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Article history: Graphene film was formed on the surface of titanium dioxide nanotube (TiO2 NT) arrays
Received 24 March 2011 through in situ electrochemical reduction of a graphene oxide dispersion by cyclic voltam-
Accepted 29 July 2011 metry. The residual oxygen-containing groups and other structural defects such as
Available online 4 August 2011 sp3-hybridized carbons in the electrodeposited graphene were further removed by photo-
assisted reduction of the underlying TiO2 NTs, thus achieving the maximum restoration of
p-conjugation in the graphene planes. Spectroscopic, electrochemical, and photoelectro-
chemical techniques were used to characterize the graphene films, and the use of the result-
ing graphene–TiO2 NT material in photocatalysis was investigated. The results showed that
the graphene–TiO2 NT material exhibited a greatly improved photocatalytic activity com-
pared with unmodified TiO2 NTs.
2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
vapor deposition [20], and reduction of graphene oxide (GO) ribbon was anodized at 15 V in an electrolyte containing
derived from exfoliated graphite oxide [21,22], have been 0.1 M NaF and 0.5 M NaHSO4 at room temperature for 5 h in
proposed, among which the last approach provides access a two-electrode system with a platinum cathode, resulting
to graphene-based composite materials. For example, by in the TiO2 NT arrays with a pore size of 90–100 nm, a length
chemical, photocatalytic, or hydro/solvothermal reduction of 320 nm and an efficient electrode area of 4 cm · 1 cm. Be-
of GO in the presence of TiO2 nanoparticles or Ti precursors fore the modification of graphene, the TiO2 NTs were an-
[9,14–16,23,24], powdery graphene–TiO2 composites can be nealed at 500 C for 3 h with heating and cooling rates of
easily prepared. These methods, however, seem not suitable 2 C min1 to obtain photoactive anatase phase. The anatase
for the fabrication of graphene–TiO2 NT materials. phase was not influenced by graphene electrodeposition
Recently, we have reported that GO in aqueous solutions (see Fig. S1 in Supporting Information).
can be directly electrochemically reduced using cyclic voltam-
metric method to yield graphene films on electrode surfaces 2.3. Preparation of graphene films on TiO2 NT arrays
[25,26]. The graphene electrodeposition has been proved to be
driven by the difference in solubility between the GO and the Graphite oxide was synthesized from graphite powder by the
electrochemically reduced GO in aqueous electrolytes. In the Hummers’ method [28]. The obtained graphite oxide powder
present work, by using TiO2 NTs grown on a Ti foil (TiO2 NTs/ was exfoliated in 0.1 M pH 9.18 phosphate buffer solution
Ti) as the electrode, we have prepared graphene film on TiO2 (PBS, Na2HPO4) by ultrasonication for 30 min to form a homo-
NTs to obtain novel graphene–TiO2 NT hybrid photocatalyst. geneous brown GO colloidal dispersion with a concentration
More interestingly, the residual oxygen-containing groups in of 0.5 mg mL1. The cyclic voltammetric reduction was per-
the electrodeposited graphene (EG) film [25,26] can be further formed in the GO dispersion with magnetic stirring, using a
removed by photo-assisted reduction of the underlying TiO2 three-electrode system (the annealed TiO2 NTs/Ti sheet as
NTs, achieving the maximum restoration of p-conjugation in working electrode, Pt foil as counter electrode, and saturated
the graphene plane. The electrochemical preparation and calomel electrode (SCE) as reference electrode) on a CHI 660D
photo-assisted reduction of the graphene film were illustrated electrochemical workstation (CH Instruments, Shanghai). The
in Fig. 1. The preparation, morphology and structure, light scan was from 1.5 to 1 V at a rate of 50 mV s1, and the load-
absorption, photoelectrochemical property, adsorptivity to or- ing of graphene sheets was controlled by the number of po-
ganic molecules, and photocatalytic activity of the graphene– tential cycles. After deposition, the working electrode was
TiO2 NT material were investigated in detail. washed with DI water, and then dried at room temperature.
TiO2 NT arrays were prepared according to our previous work The adsorptivity of the graphene–TiO2 NT material was inves-
[27]. Prior to anodization, Ti ribbons were in turn ultrasoni- tigated by placing graphene–TiO2 NTs/Ti electrodes in a
cally cleaned in acetone and ethanol. The cleaned titanium 1.0 mg L1 anthracene-9-carboxylic acid (9-AnCOOH) solution
Fig. 1 – Illustration for preparing the graphene–TiO2 NT hybrid material. TiO2 NT arrays were obtained by anodic oxidation of a
Ti foil (see Section 2), and then GO in a dispersion was electrochemically reduced by cyclic voltammetry to yield EG film on the
TiO2 NTs. A xenon arc lamp as simulated solar light source was applied to the EG film to obtain photoreduced EG (PEG) film.
5314 CARBON 4 9 ( 2 0 1 1 ) 5 3 1 2 –5 3 2 0
2.7. Characterization
3.1. Electrochemical synthesis of graphene films advantage of the electrodeposition method is its easy control
over graphene loading by choosing the number of the poten-
Fig. 2a shows the cyclic voltammograms (CVs) for electro- tial cycling. Fe(CN)63/4 redox probe was selected to evaluate
chemical synthesis of graphene. Two anodic peaks (I and IV) the optimal loading amount of graphene. Fig. 3a displays the
and two cathodic peaks (II and III) were observed during the CVs of 5.0 mM K3Fe(CN)6 in a 1.0 M KCl solution on TiO2 NTs/
electrolysis of GO. Successive cyclic voltammetry scans Ti and EG-TiO2 NTs/Ti electrodes with different cycles of
showed that the current of all the peaks increased with graphene electrodeposition. At the potential range of 1.2 to
increasing the cycle number, suggesting that the GO in the dis- 1.8 V, TiO2 NTs/Ti only shows a reduction peak, while quasi-
persion was suffering from electrochemical reduction to yield reversible redox behavior of Fe(CN)63/4 is observed on the
conductive graphene that continuously deposited onto the EG-TiO2 NTs/Ti electrodes, confirming the formation of con-
TiO2 NTs/Ti electrode [25,26]. To assign the peaks, the CVs of ductive graphene by the cyclic voltammetric method, which
bare TiO2 NTs/Ti electrode and the EG modified TiO2 NTs/Ti promotes electron transfer between the Fe(CN)63/4 and the
(EG-TiO2 NTs/Ti) electrode in 0.1 M PBS (pH 9.18) were com- Ti electrode [33,34]. The oxidation peak current increases with
pared with the CV of GO electrolysis (Fig. 2b). The TiO2 NTs/ increasing cycle numbers from 0 to 26, and then drops beyond
Ti electrode itself exhibits a strong oxidation peak at a much 26 cycles (Fig. 3b). The initial increase in oxidation peak cur-
negative potential that accounts for the peak IV. The cathodic rent is attributed to the enhanced conductivity with increas-
peak III present in GO electrolysis disappeared when the EG- ing graphene loading. This is confirmed by the
TiO2 NTs/Ti electrode was swept in PBS, so the peak III should corresponding SEM images shown in Fig. 4, in which the sur-
be ascribed to the irreversible electrochemical reduction of GO face coverage of graphene clearly increases with the increased
[29–32]. Peaks I and II are presented both in the CV of GO elec- cycle numbers. At 5, 11, and 17 cycles, graphene islands are
trolysis and in the CV of EG-TiO2 NTs/Ti electrode recorded in observed to coexist with uncovered regions of TiO2 NT arrays,
PBS, and therefore they should be ascribed to the residual oxy- and at 26 cycles, the islands merge into a closed graphene film
gen-containing groups on graphene planes that are too stable layer on the TiO2 NT surface. At 32 cycles, the TiO2 NTs are
to be reduced by the cyclic voltammetric method [29,30]. hardly discernible because thicker graphene film was formed.
For the thicker films, the graphene sheets are supposed to
3.2. Optimization of graphene loading and SEM character- restack to form graphite-like structure through strong p–p
ization stacking interactions [35], thus resulting in slowish electron-
transfer rates relative to the 26-cycle EG film. The EG films
The loading amount of graphene affects the performance of are significantly smooth on the large TiO2 NT substrate (in line
the graphene–TiO2 composites [14,23,24], and a prominent with the tentative structure illustrated in Fig. 1), indicating
CARBON 4 9 ( 20 1 1 ) 5 3 1 2–53 2 0 5315
Fig. 4 – SEM images of TiO2 NT arrays (a), and TiO2 NT arrays covered by graphene electrodeposited with five cycles (b), 11
cycles (c), 17 cycles (d), 26 cycles (e) and 32 cycles (f). Partial graphene islands are marked by the dashed lines for the eye guide.
The inset is a typical FFT image from photoreduced graphene sheets.
3.4. Photocatalytic application of PEG-TiO2 NT materials the graphene introduction. Noticeably, both the light absorp-
tion and the photocurrent of PEG-TiO2 NTs reached to maxi-
As aforementioned, the practical photodegradation efficiency mal values at 26-cycle graphene electrodeposition resulting
of TiO2 is retarded by: (i) wide band gap; (ii) high carrier- from the formation of the largest interface area between
recombination probability; and (iii) poor adsorbing affinity to- TiO2 NT and graphene film (referring to the SEM images in
ward organic molecules. Next, the TiO2 NT photocatalysts Fig. 4), while further loading of graphene sheets on TiO2 NTs
modified with graphene will be evaluated in terms of light led to the decreases of the light absorptions and the photocur-
absorption, charge separation, and adsorptivity as well as rents, which can be attributed to the decline of light transmit-
photodegradation efficiency. tance through thicker graphene films to TiO2 surface [42,43].
Fig. 6a and b shows the DRS and photocurrent responses of The adsorptivities of the graphene–TiO2 NT hybrid materi-
different types of TiO2 NTs, respectively. Besides the intrinsic als were evaluated by choosing a typical derivative of persis-
band gap absorption of TiO2 at wavelengths less than 400 nm, tent organic pollutant, 9-AnCOOH. Because of the high
the bare TiO2 NTs also exhibit visible light activity (Fig. 6a), specific surface area of graphene nanosheets and their good
due to the presence of structural defects in the TiO2 NTs affinity toward organic molecules through hydrophobic and
[39,40]. In comparison with the bare TiO2 NTs, the modified specific p–p interactions [12,13], all the graphene modified
TiO2 NTs display that all the absorption edges are red-shifted TiO2 NTs indeed exhibit improved adsorptivity toward
accompanied by significantly enhanced absorption intensi- 9-AnCOOH (Fig. 6c) than the bare TiO2 NTs. Again, the maxi-
ties (Fig. 6a) and that the photocurrents remarkably increased mum adsorption (about 6 times of that on the bare TiO2
(Fig. 6b), indicating obvious band gap narrowing [14] and en- NTs) occurred on the 26–29-cycle EG modified TiO2 NTs,
hanced generation/separation efficiency of photo-induced where graphene islands were observed to merge into a closed
electrons and holes [15,37,41,42], respectively, as a result of graphene layer and resulted in a largest surface coverage for
CARBON 4 9 ( 20 1 1 ) 5 3 1 2–53 2 0 5317
Fig. 5 – (a) CVs showing the change of EG-TiO2 NTs/Ti electrode in a 1.0 M KCl solution containing 5.0 mM K3Fe(CN)6 as a
function of illumination time; (b) photocurrent–time characteristic during light ‘‘on–off’’ cycles on TiO2 NTs/Ti and EG-TiO2
NTs/Ti electrodes; (c) FTIR reflectance spectra of TiO2 NTs and EG-TiO2 NTs with/without photoreduction treatment; (d) CVs of
EG-TiO2 NTs/Ti before and after photoreduction in 0.1 M, pH 9.18, PBS. For all the EG-TiO2 NTs/Ti electrodes, EG film was
obtained by using 26 electrodeposition cycles.
adsorption. Further loading of graphene led to decreased electrodeposition showed the highest photocatalytic rate re-
adsorptivity of 9-AnCOOH, which is presumably due to the sulting from the synergetic effects of light absorption, charge
decreased surface energy originating from the graphite-like separation, and adsorptivity. Fig. 7b shows UV–vis spectra of
structure of the multilayer graphene films. 9-AnCOOH in situ degraded on the PEG-TiO2 NTs/Ti electrode
From the investigations above, one can find that the three with 26 electrodeposition cycles of graphene, depicting that
main limitations of pure TiO2 such as wide band gap, high car- the characteristic adsorption peaks of 9-AnCOOH slightly de-
rier-recombination probability and poor adsorbing affinity creased after 20 min of adsorption, and then drastically de-
were overcome by the graphene modification. It could be en- creased and finally disappeared at about 60 min of light
visaged that the photodegradation efficiency can be enhanced irradiation. The complete mineralization of 9-AnCOOH was
in the graphene–TiO2 NT hybrid materials. Panel a of Fig. 7 confirmed by high-performance liquid chromatography (see
compares photocatalytic processes of modified and unmodi- Fig. S2 in Supporting Information).
fied TiO2 NTs toward 9-AnCOOH (10 mg L1) under simulated The photodegradation of 9-AnCOOH by the graphene–TiO2
solar light, where direct photolytic process without a photo- NT hybrid material can be explained based on the following pro-
catalyst is also present, from which a much higher removal posed mechanism. As aforementioned in Eq. (1), light irradia-
efficiency was observed to achieve through the photocatalytic tion excited the TiO2 NTs to yield electron–hole pairs. The
process than through the photolytic process. Prior to the photogenerated electrons were captured by graphene sheets
photocatalytic degradation, all the photocatalysts were incu- [8], which increases the lifetime of the photogenerated pairs.
bated in the 9-AnCOOH solutions for 20 min. Consistent with Electrons accumulated on graphene can be transferred to dis-
Fig. 6a, 9-AnCOOH adsorption occurred initially on the PEG- solved oxygen to form the superoxides, hydroxyl radicals, and
TiO2 NTs. Nevertheless, the concentration of 9-AnCOOH strik- so forth, while the photogenerated holes are apt to react with
ingly declined upon light irradiation, indicating that photoca- surface adsorbed water or hydroxyl groups to produce hydroxyl
talytic degradation played a key role in the experiments. The radicals [44]. The hydroxyl radical species is an extremely strong
PEG-TiO2 NTs were seen to exhibit greatly enhanced photode- oxidant, which together with photogenerated hole is responsi-
gradation activity relative to the bare TiO2 NTs. For example, ble for the mineralization of organic molecules [15,45,46].
for 60 min of illumination, 9-AnCOOH was degraded with To be noted that graphene has been shown to be oxida-
the removal ratio of 46% on the bare TiO2 NTs, much lower tively degraded by the photogenerated holes of TiO2 during
than 58%, 98%, and 82% on the PEG-TiO2 NT materials with a long-time of irradiation [47], and herein, the stability of
11-cycle, 26-cycle, and 32-cycle graphene electrodeposition, the graphene–TiO2 NT photocatalyst was evaluated by con-
respectively. The PEG-TiO2 NTs with 26 cycles of graphene secutive 10 runs, where the photocatalyst sample and the
5318 CARBON 4 9 ( 2 0 1 1 ) 5 3 1 2 –5 3 2 0
reaction conditions were the same as those of Fig. 7b. The re-
sults in Fig. 8 indicate that the graphene–TiO2 NT catalyst was
photocatalytic stable for the degradation. After 60 min of irra-
diation in the first run, 98% of the 9-AnCOOH was removed,
and the removal ratio was still as high as 92% in the tenth
run. The slight decrease of the removal efficiency in the con-
secutive runs was probably caused by the partial decomposi-
tion of graphene. Fig. 8 – Stability of 26-cycle electrodeposited graphene
modified TiO2 NTs. For each run, 60 min of irradiation was
4. Conclusions applied to a 60 mL of 9-AnCOOH solution with the initial
concentration of 10.0 mg L1.
We have demonstrated, for the first time, the fabrication of
graphene–TiO2 NT hybrid photocatalysts by simply electrode-
positing graphene from a GO dispersion onto TiO2 NT arrays. graphene–TiO2 NT hybrid materials are dependent on the
Photo-assisted reduction by the underlying TiO2 NTs was graphene loading, the incorporation of graphene into TiO2
found to further improve the crystallinity of the EG film, NTs improved the adsorptivity toward pollutants, enhanced
and thus the charge transport of the graphene. The graph- the light absorption intensity and light absorption range,
ene–TiO2 NT materials with different graphene loading were and boosted the transport and separation of photogenerated
prepared and compared. Although the performances of the charge carriers of TiO2 NTs. Therefore, all the resulting
CARBON 4 9 ( 20 1 1 ) 5 3 1 2–53 2 0 5319
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