Ada 2023
Ada 2023
Ada 2023
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00¬0E 3C3002
MCA II - Sem, (Main /Back) Exam., - 2023
MCA -302 (N) Analysis and Design of Algorithm
Instructions to Candidates:
Altempt all ten questions from Part A. All fivequestions from Part Band three
questions out offive from Part C.
Schematic diagrams must be shown wherever necessary. Any data you feel missing
may suitably be assumed and stated clearly. Units of quantities used lcalculated
must be stated clearly.
Use of following supporting material is permitted during examination.
(Mentioned in form No. 205)
1. NIL 2. NIL
PART -A [10×2=20]
Q4 Explain :
)Explain travelling salesman problem.
(ii) Define flow chop scheduling.
problem solving. What types of
Q.5 Explain dynamic programming method of
problem can be solved?
Q.1 Discuss 8- queen problem. Write the steps to solve 8- queen problem by
i) Quantifier