Ciap Document 102
Ciap Document 102
Ciap Document 102
Can the Contractor commence with the Work even What are the documents to be submitted by the
without the consent of the Owner? Contractor to the Owner before final payment?
Article 21.01 (Notice to Proceed, when Certificate of Final Building Occupancy;
required) states that premature commencement of Certificate of Final Inspection of electrical,
construction shall be at the Contractor’s risk, and the telephone, sanitary, mechanical, water, gas,
Owner gives the Contractor express or implied safety and other utilities;
authority to do so. Original and three (3) sets of prints of “As-Built
Drawings” of electrical, sanitary, gas, telephone,
How can the Owner ensure the quality and efficient and mechanical works;
execution of the Work? Three (3) copies of Directory of Panel Boards and
Section VI (Labor, Work and Payments) list of circuits;
provides that the Owner shall at all times have access Three (3) copies of Instructions and Manual for
to the Work and shall provide sufficient number of operating and maintaining of fixtures and
inspectors while Work is in progress to ensure quality. equipment;
Three (3) copies of Keying Schedule; and
Is substitution of materials and equipment allowed? Release of liens arising under the Contract (Sworn
Section III (Equipment and Materials) provides Statement or Indemnity Bond).
that all materials and equipment must conform to all
Laws that are in force and applicable during the Does the release of final payment relieve the
period of construction, and that the Contractor shall Contractor of liability for any defect in the Work?
bear all damages by reason of any delay in the Work After release of final payment and
arising from failure to comply with such Laws. acceptance by the Owner of the Work, the
Contractor is still liable for any defect in the Work, if:
the defect is hidden;
the Owner’s acceptance of the Work was made
with reservations to specific portion of the Work;
inferior work or work which does not comply with What is a punch list?
the Drawings and Specifications and is apparent Punch list, as defined under Article 20.11 C (a),
upon inspection by the Owner within one year is the list of defects found or discovered on the
from final payment; and completed work and which should be received by the
hidden defect discovered within the warranty Contractor not later than 30 days from date of
period or within one year from posting of the substantial completion.
Guarantee Bond.
What are the grounds for the suspension of the Work
The Contractor is likewise liable for damages if or termination of the Contract?
the edifice falls, within fifteen years from completion Section 8 (Suspension of Work and Termination
of the structure, on account of defects in the of Contract) illustrates the conditions by which the
construction or the use of materials of inferior quality Contractor or the Owner may suspend the Work or
or due to any violation of the terms of the contract as terminate the Contract.
provided in article 1723 of the Civil Code of the
Philippines. Are there prescribed periods within which the
contracting parties shall perform their respective
When shall the Owner release the retention money? obligations under the Contract?
The amount retained by the Owner under the CIAP Document 102 provides the prescribed
provision of the Contract shall be released not later time limits for the execution of the contract conditions
than the expiration of the “Period of Making Good of in order to facilitate the performance of the Works
Known Defects”. covered under the Contract [Section XI (Schedule of
Time Limits)].
What does “Period of Making Good of Known Defects”
mean? What circumstances necessitate an extension of
The expression “Period of Making Good of time?
Known Defects” shall mean a period of not more than Article 21.04 (Extension of Time) provides that
thirty (30) calendar days, calculated from the date of the Contractor shall be entitled to an equitable
receipt by the Contractor of the last item in the punch adjustment of completion time subject to certain
list. conditions.
If after release to the Contractor of final payment or Article 21.04 (D) states that delay in the
retention there are still unpaid claims of payment of any progress billing shall automatically
Subcontractors and/or suppliers, is the Owner obliged extend the Completion Time by a period equal to the
to pay such claims? delay.
Section IX, Article 33.01 provides that, as a
condition to final payment and/or release of the What is the penalty for delay?
retention, the Contractor shall release the Work from Article 21.05 provides that upon failure of the
any legal liens. Contractor to complete the Work within the
Completion Time, the Contractor shall pay the Owner
Can the Owner take possession of and use any liquidated damages in the amount stipulated in the
completed portion of the Work prior to overall Contract as indemnity but shall not exceed ten
completion? percent (10%) of the total contract price [Art. 29.06
Section VI, Article 20.10 (Use of Completed (3)].
Portions of Work) provides that the Owner may take
possession of and use any completed or partially In case of disagreements in the interpretation and
completed portion of the Work prior to overall implementation of the contract conditions, how can
completion, and shall issue a Certificate of CIAP help resolve such disputes?
Completion for such portion taken over and release Section IX, Article 33.04 provides that in case of
retention as required by the disagreements, the parties may engage the services
Contract. of an adjudicator to resolve their disputes, and that if
either of the party disagrees with the resolution of the
What is substantial completion? adjudicator, the parties may submit such disputes to
Section VI, Article 20.11 (Substantial arbitration.
Completion and its Effect) provides that there is
substantial completion when the Contractor One of the implementing arms of the CIAP, the
completes ninety five percent (95%) of the Work. Construction Industry Arbitration Commission (CIAC),
is tasked to provide alternative dispute resolution
facilities for the speedy and equitable settlement of
claims and disputes arising from, or connected with, Commission, by [indicate number: one or three]
construction contracts in the Philippines. CIAC offers arbitrator(s) to be appointed in accordance with such
mediation and arbitration as ways of reconciling Rules. The place of arbitration shall be [indicate
differences between disputants with the help of place].
people who are familiar/knowledgeable with the
construction industry. By negotiation among the parties (w/ time frame),
Mediation and Arbitration (by CIAC):
What is Mediation? Any dispute or differences arising out or in
Mediation, as defined under Section 6 of the connection with this contract shall be settled by
CIAC Mediation Rules, shall mean a voluntary process negotiation within a non-extendible period of 30 days
in which a mediator, selected by the disputing parties, from written demand by either party. If such
facilitates communication and negotiation, and negotiation should fail, the same shall be referred to
assists the parties in reaching a voluntary agreement the Construction Industry Arbitration Commission
regarding a dispute. (CIAC) for settlement; first, through mediation under its
Mediation Rules within a non-extendible period of 48
What is Arbitration? days; or failing which, by arbitration under its Rules of
Arbitration is defined as the investigation and Procedure Governing Construction Arbitration by
determination of matters of differences between [indicate number: one or three] arbitrator(s). The
contending parties by one or more unofficial persons, appointment of mediator or arbitrator/s shall be made
called arbitrators or referees, chosen by the parties. It in accordance with such Rules promulgated by the
is intended to avoid the formalities, the delay, the CIAC. The place of mediation or arbitration shall be
expense and vexation of ordinary litigation. [indicate place].
How can interested parties avail of CIAC facilities? What are the issues that can be submitted for
If a dispute arises, a party may initiate the mediation or arbitration?
mediation by delivering a written Request for The jurisdiction of the CIAC may include, but is
Mediation to the other party in accordance with the not limited to, the following:
CIAC Mediation Rules, or if mediation fails, a Request violation of specifications for materials and
for Arbitration in accordance with the CIAC Rules of workmanship;
Procedure Governing Construction Arbitration. violation of the terms of agreement;
interpretation and/or application of contractual
Are there recommended dispute resolution clauses? provisions;
For parties entering into a Contract who wish commencement time and delays;
to have future disputes referred to mediation and/or maintenance and defects;
arbitration, the following dispute resolution clauses changes in contract cost
may be included: payment default of employer or contractor; and
amount of damages and penalties.
Mediation and Arbitration (by CIAC):
Any dispute or differences arising out or in
connection with this contract shall be referred to the
Construction Industry Arbitration Commission (CIAC)
for settlement, first through mediation under its
Mediation Rules; or failing which, by arbitration under
its Rules of Procedure Governing Construction
Arbitration by [indicate number; one or three]
arbitrator(s). The appointment of mediator or
arbitrator/s shall be made in accordance with such
Rules. The place of mediation or arbitration shall be
[indicate place].
The Contractor shall perform his work subject to certain Time Limits. This indexed section, as based on the
entire General Conditions, is provided for in order to facilitate the execution of his work.
No. & Title Time Limit Reference
Article No.
1 CONTRACT TIME The Contractor shall commence the Work within seven (7) 21.02
1.1 Contract Time Reckoning days from receipt of Notice to Proceed (NTP) unless NTP
1.2 Request for Time provides for a later date 21.04
To be filed within fifteen (15) days from occurrence of
event which caused delay (par. B)
2 CONTRACT SUM To be submitted within fifteen days from receipt 22.01
2.1 Breakdown of Work & of the Notice to Proceed
Corresponding Value Notice to be given to Owner within fifteen (15) days 20.08
2.2 Claim for Extra Cost (1) after receipt of instruction involving extra cost, or
(2) after recognition of delay due to Owner’s fault
3.1 Owner’s Action on Payment To be made within thirty (30) days after receipt 22.05
Request of request for payment
3.2 Owner’s Action on Final To act within thirty (30) days from receipt of the 22.05
Payment Request request for payment
3.3 Delayed Payment Delay in payment of the amount due shall entitle the
3.4 Release of Retention Contractor to interest from due date based on the thirty
(30) day loan rate of the Land Bank of the Philippines
To be released not later than sixty (60) days from 22.11
substantial completion upon posting of Contractor’s
Guarantee Bond.
4 SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION and its Substantial Completion is attained if the Contractor 20.11
EFFECTS completes ninety-five percent (95%)of the works; or the
Owner approves the Contractor’s billing for completing at
least 95% of the works unless the Owner can establish that
the unfinished portion prevents the normal use of the
completed portion [par. A (a) & (b)].
The Owner may issue a Certificate of Substantial
Completion or equivalent document but the date of
document is not controlling if substantial completion is
shown to have been attained earlier, unless the
Contractor accepts the certificate without taking any
exceptions thereto in writing within fifteen (15) days from
receipt of the certificate [par. A (c)].
5.1 Issuance of Punch list The Owner shall issue the punch list/s which the Contractor 20.11
must receive not later than thirty (30) days from date of
substantial completion [par C (a)].
The Owner may add to the punch list items but only as to
corrective work in the original punch list/s not later than
sixty (60) days from substantial completion [par. C (b)].
5.2 Correction Before or After Poor or inferior work, apparent upon inspection to be 22.10
Final Payment condemned & Contractor notified to enable him to
correct, remove & replace the same. Owner has one year
from date of final payment to condemn poor or inferior
work, otherwise, instructions to remove or replace such
shall be treated as change order.
5.3 Making Good of Known Thirty (30) days from receipt by the Contractor 20.12 &
defects of the last item in the punchlist. 20.13
6 CONTRACTOR’S RIGHT TO Contractor may suspend work or terminate Contract 26.00
SUSPEND WORK OR TERMINATE upon 15 days written notice to Owner, for any of the
CONTRACT following reasons: