An Ensemble Approach For Intrusion Detection System Using Machine Learning Algorithms

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An Ensemble Approach for Intrusion Detection

System Using Machine Learning Algorithms

Rohit Kumar Singh Gautam Er.Amit Doegar

Chandigarh, India Chandigarh, India
[email protected] [email protected]

$EVWUDFW² &RXQWHULQJ QHWZRUN WKUHDWV HVSHFLDOO\ LQWUXVLRQ interception and do not flag an assault from throughout the
GHWHFWLRQ ,' LVDQ H[LJHQWILHOGRIUHVHDUFKLQ WKHDUHD RIGDWD procedure. An IDS, analyze a suspected interference as soon
VHFXULW\7KHSULPDU\UHVHDUFKSUREOHPRI,'6IURPWKHUHVHDUFK as it has happened and flags a warning. A substructure that
FRQFHUQV LV RSWLPL]LQJ LWV HIILFLHQF\ WKDW UHFHLYHV LQFUHDVLQJO\ ends associations is called an interference counteractive action
DWWHQWLRQ 7KH FKDQFH IURP VSDPPHUV DWWDFNHUV  FURRN substructure. Today, IDS [4, 6, 9] has become the need of
RUJDQL]DWLRQV KDV JURZQ XS ZLWK WKH HQODUJHPHQW RI QHW KHQFH nearly every organization. It helps to record information
,'6JUHZWREHDFRUHSDUWRIGLJLWDOQHWZRUNIRUWKHUHDVRQWKDW associated with detected actions, and alert security
RI LQFLGHQFH RI VXFK WKUHDWV 7KLV UHVHDUFK SHUIRUPV WKUHH administrator and produce reports [12]. This system constantly
monitors network for any abnormal activity.
(QWURS\ EDVHG DQDO\VLV DV )LOWHU 0HWKRG WR GHFLGH XSRQ WKH In NIDS, anti-threat software is installed only at specific
VDWLVIDFWRU\ IDFWRUV 5DQN  DV RSSRVHG WR XWLOL]LQJ DOO WKH  instance such as servers that provide communication between
System attack is as a rule characterised as an interruption to
UHVXOWV >@ 7KH WKLUG DQDO\VLV ZKHUH ZH SHUIRUP (QVHPEOH your method base a good way to first break down your
$SSURDFKE\PHDQVRIPDNLQJXVHRI,QIRUPDWLRQJDLQDVWRRSW surroundings and acquire knowledge with a exact finish goal
IRUWKHILQHFRPSRQHQWVDVRSSRVHGWRXVLQJDOOWKHHQWDLOVDQG to abuse the present open ports or vulnerabilities - this may
SOD\ RXW WKH WULDO ZLWK 1DLYH%D\HV $GDSWLYH%RRVW DQG 3$57 increasingly comprise unapproved access to your assets too
Passive attacksare in nature of roof dropping on, or checking
.H\ZRUGV ,'6 ,QWUXVLRQ 'HWHFWLRQ 6\VWHP  0DFKLQH of transmission. Inactive assaults contain exercise
OHDUQLQJ .''FXS 'DWDVHW )HDWXUH 6HOHFWLRQ (QVHPEOH examination, checking of unprotected correspondences,
unscrambling feebly encoded action, and catching
I. INTRODUCTION confirmation information, for example, passwords [18].
Active attack includes some alteration of the information
IDS are defined as a software utility that detects system
stream or formation of the false stream.
activities for hazardous movements and generates experiences
to management. An Intrusion Detection System is security
counter step to recognize set of intrusion that compromises the II. PROPOSED ALGORITHM
acquaintance, availability, and integrity of data sources [1].
The groups are using IDS with aim to identify problems with The methodology of designing the proposed scheme is divided
security policies and documenting existing threats. into three phases: Normalization, Feature Selection and
Ensemble Method.
Due to the advancement of internet technologies,
application, and protocol, traffic analysis of network have
$ Normalization
become more immense since it conception with the maximum
amount of network traffic data. In HIDS (Host based Intrusion
Detection System), anti-hazard application software such as In the primary analysis, the frameworks are prepared
utilizing all the 41 features and reduced the dimensionality of
antivirus software, firewall & spyware detection programme
dataset, the following steps takes place as shown in Figure 1.
installed on each computer which is connected over a network
that has two way access to the outward environment such as Step1: KDDcup-99 dataset with 41 features.
the internet. A snapshot of process documents is taken by it
and compared it with the earlier taken snapshot. If we when Step 2: Normalization of Data set with help of formula.
put next it with firewall, nonetheless they both establish with 
protection, IDS framework varies from firewall. Firewall ௓ି௠௜௡ಲ
constrains approach between techniques to prevent ܼ ᇱ ൌ  ሺͳሻ
௠௔௫ಲ ି௠௜௡ಲ

978-1-5386-1719-9/18/$31.00 2018 IEEE 61

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Where z’ is normalized value and z is initial value. Max Step5: Perform the test on Ensemble models & calculate
and min value for attribute A before normalization. the precision, recall & accuracy.
Step3: Feature Selection by Information Gain.
Step4: Input the feature & labels into Naïve Bayes, PART
& Adaptive boost & make three models. DATA SET
Step5: Perform the test on these models and calculate the
precision, recall & accuracy.
The Filter Method uses statistical approaches to provide a
ranking to the features. After providing the ranking user can FEATURE SELECTION USING INFORMATION
choose best k feature for the experiment like top 24or 41 GAIN
according to their requirement. third analysis where we
perform feature selection by means of making use of
Information Gain as to opt for the fine components as opposed
to using all the 41 entails and play out the trial with straight
Naïve Bayes, PART and Adaptive Boost and examine the
effects. We use correlation method because it represents the ADAPTIVE BOOST
distribution based similarity of features with reducing the
unbalancing of features in form of distribution. In this feature
selection phase, the following steps take place as shown in the
Step1: KDD-99 dataset with 41 features.
Step2: Normalization of Data set with help of formula. )LJXUH*HQHUDO0HWKRGRORJ\

Step3: Feature Selection by Information Gain.

Step4: Input the feature & labels into Naïve Bayes, PART
& Adaptive Boost and make three models. $ 'LVFULSWLRQRI'DWDVHW
Data set KDDcup 99 are used to carry out the experiment. It
Step5: Perform the test on these models and calculate the
was once created headquartered on the Defence developed
precision, recall & accuracy.
research undertaking company DARPA based on intrusion
&(QVHPEOH$SSURDFK detection analysis software [19]. They simulated computer
Ensemble Approach is performed in the third analysis by network operated as associate usual setting that used to be
utilizing to choose some best components as opposed to contaminated by using quite a lot of varieties of attacks. The
utilizing all the 41 include and plays out the trial with Naïve uncooked facts set turned into processed into connection files.
Bayes, PART and Adaptive boost and analyze the outcomes For every connection, forty one more than a few features had
[2]. We use Bagging method because it represents the been extracted. Each and every connection was labelled as
distribution based similarity of features with reducing the traditional or below exact kind of assault. There are 24 attacker
imbalancing or biasing and variance of features in form of forms that could be labelled into 4 important categories which
distribution. An ensemble approach we combined the result of summarized in Table 1. There are four important classes of
multiple classifier using average or majority of voting. The assaults described below:-
Bagging helps to reduce the variance error. The Bagging is also   'HQLDORI6HUYLFH$WWDFN '26  It prohibits the users
work as bootstrap aggregation. In bootstrapping we choose ‘n’ by closing the network or process else by rejecting the
observations or n-row of original dataset. But main key factor
accessibility of resources. DoS attack is categorized into two
is replacement of each row is selected original dataset so that
each row is equally likely to be selected in the every iteration. parts: the First one is operating system attacks which focus on
It is similar to sampling Technique. In the ensemble approach bugs and fix them with patches [3]. The second type of attack
phase the following steps takes place as shown in Figure 1. is network attacks which put the basic restriction on
networking protocol e.g. Smurf, Teardrop, SYN Flood.
Step1: KDD-99 dataset with 41 features.   8VHUWR5RRW$WWDFN 85 This attack occurs when an
attacker tries to get illegal eruption to the root level of the
Step2: Normalization of Data set with help of formula. target machine. The most common User to root attack is buffer
overflow where attacker capitalized on the program fault and
Step3: Feature Selection by Information Gain. assembled additional data into a buffer that is supposed to be
kept on an execution stack e.g. Buffer_overflow.
Step4: Input the feature & labels into Naïve Bayes, PART
&Adaptive Boost and make Ensemble Model.

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7$%/($77$&.67<3(,1.''FXS'$7$6(7 Where TN (true negative), TP (true positive), FP (false
positive) and FN (false negative)
The experiment used to be performed KDDcup99 [20].
'HQLDORI %DFN/DQG1HSWXQH3RG6PXUI7HDUGURS Linux machine is used to carry out experiment having
$WWDFNV configuration 8GB RAM and Processor Intel® Core™ i7-
[email protected]*8. Now, we have used R programming
language and Weka tool.
In this section, we reward a performance evaluation for some
8VHUWR5HPRWH %XIIHUBRYHUIORZORDGPRGXOHSHUOURRWNLW supervised learning methods. Here we used good identified
KDD Cup99 data [20] to make important investigations for
network anomaly. In this we perform three arrangements of
  5HPRWH WR /RFDO $WWDFN 5/  At the point, when an
trials. In the primary analysis, the frameworks are prepared
attacker gets the access as a user of the system or as the root
utilizing all forty one features. Feature selection is performed
from the remote system through the network that type of in second investigation by utilizing Information Gain as to
attack known as the Root to Local attacks. The guessing choose the best components as opposed to utilizing all the 41
Password is most common Remote to local attacks.(e.g. guest includes and play out the trial with Naïve Bayes, PART and
and dictionary attack). Adaptive Boost and analyze the outcomes. Ensemble method
 3URELQJ $WWDFN 352%(  ,Q WKLV W\SH RI DWWDFNV WKH is performed in the third analysis by voting to choose some
DWWDFNHU WULHV WR FROOHFW all information by analyzing the best components as opposed to utilizing all the 41 includes
network traffic to bypass the security management. An and play out the trial with Naïve Bayes, PART and Adaptive
intruder tries to fetch the valid IP address to find out different Boost and analyze the outcomes.
services used and which platform is used such as operating   3HUIRUPDQFH 0HDVXUH ZLWK DOO  )HDWXUHV 5HVXOWV 
system e.g. Ipsweep, nmap, portsweep, satan We ¿UVW FRPSDUHG WKH SHUIRUPDQFH RI WKUHH FODVVL¿FDWLRQ
schemes, namely Naïve Bayes, PART and Adaptive Boost.
% 3HUIRUPDQFH0DWULFV Table 2 illustrates the performance of Naïve Bayes, PART and
The important performance parameters chosen to analyze the Adaptive Boost algorithms for KDDcup99 data set for all 41
results are: features without applying feature selection. The result showed
by PART has significant by 41 features. Also Adaptive Boost
1. Precision showed better results in comparison Naïve Bayes.
2. Recall
3. Accuracy )($785(6)25.''FXS'$7$6(7>@
Precision is positive predicted value. Precision gives ratio of 1DwYH%D\HV   
true positive and predicted condition positive. It is calculated
as proportion of true positive from all positives and is 3$57 
calculated as: $GDSWLYH%RRVW   
ܲ‫ ݊݋݅ݏ݅ܿ݁ݎ‬ൌ  ்௉ାிே (2)
*DLQ  Outcome of feature selection utilizing Information
Recall determine how much useful data is access from any Gain confirmed that PART and Adaboost are most efficient
machine learning algorithm. It target on the important
for detecting assaults than Naïve Bayes as proven in Table 3
்௉ 7$%/(3(5)250$1&((9$/8$7,21:,7+$33/<,1*
ܴ݈݈݁ܿܽ ൌ  (3) )($785(6(/(&7,2186,1*,1)2*$,1)25.''FXS'$7$
$FFXUDF\ 6(7>@
Accuracy is one of the primary assess for evaluating the
performance of any algorithm. Accuracy is the propinquity of 1DwYH%D\HV   
analysis results to the true value and is calculated by following 3$57   
‫ ݕܿܽݎݑܿܿܣ‬ൌ  ்௉ା்௉ାிேାி௉ (4)
%DJJLQJ PHWKRG  Outcome of Ensemble Method utilizing

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