Reading Explorer 4 - 3 Edition Word LIST

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Unit 1: Images of Life

1A The Visual Village

Word Meaning (E) Sentence Page

The decision aroused much

controversy among the students.

argument that involves many people

controversy noun 논란 10
who strongly disagree about something Photojounalists using camera apps
to cover wars and conflicts have
created powerful images-but also

The nation has chosen democracy

over monarchy.

a form of government in which people

democracy noun 민주주의 11
choose leaders by voting The increase in number of
photographs and photographers
might even be good for
democracy itself.

The mountains provided a

dramatic backdrop for our picnic.

sensational in appearance or thrilling i

dramatic adj. 극적인 9
n effect
A situation that is transforming the
way we experience dramatic

I embrace your view


Take up the cause, ideology, practice,

embrace verb 수용하다 As people everywhere embrace 9
photography and the media make
use of citizen journalists,
professional standards appear to be

instantly adverb 즉각 without delay His voice is instantly 9


It’s less important than what’s


instantly shared.

She was obsessed with the weight.

obsess to be the only person or thing that We are obsessed with

verb 집착하다 9
(obsessed) someone things or talks about documenting everyday moments,
whether it’s a shot of our
breakfast, our cat-or our cat’s

His knowledge of history is

엄청난 having or showing great knowledge or
profound adj 11
심오한 Or will it simply numb us to the
profound effects of a well-made
image can have?

The ideas and observations

expressed in the book are still
relevant today.
관련 있는 relating to a subject in an appropriate
relevant adj 11
적절한 In the process, they miss out on
the less dramatic images of daily
life that can be just as revealing
and relevant.

A lawyer was appointed to

represent the child.

represent verb 대변하다 to officially speak or take action 9

In the past, most people trusted
photojournalists to accurately
represent reality.

He as a tremendous amount of

tremendous adj 엄청난 very large or great 9

The new ease of photography has
given us a tremendous appetite
for capturing the magical and the

1B My Journey in Photographs


They tried to enrich themselves at the

expense of the poor.

I have learned that women really do hold

질을 높이다 up half the sky; that language isn’t
always necessary, but touch usually is;
enrich verb 풍요롭게 to make (someone) rich 19
that all people are not alike, but they do
하다 mostly have the same hopes and fears;
that judging others does great harm, but
listening to them enriches; and that it is
impossible to hate a group of people
once you get know one of them as an

The company has expectations of

making a profit next year.
기대 a belief that something will
expectation noun 17
He had very high expectations of all the

After a tough battle, they overcame the

to defeat (someone or enemy.
overcome verb 극복하다 19
I overcame my nervousness and sad.

The queen posed for her portrait.

a painting, drawing, or
초상화 photograph of a person that That is why each spring I tour two or
portrait noun 19
usually only includes the three developing countries, shooting
person’s head and shoulders portraits of people whose lives are
better because of the dedicated workers
who care about them.

He projects strength.
project verb to have or show 17
발살하다 He was able to project warmth and
understanding to anyone he met.
Please accept our sincere apologies.

sincere adj honest and true From Paul I learned how to be a patient 17
listener, as well as the importance of
giving each subject time and sincere

teamwork noun 협동정신 a group of people work She stressed the importance of good 17



effectively together
Waiting tables also taught me teamwork
and service and humor.

Many scholars have argued thus.

thus adverb 이와 같이 in this way or manner 19

Thus began one of the most important
relationships of my life.

Your parents will have to cover your

tuition fees.
the money you pay for being
tuition noun 등록금 17
When I went on to college, it also paid
for tuition and housing and a camera.

The play turned out to be a success.

used to say that something or
판명되다 someone eventually becomes
turn out On many assignments, the most 19
something or is found to have a
드러내다 challenging part turned out to be the
particular identity, etc.


Unit 2: Natural Attraction

2A Living Light

Word Meaning (K) Meaning (E) Sentence Page

Jaguars can move with an astonishing

놀라운, 믿기 so surprising that it is difficult
astonishing adj. 27
힘든 to believe
Here, an astonishing number of beings
can make light.

Countless people have had a stab at

solving the riddle.

countless adj. 무수한 too many to be counted 28

The island is famous for its bahia
bioluminiscente, or “bio bay”-home to
countless dinoflagellates.

You can ride the escalator up but have to

to move from a higher level to descend on foot.
descend verb 내려가다 27
a lower one Secondly, as you descend, sunlight

Don’t disturb Jane, she’s studying for her


건드리다[ to move something or change its

disturb verb 28
흩뜨리다] position But if the aim is to remain invisible, why
do some creatures light up when they are
touched, or when the water nearby is

Smoking is a causative factor in several

one of several things that major diseases.
factor noun 요인, 요소 28
influence or cause a situation These factors make light uniquely useful
as a weapon or a veil.

There was a blinding flash and the whole

building shuddered.

a bright light that shines for a

flash noun 빛 27
short time
On land the most familiar examples are
fireflies, flashing to attract mates on a
warm summer night.


Germs are invisible to the naked eye.

invisible adj. 보이지 않는 cannot be seen 27

Firstly, there is almost nowhere to hide,
so being invisible is very important.

A thin layer of dust covered everything.

A sheet or thickness of material,

layer noun 막, 표면 typically one of several 28
In the ocean’s upper layers, where light
covering a surface or body
penetrates, creatures need to blend in to

Birds are the major predator of the

an animal that kills and eats
predator noun 포식자 28
other animals
Any life form that stands out is in danger
of being spotted by predators.

The insect’s wings are almost

able to be seen through with
transparent adj. 투명한 28
Others-such as jellyfish and swimming
snails-are transparent.

2B Feathers of Love

In the dense jungle of New Guinea is

nature’s most absurd theater.
absurd adj. extremely silly 35

The charges against him are obviously

He was bouncing a tennis ball against

the garage door.
to cause (a ball, rock, etc.) to
bounce verb 튀기다 35
hit against a surface
His neck sinks and his head moves up
and down, head feathers bouncing.

Many animals breed only at certain

to produce young animals, times of the year.
breed verb 새끼를 낳다 37
birds, etc.


Although local people are still permitted

to hunt the birds for traditional uses,
they usually target older male birds,
leaving younger males to continue

The festivities will commence with a


commence verb 시작되다 to begin 35

He pauses for dramatic effect, and then

commences his dance again.

I read a book about the evolution of

The scientific idea that plants
and animals develop and
evolution noun 진화 35
change gradually over a long
Such extreme feathers and colors could
period of time
have been favored by the process of

The climate there is very harsh.

harsh adj. 가혹한 very painful 36

Under harsher conditions, he says
“evolution simply wouldn’t have come
up with these birds.”

He was a man of noble character.

고귀한, having, showing, or coming

noble adj. from personal qualities that 35
고결한 Covered in soft, black feathers, the
people admire
noble performer bows deeply to his

Human rights violations figured

prominently in the report.
prominently adverb easily seen, obviously 35
Olive oil and garlic feature prominently
in his recipes.

The priest will perform the ritual.

a formal ceremony or series of

ritual noun 의식, 절차 acts that is always performed 37
“Locals will tell you they went into the
in the same way
forest and copied their rituals from the


She will have to undergo an operation.

to experience or endure
undergo verb 겪다 Over millions of years, they have slowly 36
undergone changes in their color,
feathers, and other talents.


Unit 3: Food and Health

3A How Safe Is Our Food?

Word Meaning (K) Meaning (E) Sentence Page

It is compulsory for all motorcyclists to

wear helmets.
adj. required by a law or rule Fresh fruits and vegetables are packed 47
의무적인 carefully in sanitary conditions; frequent
hand washing is compulsory, and proper
toilets are provided for workers in the
The work will not be confined to the
Glasgow area.

confine verb 국한시키다 to keep (someone) within limits 45

In the name of efficiency and economy,
fish, cattle, and chickens are raised in
giant “factory” farms, which confine
large numbers of animals in tight spaced.

The water was contaminated with


to make (something) dangerous,

contaminate verb 오염되다 45
In the developing world, contaminated
food and water kill over half a million
children a year.

We set out to determine exactly what

happened that night.
알아내다, To find out the facts about
determine verb Then it’s the job of the investigators to 47
밝히다 something
determine what went wrong in the food’s
journey to the table.

She began to suffer from poor digestion

of protein.
the process by which food is
digestion noun 소화, 소화력 changed to a simpler form after 45
it is eaten Most of these bacteria help with
digestion, making vitamins, shaping the
immune system, and keeping us healthy.

feasible adj. 실현 가능한 possible to do This plan for a new town library is not 47
economically feasible.


These successes suggest that it is indeed

feasible for companies and farms to
produce safe and sanitary food, while still
turning a profit.
The flu is caused by viruses that infect
the respiratory tract.

infect verb 감염시키다 communicate a disease to 47

Using PulseNet, the CDC identified 79
patients in 13 states who were infected
with the same type of salmonella

Music is an integral part of the school’s


integral adj. 필수적인 very important and necessary 45

Bacteria are an integral part of a healthy

The company has opened several stores

including or involving all parts
nationwide adj. 전국적인 Costa Rica has made sanitary production
of a nation
of fruits and vegetables a nationwide

Both of them were optimistic about the

future of the town.

having or showing hope for the

optimistic adj. 낙관적인 47
future Such changes have made Carmela
Velazquez, a food scientist from the
University of Costa Rica, optimistic
about the future.

3B The Battle for Biotech

I like cats but unfortunately I’m allergic

to them.

allergic adj. having an allergy 54
The modified soybeans contained a
protein that causes reactions in humans
who are allergic to nuts.


There is no viable alternative.

something you can choose to

Advocates of GE crops argue that some
alternative noun 대안 do or use instead of something 54
genetically modified plants may actually
be good for the land, by offering an
environmentally friendly alternative to

Hollywood is a town ruled by

conventional wisdom.
used and accepted by most
conventional adj. 관습적인 53
Conventional breeders always used
plants or animals that were related.

A vitamin deficiency can lead to serious

a lack of something that
deficiency noun 결핍(증) 55
is necessary
An estimated 250 million children in the
world suffer from vitamin A deficiency.

I don’t know why they diminish it.

to make or cause to seem

diminish verb 줄어들다 “Golden rice alone won’t greatly 55
diminish vitamin A deficiency,” says
Professor Marion Nestle of New York

We can help you modify an existing

home or build a new one.

완화된, to change some parts of

modify verb (something) while not changing 53
한정된 Studies show that most corn modified
other parts
for insect resistance has lower levels of
fumonisins than conventional corn
damaged by insects.

notwithstandin adverb …에도 in spite of what has just been A failed student notwithstanding Jake 52
g 불구하고 said tried his best.

Such potential benefits notwithstanding,

critics fear that genetically engineered
products, so called biotech foods, are
being rushed to market before their


effects are fully understood.

The overall nutritional status of the

children is good.
the process of eating the right
nutritional adj. 영양상의 kind of food so you can grow The potential to improve the quality and 52
properly and be healthy nutritional value of the food we eat
seems unlimited.

The group started a revolution.

the usually violent attempt by

many people to end the rule of
revolution noun 혁명 Genetic engineering of crops and 52
one government and start a new
animals through the manipulation of
DNA is producing a revolution in food

Humility is an admirable trait.

(성격상의) a quality that makes one person

trait noun Humans have been altering the genetic 52
특성 or thing different from another
traits of plants for thousands of years.


Unit 4: Design and Engineering

4A Design by Nature: Biomimetics

Word Meaning (K) Meaning (E) Sentence Page

Many biological processes are controlled

by hormones.

relating to the natural

biological adj. 생물학의 processes performed by living 63
Parker had come here to solve the riddle
of how it does this, not from purely
biological interest, but with a specific
purpose in mind.

This device is used for stepping down


a thing made for a particular Parker had come here to solve the riddle
device noun 장치, 기구 63
purpose of precisely how it does this, not from
purely biological interest, but with a
concrete purpose in mind: to make a
device to help people collect water in the

The work of the charity is funded by

voluntary donations.

to provide money for

fund verb an activity, organization, event 66
대다 etc
The U.S. military, which funds the
project, hopes that one day Stickybot will
be able to climb up a building and stay
there for days.

The child had a gap between her two

front teeth.

a space between two people or

gap noun 틈 It will still be years before his robot fly 65
can perform anything like an actual fly,
but Fearing is confident that over time he
will close the gap between nature and
human engineering.

gradually adverb 서서히 moving or changing in small The population gradually increased. 66


Nonetheless, the gap with nature is

gradually closing.

He is a leader of great insight.

the ability to understand people

insight noun 통찰력 and situations in a very clear 64
This combination of biological insight
and engineering pragmatism is vital to
success in biomimetics.

I told him not to follow me, nevertheless

he did.
그렇기는 in spite of what has just been
nonetheless adverb 66
하지만 said
Nonetheless, the gap with nature is
gradually closing.

The investigation has entered a new


one of the stages of a process

phase noun 단계 64
of development or change As part of the next phase in his plan to
create a water-collection device inspired
by the lizard, Parker sent his observations
to Michael Rubner and Rober Cohen.

The architect designs buildings with

strong verticals.

수직의, positioned up and down rather

vertical adj. 65
세로의 than from side to side
Cutkosky studies the extremely small
structures on the gecko’s feet that allow it
to run up and down vertical walls.

These matters are vital to national


vital adj. 필수적인 extremely important 63

The thorny devil can also do this when
standing on damp sand-a vital
competitive advantage in the desert.

4B Weaving the Future

appliance noun (가정용) a piece of equipment, especially She has every small appliance ever 73
기기 electrical equipment used in made!
people’s homes


It has a built-in microphone that allows

the wearer to operate kitchen appliances
using voice commands.

His plans are pure fantasy.

something that is produced by

fantasy noun 명상, 상상 71
the imagination Soza is one of many dreamers and
pioneers who are turning textile fantasies
into realities.

He foresees a day when all war will

foresee verb to see or become aware of 73
Who can foresee what these textile
pioneers will dream up next?

He read an excerpt from his

forthcoming adj. about to appear 71
곧 있을 Not all companies are forthcoming about
their products for fear of having their
ideas stolen.

We’ve described only a small fraction of

the available options.

fraction noun 부분, 일부 a part or amount of something 73

This air beams technology would allow a
team to build a hangar in a fraction of the
time it would take to build one out of

Many jobs in manufacturing were lost

during the recession.

the process or business of

manufacturing noun 제조 71
producing goods
Polymers can be pulled into a thread,
which makes them well suited for use in
textile manufacturing.

portable adj. 휴대가 쉬운 easy to carry or move around Portable devices such as MP3 players 73
are becoming increasingly popular.

The researchers at Natick are also

working on portable buildings that are


made of what are essentially large, high-

strength textile balloons.

The patient’s legs were rigid.

rigid adj. not able to be bent easily The largest air-field beams, about 0.75 73
신축성 없는 meters (2.5 feet) in diameter and 24
meters (78 feet) long, are so rigid that
you can hang a heavy truck from one.

He was suspended from the team for

missing too many practices.
중지되다, to force (someone) to leave a
suspend verb 71
job, position, or place
중단되다 One of his inventions, a jacket that stays
suspended in the air like a balloon after it
is taken off, arose from such a daydream.

He signed the contract, thereby forfeiting

his right to the property.

thereby adverb by means of that act 72
함으로써 They have inserted a spider gene into
goats, thereby causing them to produce a
milk that contains a protein required for
spider silk.


Unit 5: Human Journey

5A The DNA Trail

Word Meaning (K) Meaning (E) Sentence Page

The bulk of consumers are based in

the main or largest part of
bulk noun ~의 대부분 81

The bulk of our DNA is the same.

It is impossible to calculate what

influence he had on her life.

추정하다, to guess something using as

calculate verb 82
추산하다 many facts as you can find They now calculate that all living
humans maternally descend from a single
woman who lived roughly 150,000 years
ago in Africa.

He was a direct descendant of Napoleon.

someone who is related to a
person who lived a long time
descendant noun 자손, 후예 81
ago, or to a family, group of It ends about 200,000 years later with
people their seven billion descendants spread
across the Earth.

The sisters were identical in appearance.

identical adj. 동일한 exactly the same 81

The human genetic code, or genome, is
99.9 percent identical throughout the

People who travel by rain skill red an

immense amount.

immense adj. 엄청나 extremely large 83

Once across, they followed the immense

herds of animals into the mainland.

The rainforests are disappearing at an

alarming rate.
the speed at which something
rate noun 속도, 비율 82
happens over a period of time
Mutations seem to occur at a steady rate
over time


There were roughly 200 people there.

roughly adverb 대략, 거의 not exactly They now calculate that all living humans 82
maternally descend from a single woman
who lived roughly 150,000 years ago in

Broken glass lay scattered over the floor.

spread over a wide are or over a

scattered adj. 드문드문 81
long period of time For decades, the only proof was found in
a small number of scattered bones and
artifacts that our ancestors left behind.

She had given up all hope of tracing her

missing daughter.

to find someone that has

trace verb 추적하다 81
By comparing mutations, in many
different populations, scientists can trace
their ancestral connections.

Any chance of success seemed to vanish

in a puff of smoke.

vanish verb 사라지다 to disappear suddenly 83

Archeological evidence of this 13,000-
kilometer migration from Africa to
Australia has almost completely

5B Fantastic Voyage

The report’s findings are analogous with

our own.

formal similar to another

analogous adj. 유사한 89
How did the Lapita and early Polyesian
pioneers accomplish, many times over, a
feat that is analogous to a moon landing?

I don’t have a clue where she lives.

information that helps you
clue noun understand the reasons why 90
something happens The explorers would detect a variety of
clues to follow to land.


to prevent something from Traffic was disrupted by a hoax bomb.

disrupt verb 방해하다 continuing in its usual way by 91
causing problems It disrupts would weather in a variety of
The sun sank below the horizon.

the line at which the sky and

horizon noun 지평선 91
Earth appear to meet
They went because they wanted to go and
see what was over the horizon.

Only the medieval tower had remained


intact adj. 온전한 not broken 89

Unfortunately, no one has found an intact
Lapita or early Polynesian canoe that
might reveal the sailing techniques used.

There might be long intervals during in

which nothing happens.

interval noun 간격 a period of time between events 89

There was an interval of around 1,000
years before the Polynesian civilization-
descendants of the Lapita-launched a new
period of exploration.

the act, activity, or process of If you’re going to be a good sailor, you

finding the way to get to a place need to master navigation.
navigation noun 항해, 조정 88
when you are traveling in a This was a remarkable feat of human
ship, airplane navigation.

Globalization is a phenomenon of the

21st century.
any state or process known
phenomenon noun 현상 through the senses rather than 91
by intuition or reasoning They might also have been lucky-helped
by a weather phenomenon known as El

You’ll stretch it.

to make (something) wider or

stretch verb 늘이다 88
longer by pulling it The Lapita people colonized islands that
stretch over millions of square

stubborn adj. 완고한 refusing to change your ideas or She’s wrong, but she’s too stubborn to 89
to stop doing something admit it.


There is one stubborn question for which

archeology has yet to provide any


Unit 6: Money and Trade

6A How Money Made Us Modern

Word Meaning (K) Meaning (E) Sentence Page

Clean water is a precious commodity in

that part of the world.

a useful quality or a product that

commodity noun 상품, 물품 101
is bought and sold
Unlike modern money, ancient coins
were what economists call full-bodied or
commodity money.

The hotel combines comfort with

something that is useful because
convenience noun 편의, 편리 it saves you time or means that 100
you have less work to do Money’s convenience made it easier for
ancient merchants to develop large-scale
trade networks.

The pattern is essentially the same in all


essentially adj. 근본적으로 in essence 101

Today’s money has value essentially

because a government says that it does.

The court has yet to pass judgment in

this case.

the ability to
judgment noun 평가, 감정 make sensible decisions about 101
Human judgment-rather than how much
what to do and when to do it
gold has been dug out of the ground-
determines the amount of money in

Payment should be sent by return of


payment noun 지불 the act of paying for something 99

Online transactions that are rapidly taking
the place of cash-but the roots of our
modern methods of payment lie in those
Sumerian tokens.


Choice is the keynote of the new

education policy.
a plan of action adopted by an
policy noun 정책 101
individual or social group
Parag Khanna, a financial policy expert,

He nodded to signify that he agreed.

signify verb 의미하다 express a meaning One piece might signify a measure of 99
grain, while another with a different
shape might represent a farm animal or a
jar of olive oil.

This ladder doesn’t seem very stable.

resistant to change of position

stable adj. 안정적인 101
or condition Its purchasing power remains relatively
stable because the government controls
the supply.

Such transaction goes against business


transaction noun 거래 a business deal or action 99

Those little ceramic shapes might not
seem to have much in common with
today’s $100 bill-or with the credit cards
and online transactions.

Smoke triggered the fire alarm.

trigger verb to cause to start functioning Through frequent physical contact, they 101
초래하다 can trigger the production of more
oxytocin-and in this way feel closer to
each other.

6B The Rise of Virtual Money

In his job, patience is an invaluable asset.

the things that a person or

asset noun 자산 109
company owns So it is worth thinking twice before
putting all or a substantial amount of your
assets into a virtual currency like Bitcoin.


The main drawback to it is the cost.

drawback noun 문제점 A disadvantage 109

The most obvious drawback is a lack of
stability in the value of the currency.

a substance that is used as a In its early days, Bitcoin was known for
drug noun 108
약물, 마약 medicine or narcotic its link with illegal drugs.

They combed through the files for

evidence of fraud.

intentional deception resulting

fraud noun 사기 108
in injury to another person
In most cases, financial transactions
involve exchange fees, taxes, and
payment delays to guard against fraud.

The principle behind it is very simple.

a basic generalization that is

principle noun 원칙 109
accepted as true Bitcoin’s independence makes it more
stable in principle than traditional

Details of the accident are scarce.

deficient in quantity or number

scarce adj. 부족한, 드문 108
compared with the demand
Like gold or other precious metals used as
money, Bitcoins are scarce.

Medical techniques are becoming more

sophisticated all the time.
sophisticated adj. ahead in development 108
More sophisticated uses of this engine
may occur in the future.

He invests the money left over into

the capital raised by a
stocks noun 주식 corporation through the issue of 109
The rule of investing in virtual currency is
the same as investing in stocks.


The first reference to Bitcoin appeared in

supposedly adverb 추정상, 아마 believed to be the case 2008, in a paper by a writer supposedly 107
named Satoshi Nakamoto.

I’ll leave you to verify whether these

claims are true.

verify verb 입증하다 confirm the truth of 107

It uses cryptography-secure coding-to

verify ownership of the money.


Unit 7: Group Behavior

7A A Crowd in Harmony

Word Meaning (E) Sentence Page

I t was evident (to everyone) that the

game was canceled

분명한 Plain or clear to the sight or

evident adj. Unfortunately, in spite of the mutual 118
눈에 띄는 support so evident elsewhere at the
Kumbh, 36 people died in a
stampede at the Allahabad train
station on February 10, 2013.

Talk to your man of God if you

doubt your faith.

Belief in God or the doctrines or But in crowds as large as those at the

faith noun 믿음, 신뢰 Kumbh, individuals must put their 119
teachings of religion
faith in the power of “psychological
cooperation," as Stephen Reicher
calls it.

No family can be happy without

harmony among its members
harmony noun 조화, 화합 Peace rather than fighting or arguing 117
All is harmony.

The drawer needs to be organized.

조직화 된, Arranged or planned in a particular "Incredibly well organized,
organized adj. 117
조직적인 way incredibly clean, very efficiently

The participant of the quiz really

knew his onions.

someone who takes part in an activit

participant noun 참가자 117
y Every 12 years, the gathering
becomes much larger, and a giant
tent city is set up to house the

progress noun 진전, 진행 Movement forward or toward a place The researchers followed the 117
progress for up to two years


As the day progresses, the number

of people wading into the river

I hear you were formally introduced

to a prospective wife.

장래의, Likely to become something

prospective adj. Before the start of the 2011 festival, 118
미래의 specified in the future
his researchers went out into the
Indian countryside to question as
group of prospective pilgrims about
their mental and physical health.

The sun was held sacred in ancient


성스러운, Believed to be hold with a special

sacred adj. 117
종교적인 connection to God
There are holy men dressed in bright
orange robes with skin covered in
sacred white ash.

Racism exists at all levels of society.

The body of human beings generally,

society noun 사회 associated or viewed as members of a 117
"What our research shows is that,
actually, crowds are critical to
society," he said.

If you suspect a gas leak, do not

strike a match or even turn on an
electric light.

To believe something is probably

suspect verb 의심하다 117
true Psychologists like Stephen Reicher
from the University of St. Andrews
in the U.K. suspect that crowds have
a positive impact on the health of the
individuals within them.

7B Our Online Behavior

aggression noun 공격성 a disposition to behave aggressively Sport became the perfect outlet for 124
his aggression.


Aggression on social media is now


The two nations agreed to


collaborate verb 협력하다 work together 124

We are wired to collaborate, to
create diverse social relationships,
and to solve problems together.

She knew that she had to confront

her fears.

oppose, as in hostility or a competitio

confront verb 맞서다 125
n Aggressive behavior-especially to
those you don’t have to confront
face-to-face-is easier than it’s ever

We have no contemporary account

of the battle.

contemporary adj. 동시대의 characteristic of the present 127

It’s because we haven’t been
stepping up together to do the
difficult social work our
contemporary world demand.

The Bill was read without a


division noun 분열 the act or process of dividing 124

It’s true that hate crimes are on the
rise, and political divisions appear
to be growing.

If an action is repeated, then it is

probably harassment.
a feeling of intense annoyance caused
harassment noun 괴롭힘 124
by being tormented
Four out of ten said they’d
experienced harassment online.

Some organizations provide some

habitats for humanity.
humanity noun 인간애 the quality of being humane 127

To turn that vision into reality is a


key aspect of our humanity.

The questions were an insult to our


a rude expression intended to offend

insult noun 모욕 124
or hurt This explosive combination has
opened up a space for more and
more people to fan the flames of
aggression and insult online.

The team performs well under


the force applied to a unit area of

pressure noun 127
압박, 압력 surface Look at the public pressures placed
on media corporations to monitor
hate speech and fake news online,
for instance.

He ate a substantial breakfast.

substantial adj. fairly large 124

The level of public bitterness-
especially online- is substantial.


Unit 8: Investigations

8A Who Killed the Emperor?

Word Meaning (K) Meaning (E) Sentence Page

Welfare payments cease as soon as an

individual starts a job.

그만하다 To stop doing something, to

cease verb 136
stop existing That and other medications, Karch
theorizes, disrupted Napoleon’s heartbeat
and ultimately caused his heart to cease

Her latest book makes compelling

compelling adj. Convincing or holding attention 135
않을 수 없는
It's a story as compelling as any murder

The union is in dispute with management

over working hours.

dispute noun 분쟁 A serious disagreement 135

The real cause of death, however, has

been in dispute ever since.
The wedding was a very grand occasion.

grand adj. 웅장한 Large and impressive 138

It has rested in a grand tomb in Paris
ever since.

The experiment testing the medical

efficacy of orchid petals was
결정적이 Not providing any clear answer
inconclusive adj. 138
아닌 or result
In Fornes's opinion, evidence for murder
by poisoning is inconclusive and
wouldn't hold up in a court of law.

plot noun 음모 a secret scheme to do something They wove a plot to assassinate the king. 135


No one has yet found anything linking

the British or the French royalists to a
plot against Napoleon’s life.

As rivers become polluted, fish are


poison verb 독살하다 kill with poison 135

Ben Weider, founder of the International
Napoleonic Society, believes that
Napoleon was poisoned with arsenic, a
deadly chemical.

The sun glared down relentlessly on us.

Never stopping or becoming

relentlessly adverb 가차없이 Weider has relentlessly sought the cause 135
less intense
of Napoleon’s death for more than four
decades and has put considerable
resources into solving the mystery.

He swore to take (his) revenge on his

political enemies.
Punishment or the act of getting
revenge noun 복수, 보복 even with someone who hurt 138
Could he, motivated by revenge, have
poisoned the wine?

Major symptoms of diabetes are

excessive thirst and fatigue.

A sign that something is wrong

symptom noun 증상, 징후 Additionally, the doctors who examined 136
with your body or mind
Napoleon's body after his death didn't
find any of the usual symptoms
associated with arsenic poisoning , such
as bleeding inside the heart.

8B In the Crime Lab

Several newspapers made allegations of

corruption in the city's police department.

An assertion made with little or

allegation noun 혐의 144
no proof
We see any death that is sudden,
unexpected, violent, or where there is
allegation of foul play.


It was a shame that the presidential

Someone or something that is candidate lost his seat.
candidate noun being considered for a job, 144
출마자 position, award, etc. What poisons are candidates?

The high building deprived their house

of sunlight.
궁핍한, Prevented from having or using
deprived of adj. 144
불우한 something

Every cell is deprived of oxygen

We need to evaluate how well the policy

is working.
evaluate or estimate the nature,
evaluate verb 평가하다 quality, ability, extent, or 145
significance of How many cases of suspected homicidal
poisonings do you evaluate in the course
of a year?

They frankly admitted their

frankly adverb In an honest manner 145
노골적으로 .

Frankly, relatively few.

What does this mean in terms of cost?

~ 면에서, With regard to that particular In terms of sensitivity we've gone from
in terms of phrase micrograms to nomograms, which is parts 144
aspect or subject specified
~ 에 관하여 per billion, to parts per trillion with mass

My job was manipulative and deceitful.

Exerting unscrupulous control They are scary, manipulative; if you
manipulative adj. 조종하는 or influence over a person or weren't convinced by the evidence, you 145
situation wouldn't believe they could do such a

I felt guilty and full of remorse.

Feeling of being sorry for doing
noun 회한 something bad or wrong in the Poison is the weapon of controlling, 145
past sneaky people with no conscience, no
sorrow, no remorse.

They became suspicious of his behavior

의혹을 갖는 and contacted the police.
Causing a feeling that
suspicious adj. 의심쩍어하 She oversaw the forensic investigation of 143
something is wrong
는 violent, suspicious, and unnatural deaths
in Virginia.


Some of the music was weird.

weird adj. 기이한 strikingly odd or unusual 145

Kept getting admitted for weird stomach


Unit 9: Rediscovering the Past

9A Virtually Immortal

Word Meaning (K) Meaning (E) Sentence Page

The shelves are easy to assemble.

create by putting components or

assemble verb 조립하다 155
members together Archeologist Justin Barton assembles the
first pieces of the 3-D digital image of
Rni ki Vav.

They need to bounce back after this loss.

be bright by reflecting or
bounce back verb 튀어서 155
casting light
되돌아오다. The colors indicate reflectivity, or how
readily the laser come bouncing back.

I want you to be in charge of pumpkin

A design or figure produced by carving.
carving noun 조각품 cutting into or shaping solid 154
material, such as wood A tour of the well reveals some of the
extremely complex carvings the team
must record.
There was a column directly in my line
of sight.

column noun 기둥 a tall solid upright stone post 155

Weirdly colored columns and lintels

appear on the screen.

I have got the news at firsthand.

coming directly from actually
firsthand adverb 바로, 직접 experiencing or seeing 153
something We've seen photographs, but nothing
compares with seeing it firsthand.

This garment must be dry-cleaned only.

garment noun 의복, 옷 An article of clothing 154

One of them playfully strikes a monkey
as it pulls down her garment.

gaze verb 응시하다 To look at someone or He gazed into the depths of her eyes. 154
바라보다 something in a steady way and
usually for a long time


There are also apsaras-female spirits of

the clouds and water-putting on lipstick
or earrings, gazing at mirrors, or drying
their hair.

The painting will be a lasting memorial to

Something (such as a a remarkable woman.
monument or ceremony) that
memorial noun 기념비 honors a person who has died or Located near the Saraswati River in 153
serves as a reminder of an event Gujarat, Rani ki Vav was built late in the
in which many people died 11th century by Queen Udayamati as as
memorial to her dead king.
The fall stunned me for a moment.

stunned verb 멍하다 Astonished or shocked 153

Witnesses were stunned by what was
hidden beneath all that sand.

The country was sliding into a state of

사실상의, virtual civil war.

virtual adj. 거의~와 Almost but not entirely And, like the water, the sculptures may 154
다름없는 one day disappear, surviving perhaps
only as a virtual model online.

9B Lure of the Lost City

There will be extensive renovations to the


extensive adj. 아주 많은 large in size, amount, or degree 162

Besides fisher, who had extensive
experience with lidar imagery, the team
included two other archeologist, a group of
scientists, and Elkins’s camera crew.

The children watched, fascinated, as the

picture began to appear.

extremely interested by
fascinated adj. 161
매료된 something or someone
In the 1990s, a documentary filmmaker
named Steve Elkins became fascinated by
the legend of the White City.


Yankee' means an inhabitant of the

northern American States, especially those
A person who lives in the place of New England.
inhabitant noun 주민 162
There is still much to learn about the
former inhabitants of La Mosquitia.

Legend has it that the lake was formed by

the tears of a god.

legend noun 전설 an old well-known story Fisher didn’t believe in the legend, but he 160
did believe that the valley contained a

The biggest Pyramid is called the Great

a large stone building with
pyramid noun 피라미드 162
four triangular walls
There was evidence of construction-
probably an earthen pyramid.

The speech was broadcast via a satellite


a machine that has been sent

satellite noun 위성 161
into space
He then studied satellite photographs of
three valleys, which he labeled T1, T2, and

The town is built on a slope.

slope noun 비탈 an area of steep ground 160

Below, farms gradually gave way to steep
slopes, some covered with unbroken rain

Fortunately the trail was still warm.

trail noun 길 rough path across countryside or 160
through a forest There were no signs of human life-not a
road, a trail, or a column of smoke.

The government reiterated its resolve to

uncover the truth.

uncover verb 발굴하다 make visible 161

Elkins had apparently uncovered two real

ancient cities in valleys T1 and T3.


We fought our way through the dense


all the plant life in a particular

vegetation noun 초목 161
region or period
The Mosquitia region of Honduras and
Nicaragua contains vast areas of dense
vegetation, swamps, and rivers.


Unit 10: Healthy Living

10A Living Longer

Word Meaning (K) Meaning (E) Sentence Page

He was suffering from chronic


Physician Eric Topol and colleagues are

Being long-lasting and searching through the DNA of about a
chronic adj. 만성적인 173
recurrent thousand people they call “the
wellderly”-people over the age of 80
who have no chronic diseases such as
high blood pressure, heart disease, or
diabetes, and have never taken
prescription drugs.

Elderly people are not always resistant

to change.

연세 드신
elderly noun people who are old collectively 171
분들 In the dim, cool hallway outside his
university office stand several freezers
full of blood taken from elderly

Doctors are trying to keep down the

A disease that spreads very He recalled the death of his father in
epidemic noun quickly and affects a large 1913, when Salvatore was as 171
유행성 number of people schoolboy; how his mother and brother
had nearly died during the great flu
epidemic of 1918-19;

It's a dull city of homogeneous

동종의 In one study of an isolated,
homogeneous adj. Of the same kind, alike homogeneous population, University of 173
동질의 Hawaii researchers have found a gene
related to long life in Japanese-
American men on the island of Oahu.

immune adj. 면역성이 Not capable of being affected Adults are often immune to German 172
있는 by a disease measles.


"We are laughing," he explained,

“because we know we are immune to
cancer and diabetes.”

Worms have a lifespan of a few months.

The amount of time a person

lifespan noun 수명 171
or animal lives When it comes to longer lifespans,
could genes play a more important role
than diet and exercise?

Remember, this is a mandatory

Required by law or mandate;
mandatory adj. 의무적인 173
compulsory It wasn't mandatory for him to go to
Russia with the other soldiers and fight
in the war.
Legendary stories are passed down
from parents to children.
To give (something, such as
knowledge, skills, or genes) to
passed down 전수되는 172
your children or to younger
Over the centuries, the genetic mutation
was passed down through the

The firm may be forced to relocate

from New York to Stanford.
이전하다 To change one’s residence or
relocate verb 172
place of business; move
이동하다 The same genetic mutation has been
discovered in other places where these
Europeans relocated.

Grandmother is slightly hard of


slightly adj. 약간, 조금 Small in amount, degree, etc. 172

He was so small that the ear of corn he
was holding was slightly larger than his

10B In Search of Longevity


The music was barely audible.

barely adverb Only just true or possible 179
가까스로 Her head is barely higher than the
steering wheel.


I leave a light on when I'm out to

discourage burglars.
막다 To cause someone to lose his or
verb The church also discourages the 179
discourage her enthusiasm
말리다 consumption of other meat, rich foods,
caffeinated drinks, as well as most

He forbade them from mentioning the

subject again.

forbid verb 금지하다 To allow something 179

It forbids smoking, alcohol
consumption, and some certain foods,
such as pork.

The government has drawn up

guidelines on the treatment of the
mentally ill.
Advice about how to do
guideline noun 가이드라인 178

Groups living in these three areas offer

three sets of guidelines to follow.

Eventually an industrious person will be


characterized by hard
industrious adj. 부지런한 179
work and perseverance The industrious Tonino has already
milked four cows, chopped wood,
slaughtered a calf, and walked over six
kilometers with his sheep.

Ironically, sometimes I want to grow up

very quickly.
비꼬아 In a manner that is odd because
ironically adverb it is the opposite of what you 181
반어적으로 might think
Ironically, this healthy way of eating
was born of hardship.

There is little wastage from a lean cut of


군살이 없는,
lean adj. containing little excess 181
A lean diet of food grown on the island
and a philosophy of moderation may also
be factors.


We wish you both health and longevity.

장수 Scientists focused on groups living in
longevity noun Long life 178
several regions where exceptional
오래 지속됨
longevity is the norm:

Education should be a universal right and

not a privilege.
A special right or advantage
privilege noun 특전, 특혜 179
that only one group has I don't know why God gave me the
privilege of living so long.

This cream should help to relieve the

To make something less
verb 하다 unpleasant or to make it 180
relieve Adventists also observe as sacred day of
없애주다 the week on Saturday, assembling and
socializing with other church members,
which helps to relieve stress.


Unit 11: Green Solutions

11A Saving water

Word Meaning (K) Meaning (E) Sentence Page

Gas and oil consumption always

increases in cold weather.

the amount of energy, oil,

consumption noun 소비 189
electricity etc. that is used
5 billion people will face severe water
from shortages by 2050 if consumption
continues at current rates.

The fever has passed its crisis.

an unstable situation of extreme

crisis noun 위기 189
danger or difficulty
The United Nations recently outlined the
extent of the water crisis.

The governor will attend the dedication

of the new park.

Devotion, being committed to

dedication noun 전념, 헌신 something with time and/ or The dedication and resourcefulness of 191
money people like Rajendra Singh and Neil
Macleod offer inspiration for
implementing timely and lasting solutions
to the world's water concerns.

Northbound traffic will have to be

diverted onto minor roads.

To make something follow a

divert verb different route or go to another 189
바꾸게 하다 place
La Mancha has witnessed an explosion of
well digging in the past 40 years that has
lowered the water table and diverted
water from rivers.

I was amazed at the extent of his

how large, important, or serious knowledge.
something is, especially
extent noun 정도 189
something such as a problem
or injury The United Nations recently outlined the
extent of the water crisis.

inherit verb 상속받다 To receive something from She inherited a fortune from her father. 191
물려받다 people who used to own it


We inherited 700 reported leaks and


The llama is related to the camel.

~와 관련 being connected either logically

related to 189
있는 or causally
More than 3 million people die each year
from disease related to unclean water.

There is a shortage of fresh water on the

a situation in which there is not
shortage noun 부족 enough of something that people 189
La Mancha is just one of many places
facing water shortages.

He hopes one day to surpass the world

To be better than, or have more
surpass verb of a particular quality than 189
뛰어넘다 another Some experts say the real number, which
includes illegal wells, could surpass

Education is a method whereby one

acquires a higher grade of prejudices.

whereby adverb 의하여) ~ By means of which Macleod and his engineers found that the 191
하는 entire city suffered from broken water
pipes, leaky toilets, and faulty plumbing
whereby 42 percent of the region's water
was simply being wasted.

11B Technology as Trash

The room was littered with discarded

discard verb To throw something away Each person in the world discards, on 196
폐기하다 average, over six kilograms of e-waste
every year.

distressing adj. 괴로움을 Upsetting, causing sorrow, She witnessed some very distressing 197
주는 suffering, or pain scenes.

It was distressing that the jewelry

contained high amounts of lead, but not a
great surprise, as jewelry with lead has


turned up before in U.S. stores.

Cars that drive on gasoline emit

hazardous fumes.

hazardous adj. 위험한 Dangerous or harmful 196

The agreement required developed
nations to notify developing nations of
hazardous waste shipment coming into
the country.

The scheme infrastructure is operating


The basic facilities of a country

or city such as transportation,
infrastructure noun 기반시설 In the European Union – where recycling 196
communications, and utilities
infrastructure is well developed – one
that allow it to function
law holds manufactures responsible for
the safe disposal of the electronics they

Competition winners will be notified by


알리다 To tell or officially inform

notify verb 196
someone about something The agreement required developed
nations to notify developing nations of
hazardous waste shipment coming into
the country.

So in a way, I'm glad that I'm completely

한물간 No longer needed because
obsolete adj. something better has been 196
구식의 invent Computers, cell phones and other
electronic equipment become obsolete in
just a few years.

He arranged the documents in neat piles.

포개놓은 것 A quantity of things lying on

pile noun 196
top of one another Past the vegetable merchants is a scrap
market filled with piles of old and
broken electronics waste.

substance noun 물질 A solid, powder, liquid, or gas; This substance should not come into 196
physical material you can touch contact with food.


There it poisons the environment; e-

waste contains a variety of substances
that are toxic.

Too much toxic waste is being dumped

at sea.

containing poison, or caused by

toxic adj. 유독성의 196
poisonous substances There it poisons the environment; e-
waste contains a variety of substances
that are toxic, such as lead, mercury, and

She also realized the adults lost the

ability to see well under water as they
transitioned out of childhood.
to change to a new state or start
transition verb 이행하다 197
using something new
There is hope, however, that more
countries will transition to a “circular


Unit 12: Earth and Beyond

12A Planet Hunters

Word Meaning (K) Meaning (E) Sentence Page

The hotel offers a friendly atmosphere

and personal service.

The layer of air or gases around

atmosphere noun 대기 205
a planet Circling another star 150 light-years out
is a “hot Jupiter,” whose upper
atmosphere is being blown away by the
star’s solar winds.

Japan surrendered after the dropping of

the atomic bombs.
relating to the energy produced
by splitting atoms or
atomic adj. 원자의 205
the weapons that use this Astronomers have also found five
energy planets orbiting a pulsar – the remains of
a once mighty star shrunk into an atomic
city-size nucleus that spins.

Forests vary in composition from one

part of the country to another.

the way in which something is

composition noun 구성 요소들 made up of different parts, 207
When a planet transits, starlight shining
things, or members
through the atmosphere could reveal
clues to its composition that a space
telescope might be able to detect.

We should not exclude the possibility of


to deliberately not include

exclude verb 배제하다 207
The lack of the red edge from an
exoplanet, for instance, does not exclude
the possibility of life.

hence adverb 이런 이유로 for this reason His driver's license is too old and hence 207

Hence, scientists look not just for

exoplanets identical to modern Earth, but
for planets resembling the Earth as it


used to be, or that it might have been.

He grew up to resemble his father.

to look like or be similar to

resemble verb 닮다 205
someone or something Among all these, astronomers are eager
to find a hint of the familiar: Planets that
resemble Earth.

These issues were outside the scope of

the article.

the range of things that

scope noun 범위 a subject, activity, book etc 207
They hold the promise of expanding not
deals with
only the scope of human knowledge, but
also the richness of the human

The plane was spinning out of control.

돌다, Astronomers have also found five

spin verb to turn around repeatedly planets orbiting a pulsar – the remains of 205
a once mighty star shrunk into an atomic
city-size nucleus that spins.

New businesses thrive in this area.

to become very successful or

thrive verb 번창하다 207
very strong and healthy Life thrived on Earth for billions of
years before land plants appeared and
populated the continents.

To date, astronomers have identified

to date 지금까지 up to now 205
more than 3,900 “exoplanets.”

12B The Threat from Space

Early warnings of rising water levels

prevented another major catastrophe.
An unexpected event that causes
catastrophe noun 참사, 재앙 212
great suffering or damage
On December 26, 2004, a real
catastrophe struck.

deflect verb 방향을 To cause (something that is The ball deflected off Reid's body into the 214
바꾸다 moving) to change direction goal.


Lu is working on a plan that employs a

spaceship to deflect asteroids.

There is a major dilemma in the world of

A situation involving a difficult
dilemma noun 딜레마 214
choice between options
Within decades, the world's leaders may
be faced with a dilemma.

It is a movie that engages both the mind

and the eye.
To occupy the attention or
engage verb efforts of; to enter into conflict 215
끌다 with It would work only for asteroids up to a
few hundred meters across that could be
engaged far from Earth.

He started the motor.

the part of a machine that uses

motor noun 모터 215
fuel to make it move The expanding gas would act as a rocket
motor, pushing the asteroid onto a new

Nuclear testing was resumed in defiance

of an international ban.

relating to or involving the

nuclear noun 원자력의 Another giant rock called Titan smashed 214
nucleus of an atom
into the Gulf of Mexico around 66 million
years ago, unleashing thousands of times
more energy than all the nuclear weapons
on the planet combined.

His views have been expressed in

numerous speeches.

numerous adj. 많은 many 214

Astronomers have identified numerous
asteroids big enough to cause a
catastrophe for the entire planet.

They rotate crops on the poor soil.

to turn with a circular movement
rotate verb 회전하다 215
around a central point
Asteroids are always rotating.

scenario noun 시나리오 They way in which a situation Let me suggest a possible scenario. 212
may develop


However, this alarming scenario started a

race among scientists to find solutions to
the threat of large objects striking Earth.

We had to smash the door open.

to hit an object or surface

smash verb 부딪치다 212
Apophis would smash into Earth on April
13, 2029, was one in 40.


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