GBP, GPT, NG Inglese

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Steam Boilers
GBP, GPT, NG/C, NG/V Introduction






Viale dei Caduti, 3 – 25030 Castelmella (Bs) – Italy
Ph. +39/030/2681541 – Fax +39/030/2680910

00 REV. 0 - INTRODUZIONE GBP, GPT, NG INGLESE Rev. 0 del 25/09/2005
Steam Boilers
GBP, GPT, NG/C, NG/V Introduction

This manual must be regarded as an integral part of the Boiler, therefore it must be always kept together with
this latter and within reach of the Skilled Installer, of the Trained User and of the Skilled Maintenance
We remind you to read and understand its content before starting up the Boiler.
We remind you to scrupulously keep to all the notices given in this manual since they describe the modalities
of execution of particular operation or maintenance activities which may cause damages to the persons or to
the Boiler if they are carried out in a wrong way.
By scrupulously keeping to the instructions given, you’ll be able to make a rational use of the installation and
assure cost-saving.
In case of failure or any other problem concerning your Boiler, immediately consult the Garioni Naval’s
service centre.
We remind you that, in case of need, the use of original SPARE-PARTS assures the efficiency and long
working life of your Boiler.

Each product is supplied after regular test and inspection and guaranteed in accordance with the contractual

The guarantee applies only to the Purchaser in agreement with

the contractual and administrative Provisions and, should the
fitting and the following use be carried out by the User, in
compliance with the instructions contained in this manual,
which must have been read and understood in all its details.

00 REV. 0 - INTRODUZIONE GBP, GPT, NG INGLESE Rev. 0 del 25/09/2005
Steam Boilers
GBP, GPT, NG/C, NG/V Introduction










00 REV. 0 - INTRODUZIONE GBP, GPT, NG INGLESE Rev. 0 del 25/09/2005
Steam Boilers Safety
GBP, GPT, NG/C, NG/V prescriptions




1.2.1 Preliminary Safety Checks 3




1.4.1 General Prescriptions, before any Intervention 5

1.4.2 Fuel Circuit 5

1.4.3 Electrical panel 6

1.4.4 Steam Circuit 6


01 REV. 0 - SICUREZZA GBP, GPT, NG INGLESE Rev. 0 del 25/09/2005
Steam Boilers Safety
GBP, GPT, NG/C, NG/V prescriptions


Before setting the boiler in operation and before starting any maintenance intervention, it is absolutely
necessary that the operators responsible have read and understood all the NOTICES AND WARNINGS
given in this section and in all the documents relevant to the Instructions of Use which are provided together
with the GARIONI NAVAL boilers.
GARIONI NAVAL cannot anyway foresee all the circumstances which might cause potential risks when the
boiler is in operation.
The various maintenance operations and/or procedures which have not been explicitly recommended and/or
stated in the Use Instructions, shall always be reported to GARIONI NAVAL for approval.
If a special, not specifically suggested procedure must be carried out, the user has a duty to ascertain
whether it is safe and make sure that it causes no damages to persons or things.
Purpose of this section is to provide all necessary instructions concerning the precautions to be absolutely
taken in order to assure protection and safety to persons and things.


The room or the area where the boiler has been installed shall be considered a heating plant. As such, it
must be installed and operated only by skilled and suitably trained personnel. .
The following prohibition boards must be therefore affixed:
- Only authorized personnel admitted
- Wear the personal protection devices
- All maintenance operations must be carried out with the electrical shutdown switch in the open
position (0 – off).
For the automatic-ignition boilers an additional warning-board must be affixed noticing the possibility of
automatic start-up of the boiler.

01 REV. 0 - SICUREZZA GBP, GPT, NG INGLESE Rev. 0 del 25/09/2005
Steam Boilers Safety
GBP, GPT, NG/C, NG/V prescriptions

1.2.1 Preliminary Safety Checks

Before carrying out any start-up procedure, it is extremely important that you make yourself “familiar” with the
boiler and the installation. Besides, a visual safety inspection of the working area of the boiler and of the
installation must be carried out. Said inspection shall include all the positions listed hereunder besides any
other which may be of utmost importance for the installation. Any source of actual or potential hazard must
be removed before getting on.
- Locate the position of the emergency stop push-buttons, of the fuel quick on-off valves, of the
switches and any other emergency device.
- Have good knowledge of the particular emergency procedures relevant to the installation concerned.
- Be acquainted with the procedures and the First Aid means which must be stated on suitable notice-
boards affixed in a clearly visible position close to the installation and/or to the boiler.
- Locate the position of the Fire-Fighting Protection systems (fire-extinguishers, fire hydrants, etc.) and
have good knowledge of their working.
- Find out danger sources, for example leaks of fuel, oil, acid solutions, condensate in the drippers,
high voltages, high pressures, high temperatures and other dangers.
- Make sure that the boiler and the adjacent area are clean and free of foreign matters. Check that
there are no obstructions and/or foreign matters in the air intake ducts and of the engine cooling.
- Make sure that the workers operating on other units in the close proximity do not carry out
dangerous activities which might somehow prevent the correct working of the boiler and/or – should
the operation of the boiler be dangerous for the working staff.

! Start-up the boiler only when the highest safety conditions can
be assured.

01 REV. 0 - SICUREZZA GBP, GPT, NG INGLESE Rev. 0 del 25/09/2005
Steam Boilers Safety
GBP, GPT, NG/C, NG/V prescriptions


- Do not remove the original protections from all the exposed rotating parts, from the hot surfaces,
from the air intakes or parts under tension.
- Install all the necessary protections to assure the safety of the installation. Connect the remote alarm
signals, if any, to the electrical check panel.
- Never leave loose parts, equipment or anything else not belonging to the installation, in the boiler
room or in the next proximity of the boiler.
- Take all the precautionary measures in order to avoid any risk of fulmination; check that the
grounding system has been duly realised in accordance with the Regulations.
- Verify and check that the power electrical connections and those of the ancillary services have been
duly carried out.
- Make sure that the direction of rotation of the electrical motors corresponds to their original
- Verify that the alarm and stop devices of the boiler perfectly work. In detail:

• Due to high pressure

• Due to high temperature

• Due to burner stopping

• Due to fuel leakage (only for the boilers with gaseous fuel)

• Due to power supply failure

• Due to possible repetitions of remote alarms

- Verify the function of safety valves
- Check that the room is well-ventilated. Check that the chimney is free and that the exhaust gases
can be discharged without problems. Besides, make sure that the piping and the electrical ducts are
properly supported, provided with expansion joints and protected against accidental contacts.
- Check the steam, water and fuel (liquid and/or gaseous) piping and make sure that there are no

01 REV. 0 - SICUREZZA GBP, GPT, NG INGLESE Rev. 0 del 25/09/2005
Steam Boilers Safety
GBP, GPT, NG/C, NG/V prescriptions


1.4.1 General Prescriptions, before any Intervention

All maintenance operations must be carried out when the boiler is at a standstill.
Before starting the maintenance operations, affix the boards noticing Danger: works in progress.
Stop and advise, by making use of special boards, that any kind of operation is prohibited due to works in
progress on all the devices which insulate the boiler.
Wear the personal protection means required:
- Gloves and protective goggles
- Noise dampening shrouds
- Accident prevention shoes and overalls
- If works are to be carried out a height above 2 metres, make use of fall prevention means.

Never try to carry out operations you are not familiar with;

! always FOLLOW the instructions and, if no instructions are

present, contact the GARIONI NAVAL service centre (phone
++39 030 2681541) [email protected] .

1.4.2 Fuel Circuit

The fuel circuit, both liquid and gaseous, must be realized workmanlike by skilled personnel.
- It is advisable that you check, at regular intervals, the presence of fuel leakages.
- Always wear personal protection means (gloves, goggles, overalls and accident-prevention shoes)
before carrying out any maintenance operation.
- Absolutely avoid any use of free flames and/or the presence of heat sources in the next proximity of the
fuel circuit: Fire risk.
- Never start the boiler if the fuel filters have not been correctly installed.

01 REV. 0 - SICUREZZA GBP, GPT, NG INGLESE Rev. 0 del 25/09/2005
Steam Boilers Safety
GBP, GPT, NG/C, NG/V prescriptions

1.4.3 Electrical panel

All the maintenance operations to be realized on the electrical system must be carried out by skilled
- Do not remove and/or execute electric jumper-connections of the emergency or alarm signals.
- Replace the safety devices (fuses, thermal switches) only with spare parts having the same protection
and intervention characteristics.
- Before modifying the working of the control electrical panel always contact the GARIONI NAVAL service
- Do not carry out any operation when the equipment is under tension. Before carrying out any
maintenance intervention inside the electrical panel, open the main switch and affix the boards noticing:
Danger works in progress.
- The electrical panel, as well as all the electrical equipment, is particularly moisture-sensitive. Therefore,
provide for an accurate cleaning of the air intakes (if present) and the proper closing of all the fittings.
- At regular intervals, check that the bolts and the fastening screws of the components and of the electrical
connections are tight.

! Always perform boiler connection to ground.

1.4.4 Steam Circuit

- The steam circuit must be realized workmanlike by skilled personnel
- It is advisable to check - at regular intervals - the presence of any possible leakage or dripping.
Necessary repairs to avoid any risk of damage shall be immediately provided.
- On account of the high operating temperature of the installation, you’d better insulate the hot surfaces
with suitable insulating materials and, should this not be possible, paint the above mentioned parts with
special varnish (silver colour).
- Before starting the boiler, make sure that the on-off valves are open, that the safety valves are free and
the drains are tightly closed.
- At regular intervals, verify the tightness of the bolts and of the valves

01 REV. 0 - SICUREZZA GBP, GPT, NG INGLESE Rev. 0 del 25/09/2005
Steam Boilers Safety
GBP, GPT, NG/C, NG/V prescriptions


- The access to the boiler room should be allowed only to authorized personnel in charge of its operation
by affixing the relevant notice-board.
- Never carry out alone maintenance works requiring more than one person, especially if interventions on
operating organs such as switches, disconnecting switches and/or other electrical appliances are to be
carried out.
- Always wear the noise-dampening shrouds in order to avoid damages to the operator’s auditory canals if
the operator’s presence in the room where the boiler is working is required.
- When the height of the working area is above 2 metres, it is compulsory to make use of the fall-
prevention means and helmet.

! Do not touch the boiler when it is working. Burns hazard.

01 REV. 0 - SICUREZZA GBP, GPT, NG INGLESE Rev. 0 del 25/09/2005
Steam Boilers General
GBP, GPT, NG/C, NG/V description



2.1.1 Boilers series GBP 2

2.1.2 Boilers series GPT 3

2.1.3 Boilers series NG/C 4

2.1.4 Boilers series NG/V 5


2.2.1 Boilers series GBP 0,5bar 6

2.2.2 Boilers series GPT 7

2.2.3 Boilers series NG/C 8

2.2.4 Boilers series NG/V 9

2.3 P&I BOILER 10

2.3.1 Boilers series GBP 0,5bar 10

2.3.2 Boilers series GPT, NG/C and NG/V 11

2.4 GENERAL 12

2.4.1 Boiler 12

2.4.2 Burner 12

2.4.3 Automatisms and electrical system 13

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02 REV. 1 - GENERALE GBP, GPT, NG INGLESE Rev. 1 del 18/02/2006
Steam Boilers General
GBP, GPT, NG/C, NG/V description


2.1.1 Boilers series GBP

Position Description Position Description

1 Burner 6 Smoke tubes
2 Steam outlet 7 Inversion chamber
8 Insulation
4 Shell 9 Chimney
5 Combustion chamber
NOTE: drawings are purely indicative and cannot be considered as restrictive of fabrication. GARIONI
NAVAL reserves its rights of modification at any moment, depending on any reason and on continuous
evolution of technology and production.

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02 REV. 1 - GENERALE GBP, GPT, NG INGLESE Rev. 1 del 18/02/2006
Steam Boilers General
GBP, GPT, NG/C, NG/V description

2.1.2 Boilers series GPT

Position Description Position Description

1 Burner 6 Smoke tubes
2 Steam outlet 7 Inversion chamber
8 Insulation
4 Shell 9 Chimney
5 Combustion chamber
NOTE: drawings are purely indicative and cannot be considered as restrictive of fabrication. GARIONI
NAVAL reserves its rights of modification at any moment, depending on any reason and on continuous
evolution of technology and production.

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02 REV. 1 - GENERALE GBP, GPT, NG INGLESE Rev. 1 del 18/02/2006
Steam Boilers General
GBP, GPT, NG/C, NG/V description

2.1.3 Boilers series NG/C

Position Description Position Description

1 Burner 6 Smoke tubes
2 Steam outlet 7 Inversion chamber
8 Insulation
4 Shell 9 Chimney
5 Combustion chamber
NOTE: drawings are purely indicative and cannot be considered as restrictive of fabrication. GARIONI
NAVAL reserves its rights of modification at any moment, depending on any reason and on continuous
evolution of technology and production.

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02 REV. 1 - GENERALE GBP, GPT, NG INGLESE Rev. 1 del 18/02/2006
Steam Boilers General
GBP, GPT, NG/C, NG/V description

2.1.4 Boilers series NG/V

Position Description Position Description

1 Burner 6 Smoke tubes
2 Steam outlet 7 Inversion chamber
8 Insulation
4 Shell 9 Chimney
5 Combustion chamber
NOTE: drawings are purely indicative and cannot be considered as restrictive of fabrication. GARIONI
NAVAL reserves its rights of modification at any moment, depending on any reason and on continuous
evolution of technology and production.

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02 REV. 1 - GENERALE GBP, GPT, NG INGLESE Rev. 1 del 18/02/2006
Steam Boilers General
GBP, GPT, NG/C, NG/V description


2.2.1 Boilers series GBP 0,5bar

Position Description Position Description

1 Steam outlet 8 Pressure gauge
2 Safety valve 9 Regulation pressure switch
3 Check valve 10 Limit pressure switch
4 Electrovalve water 11 Safety pressure switch
5 Interception valve 12 Electrical panel
6 Blow down 13 Level probes
7 Level indicator 14 Feed water control connection
NOTE: drawings are purely indicative and cannot be considered as restrictive of fabrication. GARIONI
NAVAL reserves its rights of modification at any moment, depending on any reason and on continuous
evolution of technology and production.

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02 REV. 1 - GENERALE GBP, GPT, NG INGLESE Rev. 1 del 18/02/2006
Steam Boilers General
GBP, GPT, NG/C, NG/V description

2.2.2 Boilers series GPT



Position Description Position Description

1 Safety valve 11 Pressure transmitter
2 Steam outlet valve 12 Auxiliary connection
3 Discharge valve 13 Salinometer connection (optional)
4 Water inlet connection 14 Auxiliary connection
5A Feed pump 15 Electrical panel
5B Feed pump (optional) 16 Burner
6 Safety probe connection 17 Manifold connection
7 Level indicator 18 Feed water valve
8 Chimney 19 Check valve
9 Manometer 20 Probe manifold
10 Safety pressure switch
NOTE: drawings are purely indicative and cannot be considered as restrictive of fabrication. GARIONI
NAVAL reserves its rights of modification at any moment, depending on any reason and on continuous
evolution of technology and production.

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02 REV. 1 - GENERALE GBP, GPT, NG INGLESE Rev. 1 del 18/02/2006
Steam Boilers General
GBP, GPT, NG/C, NG/V description

2.2.3 Boilers series NG/C




Position Description Position Description

1 Safety valve 9 Manometer
2 Steam outlet valve 10 Safety pressure switch
3 Discharge valve 11 Pressure transmitter
4 Water inlet connection 12 Auxiliary connection
5A Feed pump 13 Salinometer connection (optional)
5B Feed pump (optional) 14 Auxiliary connection
6 Safety probe connection 15 Electrical panel
7 Level indicator 16 Burner
8 Chimney 17
NOTE: drawings are purely indicative and cannot be considered as restrictive of fabrication. GARIONI
NAVAL reserves its rights of modification at any moment, depending on any reason and on continuous
evolution of technology and production.

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02 REV. 1 - GENERALE GBP, GPT, NG INGLESE Rev. 1 del 18/02/2006
Steam Boilers General
GBP, GPT, NG/C, NG/V description

2.2.4 Boilers series NG/V

Position Description Position Description

1 Shell 11 Chimney
2 Blow down valve 12 Salinometer connection
3 Water inlet connection 13 Auxiliary connection
4 Water inlet valve 14 Water control connection
5 Handhole 15 Safety pressure switch
6 Manhole 16 Pressure transmitter
7 Level indicator 17 Manifold blow down
8 Manifold with safety probes 18 Burner
9 Safety valve 21 Smoke chamber inspection
10 Steam outlet valve
NOTE: drawings are purely indicative and cannot be considered as restrictive of fabrication. GARIONI
NAVAL reserves its rights of modification at any moment, depending on any reason and on continuous
evolution of technology and production.

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02 REV. 1 - GENERALE GBP, GPT, NG INGLESE Rev. 1 del 18/02/2006
Steam Boilers General
GBP, GPT, NG/C, NG/V description


2.3.1 Boilers series GBP 0,5bar

Position Description Position Description

LSL Safety probe low level PSHH Safety pressure switch
LSHL Level regulation probe PSH Limit pressure switch
LSH Safety probe high level PSHL Regulation pressure switch
LC Level control PI Pressure indicator
LI Level indicator PSV Steam safety valve
A Alarm
NOTE: drawings are purely indicative and cannot be considered as restrictive of fabrication. GARIONI
NAVAL reserves its rights of modification at any moment, depending on any reason and on continuous
evolution of technology and production.

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02 REV. 1 - GENERALE GBP, GPT, NG INGLESE Rev. 1 del 18/02/2006
Steam Boilers General
GBP, GPT, NG/C, NG/V description

2.3.2 Boilers series GPT, NG/C and NG/V

Position Description Position Description

LSLL Safety probe low-low level R Manual start
LSL Safety probe low level L Logic
LSHL Level regulation probe PSHH Safety pressure switch
LC Level control PSH Limit pressure switch
LI Level indicator PSHL Regulation pressure switch
M Motor PI Pressure indicator
I Interblock PSV Steam safety valve
NOTE: drawings are purely indicative and cannot be considered as restrictive of fabrication. GARIONI
NAVAL reserves its rights of modification at any moment, depending on any reason and on continuous
evolution of technology and production.

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02 REV. 1 - GENERALE GBP, GPT, NG INGLESE Rev. 1 del 18/02/2006
Steam Boilers General
GBP, GPT, NG/C, NG/V description

Boilers GBP are horizontal semifixed boilers, with passing flame burner and two smoke pipes, suitable for
steam generation with capacity up to 2.000 kg/h up to 1 bar pressure. Extremely compact units, in the
standard design they are provided of all safety protections for overpressure, overload of electric motors,
flame failure.
Boilers GPT are horizontal semifixed boilers, with passing flame burner and three smoke pipes, suitable for
steam generation with capacity from 2.000 to 20.000 kg/h up to 18 bar pressure. Extremely compact units, in
the standard design they are provided of all safety protections for overpressure, overload of electric motors,
flame failure.
Boilers NG/C and NG/V are horizontal or vertical semifixed boilers, with passing flame burner and two smoke
pipes, suitable for steam generation with capacity from 300 to 6.000 kg/h up to 15 bar pressure. Extremely
compact units, in the standard design they are provided of all safety protections for overpressure, overload of
electric motors, flame failure.

2.4.1 Boiler
• Combustion chamber, smokes inversion chamber, smoke tubes.

• Smokes inversion chamber with refractory material.

• Cooling shielding in the upper part of the combustion chamber if vertical or front part if horizontal.

• Smoke tubes symmetric and concentric to the combustion chamber, in order to obtain uniform effects
due to boiler expansion due to operating temperature.

2.4.2 Burner
The Burner is foreseen both for liquid and gaseous liquids.
Incorporated in the structure, it is supplied with the command and control equipment:

• Burner case
• Solenoid valves for fuel control and fuel stop
• Sleeve with spray nozzles or gas outflow ring

• Ignition electrodes
• Heater complete with resistance (for heavy oil)
• Fuel filter (for heavy oil / diesel oil)
• Air electric fan
• Heavy oil / diesel oil pump

• Fuel gauge

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02 REV. 1 - GENERALE GBP, GPT, NG INGLESE Rev. 1 del 18/02/2006
Steam Boilers General
GBP, GPT, NG/C, NG/V description

2.4.3 Automatisms and electrical system

• Safety devices (safety valves, safety level switch or safety pressure switch for burner cut-out, safety
pressure switch)
• Observation devices (level indicators, pressure gauge, pilot flame)
• Regulation devices (level switches, pressure switches, pressure regulator)
• Alimentation devices (centrifugal pump)
• Operating devices (cut-off valves, discharge valve)
• Flame programming and control equipment
• Ignition transformer
• Electric panel including: protection and control device for the electric motors, ancillary relays, timers,
pilot lamps etc

• Electric connections from the panel to the relevant equipment

Any damages suffered by the boiler during transportation and

unloading must be immediately informed to the forwarding

! agent.
If installation of the boiler occurs later, it must be kept in a
protected and dry place in order to preserve it from any

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02 REV. 1 - GENERALE GBP, GPT, NG INGLESE Rev. 1 del 18/02/2006
Steam Boilers
GBP, GPT, NG/C, NG/V Installation


3.1.1 Connections to be carried out 3


3.3 STACK 5


3.4.1 Feed Water and Condensate Tank 6

3.4.2 Condensate return system 6


3.5.1 Brief notes on parameters and conversion between the measuring units 8


3.6.1 Water filtration 10

3.6.2 Water softening 10

3.6.3 Reverse osmosis 11


3.8 PIPING 13
3.8.1 Expansion joints 16


3.10 BLOW DOWN 16



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03 REV. 1 - INSTALLAZIONE GBP, GPT, NG INGLESE Rev. 1 del 03/11/2005
Steam Boilers
GBP, GPT, NG/C, NG/V Installation

The boiler must be suitably installed, operated and inspected according to the instructions given in the
handbook, this in order to guarantee the best working conditions.
- The boiler is supplied as a perfectly operating mono-bloc unit.
- The boiler must be installed on a stiff, levelled base, preferably on a concrete slab or steel frame, in
a room enabling an easy access to the equipment and to the personnel.
- The room must be well-ventilated in order to supply sufficient air for the combustion and the
temperature must be suitable for the correct working of the electrical equipment, anyway not above

The installation in the open air – even under a roofing – is
absolutely forbidden, unless the boiler has been built
expressly to that purpose.

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03 REV. 1 - INSTALLAZIONE GBP, GPT, NG INGLESE Rev. 1 del 03/11/2005
Steam Boilers
GBP, GPT, NG/C, NG/V Installation

3.1.1 Connections to be carried out

Position Description Position Description

1 Water softener M Pressure gauge
2 Condensate tank SP Safety pressure switch
3 Burner XP Limit pressure switch
4 Boiler RP Regulation pressure switch
5 Steam outlet valve LI Level indicator
6 Safety valves discharge C Chimney
7 Feeding pumps
8 Blow down
9 Electrical cabinet
10 Metering pump

! Upon installation, first carry out the hydraulic and then the
electrical connections.

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03 REV. 1 - INSTALLAZIONE GBP, GPT, NG INGLESE Rev. 1 del 03/11/2005
Steam Boilers
GBP, GPT, NG/C, NG/V Installation


The rooms destined to hold steam boilers should have access doors opening from the inside to the outside.
Moreover, such rooms shall be designed exclusively for operation of the boilers; unauthorised access for
tasks other than those directly related to the operation of the generations must be forbidden and a clearly
visible sign must be placed at the entrances to the rooms indicating this condition.
Pipes and connection system existing at a level above the boilers must be installed in a manner which does
not obstruct the work or the movement of the operator when accessing the upper part of the boiler itself in
order to inspect or repair accessory fittings.
The boiler discharge sewers must always be easily accessible and free for inspections.

Position Description
1 Steam Boiler
2 Burner
3 Electrical Cabinet
4 Feed Pump
5 Steam Outlet Valve

It is good practice to observe the following general

- Between the maximum side and rear bulk of
the boiler and the walls of the installation
site, there should be a space of at least 0,60
meters; this ensures easy movement of
boiler operating staff.
- Between the highest walkway for operation
and surveillance of valves and lowest
obstacle on the roof of the boiler room,
there should be a minimum headroom of a
1,80 meters.
- It is also advisable to leave a space behind
the boiler sufficient to allow the opening of
any hinged doors.
- Between the front hatch of the boiler and
the facing wall of the installation room, there
should be a space at least equal to the
length of the free pipe bundle; this facilitates
pipe cleaning and replacement, if

Ventilation openings of boiler room shall have total minimum opening area equal to:
Capacity [kcal/h]
Cross section [cm²] >=
Materials with 120 minutes resistance to fire are recommended.

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03 REV. 1 - INSTALLAZIONE GBP, GPT, NG INGLESE Rev. 1 del 03/11/2005
Steam Boilers
GBP, GPT, NG/C, NG/V Installation

Steam boilers operate under pressure, which means that exhaust gases are released under pressure from
the flue duct, but this does not allow a bad installation of the chimney. Remember to avoid in all cases elbow
bends and, whenever possible, long horizontal runs. To discharge into an existing chimney, create a suitable
lead section so as to avoid interfering with other boilers.
The cross section of the stack pipe shall not be smaller than that of the boiler outlet connection and its height
must be in compliance with the normative provisions in force.
The stack shall follow the shortest route, avoiding straight-angle bends and elbow bends. Throttling or
localized pressure drop must be anyway avoided since they might impair the regular working of the boiler.
Height has no influence over performance. It is however advisable that chimney be higher than the buildings
in its vicinities.
If the stack is higher than 6 meters, avoid discharging its weight completely on the connecting flange to the
An inspection opening shall be foreseen at base of chimney or in its lower part, at least in the case of non
gaseous fuels.


Boiler Boiler

Horizontal runs are to be avoided Sloping is recommended

Existing chimney Lead Existing chimney

Smokes from generator Smokes from


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03 REV. 1 - INSTALLAZIONE GBP, GPT, NG INGLESE Rev. 1 del 03/11/2005
Steam Boilers
GBP, GPT, NG/C, NG/V Installation


Feed water is usually supplied from a tank that is also used to collect return condensate.
Always provide a filter and a check valve before the water pump.
In order to avoid corrosion, water temperature shall never be lower than 50÷60 °C. In case condensate water
is not available, or they are not enough to maintain required temperature, feed water shall be heated with
steam or other ways.
The diameter of the pipes shall not be smaller than that of the connections to the boiler, no throttling and no
internal edges are admitted in order to limit the pressure drop.

The pipe connection is supplied flanged. The designer did not

foresee any kind of load on the a.m. connections.

! It is therefore compulsory to avoid any kind of mechanical

stress due to the weight of the pipes or to the expansion
stresses. Otherwise, you’d better provide for an expansion
joint and/or supports of suitable dimensions.

3.4.1 Feed Water and Condensate Tank

The condensate drum must have a capacity at least twice the steam produced by the boiler.
The drum shall be closed, not only to avoid steam loss, but also because condensate is oxygen-hungry and
would take up too much oxygen if the drum is open. A gas vent should be installed.

3.4.2 Condensate return system

Condensate is discharged by the steam trap at a pressure which is equivalent to the intake pressure of
steam, less pressure drops.
This means that if the intake pressure of steam into a machine is 3 bar, the condensate will be discharged at
approximately the same pressure and, consequently, it can go up vertically and also it can go through
reasonably long runs of pipe, even on counterslop.
If there are several machines installed in parallel, it is advisable to connect to the system only those
machines that discharge condensate at the same pressure. In case of different pressure, it will be necessary
to install separate pipes.
If the condensate is to be raised, a siphon must be provided after the steam trap.

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03 REV. 1 - INSTALLAZIONE GBP, GPT, NG INGLESE Rev. 1 del 03/11/2005
Steam Boilers
GBP, GPT, NG/C, NG/V Installation


The opinion of steam generator users is often that water treatment is an optional, something extra, a request
on the part of boiler manufacturers, and accepted, as it were, out of courtesy.
This opinion is completely wrong, and often causes an enormous number of problems right from the start of
operation of the boiler and whole system.
If a hole forms in the boiler, it gets encrusted or cracks, unfailingly the unfortunate customer will telephone
the boiler manufacturer requiring intervention after intervention covered by the guarantee, and never or
almost never accepting the idea that the cause of his problems stem from bad feed water treatment.
But the pipes and sheet metal do not get encrusted on their own, nor do holes or cracks form without the
intervention of external agents.
In these cases the external agent is the water that contains dissolved salts such as calcium and magnesium
or silica which on precipitating with the temperature, deposits on the iron surfaces, causing incrustations
leading to complete blocking where pipes are concerned or a gradual decrease in heat exchange if sheet
metal is involved (with consequent failure to cool and successive cracking).
Then, when the feed water, due to the temperature and contact with the condensate becomes rich in
oxygen, it is certain that the iron in contact with this water will cause holes to form (corrosion from oxygen).
Pages could be filled on this subject.
This is why not only is correct feed water treatment encouraged but has become obligatory through the
regulations in force and above all it is CONDICIO SINE QUA NON for the issuing and validity of the
guarantee on the part of the manufacturer.
Therefore, to carry out an analysis of the feed water of the steam generators is necessary for correct choice
and size of the water conditioning system. Equally important and necessary for the guarantee is the
periodical analysis both of the feed water and the boiler water.
Compliance with these simple rules will guarantee:

• maximum management savings;

• maximum safety;
• maximum duration of the system over the years.
These objectives can be reached simultaneously in that the safety management also means saving on
running costs and protection of the system from corrosion. Economy achieved by saving on the choice of
type of treatment system and/or type of softener is only wishful thinking. Already on a short or medium term
the first problems and stops have to be faced. Subsequently, if provisions are not adopted, perforating
corrosion forms which means parts or all the generator have to be replaced. At the same time often
incrustations or deposits reduce the heat exchange and cause conspicuous waste of energy.
To avoid all these possible drawbacks rules have existed for some time now that establish the optimal
conditions aimed at managing the feed water of boilers and steam generators in the most correct way.
In the following pages are reported the limit values for the parameters that characterize the water in relation
to the Italian regulations UNI-CTI 7550 “Characteristics of water for steam generators and relative treatment
Remember that the following considerations must be taken into account:
• The limits are valid for normal management but may also be exceeded for reasonably brief lengths
of time and in particular during the lighting up phase up to the operating condition and during
switching off.

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• For correct management of the system, not all the parameters have the same importance. This fact
can be discovered immediately by observing the frequency envisaged for the analyses: the most
important parameters for ordinary management are those which require more frequent controls.
• All the rules foresee the control of the normal parameters for all power plants. Particular situations
such as for example extracting solvents using steam, sugarhouses, oil mills, etc which have to cope
with almost continual pollution of the condensate and/or even accidental pollution caused by
substances not provided for in the regulations, require specific analytic controls with a frequency and
precision depending on the possibility of pollution and danger, for the generator of the pollutant.

3.5.1 Brief notes on parameters and conversion between the measuring units
The pH is defined as the inverse of the logarithm (co logarithm) of the concentration of the hydrogen ions
(H+) in an aqueous solution. This parameter indicates the degree of acidity or alkalinity of the water at 20°C.
The pH scale goes from 0 to 14. The 0 value means maximum acidity; value 7 means neutral; value 14
means maximum basicity.
Hardness is given by the presence if calcium and magnesium salts. It is expressed in mg/liter CaCO3, ppm
CaCO3, in French degrees (grams of CaCO3 contained in 100 liters of water), in German degrees (grams of
CaCO3 contained in 100 liters of water), in English degrees (grams of CaCO3 = 0,0648g per imperial gallon =
4.54 liters), in American degrees (grams of CaCO3 = 0,0648g per American gallon = 3,785 liters), with the
following equivalents:

mg/liter ppm French German American
CaCO3 CaCO3 Degrees Degrees Degrees

1 mg/liter
1,000 1,000 0,100 0,056 0,070 0,058
CaCO3 =
1 ppm
1,000 1,000 0,100 0,056 0,070 0,058
CaCO3 =
1 French
10,000 10,000 1,000 0,560 0,700 0,580
Degree =
1 German
17,900 17,900 1,790 1,000 1,250 1,054
Degree =
1 English
14,300 14,300 1,430 0,800 1,000 0,830
Degree =
1 American
17,100 17,100 1,710 0,950 1,200 1,000
Degree =

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GBP, GPT, NG/C, NG/V Installation

Limit Values of the Parameters

Super Fume tubes Water pipes
Type of generator heated GBP GPT NG NPR Water pipes natural circulation GWT forced
water VPR circulation GMT
Operating pressure (bar) <= 40 <= 15 <= 40 <= 20 <= 40 <= 60 <= 80 <= 100 Below critic
Feed Water
pH (25°C) 8,5 - 9,5 8,5 - 9,5 8,5 - 9,5 8,5 - 9,3 8,5 - 9,3 9 - 9,3 9 - 9,3 9 - 9,3 9 - 9,3
Total hardness mg/kg CaCO3 1 1 1 2 0,5 - - -
Oxygen µg/kg O2 20 20 20 100 10 10 7 7 5
Carbon dioxide µg/kg CO2 10 10 10
Iron µg/kg Fe 30 30 30 100 100 50 50 50 10
Copper µg/kg Cu 10 10 10 100 10 10 5 5 2
Oily substances mg/kg 1 1 1
Organic substances mg/kg O2 20 20 20 5 3 3 3 3
Total Diluted Solids µg/kg 50
Total Conductivity µS/cm 10 10 10 6
Acid Conductivity µS/cm 1
Silicon dioxide µg/kg SiO2 10
Aspect Clear, limpid, without persistent foam
Generator Water
pH (25°C) 9 – 10 11 - 12 11 - 11,5 9 - 11,7 9 - 11 9 - 10,6 9 - 10,4 9 - 10,2
Total Alkalinity mg/kg CaCO3 1000 750 750 300 200 100 50

See feed water

Total hardness mg/kg CaCO3 5 5 5
Total Conductivity µS/cm 2000 7000 5000 7000 6000 3500 2500 1500
Total Diluted Solids mg/kg 1000 3500 2500 3500 2500 1500 1000 500
Silicon dioxide µg/kg SiO2 10 150 50 100 35 8 5 3
Phosphates mg/kg PO4 10 30 30 30 10 5 5 5
Acid Conductivity µS/cm
Aspect Clear, limpid, without persistent foam

Control frequency
Super Fume tubes Water pipes
Type of generator heated GBP GPT NG NPR Water pipes natural circulation GWT forced
water VPR circulation GMT
Operating pressure (bar) <= 40 <= 15 <= 40 <= 20 <= 40 <= 60 <= 80 <= 100 Below critic
Feed Water
pH T/S T/S T/S T A/T A/T A/T A/T
Total hardness mg/kg CaCO3 T T T T T T T T
Oxygen µg/kg O2 S S S S G G G A/T
Carbon dioxide µg/kg CO2 S S
Iron µg/kg Fe S S S S2 S2 S2 S2 S2
Copper µg/kg Cu S S S S2 S2 S2 S2 S2
Oily substances mg/kg T T T
Organic substances mg/kg O2 S S S S S
Total Diluted Solids µg/kg G
Total Conductivity µS/cm A/T A/T A/T A/T
Acid Conductivity µS/cm A/T
Silicon dioxide µg/kg SiO2 G
Aspect Clear, limpid, without persistent foam
Generator Water
pH T/S T/S T/S T T A/T A/T A/T
Total Alkalinity mg/kg CaCO3 T T T T T T T
See feed water

Total hardness mg/kg CaCO3 T T T

Total Conductivity µS/cm G G G G T T A/T A/T
Total Diluted Solids mg/kg S S S S S S S S
Silicon dioxide µg/kg SiO2 S S S S G G G G
Phosphates mg/kg PO4 S S S S G G G G
Acid Conductivity µS/cm
Aspect Clear, limpid, without persistent foam
S: weekly T: each shift A: continual analyzer
S2: fortnightly G: daily

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GBP, GPT, NG/C, NG/V Installation

In order to maintain the values shown, besides the use of correct water treatment and bleeding systems, the
use of conditioners is envisaged. The doses of these reagents and limits depend on the nature of the same.
The frequency of relative analyses also depends on their function; in some cases determination of the
parameters on which to act (e.g. pH,O2, … can be carried out).


Many breakdowns and sometimes serious accidents are caused by the use of water with inappropriate
characteristics. The choice of the appropriate water treatment and/or conditioning system for a steam
generator must take into consideration a series of parameters:
• construction and operating characteristics of the generator;
• characteristics of the water available for filling and topping up;

• amount of condensate collected compared with the total feed of the generator.
Here following is a summary of the different water treatment processes. To be sure the correct process has
been chosen we recommend consulting specialized companies who will make the choice based on and
following accurate analysis of the water available.

3.6.1 Water filtration

Filtration means removal of torpidity from the water, from the most coarse to the colloidal, absorption of
odors, unpleasant smells and colors, removal of Iron and Manganese, other heavy metals such as arsenic,
Chromium, ... or to neutralize acidity.
All these results can be achieved by appropriate filtering treatment, in some cases in cooperation with an
oxidation and/or coagulation process. Filtration is the most important but also the most difficult water
treatment. The main applications are:

• treatment of water for industrial use

• pre-treatment for reverse osmosis or ionic exchange systems.
The main filter technologies are cartridge filter and multi-layer filtration

3.6.2 Water softening

In civil and industrial use, the excessive quantity of limestone in the water causes unpleasant and costly
The softening process takes place thanks to an exchange between sodium ions, fixed on particular resins,
and calcium and magnesium ions present in the water. This continual exchange transforms normal water
into softened water. When all the sodium ions have been exchanged, the cycle ends. To restore efficiency to
the resin it has to be regenerated using Sodium Chloride (coarse salt).
The main applications for water softeners are:
• production of steam generator feed water and cooling towers.

• production of water for laundries and dyeing plants

• production of water for industrial processes

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• production of drinking water for the food industry

Conductivity at input and output of a water softener is roughly the same, because the difference in
conductivity between the calcium and magnesium salts in water and relative sodium salts is negligible.
Therefore conductivity of raw water is hardly modified by softening. The conductivity can be used to establish
the concentration of sodium downstream if the softener. As is known, conductivity is a perfunctory measure
of the total salinity of the water.

3.6.3 Reverse osmosis

Natural osmosis is the transport through a semipermeable membrane separating two solutions of different
solute concentration, from the solution that is dilute in solute to the solution that is concentrated. By applying
a higher pressure than the osmotic pressure a reverse flow is created with transport of the pure water of the
concentrated solution. The water obtained in this way will be without dissolved mineral salts, bacteria, micro
organisms and all solid suspended substances.
The reverse osmosis process is, as of today, the safest water desalination and ecologically compatible
technique available.
The main technological applications of membranes are:

• production of feed water for steam generators;

• water production for the pharmaceutical, electronic and food industries;

• water production in food processes;

• production of drinking water;

• conditioning, re-use of discharged and technological water.

The main advantages of a reverse osmosis plant are primarily:

• simple and safe construction and management;

• low running costs;

• no interruption for regeneration;

• no use of caustic soda (NaOH) and hydrochloric acid (HCI) to regenerate resins;
• no need for conditioning of discharged water, therefore total absence of post-treatment plants,
necessary in the case of traditional systems.
The reverse osmosis systems are the result of an accurate selection of the components and functional and
reliable technical solutions.

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Steam Boilers
GBP, GPT, NG/C, NG/V Installation

When the boiler is operating provisions must be made to carry out regular bleeding operations using the
manual valve provided.
To establish the frequency and duration of these bleeding operations here following are some suggestions.
The salinity of the water contained inside the boiler naturally tends to increase due to the steam evacuating
without the salts getting eliminated.
The bleeding operation is needed to maintain the salinity characteristics inside the body of the boiler under
pressure within the maximum limits given in the table.
The concentration of a critical parameter of the feed water and the one for the same parameter in the water
inside the boiler are connected to the bleeding by the following formula:
S% = 100 x
S% = Entity of the bleeding as a percentage compared with the water that is reintegrated
during the boiler operation.
Ca = Concentration of a critical element in the feed water in mg/kg
Cc = Maximum concentration of that parameter in the boiler water in mg/kg
The ratio shows the number of concentrations possible of salt or the critical parameter contained in the feed
The formula will always contain the most critical parameter, the one that reaches the maximum permissible
value first.
For the calculation the ratio between a critical parameter and one which is easier to analyse can be
calculated, as for example the chlorides and establish the number of bleedings depending on the
concentration of the chlorides.
Here following is an example:
Let’s suppose that we have a P alkalinity (ppmCaCO3) in the feed water equal to 100. Whereas the
maximum permissible value operating at 15 bar is 750 ppm as shown in the table. The calculation of the
number of bleedings is as follows:
S% = 100 x
The bleeding is equal to 13.3% compared with the top up water delivery.

During the bleeding operation it is important for the water level
never to drop below the alarm level therefore frequency must
be timed correctly based on the quantity of water removed at
each bleeding operation.

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GBP, GPT, NG/C, NG/V Installation

Connections must be carried out between the steam outlet valve and piping. Seamless pipes shall be used
for steam piping.
The diameter of the pipes shall not be smaller than that of the connections to the boiler, no throttling and no
internal edges are admitted in order to limit the pressure drop.
Steam piping shall be installed as illustrated on Figures 1A and 1B.
If horizontal runs longer than 10 meters are to be laid, it will be necessary to install expansion joints (see
Figure 2).
Steam piping must not be restrained and must be free to expand, since the metal extends as temperature
It is advisable, in order to reduce the loss of heat along the piping, to line the pipes with thermo-insulating
A well designed steam distribution system from the boiler to the user equipment is an essential prerequisite
for a satisfactory operation of a plant.
It is essential to correctly size steam distribution piping according to the flow of steam: if undersized, there
will be insufficient flow to the farthest users, if oversized, there would be a pointless dispersion and a higher
Table 1 assists in calculating the required diameters on the basis of flow expressed in Kilo/hour of steam and
according to the delivery pressure. The recommended velocity is 25 mt/second.

Pressure Velocity Nominal diameter (mm)

bar m/s 15 20 25 32 40 50 65 80 100 125 150 200 250 300
15 7 14 24 37 52 99 145 213 394 648 917 1606 2590 3678
0,4 25 10 25 60 42 92 162 265 384 675 972 1457 2806 4101 5936
40 17 35 64 102 142 265 403 576 1037 1670 2303 4318 6909 9500
15 8 17 29 43 65 112 182 260 470 694 1020 1864 2814 4045
1,0 25 12 26 48 15 100 193 300 445 730 1160 1660 3099 4869 6751
40 19 39 71 112 172 311 465 640 1150 1800 2500 4815 73333 10370
15 12 25 45 70 100 182 280 410 715 1125 1580 2814 4545 6277
2,0 25 19 43 70 112 162 295 428 656 1215 1755 2520 4815 7425 10575
40 30 64 115 178 275 475 745 1010 1895 2925 4175 7678 11997 16796
15 16 37 60 93 127 245 385 535 925 1505 2040 3983 6217 8743
3,0 25 26 56 100 152 225 425 632 910 1580 2480 3440 6779 10269 14316
40 41 87 157 250 357 595 1025 1460 2540 4050 5940 10476 16470 22950
15 19 42 70 108 156 281 432 635 1166 1685 2460 4618 7121 10358
4,0 25 30 63 115 180 270 450 742 1080 1980 2925 4225 7866 12225 17304
40 49 116 197 295 456 796 1247 1825 3120 4940 7050 12661 19668 27816
15 22 49 87 128 187 352 526 770 1295 21058 2835 5548 8586 11947
5,0 25 36 81 135 211 308 548 885 1265 2110 3540 5150 8865 14268 20051
40 59 131 225 338 495 855 1350 1890 3510 5400 7870 13761 23205 32244
15 26 59 105 153 225 425 632 925 1555 2525 3400 6654 10297 14328
6,0 25 43 97 162 253 370 658 1065 1520 2530 4250 6175 10629 17108 24042
40 71 157 270 405 595 1025 1620 2270 2410 6475 9445 16515 27849 38697
15 32 70 126 190 285 475 800 1125 1990 3025 4540 8042 12625 17728
8,0 25 54 122 205 320 465 810 1260 1870 3240 5220 7120 13140 21600 33210
40 84 192 327 510 730 1370 2065 3120 5135 8395 12470 21247 33669 46858
15 41 95 155 250 372 626 1012 1465 2495 3995 5860 9994 16172 22713
10,0 25 66 145 257 405 562 990 1530 2205 3825 6295 8995 15966 25860 35890
40 104 216 408 615 910 1635 2545 3600 6230 9880 14930 26621 41011 57560
15 50 121 205 310 465 810 1270 1870 3220 5215 7390 12921 20538 29016
14,0 25 85 195 331 520 740 1375 2080 3120 5200 8500 12560 21720 34193 47218
40 126 305 555 825 1210 2195 3425 4735 8510 13050 18630 35548 54883 76534

Table 1

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Steam intake

Main steam pipe




Steam intake Steam

Main steam pipe



Main steam pipe


Steam intake


Figure 1A

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GBP, GPT, NG/C, NG/V Installation


Figure 1B

The pipe connection is supplied flanged. The designer did not

foresee any kind of load on the a.m. connections.

! It is therefore compulsory to avoid any kind of mechanical

stress due to the weight of the pipes or to the expansion
stresses. Otherwise, you’d better provide for an expansion
joint and/or supports of suitable dimensions.

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GBP, GPT, NG/C, NG/V Installation

3.8.1 Expansion joints

Expansion joints, under the effect of heat, undergo
a dilation. Wherever installations are designed with
small diameter piping, short runs and numerous
bends, there is a sufficient capability for a self-
compensation of dilatation movements. As pipe
diameter increases (above 2”), in particular in case
of long horizontal runs, it will be necessary to install
expansion joints or bends, whenever possible.
Figure 2
Attention: at every change of direction, pressure exerts a thrust on the pipe wall, which tends to elongate the
pipe. If in the length subject to dilation an unanchored joint is inserted, the pipe will tend to elongate due to
the pressure and would damage the joint. Therefore it will be necessary to apply, at each end of a straight
length of piping, special anchors called main resistance points, which will suffice to compensate for any


The safety valves installed on steam boilers must have the discharge conveyed outside the boiler room.
Special care must be given to the installation of the discharge pipes; here after some examples:
- It is advisable to install discharge pipes using a pipe diameter at least equal to the diameter of the
output flange of the safety valve.
- Any curves/bends in the discharge pipe must have a large radius.
- All discharge pipes must be installed in such a manner to avoid the formation of condensate. Pipes
should therefore be installed at a sufficient angle to ensure complete drainage.
- When several valves are linked on a single discharge line, the line must have a throughout area at
least equal to the sum of all sections linked together.
The calibration setting of valves (spring or weight types) is controlled when final installation testing of the
boiler is performed.


Manifold blow down, boiler blow down and injector blow down shall be connected to water discharge.
The diameter of the pipes shall not be smaller than that of the connections to the boiler, no throttling and no
internal edges are admitted.

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Always make reference to burner manual attached.
Fuel oil tank shall be connected to burner flexible pipes, or methane decompression cabinet shall be
connected to burner gas ramp.
Throttling of pipes shall be avoided.


Always refer to the enclosed wiring diagram.
- Check that the voltage and the electrical supply frequency correspond to the values stated on the
enclosed wiring diagram.
- The connection and the laying of the electrical supply cable are at the customer’s charge. The
electrical installation must be realized workmanlike and according to the EN 60204 regulation in
- Always fit a differential magnetothermic switch with suitable amperage upstream the power-supply

! Always perform boiler connection to ground.

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4.2.1 Manometer 3

4.2.2 Pressure transmitter 3

4.2.3 Safety pressure switch 3

4.2.4 Safety valves 4


4.3.1 Level indicators 5

4.3.2 Probes and automatic level regulator 5


4.4.1 Motor-driven pump 7


4.5.1 Self aspiration feeding for diesel oil 8

4.5.2 Fall feeding for heavy oil 9

4.5.3 Ring feeding for more burners with heavy oil 10

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04 REV. 0 - ACCESSORI GBP, GPT, NG INGLESE Rev. 0 del 25/09/2005
Steam Boilers
GBP, GPT, NG/C, NG/V Accessories

Before setting the boiler in operation and before starting any maintenance intervention, it is absolutely
necessary that the operators responsible have read and understood all the NOTICES AND WARNINGS
given in this section and in all the documents relevant to the Instructions of Use which are provided together
with the GARIONI NAVAL boilers.
GARIONI NAVAL cannot anyway foresee all the circumstances which might cause potential risks when the
boiler is in operation.



Position Description Position Description

1 Safety probe low-low level 9 Manometer
2 Safety probe low level 10 Safety pressure switch
3 Level regulation probe 11 Pressure transmitter
4 Level control 12 Auxiliary connection
5A Level indicator 13 Salinometer connection (optional)
5B Motor 14 Auxiliary connection
6 Interblock 15 Electrical panel
7 Manual start 16 Burner
8 Logic 17
NOTE: drawings are purely indicative and cannot be considered as restrictive of fabrication. GARIONI
NAVAL reserves its rights of modification at any moment, depending on any reason and on continuous
evolution of technology and production.

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GBP, GPT, NG/C, NG/V Accessories


4.2.1 Manometer
It is Bourdon type, with a metal pipe having a tight, elliptical cross-section bent into an arc. One end is open
and it is connected to the inside of the boiler or the device of which the pressure has to be measured; the
other end is free to move and it is connected by means of a system of levers and a toothed sector.
The red dot on the pressure gauge indicates the rated pressure.
Between pressure gauge and boiler a siphon pipe is fitted, where the steam can be condensed. Thus, only
cold water come into with the sensitive elements of the pressure gauge.
The pressure gauge is fitted on a three-way cock which allows the following operations:
- communication between boiler and pressure gauge (normal operating position);
- communication between pressure gauge and the outside (position for bleeding the siphon);
- communication between boiler, pressure gauge and test pressure gauge (position for checking pressure
gauge operation).

4.2.2 Pressure transmitter

It is specifically designed for use in specific industrial applications, with temperature compensation and laser
calibration. It produces a signal depending on boiler pressure. This signal is used to control boiler pressure
and maintain it within minimum and maximum defined levels.
Between pressure transmitter and boiler a siphon pipe is fitted, where the steam can be condensed. Thus,
only cold water come into with the sensitive elements of the pressure transmitter.

4.2.3 Safety pressure switch

It is a pressure gauge normally used for check of liquid, vapors and gases pressure. It is calibrated at higher
pressure than the maximum one of limit pressure switch, but always lower or equal to the one of safety
valves. Safety pressure switch intervenes in case of limit pressure switch damage; the burner starts only
after removal of the stop with manual operation on electrical panel.
Between safety pressure switch and boiler a siphon pipe is fitted, where the steam can be condensed. Thus,
only cold water come into with the sensitive elements of the safety pressure switch.

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Steam Boilers
GBP, GPT, NG/C, NG/V Accessories

4.2.4 Safety valves

They are installed in order to discharge the steam when the maximum set pressure is reached. They can be
one or two, depending on the boiler type and are either weight and lever or direct spring type.
The operator must take particular care and specific maintenance to the safety valves. They are the most
important and delicate devices of the boiler and they also represent the most valid warranty of the fact that
the internal pressure is limited below the maximum design pressure.
Considering that usually during normal operation the safety valves never intervene, it is good practice that,
with periodical frequency, the same are checked to be free, that is the shutter is not stuck to the seat,
acting as follows:
- for weight and lever valves, lift the lever until steam is discharged;
- for direct spring valves, operate the lifting lever until steam is discharged.
Special care must also be given to the sanding of the seat shutter, should this operation be necessary to
correct leaks or blow-bys, use silicon carbide-based abrasives of carborundum and oil. It is recommended to
perform a first sanding operation with a fine-grain abrasive and a second pass with a very fine-grain
Position Description
1 Valve body
2 Lever
3 Spring
4 Plate
5 Spring pusher pin
6 Pin locknut
7 Lever support nut
8 Safety nut
9 Cap
10 Nut
11 Lever pin
12 Cap screw
13 Rod
14 Casing
15 Frame screw
16 Guide plate
17 Shutter
18 Slit washers
19 Seat
Figure 1

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GBP, GPT, NG/C, NG/V Accessories


4.3.1 Level indicators

Steel reflex gauges are supplied.
Each indicator communicates with the boiler through two cut-off cocks; a third bleed valve is mounted at the
lower end off the indicator itself.
These cocks are required in order to be able to check the efficiency of the level indicators at intervals, as
- Open the bleed cock for a few seconds and then close it again.
- If the water disappears and then returns quickly to the previous level with large oscillations, the gauge
can be considered to be in good working order.
- If, on the other hand, the water returns slowly to the previous level or halts at a different level, this
means that communication with the boiler is obstructed.
- In order to detect which of the two routes is obstructed and in order to try to bleed it, close the steam
cock, leaving the water cock open, and then open the bleed cock: water should emerge.
- The water escaping from the bleed cock, given its flow rate, will carry with it any sludge deposits formed
in the ducts.
- Close the water cock and open the steam cock: steam should emerge from the bleed cock.
- Closing the bleed cock the leaving the water and steam cock open, the water should return to its
previous level.
- If this does not take place the connecting ducts linking the level indicator to the boiler need cleaning.

4.3.2 Probes and automatic level regulator

Level probes are conduction type, level regulation is made by means of electronic relays located in the
control panel. Operation is based on water pump start and stop and low level safety protection. Probes may
be installed as per Figures 2, 3, 4.
- A: pump stop probe
- B: pump start probe
- C: minimum level safety probe (burner and water
stop with manual reset, alarm)
- D: minimum level safety probe (burner and water
stop with manual reset, alarm)
- E: mass probe
- F: mass probe
- I: pressure gauge
- L: safety pressure switch
- M: pressure transducer

Figure 2 – horizontal boilers with one external manifold

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GBP, GPT, NG/C, NG/V Accessories


- A: pump stop probe
- B: pump start probe
- C: minimum level safety probe (burner and water stop
with manual reset, alarm)
- D: minimum level safety probe (burner and water stop
with manual reset, alarm)
- E: mass probe
- F: mass probe
- G: mass probe
- H: maximum level probe
- I: pressure gauge
- L: safety pressure switch
- M: pressure transducer

Figure 3 – horizontal boilers with three external manifolds

- A: pump stop probe

- B: pump start probe
- C: minimum level safety probe
(burner and water stop with
manual reset, alarm)
- D: minimum level safety probe
(burner and water stop with
manual reset, alarm)
- E: mass probe
- F: mass probe
- H: maximum level probe
- I: pressure gauge
- L: safety pressure switch
- M: pressure transducer

Figure 4 – vertical boilers with two external manifolds

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04 REV. 0 - ACCESSORI GBP, GPT, NG INGLESE Rev. 0 del 25/09/2005
Steam Boilers
GBP, GPT, NG/C, NG/V Accessories

It is recommended to install not only alarm bell in the boiler
room but also a sound or visual alarm in a frequently occupied


Water supplies for steam boilers shall be covered by:
- centrifugal motor-driven pump for delivery and head to the boiler
- emergency inlet line

4.4.1 Motor-driven pump

Pumps with single impellers are installed at low pressure boilers, considering the low-level operating features
On the other hand, high pressure boilers are equipped with multistage pumps. These pumps consist of a set
of impellers which the water progressively passes through, thus increasing pressure.
The pump must not exert any intake action on the intake opening, but should rather be “under head”, that
means under the pressure of a column of water resulting from the difference in height between the water in
the collection tank and pump itself. Whereas a pump may intake cold water from a tank (5-6 meters), when
the water is heated, the pump is not only unable to intake the water but it has to flow to the pump under a
certain pressure. The height of the tank varies with temperature variations, as show in the table:

Feed water temperature [ °C ] Head on intake [ m ]

60 0,5
70 1,5
80 2,5
90 4,0
100 5,0

Use of inlet water at temperature lower than 60°C shall be
avoided, because condensate be generated may and therefore
corrosion may occur.

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04 REV. 0 - ACCESSORI GBP, GPT, NG INGLESE Rev. 0 del 25/09/2005
Steam Boilers
GBP, GPT, NG/C, NG/V Accessories


Here after you can find the most common schemes use to realize burner feeding line. Other solutions are
possible, but before check with specialized installer.

4.5.1 Self aspiration feeding for diesel oil


Vent pipe

Tank Bottom valve

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04 REV. 0 - ACCESSORI GBP, GPT, NG INGLESE Rev. 0 del 25/09/2005
Steam Boilers
GBP, GPT, NG/C, NG/V Accessories

4.5.2 Fall feeding for heavy oil

Vent pipe
Electrical floating pump starter

Overload pipe

for heavy oil
Load >5°E
Blow down

Vent pipe

Tank Bottom valve

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04 REV. 0 - ACCESSORI GBP, GPT, NG INGLESE Rev. 0 del 25/09/2005
Steam Boilers
GBP, GPT, NG/C, NG/V Accessories

4.5.3 Ring feeding for more burners with heavy oil

Deaerator Deaerator

Vent pipe
Circulation pump

Tank Bottom valve

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04 REV. 0 - ACCESSORI GBP, GPT, NG INGLESE Rev. 0 del 25/09/2005
Steam Boilers Operating
GBP, GPT, NG/C, NG/V condition





5.2.1 Training of personnel 3

5.2.2 Operating instructions 4

5.2.3 Records 4

5.2.4 Periodical controls every 72 hours 4


5.3.1 Pressure parts 5

5.3.2 Safety valves 5

5.3.3 Valves 5

5.3.4 Regulation and control equipment 5

5.3.5 Burner equipment 6

5.3.6 Fire protections 6

5.3.7 Chimneys and closures 6

5.3.8 Motors 6

5.4 START-UP 6



05 REV. 1 - ESERCIZIO GBP, GPT, NG INGLESE Rev. 1 del 30/09/2005
Steam Boilers Operating
GBP, GPT, NG/C, NG/V condition


The cold start-up of smoke tube boilers involves for the boilers a very high mechanical stress in comparison
to what they are subjected during the normal working situation in temperature.
The cold start-up is inevitable both during the first start-up, and during the normal operation when the boiler
is lighted in the morning or after a weekend, if it does not work 24 hours on 24.
Cold start-ups are characterized by the fact that the water inside the boiler does not boil. During that phase,
water temperature is normally around 20°C, that is to say approx 80°C colder than the temperature of the
same when it starts to boil at an absolute pressure of 1 bar.
The reason for higher mechanical stress during cold start-up phase is mainly due to the fact that temperature
differences among furnace and shell is much higher than during normal operation. For this reason the
furnace expands much more than shell than what it usually done during operation. This creates a
considerable increase of the mechanical stress between furnace and shell, also between smoke pipes and
tubesheets, between plating and inversion chambers, and so on.
In detail, heating process starts with the steam outlet valve open and at 1 bar absolute pressure. The feed
water temperature is of 20°C and then grows in time till the boiling point. After, the pressure increases
usually of 1 bar per minute (with burner at maximum load.
The shell of a fire tube boiler has more or less the same temperature of contained water and therefore it is
subjected to length expansions due to temperatures, much lower to those subjected by the furnace, normally
licked by the flame.
The temperature difference between furnace and shell causes the expansion difference among both items,
and reaches in this phase also 90°C (1,96 times more than the normal temperature difference). This
expansion difference must therefore be absorbed by the elements joining the two pieces. Detail analysis
underline that in this phase, the furnace expansions are 2,5 times higher in comparison to those of the shell,
causing a strong stress that can shorten the life of the boiler.
At project stage, such problem can be minimized by using good quality materials, optimized welding
processes and good quality with the aim to maximize symmetric disposal of furnace, smoke tubes and shell.
At operation stage, it is important to heat up the water with minimum temperature increases in time in order
to minimize the temperature differences mentioned above.

05 REV. 1 - ESERCIZIO GBP, GPT, NG INGLESE Rev. 1 del 30/09/2005
Steam Boilers Operating
GBP, GPT, NG/C, NG/V condition


Boilers for inland applications may be equipped with safety accessories designed in order to allow operation
without permanent supervision for 72 hours. In such a case, specific certification is provided, exactly stating
which safety accessories are supplied. It has to be clarified that operation without permanent supervision for
72 hours is possible only where local applicable regulations allow it.
As far as marine applications are concerned, boilers are designed and manufactured as per applicable rules,
also regarding safety accessories. Usually, required safety accessories are enough in order to allow
operation without permanent supervision for 72 hours. Nevertheless, in order to take final decision also other
considerations shall be taken into account such as type of ship where boiler is installed, service of the boiler,
and so on. Finally, boiler operation is subject to applicable rules. Therefore what follows only refer to boilers
for inland applications.
Operation of boilers without permanent supervision for 72 hours is based on essential safety requirements
that must be granted by stoker and plant owner:
- In case of alarm, competent personnel designed for plant operation must be automatically warned in
order to allow for prompt intervention.
- Personnel designed to plant operation must be qualified.
- Stoker and/or owner must establish operating instructions.
- Updated booklet indicating all performed activities must be kept in the boiler room.
- Personnel designed for plant operation must perform checks in order to be ensured about proper
plant conditions at each visit every 72 hours, a per following instructions.
- Preventive maintenance must be performed as per specific section of this manual. Maintenance to
safety equipments must be performed every not more than 6 months.
- Plant inspection every 72 hours and preventive maintenance do not substitute prescribed
inspections as per applicable local regulations.

5.2.1 Training of personnel

Personnel designed to plant operation must be properly qualified in order to be able to take all required
countermeasures in any possible situation that may occur, always in safe conditions.
Such personnel must be periodically reconfirmed in charge, also taking part to updating courses if needed.
Training and updating courses must be recorder in a personnel registration booklet.

05 REV. 1 - ESERCIZIO GBP, GPT, NG INGLESE Rev. 1 del 30/09/2005
Steam Boilers Operating
GBP, GPT, NG/C, NG/V condition

5.2.2 Operating instructions

All boilers and accessories must be object of a specific regulation.
Operating instructions must be established by stoker and/or owner on the basis of boiler manual provided by
Operating instructions must be kept available close to boiler and control panel. As a minimum, they shall
include operating instructions, list of qualified personnel designed to plant operation, all requirements in for
safety condition of devices and fluid circuits, list of periodical inspection and monitoring activities of safety

5.2.3 Records
Following documents must be regularly updated and properly stored by personnel designed to plant
operation after every intervention:
- Register of intervention, for every boiler.
- Boiler booklet, including:

• identification of personnel that carried out the intervention and reason of it;

• detail list of performed checks at each periodical visit every 72 hours;

• list of incidents, repairs and performed activities.

If automatic recording is used, above elements must be reported in the boiler booklet. Boiler booklet must be
available at every inspection.

5.2.4 Periodical controls every 72 hours

At each periodical visit every 72 hours the personnel designed to plant operation must first of all check
general plant conditions and coherence between measured parameters and indications.
Moreover, as a minimum, following controls of good operation condition must be performed and recorder in
the boiler booklet:
- Check of water level;
- Check of safety protection against low water level;
- Check of safety protection against high steam pressure;
- Check proper operation of any automatic discharge;
- Water quality measurement, particularly of conductivity;
- Check of safety protection against burner flame failure;
- Check of safety protection against low gas pressure (for gaseous fuel);
- Check of safety protection against comburent air absence;
- Check of any fuel leakage;
- Check of combustion.

05 REV. 1 - ESERCIZIO GBP, GPT, NG INGLESE Rev. 1 del 30/09/2005
Steam Boilers Operating
GBP, GPT, NG/C, NG/V condition

In case occurs any situation causing boiler stop and block, intervention of personnel qualified for analysis
and plant restart shall be required. After start-up, check proper working conditions of boiler main safety
protections (minimum level, flame failure).


The generator works completely automatic.
Before setting the generator in operation, carry out the following checks:
- Check that all fittings are well tightened and that any blank disks used for the hydraulic tests are
- Check that manhole covers are well closed.
- Check the opening and closing of all the valves fitted to the installation.
- Check that the burner control selectors, if any, are in position “0”.
- Check that all the burner devices are positioned according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

5.3.1 Pressure parts

Before closure of manholes, make sure that no extraneous items remained in the water and steam circuit.
Carefully check blow down and surface blow down valves, dismount and operate them, reassembly before
Connecting pipes to the generator must be restrained in such a way to allow free elongation.

5.3.2 Safety valves

Check that discharge of safety valves is conveyed and fixed in order to avoid vibrations on the valves.
Check that safety valves can be easily operated.

5.3.3 Valves
Check that all the discharge valves are closed.
Check the water level in the generator.
Check the closing system of the main steam cock valve.
Open the manometer tap.
Check the placing of the three-way taps of the fuel ring and select the fuel to be used (when operating is
envisaged with different types of fuel).

5.3.4 Regulation and control equipment

It is mandatory that before start-up regulation equipments are checked and verified and they result in good
operating order and connected to all their components.
05 REV. 1 - ESERCIZIO GBP, GPT, NG INGLESE Rev. 1 del 30/09/2005
Steam Boilers Operating
GBP, GPT, NG/C, NG/V condition

5.3.5 Burner equipment

Check that all the terminals are connected and correctly fed, that the control instruments are not intercepted,
they are in a good state and lubricated, by means of the indicators check position of fuel valves.
Check that all the burner devices are positioned according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

5.3.6 Fire protections

Check that fire protections are in order, during transport and erection they might have been damaged.
Check that fixing to the structures have been correctly performed and that generator dilations are not
Check that all junctions are in optimal conditions.

5.3.7 Chimneys and closures

Check that no debris or extraneous item remained inside air and smokes ducts. Check compensation joints.
Operate closures and verify correct function.
Check that indicators coincide with open and close position.
Check that bolts of the inspection doors are well tightened.

5.3.8 Motors
Check that motors are not restrained.
Check motors electrical connection.
Make sure that rotating direction is correct. To lubricate use recommended lubricants.

Close the discharge, steam connection, auxiliary connection, level discharge and tank valves.
Check closure of front and rear hatches, manholes, handholes, ...
Open the breathing, level cut-out, feed (up-line and down-line of water pump), pressure gauge connection
Start the boiler, as follows:
1. Check main burner switch opening and power up the boiler control panel;
2. Place the pump selector switch to MAN;
3. Start-up the pump;
4. When water reaches minimum level, place the pump selector switch to AUT;

05 REV. 1 - ESERCIZIO GBP, GPT, NG INGLESE Rev. 1 del 30/09/2005
Steam Boilers Operating
GBP, GPT, NG/C, NG/V condition

5. Make sure that the pumps stops when the maximum level is reached, observing level indicators and
checking the position of their cocks;
6. Open the steam outlet valve and check on the level indicator the intervention point of minimum level
probe (pump start);
7. Place the pump selector switch to 0, leaving the steam outlet valve open, and check the intervention
level of safety probes;
8. Close the discharge, place pump selector switch to MAN;
9. Start-up the pump;
10. When water reaches minimum level, place the pump selector switch to AUT;
11. Power up the boiler;
12. Bring boiler pressure up making safety pressure switch intervene (for boilers with steam production
higher than 3000 kg/h, increase the pressure with burner at minimum up to 7 bar, stop the burner for one
hour and then re-start the burner increasing the fuel feeding);
13. With the burner at a standstill because of safety pressure switch intervention, lower the boiler pressure
(by carefully opening the steam outlet valve), calibrate the work pressure-switch, setting its intervention
point and the differential for stop and re-start;
14. Gradually open the steam outlet valve in order to heat the piping and eliminate any condensation in the

For boilers fitted with a manhole, it is very important during first

start-up to progressively tighten the two nuts on the manhole cover

! as pressure gradually increases. A dangerous situation may

otherwise arise, caused by steam flows which, once they have
occurred, damage the gasket and cause risks to plant operating


Check the proper water level. Because during heating this level tends to rise, with boiler at standstill water
level shall show the minimum. If the water level should rise excessively because of the increase in volume
caused by heating, open the boiler discharge at regular intervals in order to return the level to about halfway
up the indicator.
Check hatch seal and adjust tie-rods if necessary.
Bleed the boiler by quickly opening the discharge valve, with the tank bleed and level set.
In case of intervention of one of the safety devices while the installation is working, the burner immediately
stops and an acoustic and luminous alarm signals one of the following causes of trouble:
After having perceived the alarm and once the cause has been removed, press the “RESET” push-button in
order to put the burner in motion.
Some special models require a post-wash period of the combustion chamber and of the exhaust gas circuit
anytime the burner stops; during this period, the programmer returns to the initial starting position. In this
case you must confirm the ignition by pressing the relevant push-button.

05 REV. 1 - ESERCIZIO GBP, GPT, NG INGLESE Rev. 1 del 30/09/2005
Steam Boilers Operating
GBP, GPT, NG/C, NG/V condition


Proceed at regular intervals to collect the operating data and in particular:
- gas pressure at the stack
- gas temperature at the stack
- percentage of CO2 and CO in the fumes
- control the flame through the inspection holes
- control the temperature and pressure of the fuel
- at each stocking of new fuel, check the calibration of the burner and the adjustment of the
preheating temperature
- check and clean the fuel filters and the photoelectric cell
- check that characteristics of feed water are in compliance with the parameters recommended.
- analyse samples of generator water
- check the level safety function by causing a mock block
- check the safety pressure gauge function by changing calibration and causing the burner to
stop, reset the pressure gauge after test
- check the function of the photoelectric cell by removing from its housing causing the flame to go
- bottom bleed once a day with burner off using a sequence of 3 to 4 openings, each for 10” at
intervals of 2-3 minutes
- control the cleanliness of the generator by means of fumes temperature. Should it be found to be
too high, schedule a cleaning operation

05 REV. 1 - ESERCIZIO GBP, GPT, NG INGLESE Rev. 1 del 30/09/2005
Steam Boilers
GBP, GPT, NG/C, NG/V Troubleshooting












06 REV. 0 - INCONVENIENTI GBP, GPT, NG INGLESE Rev. 0 del 25/09/2005
Steam Boilers
GBP, GPT, NG/C, NG/V Troubleshooting

Keep to the enclosed instructions for the boiler start-up.
Should the following troubles occur during the boiler start-up or in the normal working conditions, follow the
suggestions given in this section.
If – despite the suggestions given in this section – the trouble cannot be solved, contact the GARIONI NA-
VAL’s service centre (phone ++39 030-2681541) – [email protected] .
No modification and/or tampering of the boiler equipment is allowed.


Look at attached use and maintenance manual.


• Photoelectric cell dirty and/or wrongly positioned - remove and clean the photoelectric cell
- check the direction of orientation

• Insufficient fuel - check the correct opening of the solenoid valve

- check the fuel delivery pressure
- clean the fuel filter, if necessary


• Air ducts dirty - disassemble and clean the turbulence fin

• Air - fuel setting unit out of calibration - check the calibration

• Fan impeller dirty - clean the impeller

• Nozzle dirty - clean the nozzle


• Air in excess - adjust the position of air lock

• Dirty nozzle - clean the nozzle

• Unsteady fuel pressure - adjust fuel pressure

06 REV. 0 - INCONVENIENTI GBP, GPT, NG INGLESE Rev. 0 del 25/09/2005
Steam Boilers
GBP, GPT, NG/C, NG/V Troubleshooting


This alarm appears when the water level is lower than the normal working level.
Should it appear, the operator must:
- check the feed water delivery and the steam delivery
- make sure the calibration device is functioning correctly
- change calibration device to manual and reduce the burner load.


This alarm appears when the water level exceeds the normal working level.
The operator must:
- check the level indicators
- change calibration to manual and switch off the pump of the water supply unit
- check intervention adjustment


Lack of water can be caused by feed pump stop, negligence, breakage of a tube or bad calibration.
The general rule is to stop the burner immediately.
Check if water reaches the boiler.
Check gaskets of water pump piston and replace if necessary.
Clean the water filter between the condensate drum and the boiler suction pump.
In case the malfunction persists, try changing feed pump(s).
After switching off the burner from the switchboard, isolate the generator, close the steam valve, close the
continuous bleeder valve and the chemical products injection valve.
When cooled down, perform careful examination of the generator before filling again.


Check that intervention pressure is close to set-up pressure.
If yes, reduce the pressure setting of the maximum pressure switch.

06 REV. 0 - INCONVENIENTI GBP, GPT, NG INGLESE Rev. 0 del 25/09/2005
Steam Boilers
GBP, GPT, NG/C, NG/V Troubleshooting


This is due to voltage peaks or abnormalities in current absorption or motor short circuiting.
Turn off main switch, wait 10 seconds then turn it on to restart the boiler.

To restart the boiler after a shutdown caused by a safety pro-
tection, first manually remove the block by pressing the pu-
shbutton on the electric panel.

06 REV. 0 - INCONVENIENTI GBP, GPT, NG INGLESE Rev. 0 del 25/09/2005
Steam Boilers
GBP, GPT, NG/C, NG/V Maintenance




7.2.1 Standard boiler maintenance 2

7.2.2 Extraordinary boiler maintenance 3


7.3.1 Dry conservation 4

7.3.2 Wet conservation 4



07 REV. 1 - MANUTENZIONE GBP, GPT, NG INGLESE Rev. 1 del 01/12/2005
Steam Boilers
GBP, GPT, NG/C, NG/V Maintenance

The boiler works completely automatic and requires no particular measures for its operation.
The operations to be carried out at regular intervals have been stated in the paragraph below.
The fulfilment of the control and inspection operations stated in this manual assures a longer working-life to
the installation and the prevention of possible failures and malfunctions.


WARNING : before any maintenance operation, cut off tension

to the installation by turning the switch positioned upstream

! the line and the main switch positioned on the control board.
Affix the notice board:

7.2.1 Standard boiler maintenance

• Bleed the probe-holder tank, the level indicators and the boiler
• Check that the regulation and control instruments are in good working order, carefully examining
electrical parts (including connections) and mechanical parts (pressure-switches and, when fitted, the
containers of ballcock-type level-switches).

• Perform burner maintenance (as per instructions provided).

• Check the condition of the coating inside the hatches.

• Check that the boiler tube bundle and the turbolators are clean.
• Check that the bearings and the stuffing box of the motor-driven pump are in good working order
(lubricate greasers); check the state of wear of the discharge and bleed valves, which tend to suffer
wear before other valves because of the abrasive effects of the sludge.
• Check the tightening of bolts on the flanges and the condition of the gaskets.

07 REV. 1 - MANUTENZIONE GBP, GPT, NG INGLESE Rev. 1 del 01/12/2005
Steam Boilers
GBP, GPT, NG/C, NG/V Maintenance

7.2.2 Extraordinary boiler maintenance

Every boiler must be stopped at intervals for inspection and maintenance; the time interval between such
operations is a question of experience, operating conditions, quality and features of the water and the type of
fuel employed.
Before entering the boiler for inspection or cleaning, carefully check that neither steam nor water can enter
the boiler through the various connections: every valve should be closed and, if necessary, totally isolated by
detaching a section of pipe down-line or inserting a blank disk between the flanges.
Check the general conditions of the boiler and – especially for the heavy oil / diesel oil boilers – detect and
possible fuel leakage.
The interior of parts under pressure must be carefully examined to detect any presence of scale, corrosion of
other potential sources of danger attributable to the feed water: remove deposits by chipping them away or
by using chemical cleaning agents. Every mark or other type of corrosion should be scraped and cleaned
with a metal brush until bare metal appears; every fume stack which shows signs of leaks from the pipe plate
fitting must be reworked or replaced.
Internal inspection must also include the condition of fittings, making sure that everything is in good working
order: particular attention should be given to all feed pipes, steam separators, safety valves, discharges,
levels, pressure measurement devices and all other accessories included in the water or steam circuits.
Inspect the combustion chamber in order to check the conditions of the refractory materials. If they are
damaged, they must be repaired by making use of specific refractory cement.
Check that the electric terminals are tight, in particular the supply terminals of the electric motors.
Remove any possible dust deposit or oily sludge from the surface of the fan.
In any case, you’d better contact the GARIONI NAVAL’s service centre (phone ++39 030/2681541) –
[email protected] .

07 REV. 1 - MANUTENZIONE GBP, GPT, NG INGLESE Rev. 1 del 01/12/2005
Steam Boilers
GBP, GPT, NG/C, NG/V Maintenance

The most serious problems of corrosion often arise when the boiler is not being used. The operations
thereby required to ensure good boiler conservation essentially depend on the expected duration of the
period of inactivity.
Dry conservation may be used when the boiler is to remain inactive for long periods, or wet conservation for
shorter periods or when the boiler is a back-up system which must be capable of coming quickly into
operation. In both cases, the operations to be performed aim at eliminating the potential causes of

7.3.1 Dry conservation

• Carry out a careful cleaning of the exhaust gas side of the boiler by making use of compressed air.
• Detach the connection to the chimney pipe and hermetically seal the boiler connection with blind flange
and gasket.

• Carefully empty and dry the boiler.

• Disassemble the burner and introduce a vessel containing quicklime to absorb moisture. Then re-
assemble the burner and tighten the screws.

• Lubricate the tightening screws of the valves and all the bolts and screw studs of the boiler.

• Protect the electrical panel and all the electrical appliances from the dust and external moisture.

• Disconnect the power supply switch.

• Close the fuel cut-off valves.

7.3.2 Wet conservation

This is performed by eliminating every trace of oxygen from the water and then attempting to prevent its
subsequent access to the system.
An oxygen-absorbing substance should then be added ( such as hydrazine, sodium sulphate, etc.) and
checking the basicity of the water at the same time. Then fill the boiler completely with depurated water.
Disconnect the power supply switch.
Close the fuel cut-off valves.

07 REV. 1 - MANUTENZIONE GBP, GPT, NG INGLESE Rev. 1 del 01/12/2005
Steam Boilers
GBP, GPT, NG/C, NG/V Maintenance


Following operation may be performed
in order to allow easy cleaning of
horizontal boilers tubes.
Following operations shall be
• Connect lug of smoke chamber to
proper lifting equipment (i.e. crane,
overhead crane, forklift, …).
• Unscrew fixing nuts of smoke
chamber. Usually, depending on
boiler model, you will find 12 to 20
nuts M18 or M20.

• Remove smoke chamber.

As far as vertical boilers are concerned,
in the some chambers are foreseen
specific doors to be opened for cleaning
of tubes.

07 REV. 1 - MANUTENZIONE GBP, GPT, NG INGLESE Rev. 1 del 01/12/2005
Steam Boilers
GBP, GPT, NG/C, NG/V Maintenance


- Burner: Electrodes
Start-up transformer
Timing programmer
- Electrical cabinet: Relays
- Valves: Check valve
- Accessories: Level gauge
Pressure transmitter
Pressure switch
Pressure gauge
- Boiler body: Asbestos free gaskets for main doors
Manhole gasket

07 REV. 1 - MANUTENZIONE GBP, GPT, NG INGLESE Rev. 1 del 01/12/2005

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