Rule 140324 090149
Rule 140324 090149
Rule 140324 090149
1. Workflow
Roughly, below are the steps to follow. Read the links below to understand details:
i) fork the repo to your account (use the fork button on top right)
ii) clone forked repo to your local
iii) create a feature branch and work in it
iv) push the branch to your remote fork (before pushing, merge master once again to make sure any fresh changes of other contributors
are included)
v) raise a PR from the branch on your fork to main Dehaat fork
To understand the core idea, read these - Forking + Feature branch
2. A PR can only be merged after at least one approving review.
3. For merging, use rebase instead of creating merge commits. Read merging vs rebasing. This avoids creating unnecessary commits.
4. Squash multiple git commits to keep only meaningful ones before raising PR. Bookmark this, you will need it.