We Haven't Been Able To Take Your Direct Debit Payment: NEST, Nene Hall, Lynch Wood Business Park, Peterborough, PE2 6FY
We Haven't Been Able To Take Your Direct Debit Payment: NEST, Nene Hall, Lynch Wood Business Park, Peterborough, PE2 6FY
We Haven't Been Able To Take Your Direct Debit Payment: NEST, Nene Hall, Lynch Wood Business Park, Peterborough, PE2 6FY
Lockbane Limited
19 Nottingham Place
26 May 2017
Dear Shiraz
On 25 May 2017 we tried to take £38.88 by Direct Debit from your bank or building society
account. Unfortunately we were unsuccessful.
We've been told by your bank or building society this was because the bank/building society
do not hold a Direct Debit mandate.
We've included a Direct Debit failure sheet which provides more detail.
· changing your method of payment from Direct Debit to direct credit or debit card. You can
always change the payment method back to Direct Debit afterwards if you'd like to
· setting up a new Direct Debit mandate. It will take at least five working days for your new
Direct Debit mandate to become available for you to use. If contributions are due during
this period you'll need to use an alternative payment method
You have a legal duty to pay contributions for all workers you enrol into NEST and to make
sure these contributions are paid to NEST on time, in line with the Payment Schedule.
NEST, Nene Hall, Lynch Wood Business Park, Peterborough, PE2 6FY
Where to go for more information
We provide online support and answers to frequently asked questions at
centre.html. If you're having difficulty using the website you can call our contact centre on
0300 020 0393.
Yours sincerely
Richard Hardy
Employer Services Manager
Direct Debit failure
We tried to take your payment by Direct Debit from your bank or building society but were
unsuccessful. This payment was for: