(KEHUA) - Manual Do Usuário - Energy Cloud EN
(KEHUA) - Manual Do Usuário - Energy Cloud EN
(KEHUA) - Manual Do Usuário - Energy Cloud EN
User Manual
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Thank you for choosing the Kehua's energy cloud product!
This document gives a description of the energy cloud, including basic interface and operation
Please save the manual after reading, in order to consult in the future.
Symbol Conventions
The manual quotes the safety symbols, these symbols used to prompt users to comply with safety
matters during installation, operation and maintenance. Safety symbol meaningas follows.
Symbol Description
Alerts you to a high risk hazard that could, if not avoided, result in
serious injury or death.
Anti-static prompting.
Provides a tip that may help you solve a problem or save time.
Change History
Changes between document issues are cumulative. The latest document issue contains all the changes
made in earlier issues.
First issue.
1 System Overview
Fierfox 43+
The browser with old version may have compatibility issues. In order to achieve the best display
results, it is recommended to use the latest version of each browser.
Click Agent to enter login page, and then enter account and password, click Login button to enter the
In order to open the system successfully, ensure that the used computer has been connected to public
Administrator can add, edit, delete, inquire the user authority and set the gerenal authority in group
management page, as shown in Figure2-4.
Click the Set general authority button at the top right corner, it will turn to corresponding setting
page, as shown in Figure2-5.
If employee user forgot the login password, agent administrator can reset the password and then login
the system with initial password, also, user can use the forget password function in login page, and
modify the password via mobile phone or email to obtain the veritification code, as shown in
To safety consideration, it is suggested to modify the password when first login. Click user name at
the top right corner- modify password, and it will popup the password modifying box, as shown in
Figure2-7, Figure2-8.
1. Operation and maintenance management: set the system agent, plant, etc; check the APP user;
control the inverter, add collector, authorize agent etc, and manage and update the inverter and
2. Protocol management: configure the device protocol that system used. Set the inverter's data
display and alarm event level in the protocol.
3. Organization management: set the system user and assign authority for user.
4. Monitor center: check my overview, monitoring site, device's real-time information and real-time
5. Data report: check the history data, statistic data and history alarm, manage the report and export
the report, etc.
6. Platform management: set the system's dispatch task, parameter, data dictionary and 118N
7. Log management: includes system scheduling log, user operation log, device log, remote control
log and log download, etc.
8. Background debug: provides device's cache data query and delete function, communication
debug, custom debug, UI curve and fault wave, etc.
3 Interface Illustration
3.1.1 My Overview
My overview page shows the plant, power generation etc statistics data, including plant's overview,
power generation trends, maintenance statistics, power generation statistics, plant analysis, plant
ranking, reduce emissions, device overview, etc.
3.1.2 Monitoring
Monitoring page shows corresponding statistic data in accordance with agent and area, including
statistic chart (power generation of current day, current month and current year), key index data,
alarm quantity statistic of different level.
Click list mode button at right middle of the page, it will turn to list mode to show the information of
the plant.
Click specific plant name, user can check the plant's inverter, collector and plant information and
statistic data, including curve statistic chart (power generation, power consumption and power
grid-tied of current day), key index, alarm amount statistic of different level.
Inverter's details
Click the list mode button at right middle of the page, it will turn to list mode to show the
information of the inverter, as shown in Figure3-5.
Click corresponding S/N of the inverter, user can check the inverter's data and alarm.
Collector details
Click the list mode button at right middle of the page, it will turn to list mode to show the
information of the collector.
Plant information
Click plant information, it shows the plant's basic information, related information and local weather.
Click Event icon in the popup prompts window, it will show the alarm details. Click Alarm confirm
button to confirm the alarm, click Device details button to enter the device details page of alarm.
Current event shows the real-time device alarm, shows all current not relieved alarm events. Select
event and then click confirm button to confirm the event. The confirm status list can be used to
distinguish the status of alarm event.
The alarms which have been confirmed and removed will not show in the popup prompts window, they
can be inquired in data report- history event (details see 3.2.3 History Event).
Click the pull-down menu at the right top corner, you can choose electricity purchased, on-grid
energy, charge capacity, discharge capacity, load, etc. The corresponding data report can be exported
by report management.
The device data can be set in the storage management (detail see 3.7.2 Protocol Template
Export: click Export button, all data of corresponding device during the inquired time will be
Click Add button, it will turn to add report page, as shown in Figure3-17. After selecting the plant,
business range, time (report type includes day report, month report, year report, select the year) etc,
click Save button to save the setting, and then, a new report will show in the report management list.
The generated report shows in the report list, as shown in Figure3-18. Click Download behind
corresponding report name, the report will be downloaded to local computer.
Click Delete behind corresponding report name, the generated report will be deleted, as shown in
Add company
Click Add button, it will turn to add company page, as shown in Figure3-21. The page includes
company information, administrator information, and product authority. Fill corresponding
information and then authorize and save the setting, the added company will show in the agent
management page.
Edit company
Click Edit button, it will turn to company information editing page, as shown in Figure3-22. After
modifying, click Save to save the setting.
Company details
Click company name, it turns to company basic information page, as shown in Figure3-21. The page
shows company information, administrator information, reset administrator password and authority
of company. Click Edit to enter edit page, the page is as same as that of company editing.
Delete company
Click Delete button, it will popup prompting window, as shown in Figure3-24. Click OK to confirm
the operation. Once the company is deleted, the corresponding company will not show in the
company list.
Click Region label setting behind corresponding company name, it will enter corresponding page, as
shown inFigure3-25. Region label setting is used to setting the belonged region of the company, after
setting, click Save button to save the setting. If there is no corresponding region to select, you can
add new region in platform management-data dictionary management's region label, the added region
will be synchronized to this page.
User details
Click Details behind corresponding account name, it will popup details window, as shown in
Figure3-27. The page shows the user's basic information.
Reset password
Click Reset Password behind corresponding account name, corresponding user password will be set
to initial password.
Disable user
Click Disable behind corresponding account name, it will popup prompting window, as shown in
Figure3-29. Once the user is disabled, the corresponding user will not login APP.
Delete user
Click Delete behind corresponding account name, it will popup prompting window, as shown in
Figure3-30. Click OK, the corresponding user and plant will be deleted completely.
Add plant
Click Add plant button, fill in corresponding field and save the setting, new plant will show in the
plant list of plant management page, and also, it will synchronize to monitor centre and APP's plant
Edit plant
Click Edit behind corresponding plant name to modify corresponding field, and click Save to save
the setting.
Click Details behind corresponding plant name, it will popup corresponding details window to show
the plant's information, as shown in Figure3-34.
Delete plant
Select plant and then click Delete behind corresponding plant name, it will popup prompting window,
as shown in Figure3-35. Click OK to delete the plant.
Add collector
Click Collector adding behind corresponding plant name, enter the collector's S/N to add the
collector to the plant, as shown in Figure3-36. Enter the collector in collector management page and
authorize to agent, details see collector management page.
Add collector
Click Add button to add new collector. Fill in the collector's S/N and supplier, click Confirm button
to finish the operation, as shown in Figure3-38.
Delete collector
Select collector and then click Delete behind corresponding collector, it will popup the prompting
window for deleting, click OK to delete corresponding collector, as shown in Figure3-39.
Only when the connection status is online, the unbind function can be clicked. After clicking
corresponding unbind collector, it will popup unbind prompting window, click OK to unbind the
collector, as shown in Figure3-40. The connection status of corresponding collector turns to offline.
Authorized agent
Select collector, click Edit button, it will show Authorized agent and Delete function, as shown in
Figure3-41. Click Authorized agent, the collector will be authorized to corresponding agent.
Generally, the collector cannot authorize agent repeatedly.
Bulk storage
Bulk storage is used to enter the collectors together. Click Bulk storage button, download the
template first and fill in corresponding data, then the data can be imported through Bulk storage-File
import, as shown in Figure3-42.
Click Disable behind corresponding collector's S/N to forbid the collector, as shown in Figure3-43.
When the enable status is disable, the operate list show enable. Click Enable to start using the
Figure3-43 Disable/enable
Click New upgrade tasks to enter new upgrade page, as shown in Figure3-45.
Select new upgrade device in the pending upgrade box, click Start upgrading, it will popup Device
control confirm window, as shown in Figure3-46, it needs to enter user password to confirm.
After confirming, select the upgrade file, and then click Confirm button to confirm the operation, as
shown in Figure3-47.
After upgrading, it shows the collector's upgrade schedule, as shown in Figure3-48. If the upgrade is
completed, it will show the upgrade result.
Batch upgrade
First, download the template and fill in the S/N of pending upgrade collectors, click Import choice to
import the filled file, and then upgrade the collectors, as shown in Figure3-49. The upgrade procedure
is the same as that of single or several collector upgrade.
Inverter stop/enable: select device and click Batch choice, you can enable or stop the device. Click
Stop to stop the inverter, click Enable to enable the inverter, as shown in Figure3-51.
Select the inverter that needs to be controlled, click Start control button, it will popup the device
control window, enter user password and click Confirm button to confirm the operation, as shown in
In inverter control page, after setting the field, right side shows the operation result of inverter control.
Click Export result button to check the result of control operation. Click Details behind
corresponding device's S/N to check controlled field and sent data. Click Exit control button to exit
current control.
Click Batch choice-Download template, fill in S/N of controlled inverter, then batch import the
filled template file through Batch choice-Import choice, as shown in Figure3-55. The control
procedure is the same as that of single inverter control (just same type's inverter can be controlled at
the same time).
Click New upgrade tasks to enter new upgrade page, as shown in Figure3-57.
Select new upgrade inverter in the pending upgrade box, click Start upgrading, it will popup Device
control confirm window, as shown in Figure3-58, it needs to enter user password to confirm.
After confirming, select the upgrade file, and then click Confirm button to confirm the operation, as
shown in Figure3-59.
After upgrading, it shows the inverter's upgrade schedule, as shown in Figure3-60. If the upgrade is
completed, it will show the upgrade result.
First, download the template and fill in the S/N of pending upgrade inverters, click Import choice to
import the filled file, and then upgrade the inverters. The upgrade procedure is the same as that of
single inverter.
Add employee
Click Add employee button, it will turn to add new employee page, as shown in Figure3-63. Fill in
corresponding data and click Save button, the added employee will be showed in the list of employee
management page.
Edit employee
Click Edit behind corresponding user name, it will turn to employee edit page, as shown in
Figure3-64. After editing, click Save button, the modified employee will be showed in the list of
employee management page.
After selecting employee, the employee page will show Option function. Click Option button, it will
show following options: enable, disable, delete employee and reset.
Disable employee: select employ and click Disable to forbid the employee to login the system.
The page provides batch selecting operation.
Enable employee: if one employee is disabled, select the employee, click Enable to enable the
employee to login the system. The page provides batch selecting operation.
Reset password: select employee, click Reset PW to set the password of selected employee to
initial password. The page provides batch selecting operation.
Delete employee: click Delete of corresponding employee, it will popup prompting window,
click OK to delete selected employee.
Click Add button, it will turn to add new user group page, as shown in Figure3-68. Fill in
corresponding information select authority list to authorize the limit of the user group. Click Save
button, the added user group will be showed in the list of group management page. Corresponding
page can be checked only by authority user.
Click Edit behind corresponding user group's name, it will turn to user group edit page, as shown in
Figure3-69. After editing, click Save button, the modified user group will be showed in the list of
group management page. Corresponding page can be checked only by authority user.
Click details behind corresponding user group's name or click corresponding user name in the list of
user group, it will turn to details page of user group, as shown in Figure3-70. In the page, you can
check the authority details of user group and edit the user group.
Select user group, click Delete behind corresponding user group's name, it will popup delete
prompting window, as shown in Figure3-71. Click OK to delete selected user group.
It is used to set the general authority of whole system. Basic authority of new employee can be
selected to set.
Export: click Export button to export all system scheduling log during selected time. The exported
file can be downloaded through log management-log download.
Export: click Export button to export all user operation log during operating time. The exported file
can be downloaded through log management-log download.
Operation details: click Details behind corresponding login IP to check the operated input parameters'
details, as shown in Figure3-75.
Figure3-75 Details
Export: click Export button to export all device log during occurrence time. The exported file can be
downloaded through log management-log download.
Message detail: click Message detail behind the collector's S/N to check the message detail of
corresponding device's operation.
Export: click Export button to export all remote control log during update time. The exported file
can be downloaded through log management-log download.
Details: click Details behind corresponding device S/N to check corresponding sending content.
Figure3-79 Details
Download: click Download behind corresponding log name to download corresponding log.
Delete: click Delete behind corresponding log name to delete corresponding log.
Disable: Click Disable behind corresponding task name to forbid the task and then the task won't be
Enable: Click Enable behind corresponding task name to start the task dispatching.
Select one task, and then click Edit button, it will turn to modification page, as shown in Figure3-82.
Edit corresponding field and click Save button to finish the edit.
Click Details of corresponding task, it will show the task's details, as shown in Figure3-83.
Edit system parameter: select parameter, and then click Edit button, it will turn to parameter edit
page. After editing, click Save button to finish the edit.
The page can be searched by dictionary type. Select corresponding region label of dictionary type,
click Add button, it turns to add dictionary page, enter dictionary name and dictionary code, click
Save button, the added dictionary shows in the list of corresponding region label.
Select dictionary name and click Edit behind corresponding dictionary name, it turns to dictionary
editing page. After editing, click Save button, the modified dictionary will show in the list of
corresponding region label.
Select region label, click Sort button, it turns to sort page, you can drag the dictionary to sort. Click
Save button, the dictionary order according to the dragged order.
Select dictionary and click Delete button, it will popup delete prompting window, click OK to delete
selected dictionary.
Click add button, it turns to adding page of 118N configuration. Fill in the corresponding items and
click save button, the added content will show in the list of 118N configuration page.
Select data and click Edit button, it turns to editing page. After editing, click Save button to save the
118N management
Click 118N Mgr button, it shows 118N type manage, import 118N, export 118N template, export
field, as shown in Figure3-94.
118N type manage: shows default length of name, it is for background use.
Add 118N type management: click Add button, it turns to adding page. Fill in the type name and
length, click Save button.
Edit 118N type management: select data and click edit, it turns to editing page. Modify the type
name and length, click Save button.
Delete 118N type management: Select data and click Delete button, it will popup delete
prompting window, click OK to delete selected data.
Figure3-98 Delete
Select protocol type in the protocol list, click + behind corresponding device name, it popup add
version window, fill in the collector's version, click Confirm button, the added version shows in the
protocol list.
Click the device below the protocol list, it popup protocol version type of corresponding device, click
- behind the device name, it will popup delete prompting window, click OK button to delete
corresponding version.
Protocol binding: select the protocol version in the protocol list and the protocol in the template list,
click Protocol binding button to binding the two protocols.
Remove binding: select the protocol that needn't to be bound, click Remove binding button to get rid
of the relationship between them.
The protocol in template list needs to be imported to protocol template configuration, details see
protocol management- protocol template configuration.
Import template
Click Import template button, select imported protocol and click OK. The imported protocol
template shows in the list of right panel.
Storage management
It is used to store the setting of data point location's description in protocol, including not storage,
short storage and long storage. It provides batch operation, setting import and export function and can
check the stored data in data report- device data.
Setting export: it is used to export the configured setting to Excel file, which is convenient for next
Setting import: it is used to import the setting data of Excel file, click save to make it effect.
Batch operation
Select data point description, click Batch operation button, it popup batch setting window, select
corresponding storage way, including not storage, short storage, long storage, then click setting, and
the Save button in storage page.
Display management
Click Display management in protocol template configuration page, it turns to display management
page. Display management is used to configure the data point location description, such as set the
configuration of manufacturer, agent and user page. It supports batch operation and file operation (set
import and export).
File operation
− Setting export: it is used to export the configured setting to Excel file, which is convenient for
next use.
− Setting import: it is used to import the setting data of Excel file, after importing,
corresponding data are set, click Save button to save the setting.
Batch operation
Select test point and click Batch operation button, set the configuration in popup window, after
setting, click Back button and then click Save button to save the setting.
Language management
Click the language management in protocol template configuration page, it shows two languages of
one protocol, including Chinese and English. Click Add button to import different language of the
Figure3-111 Export
Set import: click File operation-set import to import the configuration file, and then set the event
level in event configuration page, click Save button to save the imported setting.
Set export: click File operation-set export to export the configuration file to computer, which is
convenient for next use.
Export current record: it is used to export the searched receiving and sending message to local place.
Export current record: it is used to export the searched receiving and sending message to local place.
New wave: click New wave button, it turns to new wave page. Click Template importing button to
import the download template, click Sampling button, it will return corresponding data after
successful sampling.
3.8.4 UI Curve
UI curve shows the voltage and current curve of the inverter.
Get curve: click Device Selection button, select the device and then click MPPT section to select the
sampling channel, click Get curve button, after the sampling success and return data, it shows the
corresponding curve.·