User's Manual Live

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ALFASTREET LIVE – User's manual


INTRODUCTION .....................................................................................................4
INSTALLATION .......................................................................................................5
POWER ON PROCEDURE .........................................................................................5
LOGIN / LOGOUT....................................................................................................5
POWER OFF PROCEDURE ........................................................................................8
CONTROLLING THE MACHINE................................................................................ 11
SUB MENUS.......................................................................................................... 14
VIEW ................................................................................................................... 16
METERS ............................................................................................................... 16
STATISTICS ......................................................................................................... 18
LOGS ................................................................................................................... 19
BOARDS............................................................................................................... 21
NUMBERS............................................................................................................. 22
SET ..................................................................................................................... 23
PARAMETERS ....................................................................................................... 23
ACCESS................................................................................................................ 25
PASSWORDS ........................................................................................................ 26
SOUND ................................................................................................................ 27
SYSTEM TIME....................................................................................................... 28
SERVICE .............................................................................................................. 29
TEST NET............................................................................................................. 29
TOUCH SCREEN.................................................................................................... 30
CONFIGURATION.................................................................................................. 34
MESSAGES OF THE WHEEL CONTROLLER............................................................... 36
ERROR MESSAGES OF THE WHEEL CONTROLLER ................................................... 36
PLAY STATIONS.................................................................................................... 37
BETTING .............................................................................................................. 39
ADDITIONAL FUNCTIONS...................................................................................... 41
MAIN PLAY BOARD SCREEN................................................................................... 42
VERSION WITHOUT TOUCH SCREENS.................................................................... 44
SELF TEST............................................................................................................ 45
MENU WITH E-KEY ............................................................................................... 46
MAIN SETUP MENU ............................................................................................... 47
SHOW METERS..................................................................................................... 48
TOTAL METERS .................................................................................................... 49
GM OPERATION.................................................................................................... 51
BILL METERS........................................................................................................ 52
TICKET METERS ................................................................................................... 53
E-KEY METERS ..................................................................................................... 54
BONUS METER ..................................................................................................... 55
SHOW GAMES ...................................................................................................... 56
SHOW LOG........................................................................................................... 58
SHOW TEST ......................................................................................................... 59
OUT OF ORDER .................................................................................................... 60
SETTINGS ............................................................................................................ 61
MACHINE SUB MENU ............................................................................................ 63 2
ALFASTREET LIVE – User's manual

GAME SUB MENU .................................................................................................. 66

BET LIMITS SUB MENU ......................................................................................... 68
COUNTRY SUB MENU ............................................................................................ 69
SAS SUB MENU..................................................................................................... 70
BILL ACCEPTOR SUB MENU ................................................................................... 72
TICKET PRINTER SUB MENU.................................................................................. 73
ACCESS SETTINGS SUB MENU ............................................................................... 76
E-KEYS SETTING SUB MENU.................................................................................. 77
TOUCH PAD SUB MENU......................................................................................... 78
COM PORTS SUB MENU......................................................................................... 81
CHIP VALUE SUB MENU......................................................................................... 82
SAVE DEFAULT BUTTON........................................................................................ 84
LOAD DEFAULT BUTTON ....................................................................................... 85
LOAD FACTORY BUTTON....................................................................................... 86
ATTENDANT CASHOUT.......................................................................................... 86
RAM RESET .......................................................................................................... 87
ERROR MESSAGES OF THE PLAY BOARDS .............................................................. 88
APPENDIX - PLAYING GAMES................................................................................. 90 3
ALFASTREET LIVE – User's manual

Alfastreet LIVE is a computer on which you can connect roulette wheel with optical
reader. The computer sends numbers, phases and states to the Alfastreet play boards.
Alfastreet LIVE can be easily managed by 8,5” touch screen.

Figure 1. Alfastreet LIVE (Control monitor)

It features:

• digital sound and voices

• network capability, which enables to connect up to 32 play boards to the single
• SAS 6.0.1 protocol (dual SAS) on each play board
• customizing of all game parameters
• Alfa Online server is a system which supervises gaming machines (optional)
• Various add-ons, like bill acceptor, ticket dispenser, coin validator, etc. 4
ALFASTREET LIVE – User's manual

Installation has to be accomplished by the authorized person. The required ambient
temperature for the proper operation is from 10 to 30 deg. Celsius. The user has to
provide an anti-static floor around the machine and the proper grounding. Static
electricity can cause improper machine operation.

After the installation the following test procedures should be performed on a weekly

1. Check and set the screen geometry, brightness and contrast

2. Check the play board keys and the buttons
3. Check the external counters
4. Check coin and bill acceptor
5. Check parameters of the machine in SETUP Menu
6. Check locks and doors of the machine

The AlfaStreet roulette machine is switched on by turning main power switch to the
position 1.

The complete power on phase takes approx. 20 seconds. The power-on phases are
displayed in the status window of the control monitor. In the initialization phase the
self-test of the machine is performed and the results are displayed on the control

After successful power on procedure you need to login. Touch active screen-saver on
screen (Figure 2). After Enter login password window appears enter your password.
As default, password is required for login. Default password is 1 (number one), (Figure

When you finish your shift you need to logout. Press “STOP” button on the small touch
screen on the wheel computer. You can choose “3 more games” or “stop” button if
you want to stop game immediately. Wait until message “Game Stopped in phase 0”
appears in status window (Figure 5 yellow text). After that, logout by pressing
“LOGOUT” button. 5
ALFASTREET LIVE – User's manual

Figure 2. Screen saver 6
ALFASTREET LIVE – User's manual

Figure 3. Enter login password 7
ALFASTREET LIVE – User's manual


Before switching the main power switch off, the SHUTDOWN procedure should be

The SHUTDOWN procedure:

Press “STOP” button on the small touch screen on the wheel computer. You can choose
“3 more games” or “stop” button if you want to stop game immediately. Wait until
message “Game Stopped in phase 0” appears in status window (Figure 5 yellow text).
After that, press menu button and choose “shutdown” button in upper-right side. The
program will prompt for the confirmation of the shutdown (Figure 5). Wait until the
black screen appears on main monitor and on all play boards (Figure 6). The main
power switch can now be turned OFF.

Figure 4. Stop game 8
ALFASTREET LIVE – User's manual

Figure 5. Shutdown confirmation 9
ALFASTREET LIVE – User's manual

Figure 6. Safe turn off

Switching off without the SHUTDOWN procedure may cause an abnormal

shutdown and should be avoided. 10
ALFASTREET LIVE – User's manual


The screen of the control monitor is divided into two main regions. First region is
reserved for menu buttons and the second is message window, as seen in Figure 7 .

Figure 7. Main control screen

Main menu commands are:

RUN: Runs previously stopped game. If it is allowed, the game starts from the phase
where it was previously interrupted
STOP: Stops the game
NO SPIN: Cancels the game in case an error occur
NUMBER: Sets win number in case wheel doesn’t read the number
MENU: Sub menus
LOGOUT: Logout current user

To start the desired action, press corresponding button on touch screen.

You can also use small numerical keyboard. To press a desired button, first select the
button using arrow keys (←↑→↓) on the numeric keyboard. Once the desired button is
highlighted, activate the selected button by pressing ENTER key on the numeric
keyboard. 11
ALFASTREET LIVE – User's manual

Some buttons require password (Figure 8), If so, the program will prompt for the
password before executing desired action. Passwords may be any positive number from
0 to 999999. If the program requires a password, ALWAYS enter a number before
pressing ENTER. After the valid password has been entered, it remains valid for 1

As default, password is required for MENU button. Default password to access menu
button is 2 (number two).

Figure 8. Menu password 12
ALFASTREET LIVE – User's manual

Additional displays on the control screen show (Figure 7)

• The right hand side of the top text will display the software Version.
• Past winning numbers
• The black label just above shows selected menu.
• PLAYBOARDS displays the status of the play boards (player stations programs).
The colour of the square represents the current status of the play boards. Each
colour has its meaning!

BLACK board not responding

RED board communication error or board error
WHITE board in stop or initial state
GREEN board in BET state
CYAN board in BET2 state (bets allowed, but ball ejected)
YELLOW board in WAIT state (bets stopped)
BLUE board busy, calculates score
VIOLET board locked or in setup

• Below black label “status” the main programs game phase is shown. The colour
of background is also dependent of phase. When the background is red you
cannot start the new revolution (spin). A croupier can start the new game when
background is green.

Figure 9. Status of game phase, new game is allowed

Figure 10. Status of game phase, new game is not allowed 13
ALFASTREET LIVE – User's manual

If you choose menu button you can access to the sub menus. All sub menus are shown
on the diagram below. 14
ALFASTREET LIVE – User's manual


















ALFASTREET LIVE – User's manual

View menu has the following possibilities:


The meters correspond to the selected play board. To select another play board press ↑
and ↓ keys on the numeric keyboard or touch one of the arrows on screen. Label ALL
BOARDS shows sum of the meters of all active play boards. The play board number is
displayed on the lower left corner of the display. Warning message shows boards that
are not responding to the master commands. In most cases the boards are switched off
or are in TEST mode. If the board does not respond to the master commands, the last
updated meters are displayed and can differ from the current state in some cases. To
exit meters menu, press ← on keyboard or press the red (square) button on touch

Figure 11. Total meters menu 16
ALFASTREET LIVE – User's manual

The meaning of the Meters on the SHOW METERS menu is as shown in the table


DROP IN Total currency entered from all sources
KEY IN Total currency received by the game by attendant using a key
BILL IN Total currency received from the bill acceptor
TICKET IN Total credit value of tickets received by the game
COIN IN Total coins inserted by the coin acceptor
CASHLESS IN Total cashless currency received
BONUS Total Bonus currency received
BET Total currency wagered
CANCELLED Total currency paid out by the game
HANDPAY The sum in currency of all handpays that were cashed out from the
credit meter
JACKPOT Total currency obtained as a result of a game win that exceeds the
Jackpot Handpay Limit threshold.
TICKET OUT Total currency cashed out by ticketing
COIN OUT Total currency cashed out by hopper
CASHLESS OUT Total currency cashed out using cashless or online system
BONUS JACKPOT Total currency obtained as a result of a Bonus win that exceeds the
Bonus Handpay Limit threshold.
WON Total credit obtained as a result of the game win that does not
exceed the Jackpot Handpay Limit threshold.
ALFASTREET LIVE – User's manual

This submenu shows statistics of the past games, including total number of games,
statistic of each number and graphical representation of the statistics of the roulette
wheel. The ideal statistics is the green circle; the actual statistics is the blue line. To
return to the menu, press ← on keyboard or touch any position on screen. The
graphical representation is only displayed after there are at least 100 games played.
When the number of the played games is relatively low (i.e. 10,000 or less), the
statistics may appear to be irregular this may be normal. If the statistics data differs
from the ideal data of more than 0.5% on one or more numbers after 100,000 played
games, contact the manufacturer of the machine.

Figure 12. Statistics display 18
ALFASTREET LIVE – User's manual

LOGS shows the file which contains important events on the wheel controller. All
important events on the play station are saved on the data file called Log file. The log
file contains the date and time of the event and event description. The following events
are saved on the file

• power on and off events

• errors
• menu navigation
• any parameter change
• test events

The previous and the next page of the log file is selected by and buttons on
the screen. There is also a possibility to jump 10 pages forward and backward by
pressing first and on the screen. To jump on first or last page use and
buttons. To exit LOG VIEWER press button on screen. An example of the log file
viewer is shown in the Figure 13.

If you use small numeric keyboard:

The previous and the next page of the log file is selected by ↑and ↓ buttons on the
numeric keyboard. There is also a possibility to jump 10 pages forward and backward
by pressing first PgUp and PgDn key on the numeric keyboard. To exit LOG VIEWER
press ← key. An example of the log file viewer is shown in the Figure 13. 19
ALFASTREET LIVE – User's manual

Figure 13. Log display 20
ALFASTREET LIVE – User's manual

each play board. Idle Time is time elapsed since the last bet was placed on the table.
To return to the menu, press ← on keyboard or on screen.

Figure 14. Show boards menu 21
ALFASTREET LIVE – User's manual

Shows past game numbers and corresponding winning numbers.

Figure 15. List of game identification numbers and past winning numbers 22
ALFASTREET LIVE – User's manual

Show menu has the following possibilities:


This is used to set game controller parameters. To change the parameters click on
parameter that you want to change and enter new value in window which appears.
Confirm new value with ENTER button.

To change the parameters with keyboards, first select the parameters using ↑ and ↓
buttons. Selected parameter is marked with a red frame. To modify the parameter,
press ENTER. Enter a new parameter and press ENTER. To return to the menu, press
← button to exit.

Figure 16. Parameters 23
ALFASTREET LIVE – User's manual

Following parameters can be set using this menu:

NUMBER OF BOARDS Number of boards actually present in the system. The roulette
controller can control up to 24 boards.
IDLE LOGOUT Idle time in seconds before auto logout.
WAIT BOARDS Wait boards to finish score payouts. 1 = YES, 0= NO
NET ADDRESS Live control’s net address.
STOP HOUR Some casinos close at specified hour. To accommodate this
STOP MINUTE option, specify STOP HOUR and STOP MINUTE. After the
specified time, the roulette controller will announce that the
roulette will play last 3, last 2 and last game and then it will
stop the game. Set both STOP HOUR and STOP MINUTE to 0 to
disable auto stop.
READOUT DELAY Delay before sending number to play boards
READOUT BUTTONS Parameter for no spin and number buttons. 0=off (always
disable), 1=on (always enable), 2=follow game flow (no spin is
enabled until bets are open, after that number button is
enabled and no spin button is disabled). 24
ALFASTREET LIVE – User's manual

As previously mentioned, some buttons require password. There are up to 6 passwords.
Password 6 is MASTER password, which enables all options. Priorities of the passwords
1 to 5 can be set in ACCESS menu. Each parameter describes the priority of the
corresponding button in the main menu. For example, if METERS is 23, METERS
menu is enabled for passwords 2, 3 and 6 as the master password. To exit the menu,
press the ← button on keyboard or press on screen. Before you change values of
those parameters you must set passwords (see next chapter). If you use passwords to
protect menus it is necessarily to set which password has rights to access the password

Figure 17. Set access 25
ALFASTREET LIVE – User's manual

PASSWORDS menu sets the selected password. Password 6 is MASTER password,
which enables all options. To set desired password simply touch one of labels named
PASSWORD, enter new password and confirm with ENTER on the screen. Use to
exit menu.

With keyboard:
To select the desired password number from 1 to 6 use ↑ and ↓ keys end press ENTER
on the numeric keyboard. Then enter at least a 4-digit password and press ENTER
again to confirm the password. To exit the menu, press ← on the numeric keyboard.

Figure 18. Set password 26
ALFASTREET LIVE – User's manual

SOUND sets the volume of the sounds. To increase and decrease the sound volume,
press VOL + or VOL – buttons respectively. To test the sound volume, press TEST

Figure 19. Sound 27
ALFASTREET LIVE – User's manual

Sets the date and time of the wheel controller as well as the time of all active play
boards. Touch one of the parameters and enter new value, confirm with ENTER on
screen. After exiting with the new date is saved and sent to all active play boards.

Figure 20. System time 28
ALFASTREET LIVE – User's manual

Show menu has the following possibilities:

Communicates with the play boards and displays communication log on the main
screen. During the TEST NET the game control is suspended.

Figure 21. Test net sub menu 29
ALFASTREET LIVE – User's manual

Menu allows to enter touch screen calibration parameters using the calibration
procedure. To recalibrate touch screen, confirm with yes. Calibration screen is displayed
as shown in Figure 23. Follow step by step instructions to the step 6 and save settings
by pressing save settings button. Green message “Calibration data saved OK”
appears on the screen (see Figure 26).

You can access the calibration menu from screen saver (Figure 2) by pressing and
holding your finger on screen for more then 10 seconds.

Figure 22. Recalibrate touch screen 30
ALFASTREET LIVE – User's manual

Figure 23. Step 1 of calibration 31
ALFASTREET LIVE – User's manual

Figure 24. Steps 2 to 5 of calibration 32
ALFASTREET LIVE – User's manual

Figure 25. Step 6 of calibration 33
ALFASTREET LIVE – User's manual

Figure 26. Save settings of touch screen

Shows the machine configuration and licence expiration date as shown in the next
figure. Options and expiration date cannot be set because they are based on CODE 1,
CODE 2, CODE 3 and CODE 4. To obtain new codes, contact the machine
manufacturer. To set new codes, select CODE 1, CODE 2, CODE 3 or CODE 4 using 
and ↓ button, press ENTER end enter a new code using numerical keypad or use
commands on screen. Always set CODE 1 first. This enables settings of other codes.
New settings become active when both codes are entered. Settings in this
CONFIGURATION will override all other settings. The bottom of the screen shows
which meters are passed to the mechanical counters and the corresponding
denomination of the mechanical counters. Up to 6 mechanical counters can be attached
to the control computer. 34
ALFASTREET LIVE – User's manual

Figure 27. Configuration 35
ALFASTREET LIVE – User's manual


During the operation of the Alfastreet roulette, various messages are displayed on the
screen. All of them are self-explanatory.


Error messages are displayed similarly to the ordinary message, except that the
message is red. When we remove the cause of the error or if the error is not critical,
the game can be continued with RUN command in GAME menu.


The electronic wheel does not respond. Switch off the roulette and restart the system. 36
ALFASTREET LIVE – User's manual

Each play station consists of a keyboard and a play board screen. Optionally, play
station can have a bill acceptor, coin acceptor, ticket printer, hopper and a cashless
system. Beside the keyboard, there is also an opening for inserting electronic key.
According to the model, play board screen can be touch sensitive. In this case keyboard
may be omitted. The play station is shown in Figure 28.

Figure 28. Play station 37
ALFASTREET LIVE – User's manual

The keyboard is presented in Figure 29.

Figure 29. Keyboard

Right side of the keyboard imitates the actual American roulette play board and is used
to place bets. A player can place a bet by simply pressing the desired bet position.
Additional buttons are located left to the play board, see Figure 30 for detailed view.



Figure 30. Detailed view of additional buttons

Roulette with a single zero has different buttons for sector bets. Buttons are named BIG
SERIES, SMALL SERIES, ORPHANS, ZERO SPIEL. In some regions the keyboard differs
from the pictures above. 38
ALFASTREET LIVE – User's manual

A bet is placed by pressing the desired bet location on the keyboard or screen. The
amount of the bet wagered can be specified for all following bets with yellow BET
buttons. The selection is clearly shown at the play board screen. The value of the bet
and bet limit varies depending on the bet location type. Bet limits are set according
to the GM Maxbet, PN Maxbet and GM Limit Mode parameters, see Play station
set-up chapter of this manual.

Repeat function repeats the bets from the previous game. Repeat is enabled, as long
as no bets are placed (or, which is the same, the REPEAT button is the first button
pressed after the initiation of the new game). After that the button has the function of
doubling bets - each time the button is pressed, the bets are doubled, up to the
available credit and up to the individual bet location an overall bet limit. Delete /
Cancel button cancels last bet placed. If the delete button is pressed twice, it deletes
all bets. The number of delete operations is limited to 10 in one game.

A player can place bets using SECTOR bets combinations. Placing a Sector bet will
place credits on all the numbers included in the Sector. The number of credits placed on
each number in the Sector is determined by the current BET amount that has been

SECTOR bets are:

• Voisin de Zero (22-25) – big series
• Orphans (1-9, 17-6)
• Le tier (27-33) – small series
• Zero spiel (12-15)
Sector bets are selected with different colours on the pictures below. Sector bets are
named different on the single zero wheel and double zero wheel.

Figure 31. Sector bets on a single zero wheel 39
ALFASTREET LIVE – User's manual

Figure 32. Sector bets on a double zero wheel

Another possibility is to place NEIGHBOUR bets to the currently selected number. A

player first places a bet to a single number and then places bets to the neighbour
numbers left and right of the selected number, with its respective location on the
wheel. By pressing desired field and one of the series buttons together, the chip is
placed to desired number and the adjacent numbers on the wheel. The number of
adjacent numbers selected corresponds the number on the series buttons (e. g. By
pressing 5 and series button labeled »2<n°>2« the following numbers are selected:

NEIGHBOUR bets are:

• 1-n-1 places bets to one neighbour left and right
• 2-n-2 places bets to two neighbour left and right
• 3-n-3 places bets to three neighbour left and right
• 4-n-4 places bets to four neighbour left and right

There are two Display buttons located above the small roulette wheel on the upper left
of the keyboard. These buttons control the function of the LED’s on the small wheel. If
the Actual Bet button is pressed the LED’s will display all the numbers that are being
bet on as a player places bets. If the Last 8 winning N. button is pressed the LED’s
will display the last 8 winning numbers. The most recent winning number will blink. 40
ALFASTREET LIVE – User's manual

Above the play board there are 6 additional buttons, as shown in the next figure.

Figure 33. additional buttons

MENU: If the attendant security key is inserted in the lock, the play board enters the
setup/check menu.

HELP: Short help, in the currently selected language, is displayed on the screen. The
next and previous help pages are displayed by pressing ◄ and ► respectively. Pressing
MENU button will exit the help screens. Help screens can be displayed only if there are
no bets placed on the table.

LANGUAGE: changes the message's language. English is the default language; all
other languages are loaded from the flash disk. Up to 4 additional languages can be
loaded. The selected language name is displayed at the bottom left of the LCD monitor.
This language remains selected until the station is switch off or new language is

For the selection of the default language see Customising machine chapter of this
manual. Note: This button may have no function for some software versions
that only have one language installed.

LOCK: Locks the play station. It can be unlocked only by the attendant. Note: this
button may have no function for some software versions.

CALL ATTENDANT: Calls the attendant by flashing yellow tower light. Call Attendant
mode can be cleared by pressing the button again. This button may have no
function for some machine versions.

COLLECT: According to the machine settings, the corresponding pay-out method is

initiated by pressing this button. Payouts are disabled when bets have been placed on
the table or if the play board is in an ERROR state. 41
ALFASTREET LIVE – User's manual



The LCD display shows bets, past winning numbers, amount of the credit, bets won and
additional important information about the game. An example of a typical display image
is shown in the Figure 34.

Figure 34. Play Screen - for machines with touch screens

Top of the screen shows past winning numbers, the most recent is on the top left of the

Below there is bet time meter, which indicates remaining time available for betting.

In the upper part of the screen, below the bet time meter, there is a group of touch
sensitive buttons. Call attendant, Language, Help, Bet, Repeat, Collect, Cancel and
Series buttons. The buttons have the same functions as the buttons on the keyboard.
These buttons may appear as enabled or disabled. Disabled buttons are shown in grey

On the left side there is a group of four buttons LANGUAGE, HELP, COLLECT and CALL
ATTENDANT. If the player has placed a bet on single number, then these buttons will
change to NEIGHBOUR buttons. 42
ALFASTREET LIVE – User's manual

The BET button will indicate how many credits will be wagered each time when a player
places a bet. Each time the BET button is pressed the top of the button will change to
display the number of credits that will be wagered.

On the right side there is a group of four SECTOR bet buttons. Placing a SECTOR bet
button will place credits on all the numbers included in the Sector. The number of
credits placed on each number in the sector is determined by the current BET amount
that has been selected.

Below these is a display panel which shows messages. The message display shows
important messages to the player like “bet please”, “no more bets”, etc..

The play board graphic is touch sensitive. The player can place a bet by pressing the
desired location. Blue chips will appear on the play board and will indicate the value of
credits being wagered on each bet location as bets are placed.

Below the board there are game meter displays. The left side shows the CREDIT, BET &
WIN meters for the current game. The right side shows the COLLECT, LAST BET &
LAST WIN meters for the last game played. These meters can be displayed in credits or
currency depending on parameters settings.

Between the two game meter displays there is a Denomination Graphic button with
current chip value indicated on the graphic. This button is touch sensitive and can be
used to change game denomination if player denomination changes are enabled in the
machine parameters.

Finally at the bottom of the screen there is a status line showing local board number,
selected language, game phase, bill acceptor status and printer status. 43
ALFASTREET LIVE – User's manual


If the roulette has no touch sensitive screen, the play board screen will be displayed as
shown in Figure 35. There will be no touch sensitive buttons on the screen.

Figure 35. Play Screen - for machines without touch screens 44
ALFASTREET LIVE – User's manual

After power on, self test is performed. Self test screen is displayed in Figure 36.
Program checks peripheral devices, verification of parameters stored in battery RAM
and existence of additional languages. In the case of an error in peripheral devices,
program halts. In the case of bad verification of parameters or data, program prompts
for master attendant’s key and restores the default configuration. If the default
configuration cannot be restored, program halts.

Figure 36. Initial self test screen 45
ALFASTREET LIVE – User's manual


The attendant can activate that menu by inserting electronic key. On some markets
reset key is used. If you use that kind of key you need to turn that key. After successful
insertion, three buttons appear in the middle-top of the screen. By pressing MENU
button you will enter the MAIN SETUP MENU. ADD button allows to put some credits for
player. With CLEAR button you can make attendant cash-out, when no other cash-out
device or system are available.

Figure 37. Menu with e-key 46
ALFASTREET LIVE – User's manual


You can activate main setup menu by pressing MENU button which is shown in Figure
37 or by pressing MENU button on the keyboard. You can make a menu selection by
pressing the desired button on touch sensitive screen. You can also make a menu
selection by using the LEFT(HELP) and RIGHT(LOCK) arrow buttons. As you press
the arrow buttons the selected menu button on the screen will be highlighted. After
highlighting the desired button on the screen, you can activate the menu section by
pressing MENU button on the keyboard.

Note that the attendant’s security key should not be removed during setup process.
Some buttons may be disabled and shown as greyed. Greyed buttons are inactive. A
button may be disabled for the following reasons:

• For machines with e-keys, the entered key has insufficient priority, refer to the
section key priorities of this manual.
• The cage door is closed. The right group of menu button on the screen will be
disabled if the cage door is closed.

When the main menu is entered; bets, payout and credit in by all sources are inhibited.
To exit the main menu and continue with the normal game, press EXIT button and
remove the attendant’s key.

Figure 38. Main setup menu 47
ALFASTREET LIVE – User's manual

SHOW METERS displays METERS SUBMENU, as shown in Figure 39.

Figure 39. View meters menu 48
ALFASTREET LIVE – User's manual

Total Meters screen shows meters as shown in Figure 40. All values displayed are in

Figure 40. View meters menu 49
ALFASTREET LIVE – User's manual

Total meters show the following information:


DROP IN Total currency entered from all sources
KEY IN Total currency entered from attendant using electronic key
BILL IN Total currency received from the bill acceptor
TICKET IN Total currency received from the tickets
COIN IN Total currency wagered
CASHLESS IN Total currency received from the cashless devices or on-line
BONUS IN Total currency received as bonus
CANCELED Total currency paid out by the game
HANDPAY The sum in credits of all handpays that were cashed out from the
credit meter
JACKPOT Total currency obtained as a result of the game when win
threshold is exceeded
TICKET OUT Total currency paid out by tickets
COIN OUT Total currency paid out by coins
CASHLESS OUT Total currency paid out by cashless devices or on-line system
BONUS JACKPOT Total currency paid out as bonus jackpot

GAMES PLAYED Games played on the gaming machine

GAMES WON Games won on the gaming machine
GAMES LOST Games lost on the gaming machine
CURRENT CREDIT Current credit as reported to the SAS system
BET Total currency wagered
WON Total currency won from the game
JACKPOT Total currency won as the jackpot
PROFIT Total profit in currency. Negative number indicates that the
machine has lost money.
PROMO CREDIT Total currency entered as promotion credits
PROMO BET Total currency wagered as promotion credits 50
ALFASTREET LIVE – User's manual

Machine operation meters show meters related to the machine operation, as shown in
Figure 41.

Figure 41. Machine Operation Meters Menu

Meters show the following information:


GAMES PWR Games since last power reset
GAMES DC Games since main door closure
DOOR OPEN Door open count since last power reset
POWER RESET Number of power resets
DROP DOOR OPEN Drop door open count since last power reset 51
ALFASTREET LIVE – User's manual

BILL METERS displays bill meters, as shown in Figure 42. The last 5 bills accepted are
displayed at the bottom of the screen. The most recent bill inserted is on the left.

Figure 42. Bill meter menu

Meters show the following information:


Bills Value Total value of all bills entered in currency
Accepted Bills Total quantity of all bills entered
Value InStacker Total value of all bills currently in stacker
Bills InStacker Total quantity of all bills currently in stacker
Bill xxxx Total quantity of bills with denomination xxxx
Dashes denote that the corresponding bill acceptor channel has no
value assigned
Last 5 bills Denomination for each of the last 5 bills entered in Stacker

To clear the Value InStacker and Bills InStacker meters, press the CLEAR button. The
CLEAR button should only be pressed when the bills are removed from the stacker. If
the CLEAR button is pressed without removing all the bills from the stacker, the Value
InStacker and Bills InStacker meters will show incorrect value and quantity. 52
ALFASTREET LIVE – User's manual

Ticket Meters submenu shows meters related to tickets. The appearance of the menu is
presented in Figure 43. A log with the last 25 tickets printed is listed in the upper part
of the screen. The last 10 accepted tickets (vouchers) are listed in the lower part of the
screen in green colour.

Figure 43. Ticket meters menu and tickets log


TicketIn Value Total value of all tickets entered in currency
TicketIn Qnt Total quantity of all tickets entered
TicketOut Value Total value of all tickets printed in currency
TicketOut Qnt Total quantity of all tickets printed 53
ALFASTREET LIVE – User's manual

For machines equipped with E-Keys; Figure 44 shows the Key Meters menu. The Key
meters menu screen shows the total amount entered from the attendant(s) using e-
keys labelled 1 to 5 and master key and total amount paid out by the attendant(s)
using e-keys labelled 1 to 5 and master key.

Figure 44. E-key meters menu 54
ALFASTREET LIVE – User's manual

Bonus meters menu is displayed in Figure 45.

Figure 45. Bonus meters menu 55
ALFASTREET LIVE – User's manual

SHOW GAMES shows past games played on this play board. The game is stored only
if during the game

• credits were wagered

• new credit was entered
• payout was performed

The past games played are shown as seen in Figure 46. The winning number is marked
with a yellow square on the table. Actual bets are shown on the table. The Message line
at the top will show the game date (day. month) and the time (hour: minute), game
number / total number of the saved games. The system can save up to 1000 last
games. The GAME number on the far right denotes the game count number. For each
game the CHIP VALUE will be displayed.

The meters have the following meaning.

INITIAL CREDIT Current credit when the game initiates
FINAL CREDIT Current game when the games stops and game score was
calculated, just before initiation of the next game.
TOTAL BETS Credits wagered
DROP IN Credit In by all sources during the game
COLLECTED Payouts during the game
WON Credits returned as a result of the game

The attendant can select previous or next game by pressing the LEFT or RIGHT arrow
buttons on the touch screen or the LEFT(HELP) and RIGHT(LOCK) arrow buttons on
the keyboard. The CALL ATTENDANT and LANGUAGE buttons on the keyboard will
page up or page down 10 games at a time. To exit the GAMES menu, press QUIT
button on the touch screen or the COLLECT button on the keyboard.

SEARCH GAME – the attendant can search desired game by date by touching
SEARCH GAME on the touch screen. When new window appears you need to enter
the date (day month) and time (hour minute) without dots. Search function will find the
nearest game in history log.

day month hour minute 56
ALFASTREET LIVE – User's manual

Figure 46. Show games menu 57
ALFASTREET LIVE – User's manual

All important events on the play station are saved in the data file called Log file. The log
file contains the date and the time of the event and event description. The following
events are saved in the file

• power on
• errors
• menu navigation
• any parameter change
• credits in and payouts

The attendant can select previous or next page of the log file by pressing the LEFT or
RIGHT arrow buttons on the touch screen or the LEFT (HELP) and RIGHT (LOCK)
arrow buttons on the keyboard. The CALL ATTENDANT and LANGUAGE buttons on
the keyboard will page up or page down 10 pages at a time. Pressing the MENU button
will alternate between displaying the first and last page of the log file. To exit the LOG
VIEWER menu, press the QUIT button on the touch screen or the COLLECT button
on the keyboard. An example of the log file viewer is shown in Figure 47.

Figure 47. Log screen 58
ALFASTREET LIVE – User's manual

Test menu is intended for the testing of the peripheral equipment such as keyboard,
buttons, door switches, lamps, bill acceptor and printer. During the TEST, the game is
inhibited and the play station does not respond to the SAS commands and commands
received from the wheel control computer. Test can only be started after the game has
been stopped.

The test screen shows the following information:

• last pressed key code
• last pressed button code
• Door status, starting from the left LOGIC DOOR, CORNER DOOR , BILL

The lights can be tested by pressing the corresponding buttons. Note that
SEMAPHORE LIGHTS are mutually exclusive and only one can be lit at a time. TEST
PRINTER prints void ticket. TEST BILLACC shows bill acceptor status. If the bill is
accepted, the BILL ACCEPTOR CHANNEL is displayed rather than bill value. None of
the actions preformed in the TEST mode affect the play station meters. To exit TEST,
press EXIT button. Test menu is the only menu screen that does not exit if the
attendant’s key is removed.

Figure 48. Test menu 59
ALFASTREET LIVE – User's manual

This button locks the play station, disables bets, payouts and credit in. The title OUT
OF ORDER flashes on the play board screen. The OUT OF ORDER state is cancelled by
inserting the attendant’s key. This option is only available in certain versions.

Figure 49. Out of order 60
ALFASTREET LIVE – User's manual

By pressing SETTINGS button in the main menu you enter the settings sub menu.

Figure 50. Parameters settings menu


Touch the display with the parameter you want to change. Depending on the parameter
type, a window which allows setting of numeric, alphanumeric or preset values will
open. Figs. 26, 27 and 28 show Numeric window, Alphanumeric window and Preset
window respectively. Type the desired value using numeric keypad or select desired
letter or preset parameter using LEFT and RIGHT arrow buttons. To change the value,
press the ENTER button. The QUIT button will ignore the parameter changes. The
DEL button will delete the last letter or digit entered. The ^ button on alphanumeric
form inserts the selected letter into a string. The Aa button will toggle between
uppercase and lowercase letters. 61
ALFASTREET LIVE – User's manual

Figure 51. Editing a numeric value

Figure 52. Editing an alphanumeric value

Figure 53. Selecting one of the preset values


To select the desired parameters, use the LEFT (HELP) and RIGHT (LOCK) arrow
buttons on the keyboard until the selected parameter is highlighted. To change the
parameter, press MENU button. The same Numeric, Alphanumeric or Preset window
will be shown on the screen according to the parameter type. Use play board keyboard
to enter numeric values or buttons LEFT (HELP) and RIGHT (LOCK) arrow buttons
on keyboard to change letters or select another preset value. Press the MENU button
to accept new value.

NOTE: Some versions of software may have parameter settings that are neither
changeable nor visible; these settings will be displayed in grey colour on the
screen. 62
ALFASTREET LIVE – User's manual


Figure 54 shows the Machine Settings Menu.

Figure 54. Machine Settings Menu 63
ALFASTREET LIVE – User's manual


Board Number Local identification number of the play board. Each play
board has to have a unique number from 1 to the actual
number of play boards.
Door Mask Door mask specifies which doors are actually present in the
system. Door mask is decimal represented 8 bit binary number.
Each bit corresponds to the corresponding door signal. 1
enables corresponding door signal, 0 disables corresponding
door signal.


logic door (big) = 1

corner door = 2
bill door (down) = 4
bill door (up) = 8
Printer/coin door (center - down)= 16
Printer/coin door (center - up)= 32
(reserved = 64)
(reserved = 128)

Syntax: [logic door + corner door + bill door]

1 + 2 + 4 =7

(To enable all door set door mask to 63)
(To enable just (big) logic door set door mask to 1)
Selects how game meters are displayed on the play screen.
MONEY displays all meters in currency.
CREDITS displays all meters in credits.
MIXED displays the Credit & Collect meters in currency and all
the others meters in credits.
Initial Language Languages are ordered as listed in the self-test window during
the power-up procedure. This parameter sets the default
language at power-up.
Screen Saver delay Screen saver activation interval in seconds after the last key or
button has been pressed. Screen saver is not activated if
credits or bets are on the table.
Autoplay Test (yes, no, demo)
Autoplay enabled (yes) automatically places bets, adds credit
and executes handpay in regular time intervals. In demo mode
the machine automatically add credits.
This option should be used for testing only!
External Counters Configuration code of external hard counters. Code 0 denotes
Config that there are no external hard counters attached to the play
See next page -> 64
ALFASTREET LIVE – User's manual

External Counters Configuration code of external mechanical counters

Denom denomination.
Select universal if there is a coin acceptor in the system.
BillAcceptor Type * (NO BILL ACCEPTOR,
JCM WBA – (serial),
GPT VALIDATOR V2.2 – (serial),
GBA VALIDATOR – (serial),
ICT VALIDATOR – (serial),
Select appropriate bill acceptor type.
Ticket Printer Type * (NO PRINTER, SEIKO)
Select appropriate ticket printer
Key Credit * (yes, no)
Select yes if credit can be added by the attendant using coded
Date format Date format which is used on ticket.

* NOTE: value of those settings might be overridden by the setting of the

main control program. 65
ALFASTREET LIVE – User's manual


Game parameters settings menu is displayed in Figure 55.

Figure 55. Game parameters menu

NOTE: All values are in currency. When entering values they must be entered
in cents. e.g. The values being displayed are in pounds (100 pence). 66
ALFASTREET LIVE – User's manual


Chip Value Chip value in currency.
Note: this will set the game denomination if the Player
Enabled setting of the Credit Value Settings is set to
PN Maximal Bet Maximal bet allowed on each inside bet
Inner Minimal Bet Minimal required bet on the inner field
Outer Minimal Bet Minimal required bet on the outer field
Current Credit Limit Threshold value of credits allowed on the gaming machine. If
the win causes the Credit meter is greater then this limit, the
machine will automatically execute a handpay.
Jackpot Handpay Limit Threshold value where wins from a single game will force a
jackpot handpay and lock the machine.
Bonus Handpay Limit Threshold value where wins from a bonus win will force a
handpay and lock the machine.
AFT transfer limit Maximum amount which can be transfer by AFT.
Lateral Bets * (yes, no) Select yes if you want to enable lateral bets option.
Promotional credits (yes, no) Yes value enables restricted promotional credits.
Wait for AFT (yes, no) Yes; application will wait for transfer limitless.
No; after 8 seconds of no activity application will
print a voucher or launch handpay.

*Note: options might be overridden by the setting of the main control

program. 67
ALFASTREET LIVE – User's manual


Attendant can choose between proportional, outer x 5 or all equal limits mode as well
as custom mode.

PROPORTIONAL – Every inside bet location is limited in such a way that the
maximum amount that can be won will not be greater than 36 times the PN Maximal
Bet setting. Outside bets are placed 5 times the current bet value.

OUTER x 5 – Outside bets are limited to 5 times the PN Maximal Bet setting. Outside
bets are placed 5 times the current bet value.

ALL EQUAL – Both inside & outside bets are limited by the PN Maximum Bet setting.
Outside bets are placed 1 time the current bet value.

CUSTOM – By choosing this mode, you can set a minimum and a maximum bet for
each type of stake. Custom limits are arrange a by pay table. See Figure 56.

Figure 56. Bet limits settings 68
ALFASTREET LIVE – User's manual


Figure 57 shows country settings menu. Parameters of the country menu are listed in
the table below.

Figure 57. Country settings menu

County Code 40 preset country names
Currency Code Country Code symbol (e.g. $)
Currency Name Currency Name (e.g. DOLLAR)
Currency Cent Code e.g. c for cent, p for penny
Currency Cents Name e.g. Cent, Penny 69
ALFASTREET LIVE – User's manual


SAS parameters can be selected using SAS settings menu, shown in Figure 58. Alfa
street roulette enables usage of up to 2 SAS channels.

Figure 58. SAS settings menu 70
ALFASTREET LIVE – User's manual


SAS Enabled (yes, no) Set to “yes” if the roulette is attached to the SAS
GM Serial No. Gaming machine serial number
GM Asset No. Gaming machine asset number
Channel 1 Enabled (yes, no) Enables SAS channel 1
Channel 1 GM Address Address of gaming machine used in SAS communication using
channel 1
Channel 2 Enabled (yes, no) Enables SAS channel 2
Channel 2 GM Address Address of gaming machine used in SAS communication using
channel 2
Control Channel (1,2) SAS channel used for controlling the machine
Validation Channel (1,2) SAS channel used for validation
Bonus Channel (1,2) SAS channel used for bonusing
AFT Channel (1,2) SAS channel used for cashless transactions
Jack Pot To Host (yes, no) Enable or disable jack pot payout via host (online)
Special channel Number of SAS channel which is used to transfer special
Validate Handpays Handpays are validated using enhanced validation

ENHANCED – Enhanced protocol is used for ticket validation.

STANDARD – Standard protocol is used for ticket validation.

SYSTEM – System protocol is used for ticket validation.

Legacy Handpay (yes,no) Enables Legacy Handpay protocol. 71
ALFASTREET LIVE – User's manual


Bill acceptor parameters cannot be changed, since they depend on specific hardware
configuration. Therefore, they can be changed only with DEFAULT PARAMETER
CONFIGURATION SETTINGS. This menu is provided only to check the settings. Typical
bill acceptor settings menu is displayed in Figure 59. Value 0 means that bill acceptor
does not accept bills using the corresponding bill acceptor channel.

Figure 59. Bill acceptor settings menu 72
ALFASTREET LIVE – User's manual


Ticket printer menus enable to set the parameters related to the ticket printers. See
Figure 60. The printer prints a cashout voucher with the amount of collected credits.
The printer also prints cashout receipt when the amount of collected credits exceeds
printer limit or when, there is no paper in the printer case. In both cases the message
»attendant cashout« appears on the screen. Attendant needs to put el. key into the el.
socket and then press CLEAR button. After that the printer prints the receipt. When
there is no paper in the printer case, paper must be filled before attendant makes a

Figure 60. Ticket printer settings menu 73
ALFASTREET LIVE – User's manual


Printer Limit Maximal amount which can be paid out by a ticket
Ticket Number Current ticket number (up to 9999)
Ticket Expiration Number of days before tickets and handpay receipts
Ticket Location Location of the gaming machine
Ticket Addr1 Address of the gaming machine
Ticket Addr2 Address of the gaming machine
Ticket value „ (>X) The ticket is marked when printed ticket value is
bigger of the set value.
Total drop s.z.c. „ (>X) The ticket is marked when the amount of
inserted banknotes, coins or tickets since the credit
was zero has exceeded the value set.
Games played s.z.c „ (<X) The ticket is marked when the number of games
since the credit was zero is lower than the value set.
Value wagered s.z.c. „ (<X) The ticket is marked when the value of all
stakes since the credit was zero is lower than the
value set.
Rel. wagered in % of drop „ (<X) The Ticket is marked when value of all stakes
since the credit was zero related in % of drop in is
lower than the value set.

„ note: When one of those parameters values is reached, the ticket is marked with a
small square. See Figure 61. 74
ALFASTREET LIVE – User's manual

Figure 61. Ticket voucher with mark

Figure 62. Ticket receipt 75
ALFASTREET LIVE – User's manual


As mentioned in the MAIN SETUP MENU chapter of this manual, some buttons may
be greyed. Greyed button means that the corresponding button is inactive. Button may
be inactive if the attendant’s security key has insufficient priority. There are up to 6
security keys labelled from 1 to 6 in the system, each key can have different priority.
Key number 0 is MASTER key, which enables all options. Priorities of the keys 1 to 5
can be set in ACCESS SETTINGS menu. Each parameter describes the priority of the
corresponding button in the main menu. For example, if SHOW GAMES ACCESS is
23, SHOW GAMES is enabled for keys labelled 2,3 and 0 as the master key. To exit
the menu press QUIT button.

Figure 63. Access settings menu 76
ALFASTREET LIVE – User's manual


For certain versions of software, security keys except the master key have to be
programmed. Master key if factory defined. When the default parameters are restored,
the program prompts to enter the master key. Master key cannot be reprogrammed.
On contrary, any other key can be reprogrammed in E-KEYS SETTINGS menu. To
program E-KEY, enter the desired e-key, select e-key label from 1 to 5 using NEXT
button and press PROGRAM to program it. If you want to delete the programmed key
and you don’t want to replace it with another e-key, simply remove e-key and press
PROGRAM button. Sign X marks, that the e-key with the corresponding label has
already been programmed and 0 denotes that the e-key has not been yet programmed
or it was deleted. The same key cannot be programmed as two different keys.
Therefore, if you accidentally programmed a key with a wrong label, first delete it by
programming an empty key and then program it as the desired key. To exit the menu,
press EXIT button.

Figure 64. e-keys settings menu 77
ALFASTREET LIVE – User's manual


Touch pad parameters are set using touch pad settings menu, presented in Figure 65.
Menu allows to enter touch pad calibration parameters using the calibration procedure.
To calibrate touch pad, press CALIBRATE button. Calibration screen is displayed as
shown in Figure 66. Press both markers in the upper-left part and lower-right part of
the screen as precisely as possible. Best results are obtained with special calibration
pencil. After the successful calibration the verification screen is displayed as shown in
Figure 67. The operator has to press the area inside the red square within 10 seconds.
If he fails to do that, the calibration screen is automatically reselected and the
calibration procedure has to be repeated.

Figure 65. Touch pad settings menu 78
ALFASTREET LIVE – User's manual

Figure 66. Touch pad calibration screen 79
ALFASTREET LIVE – User's manual

Figure 67. Tuoch pad verification screen 80
ALFASTREET LIVE – User's manual


Com ports menu shows settings of serial communication ports in the system. The user
cannot change settings directly, as they are related to the specific factory configuration
of the machine.

Figure 68. Com ports settings menu 81
ALFASTREET LIVE – User's manual


Chip values are set using the chip value menu as shown in Figure 69.

Figure 69. Chip value settings menu 82
ALFASTREET LIVE – User's manual


Player enabled (yes,no)
Select yes if the player can select his own chip values among 5
chip preset values.

Note: If no is selected the chip value will be set to the

Chip Value setting in the Game Settings.
Chip preset value 1-5 Five preset values of the player selectable chip values.
Note: See note below.

Note: The operator can setup up to 5 different player selectable chip preset values.
The chip preset values are in cents and must be setup from the lowest value to the
highest value (preset 1 lowest - preset 5 highest). If the operator wants to have less
than 5 player selectable chip values then the remaining Chip Preset Values should be
set to the highest value desired.

Player Enabled yes
Chip Preset Value 1 $1
Chip Preset Value 2 $2
Chip Preset Value 3 $5
Chip Preset Value 4 $5
Chip Preset Value 5 $5

Above is an example of how to set three different Player Selectable Chip Preset Values.
When the player presses on the Chip graphic it will cycle from $1, $2, $5 and then back
to $1. 83
ALFASTREET LIVE – User's manual


If you want to save your desired settings use SAVE DEFAULT button and confirm with
yes. All settings will be saved in the file on local store media and can be used to use the
same settings in the future.

Figure 70. Save default settings 84
ALFASTREET LIVE – User's manual


If you want to use saved setting which were saved before, press LOAD DEFAULT
button and confirm by pressing YES button. All parameter values changed after the file
was saved will be replaced with values saved.

Figure 71. Load default settings 85
ALFASTREET LIVE – User's manual


By pressing LOAD FACTORY button you can set all settings to default value, set in
production. The authorized person can also change the default values of parameters. If
you use LOAD FACTORY from any reasons you need to confirm with YES to complete
this operation.

Figure 72. Load factory setting

Usually attendant can make cash-out by inserting el. key and pressing CLEAR button,
when no other cash-out device or system are available. When you use AFT for transfer
payouts to host and an error occurs, you can use ATT. CASHOUT button to proceed
with payout manually. ATT. CASHOUT button is visible on in Figure 38 the right side. 86
ALFASTREET LIVE – User's manual

This button will set all settings to the default settings and reset all software meters to
zero. The Logic Door is required to be opened before executing this command. The
program requires confirmation before executing this command. Default parameters are
saved in non-volatile memory. If the default parameters are corrupt the machine will

Figure 73. Ram reset 87
ALFASTREET LIVE – User's manual


Error messages are displayed similar by to the ordinary message, except that the
message is blinking. Error message cause error state. In error state, bets, payouts and
bill acceptor are disabled. The red tower light will blink as well as the red semaphore
light. The error state is cleared only by inserting attendant’s key or by resetting the
play board computer. If the cause of the error is not removed, the play board goes to
the error state again.


The computer receives no response from the keyboard or buttons.


The computer receives no response from IO board, which controls lamps, keyboard leds
and e-keys.


The play board computer receives no message from the wheel controller computer.


The roulette is constantly checking the integrity of the data, which are transferred
between the stations and the main computer. Data integrity error message can be
cleared only by resetting RAM data.


Bill acceptor stacker was opened during the game.


There was an error in the wheel controller. 88
ALFASTREET LIVE – User's manual


Software versions of the main control computer and the play board computer are


The game has been cancelled. In most cases this is due to an error of the control
computer or if the logic door of the machine was open during the game.


The system detects critical power loss. This message is displayed only if the machine is
equipped with a UPS. 89
ALFASTREET LIVE – User's manual



The game of Roulette is played by spinning a small ball on a round wheel with thirty-
seven numbered slots. When the wheel stops, the ball comes to rest in one of these
slots. The object of Roulette is to correctly predict the slot in which the ball will land. By
predicting the right number, you earn a payoff on your bet. The size of the payoff
depends on how the bet was placed.

How to play

Before placing bets:

Before placing a bet the player can first choose the Chip Value by touching the Chip
Value graphic located on the top of the screen for touch screen versions or by pressing
the Alfastreet blue button on the keyboard. The current Chip Value will be displayed on
After selecting the Chip Value the player can choose the Bet Value by touching the Bet
graphic located on the screen for touch screen versions or by pressing the BET yellow
button on the keyboard. The Bet Value sets the number of chips that will be placed for
each bet placed by the player. The current Bet setting is displayed on the top of the
BET graphic.

Normal bets:
After choosing the Chip Value and Bet Value the player can place a normal bet by
pressing on the table graphic on the screen for touch screen versions or any of the
buttons under the table graphic on the keyboard.

Repeat / Double bets:

After the new game starts, the player can repeat the last bet by pressing the REPEAT
button. The REPEAT button is the green button with the white curved arrow displayed
on it. This button will be displayed on the screen for touch screen versions or is located
on the keyboard. After bets have been place this button functions as the DOUBLE
button. Pressing the DOUBLE button will first bring up a message on the message
display “Double ?”. If the button is pressed again all bets placed will be doubled. If
the button is not pressed in four seconds the message will disappear and the doubling
will be canceled.

Erase bets:
The ERASE button is the red button with the white X displayed on it. This button will be
displayed on the screen for touch screen versions or is located on the keyboard.
Pressing the ERASE button the first time will erase the last bet placed. After the last bet
is erased, pressing the ERASE button will first bring up a message on the message
display “Delete all ?”. If the button is pressed again all bets will be deleted. If the
button is not pressed in four seconds the message will disappear and the deleting will
be cancelled.

Sector bets: 90
ALFASTREET LIVE – User's manual

After choosing the Chip Value and Bet Value the player can place a Sector bet by
pressing any of the four Sector Bet graphics on the screen for the touch screen version
or any of the four Sector Bets on the keyboard. Placing a Sector Bet will place chips on
all the numbers included in the Sector. The number of chips placed on each number in
the Sector is determined by the current Bet Value selected.

Neighbours bets:
After choosing the Chip Value and Bet Value the player can place a Neighbours Bet by
pressing any of the four Neighbours Bet graphics on the screen for the touch screen
version or any of the four Neighbours Bets on the keyboard. After placing a bet on a
single number, placing a Neighbours Bet will place chips on the neighbouring numbers
left and right of the selected single number with its respective location on the wheel.
There are four different Neighbours Bet button which allow a player to place chips on
one, two, three or four neighbours on both the left and right of the selected single

Maximum Bet Limitations

The maximum bets that can be placed on by a player are limited according to the
settings of the machine. If the player tries to place bets that exceed the limit, a
message on the message display will explain why the bet cannot be placed.

Minimum Bets Limitations

The minimum bets required by a player to place are limited according to the settings of
the machine. There are two minimum limits, one is the limit on how much is required to
be place on the inside field the other is the limit that is required to be placed on the
outside field. If a player places a bet on either the inside or outside fields that is less
than the respective minimum limit the message display will inform the player to place
more bets on the field. The Bet meter will also blink when there is a bet placed that is
less than the limit. Once a player places enough bets to reach the limit, the message
will disappear and the Bet meter will stop blinking. If the player does not add enough
bets to a field and the game reaches the “No More Bets” portion of the game, the bets
that didn’t reach the limit amount will be returned to the player. A message will also be
displayed to the player why the bets were returned.

Roulette Basic Bets Explained

The payer can place up to nine different kinds of bets on the Roulette table. Each type
of bet covers a certain range of numbers, and each type has its own payoff rate. The
short lines of three numbers each are called rows on the board, while the longer lines,
each holding twelve, are called columns. The first six types of bets are all made on the
numbered space or on the lines between them and are called inside bets, while the last
three types are made on the special boxes below and to the right of the board and are
called outside bets.

Straight Up: Place your chips directly on any single number (including zero and double-

Split Bet: Place your chips on the line between any two numbers. 91
ALFASTREET LIVE – User's manual

Street Bet: Place your chips at the end of any row of numbers. A street bet covers
three numbers

Corner Bet: Place your chips at the corner where four numbers meet. All four numbers
are covered.

Five Bet: This bet can be made in only one place and covers five number: zero,
double zero, one, two and three.

Line Bet: Place your chips at the end of two rows at the intersection between them.
A line bet covers all the numbers in either row, for a total of six.

Column Bet: Placing a chip in one of the boxes marked "2 to 1" at the end of the
columns covers all the numbers in that column, a total of twelve. (Neither the zero nor
the double zero are covered by any of the columns.)

Dozen Bet: Placing a chip in one of the three boxes marked "1st 12," "2nd 12," or
"3rd 12" covers those twelve numbers.

Red/Black, Even/Odd, Low/High:

A chip placed in one of the six boxes at the bottom of the board covers the half of the
board described in that box. (The zero and double zero are not covered by any of
these boxes.) Each box covers eighteen numbers. 92
ALFASTREET LIVE – User's manual

Figure 1. Alfastreet LIVE (Control monitor) ............................................................4
Figure 2. Screen saver ..........................................................................................6
Figure 3. Enter login password ..............................................................................7
Figure 4. Stop game .............................................................................................8
Figure 5. Shutdown confirmation ...........................................................................9
Figure 6. Safe turn off......................................................................................... 10
Figure 7. Main control screen............................................................................... 11
Figure 8. Menu password .................................................................................... 12
Figure 9. Status of game phase, new game is allowed ........................................... 13
Figure 10. Status of game phase, new game is not allowed .................................. 13
Figure 11. Total meters menu ............................................................................ 16
Figure 12. Statistics display................................................................................ 18
Figure 13. Log display ....................................................................................... 20
Figure 14. Show boards menu............................................................................ 21
Figure 15. List of game identification numbers and past winning numbers ............. 22
Figure 16. Parameters ....................................................................................... 23
Figure 17. Set access ........................................................................................ 25
Figure 18. Set password .................................................................................... 26
Figure 19. Sound .............................................................................................. 27
Figure 20. System time...................................................................................... 28
Figure 21. Test net sub menu ............................................................................ 29
Figure 22. Recalibrate touch screen .................................................................... 30
Figure 23. Step 1 of calibration .......................................................................... 31
Figure 24. Steps 2 to 5 of calibration .................................................................. 32
Figure 25. Step 6 of calibration .......................................................................... 33
Figure 26. Save settings of touch screen ............................................................. 34
Figure 27. Configuration .................................................................................... 35
Figure 28. Play station....................................................................................... 37
Figure 29. Keyboard .......................................................................................... 38
Figure 30. Detailed view of additional buttons ..................................................... 38
Figure 31. Sector bets on a single zero wheel...................................................... 39
Figure 32. Sector bets on a double zero wheel .................................................... 40
Figure 33. additional buttons.............................................................................. 41
Figure 34. Play Screen - for machines with touch screens..................................... 42
Figure 35. Play Screen - for machines without touch screens ............................... 44
Figure 36. Initial self test screen ........................................................................ 45
Figure 37. Menu with e-key ............................................................................... 46
Figure 38. Main setup menu............................................................................... 47
Figure 39. View meters menu ............................................................................ 48
Figure 40. View meters menu ............................................................................ 49
Figure 41. Machine Operation Meters Menu......................................................... 51
Figure 42. Bill meter menu................................................................................. 52
Figure 43. Ticket meters menu and tickets log..................................................... 53
Figure 44. E-key meters menu ........................................................................... 54
Figure 45. Bonus meters menu........................................................................... 55
Figure 46. Show games menu ............................................................................ 57
Figure 47. Log screen........................................................................................ 58
Figure 48. Test menu ........................................................................................ 59 93
ALFASTREET LIVE – User's manual

Figure 49. Out of order...................................................................................... 60

Figure 50. Parameters settings menu.................................................................. 61
Figure 51. Editing a numeric value...................................................................... 62
Figure 52. Editing an alphanumeric value ............................................................ 62
Figure 53. Selecting one of the preset values ...................................................... 62
Figure 54. Machine Settings Menu ...................................................................... 63
Figure 55. Game parameters menu..................................................................... 66
Figure 56. Bet limits settings .............................................................................. 68
Figure 57. Country settings menu....................................................................... 69
Figure 58. SAS settings menu ............................................................................ 70
Figure 59. Bill acceptor settings menu................................................................. 72
Figure 60. Ticket printer settings menu............................................................... 73
Figure 61. Ticket voucher with mark ................................................................... 75
Figure 62. Ticket receipt .................................................................................... 75
Figure 63. Access settings menu ........................................................................ 76
Figure 64. e-keys settings menu......................................................................... 77
Figure 65. Touch pad settings menu................................................................... 78
Figure 66. Touch pad calibration screen .............................................................. 79
Figure 67. Tuoch pad verification screen ............................................................. 80
Figure 68. Com ports settings menu ................................................................... 81
Figure 69. Chip value settings menu ................................................................... 82
Figure 70. Save default settings ......................................................................... 84
Figure 71. Load default settings ......................................................................... 85
Figure 72. Load factory setting........................................................................... 86
Figure 73. Ram reset......................................................................................... 87 94

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