DD Installation
DD Installation
DD Installation
Follow these steps to turn on IIS (Internet Information Service or Web Service) on
Windows 10. The procedure is similar on other versions of Windows.
Tip: A quick Google search gives you multiple results on how to install IIS on your
On Windows 10
1. Open the Windows Control Panel (right-click the Start button in the bottom-
left corner and select Control Panel).
4. In the Windows Features, select the check boxes shown in the below image:
o NET framework 3.5 (includes .NET 2.0 and 3.0)
o Windows Communication Foundation HTTP Activation
o Internet Information Services
o Web Management Tools
o IIS Management Console
o World Wide Web Services
o Dynamic Content Compression
o Basic Authentication
5. Click OK.
The final step is to activate and allow the newly installed .NET 4.7 framework inside
Install Options
Data Director Install can be executed with parameters to make use of a scripted
installation. You can find details of what options are available here:
To add path for NAV/BC installation folders, for example if Nav/BC is installed on
Docker, and path cannot be found in the Registry, add -NAVSRV “<path>” -NAVCLI
It is possible to change default DD Configuration values during installation:
Create ddconfig.xml file with the modified values, put the file into the bin
folder where DD will be installed, and after installation is done, DD will check
for this file before creating the default configuration file, and modify those
values from the xml file.
Note: This file must be in place before the first start of DD, as DD will only look for
this file if default configuration values have not yet been created.
Sample of ddconfig.xml file that will set the Alias value and change Decimal fix for
Database process to BIG and activate debug:
<Program Port="3">
5. Open Web.config and replace the Configuration Source file for services in this
<services configSource="WebServices.config"/>
Basic/SSL Authentication needs user login information with the web request header.
To set up user for IIS, right-click Computer and select Manage (or go to Control
Panel > Administrative Tools > Computer Management), and in Local Users and
Groups you can add a new user. Then, give that user permission to read the directory
where the site is hosted.
After creating the user, be sure to edit the user and remove all roles so that user
cannot be used to access the computer itself, like log into it.
For other authentication methods, like certification, use the SSL Services file and
configure the web config files, where Commerce is installed, according to the setup
in IIS.