Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things For Sustainable Farming and Smart Agriculture
Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things For Sustainable Farming and Smart Agriculture
Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things For Sustainable Farming and Smart Agriculture
ABSTRACT Technologies like AI and IoT have been employed in farming for some time now, along with
other forms of cutting-edge computer science. There has been a shift in recent years toward thinking about
how to put this new technology to use. Agriculture has provided a large portion of humanity’s sustenance for
thousands of years, with its most notable contribution being the widespread use of effective agricultural
practices for several crop types. The advent of cutting-edge IoT know-how with the ability to monitor
agricultural ecosystems and guarantee high-quality production is underway. Smart Sustainable Agriculture
continues to face formidable hurdles due to the widespread dispersion of agricultural procedures, such as the
deployment and administration of IoT and AI devices, the sharing of data and administration, interoperability,
and the analysis and storage of enormous data quantities. This work initially analyses existing Internet-
of-Things technologies used in Smart Sustainable Agriculture (SSA) to discover architectural components
that might facilitate the development of SSA platforms. This paper examines the state of research and
development in SSA, pays attention to the current form of information, and proposes an Internet of
Things (IoT) and artificial intelligence (AI) framework as a starting point for SSA.
INDEX TERMS Smart agriculture, Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI), smart sustainable
agriculture (SSA), smart farming.
status, and now, with the use of smart technology, agriculture technological age; therefore, now is the time to connect the
is impending to become smart. agricultural landscape with wireless technology to facilitate
Smart farming has become an important component of sus- digital interaction among farmers. Agricultural landforms are
tainable agriculture [1]. Traditionally, a huge amount of time, characterised by large areas of open space.
money, and effort is invested in growing any crop. It is worth Unfortunately, not all of the land on the surface of the
mentioning the time and effort required in the processing, earth can be farmed owing to a variety of factors, including
transportation, and marketing of harvested crops and all other the quality of the soil, the terrain, the temperature, and the
logistics associated with them. Technologies of smart farming climate; in addition, the majority of the regions that are
present a way to deal with and alleviate these problems, appropriate for farming are not all the same. In addition,
offering an improved way of doing agro-businesses. existing agricultural land is fragmented due to political and
In addition, farming is vulnerable to pesticides, poor envi- budgetary factors as well as rising urbanisation, all of which
ronmental conditions, and the deteriorating quality of soil, air, contribute to a persistent rise in the amount of pressure placed
and water due to pollution. The nature of biodiversity is essen- on the availability of arable land. In recent years, a smaller
tial to the survival of living species, and these organisms are percentage of overall agricultural land has been put into use
vulnerable to contamination by waste emissions, the appli- for food production [3]. In addition, the quality and quantity
cation of fertilisers and pesticides, decomposed dead plants, of each crop field’s soil, the presence of nutrients, the flow of
and other factors. Because the release of greenhouse gases has irrigation, and resistance to pests are all measured separately.
an effect on all living things, including plants, animals, and These critical characteristics include the type of soil, the flow
people, as well as the environment, it is necessary to create a of irrigation, the presence of nutrients, and the resistance of
more favourable atmosphere for living things. the crop to pests. Differences in space and time are required
Agriculture is the sector that contributes the most to India’s for maximising crop production in the same field via crop
GDP, accounting for 18% of the country’s total and employ- rotation and a yearly crop growth development process. These
ing around 57% of the population in rural regions. Although differences are important for optimising crop output.
India’s overall agronomic production has grown over the IoT and AI will assist companies in becoming more pro-
years, the number of growers has decreased from 71.9% in ductive, reducing the amount of waste they create, and sat-
1951 to 45.1% in 2011. This decline occurred during the isfying the need for food that customers have. Based on the
course of the country’s history. The Economic Survey for findings of a number of studies, it has been determined that
2018 found that the percentage of the entire employment AI and IoT have a wide range of potential applications within
that is comprised of agricultural employees would fall to the agricultural sector, as illustrated in figure 2.
25.7% in the year 2050. In rural places, agricultural families
progressively lose the next generation of farmers as they are A. SMART GREENHOUSES IN AGRICULTURE
overwhelmed by the increased expenses of agriculture, poor The Internet of Things may help enhance yield in smart
per capita production, insufficient soil upkeep, and migra- greenhouses by allowing for the development of proportional
tions to occupations that are either non-farming or better control systems. They employ sensors to give a regulated
paying than farming [2]. The globe is on the edge of a environment for the crops that they grow. The system is
monitored remotely, and the data processing is done via the by unscrambling sick animals from the rest of the herd. This
use of cloud servers [4]. While reducing the need for human helps safeguard the product and keeps the cost of cattle down.
interaction, the smart greenhouse keeps track of the quantity
of temperature, light, and humidity in the environment. E. SENSORS FOR CROP AND SOIL MONITORING
Robots and unmanned aerial vehicles armed with thermal
B. DRONES FOR AGRICULTURE or multispectral sensors are used to conduct continuous
The drones that can operate both on the ground and in the assessments of the state of crops and soil. This makes the
air can help in the evaluation of crop health, the monitoring application of fertilizer spray and controlled watering easier.
of infestations, and the examination of soil more efficiently. The sensors analyze the levels of the various biomes in the soil
In addition, they may be used for the collection of real-time in order to ensure that the crops have a high nutritional value.
field data, the sowing of seeds, the management of irrigation Additionally, in order to select the most profitable crops,
systems, and the spraying of crops [5]. The information that AI analyses the features of the soil.
was acquired may be used to make production forecasts,
evaluate nutrient levels, and map external impacts. F. CURRENT WEATHER MONITORS
Smart sensors connected to the Internet of Things can assist
C. SYSTEMS FOR PRECISION FARMING gather real-time weather and climate data. Farmers are able
One of the most common applications of agricultural technol- to better analyze their crop requirements with the help of a
ogy is precision farming. It provides services such as variable thorough projection [7]. Farmers may also get alerts from
rate irrigation (VRI) optimization, soil moisture testing, and some systems, allowing them to safeguard their crops in the
cloud-based centralized water management. Through the use event that severe weather strikes.
of sensors, autonomous equipment, and an internet connec-
tion, the system makes efficient use of the resource water. G. ROBOTS FOR AGRICULTURE
Agricultural robots lessen the need for manual work and save
D. SOLUTIONS FOR TRACKING AND MONITORING time by performing a number of tasks simultaneously on
LIVESTOCK farms. They assist in agricultural monitoring and harvesting
Wireless Internet of Things networks and linked devices may in a way that is more effective than using humans. They have
reduce the amount of labour required at the ranch by keeping received instruction in AI in order to maintain the crop’s qual-
an eye on the cattle. Internet of Things devices are able to ity while also preventing the spread of weeds. These devices
determine the location of an animal and even monitor its are able to sift the produce according to quality and pack it in
overall health [6]. On big farms, the farmers are able to a far more expedient manner than traditional procedures [8].
quickly detect the animal and even halt the spread of illness The use of Al in agriculture provides assistance to farmers
with the goals of enhancing their output and minimising agriculture, such as Farmapp (to monitor pests and illnesses),
negative impacts on the environment. Growlink (providing wireless automation, data collection,
optimisation, and monitoring), GreenIQ (connects to home
H. DEVICES FOR ESTIMATING FUTURE HARVESTS AND automation systems, controls irrigation, saves water), Farm
PRICES Logs, Cropio, etc. (Table 1).
When estimating the yield of their crops, farmers are using a In his study report, Jagadale [12] states that IoT and AI
variety of new technologies, including AI, ML, and big data. are among the most preferred digital transformation technolo-
When harvest time comes around, it is important to make gies. Sensors gather ambient data, and AI algorithms analyze
price predictions by looking at historical data to analyze price it to make gadgets act intelligently. This article discusses how
fluctuations. Farm mapping makes it feasible to calculate IoT and AI have changed agriculture. It explores the agri-
yields per hectare with a high degree of accuracy. Farmers cultural revolution caused by AI and IoT technologies like
take into account a wide range of criteria in order to arrive at drones and UAVs. Such technology simplifies forecasting
a conclusion [9], such as the amount of precipitation, the kind meteorological conditions, including precipitation, tempera-
and number of pesticides used, the temperature, and other ture, humidity, fertilizer needs, water consumption, etc. IoT
meteorological conditions. and AI technology boost agricultural productivity and reduce
waste in agriculture. Smart farming using IoT and AI might
II. REVIEW OF LITERATURE transform traditional farming.
Wolfert [10] explained in his study that agri-food systems Punjabi et al. came up with a simple temperature sensing
face sustainability issues. Digital technologies like IoT may application with the goal of obtaining on-field information,
help achieve economic, environmental, and social sustain- which could be acquired by just sending a pre-programmed
ability objectives. However, it is difficult to assess how much format of message to an already installed GSM+ARDUINO
such technologies contribute to sustainable development cast- system that transmits the field data on the mobile phone [13].
ing doubt on their influence. This study presents a stepwise Uddin et al., in order to overcome the difficulties in acquir-
method for assessing and monitoring IoT sustainability in real ing information from Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs),
life. The approach’s typology and presentation of sustainabil- developed a method of collecting data from specific areas
ity as a business opportunity are based on the UN SDGs. The through selected nodes by using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
EU-funded IoF2020 project created and tested 33 use cases. (UAVs). Through simulation and proof-of-concept devices,
The study shows how the measuring and monitoring tool is they were able to show that this system succeeded in col-
used in five agricultural subsectors to verify the strategy. The lecting real-time field data, helping in the detection of any
findings show that IoT improves sustainability, but they are nourishment deficiency, insect infestations, or diseases well
also influenced by external variables that are hard to see. in time, allowing timely remedies to save crops [14].
This method provides tools for practitioners to assess the In the research of Alam and Khan [15], they argued
sustainability effects of fast-changing technology like IoT that feeding the world’s population growth is the biggest
in real life. Other stakeholders in major IoT initiatives that challenge. Food shortages have several causes, and agri-
meet strategic sustainability goals may use these tools. The cultural advances are needed to solve them. ICT and
stepwise strategy helps farmers, policymakers, and investors other cutting-edge technology will accelerate the Sustain-
make decisions. able Development Goals (SDGs). Mobile-broadband access
In this study, Eissa [11] says that IoT, AI, and other devices, IoT, specialized drones, robots, big data analytics,
sophisticated computer technologies have long been used and AI have given farmers tools to boost productivity and
in agriculture. Smart technologies are getting more atten- marketing. Smart Agriculture is transforming agriculture in
tion. Agriculture has fed humans for thousands of years, Budaun, a tiny Uttar Pradesh city. Smart agriculture and
including the creation of crop-specific agricultural practices. blockchain technologies are helping agriculture develop sus-
New IoT technology can monitor agricultural environments tainably. New technology has raised production/yield by 20%
to assure high-quality goods. However, Smart Sustainable and earnings by 30%.
Agriculture (SSA) research and development is lacking, and Dhanaraju et al. [16] write that smart farming emphasizes
the fragmentation of agricultural processes creates complex ‘‘ICT in machinery, equipment, and sensors in network-based
obstacles, such as data sharing and management, ‘‘the control high-tech farm monitoring cycles’’. Advanced know-how,
and operation of IoT and AI machines, interoperability, and the Internet of Things, and cloud computing are expected
large amounts of data storage and analysis’’. This research to spur expansion and introduce agricultural robots and AI.
first examines SSA IoT and AI technologies and then finds Groundbreaking agricultural practices are disturbing and
a technological architecture that can support SSA platform challenging. This study examined the methods and equipment
development. ‘‘This study examines SSA research and devel- utilised in wireless sensor applications in IoT agriculture and
opment and proposes an IoT/AI architecture for a Smart, Sus- the predicted problems of integrating technology with tradi-
tainable Agriculture platform’’. It also provides an exhaustive tional farming. This technological information helps produc-
review of existing work in the field, highlighting various tools ers from planting to harvest and is researched for packaging
that are being implemented for the development of smart and shipping.
TABLE 1. Describes different categories in which AI is used in the field of agriculture, what tools are used and how it is being implemented in farming.
Farooq et al. presented a comprehensive list of various There are many other benefits that smart farming offers
components of IoT devices, along with the underlying net- resulting in increased productivity by investing less labour
work architecture and protocols, highlighting security con- and allowing better time management. All the data collected
cerns. In addition, applications for smartphones and sensors through various IoT devices are employed to gain knowl-
meant for various stages of farming were presented, such edge regarding significant parameters such as soil conditions,
as the 3D Crop Sensor Array with PAR Addon to regu- water requirements, infestations, plant diseases, herbicidal
late the temperature, humidity, and carbon dioxide; Arable growth, etc. Though these devices are now being employed by
Mark, which connects the global weather data with the field farmers, they are burdened by the increase in capital invest-
observations, and Bluetooth-based Grofit, which stores data ment and maintenance costs especially the small farmers [18].
for 30 days and provides information about air humidity, Hence, providing these facilities to farmers through cooper-
temperature and radiation [17]. ative organizations may be a more economical alternative.
Chukkapali et al. proposed a smart farming cooperative Following an in-depth analysis of all of the papers, each of
ecosystem connecting IoT devices on a community level the proposed strategies that were found in the selected ones
with continuous incorporation of computational and physical was taken into consideration and worked on.
components. This newly developed ecosystem adds small
farmers to complicity with regulations and policies. They
then discussed the benefits of the system classifying it into IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
four broad categories of marketing and distribution, resources In an attempt to affect a different outcome, the agriculture
and equipment, labor, and service and supply. This system industry embraced AI with great fervor. As a by-product of
can prove beneficial in drawing small farmers towards the advancements in artificial intelligence, the methods by which
implementation of IoT for better crop production [18]. our food is produced are undergoing transformation, and as
a consequence, the emissions produced by the agricultural
sector have decreased by 20%. AI lends a hand in the manage-
III. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ment and regulation of any unanticipated natural situations.
This study analyzed papers from various periodicals and The majority of new businesses entering the agricultural
conference proceedings from respected scholarly sources. sector have chosen to implement an AI-enabled approach in
Most of the discoveries and methods have been used to build order to boost the efficiency of agricultural output. AI pro-
predictive analytics. vides assistance to the agricultural industry in the processing
The research project consisted of a literature evaluation of data in order to minimise the occurrence of undesirable
that began with a search for information on agriculture and results.
practices related to it, and was performed using the three most Recent studies have uncovered a number of efforts aimed at
prominent academic databases: Scopus, IEEE, and Science fostering smart farming techniques, such as the digitalization
Direct. Some of the terms and phrases that were discussed of farm cooperatives as agricultural producers, the nascent
were ‘‘smart farming,’’ ‘‘irrigation facilities,’’ ‘‘AI and IoT development of a start-up ecology, and ‘‘government-led
in farming,’’ ‘‘Implementation of technology in agriculture,’’ digital farming projects’’. Other actions include the modern-
and ‘‘the situation of farming in India.’’ The first round of ization of farm collectives as farmer-producer organisations.
filtering was performed based on two primary criteria: the Unmanned aerial vehicles, often known as UAVs, find the
quality of the journal and the year the article was published. greatest amount of use in the field of agriculture. According
The titles and abstracts of the studies were then modified to to the research findings, as the country’s agricultural sec-
reflect the changes. In order to get perspective, a minimum of tor continues to develop, more businesses are anticipated to
20 articles were documented. The titles of ten different papers invest in reasonably priced drones. These drones may provide
each made up one of the criteria used to remove those ten assistance to farmers and help them enhance their informa-
papers. In conclusion, a summary of ten different research tion, while also creating employment opportunities for young
articles has been created based on the recent advances that individuals living in rural areas. It is clear that the adminis-
have been made in the field of technological agricultural oper- tration is helping to foster an environment that is conducive
ations. The operation of a certain implementation approach to the growth of farm technology businesses by funding
was the most important aspect that needed to be emphasized. and operating incubators. Under the banner of ‘‘AI for all,’’
the government of India has developed comprehensive rules [6] C. V. Raja, K. Chitra, and M. Jonafark, ‘‘A survey on mobile cloud
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the success of the agricultural industry. Agriculture is often [11] E. Alreshidi, ‘‘Smart sustainable agriculture (SSA) solution underpinned
by Internet of Things (IoT) and artificial intelligence (AI),’’ Int. J. Adv.
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of humans. Improving the efficiency, quality, and quantity [12] A. A. Jagadale, ‘‘Role of IoT and AI in agriculture technology,’’ Int. J. Adv.
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rent IoT and AI technologies was carried out using primary [14] M. A. Uddin, A. Mansour, D. L. Jeune, M. Ayaz, and E.-H.-M. Aggoune,
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‘‘IoT platform for SSA’’. This is being done with the intention R. Sandhu, and K. Joshi, ‘‘Ontologies and artificial intelligence sys-
of successfully fixing problems that have surfaced as a direct tems for the cooperative smart farming ecosystem,’’ IEEE Access, vol. 8,
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[19] M. Shahbandeh. (Sep. 2, 2022). AI in Agriculture Market Value World-
wide 2020–2026. [Online]. Available:
ACKNOWLEDGMENT 1326924/ai-in-agriculture-marketvalue-worldwide/
The authors would like to thank the editors and reviewers for
their review and recommendations and also to extend their
thanks to King Saud University for funding this work through AHMAD ALI ALZUBI received the Ph.D.
degree in computer networks engineering from
the Researchers Supporting Project (RSP2023R395), King the National Technical University of Ukraine
Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. (NTUU), in 1999. He also worked for three years
as a Consultant and a member of the Saudi
National Team for Measuring E-Government in
Saudi Arabia. He is currently a Professor with
There is no conflict of interests. the Computer Science Department, King Saud
University (KSU). His current research interests
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