Liang 2019
Liang 2019
Liang 2019
a facile hydrothermal route. The response of the ZnO NPs to mechanical stimuli is so
sensitive that even an ant walking and acoustic vibration can trigger the luminescence
enhancement. The mechanism for this unusual behavior was attributed to the electron
injection process between crystal boundaries. Thus, this work opens up the possibility of
detecting slight mechanical stimuli wirelessly, rapidly, and sensitively. Importantly, the
sensitive response of the NPs to sound waves can find potential application in devices for
hearing-impaired people.
Figure 1. (a) SEM image of the as-prepared ZnO NPs. (b) Statistical size distribution of the ZnO NPs. (c) XPS spectrum of the ZnO NPs. (d)
FTIR spectrum of the ZnO NPs.
Figure 2. (a) Photoluminescence excitation (PLE) spectrum monitored at 560 nm and the photoluminescence (PL) spectrum excited by 365 nm
of the ZnO NPs. (b) Fluorescence spectra of the as-prepared ZnO NPs before and after stimuli. The inset shows the corresponding photographs.
(c) Photograph of an ant walking on as-prepared sample. (d) The corresponding footprint distributions derived by extracting the gray scale of the
real-time captured image.
shows clear lattice fringe with interplanar spacing of 0.26 nm peaks of Zn 2p, O 1s, and C 1s can be observed from the
that corresponds to the (0001) plane of wurtzite ZnO,23 which pattern, and no other elements can be found from the spectra.
reveals the highly crystalline nature of the ZnO nanoparticles The Zn 2p and O 1s peaks can be attributed to ZnO, while the
(NPs). The XRD pattern of the samples is shown in Figure S2, peaks of C 1s possibly stem from the functional groups
and the diffraction peaks correspond well to hexagonal wurtzite adsorbed on the crystal surface. In addition, the FTIR
ZnO (JCPDS 89-1397).24 spectrum was employed to investigate the functional groups
XPS spectra are collected to determine the chemical on the surface of the ZnO NPs, as shown in Figure 1d. The
compositions of the ZnO NPs. As shown in Figure 1c, the absorption peaks located at 1550 and 1420 cm−1 can be
3558 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.9b01092
J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2019, 10, 3557−3562
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters Letter
Figure 3. Photographs and intensity distribution maps of the ZnO NPs upon exposure to various sounds at different decibel levels: (a) air-raid
warning, (b) thunder, and (c) whistle (scale bar: 1 cm).
attributed to the asymmetric and symmetric stretching broad and ranges from 250 to 380 nm. Under excitation at 365
vibration of the carboxylic group (−COO−), confirming the nm, the ZnO sample exhibits a strong and broad emission
adsorption of acetate on the ZnO crystals.25 The absorption band from 430 to 700 nm peaking at 560 nm. The strong
bands at 3600−3700 cm−1 can be assigned to the stretching visible emission is believed to be derived from the transitions
vibration mode of −OH groups from the adsorbed water. The from trap levels,30 although the exact type of the defects
broad absorption band observed at around 500 cm−1 belongs (interstitial, vacancy, impurity, etc.) in the ZnO matrix is still
to the stretching vibration mode of Zn−O. The XPS and FTIR under debate. To shed more light on the carrier recombination
observations further confirm the composition of the as- process in the ZnO NPs, the transient fluorescence spectra was
synthesized ZnO NPs. measured. Figure S3 shows the excited-state lifetimes of the
As is known, the −COOH groups can adsorb certain facets fluorescent defects excited by a 350 nm laser. The decay curve
of crystal nuclei and inhibit the growth of these crystal can be fit to a two-order exponential function as following:
planes.26,27 Empirically, the surfactant molecules prefer to
y = y0 + C1 exp( −t /τ1) + C2 exp(−t /τ2) (1)
adsorb on the lattice plane where the atomic planar density
(APD) is higher. In this case, the ZnO nanocrystals adopt a
where y is the emission intensity; y0, C1, and C2 are constants; t
hexagonal-close-packed (hcp) structure, where the atomic
is time; τ1 and τ2 are decay lifetimes of the emission. τ1 and τ2
planar density28 of (0001) and (1000) is determined to be 1.1 are calculated to be 374.27 and 28.97 ns, respectively. Herein,
× 1019 and 5.9 × 1018 atoms/m2, respectively. Consequently, τ1 may come from the defect-level recombination inside the
the −COOH groups would adsorb on the (0001) planes ZnO NPs, whereas τ2 is probably ascribed to the surface
preferentially because of the higher APD, resulting in the faster defects’ recombination.31,32
growth of (1000) planes than that of the (0001) planes. Thus, Interestingly, an unexpected luminescence enhancement was
the fast growing (1000) facets shrink and the ZnO crystals are observed when an external mechanical stimuli was exerted on
bound by (0001) planes which exhibit the hexagonal pyramid the as-prepared ZnO NPs. As shown in the inset of Figure 2b,
shape eventually. The base of the pyramid-like ZnO nano- the ZnO NPs show an orange-yellow fluorescence under UV
crystals is the (0001) plane, while the lateral faces were lamp. The enhanced luminescence was clearly observed when
surrounded by (011̅0), (1̅100), (1̅010), (01̅10), (11̅00), and the ZnO powder was lightly scratched in a circle shape as a
(101̅0) planes.29 This is confirmed by the HETEM image proof-of-concept of mechanical stimuli. It can be seen that the
(Figure S1b), which clearly shows the (0001) plane of the luminescence intensity of the circular region is significantly
pyramid surface. higher than the surrounding, and the luminescence will recover
The luminescent properties of the ZnO NPs have been to the original situation when the external stimulus is removed.
investigated by PL spectroscopy and CCD spectrometry. The luminescence enhancement induced by mechanical
Figure 2a exhibits the fluorescence spectrum of the ZnO NPs stimuli is also demonstrated by the emission spectra, which
powder excited by a xenon lamp. The PL excitation spectrum, obviously shows that the luminescence intensity is increased
which was obtained by monitoring the emissions of 560 nm, is dramatically after stimuli (Figure 2b). In order to evaluate if
3559 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.9b01092
J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2019, 10, 3557−3562
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters Letter
Figure 5. (a) Photocurrent dynamics under UV light illumination with the center wavelength at 365 nm. The inset is the illustration of the test
process. (b) Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy pattern of the zinc oxide nanoparticles before and after annealing. (c) TEM image of
ZnO@SiO2 core−shell nanostructures.
other ZnO nanostructures, such as ZnO QDs and nanowires, As expected and interestingly, the luminescence enhancement
also have this phenomenon, ZnO QDs and nanowires have was clearly observed (as shown in Figure 3), and the
been synthesized. The typical morphological and luminescent luminescence intensity will increase as a function of the
characterizations of the as-prepared samples have been sound volume in the decibel range of 40−60 dB (Figures 3 and
analyzed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), trans- S5). To demonstrate the difference more clearly, the photos of
mission electron microscopy (TEM), and CCD spectrometry. luminescent ZnO NPs were transferred into a pseudocolor
As shown in Figure S4, mechano-stimuli luminescence map by MATLAB software to visualize the intensity
enhancement of ZnO QDs and nanowires cannot be detected. distribution. Thus, the audio signal can be converted into an
Interestingly, the response of the ZnO NPs to mechanical optical signal directly and the sound volume can even affect the
stimuli is so sensitive that even an ant walking can trigger the luminescent intensity. It is worth noting that the sound stimuli
luminescence enhancement (the average weight of an ant is that can trigger the ZnO NPs is exactly in the frequency and
only 50 mg). The ultrasensitive stimuli-responsive lumines- volume range audible to the human ear. Therefore, the as-
cence can be clearly observed by the naked eye, as shown in prepared NPs may find potential application in security alerts
Figure 2c. The corresponding video is shown in Supple- or communication assistance for hearing-impaired people.
mentary Movie 1. The corresponding footprint distributions of On the basis of the experimental results mentioned above, it
the ant are derived by extracting the gray scale of the real-time is speculated that the luminescence enhancement of the ZnO
captured image as presented in Figure 2d. The clear footprints NPs is ascribed to an electron injection process initiated by
suggest the possibility of recording detailed information mechanical stimuli. During the hydrothermal synthesis process,
through the change of gray value in sensing applications. the zinc acetate decomposed to produce ZnO crystal nucleus:
In view of the ultrasensitive response to mechanical stimuli, Zn(CH3COO)2 + H 2O → ZnO + 2CH3COOH
we considered if the luminescence enhancement of as-prepared
ZnO NPs can be triggered by another weak mechanical As discussed above, the CH3COO− groups adsorbed on the
stimuliacoustic vibration. To test this hypothesis, the NPs crystal face to induce the formation of the pyramid-like
were exposed to several audio sources including the sounds of nanostructure. It is worth noting that the number of adsorbed
air-raid warning, thunder, and whistle at different decibel levels. acetate groups varies with the APD of crystal planes, thereby
3560 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.9b01092
J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2019, 10, 3557−3562
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters Letter
leading to the diversity in charge density of different surfaces. realize stimuli-responsive behavior and can find application in
Under UV irradiation, the electrons are excited into the sensing for stress, friction, and even sound.
conduction band and then trapped by the defect level to
exhibit a yellow emission. Meanwhile, the number of
photogenerated carriers gathered at the crystal surfaces varies
S Supporting Information
with the charge density of different planes. Therefore, an The Supporting Information is available free of charge on the
electron injection process will occur if different faces of the ACS Publications website at DOI: 10.1021/
ZnO crystal contact with each other when the ZnO powders clett.9b01092.
are exposed to mechanical stimuli (such as stirring, scratching,
etc.), which results in the carrier recombination between Synthesis and characterization; TEM (Figure S1a) and
crystal boundaries. Thus, the enhanced luminescence will be HRTEM (Figure S1b) images, XRD pattern (Figure
S2), and fluorescence decay curve (Figure S3) of as-
observed. The corresponding mechanisms of the external
prepared ZnO NPs; TEM images and luminescent
force-enhanced photoluminescence processes are shown in
response to stimuli of other ZnO nanostructures (QDs
Figure 4.
and nanowires) (Figure S4); additional sound-stimu-
According to the above analysis, three factors are mainly
lated luminescent enhancement results (Figure S5); PL
responsible for the luminescence enhancement: (a) the
and PLE spectra of ZnO NPs after annealing and SiO2
aggregation of carrier on the surface, (b) anisotropic electron
coating (Figure S6) (PDF)
distribution on crystal faces, and (c) direct contact of the ZnO
grains. To verify the hypothesis, a series of experiments were Movie of ant triggering luminescence enhancement of
conducted. The aggregation of carrier on the crystal surface is the sample as in Figure 2c,d (MP4)
the presupposition of an electron injection process. To verify
this, the photocurrent dynamics of the as-prepared ZnO NPs
under UV-light irradiation was measured. Figure 5a shows that
Corresponding Authors
a current as high as 0.24 μA was obtained. One can imagine *E-mail:[email protected].
that if there were no external circuit (the situation in *E-mail: [email protected].
measuring equipment), generated carriers will saturate and a
part of photogenerated carriers would be accumulated on the
surface of ZnO NPs. The surface acetate groups play a key role Qi Zhao: 0000-0002-1369-6823
in the anisotropic electron distribution. In order to validate it, Lin Dong: 0000-0002-4126-6812
the as-prepared ZnO NPs were annealed in air at 300 °C to Notes
remove the surface groups. As the FTIR spectra illustrate in The authors declare no competing financial interest.
Figure 5b, the bands at 1550 and 1420 cm−1 coming from the
stretching vibration of the carboxylic group disappear in the
annealed sample. Figure S6a shows that the annealed ZnO NPs
This work was financially supported by the Natural Science
also emit visible luminescence, but the mechano-stimuli Foundation of China (21601159 and 61604132), the Key
luminescent enhancement cannot be observed. Another Project of Henan Province (171100210600), and the National
precondition for electron injection is the direct contact of Science Foundation for Distinguished Young Scholars of China
the ZnO crystals. To prove that, the ZnO nanocrystals were (61425021).
coated with SiO2 to inhibit the contact between grains. The
TEM image in Figure 5c shows that the ZnO@SiO2 core/shell
nanostructures was fabricated. As presented in Figure S6b, the
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