healthy life. As the human indicators of cardiac stromal remodeling used in clinic.
cardiovascular system is composed of many distinct cell Multiple studies have demonstrated considerably higher
types, aging may affect the biological activity of each cell levels of sST2 and Gal-3 in patients with HF than in those
type in the body. Cardiomyocytes and cardiovascular cells without HF, and the extent of this increase corresponds to
are especially prone to age-related dysfunction and the degree of diastolic dysfunction [135]. Various
failure, leading to structural damage; heart dysfunction, molecular signaling pathways are altered during cardiac
such as myocardial cell death, myocardial hypertrophy or aging. ROS accumulate in the aging heart and cause
fibrosis, reduced elastic fibers, and valve calcification, is mitochondrial oxidative stress damage, which is
also an indicator of cardiac aging. The direct result of associated with increased mtDNA mutations and
these pathological features is cardiac conduction deletions [136]. In contrast, cardiac autophagy decreases
malfunction derangement and systolic-diastolic with age. Taneike et al. studied age-related changes in
dysfunction [129, 130], which in severe cases leads to autophagy in the hearts of wild-type mice and found that
age-related heart failure [131]. Over the past 20 years, autophagy markers, such as microtubule-associated
various biomarkers reflecting neuroendocrine activation, protein 1 light chain 3-II (LC3-II), were decreased in 14-
myocardial injury, cardiac remodeling, inflammation, and or 26-month-old mouse hearts compared with 10-week-
other pathophysiological alterations in heart failure have old mice. mTOR plays an important role in controlling
been identified [25], focusing on biomarkers active during autophagy [137]. Aging has been shown to enhance
cardiac load, myocardial injury, and matrix remodeling. mTOR phosphorylation in mouse hearts [138], while
N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) inhibition of mTOR prolongs mice lifespan [139].
and B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) in the natriuretic
peptide family are the most important biomarkers of 5.3. Neurological and cognitive markers
cardiac load and have the highest recommended category
among all biomarkers of heart failure. While a correlation The brain is the command center of the body. Together
has not been observed, their clinical applications are with the spinal cord, it constitutes the central nervous
comparable. For example, compared to BNP, NT-proBNP system, which innervates the entire body via the
is more concentrated in peripheral blood and more stable peripheral nervous system. The brain degenerates over
in vitro. It has no biological activity, and aging and renal time, which increases the risk of age-related
function have a greater impact. BNP/NT-proBNP testing neurodegenerative diseases. Morphological changes in
is indicated for both the support and differential diagnosis the brain and pathological deposition of abnormal
of heart failure in individuals who are older and present proteins such as amyloid-beta (Aβ), tau and alpha-
with symptoms of the condition, when BNP ≥ 35 pg/ml or synuclein [140], and alterations in physiological function,
NT-proBNP ≥ 125 pg/ml is present for a long period of together affect human lifespan. Morphological changes in
time, a more thorough examination is recommended the brain include reduced brain volume, ventricular
[132]. enlargement, cortical thinning, and white matter
Cardiac troponin T (cTnT) and cardiac troponin I degradation caused by neuronal reduction, dendritic
(cTnl) are the most commonly used clinical biomarkers degeneration, demyelination, microglial activation, white
for assessing myocardial injury. The two biomarkers are matter lesions, and metabolic slowdown [141]. These

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multiple alterations in the brain may form the basis of age- diminished neurogenesis [155, 156]. The
related cognitive decline. Integrating several studies on metallopeptidase inhibitor TIMP2 is associated with
whole-brain volume changes in humans over a limited age recovery of hippocampal neural activity [157]. The
range reveals that such changes occur throughout the protein levels of TREM2, an immune signaling hub gene,
lifespan, with the brain tissue beginning to decrease increased progressively with age in the CSF, reflecting
steadily after 35 years and brain volume loss steadily microglial function, and were also associated with AD
exceeding 0.5% per year over 60 years of age [142]. [158]. In addition to changes in body fluids, the microglia
Unlike physiological aging, neurodegenerative diseases of young and aged mice differed dramatically. Using
show different patterns of atrophy, such as medial transmission electron microscopy, Marschallinger et al.
temporal lobe atrophy, which is a hallmark of AD [143]. observed the cytoplasmic content of mice that were three
A reduction in neuronal volume rather than number, and and twenty months old. They observed that microglia in
a decrease in dendritic spines are believed to be the the aging hippocampus had distinct lipid droplets, but did
primary causes of age-related brain atrophy [144]. These not observe this in other cells [159]. Jin et al. identified a
morphological changes in neurons cause synaptic unique highly activated microglia (HAM) cell type that
dysfunction and impair neurotransmitter signaling, which expressed an age-related activation pattern that triggers
in turn affects cognitive function [145]. Synaptic density brain inflammation rather than the traditional M1/M2
in the CA1 area of the hippocampus is lower in aged rats pattern. In addition, Lpl and Lgals3 may be effective
than in younger animals, and the spatial memory capacity candidate markers for HAM [160].
decreases [146]. Aged rats have reduced spatial memory
capacity compared to younger rats, and histological 6. Emerging Technologies and Approaches in Aging
examination has revealed lower synaptic density in the Biomarker Research
CA1 region of the hippocampus [39]. Glutamate is an
excitatory neurotransmitter involved in synaptic 6.1.Omics technologies for comprehensive profiling
transmission and is closely associated with learning and
memory during aging. Learning and memory formation Aging is a continuous process that involves various
are associated with long-term potentiation (LTP), and detectable biomarker changes in the body and is
maintenance of hippocampal synaptic LTP requires influenced by the occurrence of diseases or decline of
activation of glutamate receptors: N-methyl-D-aspartate organ systems. Conventional methods of measuring aging
receptors (NMDAR) [147]. The composition and function rely on isolated indicators such as telomere length or ROS
of NMDAR have been found to decrease with age in components, but these are insufficient to systematically
rodent models [148]; although NMDAR-mediated and accurately describe aging. Owing to the rapid growth
synaptic current dynamics remain unchanged in the CA1 of omics technologies in recent years, aging can be
region [149], the inactivation rate of these currents characterized from a higher perspective using omics data.
increases with aging [150]. Similarly, the expression of High-throughput sequencing, mass spectrometry (MS),
the postsynaptic glutamate receptors α-amino-3-hydroxy- and other quantitative techniques allow us to understand
5-methyl-4-isoxazole-propionicacid receptor (AMPAR) aging from the perspective of genes, tissue components,
and its GluA2 subunit are also reduced in the CA1 region metabolites, and epigenetics. Multiple omics techniques
of aged mice [151], and AMPAR-mediated synaptic can be integrated for aging identification to form a
current strength has been shown to be diminished in aged complex but accurate network structure [161].
mice [152]. Furthermore, the levels of many synapse- Genomics: The process of aging is ongoing and
associated proteins, including synaptophysin, SNAP25 regulated by numerous genes in the genome; however, we
and PSD95, are lower in the hippocampi of aged rats [151, do not have a clear indicator to confirm that a gene is
153]. Indeed, the signaling of the inhibitory related to aging. Age-related genes may vary considerably
neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) is among populations, and studies on a single population
equally impaired at aging synapses. McQuail et al. may overestimate the effects of a single gene. Therefore,
discovered that the aged hippocampus has a reduced studying a single gene might not capture the effects of
frequency of inhibitory postsynaptic potentials driven by aging on the entire genome. GWAS aims to determine the
GABA, and a reduction in both current intensity and association between genotype and phenotype by detecting
duration [154], thereby disrupting GABAergic variations in allele frequencies of genetic variation
interneurons and inhibitory synaptic circuits. between individuals with similar ancestry but different
Additionally, a number of humoral indicators phenotypes [162]. Although SNP are the most frequently
associated with brain aging have been identified. In both examined genetic variations in GWAS, copy number
the blood and cerebrospinal fluid, high levels of CCL11 variation and sequence variation in the human genome
and 2-microglobulin have been shown to be related to have also been considered. GWAS tests the genomes of

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thousands of people for numerous genetic variations to remains challenging. Some studies have used the
identify those that are statistically linked to certain traits relatively advanced SOMAscan method developed by
or disorders [163]. Therefore, genetic data from long- SomaLogic, which quantifies protein abundance in
lived individuals in a population can provide insight into plasma using slow-off-rate-modified aptamers with high
the longevity of genomes in specific populations. In affinity for proteins. Owing to the length of this article,
particular, genes near the 5q33.3 locus of FOXO3 have we will not analyze the data of existing research papers in
been consistently associated with longevity. Timmers et the following summary, but focus on the summary of
al. analyzed genome-wide associations and mortality risk recent review papers. Ubaida et al. conducted a systematic
factor data from one million genotyped subjects with review of several Google Scholar papers that used
parental lifespan information using GWAS [164]. They proteomics and aging as keywords [167]. They reanalyzed
replicated previously unconfirmed findings near the data from these studies and identified 1,128 proteins
FURIN/FES, CDKN2B-AS1, 13q21.31, PSORS1C3, that were reported as potential biomarkers in two or more
ZW10, and ATXN2/BRAP, and discovered and validated studies. Interestingly, 751 proteins, including ANXA1
new findings near IGF2R, ABO, and ZC3HC1. They also and HSPB1, were consistently detected in different
confirmed the roles of the 5q33.3/EBF1 and FOXO3 loci. groups using different tissues for proteomic analysis.
Despite such extensive data, they affirmed that substantial Several potential biomarkers have been previously
differences in life expectancy at the population level were validated. Moreover, the authors summarized the
hard to achieve solely via genomic information. However, common differential proteins reported in at least five
aging can be measured using life expectancy and health papers and performed corresponding bioinformatics
span, which are not equivalent when performing a analyses and nonlinear and linear regression to propose
GWAS. Zenin et al. identified 12 loci associated with models of aging. Moaddel et al. summarized and
human health span data that did not overlap with previous reanalyzed previous data using various proteomics and
GWAS on lifespan [165]. age-related keywords [168]. They collected proteomic
Therefore, genomic analyses, especially GWAS, can data from subjects aged 14-103 years. Although LC-
identify biomarkers of differential gene expression MS/MS is the most commonly used proteomics
associated with lifespan or health span. Analyzing these technology, they also included papers that used newer
differential genes helps to better understand aging, while methods, such as the SOMAscan assay and Proximity
more refined comparison indicators cannot be equated Extension Assay (PEA O-Link). They identified 4,077
with aging, and further research is required. proteins in plasma data, of which 232 were highly
Proteomics: Proteins directly execute most biological correlated with age. These 232 differential proteins were
activities. Compared to gene expression, proteins have used for further bioinformatics analysis, which revealed
more complex functional structures owing to post- 112 potential age-related signaling pathways belonging to
translational modifications during transcription or 21 signaling pathway categories.
translation, resulting in more complex aging effects. In Post-translational modifications (PTMs) of proteins
traditional research fields, single biomarkers are used as can form more complex and diverse functional structures
indicators of aging, whereas proteomics can increase compared to gene expression. Moreover, PTMs are
throughput to thousands or even tens of thousands crucial for the aging process [169]. However, protein
simultaneously. Differential samples can be name-aging indicator regression analysis for PTM-type
simultaneously scanned and observed using high- analysis remains scarce. Many bioinformatics analysis
sensitivity MS and isotopic technology. This changes the works and reviews, including Luigi Ferrucci’s work,
incompleteness of the single-angle analysis and focuses summarize differently numbered proteins into single
more on system analysis from a system perspective. entries and then perform enrichment analysis. Moreover,
Proteomic technology has been used from different in clinical diagnosis, PTM products are rarely used as
perspectives to discuss aging, lifespan, and other related markers. However, with the development of MS, omics
topics [166]. The age of the subjects ranged from technology can also identify different types of PTM
newborns less than 1 year old to elderly people up to 95 protein content that change with age. For example, Collins
years old, but the sample size varied greatly. In aging et al. used data-independent acquisition (DIA) to achieve
proteomics, samples are not limited to plasma or tissues. the unbiased quantitative detection of PTM proteins
To date, various types of tissues, such as skeletal muscle, [170]. To date, several analysis software packages and
bone marrow, saliva, and urine, have been used for corresponding product pipelines based on the DIA
proteomic analysis. From a technical perspective, most technology have been successfully developed.
studies have used LC-MS/MS to identify proteins and In summary, according to existing proteomic data,
peptides. However, owing to the complex in vivo aging is closely related to protein changes. Proteomics can
environment, unbiased quantitative detection of proteins provide indicators of aging. Analysis of deviation from

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the mean value of proteins may help in the diagnosis of research goal is to identify suitable biomarkers with
diseases. This finding is clinically important. Another potential research value. One approach is to use
advantage of proteomics is that it can provide direct supervised multicomponent comparisons, linear
evidence of biomarkers that are important for disease regression, or PCA dimensionality reduction to obtain a
diagnosis. PTM protein identification has a relatively set of biomarkers. Another approach is to use computer
short development time in proteomics; however, processing to obtain index weights or no-threshold
considering the importance of PTM in life activities, its decision making to extract more effective models with
role in aging research cannot be ignored. limited biomarkers. For example, simple random forest
Metabolomics: Metabolomics is an omics technology and DNN algorithms can significantly improve predictive
that uses MS or nuclear magnetic resonance to measure performance [173]. These are the typical data analysis
small molecules (< 1500 Da) in biological samples such methods used in machine learning, and many biomarkers
as cerebrospinal fluid, saliva, muscle, and plasma. These have been successfully identified using these methods.
molecules, known as metabolites, reflect the metabolic However, owing to the instability and complexity of
status and physiological functions of an organism. biological systems, these data are highly complex. With
Metabolomics can reveal age-related changes in recent advancements in artificial intelligence, machine
metabolism, which is one of the hallmarks of aging learning and deep neural networks have enabled the fast
biology. Several platforms such as HMDB and analysis and extraction of critical data from complex
MetaboAge have been established to explore the systems and data. Altmann et al. studied the ranking of
relationship between metabolomics and aging. Adav et al. feature importance using the permutation feature
summarized metabolomics and aging research from importance score (PFI) method. Through multiple
various perspectives [171]. They classified age-related iterations, they calculated the average value of feature
metabolic changes into eight categories: lipid and importance [174]. This method is effective and can be
lipoprotein metabolism, steroid hormones and used to efficiently obtain important indicators. However,
menopause, amino acid metabolism, urinary system and these indicators are not completely independent, and some
excretion, carbohydrate metabolism, dietary changes, related indicators are redundant as biomarkers. The PFI
oxidative stress, and inflammatory responses. They also method did not provide any advantages as a biomarker.
identified population-specific aging markers influenced Therefore, appropriate evaluation methods should avoid
by sex, race, health status, and age. Therefore, when data pollution, reduce the strong coupling effect between
studying the relationship between metabolomics and extraction indicators, and identify more independent
aging, the impact of multiple dimensions on biomarkers for predicting aging. In recent years, machine
metabolomics data must be considered. Moreover, some learning methods have been widely used to rationalize
factors, such as sample collection and processing, may omics data and several representative ML applications
have affected the results. Metabolomics can identify have been developed, including RapidMiner, KINME,
meaningful markers of the aging process that are related Weka, and Galaxy [175]. However, despite the
to many diseases, such as coronary heart disease, rationalization of packaging, these programs lower the
metabolic syndrome, ischemic heart disease, obesity, type technical barriers for operators to some extent, but lack
2 diabetes, and other diseases that affect patients' quality transparency and have limited adjustable parameters.
of life and lifespan [172]. These findings have clinical Users must master computer languages, such as Python or
importance for aging interventions and prevention. R, to call machine learning or deep learning packages.
However, many challenges remain in this field, including Blood samples are good and viable tests for predicting
the difficulty in identifying unknown metabolites. In the age, and common blood tests can often assess a subject’s
future, with improvements in the integration of multi- general health and detect the first signs of disease.
omics data and MS, more evidence can be provided to Mamoshina et al. trained a model based on DNAm clock
understand the complex aging process. biomarkers to measure BA, using blood indicators as
parameters [176]. Mamoshina et al. trained deep neural
6.2. Machine learning and data mining approaches in networks on population-specific datasets. Samples from
biomarker discovery Korean, Eastern European, and Canadian ethnicities were
used. They trained the network within each group and
In recent years, various machine learning approaches have tested it on a different test set with each available group.
been presented for estimating the BA. Previous omics When trained and tested on the same population, the
studies have shown that a single biomarker is often models showed good predictions for all three data sets.
insufficient to assess aging; however, the use of multiple However, the accuracy values declined when tested in
biomarkers with different properties increases the different ethnicities, and simply aggregating biomarkers
complexity and cost of measurement. Therefore, a major into one model did not reflect all aspects of aging [176].

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Holzscheck et al. used gene expression data as the input that make full use of deep learning networks such as
layer for a rationalized deep learning network that transformers, CNN, and RNN, which can also be used to
predicted BA based on the data [177]. After several predict survival rates and brain-related BA. The key is to
cycles, the predicted age was positively correlated with rationalize the relationship between the output and input
the CA. The trained model could also predict various indicators. However, some inherent disadvantages of
biological processes, such as the effect of virtual targeted machine learning also exist, such as the black box effect,
knockouts on biological lifespan, the influence of various which complicates the practical application of CA and
pathways on aging, and novel age-related biomarkers. BA; this comes not only from the measurement error of
This study provides an example of omics research using BA and CA, but also from the variation in indicators
machine and deep learning. Biologists can use powerful caused by different experimental conditions. Therefore,
AI models to discover a wider range of biomarkers from additional methods have been introduced to solve this
larger datasets. problem. In short, with more data available under big data,
BA estimation is the only example of machine BA can be better predicted through omics or a series of
learning that is used in aging research. Machine learning indicators.
and artificial intelligence modules are generalized tools

Table 2. Summary of non-invasive imaging application in aging processes.

Imaging Specific Imaging content Imaging agents/ Imaging scale Reference

modality method Biomarker change
PET Aβ-PET Aβ plaques Brain [182-185]
Tau-PET Tau proteins Brain [186, 187]
FDG-PET Glucose Brain [188-190]
FDG-PET/CT SUV; SMI; Volume Skeletal [191-193]
Structural MRI T1WI Brain volume ↓ Brain [194, 195]
T2-FLAIR Water content ↑
DTI Water diffusion ↑
Functional MRI MRS Metabolite ↓ Brain [200]
PWI (ASL) CBF ↓ Brain [196]
Rs-fMRI Brain network ↓ Brain [202, 203]
Task-fMRI Brain area ↓ Brain [204]
Abbreviations: PET, positron emission tomography, MRI, magnetic resonance imaging, FDG-PET, fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography ,
T1WI, T1-weighted imaging, T2-FLAIR, T2-fluid attenuated inversion recovery, DTI, diffusion tensor imaging, MRS, magnetic resonance spectroscopy,
PWI, perfusion-weighted imaging, ASL, arterial spin labeling, Rs-fMRI, resting-state functional MRI, Task-fMRI, task functional MRI, SUV,
standardized uptake value, SMI, skeletal muscle index, CBF, cerebral blood flow, BOLD, blood-oxygen level dependent

6.3. Imaging techniques for non-invasive assessment of imaging in the assessment of aging, and a detailed
aging processes summary is presented in Table 2.
PET imaging, based on the distinctive identification
With the rapid development of both imaging and physical of targets present in the body, not only directly reflects
technologies, a wealth of imaging modalities have been abnormalities in the early phase of disorders, but also
widely used in clinical medicine. Molecular and offers unique advantages in revealing alterations in
functional alterations during the course of aging may be biomarkers of the aging process [178]. AD is an age-
detected using a range of imaging techniques, such as related neurodegeneration that mostly affects people of
computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging advanced age. AT(N) biomarkers are ones that the NIA-
(MRI), ultrasound, PET emission tomography, and AA framework suggests using: markers of
single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT). neurodegeneration (N), amyloid deposition (A), and
In this section we focus on the use of PET and MRI neurofibrillary tangles Tau (T), that support or exclude the

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diagnosis of AD and brain aging [179]. Aβ and Tau PET provide details on vascular and neural functions. Elderly
imaging accomplish early visualization of disease people have a reduced volume of cerebral blood flow
primarily by quantitatively assessing the Aβ plaque (CBF) across the whole brain [196], and this change in
deposition and Tau tangles in the living brain [180, 181]. CBF with aging is linked to physiological shifts in the
Commonly used tracers for Aβ PET include18F- pressure of carbon dioxide in the arterial blood [197-199].
florbetaben, 18F-flutemetamol, 11C-PiB, 18F-florbetapir, Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (MRS) uses a series of
which have received regulatory approval for use in radiofrequency pulses to disturb the nuclei of various
medical facilities in the US [182, 183]. In addition, 11C- molecules and detect the resulting resonance signals.
AZD2184 as an analog of 11C-PiB also showed Because the frequency of a signal is determined by the
considerably higher uptake in critical brain regions of AD precise chemical structure of the molecule, the levels of
patients than in normal brain tissue, with higher affinity various metabolites in the brain can be calculated as an
and specificity for Aβ compared with 11C-PiB, and may indirect assessment of aging [200].
have better results for diagnosing early AD [184, 185]. Resting-state fMRI (rs-fMRI) measures brain
For tau PET imaging, 18F-AV1451 is the most researched network connectivity using blood-oxygen level-
tau-specific PET tracer, and the intracerebral distribution dependent (BOLD) signals, which can be applied to
obtained is consistent with the known deposition of tau evaluate neurocognitive aging. Tau protein levels are
regions in neuropathological studies. Therefore, it can corelated with greater functional connectivity in both
detect pathological tau proteins specific for AD to a large normal elderly individuals and patients with AD [201].
extent [186, 187]. Moreover, fluorodeoxyglucose positron However, another recent study suggested that decreased
emission tomography (FDG-PET) been reported to be a functional connectivity is associated with aging [202]. A
promising biomarker of synaptic activity for predicting meta-analysis showed that within the Default Mode
AD progression [188]. When 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose Network (DMN), functional connection strength exhibits
uptake in the brain is reduced, as was measured using an inverse U-shape, reaching its peak in adulthood, after
FDG-PET, it indicates a decrease in glucose metabolism which is gradually declines [203]. Task-fMRI measures
and may respond to synaptic dysfunction [189]; for the brain activaty during a specific cognitive task. Eevent-
AD signature hypometabolism, the cut point is 1.31 [190]. boundary-evoked brain activation in the hippocampus and
Sarcopenia, which commonly affects the elderly, plays a posterior medial network decreases with age and can
decisive role in confirming the diagnosis through predict episodic memory ability [204]. MRI-derived brain
estimation of muscle mass and volume using FDG- age is a widely adopted biomarker of cognitive aging
PET/CT. Generally, CT is commonly used to clinically [205, 206]. The application of a deep learning algorithm
observe muscle volume, whereas the metabolic makes the predicted brain age more accurate and reliable
information provided by FDG-PET can complement the [207]. Critically, the deviation of individual brain ages
anatomical correlation and characterization of the skeletal from typical brain age trajectories can predict diseases
muscle obtained using CT [191]. Normal skeletal muscle such as schizophrenia [208] and mild cognitive
shows uniform FDG uptake, with maximum standardized impairment (MCI) [209].
uptake values (SUVmax) usually between 0.5 and 2.2 Although MRI has been widely used in clinical
[192]; comparatively, patients with sarcopenia may practice, it mainly indirectly reflects aging-induced
exhibit low metabolism and a reduction in muscle changes in the brain, and more methods are required to
circumference [193]. improve the imaging capability of MRI for biomarkers of
In comparison to PET, MRI provides superior aging.
contrast for soft tissues, particularly the brain and
abdomen. Consequently, the use of MRI in aging studies 7. Challenges and Limitations in Aging Biomarker
tends to focus on the process of brain aging. This Research
demonstrates age-related changes in the structural
makeup of the brain in vivo. Atrophy is one of the most 7.1. Variability and heterogeneity in aging trajectories
important changes that occur during aging. This change
may be tracked via measurements of the macroscopic Complex life activities are characterized by substantial
dimensions of the brain and may also be seen as a heterogeneity from individuals to cells. Aging is a
localized loss of microscopic tissue, which manifests as necessary part of an individual’s life, and its high
an increase in the percentage of water in the brain in some variability and heterogeneity are first reflected in gene
instances [194, 195]. In addition to structural alterations, transcription. Numerous age-related markers result from
modifications in the brain function have been linked to alterations in transcription, but the aging phenotype varies
aging and age-related neurodegenerative diseases. [210]. Based on various senescence inducers, cell types,
Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) can and stages of senescence, the analysis of substantial

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sequencing data from human and mouse fibroblasts has such as cohort-related factors, experimental conditions,
revealed discrepancies in transcriptome profiles and biological variability of the marker, statistical
SASPs [211]. In aged mice, p16 and p21 aggregate greater methodological flaws, and a lack of appropriate validation
in hippocampal microglia, oligodendrocyte progenitor methods, which usually introduce random errors or
cells, and oligodendrocytes with some degree of systematic biases, leading to inaccurate measurement
heterogeneity [212]. The mouse senescent cell atlas, results. For example, some forms of subject recruitment
completed in 2020, contains sequencing data from 23 that use selection or exclusion criteria are less
mouse tissues collected throughout their lifespan and reproducible than random recruitment [217]. Meanwhile,
demonstrates that p16, E2f2, Lmnb1, Tnf, and Itgax the operability of the detection method, sensitivity of
expression increases considerably with aging [213]; detection instrument, stability of detection reagents, pre-
however, E2f2 is typically downregulated in senescent detection sampling, and post-detection preservation may
cells [214]. Another study compared transcriptome be affected by systematic errors that interfere with the
differences in the spleen, kidney, and lungs of aging and reproducibility of the data. Therefore, all subjects,
young mice using single-cell sequencing and discovered whether in the experimental or control group, were
that different cell types display different aging trajectories required to perform at the same location and time period
as a consequence of gene enrichment [215]. In conclusion, and use the same standardized procedure, which improved
in most in vitro experiments, senescent cells were both the standardization and reproducibility of the
dispersed in different cell masses rather than forming experimental process. Variability in laboratory
specific clusters, further demonstrating the existence of measurement procedures has been a major challenge in
heterogeneity. A clinical study revealed that although assessing biomarkers, and with the development of
certain serum biomarkers are associated with in vivo international protocols for standardized methods, we
phenotypes (e.g., hippocampal volume and cognitive know that a complete set of standardized procedures for
performance), they are not associated with CA [91]. This biomarker assessment includes not only a standardized
supports the view that the difference between CA and BA measurement process, but also the way in which the
increases owing to various susceptibility factors, leading measurement results are applied, including how to
to increased heterogeneity in the elderly population. combine them with clinical information for diagnosis
Aging process also exhibits substantial heterogeneity in [218]. Therefore, the discovery of candidate biomarkers
terms of sex. For example, healthy women have 41%, for clinical testing is a long and difficult process;
50%, and 39% lower risks than healthy men, for however, the standardized assessment of aging
developing cancer, cardiac diseases, or death, biomarkers is still not fully universal and the
respectively. Following cancer incidence, men were establishment of a coherent and comprehensive
found to be twice as likely as women to develop disability standardized assessment procedure for aging biomarkers
or dementia; following the onset of disability or dementia, needs to be urgently addressed.
men showed twice the mortality rate compared to women.
A higher percentage of women aged 75 and 85 years 7.3. Ethical considerations and privacy concerns in
remained healthy compared with men of the same age biomarker utilization
[216]. Although age is highly associated with accelerated
disease progression, inter-individual differences remain. Aging research brings various benefits to human health
and society. However, as in other innovative biomedical
7.2. Standardization and reproducibility issues in fields, basic research on aging biomarkers and their
biomarker assessment clinical translation is usually conducted in animals and
humans, which brings potential social and ethical risks.
Although important advances have been made in An ethical framework for clinical research is proposed
identifying biomarkers of aging, data from promising based on major guidelines, statements, and other
marker studies have been found not to be reproducible. documents related to human research: value, scientific
The validation of a biomarker through repeated validity, good risk-benefit proportion, fair subject choice,
independent experiments improves the chances of independent evaluation, informed consent, and respect of
establishing the authenticity of this marker and further subject’s interests [219]. Owing to the variability and
demonstrates the consistency of the experimentally heterogeneity of aging trajectories, which diminish the
detected data using the intended target. Studies related to predictive value of aging biomarkers to some extent, their
biomarkers with poorly reproducible results can waste clinical validity is readily questioned, together with the
time and effort and prove costly for other follow-up absence of corresponding clinical therapies, which makes
investigators attempting to reproduce the results. Many confirming their clinical efficacy harder. For physicians,
potential factors can contribute to low reproducibility, a conclusive diagnosis based on test findings is

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challenging, and may include biases. Furthermore, the may be highly sensitive in predicting age-related diseases
results must be communicated to the subjects without [225].
alarming them or diminishing the credibility of the test.
Researchers will have to establish a manner of effectively 8.2. Monitoring interventions and assessing treatment
and thoroughly educating individuals on the possible efficacy
advantages and hazards of aging biomarker testing. The
Belmont Report identified three principles: respect for A thorough understanding of the multifactorial aging
persons, beneficence, and justice [220]. Respect for a biomarkers underpins the need for an all-encompassing
person requires not deceiving the subject in any way and strategy for older patients, particularly the frail
ensuring his or her autonomy; therefore, the subject multimorbid elderly, to create a patient-centered and goal-
should understand what tests are to be performed, why, oriented clinical management plan [227]. In clinical
and consent to any laboratory tests performed. In addition, studies, biomarkers of aging can be used to identify
aging biomarker research and the accompanying clinical individuals who are suitable and likely to be most
trials raise the issue of whether the data should be made receptive to aging-biology-focused therapies. In this type
public to the subjects [221]. While subjects may benefit of trial, biomarkers can be used to validate target contacts
from early illness care and life planning, which might or as surrogate endpoints for information that may change
increase their quality of life, disclosure is likely to induce before clinical outcomes (e.g., frailty measurement
psychosocial discomfort because of the restricted [228]). For example, certain interventions can improve
availability of aging interventions, which may be brain health by increasing the expression of biomarkers
detrimental to the subject’s quality of life. For example, that delay brain aging. Timely monitoring of relevant
those who are assessed as being at high risk for age- indicators during the intervention process can help assess
related diseases are likely to face discrimination [222]. In the corresponding treatment effects and subsequently
short, testing researcher’s abilities has become a complex adjust the treatment strategy [229]. In frail elderly
and long-term challenge. Therefore, establishing a patients, high IL-6 and low albumin levels are
standardized ethical framework for aging research can significantly associated with 3-month all-cause mortality,
guide researchers and clinicians. Adhering to the ethical and measuring their expression may help provide tailored
principles of aging research will safeguard the long-term therapeutic interventions to reduce short-term mortality in
health of the field. hospitalized elderly patients [230]. In older adults
undergoing surgery, age-related biomarkers have been
8. Applications and Potential of Aging Biomarkers shown to predict unfavorable outcomes such as surgical
complications and hospital readmission [231].
8.1. Early detection and prediction of age-related
diseases 8.3. Personalized medicine and targeted interventions
for healthy aging
The discovery of aging biomarkers is helpful for early
monitoring and prediction of age-related diseases. Jin et Healthy aging is an important topic in global aging
al. reviewed the role of aging biomarkers in the research. The objective was to investigate and lengthen
pathogenesis of AD, which is mainly caused by age- the healthy life expectancy, while reducing periods of
related factors [9]. Heterogeneous biomarkers such as disease and dysfunction [12]. From a medical and
DNAm and histone modifications can predict early prevention perspective, researchers have focused on
disease risk and mortality [223]. A novel pharmacological changes in individual aging, with the aim of screening
target for AD therapy is the age-dependent gene high-risk groups with prompt intervention to achieve
regulatory network, a molecular network of elements that healthy aging. Bai et al. confirmed that, when measuring
changes dynamically with aging. This network may be individual aging, BA determined using the BA equation
responsible for AD [224]. A BA algorithm based on aging according to the development of aging biomarkers is
biomarkers trained by Julia et al. in an older age cohort preferable to CA and aids in identifying people vulnerable
predicted an increased risk of all major diseases to age-related disorders [232]. Bai et al. also screened
associated with aging, including dementia associated with seven types of aging biomarkers, and conducted BA
accelerated aging [225]. Julia et al. incorporated the evaluation on 852 healthy individuals, which were split
neurofilament light chain (NfL), the best predictor of into three groups based on age: normal, early, and delayed
neurological prognosis [226], into a BA algorithm, further aging; they observed substantial differences in biomarkers
improving the predictions of increased dementia risk in the four age groups [232]. Chu et al. found that
without adding value, suggesting that aging biomarkers extracellular vesicle treatment prolonged the lifespan of
aged mice owing to decreased expression of the

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transcription factor BTB and CNC homolog 1 (Bach1) artificial intelligence must be introduced into research so
and enhanced expression of Nrf2. They suggested that that the complex interactions and network changes of
targeting the Nrf2/Bach1 axis might repair oxidative markers can be integrated at the molecular, cellular, and
stress damage in aged mice [233]. These findings indicate bodily levels. This can help us to better comprehend the
that aging biomarkers can contribute to the timely mechanisms underlying systemic aging and incorporate a
detection and intervention of individual aging and even single, seamless end-to-end approach for biomarker and
may help delay aging. drug discovery, target identification, and other processes
Potential AD treatment candidates, such as DNMTs, that may speed up research and development procedures
Sirtuin 1 (SIRT1), and methyl-CpG-binding protein 2 [236]. Although the use of neural networks in aging
(MeCP2), have been proposed following the exploration research is still in its infancy, neural networks have
of a dynamic network that coordinates DNAm and histone attracted the interest of an increasing number of
modifications [234]. This suggests that aging biomarkers biomedical researchers. The first cloud-based deep neural
may be helpful in personalized medicine and targeted network (DNN) was approved by the Food and Drug
interventions for healthy aging. For instance, the Administration (FDA) in the medical device category.
multidimensional prognostic index (MPI), an indicator The FDA has also approved the creation of the first fully
derived from a comprehensive geriatric assessment open-access database for AI/machine learning (ML)-
(CGA), uses information from eight domains relevant to based medical technologies, which will be continuously
the overall evaluation of older adults (mobility, nutrition, updated [237]. The FDA has authorized 178 medical
functional and cognitive status, pressure ulcer risk, devices with AI/ML capabilities as of October 5, 2022
multiple diseases, multi-medication treatment, and [238]. While many privacy issues may be involved in the
cohabitation) to estimate the overall risk of acquisition, generation, and use of health data, the
multidimensional impairment and provide a reliable guarantee established by the General Data Protection
prognostic measure. It has decent calibration, accuracy, Regulation (GDPR) in Europe is that medical records will
and discrimination, and serves as a crucial point of be used and transferred properly. Hopefully, they will not
reference for decision-making and resource allocation in hinder meaningful technological development.
clinical practice and research [227]. Combined with the
detection of aging biomarkers, this study is expected to 9.2. Longitudinal studies to capture dynamic changes
provide accurate and personalized care for patients and in aging biomarkers
older adults.
Notably, cross-sectional studies constitute the majority of
9. Future Directions and Research Priorities existing research on the connection between aging and
biomarkers. Therefore, longitudinal studies are necessary
9.1. Integration of multi-modal biomarker approaches to periodically assess physical and mental functions
for comprehensive assessments across a range of ages and health situations [239]. A
greater understanding of the rate of biological aging is
In the future, age-related assessments and interventions promised by longitudinal research, which may also reveal,
will require several assessment systems that integrate in the context of clinical trials, the extent to which the
existing biomarkers. Bai et al. proposed that multi-model molecular and cellular effects of aging can be reduced or
aging biomarker systems can be integrated and optimized even reversed. In particular, cohorts of middle-aged
through prospective cohort studies to estimate the participants will aid in the discovery of early biomarkers
probability of death and onset of age-related diseases. In of healthy aging that may be overlooked in older adult
particular, a streamlined aging evaluation technique was research owing to selection bias. Dynamic variations in
developed for primary care facilities [12]. Moreover, potential biomarkers can be studied through longitudinal
given the nonlinear and heterogeneous characteristics of examinations, which will provide more room for
age-related changes, the likelihood of a single biomarker discussion on the biological process of aging and its
meeting the ideal predictive or diagnostic criteria is very heterogeneity among individuals [240, 241].
low. Because “omics” approaches are now widely
available, potential biomarkers such as genes, non-coding 9.3. Translational potential and implementation
RNAs, proteins, transcripts, and metabolites, can be challenges in clinical practice of aging
identified without making any assumptions [235].
Combining a hypothesis-driven approach from a single Translating basic research findings into clinical
biological pathway with a multi-omics approach from a applications poses several challenges. For the
physiological perspective may be a major challenge for development and validation of biomarkers, we must use
future healthy aging biomarker research. Therefore, animal models that age faster than humans and can be

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subjected to controlled modification of biological of these species has drawbacks and advantages; the
pathways or environmental factors. Budding yeast similarities and differences in physiology, longevity, and
(Saccharomyces cerevisiae), fruit flies (Drosophila aging characteristics must be considered. Therefore, the
melanogaster), fish, laboratory mice (Mus musculus), and gap between laboratory conditions and real-life situations
nematodes (Caenorhabditis elegans) are traditional must be bridged [239]. For clinical applications,
animal models used in aging research [242]. Several systematic and individualized assessment, and
conserved genes that regulate lifespan across long stratification of the elderly in hospitals and community
evolutionary distances have been identified in numerous health centers at all levels can help achieve the precise
studies using animal models [243]. African killifish, for prevention and targeted management of age-related
example, age more quickly than mice and are therefore diseases. Effective use of limited health resources will be
excellent models [244]. As models for human aging, each the focus of future research [12] (Table 3).

Table 3. Benefits and limits of monitoring aging biomarkers.

Title Contents
Benefits In-depth understanding of the formation processes and influencing factors of various aging phenotypes
Comprehensive understanding of the effects on the structure and function of the human body with aging
Early detection and prediction of age-related diseases
Monitoring interventions and assessing treatment efficacy
Personalized medicine and targeted interventions for healthy aging
Limits Aging heterogeneity undermines some of the predictive value of biomarkers
Lack of corresponding therapies makes the clinical validity of biomarkers questionable
Inability to accurately diagnose disease based on the results of biomarkers
Publicizing results maybe have an impact on the state of social life of patients

10. Conclusion Acknowledgments

In this paper, we review the current advances in the field The study was supported by Capital’s Funds for Health
of aging biology and geriatrics, focusing on molecular, Improvement and Research (2022-1-2251), the National
cellular, and organismal biomarkers and targets of aging. Natural Science Foundation of China (81972148,
We highlighted the challenges and opportunities for 12071075), the Natural Science Foundation of Beijing
identifying and validating reliable and comprehensive (7222101), and Summit Program of Foshan (2019C016).
measures of the health span and BA. We also discuss the
importance of considering the effects of individual aging Disclosure statement
biomarkers at distinct biological organization levels and
the integration of multi-dimensional and multi-domain None of the authors have any disclosures.
methods for studying the underlying processes of aging.
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