Expressive Arts Questions and Answers
Expressive Arts Questions and Answers
Expressive Arts Questions and Answers
5, 6, 7 AND 8
1. Give two activities that make the body to move at different height levels
- Jumping
- Chopping wood
2. State the importance of body movement
- Helps to coordinate muscles and joints
- Helps in body fitness
3. Give any two shapes created by drawing
- Geometric shapes
- Toys
4. Give any two geometrical shapes which are found in the home and school
- Circles
- Rectangles
- Squares
- Triangles
5. List down any three materials for sewing
- Thread
- Needles
- Fabric
6. Give any two risks in sewing
- Being pricked by needles
- Stepping or sitting on needles
7. Give any one precautionary measure in sewing
- Putting needles on cushion after use
8. Give any two materials for knitting
- Knitting threads
- Knitting needles
9. State two main types of sewing stitches
- Permanent stitches
- Temporary stitches
10. Mention three kinds of permanent stitches
- Joining stitches
- Neatening stitches
- Decorative stitches
11. Give any two examples of joining stitches
- Back stitch
- Running stitch
- Oversewing stitch
12. Give any two examples of neatening stitches
- Hemming stitch
- Loop or blanket stitch
- Overcasting stitch
- Buttonhole stitch
- Herringbone stitch
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13. Give any two examples of decorative stitches
- Cross stitch
- Satin stitch
- Stem stitch
- Chain stitch
- Whipped running
14. State any three examples of temporary stitches
- Even tacking
- Uneven tacking
- Long and short tacking
15. What do the following letters stand for in knitting?
(a) C/on
- cast on
(b) C/off
- cast off
(c) Sts
- stitches
13. Give any three tools for carving
- Axes
- Panga knife
- Adze
14. Give any two materials for carving
- Wood
- Soapstone
15. State any one risk in carving
- Being cut by sharp objects
16. What is weaving
- Weaving is interlocking of wefts and warps
17. Give any two materials for weaving
- Bamboos
- Poles
18. Give any two products made by weaving
- Granaries
- Winnower
19. Explain why carved materials should not be placed in water for a long time.
- To avoid expansion and breaking
20. Explain any two uses of temporary stitches
- Keeping a hem in position
- Keeping together two edges of fabric before making a permanent stitch
- Guiding a straight stitching line
- Transferring pattern marking from paper to fabric
21. What name is given to a geometrical shape below?
- Triangle
81. Name any two activities that can be done to decorate the drawing
- Painting
- Shading
- Body stretching
18. Explain any two values of mirroring activities
- They promote discipline
- They promote attention
- They promote unity
- They help to learn the activity easily
19. State two forms of communication
- Verbal communication
- Non-verbal communication
20. Describe the difference between verbal and non-verbal forms of expression and
- Verbal communication uses words while non-verbal communication does not use words
21. Shaking the head in Malawi may mean
- Disapproval
22. Give any two examples of artworks which can be used to communicate verbally
- Singing
- Drama
23. Give any two examples of artworks which can be used to communicate non-verbally
- Posters
- Drawings
24. Explain any two importance of using verbal forms of communication and expression
- Ideas and feelings may be fully clarified
- People are able to ask for clarification
25. Give any two ways of communicating feelings and ideas
- Use of language
- Use of gestures
83. Mention any two artistic activities that destroy the environment
- Carving
- Weaving
- Plaiting
84. State any two activities that promote the conservation of the environment
- Planting trees
- Planting grass
- Making dams
- Harvesting rain water
85. Name any two ways how the children can express their rhythmic abilities
- Dancing
- Singing
- Playing
86. Mention any two artistic activities that are used to improve the home
- Weaving
- Knitting
- Plaiting
- Painting
- Carving
- Sewing
87. State one reason for putting branches of trees on the road in Malawian culture
- Funeral
- Car breakdown
88. State any two activities that can be used to communicate non-verbally
- Posters
- Gestures
- Miming
- Painting
89. Name any two artistic activities which use tempo
- Sewing
- Dancing
- Knitting
- Singing
- Carving
90. Name the colour of clothes that a widow wears during mourning period
- Black
91. What does red colour in Malawi stand for?
- Danger
92. What does white colour in Malawi stand for?
- Wedding
93. What does green colour on traffic lights mean?
- Go
94. What does red colour in China stand for?
- Wedding
- Applique
151. Why should clay items be dried in a shed?
- Direct sunshine causes items to crack
152. Give any two importance of artwork in the community
- It promotes economic development
- It is a source of income
- It promotes tourism
153. Give any three art works which can be decorated by tattooing
- Clay work
- Wood carving
- Stone carving
154. How could the community ensure sustainability of the carving industry in Malawi?
- By planting more trees
155. How does an umpire communicate with players in a game?
- By blowing a whistle
156. Why do learners conduct mock sale after producing art items?
- To promote skills
157. Name any two things that can help to improve the quality of life
- Physical activities
- Eating balanced diet
158. Explain any two importance of a clean environment with trees and flowers
- It adds beauty
(i) Mention the type of space that is used by each individual in the figure
- Personal space
(ii) Name any two activities that require the type of space mentioned in 6 (i)
- Head stand
- Push ups
7. Mention any two local materials that could be used for making garments that convey
cultural messages
- Banana leaves
- Animal skins
- Feathers
8. Mention any two artwork activities that may cause damage to the environment
- Carving
- Weaving
9. Mention the first thing to consider when writing a play for commercial purposes
- Target audience
10. A carving which has a definite form and looks real is called
- Naturalistic
11. What does the top number in the time signature 4 stand for in music?
- Beats in a bar
12. What does the attire of animal skins and shields symbolize in some cultures?
- They are warriors
(a) Give any two ways in which the cultural values have been shown in the illustration
- Kneeling
- Taking the hat off
(b) What cultural value is shown in the illustration?
- Respect
40. Give any one cultural dance among the Nkhonde
- Chioda
41. Explain any two factors to consider in garment construction
- Knowing what is to be made
- Size of the wearer
- Amount of fabric to be used
- The designs that are in fashion
42. What does the following pattern marking in garment making mean?
(i) Give any two effects of the activity shown in the figure above on the environment
- Deforestation
- Air pollution
(ii) Mention any two ways in which the effects in 76 (i) could be prevented
- Planting more trees
- Stop cutting down trees for charcoal making
77. Mention any two artistic items that can be modelled
- Clay pots
- Dolls
- Wire cars
78. Mention body measurements required for making petticoats.
- Waist line
- Hip line
79. Identify musical notes below.
a = whole note
- Gymnastics
85. What are bad effects of risks in gymnastics? Give any two points
- Fainting
- Death
86. Define first aid
- It is the first help given to an injured person
87. State any three importance of first aid
- It helps to promote quick recovery
- It helps to prevent the condition from becoming worse
- It helps to sustain life.
88. What does ABC in first aid stand for?
A = Airway
B = Breathing
C = Circulating
89. What does CPR in first aid stand for?
- C = Cardio
- P = Pulmonary
(i) Identify any two materials that could be used to make this type of collage
- Paper
- Seeds
- Small stones
- Wood carves
- Dry sticks
- Leaves
- Fibre
- Lichens
(ii) Mention any two skills that could be developed when making collage
- Carving
- Designing
48. State any two ways of identifying elements of enjoyment in a performance
- Facial expressions
- Unique body movements
- Articulation of words
49. Mention any two challenges that one may face in order to produce homemade
- Lack of skills
- Lack of money
50. Define the term “role playing”
- Role playing is the dramatisation of a situation
(i) Name any two artistic activities that could lead to this problem
- Carving
- Weaving
(ii) Give any two ways in which this problem could be prevented
- Planting more trees
- Avoiding careless cutting of trees
87. Which substances help to stick dye to the fabric? Give any one point
- Salt
- Chrome
- Tin
- Copper sulphate
- Paraffin
- Cream of tartar
- Acetic acid
88. Why is salt added to dye solution when preparing dyes?
- To fix the dye
89. Mention any four articles that can be made using dyed materials
- Hats
- Bags
- Mats
- Baskets
90. State any two examples of collaborative art works
- Weaving
- Drawing
- Carving
91. Why is teamwork important in artwork?
- It helps people to share knowledge and skills
92. Give any one way of caring for learning resources
- Storing them in a safe place
Figure below is a diagram of an artistic item. Use it to answer questions 93 and 94
(i) Name any two materials that can be used to make the resource
- Marker pens
- Chart papers
(ii) Mention any two skills that could be used to make the resource
- Drawing
- Tracing
152. What does ‘showing perspective through size’ mean?
- It means that objects of similar size appear to get smaller as they recede into a distance
153. What name is given to the stage at which a learner writes about the difference between
their expectations and realities of the work place?
- Post experience activities
154. Figure below shows a cartoon. Use it to answer questions that follow