Love and Obey - Ms Marisa Rudder
Love and Obey - Ms Marisa Rudder
Love and Obey - Ms Marisa Rudder
I would like to dedicate this book to all the strong, brave ladies, who
have the courage to explore Female Led Relationships, especially as
it goes against everything that the society teaches us. It is my hope
that this book will motivate you to dream big dreams in life, and it is
my hope that you will find romance with a gentleman, who will love,
obey and serve you, and make you feel like a Queen Mother. It is my
desire that every male will experience the joy of being a gentleman
and the nobility of chivalry by entering into a loving Female Led
Relationship, and experiencing the state of sexual and emotional
ecstasy, created by Female authority, at some point in his life.
A lot has changed in the world, ranging from the littlest things to the
biggest of things. Relationships have changed over time. Men no
longer treat the womenfolk the same. The respect for our partners
has dwindled. This begs for the question; “Is chivalry dead?” Are
there any more gentlemen left in the world?
I was riding the subway a few days ago, and something struck me,
while I was standing on the platform, waiting for the doors to open.
Men were primed to rush ahead of women and old people. Once
inside, they rushed in, grabbed all the seats, leaving a number of
women and older ladies to hang on tightly to the poles, which
prevented them from falling over. The cliché, ‘ladies first’ didn’t seem
to hold any more meaning to them. I wondered when the society
came to a twist. When did men stop standing aside, to allow women
to go through a walkway first, or take a seat in the bus while they
Men no longer deem it fit to open doors for ladies, pull out chairs,
open car-doors, or even offer to help carry their heavy luggage. Much
less any grand gestures, like lay down their coats so a woman
doesn’t get dirty. These were normal occurrences in the 30’s, 40’s,
and 50’s, but you will barely see it happen today.
Despite this being the norm, I still don’t believe chivalry is dead.
Instead, I think it has just been cast aside and as such, needs to be
rekindled. I feel that it is very important that women take the lead,
just as they are doing in many other areas of life, and bring back
chivalry. Insist on it. But create a modern version.
Let’s take a moment and look at what chivalry is.
Chivalry comes from the medieval knightly system with a specific
religious, moral, and social code. It was the code under which,
knights, noblemen, and horsemen, collectively lived. Governed by this
code of chivalry, an ideal man was expected to be courageous,
honorable, courteous, just, and always ready to help the weak. A
chivalrous man was always required to display courteous behavior,
especially towards women.
So, if chivalry is dead, who should we blame?
We can only blame ourselves, that we are no longer treated with
the respect and the courtesy that we deserve, by men. In the
struggle for our independence as women, we have come to forfeit
vital things, like chivalry. Today, a woman accepts that men will not
hold doors, will rush into a train and take all the seats, are served
dinner first, or get a better pay for the same job.
We accept that our role is still to get all the housework done, take
care of the kids, work in our day job, and handle 90 percent of
couples’ duties. We allow the new norms to get solidified – split the
cheque on a first date, have sex early in a relationship, allow men to
be sexually satisfied, while we sometimes and most often, are not
even close to having an orgasm. Some of us have allowed abuse to
happen in our relationships – mental and physical. We women, allow
this to become perfectly normal, and left un-contradicted. Well, I had
a radical thought, not too long ago. Why does it have to be this way?
Why can’t women have it all? We can have chivalry, respect, and
commitment and yet, be completely in charge. This is what I’m going
to explore in this book. There should be a revolution which directs
men to return to being chivalrous, by placing the woman’s needs first.
I will push the envelope even more to say, women run households,
handle the kids, care for aging parents, have demanding careers,
head corporations and rule countries. So, all of this suggest perhaps,
we are the ones to determine the rules of the relationship, and take
charge in a new union called the Female-Led Relationship. In this
relationship, men will love, serve and obey us first, place our needs
first, and submit to our lead. We, in turn, must take our rightful place
to teach our husbands, boyfriends and lovers, about these new rules
so that we everywhere, are more satisfied in our relationships, sex
life, at work and at home, and no longer put the needs of men first.
Because the truth is that, we cannot make our men happy if we are
not happy. If we are honest, most of us will agree that we are left
unsatisfied in our relationships. And why? Because there is a growing
movement of female power in the world, in the workplace and in the
society, but not a whole lot has changed in our private lives, in the
bedroom, or at home. So, I think it’s time to change. I’ve always
loved the movie, “Inception”. It depicts the idea that if we get deep
inside the layers of the mind, we can change our whole thinking,
outlook and personality, by planting the new thought, deep deep
inside. Then, like a weed, it will spread and grow, and replace the old
thinking. This is what needs to happen with the Female Led
Relationship. By starting at home and in our relationships with men,
we begin to create an entirely new paradigm, where women take
their rightful place, in the drivers seat. Let’s face it; Mother Nature is
a driving force, so even at the heart of powerful forces in the
universe, there is the female power at work.
The term “Happy Wife, Happy Life” is not just true; it’s essential.
Women are the head of the household, and are really the head of the
family. It is interesting that hundreds of years ago, this was always
true, but somehow, running a household and caring for the family
became a position of subservience, when all along, it was the key to
a proper functioning society. A dysfunctional family is as a result of
the lack of a female, taking charge and having the ability to run the
household. Its not an easy job. But if a woman is unable to fulfill her
role as the head of the family, it suffers. The household is the family
unit, and it’s mandatory for a well-run society to have good household
and family units. It goes to the core of the society. We learn our first
habits from our family. We also learn how to relate to each other,
from what we learn in our family. Women have always had the job of
keeping the family together and oftentimes, the mother child bond is
the most important in every child’s life. Since this is such a crucial key
necessity for the functioning of the family which extends to society, a
woman needs to feel happy and satisfied, even placed on a pedestal
by her man and having her needs met, daily. Then, she is free to be
able to take on, the responsibilities of running the household, holding
down a demanding career, caring for aging parents, and all the other
duties that is demanded of her. This is where a female-led
relationship has so many advantages. It’s been my experience that
female-led marriages last longer, and the family unit sticks together.
Just because women now partake in all areas of the industry and the
workplace, doesn’t mean she is any less powerful in the home. The
female force is needed in both areas. Think of a workplace which has
only men. Sports like Football and Hockey. What do we witness? -
Brawn, men butting heads, fights, aggressive behavior. Even in
history, it took Queen Elizabeth to herald in a new era of beauty, and
the arts in the Renaissance. I’m always amazed when I see the era
when men were the only ones who ruled. It was harsh, and cold, and
lacked any beauty. That’s not to say that all men are unable to create
beauty, but I believe that it’s the men who tap into their female side
that are capable of doing this.
This lends credibility to the fact that the female power is real, and it
is a power that we, as women, need to cultivate at home and at
work. The ancient idea that women needed to be more male, is
archaic. When women first entered the corporate world, they had to
dress in corporate structured suits, just like men. This practice still
continues. Why ? We don’t need to look and act more male to be
powerful. We can be leaders, and still exert or own female power.
That is my hope from this book; to show that women can take their
rightful position as head of the household, and be a leader in the
relationship as well, while maintaining their natural feminine power.
We can also look at the basic laws of the world that can
sometimes, favor women. Without a woman’s consent for a sexual
act, it would be considered rape- a crime. So too, a woman, even in
the simplest of gestures, should give her consent before her man can
act. What I hope to do in this book, is establish a set of rules and
framework to help women and men, who want to be in a female-led
relationship, thrive and create something very special. I have
consulted many different resources, as well as my own personal
experience, to develop much of the instruction and advice I will offer. I
know that this type of relationship and living that I suggest may spark
a lot of controversy, but, I believe that in the end, women who are
happy, satisfied and productive, will be greater assets to the society,
than if we felt neglected, powerless, victimized and weak. We must
take up the torch, just as we do on women’s marches. I believe there
has never been a better time, nor will there be a better time to create
a great change for women. So too, in our relationships, we must
demand what we want, instruct, and lead our men. Let’s face it; men
were never good at reading a woman’s mind, and many have been
spoiled and coddled by their mothers, so they pretty much do what
they want and everyone must accept it. Ever noticed when you are
trying to discuss a problem with a man, he feels its okay to roll his
eyes, or tune you out? I often wondered when this behavior became
acceptable, but, I later learned that it’s the difference in
communication styles. When men are hanging out at a bar, they bond
with their friends, even if they are going through challenges. Unlike
women, they do not sit around and discuss personal issues that they
are having. Why ? Because of the difference in communication styles.
It’s a well-known fact that men don’t communicate as well as women
do. So, even in our most basic need, which is to communicate, men
are not trained. We want to talk out the problem and receive an open
ear; they are not able to do this. So, we are left unfulfilled, unheard,
feeling ignored and angry. Even though this is our primary method of
releasing stress and dealing with challenges. Women need to talk,
and men can’t communicate. This is the fundamental problem in
relationships, but there is hope. The female-led relationship is
different. It puts the responsibility of training men, helping them to
understand how to relate to women, as well as the decision-making in
the family, firmly on the shoulders of women. So, if we want to be in
the driver’s seat, we must help our men daily, to satisfy our wishes,
while we also provide direction. We do this by carefully choosing our
words, and the exchange we have on a daily basis. I remind myself
daily, that when we speak, we have the opportunity to be Martin
Luther King or Hitler. Both were eloquent, and inspired millions of
people. But one was driven by love, while the other was driven by
fear. So, when we speak to our men, we want to inspire them with
motivating speech and not derogatory comments. If we want the
return of a gentleman, we need to coach him carefully.
The word, “gentle” refers to being kind, tender, sympathetic,
considerate, understanding, compassionate, benevolent, good-
natured, courteous and chivalrous. Let’s face it; this is what we all
want, whether we accept it or pretend to not care. We want a man to
come home, and be understanding of our needs, attentive, listen to
us, be helpful, open doors for us, carry heavy items for us, give us a
back-rub, prepare us a bath, buy us little surprises, and satisfy our
sexual needs first. Men can still work, control the finances, do the
handy work, or protect us if needed. However, what has changed is
that, he comes to understand that you are the queen and so, he must
satisfy your desires, regardless of the circumstances around. It
becomes one of his duties, and supersedes his duties at work. Lets
face it, we are all very good at attending to everything that needs to
get done for work. We get an email from our boss, and we drop
everything to attend to it. So, because work is now creeping into the
little family and personal time that we have, the relationship and
personal life suffers. There needs to be a change. We all have to
work, some probably longer than ever before; so, we need to create
boundaries where work does not conflict with relationship or family
time. This takes scheduling, monitoring, executing and real leadership
from the head of the family – the woman. But, there needs to be co-
operation from her man, to help the entire family build these healthy
practices. In today’s world where our phones often take precedence
no matter where we are, work, home, out a restaurant, at the movies
or exercising, it is extremely difficult to stick to those boundaries. How
many times are we sitting on the couch with our man, and he is on his
phone and you are on your phone? The little time you have to spend
together has disappeared, and it’s replaced with wasting of time,
reading emails, texts, or on social media. The focus is now removed
from your mate, to other distractions. This is where I believe that the
breakdown of every relationship begins. This also tends to occur
when we have been in the relationship or marriage for years, but they
are habits which creep into the relationship which were not there
during the “courting” phase. How many of us would allow the man we
are with, on a first-date, to be on his phone during dinner. The first
sight of him checking his phone, would send us into a tailspin, and
there probably would not be a second date. Yet, we women, have
allowed this to happen in our relationships. Many may say, this is not
our faults, but as the head of the household, it is our responsibility to
lay down the rules, which work to bring the family or the relationship
Ladies, you know deep down inside, that the Female Led
Relationship is what you really want. You want a man who can satisfy
all of your needs of friendship, support, communication, partnership
and sexual needs. There is an old saying, “Men desire, Women want
to be desired.” This is what we are missing. So, Chivalry and allowing
men to do what they do best, while we gently lead them to love and
obey us, will lead to a happier and much stronger, long-term
marriages and relationship. Ladies, once you read my book, you will
develop a clear picture of how to achieve a Female -Led Relationship
in no time at all. This will lead to a lifetime of fulfillment and happiness
for you and your man, and you will both enjoy the best sex you’ve
ever had. Some couples prefer a very mild form of a Female -Led
Relationship with just a couple of rules, while others desire a more
intense form, following the full program of re-conditioning and re-
programming for both. The important point is: there must be
commitment from both you and your man, to fulfill your roles
completely. Resistance should not be met with anger or resentment,
as it will be a learning experience for both.
Table Of Contents
CHAPTER ONE: The Beginning
CHAPTER TWO: The Male State of Mind
CHAPTER THREE: The Natural Man Laws
CHAPTER FOUR: Love & Obey Rules
CHAPTER FIVE: Female Relationship Leader is The Natural Evolution
CHAPTER SIX: The Superior Sex
CHAPTER SEVEN: The Spirituality Of The Female Led Relationship
CHAPTER EIGHT: Daily Practice of the Female Led Relationship
About the Author
The Beginning
I always believed that one woman’s success could only
help another woman’s success
-Gloria Vanderbilt
1. He deeply wants you to love him for himself, and not just for
what he can do for you.
2. He wants you to be his leader, his mother figure, and have a high
opinion of yourself.
3. He wants you to believe in his ability to communicate his true
feelings to you.
4. He wants you to be sexually playful, and allow him to fulfill his
need to serve you and bring you pleasure.
5. He wants you to know that men are sensitive, and they do cry,
and they need you to comfort them.
6. It’s important to understand these laws, as they will affect how
you relate to your man, especially during challenging times. An
example is when he refuses to do something you ask. I have
been asked so many times by women, “Why won’t my man do
what I say?” The simple answer is that men are stubborn, and
they like working things out their way. Often, a man may refuse
to do what you ask simply because he is set in his ways and
refuses to change. What you must do as his female leader, is to
approach it with kindness and understanding, rather than
complaining and arguing. Impress upon him, how important this is
to you, and how much you would love to reward him for doing
what you’ve asked. Then he will be much more motivated to do it
without question, and you are building the habit.
A happier life with your man becomes easy to achieve once you
see your man as a gentleman, and honor what’s unique about him.
Soon, he will be excited and grateful to you that he can obey and
serve your every need, and you will enjoy the many pleasures of
being his Queen Mother. Now, you’re truly able to appreciate the
differences in the way females and males perceive and interact with
the world. Armed with this knowledge, you can now move into your
rightful position as the leader in your relationship. But you will need to
follow some rules to create a training and de-programming, for you
and your man. These key lessons are my secret weapons in creating
a balance for any female Leader — whether you have lots of
experience or none at all, in a Female Led Relationship. The rules
also help you to sail through the days when challenges pop up, and
there may be a period of disruption, until both you and your man are
accustomed to relating correctly. By following the rules, you will be
able to communicate verbally and instinctively, and understand each
other’s needs.
Love & Obey Rules #1: Be Aware of Your Mother
Women have the ability to connect to their Mother energy. We
know how powerful Mother Nature is, and it is the same with Mother
energy in women. Energy can affect everything, and it can affect your
relationship, and even your own daily behavior. You want to try to be
balanced as you take your man through the training in the Female Led
Relationship. Mother energy is the deep unconditional love women
can have for their mate and their children. It is this energy which will
be crucial for helping your man feel comfortable, expressing himself in
your new Female Led Relationship. Mother energy is the highest
amount of love energy that a female can give, and this will be
important to show unconditional love, no matter what your man does.
If he fails at first, to attend to your needs, or he becomes
argumentative or angry, you still approach him with all of your Mother
energy –Loving, understanding and with your whole being. Once you
are in your Mother energy, you are better able to be aware of your
communication – verbal and non-verbal. Your man needs lots of
compliments, and loving language. Remember he needs his ego
boosted, to help him feel calm and happy about transitioning into
giving you the reigns to lead the relationship. You can enhance your
own Mother energy with a couple minutes of re-balancing with
meditation or quiet. Take time to re-center your own emotions, so
your energy can be restored. You can’t give what you don’t have.
Your man need lots of energy, along with your kids and other
responsibilities, like aging parents or extended family. So get light
exercise, and add mini stress management strategies, to help to re-
balance your energy. Females are better communicators, so we are
in a much better position to sway discussions and any
disagreements. While this is not strange or wrong, we have a more
advanced intellectual capacity for speech, after all, it is very easy for
us to loose touch with our own Mother Nature Energy, disregarding
the signals we are projecting to the world. However, because of our
dependence on language, we often do pick up on each other’s
energy, as well as we should, and it affects how our message is
perceived. Quite often, I will work with women who are unaware that
they project nervous or weak energy. This can affect your man and
your children, as everyone looks up to you to keep the energy
positive. To be successful as the relationship leader, you need to be
mindful of your Mother energy, and learn to control it, even when you
aren’t feeling particularly calm or assertive. Be aware of the universal
energy of Mother Nature as well. We are the creators of all life, and
all the creative and positive energy of the universe, flows through us.
This energy is the reason men crave for women who carry
themselves as Queens, because they project positive energy, which
helps men to feel confident and calm in the Female Led Relationship.
Here is a quick exercise for you. Take a moment right now, and pay
attention to how you’re feeling emotionally; then notice how you’re
holding your body. Is your chest lifted up, straight back, happy smile,
or do you slouch, look tired, or angry or sullen? We don’t just live with
ourselves, and this was a challenge; to be aware of body language,
our moods, and what we project to our mate. You can go a long way
towards projecting a positive energy by being aware of your posture.
Think of the regal stance of a Queen, and try and maintain this at all
times. Think of how a Queen carries herself, and try to carry yourself
in the same manner. Stand straight, with your head up, shoulders
back, and chest out. Keep both feet flat on the ground. Try to avoid
crossing your arms or shoving your hands in your pockets. Inhale
deeply, and exhale slowly. Stand like this for a few minutes, focus on
your breathing, and try to clear your mind of random thoughts. If it is
safe to do so, close your eyes and concentrate on what you can
smell and hear. You should find yourself calming down naturally. If this
sounds like yoga, it’s because it isn’t that different. Practicing yoga is
a great way to make yourself aware of your natural energy, and
master control over it. I would recommend women take yoga classes,
to learn some basic techniques that they can apply to their role as the
Queen Mother. File away this feeling and the accompanying body
language, and then practice being able to switch into this state
subconsciously, and on demand. In dealing with your man, it is
paramount to understand the importance of projecting unstable
energy. This will always be interpreted by the man as confusing and
upsetting. This is why it is so important to become aware of your own
Love & Obey Rules #2: Live in the Moment.
One major difference between males and females is that, we are
very good multi-taskers, which means, at any given moment, we are
constantly doing a number of things, at the same time. We tend to
continue to do this in our relationships as well. While we are having
dinner, we may be thinking about work or the children, or a list of
chores we forgot to do. One of the most important things to do, when
transitioning your man into a Female Led Relationship, is to
encourage both of you to be in the moment. As human beings, we get
into the habit of checking our phones at the dinner table, or doing
work before bed, watching TV and looking at our phone, while we are
having a quiet time with our mates. Refrain from this practice, as
much as possible, if you want to strengthen your relationship with
your man. In the beginning, there may be a great need for scheduled
quiet times. During these moments, you are giving 100% of your
attention to your man, and demanding the same from him. Phones
are off, kids are in bed, and there are no chores going on. At this
moment, while you are reading, you may be thinking about dinner, or
a meeting tomorrow, or an event you have to attend. Use this time
and reading this book to train your attention to be 100% on what you
are doing, so this can be extended to your man. You will need to take
the lead to schedule a quiet, one on one time, with him, and you may
need to encourage him to take these moments seriously. This
undivided attention, which you give each other, can make or break
your relationship because it is the time you can re-enforce goals and
important moments, in your relationship. Too often, relationships
begin to suffer when we get so caught up in life’s duties, that we
forget our men. In a Female Led Relationship, the responsibility of
one on one time, will fall squarely on your shoulders but, if you make
it a weekly habit, it will go a long way to strengthening your
The one-on-one time can be used for love-making or just doing
something nice, together. The idea of the date; having a date with
your man and practicing your Queen position will be very beneficial in
keeping your relationship strong. Men are more likely to enjoy the
moment because they are not as good at multi-tasking. But it is
important to ensure that you keep your man’s attention on the
relationship and being together in the moment, rather than thinking
about work, or looking at his phone or computer. Living in the moment
also means letting go of the past. Women tend to focus on men’s
behavior in the past. Bringing up past transgressions does not move
your Female Led Relationship forward. Let go of his past mistakes,
and provide loving positive re-enforcement for the future. Refrain from
holding grudges. Remember, you cannot change the past; you can
only accept it.
It will only be a hindrance to the success of your Female Led
Relationship, if you lead while always focusing on the past. There is a
famous saying, “You can’t move forward looking in the rear-view
mirror.” He is more likely to give you the reigns completely, if you
gently nudge him forward. Men, by nature, do not hold grudges, and
they do not tend to dwell on the past. So, use this tendency to
breathe new life, excitement and energy into your relationship, by
focusing on making it stronger, together.
The ability to be fully present in the “now” is a blessing for the
relationship, allowing you and your man to keep moving
Here is a good exercise. Pause for a second, and think of any
criticisms you may have of your man. Just sit with them for a bit,
then, gently allow them to be released, and replace those thoughts
with the things which make you smile. What does he do to make you
love him so much? Maybe it’s the look, maybe it’s little quirks that he
has. Let them sit with you, and make you happy. This is being
present, and letting go of the past. You are going to be in a much
better place to lead your man in a Female Led Relationship if you are
Holding on to negative moments and emotions can change the
focus and the energy in your relationship. You want your man to be
happy and contented to allow you to lead, and you show much of
your Queen and Mother energy, by leading him in a positive direction.
This does not mean, forgetting the good times you shared.
Sometimes, it’s nice for couples to remember some of the nice times
they shared, through photos or videos. Just don’t spend every
moment re-living the past. It does not serve the relationship long-
Love & Obey Rules #3: Men Can’t Hide the Truth
Men really cannot hide the truth, so they will always tell you how
they are feeling. You know, sometimes, he comes home and he has
an uneasy and tensed look on his face. Well, ladies, this is not the
time to bring up the backyard needs to be mowed or there’s a leak in
the roof. As the leader in the Female Led Relationship, it will be up to
you to comfort your man in times when he is down, weakened or
exhausted. You must be attentive to his moods, and try your best to
be comforting and uplifting.
Sometimes, it’s just easier to allow him to get through his mood,
with as little stress as possible. If your man is upset or pensive, allow
him to be in this mood. Draw a nice bath, or cook a nice dinner for
him, then you can take the lead by deciding that you’re just going to
relax and have a glass of wine, or watch a movie, or sit on the sofa
together. If he seems like he’s in an energetic mood, then suggest
going out for a walk together, or go do a workout together.
Sometimes, just being together is enough to give support and
practice being in the driver’s seat but also being aware of his
feelings. Again, women tend to be able to discuss more openly about
what they are thinking and feeling, but this does not happen as readily
with men.
They are more guarded about their feelings, but by observing
behavior and gently nudging him in conversation, you can create an
atmosphere of openness, while leading.
A real life example was when I helped a young lady, who we will
call Ann. She and her boyfriend, Matt (Not his real name), were at my
counseling session because Ann had been complaining that Matt
didn’t like communicating with her. Now, from what I observed, he
was a gentle, highly introverted, quiet and shy guy. Ann, instead of
looking for other means of communicating her feelings, began to
become clingy, in an attempt to keep him close. Matt did not like this
behavior, and usually became nervous around her, and she thought he
could have been cheating on her. The truth behind the situation was
that Ann didn’t trust Matt, and Matt knew it. Now, think for a moment,
would you follow a person you knew didn’t trust you? Ann was too
timid, too fearful, and she was projecting that energy to her man. My
reaction was simple. Ann needed to observe when Matt’s behavior
changed, and she had to understand what she was seeing. She
needed to realize that Matt’s reaction to clinginess had nothing to do
with cheating. Only that, he hated Ann’s reaction. So, by changing her
response to Matt’s natural tendency to “shell up”, I was able to re-
train both Ann and Matt, to understand their tendencies, and how to
change the energy and the behavior so it was much more positive.
Ann had to back off; Matt was feeling constricted, and she needed to
continue to create an energy of openness to allow Matt to relax and
change his behavior. As Matt was able to relax more and understand
Ann’s insecurity, he was in a better frame of mind to calm her down,
and even do something to boost her confidence. So, when Ann
seemed insecure, Matt bought her flowers. When Ann felt clingy, she
was required to go out, and workout for an hour. Within two weeks,
both changed, and the relationship became stronger.
Here is an exercise. Write down a time when you were insecure or
upset with your man. What is he doing specifically, to make you feel
this way? What is your reaction? Now, sit for a few minutes with this,
and analyze if this is an appropriate reaction to what you observe
with your man. What is he doing specifically? Could it mean
something else? Allow whatever upsets you to be released. Know
that there are other explanations; so release the upsetting thoughts,
so you come back to balance. Although this exercise can be
intimidating, the end result will be freedom and release.
Love & Obey Rules #4: Live in Harmony
In order to create a strong successful relationship, you need to
cultivate harmony in daily life. Today, there are so much infringement
into our lives – work, duties, responsibilities, technology, social media
and so much more. As the leaders, we must insist on harmony and
balance. If everyone gets stressed out, it will be up to us to restore
order, and not allow imbalances to continue for too long. The first
thing I teach both men and women is to address any disagreements
and disharmony, head on. Discuss and get pass it. Don’t let
something remain unsaid, hoping it goes away. In my own
relationship, I tend to end the day with a quick exchange of kisses
and discussion. It brought me closer with my man, and I always
reminded him that we don’t go to bed angry or upset. It was difficult
at first, because it felt like a chore, but it went a long way to
maintaining harmony.
Our lives have changed so much; what used to be abnormal is now
perfectly normal. Divorce has become normal with the rate at almost
50%, or all marriages may end in divorce. So, more than ever, we
need real habits in place, to try to keep the relationship strong. What
has not changed is a man’s desire to protect and provide for his
If you want your Female Led Relationship to pan out, and thrive as
a loving relationship with you as the leader, it is important to learn to
never suppress his instincts. Let him have outlets for expressing
them. Let him take care of you and provide for you, whether it’s by
paying the bills or building some shelves. Many men are drawn to
construction projects, because they wish to explore their creativity.
It’s a stress relief from the drudgery of daily life. You have to take
time for yourself, and give him time to explore these interests. When
your man has submitted himself to your leadership, there is great
trust. Never take it for granted or underestimate your power over him.
But respect the position as his Queen and leader.
Love & Obey Rules #5: The head and heart
Earlier, we discussed about how we girls, use speech as a main
form of communication, while our guys may not say much, but are
good with reading the energy we exude. This principle is one major
aspect that we tend to ignore in many of our relationships, with the
male gender as a whole.
Women are naturally more emotionally invested in situations and
scenarios than men are. A man uses his head, “is it logical?” “What
are the benefits?” “Would this be profitable or useful?” Such are the
questions men ask before making decisions. Women think with their
hearts. While this is a trait that has led us to achieve high goals and
surmount great obstacles, it has also dumped us in a lot of trouble. It
can be glaringly clear to everyone around that this girl is being
maltreated by her boyfriend or that he is using her, but she loves him
very much, so all that occurs to her is how to make herself better for
him, instead of just training him to love, respect and obey her.
During your training process with your man, work with logical,
reasonable and direct words, so he can understand and assimilate
what you are teaching him. Don’t involve emotions or gut feelings
during the training, or things will definitely get messy and spiral out of
The easiest trick to achieving success when training a man,
especially one that isn’t yet sure of his natural desire to submit to
your authority or one that is unaware that he is being trained, is to let
him see the logical reason why he should listen to you. If what you
desire does not appeal to the sensible thinking process he has going
on, you would be ignored and your training will backfire.
Love & Obey Rules #6: Understand Your Man’s Natural
Relationship Position.
There are two worlds- the outside world and your relationship
world with your man. In the outside world, your man can be the
originators of ideas, the one who leads everyone at the office,
rescues people from the storm, the bread winner, and all that. In the
world of your relationship, you’re the boss. No matter how powerful
and successful a man is in this outer world, he subconsciously and
naturally desires to submit to your loving female authority, as his
Queen Mother. Never try to change his leadership role in the world or
his submissive role in your relationship. Even the CEOs of the Fortune
500 companies say, “Let me check with the misses about this
weekend and see if it’s okay.” Harness the difference of these two
worlds, and make it work in your favor from both sides.
I had a friend, who had a relationship with an outwardly
domineering man. He had the kind of presence that just called people
to follow him, and he just exuded competence. It took me awhile to
discover that she was in a Female Led Relationship with him. When I
found out, I started observing them, and asking her questions. She
explained to me that in the beginning, she would just give
suggestions, and let him feel like he came up with an idea, until she
gradually trained him to the point where she could correct him openly,
without him feeling offended or feeling hurt. “He needs me to guide
him,” she told me one day. ”He knows he is lost without me.” Even
when he leads in sexual activities, I guide him; I trained him to pay
attention to my cues, in and out of the bedroom. Whether it’s a soft
moan that encourages him to continue what he is doing or an outright
command to stop. You must always be working with his basic
instincts; you should never forget this. Teach him how to take care of
you in the language he understands. Anything else will most likely,
break him or drive him away from you, and this is exactly the
opposite of your aim. In this loving Female Led Relationship that
you’re making, sometimes, the key to leading it is to appear to follow
in the beginning. In time, you both will know who rules the roost.
Since the beginning of time, women have always run the show in the
relationship. So, a Female Led Relationship is a logical evolution.
Let’s look to the bible, to the very first relationship between the first
man and woman - Adam and Eve. In the story, the serpent gives the
apple to the woman because it knew that the woman was the more
influential of the two. And Eve was successful in convincing Adam to
taste the fruit, despite the fact that God gave him explicit instructions
to not eat the fruit. Adam still succumbed to his wife, Eve’s
suggestion. There has long been a stigma with married men that they
are “pussy whipped” or “hen pecked,” meaning they are controlled by
their women. But, the fact is that women have more power in the
world and at home, than they realize.
Thanks to feminism, the modern woman has risen up, holding very
high executive positions, being leaders, running fortune 500
companies, earning millions, running countries, all the while, being
mothers and wives and running households. The idea of the
“supermom” has been coined to be the woman who, like a superhero,
is capable of doing it all. In the fascinating way evolution works, once
the women of the world made up their minds to be better, they began
to out-shine the men in several fields. The Flynn effect is the
substantial and long-sustained increase in IQ test scores measured in
many parts of the world, from roughly 1930 to the present day.
However, when new test subjects take older IQ tests, in almost every
case, their average scores are significantly higher than they were in
that original time period. An IQ expert, James Flynn, believes the
increasing rate of technology has stimulated our brains to work
better. “The complexity of the modern world is making our brains
adapt, and raising our IQ, but the facts are that women’s IQ’s have
risen faster. According to Flynn, women have surpassed men on IQ
tests in several countries including the US, Canada, New Zealand,
and throughout Europe. In the US, about 60% of college graduates
are women, and they are less likely to drop out than their male
counterparts. In the 1980s, a woman, Marilyn Vos Savant, had the
amazingly high IQ score of 228, according to the Guinness book of
World Records.
More often than not, historically, we have seen men as smarter and
physically stronger than women. But here are some studies that will
make you reconsider those stereotypes you grew up to believe. Both
science and math are considered subjects in which males are
expected to perform better, due to the higher enrollment of boys to
classes like engineering, chemistry, and quantum mechanics.
However, girls get overall higher grades in school, making them
better than boys in science, even if they are not comfortable with the
From kindergarten, girls show more self-regulation, than boys.
They tend to follow rules, pay attention to specific instructions and
details, as well as display an overall sense of self- pleasure by
working through long term assignments, despite boredom and
frustration. Girls are also, more likely to choose their homework
before indulging in relaxing activities, like watching TV, reading or
surfing the internet. Women are not equal to men; they are superior in
many ways, and in most ways that will count in the future. It is not
just a matter of culture or upbringing. It is a matter of chromosomes,
genes, hormones, and nerve circuits. It is not mainly because of how
experience shapes women, but because of intrinsic differences in the
body and the brain. In the 1960s, professional schools had a handful
of women in a class of a hundred. Today, they are approaching half
of all the students at medical and law schools. More than 40 percent
of students entering M.B.A. programs—the pool of future CEOs—are
women. Yes, there are glass ceilings, but they are slowly being
broken. Women make up 33 percent of federal district-court judges,
almost 35 percent of federal appeals-court judges, and one-third of
the U.S. Supreme Court. I’ve been noticing news items lately, about
how women are gaining in many ways. They now represent a
majority of U.S. college students, and 60% of all graduate students.
Their income levels are rising, although they still don’t have parity with
men. They are far less involved in violent crimes, and crimes of all
sorts. They are safer drivers. A child in a single-parent home is likely
to be better off, if the parent is a woman. In the U.S., the odds are
that 80% of the single parents will be women; having given birth, they
stick around to raise children, while men are more likely to be
missing. This role of raising our children has led young boys to look to
the Mother more than the Father in modern society, and it is leading
the way to the social change we are experiencing in the world. This
dominance, at home and in the classroom by females, is starting to
translate into dominance in the workforce, in business and in politics.
As women start to excel and become dominant in the workplace
and in the business world, this is causing women to exert even more
dominance within their personal relationships with men. Whereas,
wives have always dominated their men behind closed doors in a
subtle manner, now they are dominating their men more openly. They
are taking charge of the bedroom, as they are becoming the initiators
of sex. In Female Led Relationships, the emphasis is always on the
women’s pleasure, and the man is always trained to focus on her
needs. Interestingly, the sex life in a Female Led Relationship is
always highly rated by couples, and considered more intense and
fulfilling for both partners. When a man focuses on the woman’s
pleasure, she is completely satisfied and in turn, allows the man to
have his pleasure. This is so much different from relationships where
men care only about their own pleasure, and the woman’s pleasure is
You’ve heard of women faking orgasms, just to get through sex;
this is one of the most destructive practices as at some point, enough
resentment builds up, leaving both women and men feeling
unsatisfied. As women exert more dominance in all areas of life,
men’s submissive natures are stirring, and men are desiring to be
dominated in all areas of their lives by the female gender. Modern
man is more eager than ever, to submit to a loving female Authority.
Some women are still restrained by traditions and societal
expectations. Women naturally dominate men within the relationship,
but not many women like to acknowledge that fact for fear of being
societal outcasts. Some women still allow their men to appear as the
“in-charge” and dominant partner, in order to conform to the model of
what they witnessed from their parents. The female dominant nature
still lies dormant in many women, and it often takes a male’s
submissive nature to draw it out. But as women become more
successful and more aggressive in the classroom and in the business
world, women are more readily embracing their dominant persona,
and will gladly accept and even demand their male partner’s
submission. In my opinion, the couples that practice Female Led
Relationships today, are in front of the societal curve. Female Led
Relationships and male submission will be the foremost and normal
sexuality of the future. I believe that a majority of women, who still
consider it kinky and unusual today, will embrace this relationship in
the not too distant future. Furthermore, their daughters will see the
Mothers leading the household, and they will be stretching the
acceptable limits and boundaries of Female Led Relationships in
areas that we cannot imagine today.
According to researcher Israel Abramov of University of New York,
women have a much more finely tuned ability to see slight variations
in color than men do—which is why no straight man knows what
“mauve” or “taupe” are, but all women do. Women also have a
superior sense of hearing, and can distinguish between different
scents, far better than men can. These very specific, detailed, finely
tuned senses, along with “women’s intuition”, I believe this makes
women better able to sense changes and adapt faster.
I am impressed with how confident and aggressive the younger
women are today, compared to even 20 years ago. Women are
running their own companies, moving up the corporate ladder faster,
and breaking into positions, like President or Prime Minister, more
than was ever done in history. The emergence of females in sports,
where women were not allowed to compete, is another great
indication of the power of women, and how it’s increasing. Ivanka
Trump believes a great part of her father’s success on the ability to
appeal to career minded modern woman. A hundred years ago,
things were much different, where women were not even allowed to
vote. It is this ability to evolve fast. I believe that gives women a
tremendous advantage to take the lead in their relationships. There
are so many examples of women in the highest positions of office
today, when not too long ago, they were not even able to vote. The
close race between President Trump and Hilary Clinton showed that
North America is ready to be led by a woman. Many other countries
are run by women, including, Germany, Denmark and Norway. Many
women run large silicon valley companies, and have spearhead
industries into new frontiers with their genius. I suspect that in the
future, women will be running the world. The societal evolution that is
taking place cannot be stopped. Men are sensing this change, and
many are happy to step into the submissive role. The International
Journal of Business Governance and Ethics, published a research
concluding that female led companies are more successful than the
ones led by males. A Pew Research poll found that the public agrees
—women make fairer, more compassionate, and more trustworthy
leaders than men do. Over the 20 years surveyed, women in
Congress introduce more bills, attract more co-sponsors and bring
home, more money for their districts than their male counterparts on
average. Women are intuitive, and better able to understand
emotions and body language, making them rational thinkers and team
Of course the desire for Female Led Relationships is nothing new.
The book, “Venus in Furs” by Leopold Von Sacher-Masoch, was
written over 130 years ago. It is about a man with strong submissive
fantasies. He worships the Goddess Venus, and he pursues his
fantasies when he meets a wealthy woman named Wanda, with
whom he starts a romance. Some have credited “Venus in Furs” with
propelling Female Led Relationships into the mainstream of the
society, more than 130 years ago. So, we are on the cusp of this
relationship trend, but it is not a new idea. But, I believe with the
evolution of women and their current roles in the society, the Female
Led Relationship is ripe to explode into the society.
Female Led Relationships Is not BDSM
It is important to emphasize that Female Led Relationships is not
BDSM. Hollywood and news media sensationalism, enjoy grouping
dominant strong women into the BDSM world. Where one is
entertainment focused solely on a man’s desire to be humiliated by
his “dominatrix”, this still places the male in the spotlight. Female led
is a female power position in the relationship. It’s about the female’s
needs first. It has nothing to do with whipping or humiliation. BDSM
has very little to do with a healthy relationship between men and
women. It’s much more of a perversion, and it should be avoided if
you want to create a successful Female Led Relationship. Female
Led Relationship uses Mother energy. BDSM is demeaning,
perverted and even though it appears the woman is in a power
position in BDSM because she is the dominant, she is actually
submitting to a male, who just wants his own desires for pain and
perversion to be satisfied.
BDSM is not the subject of this book, but, it is important that both
you and your man understand that, creating a loving open Female
Led Relationship does not involve humiliation or suppression or
tearing down of your man. As mentioned before, in BDSM, women
are not acting from a place of power because they are acting out a
man’s fantasy. This is the opposite of true power, where your man is
actually serving you and happy to do so. Now, there can be
opportunities where a woman chooses to dominate her man sexually,
and her man wants to be submissive, but this still begins with your
desire in a loving exchange with your man.
Different Types of Female Led Relationships
All Female Led Relationships are not the same. Some are just
restricted to what happens during love-making, others become an
entire lifestyle. You are free to create any type of relationship you
desire. If you prefer to keep it confined to the bedroom to spice up
love-making, that’s perfectly acceptable. But the real power and
evolution of the relationship occurs when it becomes a lifestyle. Your
man will enjoy serving your needs all day. He’ll open doors for you,
bring you your slippers, give you a mini neck massage, and wait for
you to initiate love-making. He would make you your coffee, or serve
you your breakfast. I had the experience in my own relationship,
when I was once traveling on a business trip and returning, and my
man showed up at the airport with flowers; he took me home and
surprised me, having re-decorated our room into a queen’s palace,
complete with satin sheets and Egyptian cotton robe. This was just
one example of how he wanted to incorporate treating me as a
pampered Queen. Another example is when we go to fairs, or
festivals, he returns with a secret gift, which he picked up for me. It’s
the focus; always on my needs, which defines this relationship. But,
we both enjoyed the Female Led Relationship. It has created a whole
new world of exploring in our relationship; keeping the spice alive and
creating fun. Again, that’s what’s great about the Female Led
Relationship- it can be incorporated just creating more intimate times,
or little treats like a spontaneous foot or neck rub. The whole point is
to create a relationship that both you and your man will enjoy.
Some of my friends have a set aside one night out, where they will
go to a restaurant or take a weekend off, away from the kids, to be
with their partner. I suggest even having an hour every 2 days, where
it’s parent’s hour. There is less stress to take an entire day off, but
allows you and your spouse or boyfriend to connect in a meaningful
way, without interruption. In addition, encouraging little practices, like
allowing my man to be the gentleman, opening doors and allowing me
to enter first, made him feel more masculine. Though I was the leader
in the relationship, he still felt empowered in his role as my man and
The most important part of the successful Female Led
Relationship, or any relationship, requires trust and honesty. When a
man trusts his woman enough to open up to her about his deepest,
most hidden natural desires, this sets the stage for intimacy on a
more meaningful level. The sad fact is that, many men must keep
their innermost desires, hidden. But for those couples who dare to be
uninhibited about their desires, they open themselves up to a special
kind of intimacy. The man who trusts his woman enough to submit his
entire being to her will, bonds with his woman on a level that few men
have experienced. Likewise, when the woman is trustworthy enough
to rule her man with love, this causes them to bond together in a way
that most traditional relationships cannot enjoy. To these couples, this
relationship is more than sexual. It is spiritual.
Female Led in Media
I believe that the society is evolving into a female led society.
Women are beginning to take charge on a social and globally
emotional level. Hollywood and Madison Avenue are capitalizing on
the ever-growing male submissive nature, as movies, television, and
advertising are celebrating the powerful woman. Although the real
strength of a woman is in her intellectual, social and sexual power, it
is easier to show female power via physical strength. Thus, movies
like Wonder Woman, Resident Evil and Atomic Blonde, and TV shows
such as “Super Girl”, “Dark Angel” and “Alias” are popular and
thriving. Men are yielding to the intellectual, social and sexual power
in women, and this causes them to desire to be conquered in the
physical by the Female as well. This is where a lot of the female
wresting fantasies that men have originate from. It is also why
Hollywood and television have capitalized on this “desire to
experience the powerful female” theme in so many productions. Many
of the directors for these movies are men and so, they find it difficult
to showcase what it is that is the inner power of a woman; so they
express it by showing the women as having physical or super power.
When a woman kicks a man around on television or in the movies,
chances are the male viewers are sexually turned on. This is because
this act represents the power of the female, and men want to submit
to it. Just look at some popular movies that made it big in the box
office; “Cat Woman” “Snow White and the Huntsmen”, “Charlie’s
Angels”, Terminator 3”, “The Matrix Reloaded”, “Dare devil” and “Lara
Croft, Tomb Raider.” All of these films have strong, leather wearing
female characters, with scenes where they physically beat up men.
Men know that the real power of women is sexual and intellectual, but
movies and television simplify it into the physical displays of violence.
The one movie that I believe is a masterpiece and truly captures
the sexual power of a woman is “Basic Instinct.” The Sharon Stone
character, Catherine Tramell, dominated the so-called intelligent men
in the movie by using her sexual power, combined with her sharp
intellect. The director, Paul Verhoeven, was successful in showing the
sexual power of women over men, through her character. Remove
the psychotic and Hitchcock-like thriller aspects, and “Basic Instinct”
is a movie about a dominant woman, who has her way with the
weaker male gender.
Unfortunately, Hollywood rarely takes the time to develop this
aspect of a woman’s nature and will instead, revert to only the
physical when they want to show a powerful woman. A number of
men went to see the leather wearing, whip wielding Halle Berry as
Cat Woman. Too bad, the producers and writers did not recognize
the full potential of the movie and consequently, did not truly develop
Cat Woman’s sexual power.
The Cat Woman character in the 1960’s, “Batman” television
program played an important role in taking Female Led Relationships
into the mainstream. “Cat Woman” was a major influence in igniting
the submissive nature within boys, as well as, within grown men.
When I counsel or interview men, it never ceases to amaze me how
many of them will point to two female television characters from the
1960’s, when describing their earliest recollection of having
submissive desires. They point to Julie Newman as Cat Woman, and
Diana Rigg as the leather wearing Emma Peel of “The Avengers.”
Both of these women were dominant, they wore dominating leather
clothing, and they radiated with a dominant female sexuality. “Cat
Woman” left a lasting impression on the sexuality of many men, as
they would watch Batman or better yet, boyish Robin, being tied up
and teased by the leather clad and sexy female. The psychological
and sociological symbolism of such a scene was very profound, as it
portrayed how a powerful woman renders men weak and helpless. It
was a fantasy that males could identify with because such scenes
stirred their naturally submissive nature.
The male desire for Female Led Relationships is evident throughout
Pop Culture, and the smart female knows how to capitalize. Taylor
Swift, Queen B and Madonna, have been able to combine music,
sexuality and female power into Pop Culture empires. Their popularity
and fan following rivals that of the Beatles and Elvis. Madonna’s
music and music videos portray an aggressive, sexual and strong
woman. Much like Pop Culture itself, Madonna has evolved from
being suggestive about female Dominance (Blonde Ambition) to
openly portraying female domination in her music and videos
Shania Twain is another Pop Culture Diva, who has successfully
combined her music with a public image that depicts female
dominance and power. Although her music is of the traditionally more
conservative country variety, Shania is not unaccustomed to posing in
provocative female domination style clothing in her videos or while on
stage (including in front of a worldwide audience during the Super
Bowl), and many of her songs celebrate the strong woman. The
music of Shania appeals to a totally different audience than that of
Madonna, but both of these women have ascended to the top of their
extremely competitive industry by appealing to man’s desire for
female dominance. While both women are very talented from an
artistic standpoint, what has brought them success beyond
imagination is the dominant and sexual aura they portray. The sexual,
powerful female captivates men, and Pop Culture in the new
Millennium is not shy about promoting the dominant female, or
capitalizing on the submissive nature of man.
Here in the new Millennium, the battle of the sexes is over, but
women never viewed it as a battle. Women are no longer deceived
into being submissive.
They are assuming their true natures. Men are moving into
secondary as they watch their women take over. Nevertheless, it still
often takes a submissive man to support the dominant woman. We
need it. I have had witnesses that accept their inner fantasies of their
women in-charge; it changes the dynamic of the relationship fast.
Women are accustomed to taking charge now, in their careers, and in
the household. They can instinctively, naturally take over in the
bedroom. I think when we sense the submissive energy of our men,
we react subconsciously to it.
The male Love & Obey zone is a tranquil, and somewhat a hypnotic
state that comes from the absolute surrender of the human’s will. The
male Love & Obey zone is obtained within males, when they
surrender their will and their power over to a female. When a woman
dominates a man mentally and emotionally, there is an energy and a
power that she releases. This energy demands and desires
submission from the man. When a man surrenders to this power
coming from the female, he enters into the Love & Obey zone. As he
lets go and yields himself to the woman, he disarms his conscience
guard, and he allows his submissive nature to be released. This
causes him to enter into that tranquil and near hypnotic state. Once a
man enters the Love & Obey zone, he typically never wants to leave
it. In addition, the sex he experiences in it is almost always described
as the best he ever had.
The male Love & Obey zone is a place of absolute surrender,
where the female rules supreme. It is a magical place within the
psyche of a man, where he worships a woman with his spirit. It is
powerful and it is beautiful. Only a man who surrenders his will to a
woman and enters the Love & Obey zone, can fully see a woman in
all her beauty and glory.
One woman told me, “After I’ve pleasured my man, or allowed him
to pleasure me, he kind of lays there, he tilts his head to the side, he
gets a grin on his face, and his eyes kind of get glazed over.” Her
man had entered the Love & Obey zone. That look she was referring
to is the look of tranquility, contentment, submission, and genuine
love. That look is what the Female Led Relationship lifestyle is all
about. By dominating and disciplining her man, she struck a chord
within him. The Love & Obey male desires to be dominated and
pleasured by a woman. Most men long for this inside, and spend a
good portion of their lives searching for this void to be filled within
them. Once they experience the strong yet, loving hand of a dominant
female whom they trust and love, it fulfills them and it brings to them,
tranquility and contentment. Her man had achieved a deep Love &
Obey zone experience.
If all women could see that look on their man’s face or feel that
kind of intimacy, they would flock to this lifestyle. Unfortunately, many
women just see Hollywood and the media’s leather outfits, the whips,
and the techniques that dominant women in music videos and movies
used to get their men into that magical state of deep submission, and
they think that this lifestyle is “strange” or “bizarre.”
If they would only look past the superficial Hollywood portrayal of
dominant women, and see the intellectual and emotional techniques
that female Leaders utilize, and if they would instead, focus on the
results that they bring, if only they would realize that there are
different aspects and methods for participating in this female led way
of life, then I believe that most women would openly embrace the
Female Led Relationship lifestyle. We want to connect with our man
in a way that goes all the way to our souls. We females in general,
desire this level of “spiritual” intimacy with our men. If they would only
understand that most men need to be dominated, pleasured, and
controlled by a woman in order to have peace within themselves, then
I am convinced the majority of women would assume their proper
place, which is to be the female Leader.
Female Led Relationships are still a minority lifestyle between
couples. Hollywood films about it, music videos and pornography on
the internet all thrive in our society because the majority of submissive
men still must seek out female Led experiences outside of his home.
Many men are eager to surrender themselves over to their wives, but
they hesitate because they fear their wives might think this desire
they have is bizarre, not manly, and refuse to participate with them.
The biggest obstacle to a Female Led Relationship is still the
reluctance of the female to take charge. This just goes to show how
successful our male dominated patriarchal society has been in making
women feel inferior to men. As women, we have been programmed,
since childhood, that the man should be the dominant partner in a
relationship and society. It is never easy to overcome a thousand
years of our traditions. Women still struggle with the thought that a
Female Led Relationship is “weird or abnormal.”
The first time I was exposed to this lifestyle, I thought it to be
strange and even perverted. I went into it, viewing these people as
being sexually dysfunctional. However, I soon learned that most of
these people were healthy and normal. They were people from all
walks of life, religious backgrounds, and professions, that were
members of the Female Led parties and groups I attended. Now, I
will confess that there are extremes that people go to with BDSM
that are not healthy, but that is the same with all things. Eating is not
a negative habit, but when taken to extremes, it can be unhealthy.
The same goes for a person’s sexuality. From my years of studying
and living this Female Led Relationship lifestyle, I can tell you that the
desire of a man to submit to a woman is not perverted. It is natural.
As a matter of fact, it is very common among men. I believe it is the
number one sexual desire among men living in our society today.
Perversion is defined as that which is outside the sexual normal.
Female domination and male submission are very much within the
norm of people’s intellectual, emotional and sexual desires.
What women must keep in mind about Female Led Relationships is
the fact that, men need it as much as they do, maybe, more. It is
almost always the man who will introduce the Female Led
Relationship lifestyle to the woman. A courageous man, with
submissive desires, is usually the catalyst to introduce a Female Led
Relationships to his Female partner. Why do men do this? It’s
because men desire and need to be in submission to women. No
matter how hard the society or religion tries to tell men differently, a
deep natural desire and basic instinct inside of them yearns to
surrender to a powerful woman. These desires grow stronger with
age, and men will spend countless hours, dreaming and fantasizing
about Female Led Relationships. Men will pursue these desires, and
struggle with these desires, trying to come to terms with them but
sadly, a man will not come to terms with these desires until he truly
has a relationship with a woman that can explore these desires with
him in a loving manner.
The other side of this dynamic is that, women, who embrace the
dominant role and who allow their dominant nature to come out, end
up absolutely loving this lifestyle. It never ceases to amaze me how
many women, who once were really hesitant about being dominant,
end up loving it so much that they later say that they would never go
back to being in submission to a man, or only having vanilla “male led”
sex with a man. This lifestyle is liberating to women, and it is also
liberating for men, as they can now fulfill that natural yearning within
The number of couples who practice the Female Led Relationships
lifestyle, has exploded over the past twenty years. Most of these
couples keep it private, but I can testify from the number of letters I
receive, that Female Led Relationships are on the rise in our society.
It may not enjoy a plurality yet, but one only needs to look at the
trends and the societal evolution that is taking place to see what is
transpiring. As women continue to become dominant in college, in
business and in politics as the leaders of nations, more women will
naturally take the dominant role in their relationships. This is great
news for the submissive male and Females around the world.
As far as the Hollywood BDSM fantasies go, it depends on each
woman and on each relationship. A Female Led Relationships can
take on, many forms. Lots of dominant women do enjoy the whole
leather and Hollywood BDSM style, and flare in their lifestyle, and do
use these tools in the training and “the disciplining” of their men, as
well as, adding fun and excitement to their sex lives. Other women
enjoy a softer Female Led Relationship, as they prefer an intellectual
and emotional type of pleasure and training, of their men. Still, other
women love to be the dominant partner and love to rule the
relationship, but they do not like to incorporate much sex into it. Some
women are Queen Mothers, while other women see themselves as
feminists, and others see themselves as equals with men, while still
holding on to the secret belief that the woman needs to lead the man.
As I mentioned, I am opposed to the dark side of BDSM. I do not
believe that men should be humiliated, feminized, or treated with
cruelty of any sort, physically or emotionally. However, some
playfulness with costumes, and this sort of fun side of the Hollywood
and music video portrayal and costumes, can be spicy at times.
The most important thing is that, each couple must keep the lines
of communication open, as honesty and openness are crucial in any
relationship. A woman has to be open minded to explore new things,
as her partner shares with her, his deepest desires to submit. It is all
about negotiation and fulfillment. I ask women, what touches his
submissive nature? Does he view you as his Queen? If so, then
behave like a Queen. Does he view you as his super hero chick?
Does he crave a Goddess to worship? Does he enjoy the helpless
feeling of being under your control? I tell women to find out what stirs
her man’s submission and then, do these things to him. A smart
woman will take a man’s submission, and channel it into his service of
her. A shrewd woman will have a life of unending pleasure, if she
channels her man’s submissive tendencies intelligently. A wise woman
will use her dominance to draw out more of her man’s submission and
then, use that submission to get her needs met and fulfilled in every
I like to equate the Female Led Relationship to a dance. The man
seduces the female’s dominant nature with his submissive nature. She
then, begins to draw out more of his submissive nature with her
dominant nature, which draws out even more of her dominance, which
draws out more of his submission, and so on. This dynamic works
much like a magnetic force, with two opposites attracting. The
Female’s dominance feeds off of the man’s submission, and his
submission feeds off of her dominance. One needs the other to thrive
and to grow. It is similar to how the plant world and the animal world
function, with the plants giving us the oxygen we need and we in
return, give the plants the carbon dioxide they need. As we breathe in
their gift, we give them our gift, as we exhale. So, it is with
dominance and submission. The Female Leader gives the male what
he needs by dominating him, and the male gives her his gift by
submitting to her, and treating her like his Queen.
Most women want to have a man that loves, honors, worships, and
obeys her. Young girls dream about Prince Charming, who comes
along and treats her like a Queen. What woman wouldn’t want a man
to focus all his energy and his attention on her all of the time? A man
that would pamper her, give her foot and body massages, and who
would get more pleasure out of pleasuring her, than receiving
pleasure himself. How about a man that would do whatever you tell
him to do, without arguing or complaining? A man that would not only
do all of his chores, like cutting the grass and washing the cars, but
would also do some housework, the laundry, the grocery shopping, or
even the cooking. How about a man that would wine and dine her,
and shower her with gifts? What woman would not want a man that
would love her with all of his heart, and who would view her as his
earthly Goddess? When we read novels, we desire to have the men
we see in those books; loving, attentive, caring and absolutely
miserable, when we aren’t happy. The dominant female lives this
dream because she has learned how to motivate her man to serve
her needs, by meeting his need to be dominated.
This lifestyle is a large umbrella that encompasses a wide variety
of lifestyles and activities. The common denominator is that, the
woman is the dominant partner. A Female Led Relationship is
important because, while it is a desire that primarily expresses itself
in a woman’s sexuality, it reflects the core desire within the male
gender. It is that male’s desire for loving female authority that
ultimately empowers women, one relationship at a time.
The Making of a Relationship Leader
I like to define a relationship leader as a loving authority; someone
who is in charge of the entire activities and people in a specific place;
in this case, the relationship. The leader does not need to be feared
or despised; in fact, that makes the people following you unwilling to
obey. And as we have emphasized, the relationship is between two
consenting adults. The journey to becoming the best relationship
leader you can possibly become is different for everyone. It might
take many years for some, or be just a breeze for others. The key to
beginning this journey, however, is to realize the need for you to be a
relationship leader, and your man to be your obedient and loving
gentleman. You can know this once you fully realize who your man is,
and what he needs from you. The Natural Man Laws and the Love &
Obey Rules are what will guide you on your journey. Here are a
couple of techniques that will help transform you into the relationship
leader you need to become:
The Female Leadership Craft #1:
Project Calm, Assertive Energy.
You’re seeing this and thinking, “Oh, this again!” Yes, we have
mentioned it several times, but this is because it cannot be
overemphasized. The natural submissive state in a man comes out
when there is a calm assertive female around. When you project
confident positive energy, he is willing to obey, because you seem
sure of what you are asking him to do.
In a relationship where the man is submissive and the woman is not
dominant, the man will try to fill the void by trying to become the
relationship leader. This of cause, is a recipe for disaster. He does
not know the first thing about being a good leader; so he is nervous.
He will then, try to mask this nervousness by becoming aggressive
and lashing out. This is how many females begin to experience
domestic violence in their homes. When loving and nurturing women
lead and obedient gentlemen follow, there are no domestic violence
How to Change Your Energy
As I’ve said, your energy will determine how your man sees you in
your role as a Relationship Leader. All your energy—good and bad—
is a reflection of your state of body, mind, and intention. Calm,
assertive energy, for instance, reveals itself with a confident
demeanor, straight shoulders, a deliberate gait, and the clear-
sightedness that comes from knowing exactly what you want from
this moment. If you want to be a Queen, you must present yourself
with the regal poise of a Queen. The following exercises will help you
identify your current energy and the energy of those around you, by
focusing on two opposing states: positive and negative.
Identifying Positive Energy
It helps to have a partner or a mirror for this exercise:
You may try repeating these exercises with your man near you, to
see what kind of reaction occurs with your man. How does he act
when your energy changes? You can also practice with your children.
Once you understand how you are directly affecting others, you will
become more conscious of your own energy, and how it can influence
your man.
The Female Leadership Craft #2:
Find your balance of discipline, “love and affection”
The ability to strike a balance between these two aspects of your
relationship is very important if your goal is having a relationship with
a properly trained, well balanced gentleman. Some of you will cringe
at the sight of the word, discipline. This is because in your minds, you
have associated the word with punishment or cruelty. Disciplining a
person can be achieved with love and affection, even if the discipline
sounds stern or strict on the surface. Look at a well-trained army unit
for example, when you see them, they project unity, they work like a
well-oiled machine. They all know the rules, and behave accordingly.
You don’t think they are “being treated cruelly;” you think they are
disciplined. The Leader of an army unit may be tough and strict, but
he is doing it to protect and save the lives of his men on the battle
field. He is acting from a place of love and affection. This is because
they have been trained to follow a fundamental set of rules. Such is
the goal of having discipline in your relationship. When you go out and
he opens doors for you, pulls out your chair and behaves like an all-
round gentleman, you nod in appreciation to him and at home, you
read each other’s cues; you become a well-oiled relationship
machine. He knows the rules, and he obeys them. Everybody that
sees you together begins to admire your special connection.
The Female Leadership Craft #3:
Establish Your Rules and Always Enforce Them.
Every organized social unit, whether it’s military or not, needs
proper, clear-cut rules. Of course, where there are rules, there must
be an enforcer; someone who makes sure the rules are followed. In
the Female Led Relationship this has to be you. You will need to be a
leader, not a dictator. Allow him to make contributions to your
relationship rules. This will help him to be more willing to follow them.
Now, remember, the first quality of an enforcer is that you must also
follow the rules. If you are breaking the rules and expecting him to
follow them, he will not take Female Led Relationship training
seriously. You will need to reward his obedience. When he does even
little tasks, like running you a bath, massaging your feet, cooking, or
buying you feminine products, offer him something in return – he can
go out and hang-out with his friends, or let him go to his favorite
basketball of NFL game, or surprise him with tickets to his favorite
concert. You want to motivate him to do more and more everyday, to
please you. If your man initiates sex, as men will often do, you must
do your best to respond positively. Men are very sensitive to women
and their willingness to engage in sex. In some cases, it will be up to
you to initiate as well. But use it as a moment to have your partner
relax and pamper you.
The Female Leadership Craft #4:
Be a Good Leader and Give Him Attention
I remember at the end of one of my longer relationships, my
partner indicated that I was not present in the relationship. He felt
that I left him alone. I learned, even back then, the importance of not
giving the impression that you are not interested. Men need constant
attention. Couples that play together, stay together. Go out, work out,
go camping on weekends, cook, laugh, and sleep together. These
may seem unimportant, but the time you spend together makes all
the difference. You want to grow and evolve together? Make every
experience an opportunity to learn about your man. I often ask mini
questions of women in long term relationships about their men. I was
always surprised to see how many women were unaware of basic
facts about their men. What’s his favorite place to visit ? What would
he rather be doing if he did not have to work ? What’s the one sexual
act he’s always wanted to try? Often, women know a lot of facts like
his shirt size, shoe size, his favorite foods. But often, they had no
idea about inner hidden desires, or fantasies. Ladies, it is your
responsibility to know and fulfill your man’s fantasies. So you need to
shower him with attention, and continue to know everything about
him. He’s your life partner. A good Queen must always know his
faithful subject. When you know what makes him tick, you can begin
to work on him, reward him, so he never has to go elsewhere to be
fulfilled. Put your attention on him, but do not smother him. On the flip
side, don’t be jealous or too clingy. Don’t be confrontational, like
questioning his whereabouts or what he did that day. Attention will be
welcomed, but clingy criticism will only upset him.
The Female Leadership Craft #5:
Read Your Man’s Body Language.
Previously, we learned that we need to be mindful of our energy;
now, we need to be mindful of our man’s body language, as well as,
energy. Be aware of it, as it will tell you a lot about what he is feeling
inside. The first thing to note is that, a man behaves completely
different from a woman. A man will not tell you things he is feeling
inside. You have to read it from his behavior. Be sensitive if his
energy is low. You do not want him to be over worked or exhausted.
They are not great at handling stress like we are, and he is not able
to approach the relationship with enthusiasm if his energy is low. At
times like these, he needs a break. Adjust his nutrition. Make him
smoothies, with fresh fruit and vegetables, or encourage him to
increase his hydration. You have the responsibility of deciding what
the family is consuming. So, if your man seems excessively tired or
weak, then he may need a break or a reboot. The second thing to
note is your man’s disposition. Is he generally happy with life, or is he
depressed? Does he seem distant or withdrawn. These are times
which call for more communication or activities, in order to increase
your personal time. Sometimes, when there is a new baby in the
house, men can feel alienated and cast aside. You will have to take
the lead at times like this, and if you notice these moods, it’s
important to address it.
W omen have been programmed, since they were little girls, that
the natural order of God ordained institutions (Government, Religion
and Family) is for men to be dominant, and women to be submissive.
Most religions teach that the male is the superior gender (made in the
image of God) and thus, the man should rule the relationship. Are
men spiritually superior to women? Is it by God’s design that men
should be the dominant gender in the society? Or have men perverted
religion in order to keep women as second-class citizens? In
Christianity, women are subservient. In the Muslim religion, women
are practically non-existent, and not allowed to have the same rights
and freedoms as males.
The three large patriarchal religions (Judaism, Christianity, and
Islam) all trace their origins back to the Garden of Eden, with the
belief that Adam and Eve were the original male and Female.
Genesis is the recorded account of creation that most mainline
religions and denominations use as the foundation of their faith. So,
what does Genesis say about the original nature of man and woman?
In the story of Adam and Eve in the oldest Bible, it is said that
Adam was created first, and Eve was created second. This was to
try to suggest that this is why men are first, and had the power. But I
see it another way. I see it as Adam was created and Eve was
created second, as an improvement on the first creation, suggesting
that women are the superior creation. Females tend to outlive men.
There are many diseases which affect men greater than women, and
women tend to be able to be strong, even in times of change and
illness. When men went to war in World War I and World War II, the
world did not come to an end. Women ran things. It is a fact that
crime rates and atrocities in normal society decreased during these
times as well. Perhaps, it’s women’s ability to go with the flow and
intuition, which actually gives us the strength to be great leaders,
especially in times of crisis.
Eve’s subjection to Adam in the Bible was the result of the fall of
mankind due to sin, and not God’s original plan for Adam and Eve.
Woman’s subjection to man was called a curse in the Old Testament
(Genesis 3:16-17). But the fact is, Eve gave Adam the fruit, but she
did not hold a gun to his head and threaten him to eat it. He did it of
his own free will, yet, women have been blamed for this original sin. I
believe that what this shows is women’s ability to influence men.
As I mentioned previously, the real lesson in this story is the power
of the woman over men that made Adam disobey his God, to follow
his wife’s suggestion; hence, “happy wife, happy life” and showing
that, even back then, women had real power. Though the Bible on
one hand tries to condemn women, there are many instances where
women are powerful. Another example is the Mother Mary, the most
important woman in the bible for giving birth to baby Jesus. Even
Delilah used her considerable influence to bring down the most
powerful man Samson, who’s been given strength by God. I
personally believe that Eve was God’s last and greatest creation,
thus, women are the superior gender. I am not alone is this
interpretation of the scriptures.
In addition to the three major religions, all have examples of
powerful women; we are witnessing a return to many forms of
Goddess Worship and religions. It has been estimated that in the
United States alone, hundreds of thousands of people are now active
in churches that believe in a Female deity. Most of these churches
can trace their origin back to ancient civilizations, that actively
worshipped a Goddess.
As far back, the Egyptians worshipped Isis, great Mother,
Goddess of fertility, Giver of Life, and Queen Mother of Heaven. The
Greeks worshipped Artemis, protectress of children, and the great
Huntress; and the Romans worshipped Diana, Goddess of the moon
and sister of Venus. Venus was originally Goddess of gardens and
fields, later identified with Aphrodite, love and beauty. Worshipped as
Venus Genetrix, mother of founder of Rome; Venus Felix, bringer of
good fortune; Venus Victix, bringer of victory, and Venus Verticordia,
protector of feminine chastity. Then, there is the Goddess Cybele.
The name, Cybele or Cybebe, predominates in Greek and Roman
literature from about the 5th century BC onward. Cybele was the
Titan mother of the Olympian gods, who held domain over fertility and
the earth. The Goddess Cybele held significance as a Goddess of
the moon and of fertility, but was also worshipped in her earthly
aspects as a fertility deity. The moon, throughout history, has been
seen as a symbol of the feminine; its regular cycles correspond to the
lifecycles of women. Three thousand years ago, the state religion of
Phrygia (in what is now Turkey) was centered around the worship of
the Mother Goddess there called Cybele. In many parts of the
eastern Mediterranean, the Mother Goddess (under a variety of
names), was served by a priesthood that often consisted of feminized
Other Goddesses worshipped throughout history were Aphrodite
from Cyprus, Astarte from Phoenicia, Demeter from Mycenae, Ishtar
from Assyria, Kali from India and Ostara, a Norse Goddess of
fertility. Today, many in the western civilization look at such religions
of old as being based on fables and mythology. Yet, many are joining
New Age religions that center around the same beliefs of the
Goddess religions of old, such as the worshipping of nature. Wicca is
one of many earth-based religions. Traditional Wicca was founded by
Gerald Gardner, a British civil slave, who wrote a series of books on
the religion in the 1940’s. It contains references to Celtic deities,
symbols, and seasonal days of celebration. As a religion, Wicca is a
reconstruction of the pre-Christian religions of Europe, especially
Northern Europe (Celtic or Norse traditions), sometimes elsewhere,
incorporating Greco-Roman and Egyptian traditions.
Many of our western Christian Holidays were in fact, founded as
Goddess holidays. The Christmas holiday is an adaptation of the
pagan winter solstice rites Yule; it was one of the traditional Celtic
fire festivals, and marked the return of the light after the longest night
of the year. Pagans (peasants, rustic people) in northwestern
Europe, conducted a yearly celebration, which is remarkably similar
to the Christmas we know today. The Christmas Tree is the left over
from the pagan winter solstice rites. As Europe was evangelized by
Christians, the pagan holiday was replaced with a Christian holiday,
celebrating the birth of Christ. Most Biblical scholars believe that
Christ was in fact, born in September, but since there was already a
celebration in December, Christmas was substituted for Yule.
Easter is another Christian holiday that was originally based on
Goddess worship. Easter was named after Eostre (a.k.a. Eastre).
She was the Great Mother Goddess of the Saxon people in Northern
Europe. Easter falls in the spring, right around the Vernal Equinox.
Spring has been, and is, the season for much merrymaking and fun;
much of the time with an emphasis on sexual fertility. Easter falls on
the first Sunday, subsequent to the first full moon after the vernal
equinox (March 21). Thus, it can occur as early as March 22nd, and as
late as April 25th.
It has been argued, by those who are active in Goddess worship,
that as women become more liberated, patriarchal religions will lose
their appeal, and there will be a heavy return to Goddess religions of
old. It has been my experience that the majority of couples who
practice Female Led Relationship come from all religious affiliations,
Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, Goddess Worship, New Age,
Agnostic and Atheist. A person’s faith is a private matter, and most
people are unwilling to change their Faith. I have known some
dominant women who left the Christian Church and who have since,
embraced Goddess religions, as they are more comfortable
worshipping God as a female. But I also know many women that are
active in the Female Led Relationship lifestyle, who are at ease with
their Female Supremacy beliefs, and their Christian faith.
Dominant women, who are active in Christianity, will point out that
their religion is not a patriarchal religion. Men have perverted it into a
patriarchal religion, but Christianity is really about a personal
relationship between a person and their Creator, through Christ. One
need not change their religion when they have a revelation of the true
natures of women and men. I chose to study my faith in more detail,
to see if what I was being taught was indeed, so. I discovered that
Christianity was very compatible with my Female Supremacy beliefs,
and my Female Led Relationship lifestyle.
Why is all of this important? Because one of the major stumbling
blocks for women when it comes to embracing the Female Led
Relationship lifestyle is religion. Deep down, most women believe that
they are equal or superior to males, but they still are uncomfortable
with being in charge because of a feeling of guilt that religion has
shackled them with since they were little girls. It is one thing to
oppose a male dominant society based on Science or Ethics, but it is
hard to oppose God or Nature. Religion uses fear and guilt to keep
people enslaved to theologies that would otherwise, have no chance
of surviving under the light of truth. Once the light of truth is shown
and women begin to see that they are not going against their Maker
or Nature by expressing or embracing being dominant, the shackles
of religion can come off and the inner power of the Female can be
exercised with a guilt-free mind, and a heart of confidence.
There is a spiritual dimension to Female Led Relationship. Females
have a power over males, and that power is not physical. That power
is expressed through the sexual, but it resides in the mind and
originates in the spirit. This power is within, and women need to
release it. I call this power the secret power of Eve. I believe that
women were created to be in authority over men, not to lord it over
them, but to complete them with loving Female authority. We are
spiritual beings, so no matter how the mind has been programmed by
society or religion, the spirit strives for truth. This may explain why
man yearns for Female Led Relationship, even as he lives in a so-
called patriarchal world.