Timeline: Timeline of Natural Language Processing Models

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A transformer is a deep learning architecture developed by Google and based on the multi-

head attention mechanism, proposed in a 2017 paper "Attention Is All You Need".[1] It has no
recurrent units, and thus requires less training time than previous recurrent neural
architectures, such as long short-term memory (LSTM),[2] and its later variation has been
prevalently adopted for training large language models (LLM) on large (language) datasets,
such as the Wikipedia corpus and Common Crawl.[3] Text is converted to numerical
representations called tokens, and each token is converted into a vector via looking up from
a word embedding table.[1] At each layer, each token is then contextualized within the scope of
the context window with other (unmasked) tokens via a parallel multi-head attention
mechanism allowing the signal for key tokens to be amplified and less important tokens to be
diminished. The transformer paper, published in 2017, is based on the softmax-based attention
mechanism proposed by Bahdanau et. al. in 2014 for machine translation,[4][5] and the Fast
Weight Controller, similar to a transformer, proposed in 1992.[6][7][8]
This architecture is now used not only in natural language processing and computer
vision,[9] but also in audio[10] and multi-modal processing. It has also led to the development
of pre-trained systems, such as generative pre-trained
transformers (GPTs)[11] and BERT[12] (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from

Timeline of natural language processing models

• In 1990, the Elman network, using a recurrent neural network, encoded each word
in a training set as a vector, called a word embedding, and the whole vocabulary
as a vector database, allowing it to perform such tasks as sequence-predictions
that are beyond the power of a simple multilayer perceptron. A shortcoming of the
static embeddings was that they didn't differentiate between multiple meanings of
same-spelt words.[13]
• In 1992, the Fast Weight Controller was published by Jürgen Schmidhuber.[6] It
learns to answer queries by programming the attention weights of another neural
network through outer products of key vectors and value vectors called FROM and
TO. The Fast Weight Controller was later shown to be equivalent to the
unnormalized linear Transformer.[8][7][14][15] The terminology "learning internal
spotlights of attention" was introduced in 1993.[16]
• In 1993, the IBM alignment models were used for statistical machine translation.[17]
• In 1997, a precursor of large language model, using recurrent neural networks,
such as long short-term memory, was proposed.
• In 2001, a one-billion-word large text corpus, scraped from the Internet, referred to
as "very very large" at the time, was used for word disambiguation.[18]
• In 2012, AlexNet demonstrated the effectiveness of large neural networks for
image recognition, encouraging large artificial neural networks approach instead of
older, statistical approaches.
• In 2014, a 380M-parameter seq2seq model for machine translation using two Long
short-term Memory (LSTMs) networks was proposed by Sutskever at al.[19] The
architecture consists of two parts. The encoder is an LSTM that takes in a
sequence of tokens and turns it into a vector. The decoder is another LSTM that
converts the vector into a sequence of tokens.
• In 2014, gating proved to be useful in a 130M-parameter seq2seq model, which
used a simplified gated recurrent units (GRUs). Bahdanau et al[20] showed that
GRUs are neither better nor worse than gated LSTMs.[21][22]
• In 2014, Bahdanau et al.[23] improved the previous seq2seq model by using an
"additive" kind of attention mechanism in-between two LSTM networks. It was,
however, not yet the parallelizable (scaled "dot product") kind of attention, later
proposed in the 2017 transformer paper.
• In 2015, the relative performance of Global and Local (windowed) attention model
architectures were assessed by Luong et al, a mixed attention architecture found to
improve on the translations offered by Bahdanau's architecture, while the use of a
local attention architecture reduced translation time.[24]
• In 2016, Google Translate gradually replaced the older statistical machine
translation approach with the newer neural-networks-based approach that included
a seq2seq model combined by LSTM and the "additive" kind of attention
mechanism. They achieved a higher level of performance than the statistical
approach, which took ten years to develop, in only nine months.[25][26]
• In 2017, the original (100M-sized) encoder-decoder transformer model with a faster
(parallelizable or decomposable) attention mechanism was proposed in the
"Attention is all you need" paper. As the model had difficulties converging, it was
suggested that the learning rate should be linearly scaled up from 0 to maximal
value for the first part of the training (i.e. 2% of the total number of training steps).
The intent of the transformer model is to take a seq2seq model and remove its
recurrent neural networks, but preserve its additive attention mechanism.[1]
• In 2018, in the ELMo paper, an entire sentence was processed before an
embedding vector was assigning to each word in the sentence. A bi-directional
LSTM was used to calculate such, deep contextualized embeddings for each word,
improving upon the line of research from bag of words and word2vec.
• In 2018, an encoder-only transformer was used in the (more than 1B-
sized) BERT model, improving upon ELMo.[27]
• In 2020, vision transformer[28] and speech-processing convolution-augmented
transformer[29] outperformed recurrent neural networks, previously used for vision
and speech.
• In 2020, difficulties with converging the original transformer were solved by
normalizing layers before (instead of after) multiheaded attention by Xiong et al.
This is called pre-LN Transformer.[30]
• In 2023, uni-directional ("autoregressive") transformers were being used in the
(more than 100B-sized) GPT-3 and other OpenAI GPT models.[31][32]
Before transformers, predecessors of attention mechanism were added to gated recurrent
neural networks, such as LSTMs and gated recurrent units (GRUs), which processed datasets
sequentially. Dependency on previous token computations prevented them from being able to
parallelize the attention mechanism. In 1992, fast weight controller was proposed as an
alternative to recurrent neural networks that can learn "internal spotlights of attention".[16][6] In
theory, the information from one token can propagate arbitrarily far down the sequence, but in
practice the vanishing-gradient problem leaves the model's state at the end of a long sentence
without precise, extractable information about preceding tokens.
The performance of old models was enhanced by adding an attention mechanism, which
allowed a model to access any preceding point along the sequence. The attention layer weighs
all previous states according to a learned measure of relevance, providing relevant information
about far-away tokens. This proved to be especially useful in language translation, where far-
away context can be essential for the meaning of a word in a sentence. The state vector has
been accessible only after the last English word was processed while, for example, translating
it from French by a LSTM model. Although in theory such a vector retains the information about
the whole original sentence, in practice the information is poorly preserved. If an attention
mechanism is added, the decoder is given access to the state vectors of every input word, not
just the last, and can learn attention weights that dictate how much to attend to each input state
vector. The augmentation of seq2seq models with the attention mechanism was first
implemented in the context of machine translation by Bahdanau, Cho, and Bengio in 2014.[4][5]
Decomposable attention[edit]
In 2016, highly parallelizable decomposable attention was successfully combined with
a feedforward network.[33] This indicated that attention mechanisms were powerful in
themselves and that sequential recurrent processing of data was not necessary to achieve the
quality gains of recurrent neural networks with attention. In 2017, Vaswani et al. also proposed
replacing recurrent neural networks with self-attention and started the effort to evaluate that
idea.[1] Transformers, using an attention mechanism, processing all tokens simultaneously,
calculated "soft" weights between them in successive layers. Since the attention mechanism
only uses information about other tokens from lower layers, it can be computed for all tokens in
parallel, which leads to improved training speed.

Methods for stabilizing training[edit]
The plain transformer architecture had difficulty converging. In the original paper[1] the authors
recommended using learning rate warmup. That is, the learning rate should linearly scale up
from 0 to maximal value for the first part of the training (usually recommended to be 2% of the
total number of training steps), before decaying again.
A 2020 paper found that using layer normalization before (instead of after) multiheaded
attention and feedforward layers stabilizes training, not requiring learning rate warmup.[30]
The GT3 model integrates CWTE, SWTE, and TTE using a self-adaptive gate layer, enabling
efficient and effective fusion of three types of features for end-to-end text-driven stock market
Transformers typically undergo self-supervised learning involving unsupervised pretraining
followed by supervised fine-tuning. Pretraining is typically done on a larger dataset than fine-
tuning, due to the limited availability of labeled training data. Tasks for pretraining and fine-
tuning commonly include:

• language modeling[12]
• next-sentence prediction[12]
• question answering[3]
• reading comprehension
• sentiment analysis[1]
• paraphrasing[1]
The T5 transformer paper[35] documents a large number of pretraining tasks. Some examples

• restoring corrupted text: Thank you <X> me to your party <Y> week. -
> <X> for inviting <Y> last <Z> where the <Z> means "end of output".
• translation: translate English to German: That is good. -> Das ist
gut. .
• judging the grammatical acceptability of a sentence: cola sentence: The
course is jumping well. -> not acceptable .

The transformer has had great success in natural language processing (NLP), for example the
tasks of machine translation and time series prediction. Many large language models such
as GPT-2, GPT-3, GPT-4, Claude, BERT, XLNet, RoBERTa and ChatGPT demonstrate the
ability of transformers to perform a wide variety of such NLP-related tasks, and have the
potential to find real-world applications. These may include:

• machine translation
• document summarization
• document generation
• named entity recognition (NER)[36]
• biological sequence analysis
• writing computer code based on requirements expressed in natural language.
• video understanding.
In addition to the NLP applications, it has also been successful in other fields, such
as computer vision, or the protein folding applications (such as AlphaFold).
As an illustrative example, Ithaca is an encoder-only transformer with three output heads. It
takes as input ancient Greek inscription as sequences of characters, but with illegible
characters replaced with "-". Its three output heads respectively outputs probability distributions
over Greek characters, location of inscription, and date of inscription.[37]

The transformer model has been implemented in standard deep learning frameworks such
as TensorFlow and PyTorch.
Transformers is a library produced by Hugging Face that supplies transformer-based
architectures and pretrained models.[11]


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