Lesson Note English Studies For JSS 1 Second Term

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Lesson note English Studies

For JSS 1 Second Term
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English Studies Lesson notes

for JSS1 Second term –


1. Speech work: contrast of pure vowel /u/ and /u:/, /

Ɔ/ – Grammar: Adverbials (Frequently and
manner) – comprehension – (NOSEC)
Composition – Letter writing – formal letter
(features) writing letter of permission to be absent
from school to the principal – literature – folk
tales:- reading of Natalia by Ted Osondu.

2. Grammar:- Tenses: the present tense –

comprehension (NOSEC). Vocabulary
development:- The library. Literature –
Introduction to poetry: Definition and features
reading of Natalia by Ted Osondun

3. Grammar:- The simple past tense –

comprehension (NOSEC). Vocabulary
development: Marriage related words – guided
composition – literature – poetry types (difference
between oral and written poetry.

4. Speech work: Contrast of pure vowel /Ɔ:/ sound

grammar – the present continuous tense –
comprehension (NOSEC) – Composition: Narrative
essay – The most memorable day of my life.
Literature: Drama features – identification of the
features of drama

5. Grammar:- The past continuous tense

comprehension – vocabulary development – child
labour and trafficking. Composition – road
transportation is safer than air transportation.
Literature – Use Of Recommended Text

6. Speech work: Introduction to vowel – contrasting

/D/ and /Ɔ:/. Grammar – making sentences with
the present tense and past tense. Comprehension
(NOSEC). Composition exposition essay.
Literature in English – myths and legends. Use of
Recommended Text

7. Speech work: Contrasting vowels /e/ and /Ʒ:/ –

Grammar: future tense: making sentences with
the future tense, – will, shall – comprehension
(NOSEC) – Vocabulary development – prefixes
composition – Argumentative essay Literature:
Use of Recommended Text (Drama: Magic,

8. Speech work: Introduction to Diphthongs.

Grammar: making sentences with past tense.
Comprehension – Guided composition. Literature-
in-english – use of Recommended Text

9. General revision class

10. Examination


Contrast of pure vowel /u/

What is a vowel sound? A vowel sound is a speech
sound that is made with the vocal that being opened.

We shall be contrasting three monothongs or pure

vowels which are /u/, /u:/ and /D/

/u/ /u:/ /D/

Bull brute cost

Book boom cot

Cook two fog

Cold crew stop

Foot blue loss


Transcribe the following words e.g.

Bull/bull, brute/bru:t/

(i) boom (ii) stop (iii)

wood (iv) cot (v) log


1. Give 2 examples of words that have this vowel

sound in them /u:/

2. Give 3 examples of words that have this vowel

sound in them /o/.

GRAMMAR: Adverbials
(Frequently and Manner)
Adverbs are words that adds more information to a
verb, to an adjective and to another adverb. We shall
be looking at only two types of adverbs in this lesson:-

1. Adverb of manner:- Which is used to show how

an action is done e.g. fast, slowly, badly, well e.t.c.

Sentence –

(i) It all ends sadly

(ii) The girls ran quickly

Adverbs of frequency:- Is used to show how often

or how many times an action takes place. E.g.
daily, yearly, always, often, twice, sometimes

Sentences (i) I see him daily

(ii) It often rains in port Harcourt

CLASS WORK: Pick out the adverbs and indicate which

are adverbs of manner, time, place and frequency

1. He goes to work daily (adverb of frequency)

2. I’ve been seeing him everywhere

3. We are travelling today

4. Lanre did the work willingly

5. We sometimes travel by bus

ASSIGNMENT: Explain the following types of adverbs

with adequate examples – Adverb of frequency and


Read the following passage carefully and do the

exercise on it:

The dog is a domestic animal whose usefulness is

rarely appreciated by man. It is not an ordinary animals.
The dog is very loyal to man no matter the situation, the
dogs remains faithful to man. The popular saying in a
marriage ceremony “for better, for worse” is more
applicable to the relationship between the dog and man
– for the dog is ever ready to stand by man in all
circumstances. It is unlike man who can desert his
fraud when the situation is unfavourable.

It is used by men to hunt other animals. Hunters

usually rely on the ability of the dog to track down other
animals. It does not consider the fact that it is same
category with other animals. It then provides the meat
which men eats with relish.

It is always used to fight against criminals. The police

train the dog to become a detective. With this training,
it is able to sniff out where robbers are. Such robber
are then arrested by the police.


Read Also

English Studies Lesson Note for JSS 3

First Term

Lesson Note on English Language SS

3 First Term

1. What is the use of the dog to men as stated in

paragraph 1?

2. How is the dog unlike man? Paragraph 1

3. How does the hunter use the dog? Paragraph 2

4. What does the dog provide for men? Paragraph 2

5. What do the police use the dog for? Paragraph 3


Using your dictionary, check up and write down the

meaning of each of the underlined words as they are
used in the passage.

1. Domestic

2. Rarely

3. Applicable

4. Endangers

5. Ferociously

6. Relish

7. Sniff out

DEFINITION: A formal letter is an official letter or
business letter written to those in places of authority.


Question – Write a letter of permission to be
absent from school to the principal.


1, Afolabi Street,

Idimu roa,



10th February, 2021.

The Principal,

Evergreen Secondary School


Dear sir,

I use this medium to ask for permission to be absent
from school for two weeks. It will be from 11th February
till 25th February, 2021.

This is because i will be travelling home with my father

to pay an urgent visit to my sick grandfather. He has
requested to see me.

Meanwhile, i have informed my class-teacher about this

and i will be back in school to continue my academic

I really appreciate your fatherly care and

understanding. Thanks for always being there.

Yours faithfully,

Writer’s Signature

Precious Oribaba.

CLASS WORK: Answer one question only

1. Write a letter of employment for the post of a clerk

in a reputable organisation

2. Write a letter of request to the H. O. D on the need

to embark on an excursion to any Zoo (e.g. Ibadan
zoo) in Nigeria


1. What is a formal letter

2. Mention all the features or characteristics of a

formal letter.


Folktales are stories that are made up long ago to teach

people and children how to live good lives and how to
live wisely. These stories are usually about animals
(fables), birds, fish or insects that think and talk like
human beings. The stories are often amusing so that
we enjoy hearing and reading them.

You must know that folk tale contains a lesson that is

usually called a “moral”. So the moral is clearly stated
at the end of the story – we do ask ourselves; what is
the moral of the story? It can teach on obedience,
handwork, goodness, truth e.t.c. virtues that can be
emmilated most especially by the young ones.


Read up on an example of folktale from your NOSEC

(page 19 – 20) – The tortoise and the leopard


Answer question 1 – 6 ( on page 200 of NOSEC)


TOPIC: Grammar: Tenses –The present tense

Tense is a grammatical category of verbs used to

express distinctious of time. We shall look at the
present tense.

Present tense is used to show an action that occurs

always or an occupation.

For example –

1. I live in New York

2. The moon goes round the earth

3. He eats rice everyday

EVALUATION:- change the following tense into the

simple present tense:

1. John drove a taxi yesterday

2. He had not driven a car

3. We did not work at night

4. She sold a loaf of bread.


1. John drives a taxi

2. He does not drive a car

3. We do not work last night

4. She sells of loaves of bread.

ASSIGNMENT: From your textbook. Progressive

English by J. Aldin (page 71) attempt exercise 3D
(question 1-10).



The library is a building that houses a collection of

books and other materials.

It can also mean a room where books are kept.

Consider the following words.

1. Library card – A card certifying the bearer’s right

to use the library

2. Catalogue – An emmeration of all the resources of

a library (card catalogue)

3. Library fine – Fine imposed by a library on books

that overdue when returnred.

4. Public library – A nonprofit library maintained for

public use.

5. Bibliotheca – A collection of books

EVALUATION: Use your dictionary to find out the

meaning and the transcription of the following words.

1. Cubicle

2. Atlas

3. Encyclopedia

4. Reference books

5. Biography

6. Autobiography

7. Directory

ASSIGNMENT: Use the words (abore) in sentence

Topic: Introduction of poetry (literature)

Definition and Feautures.

Content :Poetry is literature in metrical form short

poems are after song expressing feelings, happiness,
sorrow, love, anger, hope, e.t.c. short poems can also
describe an event or situation, a scene or a person. The
writer of a poem is known as a poet. Poems are written
in lines. Another feature of poems is that the length of a
line is fixed by the number of syllables or the number of
strongly stressed syllables in a line. Note that in a poem
the stressed syllable give the lines what we call rhythm,
like the regular beat in music.

EVALUATION: From your NOSEC (page 161-162)- write

out A traditional lullaby, and A chain- rhyme.


1. Explain the following terms in your own words.

a. Traditional poem

b. Rhythm

c. Beat

d. Poet.

Summarise the last chapter of Natachi.






TOPIC: The Simple past Tense

In our last class on grammer, we were looking at simple

present tense, but now our focus will be on the simple
past tense.

THE SIMPLE PAST TENSE: is used for an action that

took place in the past. For example:

(i) John drove to Lagos on Monday

(ii) Yesterday, I ate rice

(iii) I was at work yesterday

To make the simple past tense we use:

(i) Past form (of verbs only)

(ii) Auxiliary did + base form

EVALUATION:- Complete the table below.

Simple Present Tense (Everyday)

Simple Past Tense (Yesterday)

1. I go I went

2. I write

3. I run

4. They choose

5. He digs

6. He begins

ASSIGNMENT: Explain the difference that exist

between the simple present tense and the simple past
tense with examples in sentences.

Topic: Comprehension – Vocabulary Development

Marriage Related Words.

Marriage is the state of being a married couple

voluntarily joined for life (or until divorce). E.g. A long
and happy marriage we have the following marriage
related words: Courtship, date (dating), bride, bride,
groom, bride price, dowry, fiancée, spinster, bachelor,
reception, engagement, wedding, matrimony, wedlock,
white wedding.

1. White wedding:- A traditional wedding in which

the bride wears a white dress

2. Courtship:- A man’s country of a woman; seeking

the affections of a woman (usually with the hope
of marriage)

3. Bride price:- Money or property given (in some

societies) by the bride groom to the family of his


Read the comprehension passage on page 4 of NOSEC

– Use your dictionary to find out the meaning of 5
words that are related to marriage.

ASSIGNMENT:- Guided composition (NOSEC pg. 16)

TOPIC: Literature – poetry types – Difference between

oral and written poetry.

CONTENT: Oral poetry is poetry that is composed and

transmitted without the aid of writing. It is essentially
handed down through the words of the mouth. Written
poetry on the other hand is poetry that is compose
(creatively) or figuratively written down.

Examples of oral poetry – Christmas Epic by Lanre

Goodness, 59 minutes by Katlholo prime Gospel fest by
Harvey Eugene


1. Give 5 examples of written poem with the names

of the poets (that wrote them)


Compare and contrast:

1. Written poetry

2. Oral poetry


TOPIC: Speech Work: Contrast of pure vowel /Ɔ/

1. Vowel /D/:- Is a short vowel. To pronounce /D/ the

tongue is low in the mouth but it is pushed
towards the back. The lips from a round shape.
E.g. (i) Elliot lost his little dog.

(ii) Put the doll in the baby’s cot

Vowel /Ɔ/:- to pronounce /Ɔ/, the tongue position

and the round shape of the lips are the same as
for /D/, but it is a long vowel.

e.g. (i) Boys wear shorts in the boarding-house

(ii) The goalkeeper caught the ball in the air.

Note the following words: Shorts, boarding, caught,


EVALUATION: From the following sentence, identify the

word(s) that has these vowel sounds in them /D/ and /

(i) What do you want? (2) He shot at the dog on this

spot (3) I wander what Mr. Lot wants (4) Lanre

bought four pots at the port

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