2023 Brotzer Al SRL
2023 Brotzer Al SRL
2023 Brotzer Al SRL
The development of high-sensitive ground-motion instrumentation for Earth and
planetary exploration is governed by so-called low-noise models, which characterize
the minimum level of physical ground motions, observed across a very broad frequency
range (0.1 mHz–100 Hz). For decades, broadband instruments for seismic translational
ground-motion sensing allowed for observations down to the Earth’s low-noise model.
Knowing the lowermost noise level distribution across frequencies enabled not only to
infer characteristics of Earth such as the ocean microseismic noise (microseisms) and seis-
mic hum, but also to develop highly successful ambient seismic noise analysis techniques
in seismology. Such a low-noise model currently does not exist for rotational ground
motions. In the absence of a substantial observational database, we propose a prelimi-
nary rotational low-noise model (RLNM) for transverse rotations based on two main
wavefield assumptions: the frequency range under investigation is dominated by sur-
face-wave energy, and the employed phase velocity models for surface waves are rep-
resentative. These assumptions hold, in particular, for a period range of about 2–50 s and
lose validity towards long periods when constituents produced by atmospheric pressure
dominate. Because noise levels of vertical and horizontal accelerations differ, we expect
also different noise levels for transverse and vertical rotations. However, at this moment,
we propose a common model for both types of rotations based on the transverse RLNM. Cite this article as Brotzer, A., H. Igel,
We test our RLNM against available direct observations provided by two large-scale ring E. Stutzmann, J.-P. Montagner, F. Bernauer,
J. Wassermann, R. Widmer-Schnidrig,
lasers (G-ring and ROMY) and array-derived rotations (Piñon Flats Observatory array, C.-J. Lin, S. Kiselev, F. Vernon, et al. (2023).
Gräfenberg array, and ROMY array). We propose this RLNM to be useful as guidance Characterizing the Background Noise
Level of Rotational Ground Motions on
for the development of high-performance rotation instrumentation for seismic applica- Earth, Seismol. Res. Lett. XX, 1–12,
tions in a range of 2–50 s. Achieving broadband sensitivity below such a RLNM remains a doi: 10.1785/0220230202.
challenging task, but one that has to be achieved. Supplemental Material
Figure 1. (a) The distribution of yearly median power spectral Figure S6b. The black line indicates the maximum of the distri-
densities (PPSDs) for all stations shown in Figure. S6A color coded bution. (c) The estimated rotational low-noise models (RLNMs)
as a probability density with a computed median PSD, and the new based on the NLNM in panel (a) and the phase velocity curves in
low-noise model (NLNM) and new high-noise model (NHNM; panel (b). The black solid line indicates the median RLNM. The
black lines) by Peterson (1993). (b) The probability density of color version of this figure is available only in the electronic edition.
Rayleigh phase velocity curves at sampling locations shown in
interferometers). For this study, data of 2019 of the G-ring, Figure 2. The left panels show hourly power spectral densities for
located at the Geodetic Observatory in Wettzell (Germany; 2019 for the vertical component of (a) the ROMY ring laser in
e.g., Schreiber et al., 2006) and the vertical component of Fürstenfeldbruck, Germany; and (b) G-ring in Wettzell, Germany.
The right panel represents the median of all PSDs (red solid line)
rotational motions in seismology (ROMY) ring laser array
with a 95% confidence interval (red shade). The black dashed
(Igel et al., 2021), located at the Geophysical Observatory in line represents the RLNM. The color version of this figure is
Fürstenfeldbruck (Germany), are incorporated. Lasing in a available only in the electronic edition.
horizontal plane, both the G-ring as well as the horizontal ring
of ROMY are sensitive to rotations around a vertical axis.
Hence, these rotational motions are induced by SH-polarized for a selected bandwidth of 2–200 s. The median of the distri-
seismic waves (Love waves). The computed hourly PSDs for bution is selected and referred to hereafter as a theoretical
ROMY and G-ring of 2019 are shown in Figure 2. Gaps result RLNM. For the secondary microseism peak at ∼4–5 s, the
from nonoperational periods and maintenance work. The sec- RLNM yields a level of about 10−21 rad2 s2 Hz−1 and for the
ondary microseism is the dominating signal (2–10 s), with primary microseism peak (∼14 s) a level of about
expected seasonal variation, yielding more energy in the winter 5 × 10−24 rad2 s2 Hz−1 . The minimum rotational noise level is
months compared with the summer months (e.g., Tanimoto defined at 50–70 s with 10−26 rad2 s2 Hz−1 . For the secondary
et al., 2015). microseism, all three components of ADR of the PFO array
show a smooth increase in power toward the peak with a steep
Results drop toward 10 s (Fig. 3a). The peak for the secondary micro-
We convert the NLNM for vertical acceleration to a low-noise seism shows an offset of about 2 s toward longer periods com-
model for transverse rotations using equation (3). Figure 1c pared with the RLNM (Fig. 3a,b). Detailed investigations of this
shows the obtained RLNMs as a probability density distribution shift, observed at the PFO, is not within the scope of this article.
Seismic Array a (m) c (km/s) f min (Hz) f max (Hz) pmin (s) pmax (s)
The RMY array is divided into an inner (RMYi ) and outer (RMYo ) subarray.
For the horizontal components, the peak of primary microseism accelerations using globally distributed phase velocities of
is present with about one order of magnitude in power above the Rayleigh waves. The underlying assumptions are (1) that
model (Fig. 3a). The ADR power spectra of the inner and outer Rayleigh waves are the most energetic waves contributing
RMY array show a broad peak for the secondary microseism to the seismic noise for periods between 2 and 200 s; and
band with approximately one order of magnitude in power (2) the model-based phase velocities are representative.
higher (Fig. 3b). For the horizontal components, a signature Concerning the latter assumption, the largest variations are
of the primary microseism is present. The horizontal compo- at short period, and related to the crust and lithospheric lateral
nents of ADR for the GRF array follow the RLNM for periods heterogeneities. We are using phase velocities derived from the
within 18–70 s (Fig. 3c), supporting the estimated low-noise recent global models. To convert vertical acceleration into
level for these periods. A continuation of the PSD outside transverse rotation with equation (3), it is assumed that most
the sensitive period band of the array (see Table 1) is indicated of the seismic energy corresponds to the Rayleigh waves as
with dotted and dashed lines in Figure 3c. Median PSDs and a stated at the end of the Translation to rotation section as
95% confidence interval based on all PSDs of 2019 for G-ring assumption 1. Ambient seismic noise in the 3–300 s period
and ROMY are shown in Figure 3d. For periods longer than range is generated by ocean wave interactions with specific
10 s, the optical Sagnac interferometers G-ring and ROMY mechanisms depending on the period range (Hasselmann,
approach a power level at ∼2 × 10−22 rad2 s2 Hz−1 and 1963; Ardhuin et al., 2015). Secondary microseisms (period
3 × 10−22 rad2 s2 Hz−1 , respectively. This limit is mainly con- band: 3–10 s) are generated by ocean gravity wave–wave inter-
trolled by optical losses of the optical resonator at the coated actions and have been successfully modeled by considering the
mirrors. Generally, more energy in the period band for secon- propagation of Rayleigh waves from the source regions to the
dary microseisms for ROMY compared with G-ring is most stations (Stutzmann et al., 2012). Primary microseisms (period
likely attributed to the geological setting of ROMY inside the band: 10–20 s) are generated by ocean gravity waves interact-
pre-Alpine Molasse basin and its amplification characteristics. ing with the shallow ocean floor at the coast and can also be
effectively modeled by considering only Rayleigh wave propa-
Discussion gation (Gualtieri et al., 2019). Finally, the seismic hum with
Validation of the RLNM periods between 50 and 300 s was successfully modeled by con-
The NLNM and NHNM by Peterson (1993) have been influ- sidering ocean infragravity waves hitting continental shelves as
encing seismology in terms of better understanding Earth source mechanisms and the propagation of Rayleigh waves
by quantifying its continuously excited noise level across (Deen et al., 2018). Most sources of seismic noise in the period
frequencies, as well as a benchmark for instrument developers range of 3–300 s originate from the ocean. Based on excitation
to provide instruments able to observe the smallest signals. If by pressure loading at the ocean floor, Rayleigh waves are
taken at face value, the RLNM is three to four orders of mag- excited predominantly and polarized in the plane of propaga-
nitude in power below the self-noise level of currently operat- tion. However, Love waves, which have transverse polarization,
ing (portable) ground rotation sensors (see Fig. 3f), whereas at have also been observed (e.g., Friedrich et al., 1998). Recently,
the same time self-noise level of today’s broadband seismom- Gualtieri et al. (2021) and Le Pape et al. (2021) showed that
eters are below the NLNM in the studied period band. To close Love-wave constituents of secondary microseisms can be gen-
this gap and observe rotational ground motions at the level of erated by Rayleigh-to-Love-wave conversion on a 3D interface
the RLNM, major technical developments are still required. close to the source region. An analysis of the average energy
We provide the first estimate of the transverse RLNM for ratio of Rayleigh-to-Love waves for the secondary microseism
Earth based on a conversion of the NLNM for vertical including rotational measurements for the G-ring site in
concerning the period range. Toward long periods above 200– Figure 4. (a) Translational low-noise models for ground acceler-
300 s locally generated noise resulting from atmospheric move- ation: the new low- and high-noise models (NLNM and NHNM)
ment above the station starts to dominate seismic far-field sig- by Peterson (1993), as well as the horizontal (GSN-H) and the
vertical (GSN-Z) low-noise model based on data of the Global
nals, such as spheroidal and toroidal hum introduced rotations.
Seismic Network (GSN) by Berger et al. (2004). (b) The phase
Those influences are likely pronounced differently for vertical velocities for Rayleigh and Love waves are shown, including a
and transversal rotational components. For vertical and hori- 95% confidence interval. (c) The corresponding low-noise
zontal rotational observations at long periods, we expect a dif- models for transverse (-T) and vertical (-V) rotational motions
ferent level in analogy to translational observations, because according to equations (2) and (3). Here we assume that the
GSN-Z noise is predominantly composed of Rayleigh waves,
local processes, such as atmospheric pressure-induced ground
whereas the GSN-H noise is predominantly made up of Love
tilts, influence vertical and horizontal components differently. waves, being aware that the latter assumption of equiparti-
tioning is a very strong assumption. The color version of this
Conclusions figure is available only in the electronic edition.
We propose a (transverse) RLNM based on the NLNM by
Peterson (1993) for vertical accelerations, assuming domi-
nantly Rayleigh-wave type energy across a period range of To validate the RLNM with currently available observa-
2–200 s. The conversion is based on surface-wave velocities tions, we used array-derived rotations (ADR) from three differ-
extracted from state of the art lithospheric seismic velocity ently sized seismic arrays and direct rotational measurements
models. A comparison with GSN low-noise models for accel- of the large-scale ring lasers, G-ring and ROMY, over the entire
erations by Berger et al. (2004) reveals a lower noise level for year of 2019. All observational data are compatible with the
vertical rotations of about one magnitude in power, however, inferred background noise level for rotations of the RLNM
requiring a strong assumption of equipartitioning for the con- for their representative period bands.
version. We expect different levels for transverse and vertical Self-noise levels of state-of-the-art rotational sensors, either
rotation noise floors, but we propose that the transverse RLNM already operational or still under development, are compared
is taken as a benchmark for both types of rotations until better against the RLNM. Large-scale, high-sensitive ring lasers, such
constrained vertical RLNM models become available. as G-ring and ROMY, approach the RLNM, in particular, at