Whats Up 3ed 1 Students Book and Workbook

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Let's wrap ¡t up! Self-assessment activities r UnitS 1& 2 page 27


. Sho#
. Mak#

Let's wr p it up! Self-assessmentactivities r UnitS 3 &fr page 49

ffr*m*n*i*t!*m t$ffi*

Let's wfap,it üp! geirrassessrnent activities - ,u'nits '5 & ó page 71

Vivian About me . Fr{ends (150)

live in Lo¡dorir. t
am in Yéar 7
iiirtiii¡,i o.ii
am 15.
study at Brighton School. Hey Festival! Here we are! Let's dance! Welcome su mmer hoLidays !

play the oüitar. Rocky at the beach w¡th my cousin.

My dog is adorabLe!:)



in my ha nds!
Yes! Tickets
An unforgettable moment. Hurray!

O Look at the profile. Comptete the O Vivian is going to a music festival.

sentences. lmagine the moment whren she
rlete the
1. Her name is - . . -.,-: !

dialogue. Work w¡th youti classmate.

2. She is
ThBo, act the conversation outr
3. She Lives in "

4. She studies at,., . -,-:.,:

Vivian: H il

5. She has
Assistant: Good . Can I hel.p you?

Vivianl Yes, 2
,, :, , - you got any tickets for.

the Green festival.?

Assistant: Yes. How many do 3 t

O Ask and answer the foLLowing Vivian: Four. How much are ?
questions with ;rour classmate. Assistant: 30 pou nds each. lt 5 a

1. What's your name? hundred a twenty pounds

2. How oLd are you? Vivian; That's a lot of money, but I Love aLL

3. Where do you Live? the bands. Here you ó

4. How many friends do you have on sociaL Assistanü Enjoy the

n etwo rks ? Vivian: Bye !

O ln gr.oups of four, ffiake á tist of aLt
the names ' o'f a,hi ¡¡'¿[E in Engtis,h that-
you know. Which ones can be pets?

Qt Look at th; picture of üivián puldng

football. True oir fatse? ,

1 . She is pLaying with, her. f r:ien "

t:¡" Vivian
-* ilii;.rli i:::ii
2. She is wearing grey shorts. o
. 3. The footbaLL is bLack
', and white. ó

Happy New Year! New year, new sport.

4. She is ocused.f

He[[o everyone. I' m a footbaLler now!

O AnsWer: ¡n )/oür notebOok.

l. Do you ptay f ootbát[r.

2. What do you do in yourrrf'r,é*r time?

So to PAtffi RK &üTITf$TtrH$.

Student A: turn to p age 72.

Student B: turn to p age 7 4.

6 Oiscu$s in pairs.

1. Do you lik,e music festivats?

2. What is your favourite band or artist? ln this book you witt find the following features:

3. What is your favourite song?

ryM Activities to do with your
c Lass mate

O ffi
Look at the picture of the dog and
Questions or activities
involving your personaI
comp[etethep.aragrapht W.W
ffi experience

Vivian1 : got a dog. lts name

@ Content and Language

lntegrated Learning

SociaI EmotionaI Learning

DownLoad any free QR code
Reader App on your mobile to
not aLlowed.
ru n in the Living room. That is
@ discover our SociaL EmotionaL
Learning section, thought and
written for you 0NLYI

Tracks to master your

@,.n'#, Listening skiU.s

-:* lntroduce yourself
l.*- Tatk about schools
l;'-r' Tatk about timetables
'ii' Ask and teLL the time
l¡ Ask persona[ questions and answer them
lp Ask for permission and make requests
".:r Write about a friend


Ié:Oo-17:OO I Guitar


O Find in the pictures ...
1. a Lab o 5. a guitar cLub o
2. a Geography teacher o 6, a uniform o
3. a school pLayground o 7, a clock o
4. a timetabLe o 8. a canteen o
O True or iatse?
1. Jennifer goes to schooL from Monday to Friday. o
2. She has Lunch at schooL. o
3. She cooks her Lunch. o
1. She has Science Lessons in the Lab. o
5. Her school day is from 9 a.m to 5 p.m. o
6- There are 12 obLigatory subjects at schooL. o
7. There are optionaI subjects. o



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.!rt:::r .ft¡irii**¡0¡liliffii¡li¡litftirii¡l riiiittilffi.,,..'"

Let's create a PowerPoint presentation about speciat peopte at schooL!

You wiLL create a presentation of a person in your- schooLyou consider to be speciaL.

Look for tips on how to buiLd your project on p 11. You wiLL complete the project on p 15.

$chmü[ $ubj#rt$ O Look at the timetabLe and answer
the questions.
O a. Choose the correct option.

# French 6 Geography
& ICT [lnformation I Science
and Communication s PE

1. does excellent cartwheeLs

?l Lesso n

2. we work with different

3. in the Lab. 1. What time is Science? a! eluuo_n o'clocK

subject. 2. What time is PE?

4. teacher is from France. 3. What time is H isto ry?

5. Lessons are in the 4. What time is b re ak?

on Mondays.

b. Complete the following sentences.

What's your teacher's name? @ Discuss.
1. My Art teacher is 1. What are your favourite subjects?
2. My M usic teacher is - 2. Where are the Lessons?
3. My Eng Lish teacher is 3. What time are your EngLish Lessons?
4. My History teacher is 4. What time are your Science Lessons?
5. My Maths teacher is - 5. Where do you go at break?

Time O a. Ask and answer questions about

your t¡metabte. (
Match the times to the clocks.
A: What tíme is ficíence?
9: At Bl¿von o'doc\.
b. Write true and false sentences
about your t¡metabl.e. Ask your
classmate to ident¡fy the wrong

"w"woffi ones. Th€h, sw¡tch roles.

A; 0n Thursdays englieh ie
in ths gym.
at t0 o'clocY

O@ haLf past @O
four quarter to two 9: falsv! 0n Thur$days 1nglish ís at n

OO half past ten OO quarter past twelve o'clocY ín the claeri.torn.

OO nine o'clock OO midnisht


Íuon l.'fontovon i Schoo I

by Mor ino Alonso

Hil I'm Marina Alonso

and I'm t3 yeaps old. I'rn
in year I at ühe J¡¡an
Mantosani Anü $chool in We love our cdnetoker; Mn For"ni.
$anüa Fe (Argenüina)"
Every month, rite go üo different
In the fuüure, I want üo be a n nere local
srurrs where
clubs arüists teach'
rogar arbr$bs b€ilco . , , ,' .,,,..,

pairrter and a sculpüor, so I go to Our school subjects are Spanish, us differenü ühings. Iü's awesome!
ühis special school. Iü is'for students English, Social Süudies, Science, This morrth I'm going üo the Liüing,r .

who want üo be cr.eative and leann Maths and Citizenship. They ane Süatues Club and next month I
a loü abouü ant. obligatory subjects, and so ane warrt to go üo th9files Club. .--
Drawing, Painüing and Poütery.
The lCt *t d"y stants at 7,oo Sometimes, we leave the classnoom a
and finishes aü l+,3O. Iü is long, !üe have some opüional subjecüs biü unüidy Mr Forni, ühe canetal(er
buü i lil(e iü. Some days, üherá are üoo. This year I'm süudying never complains and üidies up.
special activities. I¡G visiü museums, Colonial Art Hisüory. It's hard hle love him!
deCóráte hospiüal walls or have buü itb really interesting! Luct{ily
And sometimes we help him wiüh
wor.I(shops on differenü ar.tisüic Miss Arnau, the libnarian, alr,rtays
the cleaning.
producüions. gives me the bool(s I need or hálps
me üo find information in ühe hle wonk neally hand, buü lit€ dF€ .

compuüer. mone and more creative each d"y

hle donü have PE lessons because
in ühe afternoon there are a lot of
extracur.nicular activiüies.
!üe visiü childnen or elderty people
in hospitals and nunsing hlrñ"r..

O Look at the pictures. What can you @ Correct the fotLowing informat¡on.
see? Do you do these activities in 1V
1. M a rina is t6.
you r schoo[?
2. Juan Mantovani is a typicaLschooL.
O Read the text and number the 3. Marina wants to go to the CLown CLub.
pictures in order. 4. Students help the teachers with the cleaning.
5. Students at Juan Mantovani School do
O Read the articl,e and answer.
soLidarity activities in the morning.
1. What is the na me of the schooL?
2. When does the school day start? When
does it end?
3. What do students do in the afternoon?
1. Who are the teachers in the cLubs? O What is your schoot tike?
5. Who is an important person for
Marina? Why? Q) Compare your schoot with Juan
Mantovani School. What ¡s the
same? What ¡s different?
Verb to be
Study and complete the tab[e.

) See Grammar Reference 7, Extra Practice book, p. 2

O a. Comptete the sentences

with the affirmative of to be. Use
contracted forms where possib[e.
1. My name ig Jenny.

2. I inyearl. It is important to pronounce

3. The school headmaster English. he a n d she co rre ct [y.

4. Mynewschool great. @ 02 Listen and repeat.

5. My class teacher Ms Stevens.
She's thirteen.
6. She H e' s twelve .

7. We realtyhappyinournewschool.

@ @ m Listen and repeat.

1. He's EngLish. 3. He's friendLy.
2. She's AustraLian. 4. She's happy

O Match the questions f 1-ól to the I

answers fa-fl.
b. Complete the text about lmran 1. Are you Daniel? @
with the affirmative f*l or negative
f -l of to be.
2, Are you l4years old? o
3. ls your EngLish teacher very oLd? o
This' i6 [*J lmran. He 2 4. ls Mr Jones your teacher? o
t-) thirteen. He
[n] twe Lve. He
5. ls you r schooL new?

from Manchester. He Likes his new schooL. lt

6. Are the students in your cLass hap py? o
t*] cooL. lt's big a nd modern. The ?. N o, h e's 23.
computer room 7 [*] tantastic. The b. No, I'm David.
teachers [*J reallyfriendly. Ms G. Yes, it's very new.
d. No, Mr Jones isn't our teacher.
It's Ms Harris. €. No, I'm 13.

f. Yes, they are.

Adjsctives () Write the prepositions.
Study the box. 1. A: ls our ICT class on Wednesday?
My schooL is modern.
B: No, it isn't. lt is O_n Friday.
I go to a modern school. 2. A: What time is the bre ak?
B: lt is 10.30 a m
) See Grammar Reference 'l , Extra Practice book, p. 2
3. A: When is the excursion to the museum?
B: lt's
@ Comptete the sehtences with Monday.

adjectives from the box. 4. A: Where is the Science cLass today?

B: lt's the Lab
o ha rd G best ü favou rite
* +yp+€€+ 0 easy
e Long o special
t. AHS is not a t pir al high school.
O Ask and answer these questions
w¡th your classmate.
3. My friend is good at History. 1. When is your birthday?
4. Maths is . We work a lot to pass! 2. When is our next EngLish cLass?
5. Our Lunch break is 3. When are the winter hoLidays?
6. At our schooLthere are two cLu bs.
4. When is lndependence Day?
7. lt isn't a difficuLt test. It's ve ry

Prepo$ltions of tlme
O Now ask and answer the fol.Lowing
questions. Give short answers.
Study the box. 1. your school. I big?
on Tuesday, on 24th November A; lo your schooN big?
in November, in autumn, in the morning 9: Yes, it is.
at eight o'cLock, at midnight 2. your best f rien d I clever?
3. your EngLish teach er I a man?
) See Grammar Reference 'l , Extra Practice book, p. 2 4. PE classes / in the gym?
5. Maths / in the science Lab?
O a. Complete the note with the correct

PowerPoi nt presentation
about special people at
Think about the person you wil.L
describe in your PPT IPowerPointJ
presentation. Remember to mention
what he / she does. Ask him lher about his /
her timetable at school. Think about why he /
the note and answer the she is important to you.

r Use the examples in Exercise 1 of this section

Where are PE Lessons in June? in your description. Use the correct form of
the ve rb to be!
What time are PE Lessons?
When is the Maths exam?


Asl( and ün${"AJ#r persCInGl @ ffi: ou Listen one more time

question$ and answer.
1. Where is the reporter f rom?
O you
Describe the picture. What can 2. What is his name?
see? 3. What does he take everywhere?
4. What year is SiLvana in?
lYttS is a school.
5. ls she happy?
O:ffi *
Listen to the conversation ot Listen and complete.
and identify the characters in the
d ia tog ue.

ou Listen again and choose the

correct opt¡on.
1. The girL is Roxanr@
2. She is n ervous / excited .

3. Tod ay is / isn'f her first day at this schooL.

4. She is f ro m U ru guay / Argentina .

5. PE / ICT is her favourite subject.


Asl< for permission ond

nnske requests
O a. Match the sentences f 1-ól to
the answers [a-fl.
1. Can I go to the toiLet, please?
2. Can you repeat that? o
3. Can I ask you a question? o
4. Can lfinish this for next class? o
5. Can I read? o
6. Can you Lend me a pen? o
a. Yes. Read the first paragraph.
b. Sure. Here you are.
c. Sure What's your question?
d. Yes, but be quick!
€. Sure. lsaid to do exercise 3.
f. Yes, but don't forget to do it!

b. ,o Listen and check.

c. Look at questions 1-6 aga¡n.
1. Which questions are used to ask for
2. Which questions are requests?

() a. o, O Do you know any other classroom

Listen. Which questions do expressions?
you hear? Tick ldl.
1 . Whe re do you Live? o
2. What's your favourite subject? o O a. Practise asking and answering
3. Where are you from? @ the questions in Exercise 7a.
4. Do you Like the schooL? o
5. When's your birthday? o b. lmag¡ne you are in a student
exchange programme and today is
b. ot Listen aga¡n. True or your f irst day at school. Your
false? Correct the false sentences. classmate is a radio reporter and
asks you personal questions. Act
1. lmran is a new student. @ the interview out!
2. His parents are from lndia. o
3. Jenny Likes the schooL. o
4, Jenny Likes the gym. o
5. lmran Likes the computer room. o 72.

6. Jenny's favourite subjects are 74

French and PE. o


turite about o friend O a. Read the lD card and the text

about Jenny.

Name: JennY Burrows

Age: 1 3
Pa rag ra phs NationalitY: Australia n

School: Brenton School

A piece of writing can have one or more
Write re[ated infor-mation in the same
Favourite subiect(s): PE and English
Favourite Place(s) in the school:
ilta ftt"nd: Ruth
paragraph. ...-']...':|;.il¡ii']:]i:t:!]i.:ii.]jii::]:]:::.:i':il....i,l.i.i..fi.

You can indent the first Line of each ,



!t friand'a nam e ia Íenn.¡ Éurrows.

paragraph. ,I ': flh¿'s t7 ,¡eart old and shi,tAustralian

fannl io a stud enI aI grenton8¿hoor. Hor d.-r
ir' school
is nzu and. mod ern. Aer
favour¡i , uubJr:;;,
are ?e and engl¡sh Har
O a. Match the adjectives to the nouns. the echoot is thí cantten rt'e bif
favourit pl,ice in

1. nice, friendLy,good o Har bast friend's CIzn1to,,

yd Kurh ,;;i ;';;;

ur* ilr,r;:r'tvt
2. sma[[, comfortabLe, big o fyiandty
rii o"urr'"'
but shs's in th¿ 6ame echool. '

3. hard, easy, fun o f

1. modern,primary, oLd o b. Match paragraphs 1-3 to these
a. su bject ü
b. friend
c. cLassroom Best friend o
d, schooL
Favourite schooL area o
b. Complete w¡th the correct
Jenny o
adjective f rom Exercise 1a. c. lmagine you are Jenny Burrows.
Descr¡be your schoot t¡metab[e.
1. lf you are nice to peopLe and enjoy being with Reread the text on page I or listen
others, you are again to track 5 to get inspired !
2, Something is when it is Schoo[ days #arts at
ve ry d iff ic u Lt.
3. When you sit on a couch, you
O a. Comptete the lD card w¡th
information about a classmate.
feeL reLaxed.
Name: l
4. The opposite of new is i
Age: :..'....'

5. A computer or a phone with new technology

NationalitY: i
School: '

Favourite subiect(s):
Favourite Place(s) in the school: i
Best friend: : l'i'i':. ltlii:;.ir:ll::
-. ' t:,

aall,i'iui.,"r,-,,t.,1':,.,..'.1,r'..ir,r,,.-,:r,.,.i.;¡¡;1¡i'1. ,:,.",. ':'r. ''' , i


Descri ptive adjectives

Use adjectives to enrich your piece of
b. Use the informat¡on on the lD card
writing. Adjectives describe things,
to write about your classmate. Add
peopte and places.
details and divide the informat¡on
into paragraphs.

p Tatk about what you do evéry day
b TaLk about what you do on speciat days

k Say how often you do things

b Describe a speciat day

P write a description of a typicat or a speciat day


May Revolution Day


O Look at the pictures anci finci :

1. a reLigious ceLebr.ation o 5. a Rational, hoLiday o
2, a schooL festivaI o 6. happy peopl.e o
3. a fami[y,cetebr.ation o 7. the odd one out o
4-, an inter,nationaL event o

Z Wnat is your favourite special. day? How do you cel.ebrate it?

Let's create a Prezi presentation of an important cetebration!

You witI be creating a Prezi presentation of an important cetebration.

You shoutd describe it and giver, t.nU detaits as you can about what happens that day. Don't
forget to descnbe the music reLated to thrs cetebration. You should also inctude photosl

Look for tips on how to buitd your project on p. 18. You wittcomptete the project on p. 25.

Things we do everv dov vs O Use the activities in Exerc¡se 1to
Things we do on speciol dovs wr¡te about Heten's crazy day. Be
creative !

O Read the activities below. Wri te ED

r. Helen brulhob hor tsolh with both hands.
for everyday activities or SD for
specia I, days activities. 2. at ó.00 in the morning.

3. at midnight
4. at 9.00 in the evening.

3. do my homework 5. in the garden.

4. eat out 6. in the cLassroom.

7. on the bus.
6. get up
7. go on a picnic
8. go home
g. go to bed
@ Use beforeand afterto tel,t your
ctassmate what you usual.Ly do,
10. go to schooL
A: I have a showsr brfore I havo brsaY-fast. What

about you?
12. have a shower
9: I have a show or ñer I have brsa1fast.
have breakfast

have dinner
9. Ms Ioo.
15. have Lunch

O Use the activities in Exercise l to write

17. act in a play four sentences in your notebook about
18. pLant a tree what you do on spec¡at days. Then te[[
19. watchafiLm a classmate.

20. wear new clothes \nce a rnonth I *,r, a film wíth rny parenlre.

O CompLete the fotl,owing sentences

us¡ng words or phrases f rom
Exercise 1.ln some sentences,
more than one option is correct.
1. I sometimes haug some coffee and Prezi presentation of an
sLices of toaEt tor brgaYfast .
important ceLebration
2. Ia Lways ¡n the afternoon

before playing with my pet.

3. After dinner, I watch TV and then day. Use you r mobiLe to record it.

4. At school we usually to Use the activities in Exercise 1 of this section

celebrate Earth Day. as a reference to describe what you do on

this day.
5. I wake up at 6:30 but I al 7:00.
llove staying in bed some extra minutes!
6. We with some popcorn.

rotions ' hotels ' , rrovel,, phoros,
-^..-¡-:--L.-,-_--.. lE:Siln*
resrouronrs ,

rund thg WOdd""ntries

ffi ffi## ' w$wfuruffiwffi.m #m ffiw mm$ m#. rff

Hi! l'm Aptkalia and I livein Kailua, a beautiful o\
in Hawaii. My favounte celebration is Luau.
Mum and Dad love parties and plan orcry detail of this celebration. First, they make a list of
guesB. they invite all my extended family . .. and a lot of friendst There are somümes eó pmple
in my house.

our house is on the coost, so mum prepares a tikt bar on the beach and decorates the tables
with palm tree leaves. She usually prepares cupcakes and decoraks them with colourful paper
umbrellas. There are always jugs of all sorts of fruit juice.

Dad always prepares aquisítefresh salads of mixed veggies, and my brother and t.thread
fruit through bamboo skewen. we love doing itt we prepare lots of trays of them.
veggies or

rhen, we get ready to receive our guests. Mum and I wear our hula costumes, but my dad
and my brother nster put on grass skirts. rhey usually wear loose cotton trous€6.

After that, we receive our guests with the traditional lei (made with paper flowen) to
show them we are happy to welcome them.

I love this celebration because all my fnends and relatives come tn my house. we play i
luau games and dance until very late at night. And we can celebrate it any day, for no w(qd

special reasonl

Read about Apikalia's favourite

celebration. True or fa[se?
O Choose the correct opt¡on.

1. This blog is about a city in

1. ApikaLia has a s¡ster. @ o. Cancun
@ Hawaii
2. ApikaLia's parents Love parties.
o 2. ApikaLia invites friends
3. They have a house on the beach.
o and the extended famiLy.
o. ma ny
4. They wear traditionaL costumes. o b.few
5. There are a Lot of vegetabLes and fruits o Er. ha rd Ly eve r wea rs b. doesn't wear
on the tabLes.
4. Lei is made with
6. ApikaIia Likes this ce[ebration because

she gets presents.

o o. a rtif icia L b. naturaL
f Lowe rs.

7. Luau is ceLebrated on a fixed day.

8. ApikaLia's father never heLps with

the party preparations.

@ Are there any ceLebrations in
O Answer. your country that are similar
to Luau? Are there any in the
1. Where is Apikal.ia from?
town where you Live?
2. What do she and her mother wear for Luau?

3. Who is invited to the ceLebration? O What is your favourite

4. What do guests receive? ce[ebration ?

5. Why do they ce[ebrate Luau?

Pre$ent slmple G cffirmütive O Comptete the text w¡th the correct F
Study and comptete the box. form of the verb.
New Year's Eve is speciaL in my house. Every

I go to schooL. yearmyfamily'hat tnaveJ aparty.

You to school.
H e brushes h is te et h .

She al7 o'clock. tpLay) the

It pLays with a baLL

We our teeth.
[tat<eJ photos.0h, and our
They get up al7 o'cLock
- dog Bobby u

) See Grammar Reference 2, Extra Practice Book, p. ó. At midnight we 7 [sing) an old

Scottish song caLLe d Auld Lang Syne. Then my
O Choose the correct form of the verb to
pa re nts B
Iopen] the cha m pag ne
describe a speciat day in Lit¡'s famity 'H
and e
Isay) ap py N ew Yea r'.
1. Christmas dry@/ are aLways speciaL!
2. My grandmother make I makes tasty snacks O Choose the correct option.
to share with the famiLy. 1. He breakfast in the kitchen.
3. I decorates ldecorafe the house before a. does b. has G. drinks
guests com e I comes home. 2. My friends the theatre once
4. After Christmas, da d pl.ants I planf the tree a month.
in gr-andma's garden. a. go to b. goesto c. see
5. I wear I wears new cLothes to match my 3. PauLand John c ra f two rk.
Christmas hat. a. do b. does G. prepare
6. Early in the morning, mum give I gives the 4. I new cLothes. A
presents. A. USC b. uses c. wea r 5r

@ Look at the words and make


A: My grandmother
9: l¡ves
A: in a palace

pLayIs) the guitar.
My dog / cat
goIes] a m oto rb ike.
My mother lfather
My grandmother / eat I sJ in a paLace.
@ 11 Listen to the -s sound. grandfather watchIes] The Simpsons.
lsl makes, helps, writes My neighbour
Live Is J to bed Late.
lzl pLays, goes, reads My teacher
d rive IsJ ice cr-eam.
lrul watches, d a nces, closes My friends
Now read and say the verbs. My cousins

Present simple - negotive G) Put the adverb of frequency in the
Study and complete the box. right ptace.
1. Bobpy Ooes his homework. [atwaysl
I don't go to school.. áoblll|y al,waye do_os h¡e hornaworK.
You don't to school.
He doesn't brush his teeth. 2. H e eats veg eta b Les. [oftenl
She doesn't at 7 o'clock.
It ptay with a baLL.

We don't - . -. _ our teeth. 3. He uses his mobil.e.fsometimesl

They don't get up al7 o'clock.

4. He is Late for schooL. fneverl

) see Grammar Reference 2, Extra practice book, p. ó

5. He goes to the cinema. Iusuattyl

O Correct the sentences that are not
true for you.
1. I get up Late on weekdays. O Order the words to make sentences.
I don't get u? late on weeKda\6. 1. ts I always I on Decembe r 25 I christmas Day
2. lget dressed in the bathroom. Lhristmab Da\ is always 0n December ?5.
3. My best f rie n d rid es a ye LLow b ike. 2, good programmes / are I sometimes lThere /
4. My mum sometimes has dinner with on TV
her friends.
5. My dad cooks very weLL. 3. usuaLLy / pLays I Danny I computer games /
after schooL
6. My friends go to bed at B o'clock.

Adverbs of frequencv 4. emaiLs / write I I lto my grandparents / often

Study the box.
5. ;;;;; / r;,; ; ;;.; ñ;; il;, /0,.,
Adverbs of f req uency go after the verb
to be and before other verbs.
6. Late for school. / on Monday morn ing I
He is sometimes Late for school.
always larelWe
He usuaLty goes to the cinema.

) See Grammar Reference 2, Extra practice book, p. ó ffiilllliii ffirM

100 G) a. Think of things you do. TeLL
your classmate about them.
1. I always...
2. I usua LLy ...
3. I ofte n
4. I sometimes ...
5. I never ...
b. Now telt the class about
your classmate.
?edro alwap does hn homeworK.


ffis$*rlbm ffi $p#ffil*l CmV O @ 13 Listen again and write the

activities that were not inctuded in
O Find these things in the pictures. Exercise 2.
et u? aI b:V7,
. candles o apresent
o aballoon o acake
o a sleeping bag o pancakes

n @ @ M Listen to lmran and Jenny

O @ Listen to Bianca and Selena
describing their birthdays a nd write
and put the activities in the order
Bianca does them. There is one extra each name next to the correct picture.
activity in the tist below. Which is it?
o brush my teeth o
o have a snack o
o do my homework o
I watch TV o
o put on my pyjamas o
. do the dishes o
o take a shower o


Tclk sbmut urhat Veu LArant

to do 0n Vsur next birthd#V
() a. @ rc Listen to Nicote and ALex
answering questions about their
birthdays. Complete the sentences.
1. NicoLe ceLebrates her birthdaywith
2. ALex ceLebrates his birthday with

b. @ 17 Listen again and match.

1. On her next birthday, NicoLe wants to
2. On his next birthday, ALex wants to
Q, O
o. Listen to music d. have a burger
and dance €. hang around
b. go to a shopping aLL day
centre f. invite friends and
G. eat pizza have a party

O a. TaLk about your next birthday, Say

what you want to do and what you
don't want to do.

.my nort birthda,¡, I don't want to got u?

earl,¡. I want to gü u? late.

b. Write about your classmate.

$ofía doesn't want to got u? earl,¡,
íhe wants to goI u? láte.

O Think about the foLLowing speciat

O @ 15 Listen aga¡n and choose the days and discuss the fotlowing
correct answer. questiof'15.

1. lmran wakes up al ó.00 / 7.00.

2. He has pancakes and chocolate /
oApril oJune20 oseptember2l
ice cream.
oMay25 rJuLy9 .December25

3. He has breakfast in bed / tne kitchen.

4. 0n her birthday, -Jenny usuaLLy has a 1. What do we celebrate this day?
sleepover / nig party. 2. How do you ceLebrate it at schooL?
5. Jenny and her f rien ds go danctng / dance |h 3. Which one is your favourite day? Why?
Jenny's bedroom.
6, They aLso watch a DVD / go to the ctnema.
7. They have pizza or sandwiches / burgers.
Student B: tu rn to pa ge 7 4.


Write ü description Read the text and choose the correct

of ü tr¡p¡cal dory connectors.

Subjects in sentences 3
Remember that in EngLish every
sentence has a su bject.
o The subject usuatLy goes right
before the verb.
. The subject can be a noun or a
pronoun. Tom

G} Look at the text again and answer

O UnderLine the verbs and circLe the the fotlowing questions.
subjects in the sentences.
1. What time does Tom get home?
1. 0g, to bed at 10.00
lle gott home ai
2. My brother goes to bed at 11.00.
3. He's aLways Late for school. 2. What does he taLk about with his mother?

4. 0n Fridays, schooL starts at 8.00.

5. Anna and Sarah never have breakfast.

he Listen to music?
6. She doesn't have lu nch at home.

4. What does he do bef ore he goes to bed ?

Co n necto rs
Fi rst, Then, After thaf an d Finally are
o Use connectors to show the order
in which things happen and to
make ideas clearer for the reader.
. Use a comma [, ] after connectors.

O Which connectors are in togicat

1. First, ... Then, ... After that, FinaLLy,
Now write a paragraph about a day
2. First, ... Then, ... FinaLLy, ... After that, in your [ife. You can write about
3. First, ... After that, ... Then, ... FinaLLy, a typical weekday IMonday to Fridty)
4. Then, First, ... After that, FinaLLy, or a typicat Saturday or Sunday.

Prezi presentation of an important
Let's complete the Project tosl<!
O ruo* that you have chosen a special day and you have photos and music for
your presentation, you are atmost ready! Choose the photos that you tike the
most. Then, decide in which part of the presentation you want to play the song you

O W Labet the photos. Use arrows and brackets for elements that you want to
hightight. For instance, if you wear a costume on the special day you witt taLk
about, labet the costume in the photo. The more you describe, the better.

O ,W Show your presentation to the ctass. List al.l. the activities you do that day
and point out your favourite ones!
@ Don't forget to bring your computer or tabtet! Make sure that everybody can
have a look at it.

tatk about habits and routines.

discuss good and bad habits.
tatk about speciaI days and cetebrations in different countries.
reflect about theimportance of keeping famiLy and national. traditions.
ask and te[[ how often peopl.e do things.
ask and telt when peopte do things.
prepare a Prezi presentation.


9th JuLy is a nationaL hoLiday. Students don't go to schooL and many peopte
don't work. 0n this day, peopLe get together with their famiLies. Some stay
$.^+,*" at home and some others go to the city centre to watch the parades. Th"r.

are many traditions! Food, drink and dance are very important!

Many people decor-ate their windows or baLconies wlth the nationaLfLag

They love doing that. ln many houses,
they get together to cook traditionaL
dishes, such as fried saLty pastries
and carbonada, which is made with
maize, meat, sweet potatoes and a
dash of chiLLi, that adds a spicy flavour
to the dish. lt is deLicious and perfect
for winter! ln the afternoon, peopLe
and sweet pastries as wetl
as many other types of-r cakes.

Long live the land of the free)


Read the text and answer the @ Reread the text. True or faLse?
q uestions. Correct the false statements.
1. When is lndependence Day?
1. 0n 9th JuLy peopLe ceLebrate that they
are free from the king of EngLand.
2. Many famiLies cook deLicious dishes on this
2. How do peopLe ceLebrate it?
day, such as sa Lty pastries a nd carbonada .

3. ChiLdren g0 to schooL on 9th JuLy.

3. Which dishes do famiLies cook?
O What do you do on 9th JuLy? Do you
celebrate ¡t? How?

p Tatk about animals and their habits
b Tatk about what animals can do
p ExpreEs what we must or mustn't do
B Describe anima[s
b Ask and answer questions about animats
p Write signs for a natural reserve

O "ffi Look at ift. pictur:es and find'
1. apet: - 5.
6. a n i nsect:
3. a wiLd animaL: 7. a mammal:
4. a bird: .

O ffi What anima[[sl,..

1. can fly? 1, has got colourfutfeathers?
2. ca n swim ? 5. ca n't wa tk ba ckwa rd s ? -
3. can't watk?

Let's ptay a gorTl€: Guess the an¡mal

You wit[ be creating a matching memory game with cards for different animats.

Previe# 0n one of the matching cards, you shoutd include as many details as you can about the animat.
The other card witthave a photo of the animat. The ptayerwho cottects more cards is the

Look for tips on how to buiLd your on p.33 You wiLL complete the project on p 37

Animals snd onimal pc¡rts Verbs for thlngs ünirnals do
O a. CLassify the animals into three O Read the sentences and discover the
g rou ps. meaning of the verbs in italics.
1. Scorpions ide under stones or in the sand.
r fly c bear . aftt ü butterfly They sting insects to kiLL them.
c bee o horse ü sheep s monkey n
2. Foxes adapf to their ha bitat. They ca n Live in
I p1g o camel o cow o mosquito cold p[aces. Arctic f oxe s hibernate in winter.
g tr-oi1 r chicken r tiger c elephant f
3. Birds don't Like coLd weather. They migrate
to wa rm p l.a ces in winte r. H
4. Birds usuaLLy build nests in trees. They
aren't mammaLs. They lay eggs. t
5. Snakes hunf mice and other smaLL animaLs.
They bite their prey to k¡LL it.

@ CompLete the sentences w¡th verbs

b. Add two more animals to each from Exercise 3.
g rou p.
1. ln winter, bears

O a. Say the names of the an¡mals in 2. Ea g Les ofte n nests in rock

the pictu res. formations.
3. Tig e rs for food.
b. Use your dictionary to match 4. Ants e9gs.
the words to the animal parts. 5. Smal.L insects usuaLLy
u nder stones.
o ta iL
o trunk o sca l.es

o feathers o bea k
o wrng Adjectives to describe
o horn o tongue o cLaws onimols
O Decide ¡f the adjectives express
positive or negative quatities. Write
+ or - in the boxes.

O aggressive
O friendly
o fast

O intettigent O porsonous
o quiet

O ctean stow
o noisy

O dangerous
O dirty
o so Lita ry

O Choose the correct option.

1. Some snakes are poisonous / dirty
2. Tortoises are slow / fast.
3. Cats are noisy / clean.
4. Bul.Ls are friendly / aggressive.
5. ButterfIies a re quiet / noisy.
6. Dogs are solitary / intetligent.


fuMmKws#nm,ffiffi. r*il*,btiÍlgF\
:YXl .-*
lHang pwwp$w w$w&&#wg &smw€wwffi#w www** Kwwwm *fuw wwwwwÉry
They usually move in packs and
until &fumry ffimfuw w ww$ff&w w&&fu m q,wsmkfuw.
dig tunnels through vegetation for
The quokka is a marsupial. Female quokkas have got a pouch hiding and sleeping. People are
to carry their babies (called 'joeys) for seven months. Then, the desüroying their habÍtat, so they are
babies become independent, Quokkas have only one joey a year. endangered.
They are 40 to 54 cm long with a25 to 50 cm tail. They have got a
Tourists love taking photos with them because they have
sodry body, with a short, broad head and rounded ears. They look
a permanent grin and, most importantly, they dont mind posing for
like a very small kangaroo. They can hop and they can also climb
pictures. Tourists can take photoq but they mus0rt touch quohtas
small trees. Their fur is grialed brown.
because it is illegal. A¡ld they musürt feed quokkas either. lt can
Quokkas live in island swamp$ off the coast be dangerout botlr for the animals (they can die) and for the
of West Australia, mainly on Rothest lsland tourisb. Quokkas bite dozens of people each year, usually children.
and Bald lsland, and also in eucaffius lnjuries are not serious and they usually happen accidentally wlren
,;.. foresb and riverbank on land. They eat the animals try to take snads out of kids' hands. Anotlrer danger
ii" peppermint and eucalyptus leaves, as quoktas face is predators. Foxes and domestic cab hunt them,
well as oürer greens, They store fat
At the momenf, tlrey are in special reserves to protect them from
in üreir tails for times when
dangers. Luckily, their smile still appea$ in many photos.
they can't find food.

previousl f ?" 3 4 5 lnext

O Read the article and tabeL the parts O Answer.

of the quokka's body. 1. Why are quokkas famous?
2. Are they simiLar to rats? Why lWhy not?
3. Are they simiLar to kangaroos?
Why / Why not?
4. Why are they endangered?
5, Why do they store fat in their taiLs?
6. Where do they sleep?
7. What do they eat?
8. What can thev do?

O Read again and comptete the chart.
@ Are there any quokkas in
Argentina? Do you tike them?

O Which wiLd animals are typicat

in you r cou n try?

() Which is your favourite animat?

What is ¡t Like? What else

do you know about ¡t?

Present simple - yes / no questions, short onsuers ü
ond uh- questions n
Study and comptete the tabl.e.
Do you Like animals? Yes, Ido. Where do they tive?
No, - -.---
I int
he tike animats? Yes, he 0o"".- Where does he see them?
No, she doesn't. What __,__ it eat?

) See Grammar Reference 3, Extra Practice book, p. 10

O Write questions about the
kkas. Use wh ere, wh dt ,
why and how many. n
l. What isaquokka?AmarsupiaL.
2. do they Live? ln swamps.
@ 18 Listen to the pronunciation
3. are quokkas an endangered
of does and doesn't, and repeat. n
species? Because people are destroying
Does she work in a zoo? Yes, she does.
their habitat. Does she like al.l. the animals? No, she
4. joeys do they have a year? One. doesn't. ffi
5. do they Live now? ln speciaL

6. months do they carry their

babies? Seven months.
O Read the tabl,e about Pete r Jackson,
a forest ranger.Write questions and
answers. 5t
Does he ?rovont f¡rss? Yes, he does.

O Ask and answer the questions.

lf necessdry, reread the article
on page 31. prevent fires

1. tourists feed the quokkas? wear a uniform

A: Do tourísts feed the quoKKa* hunt animals

9: Ye6, the'¡ do. work with firefighters

2. Leopards hunt them?
protect the environment
3. quokkas Like snacks?
feed anima[s
4. quokkas have a permanent
sm ile?

5. quokkas eat meat?

6. speciaL reserves take
care of them?
7. - they Live in deserts?

@ Read and compLete the interview. b. Complete the sentences about
tourists and what they must or
INTERVIEWER: So Robby, teLL us about your day.
mustn't do.
What time [yo u I get up)?
ROBBY: I get up very early. 1.

INTERVIEWER: Where lyou / make) your 2. They g ive food to

f iLms? the quokkas.
ROBBY: We fiLm the animaLs in their naturaL 3. They readthesignsin
hab itat. naturaL reserves.
INTERVIEWER: What animals 3 [you I 4, Snacks attract quokkas, so kids
be aLert.
ROBBY: B irds a nd ma m ma Ls.

INTERVIEWER: [you / Like) one bird () Choose the correct opt¡on.

1. Quokkas can I can'f Live in humid areas.
ROBBY: Yes, lLove the giant condor.
2. You must lmustn'f respect nature.
INTERVIEWER: Where tit / tiveJ?
3. Quokka s can I can'f fly.
ROBBY: ln the Andes.
ó- 4. Quokka s can I can'f survive for days without
INTERVIEWER: What lit / hunt and eat)?
ROBBY: It7 [eat) dead animals, so it
5. You must I mustn'f touch these animats.
tnot hunt).
INTERVIEWER: What animals e /
I Like aLL kinds of animaLs but
[you likeJ?
O Write things you can and can't do.
ROBBY: Then ask your classmate questions.
Like mosquitosl They love ffie, but I

hate them !
I can 6wim . Can you swím?

con / con't / must / mustn't @ i'#ft";H?lr with can, can't,

Study and comptete the table.

You remember the rules when you
go to the countryside. You feed wild
animals. They find and hunt for their
Aff¡rmative Aff¡rmative
own food. You a - . take wild animals home.
Quokkas can climb. L " read the signs.
A fox hunt a quokka. You must obey the rules. They survive if you take them from

Negative Negative
their habitat. Some animal.s are dangerous, so you
lcan't fcannotJ dig tree lmustn't Imust notJ feed aLways be carefuL.
holes. the quokkas.
He ,---survive You , touchaquokka.
without food.

) See Grammar Reference 3, Extra Practice book, p. 10

O a. Complete the sentences about

quokkas and what they can or can't

2. Domestic cats hunt them.

3. They Live in swamps.


De$rribe ffintrnmls b. @ 20 Listen again and read the

statements below. True or fa[se?
O a. Use the names below to tabet
the pictures. What do these anima[s
have in common?
1. They taLk about bees and wasps.
2. There is more than one kind of bee.
3. lf a bee stings you, you mustn't take the
stinger out. o
4. Tom Likes animaLs. o
O @ 21 Listen to the first part of the
radio programme and answer the
b. What poisonous or dangerous q uestions.
animals are there in your count ry?
1. What country rs the man in?
O a. @ n Listen to the conversation. 2. what are the three very poisonous animaLs?
What animaL do they talk about?
3. Where exactly is he?
Circle the correct option.
4. What does he want to see?
a. wasp b. mosquito c. bee

b. Use the data in Exercise 5a to
describe the redback sp¡der.

Ask ctnd ünsluer qus$tions

0b0ut ernimals
O @ nListen to lmran and Jenny
ptaying a guessing game, and
choose the correct option. What is
the anima[?
1. lt Live s on land / in the sea.
2. lt's ra re / common.
3. lt's always white / lt has diff erent colours.
4. lt eats m eat, ruit and vegetables / only

5. ltcan/can'ffly.
6. lt's a mammal / A¡r¿.
7. lt's got our / two Legs.

Now write the questions for the

answers above.
1. Where ?

Whore does ít l¡vo?

2. lsit ?

3. What colou r ?

4. What ?

@ @ 22 Listen to the next part of 5. Canit ?

the programme and compLete the 6. lsit ?
7. Hasitgot ?
1. These spiders have got a

2. They are very O Phy the animat guessing game.

3. You can find them in your
classmate questions.
4, They Like to cLimb into o r into doos ít eat?

5. lf this spider bites you, you must go to run?


O a. Comptete the sentences with ínsect?

information from the programme.
1. Youcan't theredbackspiders
very weLL, because they are very smaLL.
to page71.
3. Redbackspidershave teeth. turn to page 73.

ttJrite s¡gns for o noturül @ Punctuate the foLl.owing naturaI
f"esgrve reserve signs. Put fuLL stops,
commas, exclamation marks and
question marks. Use capita[ letters
where necessary.

We use a fu[[ stop t ] at the end of a

sentence. We use commas [,] to separate
items in a List. We aLso use a comma
before and after for example.
There are many dangerous animals tn
the ocean, f or example, sharks, stingrays
and blue ring octopuses.

O Put four fuLt stops in th¡s text. Don't

forget the capitaL letters.
A text with no stops is very difficuLt to read
we don't know where one sentence ends and
another begins you must put the fuLL stops in the
right pLace a text with fuLL stops is easy to read

d Put eight commas in th¡s text.

There are thousands of different types of birds
for exampLe the ostrich eagLe seaguLL and parrot.
They aLL have feathers but some of them can't fLy
for example ostriches penguins and emus.

O Now create your own sign. Use the
information about the quokkas that
We use an exclamation mark [!J to show you have. Remember to use ful.t
surprise or for emphasis. stops, commas, exclamat¡on marks
Stop I and question marks. Draw the
We use a question mark [?J at the end
animal or look for a picture.
of a question.
What is a mammal?

O Put an !or an?at the end of these

1. Can we camp here

2. Don't enter

3. Be carefuL
4. Do naturaL reserves have forest rangers

5. What does "poisonous ean

6. Watch out


b Ta[k about ptaces in town

p Ta[k about what you do in town
a t
Describe what peopte are doing

Shop for different items

p Make suggestions
p Make arrangements
b Write a description of a scene

;,;.i.i;ii..ri:;iiir1',i::::..1,: j;ii.Í:t::ilr-::r;ii ::i:t'.ij,i;:;;.i;.:l

& H3 #*"'
r-e &J k,
rhr ¡|i' u '



O uoot<.. t
1, a baker's o 4.a f a st f o'od rosta u r:ant o 7, a M USCUM o
2"a bank o ¡ fl"ower shop
5.a o 8.a '.,
newsa:grén,t s
' o
o o ' "'


3"a che m ist's 6. a gfigengfOC'ef, 5.,, ",,


9.a pLanetarium

O aro*hi
G} Match the qúotes to thé ptaces.
1. Mum loves flowers. | ,always buy her
a rose for her birthday.
o 5. T-hey show yoü the sky and the stars
You can touch them!
2. l'm on a diet, but croissants
o :l
6; There

arre a Lot of antiquss They " l

o t

3. I usuaLLy go for dad's newspaper ó 7. People deposit money there. o

on Su ndays.
4. We must eat heatthy food. Fr.uit o
8. We sometimes go for a cheeseburger
on Saturday evening.
is g reat


Where do you usuaLl,y go? What db yrou'do there? Wh'lch ptaces are near yoü?

r$ !
'.-- S l



Let's play a gsrTl€: Guess the place in town

You wiLL be creating a guessing game about different pLaces in your town.

,$ One card shoutd inctude a description of the place and the other its photo. The ptayer who matches
:.r' more cards is the winner!

Look for tips on how to buitd your project on p. 43. You wi[tcompLete the project on p.47.

Plsce$ and activities in town Í
@ loot< at the picture and answer the questions. Then number the pictures. You wiLt
not use aLl. the pictures.
Where can you ...? Oil'i
,:, l,t l I
1. get money il
2. see an art gallery
3. borrow a book +li: i

4. order a coffee 'l

5. buy food
+t r.
6. buy a dress lmm


7. study .q*;"',-+

8. send maiL k
9. see a pl"ay IMtfr

10. buy some painkiLLers

1 1. book a room for the
12. buy schooL suppLies

O @'o Listen to the sentences and

num ber the conversat¡ons.
o. clothes shop O @ a. Ask your classmate questions
about places in town he / she goes to.
b. internet café ó
G. bank O A: Do you go to the tu?ormarKot to bry
d. shopping centre O
€. hairdresser s O
A. \/^,.
Yos, II nn.n¡Li.a¡a
sometimes go
-^ wíth
my mother.
f. cinema O
g. DVD shop O b. Test your memory.Take turns to
h. Lib ra ry O cover the picture in Exercise l and r
answer questions about ¡t. lI
¡. supermarket o it

A: Where's the theatrs?


O ln your notebook, write sentences
about ptaces in town you go to. Use 9: lt's nert fu the musoum.
the activities in the box below. A: Where's the banK?

9: lI's betwsen the hotel and the

s seeafilm o buypresents lu?ormarKü.
s hang out o pay bills
with f riends € ta ke the dog for c. Draw a map of your
a rent a DVD a walk
s go on Line neighbourhood. lnclude important
e buy a magazine
ptaces and tabel them.

I often go to the cínema Io 800 a filrn.


O Read the text. What is it about?

Do you like hanglng out with friends? llavepu {ottwo hour¡ to rpare?
The Science lnteractive Flu¡eum i¡ a wonderfuloption
This is not your typiealCI:u:ew wkre you<in @ok¿t ilrgdffi¡n *f@m i,á,ii', tüu$ifm.l-i
[:e you curious abont la'turál pheno,menal Jurt pláy'a bit ¿nd you can]fi¡drtk,'@n Vou$a bükNg for. ..
,,'r ,

Learning can be really fun!

lhere are different ro0m5 on the two floon of the buildinq:

l. Visual perceptlüú;*léieae'éxperÍmeolr,about yisual imágel, eoloutt rnovement5, <ontradictory images and many otffi '',

Z. l,lechanics. Touchá6,&.1hti.¡gji.ffi:Tdüirtill¿iscover many law.l',gi..mÓlio*,,i.,,,, '1"'{i'

3. Tech. Dixover how radars detect planes and forms. Learn what s¿teHiterare all about. Use a 6P5 ¿nd understand how it works.
4. llu¡ic, waves and ¡ound. What are sounds? Llsten and see the Er¡¡dtl
5. Light. Play with instruments to see how light influences,our penqi&q:dthingl
6. Electicity. You can exp-erirnent?''safe'-eJe<{itdifrótk, create p-ui cnvn blettr,ic ci(iifi play with magnets and many other activities.

7. Art. What is art? Learn about its hi*ory. Touch and feel textures. Ló¿rn abont styles and tmüniques.
ldentifydifferent¿rtperiod5. i..,.!" i.. . lt'. ,;

8. Math¡. How does it influence our lives? Experiment with it ¿nd become its friend!

9. l{aturalforces.Whatishappeninqwiththeclimate?Whydoestheweaffichanqe}sftatprwokesformsandthunders?
Observe, listen and learn. You (an move freely about the rooms. 0ur belief is that we learn by doing.

@ OUr.*e and match the Logos to the O WftV is the UNESCO Logo in the
rooms in the museum. a rtic[e?

@ Write six things you can do in

f. Él
gii Hi:
this museum. Which one is your
f avou rite?

O Do you tike going to museums?

() what kind of museums do you

O Are there any museums in your

town tik. the one in the article?


Freserlt r#ffit*nu#u$ f
Study and comptete the tab[e.

) See Grammar Ref erence 4, Extra Practice book , p. 1L
O a. Match the peopte to the activities. b.

What are the peopte in the

1. buyi ng a 3. waLking her dog o pictures doing? Ask and answer.
d ress 4. Learning Maths o A: What aro Mel and gecca doing?
2. waiting for 5. having Lunch o 9: -[he,¡'re
bu,¡íng a dress.
the bus 6. fixing a car o @ CompLete the telephone
MeL and Becca
conversation with the present
continuous form of the verbs. !
Mum: HeLLo. Anna. What 1 aro you doing
[yo u I dol?
Anna: Hi, Mum ! We [shop)
in town.
Mum: Where are you?
Anna: We 3 [waLk] aLong
High Street now.
Mum: ls there music?

the shopp¡ng centre

Mum: And what 5 tCharlie / dol?
Anna: He [shop) with his friends.

sports things.
Mum: e [yo u I buy) expensive things?

Inot I tpend] aLL my money.

Mum: Anna, can you hear me?
Anna: No, the battery on my phone
Irun] out. See you Later. Bye!

O a. Order the words to make questions. A lot af / some / anv + form$
1. / now I p"rents I you r I workin g I ?
Are Study the box.
2. boa rd lthe teacher I ls I on the I wriling I ?
some / a lot of + aff irmative forms
3. Are I tpeaking lwe / English I now I ?
There are a [ot of / some sandwiches.
4. you r I in town / Are I school f riends / There is a lot of lsome cheese.
shopprn g I ? any + negative & interrogative forms
5. Listening to lyou / tf,e teach er I Are I ? There aren't any appLes. / There isn't any juice.
Are there any sweets? / ls there any milk?

b. Ask and answer the questions.

A lof #f / sorns / an7 /
Countoble ünd o{n} + Roun$
uncountcIble noun$
Study the tabte. a lot of / some / any + pLuraL countabLe
nouns & uncountable nouns
some I any / a lot of banan as lwater

alan] * singuLar countabLe nouns

a I biscuit
one mitk a banana
two biscuits tffi mi[l&
) See Grammar Reference 4, Extra Practice book, p. 15

) See Grammar Reference 4, Extra Practice book, p. 15

O Look at the picture of the

@ Jenny and lmran are cooking w¡th ingredients Jenny and lmran are
Jenny's aunt. They are using some us¡ng. Choose the correct word.
of these ingredients. CountabLe or
1. Jenny and lmran are cooking
@l ,
uncountabl.e? Write C or U. chicken.
2. They nee d some / a garlic.
3. Also they are chopping some / a onions.
4. ls there any/ some fish on the table?
5. There are a lot of / any tomatoes.
6. They don't need to buy some / any other
7, They don't have some / any fizzy drinks to drink.

1 . a p p Les @ 6, garlic o Game; Guess the ptace

in town
2. avocados o 7. meat o
3. cheese o 8. miLk o Decide which pLaces in town you
want to describe in your cards.
4. chicken o 9. onions o Look for photos of peopLe in them.

5. eggs o 10. tomatoes o Use the activities in Exercise 1 as

reference to describe what people are doing

each place.


Shop for rCifferent items @ @" Listen and match the

conversations to the shops.
O Name the different ptaces you see in
1. Conversation o
?. Pha rmacy
the picture. What can you do in each 1

of them? 2. Conversation 2 o b. Library

3. Conversation 3
ü c. CLothes shop
O @" Listen and cross out the items
that the boys buy. Which ones aren't
they buying? O @ "Listen again and choose the
correct option.

Conversation 1

1. Rose: wonts to buy a white / grey dress.

2. lt's 12 / 20 pounds.

Conversation 2

3. Ben and CaroLwant a classic / comic.

O@', 4. lt's on th e Sth / ]th shelf
1 .

1. Tim s mum wants to make a f ruit salad. O

2. She needs the fruit for Susy's birthday. o Conversation 3

3. Sam and Tim have to buy ten oranges. o 5. She buys 20 / l0 aspirins.
4. They have to buy miLk and water, o 6. Beth pays 1 I / 13 pou nds f or both items.


Mlake $ugge$tions
O a. Match the suggestions [1-41 to
the answers fa-dl.
1. What about going to the cinema? o
2, Why don't we have a drink? o
3. ShaLL we Look at the shops? o
4. Let's go home. o
o. 'm n of ve ry t h irsty.

b. 0K, I'm tired too.

G. Yes Why don't we go t o Tara f irst?
d. 0K. What f ilm shaLL we see?

b. @ 30 Listen and check.

O Take turns to suggest these

activities to your classmate.
A: Why don'! tv& have a firu?
9: üood idea! l'm hungryl

O @ 2e Listen one more time and

compLete the conversation in the
clothes shop. have a pizza go skateboar-ding

Rose: Have you got this dress in1

Assista nt: Yes, it's over there. What 2

do you need?

Rose: , pLease. p Lay f ootba LL

Assista nt: Here you are.

an rce cream
Rose: It is very nice. How is it?

Assista nt: It's on

Rose: That's good. I'LL take it. go to the park

Assista nt: 0K, perfect! That's 12 pounds then. go to the

shopping centre
Rose: Here you

Assistant: Thanks for buying. Have a


Rose: Bye.


t¡Jnits ffi de$*ription mf # s##ne



Articles: Indefinite la lanl Pronoun rgfgrence =¿¡*+*

and definite ftnel Use a / on + noun the first time you
Use a / or-t + noun the f irst time you mention someone or something
mention someone or something Then usea pronoun lnelshelitl
Then use the + noun. they)
Ther,e is a man and a woman. There is a teenage girl..
The áis carrying a shopp¡ng bag sh.1í-ui-ng on the phone.

O Corptete the description with a, an O for each first sentence f 1-31 find a
or the. second sentence [a-cl.

1. There is a beautifuLcLothes shop. o
This photo of

2. There is a woman in red.

important museum in Amsterdam,
Rijksmuseum. lt is a very big
3. A boy and a girL are crossing the street. o
o. She is Looking at a shop window.
p[ace. lt is close to Van Gogh
b. They ar-e Laughing.
Museum. lf you go, you can Learn about c. lt is closed.
art and history of Amsterdam.
O Now it's your turn!
t Read the description in Exercise 1 again.
Lot of peopLe.They are waLking around and
& Get a mag azine and choose two photos with
taking photos next to B
three or more peopLe in them. Cut them out.
"l Love Amsterdam siqn. PeopLe from aLL over Choose a photo and describe it. Use the
present continuous.
world visit this pLace.
t Use a, an, the and pronouns correctLy.
Al"so, there islo artificiaLLake ü Then, sit in groups of three. DispLay the
in the middLe of the picture. lt seems to be six photos. Read your description for your
cloudy day. cLassmates to guess the photo you are

D c

Úi¿fút informotion

O Read the articl,e about the @ Read the articl,e again. Complete
Ptanetarium and correct the the cha rt.
Name of the rTlus€urTl:
1. The PLanetarium is far from the city of
Buenos Aires.

2. It is a pLace where you can Learn about UsefuI to learn about:


3. The activities are onLy for aduLts.

4. There is a bank next to the museum. O Do you Like the stars? Which is your
favourite ptanet? What do you want
to learn about them? WouLd you Like
to visit this ptace?

O Choose the correct opt¡on.
Sandra: Hi! What lare you doing / do you do?
Victoria: l2'm Looking / Iook al my hotiday photos. 3Do you / Are you wanlto join me?
Sandra: Ohl aWhat / Where are you in this photo?
Victoria: sThey/Weareatthelguazú park.6t'm/lt'sanatunatreserye.YouTcan/mustseewitd
animals there.
Sandra: EHow many/ How much kinds of animats are there?
Victoria: There are eany/ a lof. You l,mustn't / must touch them because they are dangerous.
I lllike /'m liking Ihe colourf uI birds with long l2beaks / mouths,

Sandra: 13What
/ Who is lhis?
Victoria: He's my brother Francisco. Helaftshes / is fishing in the river near the hoteL. He 15is
/ does
very Lucky. He aLways 16is catching / catches big f ish.
5a nd ra: ls this your mother?

Victoria: Yes! She lTdoesn't like/ isn't likingwild Life. She lsprefers/ is preferring going shopping. ln
this photo, shelebuys/isbuying a t-shirtforgrandpa aitthe2oflower/clothesshop.
Sandra: 0hl lt's late. I must leave. See you tomorrow.

f) Correct the foLLowing informat¡on about Victoria. 120


2. The famiLy are at the cinema.

3. There are a lot of pets at the lguazú Park.

5. Victoria's brother Loves hunting.

O Put the words from the box in the correct column.

o aggress¡ve r poisonous I claw r sheep . climb

. feathers r Lion . fly I etephant

W¡td animaLs Farm animals Pa rts of an ima Ls What animals do What animaLs are Like

@ Corptete the phrases with words from the box. Then, match.

. buy I choose o o bse rve ü pay o see

1. a magazrne
o a. Grocer'S
2. oLd things from our history
o b. Museum
3. the stars 4
o c. CLothes shop

4. f or a dress o d. PLa n eta riu m

5. some apples
o €. Newsagent's 110
Total / 50

p Tatk a'b'out use,s,of Computers and mobite pho,nes

b Describe personality
b Tatk about whát'peopte usuá'lt¡¡,do ]r

F TaLk about what people are doing

p Compare what peopLe are doing with what they
usual,Ly do
p Ask about a person
F Writeades.iiptiónofapicture..l

O LooK ar rne prcrures ano matcn.
1. Facebook o 6. smartphone o
2. chat o 7. video conference o
3. on l.ine video o 8. photo o
4. dictionarvt o g. message
5. La pto p o 10. search engine o
O gx.Wiii¿tr s items m"nr¡pn.d+fi ;?
O = ¡1ow do you usuaLty contact your friends?

L Do you use thé interne! to do Vor¡llhái'.mi¡*r¡



Let's create a Pecha Kucha presentation!

ln groups of 5, you witl be creating a piesentation about techno[ogicaI devices.
Previe# You should inctude 20 pictures with descriptions.

Look fortips on howto buitd your project on p. 55. You wil.tcomptete the project on p. 59.

Use$ of c*rffiputerm mnd Adj#*tñvem #f p#r$#ffiffi$ütry f,
srnurtphmn#s Study the box.
Circte the activities that can only be
He's good.
done using the internet.
She's a kind person.
1. calL f riends 9. send text messages
2. d o resea rc h 10. send Whatsapp
3. ed it p h otos m essa g es O Match the emojis to their meaning.
O. 11, take a selfie
5. play onLine games 12. u pdate you r status
6. post photos on socia L networks qi+ ,
+Í¡ li¡

7. scan a QR code 1 3. use Facebook

8. send an audio 14. use GPS apps to get
message to a place
O Use four activities from Exercise 1 fÍ*u l$+i
I ' tir¡ , f.íir;

to complete the texts. More than one r-\ññ "dh*


option is possib[e. ':iPi!,1¡+",*,

***Uffi {b,\M,,".
--*,,tgiiutt$$$,,fl )



'T xi\i,¡i",,*".

1. angry
2. coo L
o €
3. crazy
Kevin 's favourite possession is his tabLet. He 4. excited
o €
Loves pLaying with his friend, Tom. He aLways 5. happy
U SCS it to rPlaY }nl¡no g\m7-s- He usually 6. sad
o I
in the afternoon. He aLso 7. sLeepy

in touch with his friends.

8. worried
@ Use some of the adjectives
in Exercise 3 to complete the
Chatting with Max is fun. He types very quickLy
and he Loves emojis. He sends emojis when he

Kristie has a new mobiLe. She doesn't the sungLasses. When someone says something
ocall her friendg, but she aLways uses it to
weird, he sends the upside down face, which

out Loud when he sends the emoji with the Zs,

posts them on the internet and shares them
with her f riends.

O Look at the text. How oLd are the peopte who write?

ls ICT* good or bad? Share your opinion, What do yor;.,ggg$.ffi

.,. , , ,rl: r,il , ,:, .rt

mds&hffiMmC.hre,n Ñürird;,-dr"r ra{Ir*ffiffi Hffi

t ar hpme.l

ir,:r i! ii ir !r:i : i: iir'¡i ii il ¡fi ii iriri:r :.li l ll i. i,:]l.it ¡1L; ;;ii¡

and Communication Techno|ogy

O neaO the entries. ln your opinion, are O tru. or fatse?

the op¡nions positive or negative?
1. Joaquín doesn't have a smartphone. @
O Complete the chart. 2. He Likes Whatsapp because he
doesn't have to pay.
3. He doesn't have an M P3 pLayer.
4. ALicia uses the internet to get
information. o
5. She wants a tabLet. o
6. Eugenia loves her notebook. o
7. She posts photos on socia L networks. o
G) Answer. Who... 8. GracieLa doesn't work in an office. o
1. is doing school work
with ICT? 9. She plays video games. o
'. .J
2. do es n't a Lways u se I CT?

3. is pLanning a visit? O What is your parents' op¡nion

about ICT?
4. doesn't Like sociaL networks?
O Do you th¡nk ICT can be
da ngerous?
5. wants to buy a tabLet?
O What can you do to be safe?

Present sirnple und pre$ent continuou$ C
Study and complete the tab[e.

laLways use Facebook. Today I'm Twitter.

He online every day. He's pLaying with a ChiLean friend right now.
We watch a film once a week. We watching a comedy now.
She aLways chats with her friends. She isn't with a stranger.
Do you usuaLLy post comments? you posting a comment now?

) See Grammar Ref erence 5, Extra Practice book, p. 1B

Read the time expressions. Put them

in the correct column.
o sentencesthecomparing
Look at pictures write
and c
o ln!gto)oa
d¡ ly.
* nght_n€+¡# s etweys i now s usua LLy ü
o every day r today r once a week roa Íast'in
in rh o KiIchen,
ng ib,roakKfae ,l
fa etin bed

T o day
always right now ri*


@ Compl.ete with the present simpte or e ¿

the present continuous form of the
1. He usuaLLy Iuse] tne GPS to go
to a new pLace but today he Iask]
for heLp.

2. lalways [send) text messages,

but now I [record] an audio
m essa g e.

status on sociaL networks every d ay?
B:Yes, she
selfie and
tsayJ where she is,

but today she [do] a Science
project a nd she ca n't post a nyth i ng.
B: Right now I tplayl online
games and I [tistenJ to music.
5. Mymumusually
@ Ask and answer the foLLowing
[google) qu estio ns.
everything she [want) to Learn
1. What do you usuaLLy do on weekdays?
about. But today, she [n ol I have)
2. What a re you doing now?
an internet connection, so she
3. What activities do you do oncea week?
Iread] an encycLopedia. When? Are you doing them today?

O Correct the errors. There can be O Choose the correct opt¡on.
more than one in each sentence. t. ,"@ alwaysis on his mobile.
1. Jimmy de his Maths homework without his 2. She neve r send / sends an audio message.
caLculator. 3. TaLk to me / me. Stop Looking at the screen.
2. At the moment, he are doing mentaL maths. 4. UsuaLLy, when Jimmy is sleepy, he is / gets
He very good at it! angry easiLy.

3. H is teacher be very strict. 5. They are takrng / tat<e a seLfie.

4. She doesn't wants his students to have their 6. She is havi ng / has Lunch with her mum
mobiLes on when she is giving a cLass. rig ht n ow.
5. Jimmy and his friends isn't happy about this. 7. There are a lot of / much videos to watch
6. They using their phones. onLine.

Obj#ct pron*um$ O Put the verbs in the correct tense.

Study the examples and complete * edit * Look 0 post

the ru [es. t have * ta+€

! want to see those photos. Can you show them to me?


prffi$T*?r$ffi object pronouns

) See Grammar Ref erence 5, Extra Practice book, p. 1 B

Underline the subject pronouns and

circLe the object pronouns. Lity 1¡6 taKíng a selfie She and her
friends 2 at the mobile s camera.
1. IlSy chat with@
2. Do you want to use it? She usually a picture once a
3. H. gave her a flower. week, and she usually o them
4. I'm Listening to you. before upLoading them. Now she
t 5.
We're writing to him.
lt's for them.
7. She's taLking to us.
8. They're Looking at you.

O Study and compLete the table.
Pecha Kucha
Decide which pictures you and your
team wiLL use. Each one of you has
to Look for 5 pictures of peopLe using irrtrttlr::ilrr¡:i li:::i

technoLogicaLdevices. You have to

describe what the peopLe in the pictures
are doing and what they usuaLLy dol

Use the activities in Exercises 2 and 3 as a

reference to describe the actions in Present
continuous and in Present simple.


ffimrmñffir"ffi usxhmt ñffimpfim b. Which devices haven't been

ffinffi #mfimffi wñth whrot thffiW mentioned?
uswffi$frW #m
O @ 32 Listen again and choose the
O Describe the peopte in the pictures.
correct answer.
fn pícIure A, Ihoro is a teenago boy. l1o is
1. Mark Likes doing his homework in the
Oa. @r' Listen to Mandy's
presentation. Tick t/l the devices a. Living room b. park
that she mentions.
1. mobiLe o
2, camera o a. ta b Let

3. Right now,
3. joystick o
4. ebook o a. studyi ng

4, Joanna is reading a
a seLfie

5. MP3 player o a.
6. La ptop o 5.
p Lay

7. TV set o Alexandra

8. games console o videos.

a. doesn't Like b. Likes


Ask sbout cl per$on

Listen to the questions and
answer using short answers.
Doee lvlandy ueually invils hvr frisnds?
Yss, ehe dost.

tu Stress on questions.
Listen and repeat.
What's his name?

Student A: turn to page 73.
a. Likes b. doesn't like
7. Mark and PauL's favourite pastime is Student B: turn to page 75.

a. video games b. online games

8. The boys playing an online game. O a. Practise the diatogue with a
a. are b. aren't c[assmate.

@ @ t'
A: What's your best friend s name?
Listen one more time. True or
B: M a ría.
fa lse?
A: What's she Like?
1. Mark doesn't Like going to the park. @ B: She s reaLLy friendLy.
2, Mandy thinks studying outdoors is duLL. o b. Practise the diatogue
3. Joanna reads pLays. o in
Exerc¡se 7a aga¡n, but this t¡me ask
4. Joanna thinks Maths is a difficuLt
o about the following peopte. Take
turns and switch roles!
5. Alexandra enjoys dancing. o
6. SoL is Ma ndy's best f riend. o o neighbour o grandmother I gr-andfather
7. Mark and PauLgo to the same schooL. o r PE teacher o Science teacher s cousin
8. They Like pLaying onLine games. o

ffiJn$tm ffi #msffirüpttmn mf a. Read the description on the

ffi pñmtur# notepad and find the foLtowing
1. Vicky's personaLity
2. the reason why she is Laughing t
This is o picture of mY

cousin VickY' b. Read the description again and f,

f ind examples of and , but, because
She is nice ond CriendlY'

She is reollY fun to be
withso v/e olwoYs hove
and so.
1 o greot time together'
is wotchln9 on online C
In the picturre, '!t thots;hishe is llut*:*-
;*ü;;Y' Tenses in descriptions
loptop uYtythere' Use the present continuous to describe
i She olwoys tokes her videos' ü
it to what the person is doing.
, she do"rnt olwoys use
lotch ,

To enrich your description, use the slmpLe

i reods online nev/s'
present to give reLated information about s
what the person aLways, usuaLLy or never

She is with her honds

on the rd becduse does.
;;;i, olro with o school'friend
"[o"'ng no
; FidoY ond she hos
Read the description one more time
f,"t"t".k lot next week!
and answer the questions.
1. What is Vicky Like?
2. What is she doing in the pictu re?
3. Which device does she take everywhere?
4. What does she use her computer f or?
5. ls she aLso chatting? Who is she chatting

Conjunctions: dttd, but, because and so

6. What day is it?
And introduc es extra information.
7. Does she have homework f or next week?
Vicky is reaily good at taking photos
and editing them. She has a good eye! O Now it's your turn!
& Get a picture of a friend using a
But introduces con trasting information.
technoLogical device. Write a description of
Martin takes his mobile everywhere
her / him
but h e isn't usin g it ri ght now.
Compare what she / he is doing in the
Because introduces a reason why. picture with what she / he aLways lusuaLLy
I can't text her because she hasn't d oes.
got a mobile. You can aLso use a picture from a magazine
5o introduces a consequence. and invent the inf ormation I

My computer is broken so I can't

Use these questions as a guide.
use it.
What is she / ne Like?
What is she / l',e doing in the picture?
What does she / he always I usuaLLy do?

b,, "Ta[k]aboüt forms of tr'ánsport
> Tatk about hotiday activities
> Describe a past hotiday
> PLan a trip
> Buy a ticket
> Write an informal email.


1. a family o 5. a beach o ,9. a,Lake', ' ,

2. a ticket o 6. 'a su itc,á'se o 10. an advert o
J.,i t mountai',n o 7,. alh,ot'gl r'
"' o Í'1r., a wito pl;ate o
4,'a'nucksack o 8. ,a bus" '

o 12. a tent o
O Complete the chart with ideas from this page.

O Tick t
' thé nictures that iepresent ¡rour

ideat ho[,iday.

@ l¡nderline in Exerc¡se 2 the items

that Would,b'e part of: y'our ideal

Let's tetl. a story about the best / worst experience of your life!

You wit[ be tel.Ling a story about an experience.

You should choose a picture and a matching song. Ask the music teacher for help,
if necessary.

Look for tips on how to bui[d your project on p. ó5. You wiU. comptete the project on p. ó9.

Fmrffiffi mf trmmspmrt Hmt¡dffiV ffitrtívtt$wm
@ U.t.tt the forms of transport to the @ U.t.h the activities to the icons.
pictu res.

1. bike
2. underground
3. car
G. coach
7, monoraiL
8. ferry
N@H@M s

4. taxi 9. usb

5. pLane h


O go to the beach walk around i@

O swim in the sea / o play board games rd

La ke I river o pLay footba LL f

O stay in a hotel o go camping t
O go horseriding o hire mountain bikes

O have a barbecue ffi



O a. Take the survey. Tick [/1. 1

1. How do you usuaLLy traveL on hoLiday? h
O by coach O by train

O by plane O by car
2. What do you usuaLty take in town?
O trains O taxis ü
O buses O the underground
3. Where do you go by bike?
O to the shops
O to school

O to the park O to my friends' houses

b. Ask a classmate the questions

in Exercise 3a and compare your
A: What do you usuall,¡ taKe in town? t
9: Trains and buses.

O Te[L a classmate what you do on

hoLiday. Say how often you do ¡t.

I usuall,¡ go lo the beach.

I somotímes go cam?¡ng.


Hftiipt r
.'.. ;'.i -,¡i11;fi',,,ffi*tt rri.',,i.;.;;¡,-.;',;;r.""+tiS*+ip+$i#t4x;:qr"xr"(¡,.ts;..,Jdd

dn ünfongettoble expenience \nzu ,or the pfornids ond dn enonrnous f¡eld where
the Mayons ployed o gorne sirnilor to bosketboll. We
Stonting our trip leonned o b¡t of Mexicon histor"y. We olso Visited the

It wos rny finst tirne out of oun country. We tnovelled to Xcoret pork ond walked thr^ough underg.ornd river^s.
the oirpor"t by bus. Evenybody on I it¡ll cont bel¡eve itl I sworn w¡th dolphinsl Arnozingl
the bus-w on the some tour.
There I rnet Sebostián ond Miguel,
ond we becorne fr ¡ends. \¡/e'sáü wild dni,rngl$,'. ,,

We orrived of the oir port ond eVeny rhe,ne Thene \^/ene

u¿ent directly to the ¿há¿f ¡n f lorninp$. mcco\¡/s,, codt is,

counten, h/e left ouÉ fuggoge thene ond woited to boord buttenftie5 ond o ja$'udn on
the plone. My f¡rst tirne on o plonel It wos ¡ncnediblel on islondl We could touch
tuntles too. :

',.;: ', ,' ,, ,t li .

:: .

The night
In Mexico, r*/,e stoyed dt on oll-¡nclusive hotel. We could
eat ond dfinkranythingl'h/e'hod a wonderful v¡e\^/ of At niglrt, thére \^/ene olwcys di
shoüi at"the hotel
the seo fr"o or. U.diootn, \4,1e wolked to the',b and theotr,e, went to bed'd rnidnight every doyl Wowl
there \^/er e urnbr ellos ond deck choins woiting fon us.

Feople of the'horel organis$ di{ferent b

octivities, so rni ,sisten hod hen áwn gnoup and
I did whof I wonted to do. Greotl

The plrcr*idsf '

h/e took o tnip to the Chichen

TtzaMoyon ruins.

O Read the text and put the activities ln your opinion, what are the most
in order. interesting th¡ngs the author d¡d?
a. Lea rn M exica n h isto ry o @
b. traveL by bus o Discuss w¡th a classmate and put
the activities in ordeF, from the
c. visit Xca ret pa rk o most interesting to the least
d. go to bed o i nte rest i n g.
€. arrive at the airport o
f. swim with dolphins o
O Read the text aga¡n and correct the
Which ptaces woutd you Like to
incrsdible visit in your country?
1. The author thought the trip was"tn*J.
2. He has a brother. O Which activities do you
tike doing when you are on
3. There was a view of the mountains from
their bedroom.
4. PeopLe at the hoteL organised board games.
5. They saw an ancient footbaLL field.
6. The author swam with turtLes.

Past simple * ta be
Study and complete the tab[e.

lwas on holiday in She wasn't in he in Yes, he was. What was that?

January. Argentina in Mexico yesterday?
January. --- No, he _,________. Where._

We were at the beach They ------ at Were you in Mexico Yes, you
in January. the airport yesterday. yesterday? No, you weren't.

) See Grammar Reference ó, Extra Practice book, p.22

O Complete the sentences with O Comptete the questions and short

the past simpte of to be. Use answers about the text on page ó3.
contractions for the negative.
summer? They were in Mexico.

some school friends in Mexico?

his famiLy

aLL-incLusive hoteL.

4. Were there doLphins at Xcaret p ark?

5. Where were the flamingos, macaws, coatis

in Xca ret.

Exprs$slons of pcn$t tirne

O a. Put the expressions in
chronologicaI order.

o la st Frid ay o Last wee ke n d

o Last month o Last year

o Last night o two weeks ago

o Last week o yesterday morning

b. Use the expressions and ask your

classmate questions.
A; Were you aI |he beach last night?
9: No, I waen't. Were \ou?

Past sirnple m regufar verbs Past sirnple G irregulor verbs
Study and comptete the table. Study and compLete the tab[e.

) See Grammar Reference ó, Extra Practice book, p.Zz

) See Grammar Ref erence ó, Extra practice boo k, p.22

@ Complete the sentences w¡th the G) Match the infinitives f 1-ól to the past
affirmative [*l or the negative [-f simpte forms [a-f l.
past form of the verbs. 1. have a. went
1. w. di dn't arrive t-l in Bariloche at ó 00 2. see b. d¡d

We zrriued [*J at 4 00 ARRTVE 3. ta ke c. swa m

4. go d. had
5. swim C. SAW

6. do f. took

4. My s iste r t-l chess

V complete with the affirmative or the
negative past form of the verbs.
She [*) video games PLAY
5. We [*J burgers.
1. Liam wont [goJ onholidays.

We [-] chicken C00K

lswim] in the sea.

4. He tseel sharks in the aquarium.
5. Then, he tgol to a show with wha Les

tt and doLphins and [takeJ many photos.

@ Listen and repeat.
ldl arrived ltl cooked lñl visited
*.i"h tru e lfiction
:r:i about.the best / woi.st
story ffi*+*"¡ffi
,,'-r;.'- .. "{J

O @ 38 .-: life ;
a. Listen and put the verbs in ence in your
the correct column.
1ii rps, TiP
. Liked ücelebrated cplayed gffi think< ahort holiday
about ln."i,.'.
hi' ,n:r Locations. For ., ,.,
'' '
i:' ,..-.,,,,.,,
o chatted üwashed ;returned $,.{,ff
example: compsite, beach, reserve. " '
r crossed sstarted Gexplored .,,$ Use colour paper and create a word ffi
cloud Keep it You wiLL use it Later ffis


b. Read the verbs aloud.


Plan ü trip O @ 40Listen again and choose the

correct answer.
O Look at the picture and answer.
1. SeIina in MeLbourne Last year.
1. What important pLaces can you see?
2. What city is represented in this map? b. wasn't
3. Can you see any forms of transport? 2. Rob and Jamie how to pLan their trip.

o. know b. don't know

O @,' Listen to the conversation
and circle the topics they talk about. 3. Selina mentions places to visit.

?. three b.
o CLothes four
ü MeLbourne 4. Selina a map to the boys
{D Tourist pl.aces
?. d raws b. g ives
I History
c Food 5.

s Forms of transport a. notverycheap b. verycheap


BUV ü ticket
O @ o' Listen and answer.
1. What is Jamie buying?

2. What kind of tickets does he want: singLe or

3. How many tickets does he want?

4. How much money has he got?

5. Can he buy the tickets?

O @ oo
Listen aga¡n and compLete the
Jamie: Excuse me, we want go to

Man: What day do you want to travel?

Jamie: 3
ls that possibLe?
Man: Sure. SingLe or ret u rn ?
Jamie: Return,please. We want to return next

Man: How many tickets do you want?

Jamie: ,please.

Jamie: Sorry, how much are the tickets? I've got

d o LLa rs.

ú) @o' Listen to the second part of doLLars in totaL.

the conversation. True or fa[se? Jamie: Good. Here you are.

1. SeLina got Lost at the Eureka Tower. Man: Thank you. Have a good trip!

2. She has an app on her mobiLe that

helped her.
3. W¡th the app, she typed the name of
Student A: turn to page 73
the hoteL a nd then f oLlowed the steps.
Student B: turn to page 75.

O @ o' Listen again. Answer.

1. Where did she get Lost?
2. What did she do there?
3. What did she use to find her way out?
4. Was it Late when she got Lost?
O Practise the conversation in
Exercise 7 with a classmate.
Use your own ideas for the bLanks.

ffir*tm ffiffi ñmfmnrytroü #ffim$H

O a. Read Rob's emaiL to his

mum. Circle the topics he gives
information about.
O. food d. hoteL
b. weather €. locaLpeopLe

C. Loca L cities Í activities

b. What does he say about the topics (D Curptete the informaL embit.
you circLed?

T?: : martha. [email protected] i ; ili i i"

frr:¡v yz: rolc. peterson@j mai I. com

i:i¡-*il*i',*t:q :

*:i**:i**t: What's up, mum?

O Imagine you are on hol,idays in

Mexico. Write an informal ema¡t to a
friend. Use the modeL in Exercise 2
to heLp you. A[so, in the Reading
section on page ó3 you can find cool
details you can use.

A true lfiction story about the best I
worst experience in your tife
Let's ffiümptete the Prmject trosl<!
Q ruo* that you have a word ctoud about different ptaces, share with other groups
what you inctuded in it. Exchange information and make your cloud bigger!

O Z You have atready chosen what you wil.t tal.k about. Answer this tist of
questions on a separate sheet of paper,
a. When was it? €. What was the weather Like?
b. Where was it? t. What did you do there?
G. Who were there? g. How was il? I How did you f eel?
d. What was the pLace Like?

@ Cnoote 0NLY ONE picture that represents the story. Show it to your classmates
and ask them to guess what happened.

ffi Theh, telt your story



to your group. Record &r

your story w¡th some

background music that
matches your feelings. Ask
your ICT I mus¡c teacher
for hel,p ¡f necessary.

s) Now teLt the story to your

teacher and classmates!

lf your picture is not

pr¡nted, you can download
¡t to your phone and then
pass it around.

d#mmtu#ffiffi mfume*t ffiLm*mm trm ffiffi ffinT hmfi"$dmym.

*mLk mfumuxff ffmrrffim mff tnmffiffiffiffirt.

trmLk mfumqxtr hmflfidffiy ffimtrüwü*frmm.

mhmflffi ffiffi$sTümmm mfumN* pmm€ ffiKffimrfrmsruffiffiffi.

rmfLmc€ ffiffiffitrru Lmmnm$n'ug ffiffiw €$ru$rrurym vwhfrLm fumw$mffi faxffi ffiffi hmLfr#mym.

furuy ff*ckmtrm tm trmwmL.

vwn$ffm mm $re$mflffimL mmm$1.

wn$€m mrrud ftmLL m m€mry ffifumsx* m mffiwffifrmL mwpmn$mffiffiffi.

Places to visit neür ffiu#n#$ Aire$

Plonn¡ng o weekend out of the city centre?

Argentino (20lr Check out our trov ellerí su ggestions.
My friend and I visited Tandil last weekend. tt was
Hotels (3 )
awesome. We went to the lake, to Monte Calvario,
Flishts (ó5) which is a hill with religious significance, and to
see the stone called Centinelo.
Rents 125l
We stayed at a camping site. lt wasn't the most
Restouronts lt4l comfortable place, but the price was very good.
Whot to do {il) -^-\
ln Tandil, we didn't take any means of transport:

I i-Ji:ii,l' il'¡:* u ir,,i rur. We walkedl Ano, polermo

My boyfriend and I went to San Pedro to spend
Forums two days away from the city. lt was amazing.
We slept a lot.

We walked, took pictures and ate lots of oranges.

They were very juicy. Also, we hired two bikes
and rode all around town. We stayed at a family
SAN PEDRO home. ln the picture you can see our bedroom
-)x- window.
I iti-ii'i r {i:jrii:-j'..¡ lji

I want to go back! Betty, Berozotegui

O Look at the rev¡ews. Do you know O Answer the questions.

any of these ptaces? 1. Are the reviews positive or negative? CircLe
a LL the positive adjectives a nd u nderLine the
O Read the rev¡ews. True or faLse? negative ones in the text.
2. Which of these pLaces wouLd you Like to
1. Ana a nd her f riend stayed in a hoteL.
visit? Why?
2. They waLked when they were in TandiL.
3. Which touristic pLaces are near your town?
3. They visited th ree pLaces.
4. Which tou ristic places do you know?
4. You can eat oranges in TandiL.
5. Betty and her boyfriend stayed at a famiLy
home. @ Go onL¡ne and find information about a
6. Betty hired a car.
ptace to visit near your town. Discuss
the information w¡th the class.

O Choose the correct option.
Javi e r: Hil lAre you using I Do you use the ontine dictionary?
Ma rcos: No! I never 2do I am doing homework on sunday! r3organise
/'m organising my hotidays.
lasurf /'m sur-fing the internet to find good tours. Can you
helpsmy / me?
Javier: Surel Last yearl6buylbought a tourontine and it Tnzas
lwerefunlType www.teenstrip.com.
Ma rcos: Wonderf u [! Th is site soff ers I off ered big d iscou nts for group
trips. I ebuy I ' m going to buy a
package tour for the four of lowe I us!
Javier: Wettdone!

@ correct the fottowing information about Javier and Marcos.

1. Marcos is doing his homework.
4. Marcos is going to traveLwith five friends.
2. Javier went on hoLiday Last month.
5. Javier is angry with Marcos' decision.
3. teenstrip.com gives smatl. discounts.


@ eut the verbs in brackets in the correct form to read Mitton,s

We1 Ihave] . great time with dad here in New york. The c ity I be]
wonderfuLand we
The pLane tri p o tbeJ fabuLous! Last night, we (arriveJ on time at JFK
airport and ó

0ur hote[ 7

IbeJ rea l.[y co mf o rta b Le.

Tomorrow, we e
[watch] the Spurs vs. the Lak.;;. .";'; wait to see them!
I must Leave now, dad 10 '
[waitJ for me at the restaurant.


O Write questions about the emait and answer them.

1. Where lVilton and his father?
2, How I tney travel?
3. Wh at lthe hoteL tike?
4. Wh o I they watch tomorrow?
5. Wh al I his dad do now?

@ utt.tt the hatves to form the phrases. Then, write a sentence using
1. ed it a. a seLfie
2. SCA N b. a GPS to find your way
3. send c. a QR code
4. ta ke d. an audio r.rr.g.
5. USC e. a photo


Total lso

Student A ffirru#9 ffi
Listening and Speaking, pag e 23.
tw9-m ffiffinffi ffiñ$
Pages 4 and 5. a. Read th¡s text to your classmate.
Read slowty and clear[y.
a. Ask your classmate questions
about her / his ICT and social, media
activities. WTrr*W
1. Who do you chat with onLine?
TLrr* Ut*"'tb c,, *% WRüaL
aar6 *"
2. When do you usuaLLy send audio messages?
gk ú^- c^^,U,r^)rtu. It, * M
3. Which is your. favourite website?

4. Do you Like taking photos with your mobiLe? ^rnu'7^.**W aM Tr!r^^^"rry


5. Are you in a WhatsApp group? Who are the P*pU d* o,bt o+vfut
members? fug'fky ar.,Á"il% Tnar"E
b. Answer your classmate's questions F-*pIe u-e¿rlt" cn'*^mp* aA,e, hS

about your ICT and social, media Pajraflr" Gr,rfl, tr* ea-vv sp,Q, @
& ft ** ory

ffiffiff-w $

Listening and Speaking,page 13, b. Listen to your classmate and

compLete the text.
a. Answer your classmate's questions
about a f riend.
1. Angie

Her nam& is hngie. 4J*r¡**,W

2. 14

3. BraziL a)a¿nx, w Qr^*r* &"* tht enr"a,ü".

4. 20th March I*furr rfuü% sta'f,6 cx!,nbac,fro

5. Art Lan^rall tut
b. Ask your classmate about a f riend. **1rUefu,.ú.^d% u,QnAt

Complete the tabte. @2

What'e your friend't nams?


t#=xÉ fl# iljry-e#9 ffi
Listening and Speaking,page 35 Listening and Speaking,page 57.

a. Answer your classmate's questions. a. Read your ctassmate's List of names

Describe the word, don't say it! and ask her I nim questions about
1. 6. swamp what they are tike, and about their
2. jo ey 7. hunt activity in social, networks.
3. 8.
ffi: Who's Larla?
4. rese rve 9.
A. 6ho's rny cousin.
5. sca Les 10.
b: What's sha l¡vo?
b. Now ask your ctassmate about the A: flho's ver\ funny.
missing words. b: Dor,* sh* l¡re thatting onl inp wíth hor
A: Wh¿t'e nurnbor &? {risnde?
9: ft's whors animals ltvo. A: N0, *hs dooan't. fihe. lcve* ca\ling thsrn"

ü==2É ffi b. Write a List of five names of peopte

you know and give it to your
Listening and Speaking,page 45.
classmate. Answer you r classmate's
a. Tel.l, your classmate what these q uestions.

peopte are doing. Ask h er I him

where they are. tr#n*9 '#e

A: ?ste and Torn ar> otudyí ng. Whers arr, Listening and Speaking, pag e 67.

9. Anp tho'¡ at schoal? a. Listen to your classmate tetLing you

A; Yob, the,¡ ar&.
about her I nis trip. Compl.ete the
table with notes.

ru .$

aind VaLery


studying at schooL
?lnd Tom
|\/ ark ta Lkin g to a d octo r at the hospita L

TIheresa waLking her dog at the park

at the b. Now tett your classmate about your
-inda buying pLasters
che m ist's # trip. Remember to use the past
.h. Answer your classmate's questions
1. golbeach 2.goltrain
and compl,ete the chart. Th€h, tel.t
f wpnt to tho boath"
your classmate what these peopte
3. swi m I sea 4. hire I a hor-se
are doing. Ask him or her where
5. see lashark
they are.


r:r,:,-r:ri:r:: i:j

.r,l: "'i. r ':

$tudent B $.i sru g.É: *ffi:

* fl*3 ;rr ffi r¿* g:* fi
Listening and Speaking, pag e 23.

Pages 4 and 5. a. Listen to your classmate and

complete the text.
a. Answer your classmate questions
about your ICT and social, media
activities. www
b. Ask your classmate's questions Whf,d"S
about her / his ICT and sociaL media
1. What do you usuaLLy taLk about when you
chat online?
2. Can you describe your favourite website?

3. What is you r f avou rite web page a bout?

etp{^Ad&pL GM
5. Do you edit your photos?
6. Do you post content on Facebo ok? What do
you usually post?

ru$f T
Listening and Speaking, page 13. b. Read th¡s text to your classmate.
Read slowty and c[ear[y.
a. Ask your classmate about a friend.
Complete the tab[e.

What's your friend's name?

Ag e: a)a.unx, * $"r^*r^t" B"* ífu" %trafu".
I* tl"il" rfu W'tt ajrU t o' c"e,kÁqc,fre,

Favourite subject:
MA'eLr& M*8-4"',e
** 1/J efu'"fvd%. P*pU uÉalt,
b. Answer your classmate's questions
about a f riend. @ \W e^cL.yv 1""'* k"rl"rr)'

1. Max
at"i, P*pU c^cL,yvalb w-e,crltt

(t-.^r"L,&t!, cn'*l^npx tf\rr*

His name is Max. ajrf,
2. 12 aM da-rrp" *" tk,Íjr"e"eht.
3. ChiLe
4. gth November
5. lT

*r:x.#; il$ fi'-$rugf .f-

Listening and Speaking, page 35. Listening and Speaking, page 57.

a. Ask your ctassmate about the a. Write a tist of five names of peopte
missing words. you know and give ¡t to your
9: What's numbor g? classmate. Answer your classmate
q uestions.
A. lt's a quoKKa't bab,¡ .

b. Now answer your classmate's b. Read your classmate's tist of names

questions. Describe the wotd, don't and ask her / nim questions about
say it ! what they are tike and about their
1. feathers 6. activity in sociaL networks.
2. 7.
Who's Larla?
3. poisonous 8. signs
lhe's my cousin.
4. 9. ha bitat
What's shs l¡re?
5. 10. quokka
fihe's vory funny.

:,,jTjtu,{ # Does shs l¡re chatting onl ine wíth her

Listening and Speaking,page 45.
A: N0, she doeen't. the loves calling them.
a. Answer your classmate's questions
and compLete the chart. Then, tetl $#rufif +Íp

your classmate what these peopte Listening and Speaking, pag e 67.
are doing. Ask him or her where
they are. a. TeLL your classmate about your tr¡p.
Remember to use the past tense.
flRoss Looking at an art at an art
and VaLery coLLection gaLLery
1. go I mountains
Simon seeing a pLay at a theatre I wenl to |he mountaine.
ata 2. go I coach
Patrick b uyi n g veg eta b Les
greengrocer's 3. hire / a mountain bike
Jenny buying shoes at a shoe shop 4. take la Lot of photos
Pete 5. see lan eagLe
and Tom
Mark b. Now listen to your classmate tetl,ing
Theresa you about her I nis tr¡p. Complete
LLin da
M the table with notes.

b. your classmate what these

peopte are doing. Ask h er I him
Form of transport:
where they are.
First activity:

An ima Ls:

:.rti;::¡: ii

l:,l irr.


I : iit.: i

LIJE ore the school

O Complete the web with the words in O

the box.

I Library r scienceLab
r canteen l classroom
I gym I computer room
3. Learn about musicaL


Write the correct times.


@ Find eight more school subjects *1.

H iST 0 RYMTI O @ 02 Listen and complete.



@ Maths 9 a:r¡1
R t N G L I S H ffi

w 6eografhy ll.lsam 3Pm

ffi HisJ.ory 9 erra
@ Lunc.h lP^ lP*
@ Enghsh


w, re
N MAT HSC TLP ffi. S*ien"e


@ neaU the text about Ana's schoot. Match the names of the ptaces to the pictures.

O Answer the questions.

fueu, -Jh,.:-- trmy- >-p*be-21' Fe\en ?+'l<
eco*sfl.q# fsn,h,
3 e-l'-
P-hP L--
L+ t , l,-;


2 thLs Lt*th; iti"b'u'y t-I rt-od !?y?)2rr*3*=Y!-e-? oo

and l9y:P:*Ee:2p:tt!- 4:C *29
l-^ ,F,/)

I I -t - ^.a^t5¡ ,*Dr1 \¡¡Jc- ac

here to study *^g

*-gg A - ^^',,¿)n*
P'?JT?J Y9-r!:5:



1. Which year is Ana in?

Write the name of the ptace.
2. How many students are there in the schooL? 1. here to l.earn.

3. How many subjects are there? 2, You read newspapers here.

4, What sports are there? 3. You pLay rugby here.

5. Where are the reference books? 4. You eat hot food here.

6, Which things are there in the scieRce Lab? 5. The computers are here.

7, ls the food horrible? 6. You do experiments here.


O Look at the pictures. Write a @ Write negative sentences.

sentence, a question and a short
1. I'm 15.
answer for each picture.
l'm not rj,

3. Sc ie n ce.

4. from France.

1. She /B 2. Ne lChinese
6he'e g. / le ehe 0?
Yes, she ie.

O Match the questions 11 -7lto the

answers [a-gl.
1. What's your name? o
2. When's your birthday? o
3. Where's you r school? o
4. What's your favourite subject? o
3. They lal home 4. lt/not/PE
5. Who is your Art teacher? o
6. How old are you? o
7. What time is Geography? o
o. at 10 o'clock
b. in Manchester
c. in May
d. H isto ry
e. 13
f. Victo r

g. Ms Evans

5. They / not I at schooL 6. She / not I al the @ Write true answers to the questions
cine ma
fl 3.





O Put the words in order.
O @ m Listen to lmran's mum and put
1. nice I our lis I school her questions in order.

2. is / subje ct lMaths I a I
o. Are the teachers nice?
difficult b. What's his name?
3. Art lfavourite lmy, lrrrrb;..,
c. And what about Lunch?
d. Are the students in your c[ass nice?
4. got llablwe/new lalhave
e. ls there a computer room?
f, ls there a gym?
islgym ltnere lO¡gla
g. Do you l.ike your new school.?
5. h. A girlfriend?
6. soo d I are t.; ;;;r, ;r;.;r; O Match these answers to the
questions above.
1. Yes, it's great.
@ Write in, at or on. @
2. His name's Mr Thomas.
3. No, Mum, just a friend.
4. Yes, l've got a new f riend.
5. Yes, there's a big gym.
6. The food s not bad.
7. Yes, very nice, especiaLLy our
cLass teacher.
8. Yes, with 30 computers.
O comptete the questions with can I or
Can yoLr.

'0f course. Here you


Be quick!'
3. read?'
Read Part 1',
4. expLain that again?'
'Sure. No probLem.'

rv: l

¡ lt t'.,;I. ¡::i:


O Complete the paragraphs w¡th @ Complete the informat¡on about Lara.

sentences from the box.
. herclassroom I Tim
0 They Like Music and Art. r FrenchandHistory r British
c I'm a student at LincoLn SchooL. ¡ LaraLane ü 12
; We play it in the gym and it's fun. o aerobics
o We do a Lot of exercises in class.

1. My name is Jenny. I'm l4years oLd.

ll |til]ilffiilriltflflr
2. My favourite subject is Maths. lt's hard but
I Love it.
Na me: .

3. My best f riends a re Da n ieL a nd La u ra.

They don't Like Maths. Favourite subjects:
Favou rite pLace'at schooL:
Specia I clu b:
4. I Like sports. My favou rite sport is
basketba LL Best friend:

Match adjectives to opposite O Use the information on the lD card

meaningS. to write about Lara. Divide the
informat¡on into paragraphs.
1. good ?. new
Use adjectives to add detai[s.
2. easy b. boring
3. sma
Her namo Lara Lane. lhs
LL G. short
4. old d. hard
5. Long €. bad
6. fun f, big

O What can these adjectives describe?

Add one more word to each group.

1. friendLy, nice

a friend, a teacher,
2. hard, difficuLt

an exerctse, a fesf,
3. new, modern

a lab, a classroom,

4. fun, interesting

a teacher, a book,

VOCABULARY O complete w¡th the correct form of
the verb to be. use contractions
O Comptete the sentences. when possible.
1. Margaret
John?''Art.' Her ctasses are fun.
2. There is a good 2. Harry British. He's American.
where we can read books or study.
3. you a good student, paula?
3. We study algebra in the ctass.
4. Hetto. I

4. At my school, is at one
5. The students in my class at school"
o'ctock in the canteen.
reaLty friendl.y.
- Tom has PE in the

Monday and Friday at schooL.

6. My name is pauI and this is Atex.
We riends. f
6. Break is at 10.30 in the
7. My name Tom. I'm 12.
7. We go to the
expe rim
8. Myteachers veryfunny.
e nts.
9. Tom and LiLy in the l.ibrary.

GRAMIUAR 10. PE my favo rite su bject.


O Circte the correct opt¡on. ENGLISH IN USE

1. Sam
@ write appropriate questions for the
a. are b. is c. am answer5,
2. My birthday is . _ May.
1. 2
a. in b. at c. on
her ctassroom.
2. ?
a. aren't b. isn't c. am not
Th irtee n.
4. your Geography teacher?
a. He is b. Are he c. ls he
5. I'vegota *--
a. new classmate b. classmate new
ln March.
c. new ctassmates
6. 'Are they
in Ye ar g?' 'yes , __.._ _ _. - .'
At three.
a. are they b. they are c. are

ln the computer room.

a. it isn't b. it is c. he isn't
8. M usic is
H isto ry.
a. b. in c. on
9. Breakis 10:30am. -- ?

Ms Ja meson.
a. on b. in c. at
10. Maths tests are
l'm fine. Thanks.
a. big b. hard c. new
10. ?
11. Jeremy and Becca c[assmates.
Yes. Satty is our Science teacher.
a.isn't b.aren't , c. not are
,,¡r.iiiiii,iiir :',


Mg fovourite dovs

O a. Use the phrases in the box to @ a. Use the chart to classify the
com ptete the sentences. activities.

* brush my teeth e eat out I dir+fter & Lunch

a ptantatree s hasLunch & forapicnic & ashower
s go to bed s prepares tasty snacks 6 breakfast ,, €& home
8 dinner & to the theatre
1. I watch TV after dinner and then I
I go to bed & to school

2. At school we to
celebrate the Earth Day.
3. She hardly ever
the canteen.
4. Grandma

5. l a Lways bef o re
going to bed.
6. Sam and Susie usuaLty
b. Match the verbs [1-ól to the
for their anniversary.
nou ns I phrases [a-fl.
b. Reread the sentences in 1. wea O. in a play
Exercise a. Write 5D for special, day
'l 2. act \, b. craftwork
or ED for every day activities. \ ww
3. do C. new c[othes

1. 4. 4. ta ke d. tasty snacks

2. 5. 5. prepare €. p rese nts

3. 6. 6. get / give Í. ph otos

O U.ry McFl.y is a fLight attendant on a plane. Look at her timetabLe and write
about her day. Write the times in words.
I aet uD aI auarler Io 6ix in ?raaue. f ...




O Read the descriptions. Match them to the pictures.

O write the correct titLe for each text.

* Jaleo a Burns Night e The Festiva l. of the Tooth

@ Utt.tt the sentences to the festivaL. @ nnO in the texts the words for the
1. They eat speciaL food.
foLlowing defi nitions.
2, It's a religious festivaL.
o 1. a very oLd object ro_lic
3. An ima Ls a re im po rta nt.
o 2. has speciaI powers
4. It's in winter.
o 3. a type of church
5. It's the festivaLof a famous man.
o 4. a royaI person
6. It's not a European festivat.
o 5. surprising and very good


@ Cotptete the third person singutar G) ffi,-ga, a. Listen and compl,ete the tabte
form of these verbs. with informat¡on for Robby and Rita.
1. O--6: She go 2. She eat
3. She rea d 4. He ha

5. Hefinish 6. She watch

She write

O Correct the sentences.

1. At HaLloween, we make melon [anterns.
ht H?illo_ygein we do_n't maKo- melon
I ant s:yn6_, W_o maKe_ pump_Yrn I a:nt eirn6_, b. Use the informat¡on above and
2. ln Sri Lanka, peop[e visit a museum to see a
wr¡te sentences about Robby and
tooth. Rita.

r. Rob by usual\ güt uP brfore 1;7-0-,

3. At Jateo festiva[, cows dance in the streets.

4. 0n Burns Night, peopLe write poetry.

O Write the adverbs of frequency in the c. Complete the column about you
correct ptace. and write five sentences in your
& always e ftet/ef s often
* sometimes &usually
O Complete the sentences about you

a. novor
go to schooL by bus.
t::: :.::t:.: .:: ::::

lE::¡. I drink orange

::lt:t ::::!:i,ilti


:: |:::: : : :: : :::
:: :: ::


$..r, cooks dinner.

Late for schooL.
10o/o 20Yo 30% 40Yo 50% 600/o 70Yo 80% 90o/o 100o/o
pLay f ootba LL in the

G) comptete with the correct form of
want and a verb from the box.
O wl;' Listen and number the special

e see * go r wear s have

1. María




O comptete the crossword and find the


O a. CompLete the sentences wlth

these words.

ü sometimes r Lights
s Love ü came[
ü t-shirt r you
ü red ü chicken
6 presents s Thanks

1. Everymorninglhavea in 1. Here,thisisfor :{0U

the bathroom.
2. I read before I go t o .
a greal
3. We atL -- TV on Sunday afternoon.
3. Roses a re -

4. I usualty *:- _: lunch at school. 4. I you.

5. I in a beautifu[country.
5. They rideona
6. 0n Saturdays I don't up 6. The next day we get
before ten o'ctock.
7. lalways have before lgo to school. 8. Can I have ?
8. Sometimes we wake up Late and

to school.. b. ffi; ltii' Listen and check.

9. My siste r

The message iS; -._--

,',ii i ,Í'r


ffi G

R I T I ru

O a. Read this text about a speciaL day. c. Write about David's day.
Complete it with the words in the Remember the s.
box. 1
First David gets u? and then he

s I {xZJ e lt {x2J s Mum

* My na me s Today r They After that, the postman ó Fina[Ly,
Davi d 7

O a. Read the text about a festival.

HL, Ls DavLd and. qy Complete it with these sentences.
s7eoLal doJt Ls tfth FebrucLrJl .
alwcLJls ?et ul2 e.arly s There is aLso a Lot of music and
and go d.ownstaLrs to huve. dancing
breal<{c-;st wLth qy {urnLly. * I live in Men doza and my favourite
's r1y {avourLte. rne.crl . festivaL is "La Fiesta de La Vendimia".
ulwcLJs o-ool<s & q>ecLal 6 lt's about work in the fieLd,grapes
b¿g breal<fasr wLth ull qy and wine.
f avourLte thLrtgs. Thert, L have.
cL shower and wash ryJ hc.Lr,
lLl<e. to look nLo-e. FLrtallV, l'm from Argentina and we have a

the. VostrncLrl arrLve.s cLt Lot of speciaL days in my country.

8 ,OO cLrn and lots o{ o,ards
aorne. through the. letter bo*. It starts on the Last Sunday in February
'r€ a;ll for rne! Today Ls and it ends on the first Saturday in
St, ValentLne's DoJ and March. There are parades and fireworks.
the. postrn&n thLnks L have.
lots o{ glrlfrlends. But re.ally
Ls r1y bLrthdcLJt! 8 - 's
The festivaL is about the present and the

also Nlond.cLJt and L have. to

It's great.
go to sa-hool ,

DavLd b. Read this text about the last day

of the festival and add connectors.

b. Why is 14th February a speciaL The last day

day for David? 0n this day we go to an amph¡theatre
with space for ove r 20,000 peo p Le. lt's
in a park near the city of Mend oza.
there is a Lot of
music and dancing. ---.-.-,
there is a beauty contest and we
choose the "Queen" of the festival". And

Lig hts and fireworks.


VOCABULARY O Order the words to make sentences.
1. Hector I to school. / aLways I alnine
O Complete the text. o'c[o ck I goes

H¡, my name's Mark and l'm twelve. Every

morning I1 at 7.30,12 2. PauL / sometimes I tale I for schooL / IS
I3 and Igo to school. School
at 8.30 ands at 3.00. 3. Tony and Theresa I online gam es I
Then I ó and 17 ln the usuatly / pLay I in the afternoon
evening, lB and watch television.

4. /
O Complete the text. Luke and Meg I at night / television
watch / often
Lei[a's favourite festivaL is DiwaLi. She
cel.ebrates it with her famiLy. During DiwaIi,
5. wear I to / SaLLy lclothes I Oirthd ay I
they the house with I.ig hts. They wants/forlher/new T

new clothes and they go and

friends and famil.y. Th ey 4..----

them presents. They5.-.... a big party.

O Complete w¡th before or after. () Comptete the sentences with true
1. Flalf past ten is nine o'c[ock. informat¡on.
2. Matt always brushes his teeth he
1. 0n Mondays, I get up
goes to school.
2, Then, I

3. Shei[a usuaLl.y goes to bed at 11 o'clock.

3. And after that, I

She never goes to d be - midnight. 4. 0n Saturdays and Sundays, lget up

4. We prepa re the f ood the pa rty.

5. ln the afternoon ,
GRAMMAR 6. In the evening, I

@ Choose the correct opt¡on. 7. My favourite special. day is

8. It is my favourite day because

1. Matitda don't speak / speaks very good
ItaLian. 9. 0n this day, I

2. I Like music but I don't play / not play 10. Ia friend s name) speciaL
an instrument. day is
3. Betty is a vegetarian. She doesn't eat / 11. It is favourite day because
not eafs meat.
4. Bobby and CLara live / lives in Granada. 12.
5. My grandparents don't comes / come to my
house every Sunday for [unch.
6. Juan wants t o go / goes home after school.



Noturol hobitots

O Label.

& h€"ad & Leg #foot a eye & nose * ear * mouth
s tongue & horn & wing e sca les & teet h 6 taiL s neck

€) C¡rcte the word that corresponds to each animat. G) Oro", the Letters and
1. bird fingers scaLes
."/y'"! "'

{JeathersT trunk write the adjectives.

2. elephant feathers wings trunk horns 1. si n suoop 2oito-fi0-U18

3. f ish bea k sca Les toes fingers 2. gav serges

4. snake teg horns wing tongue 3. Led f yn r
5. bult horns hands arms trunk 4.yni S

5. eei nnLLttg

@ Change the words in italicsfor one of the fotLowing verbs.

@ hunt & h ibe rn ate & Lay & buiLd nests * m ig rate

1. Bears s/ eep in the winter. in

2. Bird s make houses in trees.

3. Snakes look for small animaLs to eat.

4. Bird s travel to other places in winter.

5. Ch¡ckens produce eggs.




O .. What do you know about snakes? Read the quiz and circte the correct

l:j.l' :.4;:ll:.jl::jlr.lrr!....

How,,nilany'snake species Snakes don't have visible,ears.
there in,t.h,e wor.ld,?,,, : , ,,,::, Cán':th¿yn¿ár?':::
rr: :: ::: :

I it.it:,tt'-',
itrlit, **
fi:$ They, ¿á,n on:'l¡a, héáf, ót,h,éi sna kel.

YW 'rt,.rlu:irai;i¡i=,"11
c.,Yesj,t,hey'cán, heai üery wél[. ,,
,i:ril ::r:::i:::: ::r:::r::, ::: :r, ::: :: ::r:::l

|if!ffi¡¡i,t How.many snakes are dangerous?

á; á,uá,ffi onié' n.árunt'ái;il ;báiiéi,' á;,,á,,bO¡f',3,,.ffi.étieS','''

i.beüi és ,'b,. á ho.ut trh,irrty .p:ár¿e nt of


,á,l l,
,b. á,bst,ü,'t, 6,,nr.ét.r,és'

W -];;-' c:, AIf.$nákgl aie dánEeié,üsi,': ,, '"'

fn,Oiiei:t.há'h .9.m.et',rgS

iláit #¡¡
,g'¡,,," itii¡iü',iií;ii'!t',

ffin' a snake.have?'
t:):.1 '. :,.. ::.:: :.:: . ... ' :.,. :. ,á.Thét't¡á¡r',,ég,6.s;',',:
,á.i,¿,6,uüt.l 80ts00 bl'Th éy,háüe,'bá',b ie$.
: ', ,t ' ,'
h;'nb¡ng i'$,$ffi $.r;[ágr.éfi$L iff
l': Ig6'.üt:,i4','',1::
i: .'
6f lH¡ffi
Efi$i'ifii '.6.á'.6iffi t

ffi"= ffi fifi'$ ffi ffi

a.. ásthmá.',:'¡ylgdidihé'
,b. á ntitve,h,Orn' üa cdi,n e
c.pésifl¡6[g, I' '

Adapted f rom www.edu.iucnp.org

b. Check your answers betow. How many did you get right?
ó-B Wow, you're a sna ke expert !

3-5 Not bad for a beginner!

1-2 It's obvious you prefer rabbits! q B ')'L')'g 'e'g ')'y 'e't 'q'z'q'L

O Look at the tabLe and write about O 0rder the questions and answer
what the animals eat and don't eat. them.
1. Where I polar bears / Live I ¿o
Wlhere do ?olar bears li'ue?
the:! l¡ue in lhe Nrctic,
2, colo ur I Wh at I is / their hair

3. do I Wh at I eat / poLar bears

4. in the ice I make ltn"y lWhat / do

3. Lowg-

4. Owls
5. do I Wh al I they I in winter / do

O Choose the correct option.

6, a baby polar bea r I llow many kil.os /
weigh I does

@ Answer the questions with a short

1. Do poLar bears Live in the Antarctic?
PoLar bea ,t Wyfu/ tives in the Arctic. They
2is are usuaLLy white
/ and their Long hair
3protect / protects them f rom the col.d. Po[ar 2. Are bears omnivores?
bears ais / are omnivores. They seaf / eats
f ish but they pref er / pref ers sea Ls. They
3. Does a spider eat f ru it?
sometrm esThunt / hunfs waLruses and white
whaLes. A po[ar bea r Bmake / makes holes in 4. Do owls sleep at night?
the ice andewait / waifs for a fish or a seal..
ln winter, they 10make / makes holes in the
5. Does a penguin Live in the Antarctic?
snow and hibernate. The baby polar bear onty
llweigh/weighs 1kito.
6. Do koaLa bears come from AustraLia?


O a. Write sentences about the O a. what is the name of this animat?

pictures using can / can't.

1. eLephant / 2. cow / sing pa rrot / ta tt<


4. dog / swim 5. worm lfLy 6. bea r I dance

a. the bLue sta r f ish
b. the tiger fish
c. the b[ue ring octopus

3. b. Do you th¡nk ¡t is dangerous?


c. 'Wi ot Listen to the first part
of the interview and check your
b. Make the sentences into questions.

O a. 'W'-;;;' [isten to the second part.
Number the questions in the order
2. you hear them.

a. Do octopuses have beaks?
b. What does it eat?
c. Where does this octopus Live?
d. What does it do aLL d ay?
@ complete the text with
1 m-W:et
must/ mustn't. €. How does it kil.l. them?
You ive dogs a lot of attention
b. Wit'o;,' Listen again. True or faLse?
because they are very Loving animaLs. you
1. The octopus Likes co[d water.
take them for a waLk every day @
because they get fat. you 2. lt hunts during the day.
.train them weLt. They 3. lt eats pLa nts.
sit when you say'Sit!'. They 4. lt bites with its teeth.
run into the road. You
always give them good food
5. lt kiLLs with poison.
and you give them chocolate.
6. lt can't kiLL humans.

O Punctuate with !, ? or . @ Write the text correctly. Don't forget
1. HeLpl
2. What's the name of that strange animaI
3. lLike dogs cats and birds
4. Does it bite

5. What an ug[y dog

6. Gori[[as don't eat peopte
7. Pets especiaLLy dogs [ike a Lot of attention

@ Correct the m¡stakes.

1. There is a Lot of different species of
snakes afO

2. A femaLe panda have a baby every two

O Read the text aga¡n and answer
the questions.
ye a rs.

3. Po[ar bears eats fish 1. Where do sloths Live?

4. Ma[e Lions don't usuaLl'y hunts.

in treo6_

2. Are they fast animaLs?

5. My cat do n't Like m iLk

6. Frogs can to Live on Land and in water. 3.

7. Bears hibernates in winter. 4.

8. Birds has feathers

9. Chickens doesn't Lay eggs 5.

O Find the 14 punctuat¡on m¡stakes in 6.

this text.


and mate upside down;They sleep t5 hours
a dal¡? they usually live between 10 and 20
yeArS;i.i..th.eil.i.,,,,. :b.t|,,,1,,,,há,,b,l'ffi.t.'1.$....',the iáin foieSti

,1,,,,,,Il|¡fl.'.$Q., fth AmefiCA. sO é::,,.$l:6thS -

have got'two toes ofidsome ,fi6vs, got three
Th€V,cannot walk very well but they.can

.t:tai tl:.:t|.....

t::i:tit t:ttü:tt::ttt:
'::ir;::r:i: :::ii:::¡i;:;::r:::

VffitrAffiUtAffiY @ Choose the correct opt¡on.
1. climb trees.
O Which is the odd word out? 't G. doesn't
1. eLephant, horse, horn,pig, cameI 2. pLay [oud music
2. ant, foot, nose, arm, mouth
3. beak, chicken, cow, mosquito, snake c. mustn't
4. taiL, feather, wing, bear, trunk 3. be carefuL

O Choose the correct option. ,t

1. You bite food r
with you - _
4. Sta n
a. teeth b. mouth c. toes
2. A foot has got f ive
b. cans c. must
a. teeth b. fingers c. toes 5. respect nature.
3. You with your ears.
m c. mustn't
a. hear b. see c. b ite
4. You walk with yo ur -.... UJffiITfiruffi
a.fingers b.arms c.legs
5. Birds usually their nests in trees. O Punctuate the text with commas, fuLL
stops and capitaL letters.
a. iLd b. lay
bu c. m ig rate
6. Foxes many people imagine that mountain goriLLas
smalL animaLs at night.
are noisy aggressive creatures but they are
a. sting b. hunt c. hide
normaLly peacefuL gent[e sociaI vegetarian

#ffiAMMAffi animaLs when peop|.e see an an gry goriLl.a

it is usuaLLy a mate goriil.a protecting his

O write questions for these answers. famity group

1. Quokkas Live in island swamps. ffiruffirrshü $ru usffi

2. They eat peppermint, eucaLyptus Leaves

and other greens. () Answer each question twice.

3. They have one joey a year.
What have they got?
4. FemaLe quokkas carry their joey in pouches.
1. ELephants
5. Quokkas bite dozens of peop[e each year.
2. BuL[s
6. They usuaLLy bite chiLdren.
What can they do?
3. B irds

What do they do to kitt their prey?

what must we do to protect animats in zoos?

7. ,We must
8. We mustn't


:i:ii:i#;ii!.!L,:ifi ii

UJhot's Vour choice?

O Compl,ete the names of the ptaces. O Find nine more things you can

offi eW buy

M A G A 7 I N E

Haird f &hs1,.I s l_t__n_ tC é CSISCRSA

nm N_w__g___
Ch__ _s CL_t__ss__p FRKMBCDO

@ a. Match each verb f 1-gl to a noun
get a. clothes
see b. a haircut
rent c. money
F--_t s___ D__ s__p
h ave d. a book
meet e. a fiLm
try on f. the internet
bo rrow g. friends
--b--ry surf h. b iLLs
O Complete the sentences with the pay i. a DVD
correct preposition.
Where can you do these things?
I b.d.
I inte rn et caf é hairdresser's

shopp¡ng centre

1. Thernternetcaféis betweon the

bank and the hairdresser's.
2. The DVD shop is the bank.
3. The shopping centre is the
DVD shop and the cinema.

4. Th e ha i rd resse r's is the

internet café.


O Answer the questions.

1. What day ¡s the teen disco?

2. How much is a famiLy cinema tlcket?

3. What day can students have a cheap


4. What can you buy in Jean t..;;;;t

O Read the adverts and write the
names of the ptaces. 5. What meat is chea p today?

1. Hairdresser's cu! ill

2. CLothes shop 6. ls the internet café open on Sundays?

3. lnternet café
4. Supermarket 7, How much is an hour of internet access?

5. D isco

How much are chil,dren's haircuts?

6. Cinema

i:lii¡l!#liliü l:ii:i:'


O Match the verbs to the pictures. O Write the correct form of the verbs.
DAD: Hi Chris, it's Dad. Wh at 1 zro- \ou ¿o¡ng
qw [yo u I do)?
cHRrs: Hi Dad. l2 [finish) my
%ffi homework.
qbJ DAD: I can hear the TV.
[you I watch) TV?
cHRts: No, l'm not.l4
IListen to] tne radio.
DAD: Wh als .

[Amy and Lizzie I do]?

cHRts: They ó [play) on the
co m pute r.

DAD: Where's Mum?

cHRrs: She's at the supermarket. She
tbuyJ some food.
DAD: 0K. See you later. Bye.
o. [isten to music d. pl.ay footba LL

b. have a haircut €. watch a f iLm @ Write the words in the word webs.
c. try on clothes Í. read a magazine
a cinema a ffil€'le a milk
O Write questions and answers about I bread e food e water
the pictures. * EVE * bank a sugar
s computer s shop ü aspirin
1. girls I cook?

2, boys / pLay guitar?

3. the *.;.;;;;.-; ,,^;r,;

4. the boy I w,te a ,.;;;r;

5. the girL leat a h.rurr';;-rr;



O Look at the picture and circl,e the
O a-Wtó Listen to the conversation.
correct word. Where is Sophie?

b.Wrt' Listen again. Comptete the

ASSISTANT: HeLLo. l Can I hel"p you?
SOPHIE: Yes, p[ease. l'd Like to write

ASSISTANT: 0 K. lt costs f 1 fo r 30 m in utes
A¡ What is there in the fridge?
B: There's t a I somecheese and
SOPHIE: fwo -., please.
za l've got lots of emai[s to write!
I some butter. But there isn't
t any I some bread. ASSISTANT: Do you want a
A: Are there a some I any eggs? SOPH I E: Yes,please. Anó
Yes, there are 5
B: any I a lot of eggs but there ASSISTANT: 0K. That's 7

aren't ó any I a lot ofsausages.

pLease. You can pay Later.
A: Are there7 some I anydrinks?
Thank you.
B: There's ' ,ny I some miLk but there
SOPHIE: fhank you.
isn'te any I somejuice.
A: ls there 'o any I some fruit?
Yes, there's t1
aI an
B: appl.e and
@ a. For each f¡rst sentence f l -sl f¡nd a
an I , pear. second sentence fa-el.
0K. lwant13 an la egg, 1a
some I a milk and
an I a apple, p[ease. 1. l'm very thirsty.
2. lt's a LoveLy day.
@ complete the sentences w¡t h some 3. lt's Peter's birthday.
or any. 4. I'm hungry.
1. lwantfi}fil2 newshoes,butlcan't
5. It's Mother's D.y.
find shoes I tike! ?. Shat[ we buy him a present?
2. Have yougot - _- magazines? yes, b. Let's make some sandwiches!
thereare _ undertheTV. c. Let's go for a walk!
3. Have you got d. Why don't we go for a drink?
s iste rs ? €. Sha[[ we buy her some flowers?
4. There are great f¡Lms in the
DVD shop at the moment. b.'W';' Listen and check.
5. I'vegot __--moneyinthebank.





O Choose the correct opt¡on to

complete the sentences.
1. Samalwaysbuys redfLowerat
the flower shop.
o.a b. an G. the

2. Then, he goes to newsagent's

in front of his house.
o.a b. an G. the

3.0nSaturdayshehas----- burgerwith
El. a b. an c. the
4. He has got pet. H e ta kes it to the

vet once a month.

á. a b. an G. the

5. lts na me is Spotty. lt has got

enormous body.
E. a b. an c. the
O a. Look at the
picture. What
6. Sam s mum, LiLi, works in bank. can you see in ¡t?
a?. b. an G. the

7. Shewears uniform.
?.a b. an c. the
8. She usua LLy buys ta keaway

coffee on her way to work.

a.a b. an c. the
9. She has to wea r same uniform
ry d ay.
b. Complete th¡s description of the
?. a b. an G. the picture w¡th the word s E, the, it, they
and she.
O Use the prompts to write a new
diatogue. This is picture of Key West. 2

is 3 small island in the south of

A: Wh at lyou do? Florida, USA. ln a picture, there is
B: I / l.o ok I present I for Mum. teenage g¡r1,.6 is wal.king

A: Why I you buy her / prese nt? I lt I into shop. The name of
shop is "SheLL Warehouse sells
her birthday? sheLLs and a Lot of other souvenirs
B: No. I I buy prese nl I because I flother's Dai. are rea LLy bea utif u L. 11 g irl is wea ring

A: Why I you not / buy flowers? shorts. I th¡nk1 s summer and

's on ho[iday in Key West.
B: Good idea !

A: Let's I go I flower sh op I rou nd I corner.

V#ffiAffitJLAffiY ffiffiAMM3Affi
O Complete the sentences with these
O a. Complete the sentences with
words. some, df,Y, a or an.
a sausages 6 pea rs
s croissants & ba na nas 1. Canyoubuyme DVDformy
& aspirin * magazines birthday, pLease?
s tooth paste & bread 2. l'vegot newmusic.
s chewing gum * stea k
3. Take aspirin and go to bed.
1. buy
You can at a chemist's. 4. Ca rla's buyrng magazines.
2. You ca n get . at a newsagent's. 5. Have you got black jeans in a
3. Youcanbuy ..atafruitshop. size 12?
4. You ca n get at a butcher's.
5. Youcanbuy atabaker's.
b. Tick J'.,,{"1the sentences where
a lot of is atso correct.

2. o
3. o
4. o
5. o
ffiruffiLssH tru u$ffi
@ Comptete the conversations w¡th
your own ideas.
O Comptete the sentences. 1.

1. You can have a - at a

B: l'm doing my homework.

hairdresser's. 2. A=?
2. You can try on t-shirts, jeans and B: To the [ibrary.

othe r at a c[othes shop. 3. A:

3. You can a DVD at a DVD shop. B: Yes, she is.

4. You can a f iLm at a cinema. 4. A:

5. You can with friends at an B: No, they aren't.

internet café. 5. A: Let's go to the disco.

6. You can a present at B:


shopp¡ng centre. 6. A:

7. You can bil.Ls at a bank. B: No, thanks ldon't Like ptzza.

7. A:

B: No, we haven't got any.

8. A= ?

B: lt's $300.


ICT in our lives

O Match. b. Write five sentences about yourself

1. spea k o. a file using activities from Exerc¡se 2a. You
2. d own Loa d b. onLine games
can wr¡te about wh€fr, why or how
3. play often you do them.
c. a seLfie
4. ta ke d. on the phone
5. post €. research
6. send f. a QR code 2.

7. do g. an audio message
8. sca n h. comments

O a. What do,f you use your computer 4.

tor? Tic k 1 I the activities you do.
1. stay con nected with f riends o 5.
2. d o resea rc h
3. chat on Facebook o 6.
4. check the weather o
5. do homework o O Complete the sentences to describe
6. send emaiLs o Anna. Use the words in the box.
7. pLay games o
8. post comments o & angry & sad
9. watch fiLms lvideos o & worried & excited
10. downLoad music o & cool m lazy

11. shop onLine o

12. listen to music o so
1. Anna is . She is always funny,

positive and happy.

2. She is never [ate. She gets when
her friends don't arrive on time.
3. She aLways wears very trendy clothes. She


4. She is neve r

5. She gets when she can't find a

soLution to a probLem.

6. She's not boring. She's always

about making plans for the weekend.

. .ni:::i:i:::i:i ..



O Read the article.

Books and boolGhoPs=

Is ühere any hope for ühern?
elive in a digital age,People download music and
watch frlms online. As a result a lot of record shops
*rrj-niD shops are closing. The number of bookshops is
buying rcaL
,*iro going down as more and more people are

or electronic books online. Is there any hope for books with

rcaLpagesi And for bookshopsi This is what

book lovers

h"u" to say,

I got &rL r'4e:ader for my birthday-et ei t

gíftI what's so good abour_t:, You ',*i'n,,,,,,,
ii,,iu,,,,,, ,,,u,1

"'4t,,,- have a lot of books on it. You oniy:',, ¿éü

::,i internet access and a ctedít card.

! You click"Download" and You get th
.-book you want ín afew secondsi l'' ..'.
':' The problem is that some books are
not auaílabLe as e-books. And e-bl66H$
are not available in evetY language;,,,...".,.I'.it

O Cotptete with real books, e-books, O Compl.ete the chart with information
online and at bookshops. from the texts.
1. Cathy Likes read ing
and she buys them
Buying books at bookshops

Buying books ontine

and he buys them
3. Kristie Likes read ing Having an e-reader

and she buys them

b. Write questions and answer them.
O a. Complete the sentences with
1. Where / tfre SLaters / l.ive?
Whgre dp !h9 fjgt_e;r9_ lyug?

a vio Lin l.esso n eve ry

2. Wh al I they I ¿o I right now?

Facebook at the

Geog ra p hy test rig ht 3. Where I flrs Slater / wo rk?

Facebook every day.

4. Wh al I Richard I eat?

computer now? [useJ c. Correct the sentences.

b. Reread the sentences ¡n Exerc¡se 1. The Slaters Live in London.

1a and circle the time expressions.

O a. Read the text. 2. Mrs SLater works in a schooL.

3. Rose is [ooking at a cat.

4. Richard and Rose go to different schooLs.

The SLaters are not atways on hol"iday! They

usual.[y work very hard. They live and work in
Coventry. Mr S[ater is a teacher in the centre
of town and Mrs Slater is a doctor in a locaI 5. Mr and Mrs Stater are working.
hospital. Rose and Richard go to the same
schooL near their home. They l.ike schooL a lot.
They al.L [ike traveLLing and go to a different
country every year. This year they are having - 6. The SLaters are having a hotiday in Portugat.
a great hol.iday in Spain. Right now they are
sitting in a street café. Mr and Mrs Slater are
having some coffee. Richard is eating an
ice-cream. Rose is Looking at a dog. The dog
Looks hungry. lt wants some ice-cream.


O compLete the text with the correct O a. W;;' Listen to the conversation.
form of the verb. Use the present Can Nadia go out with Mark today?
simpte or present continuous. Why/why not?
Miriam is an interpreter and sh e t tr7uels
[traveLJ to lots of countries. Sh e 2

[speak] Spanish, French and Engtish. At the

moment sh e 3 . [readJ a book of poetry b. Wll';;' Listen aga¡n. True or fatse?
on the plane to Paris. She a
her favourite music - heavy metal! She
[t¡stenJ to 1. Nadia is watching a comedy.
[l.ikeJ frer job, but she ó
2. Mark is downtoading music.
[want) to be a poet.
3. Mark is doing homework.
4. Mark's Maths teacher aLways
@ Comptete the sentences with gives him homework.
your own ideas. Use the present
5. Nadia is doing homework.

6. Nadia's Maths teacher never

grenda is a etudent. Toda,¡ ís different
gives her homework.
it'g a holida,¡. 7. Nadia is playing the piano.
1. Brenda has breakfast at ó.00, 8. Nadia plays the piano.
9. Nad ia has pia no tessons every Tuesday.
2, Brenda has [unch in the schooL
c. Comptete the first part of the
canteen, but today she
MARK: Hi, Nadia. lt's me, Mark.
3. At 5.00 Brenda usuatty does her NADIA: H i, Ma rk. H ow a re you ?
homework, but today she MARK: l'm fine. What 1 you

4. At 10.00 Brenda goes to bed, but
a comedy. lt's rea Lty f u n ny. And you ?
today she
to music and my
Maths homework. lt's so Long-
O Complete the sentences w¡th the 30 exercises in al"L!
correct object pronoun.
NADIA: That sou nds [ike a lot.
1. Do you have my mobi[e phone? pl.ease give it MARK: We[t, our Maths teacher always
to us a l.ot of homework.
2. We are pLaying MonopoLy. Do you want to NADIA: That's terribl.e. 0ur Maths teacher
ptay with ? doesn't usuatty gives us
3. Where is Tommy? Why don't you caL[ homework. And 17 have

any homework for tomorrowl

4. Sarah Looks sad these days. Let's invite

d. 'Wlll', Listen again and check.
to the cinema.


O Corptete the sentences using and, G) fn. fottowing sentences compare

but, so an d because. what the ch¡ldren are doing w¡th
1. They aLways go out together
what they always, usually or
sometimes do. Complete them w¡th
they are good friends.
your own ideas.
2. He doesn't have a mobiLe phone
1. Barbara, Marco, Del.f ina and Danny are
having a good time. They a re good f riends
3. She's very kind - she Loves to
so they aLways have a great time together.
help peopLe.
4. ldon't study much I a Lways

pass my tests.
5. I have a test tomorrow lmust 2. sun in a park. They

sit and study.

understand a topic. 3. some Maths CXCTCISCS.

7. My mum is cooking lam

heLping her!

4. Marco is holding a batl..

O Look at a picture of four friends
-BarbaFE, Marco, Detfina and Danny.
Tick1"'.,,r'|what you th¡nk they are 5. Del.fina and Danny are reading some notes.
doi ng. Th ey

@ Write a description of the picture.

lncLude inf ormation bout what the peopLe

are doing and what they always, usually or

sometimes do.
Remember to use and , but, because and so
to join some of your sentences.
Use your imagination !

making plans for the weekend o

doing homework o
reading for a test o
Looking at a magazine o
having a good time o
sitting in the sun o
pLaying f ootba LL
taking notes o
Laughing o

VOCABULARY O Use the informat¡on to write
O Complete the sentences.
1. Sophie / usual.Ly / Listen I pop music I but I
1. I l.ike photos on Facebook.
now I rock
2. PLease me a text message
to_phie ws,ually li#Vng_ to pop mulic
when you get home.
3. lsometimes ontine games.
2. Mari an lalways I read lnovels lbut / right
4. She loves on Skype.
now / tt",e newspaper
5. We often go online to ---

3. / usually
My friends lpl.ay I video gam es I
O Write an adjective for each but/nowlchess
1. This person makes me laugh 4. we / always I work hard I school, I but ltoday
2, This person never works hard I celebrate lits anniversary
3. This person doesn't taLk much
4, This person is nice to others
() Comptete with object pronouns.
GRAMMAR 1. She's so pretty. Here's a pictu re of

O Complete with the present

continuous. 2. We don't understand this exercise. Can you
p[ease heLp 1
1. Inot / pLayJ footbal.l..
3. Peter:'s over there. Pl.ease, caLL

4. [end

5. Where are my keys? I can't find

@ Complete wlth the present simple.

- [nol lmake] tr¡ends

O Answer about yourself.

1. What are you doing right now?

3. your
2. What time of the day ¡s it?

4. tnot l¿o] homework on

3. What do you usuaLl"y do at this time of the day?

Time to trovel


O Put the letters in order and O Complete the activities that Jenny
complete the crossword about on hotidays.
forms of transport.
ffio ffio Waffi


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O Read the text. lt is a diary from the yea r 741 .

O Answer the questions. O Match the first part of the sentences

1. Was Nanivandak young or oLd in 741? [1-51 to the second part fa-el.
1. Everyyear Nanivandak ... @ ¡

i. What was his job when he was young?

2. He started his trip ... o :



3. He finished his trip...

3. Was his first journey to Chang'an easy?

4. The market in Chang'an o
5. Nanivandak took...
o. had many things.
4. How otd was he on his first trip? b. traveLLed to China.
G. with cameLs.

5. bandits dangerous? d. a lot of things home.

€. wlth horses.

6. What was Nanivandak's opinion of

@ Match the adjectives [1-ól to the
Chang'an? nouns [a-fl in the diary.
1. oLd o. Journey
7, How did they pay for things? 2. bea utif uI b. camels
3. expe ns ive G. winte r
8. How did they take things home? 4. big d. man
5. interesting €. city
6. co Ld f. ma rket

O Complete the sentences with the O Write questions using the pr:ompts
affirmative [*l or negative [-f past and answer them.
simpte form oÍ to be. 1. Where lyou / Last night?
Wh¿ro wo/re you I ast nig:ht?
I was at tlhe cino'ma.
2. Wholyouwith?

3. Why lyoulthere?

4. Where I your I friends?

1. ¡ W26 t*J on holiday last
5. your parents lat home?

2. We [*J ¡n M isio nes.

3. The weathe r {*J g reat.

@ a. Write the past tenses of these
4. tt l-l ra iny. regu[ar verbs.
ll [*J su n ny.
I. sta rt $artpd 4. cook
5. The hoteL [*] nice
2. travet 5. walk
6, The rooms t-l big
3. play 6. visit
They [+) small.
7. The peopl.e [*] very b. Use past time expressions and
friendLy. the verbs in Exerclse 4a to write
8. The place [*) beautiful.
sentences about the pictures.
9. The waterfalls [*] great!

O Answer the questions with true

1 . Wh e re we re yo u yeste rd ay at 7.00 ?

2, Were you with your famiLy?

3. Where were you last weekend? 1. Last Marc'h he uisrtod ?aris.

2. Last Summo-f ,,,

4. What was the weather Like on Sund ay? 3.

5. Were you Late or early to schooL this 5.
morning? 6.



O Write past simpte sentences using O a. Complete the diatogue with the
these prompts, Add any necessary mtsslng Sentences.
words. o You're wetcome.
1. Rob I be I zoo I last weekend
o lt takes aboul 24 hours.
Laet woq|epd kb was at tho zto:
o What day do you want to travel?
2. He ltake I some / beautifut photos . A retu rn ticket is tB9.

A: Excuse ffie , I want to go to BarceLona f rom

3. He / not go I famiLy London. How much is it by coach?
B: ,l¡ngle o-r roturn?
4. He I go lf riends A: Retu rn.

5. They / se e I a Lot of I anima[s A¡ 0n Monday.

6. They / have I Lunch / smaL[ restaurant Ar And how long does it take to get to BarceLona?

7. They / have I great time Ar Thank you.


@ Comptete the sentences w¡th a verb

in the past.
National Express
Yesterday was a terrible day. First,

l 1 Wa6- [beJ late to schoot.

* +*-.w..Barcelona 24h 15 min
The Maths teacher was furious. ln ctass
I 2 tOoJ f ou r exercises a nd they
Ibe] a[[ wrong. The teacher

[see] *y exercises and was

f urious again ! Then l 5 [have] b. 4|ffi't'i" Listen and check.
Lunch in the canteen The burgers

Ibe] horribLe! What a day! @'fii, |,i"' Listen to the man buying
tickets and answer the questions.
O Complete the questions wi th How
1. How many tickets does he want?
much and How many. -fhree:

1. tickets do you want? - 2. Where does he want to go?

3. Does he want singte or return tickets?
2. are two tickets to the
airport? - f 10.50.

3. 4. When does he want to travel?

you? - Three. 5. When does he want to return?

4. is that backpa ck? -f 59.99. 6. How much do the tickets cost?



O a. Find seven more mistakes in the emait.

#wwMw#:###*ffi iffi !i!ft üs|]@

To: [email protected]
Frorn: [email protected]
Subiect lt's me from NewYorklll


W"',4üilD" wonderfr.rl time here in New York. We orived on AÁondoy. We're stoyng in
o hostei]T66K but our room is very smoll. The people here ore very friendly. We meet so-me
nice boys in the hostel. Yesterdoy the weoiher wos tenible - it roinned oll doy so we visit the
museums. We're eolting lots of different food. Lost nighi we goed to o rock concert. lt wos greot.
Wsh you were here! Lots of love


b. Write the correct version here.

H¡ órlvia,
"-- - ---'- -.-"t"--.

wo'ro ha:uing a wo_nApr{ul ttmp_he:rg in Nwt Y_p-rB,

@ Use the words in the box to comptete @ lmagine you are on hotiday. Use the
the sentences. prompts to write an ema¡L to your
o weather I tove I terrible . Wish r say he[[o .food
I people r time r lovety o Hi o good I bad time - 3 peopLe
p[ace? c things you do
I weather I say goodbye
1. H¡ Jacky r accommodation
2. We're having a wonderfuI

3. The food is .. . .

4. The is great.
5. The hoteI is

room !

6. The are friendLy.

7. you were here.

8. Lots of

@ Co.pl.ete the sentences with these @ Corptete the sentences with the
words. past simpte form of the verbs.
* coach I taxi $ mountain bike 1. They {be) in Salta. Th ey
o ferry e plane CI underground
Ihave) a wonderfuL time!
1. They crossed the river by
2, They [takeJ the train. They
2. The Spanish word for the
Inot take] tfre bus.
3. The views [be) beautiful.. They
3. A to the city centre is very
[seeJ a lot of mou ntains.
expensive. Let's ta ke the bus !

4. There is a from Manchester

Inot be) c[oudy.
to London at 8.30. lt takes five hours.
5. Th ey lstay) i n a h ote t. Th e se rvice
5. My brother Loves cycling. He wants
tbe) good.
anew for his birthday.
6. They tnot hire) mountain bikes.
6. The from Mataga to London
They tgo) horseriding.
takes two hours.
7. The horses tbel ol.d. They
Inot be) fast.


@ Complete the tetter.

Hi Jane,
I'm1 a great time on the beach.
We're 2 in a bea utif u I hotel a nd the
is n ice a nd su n ny. Yesterday we
to the aquarium and I 5 a lot
of photos. ó you were here !

Love, Kim

O Match the verbs [1-101 to the words

or phrases fa-jl. ENGL¡$H IN USE
1. ride o. a barbecue
O Think about what you d¡d at the
2. go b. in a hotel times given and complete the
3. pLay c. board games sentences.
4. stay d. a horse 1. Yesterday al 4.00 in the afternoon,
5. have €. to the beach I ¿¡d my Geography homeworK.
6. ta ke f. a good time 2. Yesterday morn ing
7. see g. photos 3. Last month
8. have h. in the sea 4. Last Friday
9. wal.k ¡. wiLd an ima [s 5. When I was on hoLiday,
10. swim j. a rou nd 6. The Last time I went to the zoa


i¡ :

Datos de catatogación bibtiográfica I
The PubLisher wouLd Like tq acknowledge María ALicia
What's Up? 1 Student's Book / Cathy Myers ... let aL.]; i
Maldonado for her adaptation and pedagogicaLsupervision
adaptado por María Aticia Matdonado. - 3a ed adaptada. - Ciudad I

Autónoma de BuenosAires:Pearson Education, S. A.,2016.

of the What's trp? 3d edition series as weLL as Mónica I
112 p. ; 30 x 21 cm. Rodriguez Salvo for her collaboration on developing the I
SociaLand EmotionaI Learning content and activities. ¡
rsBN 978-987 -ó15 -422-2 I

The pubLisher wou[d Like to thank the foLLowing for their 1

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1. Enseñanza de Lenguas Extranjeras.2.lngLés. L Jackson, kind permission to reproduce their photographs: i
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MaLdonado, María Aticia, adapt. V. Título i
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Affirmative and negative And: related information

| / / He / She I lt lWe / They can swim.
You He Likes online games and he pLays att day.
| /You I He / Sh e / lt / We I They can't swim.
ca n't = cá n not But: constrasting information
He Likes ontine games but he never pLays.
Questions and short answers
Can she swim? Yes, she can. / No, she can't. Because: fact-reason
He usuatLy wins because he is a good ptayer.
Permission and requests
Can I use your camera? So: reason-fact
Can you open the window? He is a good player so he usuaLty wins.

Affirmative Negative
l/You/He/She /lt/WelTheymustgo. l/You/He/She llt/\NelTheymustn'tgo. mustn't=mustnor
Questions and short answeFs: Must he go? Yes, he must. / No, he mustn't.

Affirmative and negative . verb + object pronoun

want to go out. o preposition {for, from, to, at, etc.l +
I object pronoun
I don't want to stay at home. Look at these books. I bought them for us.
He wants to eat pizza,
He doesn't want to eat sandwiches.
Do you want to come?
Does she want to stay? ,..


Let's go to the cinema.

Why don't we go to the park?
What about going to the shopp¡ng centre?
Sha[[ we go for a burger?

always usuatty often sometimes never

100% 0o/o in + Jul.y on + Tuesday at + g o'clock

Position summer 24rh April midday
I am sometimes late to school. {to be+ adverb] -'r'r 2005 midnight
the morning
I sometimes study on Sundays. the afternoon
fadverb + other verbs)
the evening

Affirmative Negative
Countabte nouns Singutar a lnl He's buying a book. a fnl He's not eating an ice cream.
PluraI some/a totof He's got some/a Lotof books. some/a totof
There is some / a tot of mitk.
uncountable nouns any/a Lot of He hasn't got any/a Lot of books. any/a Lot of
There isn't a ny la lot of mitk.

Affirmative Negative Questions and short answers
I'm Engtish. l'm not Engtish. Am I Engtish? Yes, I am. / No, l'm not.
He / She / lt's twetve. He / She / lt isn't twetve. ls he twelve? Yes, he is. / No, he isn't.
You / We / They're happy. You / We / They aren't happy. Are they happy? Yes, they are.
'm = am s = is 're are isn't = is not aren't = are not No' they aren't'

Aff ¡rmat¡ve Negative

I lYou / We /They l"ike | / You / We / They don't tike snakes. Do I tike snakes? Yes, I do. / No, I don't.
sna 1,.r.
He / She / lt doesn't Like snakes. Does she tike snakes? Yes, she does.
He / She / lt t¡kes snakes. No, she doesn't.
don't = do not doesn't = does not

Affirmative Negative Ouestions and short answers

I'm studying. I'm notstudying. Am working?
I Yes, I am. / No I'm not.
He / She / lt's studying. He / She / lt isn't reading. ls he working? Yes he is. / No, he isn't.
You / We / They're You / We / They aren't reading. Are they working? Yes, they are.
studying' No, they aren't.
He isn't reading. = He's not
We aren't reading. = We're not

Affirmative Negative Questions and short answers

l/He/She/ltwas inAfrica. l/He/She/ltwasn't in China. Was itthere? Yes, itwas. / No, itwasn't.
You / We / They were in You / We / They weren't in China. Were we there? Yes, we were.
Africa. No, we weren't.
WaSn't = WEIS h0t
Wefen't = Wefe nOt

Regular verbs lrregular verbs

Affirmative and negative Affirmative and negative
l/YoulHe/She/lt/We/Theycookedburgers. l/You/He/She/lt/We/Theywenttothecinema.
llYoulHe/She/lt/We/Theydidn'tcookchicken. l/You/He/She /lt/We/Theydidn'tgotothezoo.
didn't = did not


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