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Mitosis  Microtubule migrate to

opposite poles of the cell

 Division of nucleus into 2 genetically
 Chromosomes are prepared to
identical nuclei containing the same full
line up at the center of the cell
set of DNA.
 Occurs in somatic cells, except the sex Metaphase
 Prepares the cell for cytokinesis
 4 main phases: Prophase, Metaphase,
Anaphase, and Telophase
 This is how individuals grow body parts,
develop, repair damaged tissues,
replace dead cells and change at a
cellular level as they mature

 Chromosomes at the center
• Meta means “after”
• Events that occur:
 The spindle fibers attached to the
kinetochore facilitates the movements
of chromosomes toward the middle of
the cell
 The chromosomes appear to line up
along a plate equidistant from a
microtubule region

 Start of Mitosis Anaphase

• Pro means “before”

• Events that occur:

 Chromatin condenses the DNA

into chromosomes.
 Chromosomes are packaged
into neat bundles for easier to
move around when the division
 The nuclear envelope breaks  Chromatids to Opposite Poles
down.  Ana means “up” or “back”
 The nucleolus also disappears  Sister chromatids are tightly paired due
 Mitotic spindle is formed to the centromere and protein cohesin
 Events that occur:
 Cohesin breaks down and the
sister chromatids separate from
each other.
 Sister chromatids pull away
from each other toward the
opposite poles/ends of the cell.


• Entire cytoplasm divides into 2 cells

• Typically starts to occur in the late

anaphase or telophase

• Differs in animal and plant cell because

of some differences in cellular

Animal cell

 Reformation of Nuclei  formation of cleavage furrow

 Telo means “end”  The daughter cells receive equal
 Events that occur: portions of the parent’s plasma content
 2 complete sets of identical
chromosomes are positioned to  Contractile ring- made of overlapping
each pole of the cell. actin and myosin filaments
 The small fragments and
protein molecules are scattered
in the cytoplasm to rebuild the Plant cell
nuclear membrane.
 the membrane cannot pinch off
 Nuclear membrane starts to
because of the cell wall
form and chromosomes begin
to uncoil  A cell plate forms midway between the
2 daughter cells nuclei

 New cellulose and other materials are

laid down for the formation of the cell
wall to the newly formed plant cell.

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