Mor 1 Reviewer

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It involves gathering new data from primary

or first-hand sources or using existing data
for new purpose.
MODULE 1: THE MEANING AND NATURE 10. It sometimes requires courage
- Research is a systematic and objective process
1. To investigate a subject.
of collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data in
2. To collect data regarding the problem.
order to increase our understanding and
3. To conduct logical and objective study.
knowledge of a particular phenomenon.
4. To conduct a systematic enquiry of the
- A critical and analytical process that involves
formulating research questions, conducting
5. For carefully recording, reporting, and
literature reviews, selecting research methods,
presenting facts.
collecting, and analyzing data, and interpreting
and report findings. FUNCTIONS OF RESEARCH
- Involves critically evaluating work methods,
1. Research corrects perceptions as well as
implementing policies, and providing
expands them.
2. Research gathers information on subjects or
- Aims to discover more efficient ways of
phenomena we lack or have little knowledge
accomplishing tasks, reducing the effort required
to achieve objectives, and validating the accuracy
3. Research develops and evaluates concepts,
of our goals.
practices and theories.
- The word ‘research’ or ‘re-search’ means that a
4. Research also develops and evaluates
person has ‘to search again, to take another more
methods that test concepts, practices and
careful look, to find out more’.
5. Research obtains knowledge for practical
purposes like solving problems on population
explosion, drug addiction, juvenile
1. It is directed towards the solution of a delinquency, and the like.
problem 6. Research provides hard facts which serve as
2. It is based on observable experience or bases for planning, decision-making, project
empirical evidence. implementation, monitoring and evaluation.
3. It tries to be objective and logical, applying 7. Research helps in advancing knowledge in
every possible test to validate the procedure various fields.
employed, the data collected, and the 8. Solving complex problems
conclusions reached. 9. Research can inform marketing and sales
4. It demands accurate observations and strategies; as well as workforce development,
descriptions. training, and certification programs.
5. It is directed towards the solution of the 10. Research can help in advancing technology,
problem. enhancing functionality, increasing
6. It is carefully recorded and reported. efficiency, and reducing costs.
7. It requires expertise. 11. Research contributes to evidence-based
8. It involves the quest for answers to unsolved decision-making, informing policy, and
activity. practice in various fields.
12. Research fosters critical thinking and
evidence-based practice by critically
evaluating our work methods, policies, and 4. Experimental Research
instructions. - Reveals a cause-and-effect relationship by
13. Research can be used to identify areas for systematically manipulating one parameter
improvement and inform strategies for (independent variable) and observing the
continuous improvement in diverse areas. influence on another (dependent variable).

5. Product Development Research

Importance of Research in Graphics Technology
- The process of studying and investigating various
- It drives innovation and pushes the boundaries of aspects related to creating and improving
what is possible in the field; whether it's products.
developing new design tools, exploring - Crucial for businesses and industries aiming to
progressive printing techniques, or enhancing introduce new products, enhance existing ones,
digital imaging technologies. or optimize the development process.
- - It involves gathering information about market
needs, consumer preferences, technological
MODULE 2: MAJOR TYPES OF RESEARCH advancements, and other relevant factors to
1. Descriptive Research inform decision-making throughout the product
- A descriptive study is one in which information development lifecycle.
is collected within changing environment or
nothing is manipulated.
- Can provide information about the naturally
occurring health status, behavior, attitudes or
other characteristics of a particular group.
- Descriptive studies also conducted to
demonstrate associations or relationships
between things in the world around you.
- Types of Descriptive Research
a. Cross-sectional study – involves one-time
interaction with groups of people
b. Longitudinal study – study that follow
individuals over time
c. Observational studies – researcher do not
interact with the participants in an
environment. (May involves surveys or

2. Correlational Research
- Test for the relationship between two variables.
- To find out what the effect of one on the other
might be and how that affects the relationship.

3. Causal-Comparative Research
- unearth a cause-and-effect relationship involves
comparison, how variable is affected by the same
- Statistical analysis is engaged to synthesize the
data in a clear method of presentation.
I. Introduction
a. Background of the Study & Review of
Related Literature
b. Statements of the Problem
c. (Hypothesis and Assumptions)
d. Theoretical or Conceptual Framework /
e. Scope and Limitation
f. Definition of Key Terms
g. Significance of the Study

II. Method / Procedure

a. Research Design
b. Respondents
c. Sample Size and Sampling Design
d. Data Collection Technique (including
instrument validation and reliability test)
e. Phases: Planning Phase, Designing Phase,
Evaluation Phase, Testing Phase
f. Data Processing Procedure
g. Statistical Tools

Last Name, First letter of First Name (Year). Title.
Journal where the research is published. Retrieved
on (Date of accessed) from (Link)

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