Methoding and Production Optimization

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ln Lhe flrsL phase of producLlon by auLomaLed moldmasLer machlne we are plannlng for
meLhodlng and opLlmlzaLlon of coupler assembly non LranslLlon Lype"
Coupler assembly non LranslLlon Lype conslsLs of followlng parLs
1CCuLL8 8Cu?
3 S18lkL8
7urafL gear
All Lhese componenLs are supposed Lo be produced by casLlng Lhrough moldmasLer
1he maln Lhlng LhaL has Lo be kepL ln mlnd whlle opLlmlzlng Lhe producLlon of casL producLs
ls how many componenLs are you produclng per mould and whaL ls Lhe opLlmum
arrangemenL by whlch you can produce Lhem Several lssues has Lo be Laken care of whlle
deslgnlng such a hlgh end uLlllLy producL where fallure of even a small scale can brlng upon
dlsasLrous resulLs ln Lerm of safeLy of human llfe and properLy

ln Lhe opLlmlzaLlon process we declded Lo flrsL analyze whaL are shape and slzes of Lhe
casLlng producLs LhaL are supposed Lo be produced and more lmporLanLly whaL ls Lhe shape
and slze of Lhe flasks ln whlch mouldlng has Lo be done lor Lhls purpose we Lurned Loward
Lhe CAu sofLware Au1CCAu whlch ls baslcally a 2u drawlng sofLware and Lhus we
slmpllfled our seemlngly Lougher real world problem ln Lo 2u problem whlch ls much
slmpler Lo Laken care of We made slmpllfled 2u drawlngs of all Lhe oLherwlse compllcaLe
componenLs llke coupler body knuckle and oLhers We also Look Lhe dlmenslons of Lhe flask
avallable and made lLs 2d on Au1CCAu Lhe we moved Lhe drawlngs of Lhe componenLs on
Lhe drawlng of Lhe Lhe flask ln Lop vlew and Lrled Lo analyze whaL would be Lhe besL posslble
arrangemenL LhaL would glve Lhe opLlmlzed producLlon


ueLalled vlew of mouldbox

1hls ls Lhe compleLe vlew of Lhe mould box LhaL ln whlch mouldlng of varlous complex
componenLs are supposed Lo Lake place 1he slze of Lhe mouldbox ls 1300x1100x300 1hls
lmage conslsLs of Lhe Loop vlew fronL vlew slde vlew and several oLher secLlon vlews ln
Lhe followlng pages Lhere are dlscreeL vlew of Lhe mouldbox whose deLalled vlew ls glven

1op v|ew of mou|dbox

1op vlew of mouldbox

1hls ls Lhe Lop vlew of Lhe mouldbox ln whlch casLlng has Lo be done and whose deLalled
vlew ls glven earller 1hls vlew ls showlng Lhe lengLh and breadLh of Lhe mould box whlch
are 1300 mm and 1100 mm respecLlvely 1hls vlew ls glvlng Lhe deLalls of Lhe lnner proflles
ln Lhe mouldbox

ect|on v|ew of mou|box

SecLlon vlew of mouldbox

1hls ls Lhe secLlon vlew of Lhe mouldbox glvlng Lhe deLalls of Lhe proflles aL a secLlon and as
Lhls secLlon ls Laken parallel Lo a verLlcal plane Lhls ls also glvlng Lhe helghL characLersLlc of
Lhe flask LhaL ls 300 mm 1hls ls vlew ls also hlghllghLlng Lhe wear flaLs and Lhe box pln
cenLres LhaL are used for proper closlng of Lhe box ln convenLlonal mouldlng 8olsLer 8uLLon
8oller llanges and under Arm cenLres are also shown ln Lhls vlew

All Lhe above lmages conslsLs of Lhe Lop vlew fronL vlew slde vlew and several oLher
secLlon vlews we dldn'L used Lhese drawlng for Lhe purpose of calculaLlon of number of
componenL per mould because lL conLalns much more lnformaLlon LhaL ls needed for our
slmpllfled approach of a complex problem and use of Lhls deLalled vlew could furLher
compllcaLe our problem so we wenL an exLra mlle for furLher slmpllfylng Lhe flask shape
wlLh only deslred aLLrlbuLes So furLher slmpllfles mould box shapes are shown ln followlng
|mp||f|ed |mage of the mou|d box

Slmpllfled vlew of mouldbox

1hls ls Lhe slmpllfled dlagram of Lhe mouldbox LhaL we have prepared Lo flnd Lhe opLlmum
number of componenLs Lo be produced for a glven mould and a glven number of assemblles
Lo be prepared ln Lhese dlagrams we have [usL reLalned Lhe boundary proflles boLh lnner
and ouLer of Lhe mouldbox CuLer boundary represenLaLlon was requlred Lo show Lhe
dlmenslon of Lhemouldbox and lnner boundary was requlres Lo flnd ouL Lhe correcL number
Among Lhese vlews we have used Lhe Lop vlew Lo opLlmlze producLlon's calculaLlon
now as we have Lhe slmpllfled drawlng of Lhe mouldbox our problem ls reduced Lo [usL
make slmpllfled dlagrams of all Lhe componenLs of Lhe assembly and [usL keep puLLlng Lhose
componenLs ln Lhe mouldbox Lo geL Lhe opLlmum answer So we made a slmpllfled 2u
dlagram of Lhe componenLs

Coup|er body

Coupler body slmpllfled vlew

Above are Lhe 2 plcLures of slmpllfled non LranslLlon Lype coupler LhaL ls Lo be produced by
moldmasLer Lhrough casLlng and whose producLlon has Lo be opLlmlzed wlLh number of
moulds produced lor a glven n11 coupler assembly we requlre one coupler body


Slmpllfled vlew of yoke

1hls ls Lhe slmpllfled lmage of Lhe yoke LhaL ls an lmporLanL parL of Lhe n11 coupler
assembly as lL conLalns pockeL LhaL accommodaLes drafL gera and Lhrough Lhls only coupler
ls aLLached Lo drafL gear lor a glven n11 coupler assembly we requlre one yoke


|mp||f|ed v|ew of knuck|e

1hls ls Lhe slmpllfled lmage of Lhe knuckle LhaL ls an lmporLanL parL of Lhe n11 coupler
assembly as lL conLalns holes LhaL connecLs Lwo coupler lor a glven n11 coupler assembly
we requlre one knuckle


|mp||f|ed v|ew of str|ker

1hls ls Lhe slmpllfled boundary dlagram of Lhe sLrlker and for a glven n11 CCuLL8
ASSLM8L? we requlre one sLrlker

Draft gear

Slmpllfled vlew of drafL gear

1hls ls Lhe 2d vlew of drafL gear whlch conLalns rubber pads or Lecspak LhaL absorbs mosL
Lhe shock from coupler LhaL oLherwlse lf have been Lransferred would have caused
dlsasLrous effecL llke fallures of componenLs or even derallmenLs lL can bear Lhe dynamlc
load as hlgh as 1600 kn and can absorb energy of Lhe magnlLude of 33000 [oules Lhrough
casLlng ouLer body of Lhe drafL gear ls produced and Lhen rubber pads are lnLroduced ln
Lhem for a glven n11 CCuLL8 ASSLM8L? we requlre one drafL gear
?oke pln supporL

Slmpllfled vlew of ?S wlLh meLhodlng

1hls ls Lhe slmpllfled 2u vlew of ?CkL ln SuC81 and for a glven n11 CCuLL8
ASSLM8L? we requlre one ?S

AfLer compleLlng all Lhe slmpllfled vlews of componenLs Lo be produced by casLlng by
moldmasLer and slmpllfled Lop vlew of Lhe mould box ln whlch Lhey are supposed Lo be
casLed we slmply placed componenLs ln Lhe mould box and found ouL Lhe opLlmum number
of componenL per mould Lo lncrease producLlon raLe wlLh glven resources

|acement of coup|er body |n mou|d box

lacemenL of coupler body ln mouldbox

1hls ls Lhe meLhodlng of coupler body and lL was found LhaL maxlmum Lwo couplers can be
casLed ln a slngle mouldbox buL lL was also concluded LhaL Lhere was space lefL for Lhe
producLlon of 4 locks ln Lhe bare space

|acement of draft gear and fo||ower |n mou|d box

lacemenL of drafL gear and sLrlker ln mould box

1hls ls Lhe meLhodlng of drafL gear and sLrlker and lL was found LhaL maxlmum Lhree drafL
gear and same number of sLrlkers can be casLed ln a slngle mouldbox

|acement of knuck|e |n mou|dbox

lacemenL of knuckle ln mouldbox

1hls ls Lhe meLhodlng of knuckle and lL was found LhaL maxlmum elghL knuckles can be
casLed ln a slngle mouldbox wlLh four number of rlsers

|acement of yoke |n mou|dbox

lacemenL of yoke ln mouldbox

1hls ls Lhe meLhodlng of yoke and lL was found LhaL maxlmum Lwo yokes can be casLed ln a
slngle mouldbox wlLh a slngle rlser

|acement of str|ker and yps |n mou|dbox

lacemenL of sLrlker and yps ln mouldbox

1hls ls Lhe meLhodlng of yoke pln supporL and sLrlker and lL was found LhaL maxlmum Lwo
yoke pln supporLs and 2 sLrlkers can be casLed ln a slngle mouldbox wlLh Lwo rlsers

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